VICKSBURG WEEKLY HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL t 1878. Thursday Morning, April 18. RIVER NEWS. 0101 SBBTICB BBrOBT. Above low Chang. ' walr. Unit.! Fail FeatTTla'a. Id's. 1b'. 31 1 11 I .. 4 14 i 7 .. 1 f 0 ! 0 0 4 ! 4 j 0 0 I '4 i J i o i I I 10 I s It 6 i .. 1 7 7 'i 18 1 1 10 10 .. D 6 2 i 7 i .. 1 6 0 6.. 15 4 .. 6 I 14 9 7 14 7 1.. .29 4 1 .. Btattone. Cairo CiBoinnatl Davenport Dubuqu Helena Keokuk , Lacrosse, Wit. Leavenworth, Hi Ltttl R.ok..... Loaitvill Mempbi Nashville New Orleans .. Umaba Pittsburg Bbreveport St. Louis St. Paul Vloktburg Yanktoa T. 8. COLLINS, Sergeant Signal Service, U 8. A. MISCELLANEOUS. The Mitchell did nothing here wor th; of note. The Anchor Liner Gold Duet patses op to-morrow. The Jom 8pengler came io with i moderate trip. The Anchor Line boats are now of. faring (xcnrelon tlekete to all poind at low relet. The Colorado added 150 bales cotton for the last ee ebe piaeed Memphli Sunday evening. The Golden City leaves Cincinnati to-day, and the Mew Mary Houston followe her on Balorilay. Jake Bchwink baa put the Sunflower Exchange in gorgeoua Summer array. Ita decoration! are auperb. Tbe James Howard hat been told to the Anchor Line for $50,000, tbe boat to be delivered on her return from New Orleana tblt trip. Capt. W. H. Klrby, of the Ohio rlrer packet Vlrgie Lee, hie at a sacrifice of 1105 per mouth a rent, dispensed en tirely with ibe bar, and proclaims lust he lutendt in the future to run the boat on tbe strictest temperauce principles. The Virgie Lee makes two trips a week, each way, between Cincinnati and Louisville. The bell for ibe new John W. Can non is immense, and weighs tcventeeu hundred and less pound. Itt (one is Tery pure and silvery. It waecaatat tbe foundry of B F Lemon, at New A'ibauy, I ml. Tbe mould for lb bell of Capt. Tobln'e uew boat, the J. M. White, la beiuK prepared. Tbe Utter bell will be tveu larger than the form er, weighing twenty-two hundred poundt. At ihli foundry have be in caat all the largest and fluct bells uow la use on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. 8t. Louis Time.: Ye, I' prettv Sood about I lie illott of the "Masher" oing hard steering for two wrek be fore tbey lound the rudder was j ironied immovably. That' easily explained : Tbe boat had been in tbe trade to long that she knew all tbe turn lu tbe trail. It makes me recall tbe case of the "Blue Gooee," that dropped her wheel opposite Madison, while no one knew of the loae ontll the boat tried to "round her to" at the Louisville wharf. A remarkable event, however, was that of the "Tlnnls McGutnnls." She sank In elshtv feet of water at "Big Bear," the npper worki floating off, tbe bull part ing from the cabin with ao little noise and jtr that tbe pilota changed watches twice, exerting their fullest skill, and ringing bells and caretul move ments dorlntt eleven and a halt hoars, before tbey heard of the disas ter. "She was too good a boat to lose." Hew she would mark out a narrow channel, "Just at precise at threading a needle and handle 1 Ob my I" Often hae ebe turned around so quick that bow and stern came In violent contact The most serious loss she ever suffered was during low water. A green band wae heaving tbe lea. First csst, given in etentorian voice: "Plenty good water barer Second plunge, near shoal t "Better keep away right now 1" Third, given a the boat struck heavily on tbe bar : "Didu'i I told you so?" Captain Ulaverion, wllb cut' tomary prompt and decisive action, lightened tbe belated steamer off by removing twenty tone ot plg-iroo from the deck-room to toe Hurricane roor. Varleaa Camaca AJvancing yeirt, care, sickness, disap pointment, and hereditary preilUpoti lion all operate to turn tbe hair gray, and either of tueni Indues it to tbed prematurely. Ann's Hair Vioor will rettore faded or gray, light and red bair to a rich brown or deep black, at may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action, and removes and enret dandruff and humors. By its use, falling hair it checked, and a new growth will be pro duced in all cases where the follicles are not destroyed or glandt decayed. In effects are beautifully shown on brathy, weak, or sickly hair, to which few applications will produce the f;loss and freshness of youth. Harm eat and sore in its operation, it Is In comparable as a dressing, and is es pecially valued for (be toft lustre and richness of tono it imparts. It contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil or color white cambric ; yet It lasts long on the bair, and keeps it fresh and vig- Fob Sali bt ail Dealer. 3 Whin Noah sent out the second dove from the ark, she returned bearing an nitva branch, and they knew the flood h receding; wo bear yon tbe olive branch in the Horn Stou ven ?mim to relieve chilli, fever, biliousness and indigestion. FINANCE AND COMMERCE Omes or ran Duly Bititis, i Wbdmbsoay Svbkimo. April l;, IS7. Tbe New York Bulletin, In its fluan- clal column, in commenting on tbe sale of tbe fifty millions of coin to the Gov ernment, says: The price waa IK per cent, blgber tbaa any other bid and IX par cent, higher tbaa la banks bid. Tbe aala will cira to tba Treasury all tbe cola tbat it will need for resumption, aad, barring acotdeata, re somptioa of cola payneounuy now be re garded aa a fixed taet. Resumption mtaaa aa enlargement at the eurreney and belter timet for all classes. Accordingly, to toon at tbt newt found ita way Into tbe Stock Exchange, tbe market there became buoy ant. United States bondt were ttrong, and tbe negotiation will, witoout doubt, bare a (avoraote effect on United States bondt Id tbe foreign market!. If it ooiv bat tbe effect of cbeuklog bond shipments to tblt oountry, it will do alt that It nteded to make resumption certain. Gold ruled at In a double-haded editorial article the tame Journal says: Tbe nerotiatinn secures for tbe Gov ernment (.V),OOU,OU0 ol gold coin to be add ed to its resumption reserve, thereby realizing a larger gold balance than wat generally anticipated. Snould tbe pretent rate of tra Je balanoe be continued througb tbe year, tbt Treasury may be able to withdraw tbia amount of coin Into ita vaults without affecting tbe portion of tbe reserves of tbe banks; but in any event, tbe arrangements with tbe syndicate are euch at to atuure tbe monev market against Inconvenience; tbat Is to ear. if tbe payments into the Treasury sbould threaten embarrassment to tbe banka, tbe Treasury would Increase lu depoalta in tbe national bank depositees, or other wlae make lte funds available for market uae ao far aa may be necettary. It may be reasonably hoped tbat tbia official recognition of tbe duty of prepar ing to honor tbe demand claims ot tbe Government creditors will contribute in aome meaeure toward undoing the mlt oniel done to tbe publio credit by tbe Ira- ruuent silver legislation. Tbe sliver bill aa undoubtedly produced a feeling to wards resumption, wblob makes it. under all the oircumttancee necessary to pro vide a larger coin reserve in the Treasury than would have been required otherwise; and tbe negotiation! of yetterday ilird tbe aiiuranoe tbat a very large reserve ill be provided. Tbe announcement bad a beni'tioUl effect on tbe Wall street mar ket! generally. OkAt AND STOCKS. Nrw Oblians. April 17-Gold Jj'S'j. New lork tiubt premium. Sterling. bank, 14 88 'i. Naw Yon. April 17. Noon fioui op.Mied tc. Stocks active and arm. Money b. Exciianire : ;o:ik, f 4 no . short, ft 8i. State bowls quia-., Government ac-urlt lea steady. Evening (low closed flrmer.'f ,: Money ey, 4(35 Sierlin stevty. ti. Government securities stead'' : new 5, i. State bonds dull. I'vltWB Tba mvk.its to-day w.-re worse ami worae. Liverpool was cablvd as ve' y ; fit' f)r t-pot", and weak on arrival-, with a still I'ur'ber decliue ot 1-321 mi i tbe Ut'er. f-ew V )tk lo-t 1-16: on the of iti--pit mitrkut, and lower tor tu 'ures. New Orleans closing !8'c uml r thf ruliug priciie ot yes:ordy, with everything operating in buera' I'tvor. L'ctll, the business wtt of a band-to-month character, itiq supply be in lluhr, with but a minimum demand Trinsacioiis unbraced hut lew balet at prices bel w yesterday's ra''t, tbe trade generally being of 'be opin ion tbat the bushiest (or this acaaou virtually over with. nincellameassa. Tbe latest clrcultr from M48r(li i Smith, Edwards & Co., ot Liverpool, says: "Tbe visible supply for Englaud it s-.ill 350.00J balet below last jear, and tplnnert hold nothing. We tee no prospect of this being made up. If the American crop turut out 4,800,000 we may get 150 000 more for tbe rest of tbe teaaon, bat Bombay It not likely to give any excess." These flguret though correct, should prove but a small morsel of comlort to the "bull.'' inaamuch at they have been known all along, and in tbe very face of the (w of so large a deficiency, prices have tteadily declined during the greater part of tbe eeaaon. Statistical facta prove nothing when counterbalanced by tbe miserable stale of trade which has ruled, and Is ruling all over :he world. Tbat too much cotton has been made for tbe present rrqulremente ol trade, is evidenced by tbe almost per fect tttgnaiien which exists in all tbe leading markets of the coutinent and America. Tbe Continental Telegraph Company Is tbe next one, which it to be formed we suppose for the purpose of selling out to the weieru Luion. GOTTun in LIVSEttrtMIL.. Liverpool. April 17 Noon Cotton verv flat. Middling uplands, 5 15- 16d ; Middling Oilcan, 6 3 16J. Sales 5,000 bales .500 of which were for speculation and export. Receipts. 8, 300 biles all ol which were A men can. Futures opeued weak. Sales ot middling uplands nothing below low middling, delivered April aud May, 5 U lbd ; June ami July, o,a : July and Auirust. 6 lo loil: August and SeD- 0 . . -" tember,5(35 3l-32d ; October aud No vember, 0 1 -42(36(1. 2 :00 p.m-Middllng oplande,5 15 16 1 ; middling Orleans, 6 316d: low mid dling uplands, 5id; good ordinary uplandt, 5;4d ; ordinary uplands, 47, d. 2 :30 p.m. balet of middling uplands nothing below low middling, delivered April, 5 13-16d ; May and June, 5?, (g 5 27-32d;July and August, 5 29-32d; September and October, 6 I 321. 4:00 p.m. Sales Included 4,100 bales American. 4 :30 p.m. Sales of middling uplandt nothing below low middling, delivered April,? 27-32d. 5:00 p.m. Sales of middling uplands nothing below low middling, delivered April and May, 5 27-32 J ; July aud Au gust, 5 15 16d. Futures elosed steady. COTTOM III MCW VOKK. Niw Yobk, April 10.-Noon Cotton quiet. Middling uplands, lOoj Or leans, lOc Balee of 598 bales. Evening Cotton quiet. Middling uplands, lOKe : Orleans. IOKc. gales 01 442 bales. Consolidated net reeetpts,28,U9 bales. Exports : to Great Britain, 33,967 balet ; to Fraoce,4.108 ; to tbe Continent 398 ; to tbe Channel, 92a Receipts: net, 206 balet; gross. 60,900 balee. Tbe following were the eh an get in Sew York futures: munch. oraHsn. OLOHBII. Ian... Feb... Mar... April, lay.. Inns . July. AUUf Sept.. !!... Sov.. Do.. IDJoa 10.52 10.75(9 10.77 10.824 10.W 10 9lai0.3 to.Maio.t-t 10.88(010 !9 10.M,10.M 11 11.03 n.ctsa 10.7AuBt0.77 10 ttvt 10.47 10.44t 10.44S10.45 ' 10.9-1 1.00 Ul.Olelll.Ot ,10.734 Futures opeued steady, and closed steady, with tales of 33,000 bales. tlUTTON 111 HBW OHLBAMa. New Orleans, April 17. Cotton dull, with sales of 2,500 bales. Or dinary, 7,7,c ; good ordinary, 8&C ; low middling, 9?g"c; middling, 10c; good middling, 11c Receipts: net, 2,615 balet ; gross, 3,795. Exports : to Great Britain, 3.491 balet; to ibe Continent, 2,767; Coastwise, 6,334. Stock on band, 205.545 bales. UBNBHAL MAKKKTS. New Obleans, April 17. Floor 3 uiet and steady; tuperflne, $3 609 75 ; XX, 3 253 50 ; XXX, $4 75 5 50; cbolce,f5 5038 25. Corn firmer, 60c. Oats quia: ; St. Louis, 36c ; choice Galena, 36c. Corn meal quiet, steady, $2 1532 20. Hay active; prime, $13. Pork scarce and firm. $10 25. Lard quiet ; refined tierce, 6 7 Jjc ; keg, 74'd3c. Dry salt meau scarce and firm ; shoulders, loose, 3e ; pack ed,3J,c ; clear rib sidea,4c ; clear tidet, 5a. Bacon scarce and firm; shoul ders, 4 c; clear rib sides, 5c; clear sides, 6c. Hams scarce and firm; choice sugar-cured, canvased, 83c at in size; uncanvased, 7o. Whisky steady; rectified Western, $1 0391 Ob Co flee good demand; ordinary to prime, cargoes, 14l7jt'c. Sugar steady, fair demand ; common to good common, 5V6!c; fair to fully fair, 6J,7c; prime to choice, 7,' (38c ; yel low clarified, 8'4 8?C. Molasses steady ; common, fermenting, I320a; litir, not fermenting, 2225c; prime to "lioice, 30(3 42c. Kice quiet and firm ; ordinary to choice Louisiana 364 c. Uvin ttroug, Tog 80c. St. Locis, April 17. Fiour firmer; superfine, $3 75(43 90; X Fall, $4 25 4 40; XX Fall, $5 10; family, $5 25 5 40. Wheat active aud firm ; No. 3 red Frtll, $1 13i : No. 4 do.. $i Otid I Ui ; No.2 3priLg, $1 07 Corn : No. j2 mixed, U8'c. Oata fir rm; no. L 26'se. Rye, 6bg60c. Daney dull ; pi'iuie .Noitnern oo Wbiaky ouift. 11 'H. Pork dull. $9 25. Lard dull. tuo(cn.i)Uc. bulk mens firmer ; shoul ders, 365:; long clear middles, 4.85c; ttiort clear middles, 595o. Bacou quie, firm; houller, 0 25 5 27,c ; clear rib Hides, 5.40c; clear sides, 5 5)c. tattle strong r; prime 10 choice I uative -hipping steers, $4 605 00; enro-ted Texau, 3 40(3 4 25. Hogt so ive aud higher; packing, $3 15(3 3 30 Sheep lower; extra heavy ship ping, $5 00($ 5 50. Ukcihnati, April 17,-Kioiir dull; f imlly, $6 50. Wheat ateady, fair de uiaud; prime to choice red,$l 101 18. iwum iiuf, .air UQiutuu. iuii,t. Out dull. 28 (3 31c. Rye quiet and tcesny, duibozc oaney quiet aou steady ; good to prime, 4143c. Pork dull, $9 509 75 Lard fair demand ; current-make, 7c; kettle, 7!37ic Bulk meats quiet and firm ; shoulders, short rib middles, 4 90c; short clear middles, 4.50c' Btcon firm, fair demtud; shoulders, 4c; clear rib sides, r.c ; clear aides, 53. Whisky quiet, $1 03. Butter dull; fancy creamery, 27d 2Sc; prime to choice, dairy, 2022c. Sunar firm ; hards, lOVicalOc; white, 9?s9Js'e; New OilfausJaSc. Hois easier, not lower ; packing, $3 355 00 ; receipta 2,629 head; shipments, 930 bead. nervosa Oebtlltv. Vital Wkakness 01 Depression; a weak, exhausted feeling, no energy or courage; tbe result of mental over work, indiscretions or excesses, or some drain upou tbe system, is always cured by Humphreys'1 IIomkcfatbic Specific No. 28. It tones up and Invigorates the system, dispell tbe gloom aud des pondency, impartsstrength and energy, stops the drain, and rejuvenates tbe en tire man. Been used twenty years with perlect success by thousands. Sold by dealers. Price, $1 per single vial, or $5 per package of five vials and $2 rial of powder. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Address Humphreys' Homeo pathiu Medicine Company, 109 Fulton meet, New York. apl8-eodAwly Nature Demands a Tonic When tbe nervet are unstrung, tbo head aches, tbe appetite li poor or variable, tbt sleep disturbed, and a general depreola- i..n " I vita, nkui. v ( narlaii(u)ri Hunk a state of things cannot long exist with out tbe development of serious disease. Tbe mult active aud genial Invlgorant known la Hooietter'e Hlomach Bitters. Tbe abiolute purity of Its spirituous batlt and botanio ingredients gl7t it a perma nent clal si to public ennfldence, and Ita surpassing medicinal valua It admitted by medical men ol distinction, ov wuom it it widely uted in private practice. For fe ver and ague both aa a preventive and remedy-dyspepsia, liver complaint, bil ious remittent lever, constipation, cholera. io complaints, fl itulence, and all intestinal disorders, it la a thoroughly reliable rem edy. It it tbe anti-febrile spectlo par ex cellence of tbe malarial dittrio a ot tbia and other oouutrln. where diseases born ol miasma prevail, and as a general house hold remedy it it alao university esteem ed. eodAw Fob all disorders arising from an un healthy condition of tbe liver aud stomacb, no remedy equals Scbenck's Mandrake Pills. .o matter how cos tive or bilious the system may be, the habit of tbe body is immediately cor rected and regulated, and the organs are brought to a healthy and natural activity. For sale by all Druggists, apl-sodaw-lsa pee ajtrt. A much needed Improvement in tbe Southern portion of the city has re cently been mads by the chain-gang, onder the skillful direction of Captain Tuobey. The street, which wat former ly known at Cedar street, running from tbe river bank to tbe VYarrenton road, bat been extended through the lands of Mr. John A. Klein and Judge Speed to Marshall street The city, in accept ing the donation of land from Mr. Klein, at his suggestion, named the ex tended street after Judge Speed. Al derman Doll, Chairman of the Street Committee, gave orders for tbe Imme diate opening of tbe street in compli ance with tbe resolution of the Bjard of Mayor and Aldermen, but the work baa been delayed by various causes, nntil recently, when Captain Tuo bey took it in hand, and with about twenty or thirty idle, viciout vagrants, who are serving various terms in the work-house for petty misdemeanors, put the work through in twenty-one working days. Uuder tbe old rule in Vicksburg, the cost of this improvoment would have mount ed up luto the thousands, while under the Street Committee and Capt. Tuo hey's direction the total cott will not exceed one hundred dollars. We un derstand that tbe intention is to widen tbe street to itt full width, sixty feet, as rapidly as tbe force can do It with out neglecting tbe repairs and work up on other streets, and that stent are be ing taken which will insure its exten sion through to Cherry street SEXTON'S BEPOBT 0 (A City of Vlektburg,fortKtettlctndinB Monday, (A 16 day of April, A. U. 1SJS, at 12 o'cIocm. April &-8olej Tbobe, colored, 10 months, measles, Vloktburg, 2d Ward. April It-Daniel Swett, 74 years, gan grene, died at hla retidtaoe la Warren count. April 11 Kate Nelson, colored, 10 years, womb dlte ae. Vicksburg, lat Ward. April U-Willlaa Parker, colored, 35 years, inflammation ot the b jwels, Vlokt burg, 3d Ward. April 1J Chit. I. Mount. 64 yeara, dys entery, Vloktburg, Id Ward. April 13 Healer Swan. oolored.W years, cai or of tbt womb, Vioktburg, Id Ward. April 18 -Lawrence Parker, coloied, 27 ears, chronlo nephritis, Vicksburg, 4lh April I3-Mary M. Walker, colored. 1 rear 1 months, pneumonia. Warren co. April 13 Louisa Overton, colored. 24 rears, oinousicver, warren county. A true copy: J. Q. ARNOLD. Sexton, I.. T. WooDHurr, M. D., Health Officer. Oub Jowiah citizens are now cele brating the Passover (Pesach, Pascha) tbe nrstand greatest of the tbiee an nual feastt (Regalim) Instituted by Motet, at which it was Incumbent on every male Israelite to make a pilgrim age to the noose or tbe Lord, it was celebratod on the anniversary of the exodus from Efvpt, 1. e. on tbe 14th of Niiaro, otherwise called Ablb, the period of the first full moon In the Spring, and laated eight days. In com memoratien of the great events con nected with the liberation of tbe peo pie, It was ordained that onleaveued breal only should be eaten during tbls festive period, whence it also bore tbe name of Cbag Hamoztath (Feast of Unleavened Bread), and further, tbat a lamb one year old and free from all blemish, routed whole, together with bitter herbs, should form tbe meal in every bouse on the eve of the feast. Prayers and thanksgiving, all with a reference to the redemption from bond age, accompanied the repast, at which the members of tbe family or families who bad joined in the purchase of the lamb, bad to appear In traveling garb. At a later period a certain number of cups of a cer'aiu red wine were toper added to tbls meal, to which, as Its special ceremooles and the order of its benediction were fixed, tbe name Leder (arrangement) was given. Tbe name of Passover was more strictly limited to the first day, In which the Paschal lamb wss entirely consumed, fie re serving of tny part of it to tbo next day being expressly forbidden (Ex. xii, 10), and the name "Feast of Unleavened Bread" belonged rather to the remain ing days on which other animal food was eaten ; but tbe names were often nsed indiscriminately. This Feast bo- gen yesterday at 7 p.m., and is ob served by all pious Jews, whose placet ot business will be closed to-day. Edacate she KUae. "To the 'unlearned' nose all odort are alike; hut when educateJ, no member of the body U more sensitive." Tbe note l tho gate to the longs, and when well tutored It often proves a lite-pre server. Educate the note, and the most sensitive will find that Dr. Price's Unlq ie Perfumes are the gems of all odors. M-tONOltA I'UHTITIOH, I I'LAtlUBMINKM PARISH, LA., Aug. 30, '77. f Dr. W. L. Juruielewicz Dear Sir: Pleaso tend a boti le ol your Anti Rheu matic Mixture to Mr. Morrit Londer burgh. You know, Doctor, on my last visit to the city, I bought a bottle of your medicine, which I gave to a man that had been laid up with Rheumatism for tlx mouth at Burae Settlement, and he it now perfectly cored. I am, re specifully, 3. Lozano. d&wlt Pop Overs. Two large cups of flour, one and a half teatpoonfuls Doo ley's Yeast Powder, one pint sweet milk, or nan mtiK ana naif cream, three eggs beaton separately, and a little talL Bake in muQlo lius. They are delicious for tea. i i - --sj- - The first of May approaches, bring ing wllb it Decoration Day, whereon In years put thi people of our city were wont to strew their tribute of flowers ovor the graves of our "Con federate dead" in the Cemetery. It It not time the Volunteer Southrons, the Old Guard, and the Memorial Associa tion, were beginning their preparations for celebrating the day in a suitable manner? Or it it destined with the canse it commemorates to sink into neglect and forgotfulnestf RIVITIKt. TflE first dav of the Jewl.h Paut of It a ". . resacn oeg an list evening at 7 o'clock. There were Interesting service! and beautiful music at tbt Synagogue. The tbare-bolders of the Vleksbnrr and Sblp Island Railroad are requested to meet at the store of Alex. Kubn k Co., on to-morrow alternoon for con sultation. Two abest were made on Levee street, late last night A wblte man and a negro had a misunderstanding, with Drlck-bat accompaniments, and ill tell about it In the Cltv Court this morning. Rais commenced falllntr last nlsht at 9 o'clock, accompanied by thunder and lightning: The dust wat laid, and heat allayed. And wt looked and lound our umbrella "ttrayea." Col Huntington, of Greenville, la in tbe city. Ha It the moving spirit of tbe railroad enterprise at that Dlacs and Is noted for his energetic business quslities. He bas ten miles of tbe ureenville ana Birmingham railroad In operation, and it it now doing a very pretty business. He is here on rail road business, of which our readers shall hear more after awhile. A negro named Buchanan West was Drought oerore Justice French, yester day, on a charge of assaulting a negro woman, west struct: toe woman in tbe side with a hoe, and it it thought that tbe blow broke one of her ribs from the back-bone. Dr. O'Learv con siders her injuries so eerions tbat the accused wat remanded to iail to await results. The affslr occurred abont two and a half miles from town. Port Gibson held an election on Tuesday, on the question of donating $40,000 to the Mississippi Valley and Ship island Railroad, with the follow ing result: For the sooner o Ion. 190 : against, 50 ; not voting, 16. tblt placet tbe Company on a very solid basis, and we nope to see the work: begin on tbe road at once. It Is an enterprise of vitai importance to vicittc-urf. and onr citizens watcn proctediogt connected wttn it witn great anxiety. Last Tuesday evening, Dr. McCor- mick, former Sheriff of Issaquena, who nas oeen sojourning cere lor tome time, wat arrested by Sheriff Flanagan on a warrant from tbat county, charg ing Dim witn emoezziement, and im mediately gave bond. We made no mention of tbe fact yetterday, not be ing in possession of the particulars at the time ; but we learn the aflair is en tirely honorable to Dr. McCormlck, he having insisted on an investigation re garding certain public funds. CONGRESSIONAL. Ocaata. u ..nioviun, aiii lit i iiiv-iim- dent Wheeler being absent the Senate V7i.mun.inu A IT VI.i.SmJ. was caned to order oy secretary uor ham. On motion of Mr. Anthony, of Rhode Island, Me, T. W. Ferry, of Michigan, wat elected President pro tem. during Ibe absence of tbe Vice- President who leaves tbls afternoon on a brief visit to New York. Kr. Jouet, of Florida, from tbe Com mittee on Naval Affairs, reported fa vorably on Seuate bill to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to trantfer to (be Secretary of the Interior, for entry and tale, all lands lo tbt 8tate of Flor ida not needed for naval purposes. Placed on the calendar. Tbe oomluatlon of Col. Burn at Con- sul-Oeueral to tbe City of Mexico, was rejoted. Ferry, or Hichiean. from tbe Com mittee on Finance, reported back, with amendments, Houte bill to repeal all that part of tbe Act or Jannary 14th, 1875, known at the Specie Resnmptlon Act, which authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to dispose of United States bonds, and redeem and cancel greenback currency, and It was ordered printed with tbe amendments, and placed on the calendar. uoncurreut resolution to adjourn Congress on the 10th of June, passed itliout a dissenting voice. Bumside's bill removing restrictions on the enlistment of negroes, was in definitely postponed by a vote of 37 to is. neroNDiKa the cotton tax. Bruce, ot Mlsoliaippl, presented a pe tition of citizens of Mistliilppl, praying for rafandiuc of the the tax paid on cotton daring 1865-'6C-'67-68, and that it be relumed lo the States in which it wat collected, if not claimed in three yean. Referred to Committee on Fi nance. Bruco said this was of considerable importance, and as to whether the money should be returned to the States in which It wat collected, or to the In dividuals from whom it was collected, he was not now prepared to say, but felt suie it should be returned In some forti.. UiBse, Several bills on the subjects of Pa cific Railroads and Texas Paclfio Rail road were reported and made the spe cial order for the 9:h and 15th of Mty. A resolution (or the final adjourn ment of Congress on the 10;h of June was received from tbe Senate and taken up for action. A motion to refer to tbe Cpmmittee on Wayt and Means, was defeated by a large majority through a combination of anti-tariff Democrats and Republicans, but final action wat staved off for the day by means of dila tory motions. The adjournment reso lution comes up again to-morrow. Washington Notee. Washington, April 17. The Seuate Committee on National A flairs beard the South Carolina Senators and mem bera of the House of Representatives in advocating the establishment of a naval station at Port Royal. The Committee took the inbject nnder consideration. Tbe Committee on Wayt and Means will vote on a resumption or tb in come tax to-morrow. GREAT STRIKE. Tit Oatrallvii lid Natters li Uacathlra, " Eaglud, Uasb.'t to Agree Pretpaot ef 123,009 Parana utf 6,009,039 ;! ! let Ititg hilt Piparatlsit af tla ; Striker. London, April 17. Notices ot re duction in wages of certain operative " in Lancashire expire to-day and to morrow. The refusal of tbe master ' at Manchester yesterdty, to agree to a five per cent, reduction, and their reso . lotion tbat if a ttrike occurs at any of , tbe mint where notice bat been given of a ten per cent reduotlon, the re- . malnder of tbe trade will share the) , lock-out at the earliest possible mo ment, leave little hope of averting a . struggle which will involve the stop- 1 page of 200,000 looms and fl.OOO.CKD spindles, and render idle ao lest than 120,000 work-people. ' Tbe Council or Operatives and 8pm- , ners, after their interview with tbe Masters yesterday, resolved to recom mend tbe membera of that association to accept the proposed reduction for tbe present, and call a representative meeting of the tplnnert for Sunday, to decide npon a future course. The operative! at Aocrlngton, anal the districts of Churob, llarwood,, Eufleld, and Preston, era willing . to accept reduced wages and reduced time, but there la no hope of the mat ter! accepting tack proposal. Black- , burn and Burnley, operative! will resist uncompromliingly, consequently to- -night, In all probability, will begin the , moat gigantle strike and lockout that baa ever occurred in tbe county of Lan- cathlre. Instruction! have been lamed to operatives by committees in varloui : trades aa to how to proceed. Where ; no notlcet are potted they will go on -working ; whtre notice are posted; tbey will respectfully request the masters to . remove them ; if thit requett to refuted they will leave work quietly on Bator- . dav night Operative! are particularly . enjoined to encourage no rioting or misbehavior anywhere. Looms net affected by the ttrike will subscribe . three pence per week for tbe strikers. , UMVUliy, WUD V.lll .V IHIIU1IW HUB- nest relations between Oldham and tin, - I.IIm.I. kt. , Blackburn, short time, if not atoppage, t ill be necessitated in many of tan ni.lh.m mill. IaaeratUaalaa4ar-Scktt)l -Caavtmtlaai. Special to tbt Herald. Atlanta, Ga- April 17. The In ternational 8unday-8chool Convention organized to-day. Nearly every State and Territory and Canada waa repre sented. Gov. Colquitt waa elected President The delegatee from Missis slppl are: 8.M. Bhelton, P.J. Boas, H. Musgrove, L. A. Dnnean, Geo. B. Hill, J. L Power. J. L. P. Troopa to be teat from India to Malta. . London, April 17. A teml-oSIclal dispatch from Calcutta, taye tbe Indian Government hat orders to tend troopi to Malta. The following Regiments are designated to leave for tbat nlaee: 9th Bengal Cavalry, 1st Bombay Cav alry, Id Gboorkde, 13th and Slit Ben- gat infantry, Zotn Madras infantry, two Regiments Bombay Native In fantry, two Companies of Bombay Sappers and Miners, and two Com pa nlet of Madras Sappers and Miner. Tbe native Infantry are to be brigaded with the British at Malta. Tbe As sistant Quartermaster and Commissary Generals at Calcutta, have (one to Mai- m, iv arraBgw lor toe reeepuott or ueaa troops. Bona OemooiaUo Canctw. Wa'rikoton, April 17. The Demo crats of tbe House bad an earnest but barmontone canent to-nltrht There were twelve sneaker. Col. Blackburn. of Ky., presided. On motion of Mr. Wood, of New York, wben the atten tion of adjournment cornea np to-morrow amotion will be made topoatpont till the 25th of May. Randall support ed this action, anil there waa only one negative vote. Tbe canent ordered committee of ten, to be named by Clymer, to act with a oauout committee of fire Senators to consider all qaee- tiont affecting the country and tbt Democratic party. Constantinople Iteme. I imnn. A ...II 19 ff ji ni.i.k battador at Constantinople, baa gone It) ntnea ior two aavs. tb Turks still oeen py Batoum. It Is unlrua tbat tha Ru- aian have again asked permission to oc cupy Buykedere, or are moving near Coa- A Constantinople ditpatob ol tb Mtfc tayt tbt oonteet in tbe Cabinet continued. Abased Vetlk Effaodl, President of the Council of Ministers, tendered hi reels;, nation Monday, but withdraw ta trur . eonfereno with tb Sultan and Bafvat I'asba, President of the Council of Bute. Owing to tb refusal ol Boouf fasha and Mahomet Pasba to accept lb Premlerthlp. Mabomet Bubdl Pasha ha beea appointed Minitter, without a portfolio. irvian Consptratoro to be Executed. Bblobade, April 17. Frlnc Milan aud the Court of Cassation, have con firmed the sentence of death passed on oi. inurmiton, iormeny;jainlster Pres ident, and thirty-five o there, for com plicity in the tbe recent military con spiracy. Their execution takea place immediately after Easter. Resumption In Iowa. DasMoiNtf, April 16. Tbe Det Molnei National Bank ia redeeming its circulation in gold. A special from Grinnell cayi the 1st National Bank of tbat place u redeeming In gold. The Citizen! National Bank of this oily haa ordered gold from New York, to re deem ita circulation. Specie Beenmptlon. Cincinnati, April 14. Third Na tional Bank return! specie payment Monday.