VICKSBURG WEEKLY HERALD, FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1873. Thuraday Morning, M7 23. RIVER NEWS. IOAL SIBTICB BBraiT 4,0o low change. ru. riii la',. Id'. 8Ullo. water. reek I ln't Cairo Claotnaatl Darenport..... Dubuque Helena Keokuk La C roue. Wii Leavenworth, K.a uhw aii. Louisville .... Memphis Naabvlll New Orleans Omasa Pittsburg Bbravaaort ... t. Louis HUl'aul Vlokeburg Yankton T. 8. COLLIN. Sergeant Signal Service, U. 8. MIKILLANBOUI. The Sunflower Belle had a fair start er. Tha ferryboat took her picnic party round tha Itlaod. Tba wharf-boat wa aparred ofl yes terday, and ia galling well out iuto the lake. The Alert lelt, burning black dia mond, towing a lighter and a email atore-boat. The craft which did o much blowlog about dark, waa a tow-boat that pasted op without giving one a chance to lean htr same. Tha Mary Houston pawed down with an immenie trip. She pnt c 1T6G0 keg nails and other freight. We were aorry to learn that Capt. Miller la on the aick liat. Avalanche Tuesday : A decline of 7inche,wlih 21 leet G incbee above low water mark waa the report of toe water level ber yesterdty. A riie ia f oing on in the Cumberland, W feet u the channel, and 2 feet 10 inchei riae at Nathvllle yesterday. A rUe of 26 inchea occurred at tit. Louis yettcr day. A slight swell is reported also at Cairo. At uiber poiuis tbe rivers were falling. The New Orlau Democrat ssys: The Anchor Line m earners ol tie 8(. Louis and New Orleans I r silo bave tuailo arrangements io ticket pHaeeo gers through to Bostou, New Yoik. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wabbiiigiou, IlarrUburg ami Pitwburg, and will al so lii-ue excursion lit Leu to St. Psul aud return, Minneapolis and return, Denver, Col., and re' urn, and Pueblo aud return, wi.icti will be good until October il. ltclt..u to Ouialn. si i Joseph, Ktiissg C.iy and Aikinooii I ., 1 csn be bad t i lie 111 :e oba niiitui, No. 101 Coniiil i street, or mi u rd j the Anchor Liue icket Ja. Howard, leaving on Sa'iiriay at 5 p.m. This 1-! a good move on 'be part of the Audi r 1 Liue packets, sud one 'bit the travei-i ing public cannot tail to appreciate. Golden Rule Pilot : Buz semi the Pilot the following : There is not, we suppose, a steamboat Clerk upou the western waters who doesn't know Mar maduke Sim Ensminger, the wharf master way down at Cairo, not the African metropolis, . that picturesque city of flltb and magnitlcenoe, where Arabs, donkeys, fleas and yellow dogs abound, bnt Dr. Brad. W. Cbeiley's town, situated at tbe confluence of La Belle Riviere witb tbe F-ther of W...r.. .hre steamers eon.reeate . VMV.1V and wharf-boats flourish, where the houses are built on stilts, and cat-fish, j naw-naw aud musauitoea are siaDie commodities. This well-known old gentleman is of the bachelor persua sion, but tbat he wa never married Is certainly bia own fault as the following will show : lie was a passenger on tbe Ill-fated Brandy wine when she was de stroyed by fire, in 1835, just above Memphis. While iwimming from tbe burning wreck of thit vessel be saved maiden from drowning by carrying ber on bia back to tbe abore. Thla gal lant act made him among the rescued passengers, the hero of tbe hour. One old lady, iu ber enthusiastic admiration of tbe noble Duke, insisted upon bis marrying the girl right tbea and there. But our ancient friend waa, you bet, equal to tbe occasion, and be politely declined, saying: "Weil, 1 tbink I have already done enough for that , . vonne woman." .1' The Cokrado left St.Louls loaded, deep, arrived here about 11 Tuesdav. and dlacbhtsed 1900 - m iti'. ages, after putting ctf a good deal of freight at Dili. On yesterday we found our frien Is, those musical star- gazers, Matson and Z egltr, in fine ealth and spirits suj excellent voice. Capt. McPheeter was looking as port ly and handsome as ever, and Oiboroe aa nice aa a strawberry cake, a be al ways doe. Mation baa not been idle water. I Feet. ln't. 28 i In,.. II :..! 4 .. I 0 t 0 0 I 'i 1 'h I 'a !! 12 13 1 10 J 3 .. 10 i ft 21 ! 3 I .. 2 IS i 10 1 9 .. 1 0 i H 2 8 1 0 8 19 t 1 it 9 i 8 4 2 I 0 0 Ii9 j .. 8 ' since laat trip. He baa compoed an , "?7'"'"' ol wPm operetta, entitled -The Fiat fioat Col- , 1 lhe ,b" ' h"d. " li ion In a Fog," which he and Zicgler , 0.b.;? ?u D,,hT,"den,1 V""' , , render with fine effect. A passenger, If Le,bhal,r blla M-m U fre wbo i a musical virtuoso, gives us the qnnily the case-comb its ears op over following account of it: Matson whcedle-eedle-eedlts up among the1 f L . 1.. la ImllnalA ilia (illllnii ! ll,A otgn noies io "' " '" ,u" nue mm, auu h ueg.u. i he whodle-odle-odles down toward the base. As it gets darker be feel ma J...uf..!!. anil ,1 f i n i at v imn a . . way doubtfully and cautiously among tbe Hats and suarpi. principally amuug the flats, and wheu be teems to get lost, iieglor breaks iu wUb the gourd born, at the fog tigual, and the constant tooting denotet that there are teveral flit boatt near together, while Matton't sharp lickt In the upper octaves show that the flat boatmen are "cuMln'" each other. Gradually the tnnllnir and "cuialn"' Bet WON6 and worse, and Matson beglni to get bis work In a ine collision appro!! Ha grabs whole flits foil of Ivory, bom pa Ibe keya with hia bead and el bows, aita down on 'em, gate up on 'em with bia feet, make a rapid journey over 'em from one end to the other three or four limes, then leaping away up In the air, till bis head atrikes the hurricane roof, cornea flat-footed on Ibe double base, and the deep rear, fol lowed by the partial wreck of the In strument, shows that tbe collision baa taken place, and that two flat boata bave gone to tbe bottom, and no insur ance. Watson and Zelgler don't per form this operetta very often, as It is rather trying on the piano. Out of Tune. When ths tones of a musical instrument become harsh and dlsooidant, w say It Is "out of tune." Tbe same may be said ol tbat far more wonderful and complicated pletie ol mechanism, tbe human structure, when it become disordered. Mot ouly sotual disease, but tbose tar mors common causes, over-work, mental anxiety, and fast llvloic, may impair Its viror and activ ity. Tbe best remedy for a partial col lapse of tbe vital energies, from these ss from other causes, is Uostetter's Stomach Bit ere, wbiob Is at the same time an agree able and mind-cheering cordial, and the beet possible Invigorant in all eases of de bility. It Is an incomparable stomachic and antl-blllous medicine, eradicates fe ver and ague, and prevents subsequent at taoks. It remedies with certainty and thoroughness, bowel and kidney com plaints.dyspepiia, nervousness, rheumatic troubles, and many other bodily ailments. It also counteracts induenoe which pre dispose to disease. eodaw SEXTON'S REPOBT Ol Ins City of Vlekiburg, for tht we radii Jfondav. tht JuA dan of Man. A.D. 1S7I at ix o eioc m. May 13-Mre. Sarah C. Idwardi, 2b years, Vlckshurg. May 14-Wm. Parker, (col,) 0 years, cons-imptioo, Vicksbarg. May IB-Moses B. Foley, t days, trismus nsarotoram, Vlokeburg; Marian Johnson, ( ool, ) 30 years, perlteoetls, V 1 .ktburg. May 18-D. Hares, (ool.) 55 years, con sumption, interred at Holl) Urove. May 19 Ueorge Washington, (col,) SO years, heart disease, Vlcksburg. Mar 20-ldwaid Castello, 41 years 6 mootbs, verdlot of tbe Jury came to his death from the elects of blows ioflioted wltb a pistol In tbe bends of Thomas Joyce, Vlcksburg. Atrueoopy: J. Q. ARNOLD, Bexton. Z. T. WooDBurr, M. O., Health Officer. How la Take Care of a Babr. There ia a papular notion that babies sometimes resemble rcsl persons, re producing on a contracted scale tbe noses and chins cf their immediste en cc.tora; but ibis fancied reembiuco ia only tbe outcome of a diseased Imag ination. The tact is that all babies look exactly alike ; so, of course, it is irupoistblc, as well as uinlesiratile. that all babies should have any onff lather's c'uin, or any one mother's noe. Bui wiili proper care tho b.l.y may be nindu t look lik! somrbodi, aud evi dently be sotuebodj ; hence the Im portance of the uliject, ''How lo take eare of the baity." U giiiniiu in the nop lug, t)i tuiLy tYnld Iih unwound and tlio: uglilj lu-ied wl h s chamois -kin. If my w ins, corn, liunioi n or pitu ji . s u ivt in nle ihi'lr sppcirance during h-; niu'ii. they maj lie removed niin il.i.i ot linlge alic-ara, still smoothed ott v .tit 4 piece of eaud'PHpcr. Siti l-liaper is much belter than soap stone tor ibis purpose. lljloti nude lu the lab)' skin by pins or needles should be carefully put tied up lest the bsliy catch cold. Any puncture which bave been made by chair lei, gentlemen's walking-stick, or old ladies' umbrellss, should be cov ered with court-plaster. To fill them witb putty would make tbe baby too heavy for convenience. Tbe baby may Iben be put to soak iu awash-tub. II It rises to the top it . , . j . - i p..l u 7 T Ji fl0M 00 " " Pfobably wou't. . When properly soaked It maybe P?D . UP 10 dry, taking care not to pl'ce u so near tbe fire tbat it will That's what make children . r bow-legged. It may then be fed ou carrots, tur nips, rutabagas, mangel-wurzel, pump kins, (cut in quartera,) squashes, (with their necks wrung,) or any other nutri tious substance; but care should be taken to choke ofl before it baa over loaded its stomach. Yon can choke it clT by spplyiug a monkey-wrench to ita gullet After being fed, it should be band cuffed and laid where it will uot be likely to be stepped on. Never try to stop a baby's crjbg; life ia abort, and there is so much to be dooe that comee under the bead of feasible. If Ibe baby bas the mumps on one side, don't say tbat it bas a mump Folks will laugh at you and call you a bachelor. won 1 oe aiarme.i 11 iiuo-any ns me 1 measies on uum tmes, 11 irequeoiiy happens. won :.i 1 ne uaoy 111 (ruining tors baby show. It will go back on you thus exemplify iiiK tho d',c rtne of orig inal niu. When tbe swallows ibe watch, send for tbe doctor not the jeweler. In such a case, never permit the doctor to go tor the watcb witb a cork-screw ; it will injure tba watch, and perbaba " A Card. 1 To a.l who are suffering from the , ...... . nd Ucrel ons of vouth. nerv. uub ncaaui-a, cm 1 1 uv . iuhb kji tun. , hooJ , , wlll ,eud a recipethat w ' 1 . uus wehuf, eany uitjj, loss 01 man - ill! cure you, free or charoe. This great remedy was discovered by a Mission ary in South America. Send a self- addressed envelope to the Rev. Jopeth T. Inmak, Station D, Bible House, New York City. oc4-eodAwly Two rabid foxe hare appeared In Adaraa one first attacked a colored woman, and tome time afterward got hold opon a gentleman' heel, the other entered Mr. H. Fleming' yard and bit two of bit hound. Fayed Chroulolt. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. old axd avocata. Saw OBLtAVe, May 22 Gold 1(. New York eight !i prtmlum. Sterling bank, It 89. Niw Toaz, May 2i Noon tiold opened e. Stock firm. Money 3. Exchange: long, 14 84; ahort, fi 87. State bonds dull. Govern ment teearltlea firm. Evening Gold closed ateady, . Money easy, 3. Sterling quiet, 4. Government aecurltlea strong ; new 5's, 5. State bonda quiet and ateady. vottub ia uvattruwa. LinaFooL, May 21 Nooi Cotton quiet Middling upland, 6i,d; Mid dling Orleans,6.Vd. galea 12,000 bales, 2,000 of which were for speculation and etport. Receipts, 6,500 bale, 1,300 of which were American. Futurea opened at l-32d belter. Sale of mid dling nplanda nothing below low mid dling, delivered in May, 6d; May and June, fid; June and July, 6 l-326,Ud July and August, 6 3 32J ; Aogust and September, 6 6-32d; September and October, 6 7-321; new crop shipped November and aall, 6i, d. 2:30 p.m. bales included 9.&00 balea American. oorxoa in w iobk. New Yoik, May 22 Noon Cotton quiet Middling uplands.ll l-16e ; Or leans, 11 3-16c Salee of 341 bale. Evening Cotton ateady. Middling uplands, 11 l-16c ; Orleans, 11 3 16c. Sale of 570 bale. Consolidated net receipt 12,414 bale. Exports : to Great Britain, 21,854 balea ; to France.4,191 ; to the Contlnent,2,484; to tbe Channel, . Receipt : net, 75 bales ; gross, 3,214 bales. Tbe following were tbe changee la New York futurea : aowiHs. orsMBo. olosbd. )an rb Mar.. .. April . .' . .. I ID . lulj. .I14IUI S011I .... il". .. Not.. Urn . 10 Ha 10 8" ll.Wl4U.0t ll.lltll.l u 11 Hm II.4T1H1 H.t!l(i lOfTt 10.77 a i.t:i8 It.'iOutll 2t 1 1 : iih 1 1 n 11.4 11.4ijtll 47 liuoatfeio ni !IU8l(dlU.M Futures opened quiet, closed steady, with sales of 41,000 bales. uottoh in saw okxbans. New Ohleins, May 22 Cottot fit 111, with sales of 10,000 bales. Or diiiaryf 8Je; good ordinary. 9?tc; low middling, 10c; middling, lOc; irooil middliutt, ll'vc. Receipts: net, 7,112 bale-; roas, 1,4-l.j. Exports: to Great Ilri'aiu, 7.947 bale; to the Continent, 0.017; Coastwiae, 1,2." 3. Stock ou hand, 111 00U bale. IIIIISKtL BtAHttETK. New Oblen. May 22 Flour dull; 4Upnt'tliie, 3 50; XX, 4 25(3 4 50; XXX, U 755 75; choice, (5 75 Cj(J 35. Corn firmer ; while, 53c; yel low, 55:. Oats quiet but firm ; cboicp, 35430.-. Cora meal scarce aud firm, $2 75. day quiet; fair, $10; prime, 111 ; lancy, U. Pork dull, weak and iowT.;S 25(38 50. Lard quiet ; refined tierce, ?47,'; keg, 7,',8c. Dry salt meat quiet and weak; aboul- ,lerj. loose, 3?tc ; packed, 37,(ite ; clear lib side, 4'ic; clear sides,4;c. Bacon demand lair and firm ; shoulders, 41 a'c ; clear rib sides, 5,'gc; clear sides, 5 c. llama demand fair and firm ; choice sugar-cured, csnvased, 7(g9o as io size; uncanvased, 6c. Whisky ateady; rectified Wesiern, $1 03(5 1 Oo. Coffee steady, fair demand ; ordinary lo prime cargoes.H5 18: gold. Sugar good demand ; common to good com toon, Ogiic; fair to fully lair, C,' (S7j,c; prime lo choice, 78'c; yel low clarified, 8.'c. Moiansoa steady, fair demand ; common, fermenting. 18 20c; fair, not fermenting, 22(3 25c; prime to choice, 33 (3 42c. Rice active and firm ; ordinary to prime Louisiana, BiSB'ic. Bran quiet, 80c. St. Louis, May 22 Flour ateady ; auperllne, aj SU3 75 ; X Fall, ft loQ Ui;A.V f al,, 00; family, Ij iu 6 25; choice, 15 30 5 60. Wheat dull; No. 3 red Fall, $1 03t'l 01; No. 4 do., U0i97c; No. 2 Spring, $1 05. Corn higher; No. 2 mixed, 35J(30c. Oata tuactive and firmer; No. 2, 24X31c. Rye doll, 55Ve. Barley steady; Northern Iowa, 45c. Whisky steady, $1 05. Pork dull and lower, 18 50. Lard dull, 6 35(8 6.37c. Bulk meata dull; shoulders 370c; short rib middles, 4.70c; long clear middle", 4 80c. Bacon dull ; shoul ders, 4.25c ; clear rib sides, 5 10c ; clear sides, 5.25c. CmciNNATi, May 22 Flour dull; family, $5 25(36 50. Wheal dull; prime to choice red, 1 1 10(31 15. Corn dull, 10!-U Oata steady, fair de mand, 2S33le. Rye flr demand, 603 02 :. Barley dull ; prime 10 choice Fall, 45c. Pork easier, iS. Lard good de mand; steam, 685c; kettle, 7$7)c; curreut-make, 6.40:. Bu!k meats quiet but steady; shoulders, 33c; clear rib ruiddlcs,4.40c ; short clear mid dles, 4.62;, c. Iiicon steady, fair de maud; shoulders, 441t'c; clear rib sides, 535','c ; clear sides, 55,'4'c. Whisky steady, fair domaod, 1 UJ. Butter dull ; fancy creamery.iag-uc ; choice Western reserve. ll12c ; prime m clinics Central Ohio. 8311c. Suiiar ! ,ieady; hards, 10i3l0ic; white, 9'4a 9c: New Orleans, 738);c. lloxs I ' ' . .1 S l . ; dull ; pscking, J wis a . ; receipts, z,- 120 head ;sbipmeuts, tj ueaa. 1 i..u a. ItrK J mr.m n u..v n---v. There is oo doubt that clergymen and orators, while speaking, would derive great benefit Irom pertuming meir handkerchlels with Dr. Price' Floral Riches, as its fragrance excites the mind to rigorous action and is gratefully re freshing. For fresh, flswery odor, no other cologne or toilet water equal It. A coquetts le a rosebush from which each young bean plucka a leaf and tba thorni art left for the hatband. Aatecsletaartaa Lata tr Let trlaa. Thla 1 perfectly tine, tayi Troth, about the late Lord Leltriin. One of hia tenants, a Scotchman, apeot a deal of time aud money draining and hedging bia holding. Hia landlord happened to pas by one day and im mediately turuad In on the land when he taw the improvement., "ilsd you my order for doing this?" "No, my lord." "Very well. Thla la Saturday. If you have not got these drain filled op and tbose hedge pulled down on Monday, out you go." Not a ?ery long, but t very pithy, conversation. Tbe man wa iu despair, and went for advice to the priest "All. right,'' said hi reverence, "1'il make it all right for you ; I'll go ball. Come (0 mass to morrow, and aee what I'll do for you." A very abort service waa tbe result, and then the priest led the way to tht Scotchman' holding, followed by the whole congregation armed with picks, spades and shovels, and by Monday morning not a vestige remained ot tbe improvements. When Lord Leitrlm arrived he was utterly amazed. Bnt not more amazed than delighted. His whim wa an expensive oue, lor be paid out of bis own pocket to have every single tbing re-made which bad by bis order been demolished. Evirybodt ba beard tha old itory of the silent man who, riding over a bridge, asked hi (errant If he liked egg, to which the aervant anawered ye. Nothing more passed till the next year when, riding over tbe tame bridge he famed to his servant and aald, "How ?" "Poached, air," wa tbe Imme diate answer. The story baa been thrown Into the shade In Italy. When Pompeii waa destroyed by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius, A. D. 79, a the atrical representation, a everybody know, wa going on In the Amphi theater. A certain Langinl baring got permission to open a theater on tbe ruin of the ancient city announced the opening night iu the following advertisement: "Alter a lapse of more than eighteen hundred years, (be Theater of tbl city will be reopened witb 'La Figlia del Reggimento.' I solicit a continuance of tbe favor bestowed on my predeces sor, Marcus Quintue Martua, and beg to assure .be public tbat I shall make every effort to equal the rare qualities be displayed during bis managemeut." The fight by circuselephants in Pied mont, Vs., wss a lively one. There were six of the huge beasts, some Asiatic aud some African, and between the two sorts no love had been lost The trouble wa begun on a bridge. The keeper intended to let only oue cross at a time, fearing that the struc ture was not secure; but two crowded j on together and one pushed the other iuto the stream. Tbe water was deep. 1 and the ducked elephant, on coming to I the surlace, blew a terrible blast of rage and defiance. An African elephant quickly plunged In, and the ogbt was begun witb lusks and trunk. Toe six beasts were excited beyond control, and it was soon general melee. Oue got mired, tud had to be lifted out wi'h a crane. After they bad all been secured, Ibe leaders in tbe fight were whipped and prodded until tbey were entirely submissive. A slim and sleek-haired theological student from Massachusetts wa re cently Invited to preach before a Tex as congregation. He happened, bow ever, to begin hi sermon by stating the hitherto accepted zoological fact that "tbe lion wss Ibe king of beast," an Injudicious remark (which ao in flamed tbe congregation, which had been reduced to tbe statue of a busted community by playing tbe llonness open and coppering tbe bull at the tournament, tbe Sunday before,) tbat the Deacons took him out and hung him on a pecan tree, as mark for the Sunday-school children to practice at with ihcir little revolvers. Then a grizzled old circuit-rider happened along, and preached a ilirring dis course from the words: "The devil goetb about like a mad steer, seeking whom be may norn lerraaa Debllltv. Vital Wkaxncss ob Depbbssion ; weak, exhausted feeling, no energy or courage; the result ot mental over work, indiscretion or excesses, or some drain upon tbe system, is always cured by H ompbbcts' Homeopathic Specific No. 28. It tones np and invigorate the system, dispels tbe gloom and des pondency, imparts strength and energy. stops the drain, and rejuvenate tbe en tire man. Been used twenty year witb perlect success by thousands. Sold by dealers. Price, 41 per single rial, or 45 per package of five vials and 42 vial of powder. Sent by mail on receipt ot price. Address Uomphbeys' Homo pathic Medicine Company, 109 Fulton street, New York. aul8-eod&wly The folbwlng letter i selected from hundreds on file in the office of Messrs. Ferslew fc Co., Proprietor Jar gielewicz' Aotl-Rheuniatlj Mix. tare." P. O. Box 1406, New Orleans : Mr. W. A. Taien, No. 284 Magazine ; 'Ireet, New Orleans, says: "It is now i three years since I first look the Jur ?lelewlcz Anti-Rheumatic Mixture, and have alwty been relieved from pain in from one to turee days. 1 bave suf fered witb rheumatism for many years, and never bas any medicine done me any good except yours. I bave now not bad any attack for nearly two years, but I always keep tbe medicine in the house. d&wlt Schenck'i Pulmonic Strop will at once relieve and loosen a tight cougb, and i (uch an agreeable remedy tbat children will take It without being coaxed, a coia on ine inngt, u con tnmntlon It not already developed. may be easily mastered by tbe use of benencra ruimonto oyrup. For tale by all Druggut. myl-eodwlm CONGRESSIONAL. Uasua. WataiNOTox, May 21 Harrison, of Illinois, offered a aqoestlonof priv ilege, a resolution extending tbe Potter Inresligatlon to Oregon and South Carolina, and declaring that It it not tha intention of (be House, throngs inch Investigation, to annul or at tempt to annul the decision of the Pres idential question a made in the 44th Congress. The rote resulted, yea 71 ; nays 50. Tbe qneatlon of no quorum wa raited on the Democratic aide, when Har rison withdrew hit resolution. Wilson, of Wttt Virginia, moved lo extend lhe power of InreaUiatlon of the Committee to any State where there nay be well-grounded allega tions of fraud. Cox, of New York, moved to refer Wilson's retolatiODs to tht Potter Committee. Cox't resolution to refer wit de feated, 89 to 115, and Wilson's resolu tion wa then adopted without di vision. Tbe Committee it idle tblt morning, eaate. Darit, of Wait Virginia, called op a resolution tubmltttd by him a few daya ago authorizing a Select Commit tee appointed to investigate the final reporta of tbe booka and account of Ibe Treaanry, to alt during the receaa of mesenaie, wnicn lea to an extended discussion. The Army bill wat discussed all day without remit Recess to 7 o'clock. lSlaalMlppl Hirer Commission. WatHiNOTOH, May SI In tbe Houte to-night, Mr. Robeson, Chair man of tbe Committee on Lireet and Improvement! of the Mltsilppl Rlrer, reported to the Honte a bill prorldlng lor organization or tut Mississippi Hir er Improvement Commlstion with an amendment appropriating 13,871,574 for cioalng crevaatei and raising and strengthening leveet on the Mississip pi river, which, with (he report and supplemental report, waa, by unani mous consent, referred to tbe commit tee of the Whole on the ttate of the Union. Pennsylvania Oemooratlo Convention Pittsburg, Pa., May 22. Tbe entire list of delegates to (be Democratic State Convention which meets here to morrow, wltb many prominent men of tbe party, bave arrived and aspiring candidates bave opened headquarters in the principal hotels. Ex-Senator Buckalew will be permanent chairman. Platforms are not yet in abape, and will probably declare against freight dlicrimination, In favor of free pipe bill, commend Congressional Investiga tion of election frauds in the Sontb, and contain a strong plank In favor of pro tection of borne Industry. Washington Notes. Washington, May 22. Nomina tion J. Tallery Sllgb, Postmaster at Walballa. Confirmation S. B. Packard, of Louisiana, Consul at Liverpool ; Lu- cm talrcblld, Consul (ieneral at Pari. The Secretary of (he Treacnrv called five million bond of 1865; interest close 22d of Aognst. Investigation Committee will organ ize tor buainesi Friday. Democratic member bad a ions con sultation to-day. Mine Bxploelon. London, May 22. At tbe old Syd ney mine explosion, were three broth er nsmed Sullivan who tuceeeded in retculng thirteen of tbe cutlers who were overcome by gas. Tbey were un conscious for tome time, but are all slowly recovering, sixteen psln of outtere were at work here. In the south aide mine a large number of men were at work, but all escaped un injured. One of. the Sullivan wa prostrated while searching for dead, but wa fortunately rescued by bis brother. The work will be Idle for a few daya only. Vlritnla Not In Rebellion. Wabbinotoh, Msy 22. When Richmond fell. Gov. Smith drew $21,- 000 from the Bank and paid State of ficer, whom tbe United State ba ued. Solicitor Raynor direct tbat these inlti be dismissed. Virginia, tbe opinion says, was not herself in re bellion, and (he United State ba no more right to this money under the right of conquest thin to her Slate house or State Library, or Virginia's statue of Washington. Rnaalaa Naval Preparation. London, Msy 22. Thit afternoon's Globe tayt two nuarmed Russian war vessels from Crons(sd( pitted through the Sound clandestinely Monday night. It Is supposed that their destination is America. Russian agents are engaged io Sweden in inspecting shipping with a view to ibe purchase of cruiser. Failures. London, May 22. Leather & Co., proprietors of chemical work at St. Helen', failed. Liabilities, $700,000. New York, Msy 22. Charie Mer- 1 ill ft Son, mauufaolurer and dealers In hardware, suspended. Liabilities, $150,000; assets nominally large, and consist of real estate, stock, machinery, and bank accounts. Fire at Clarkavlll, Text. Galveston, May 22. The Newt's special from Clarksville says (be Are Ibis morning destroyed nlueteen busi ness bouses in that plsce. Among tbe losse are Biker & Bro., $12,000; J. P. Dale, $10,000; E. II. Bi llion, $10,000; Goldbery $2,000; Read, $3,000; Wright, $2,000; Slatler, $3,000, Stelnlein, $12, 000. t t New Orlean, Msy 22. Judge Rlghtor, of (he Dittrlct Court refused a mandamus to compel tbe School Board to admit colored children to kdooIi designated for white. HlSBt BoCEEPOBT.WbO h t lit ' 1 muried for a second time t a t,t 1 hi dying mldres jut Before t t transported to Noumea, to at to 1 , - mix their eolldren waa the rruu cf whom Alexaoder Domu remarked, when he first ttw him, twenty-lira year ago t "Tbat roans fellow hit tbe bead of aa adventurer of the limn of the Valol. Ut wlll either come to rale or to be hanged." Tho Ulottrione editor ol La Lantern cams within aa ace of being abot after the Cosimane It it ettima(ed (hat during the thrta hundred yean since (he dlscorery of tbe mlnee of Mexico, tbe total eoinsft taken thenoe amounta to f s,450,Oi)3,CU3. At one time three thousand mine war in operation, and (be product of these wa izi.uuu.uuu of urr. ana tiUw.UJUil of gold annually. , . - i ,,- ' Robinson (after a long whist baul at (he Club) "It't awfully late, Brown. wnai will yon say to yonr wire r Brown (in a whisper) "Oh, I shan't say much, yon know 'Good morning,' dear,' or omelbiogo' that tort. She'll ay (he retl" Punch. . . . ; . mam . naiubuiy Wont Enooarage Peace ' Depauttona. . LoilDOa. Maar 92Tha Pnu A aan. elation understandi tbat replying to re quest 01 tneuaxe or wettminiiier to recelv a deputation wltb a peaoe declar ation signed by 200,000 ptrtons, tht Marqult of Salisbury bat itatedt that na i uaauie io receive toe uepoutUDB Dtmocratlo Campaign Committee. Washington. Mar tO.Tha Dsaertla Campaign Coanltue, composed ol Uoa. jasae b. u. Biaesuura, uaairaoa, sena tor MoDooald, aad Baprasentattvs Baa. niag, bubmt, ana tout, oi new lor, elected a Resident Committee, Joli i. Tnompson and Jams C. Barvey, and se lected Mr. Harvey, Treasurer, tad Hutu D. 8. Walker, gtorsuury. Murder la Oeorgla. Colombus, 6a Mar 22. At hi ratldenoe to-day ia a peraonal difficul ty, Dr. T. C Cook, wat tbot and killed by hi brother-in-law, Charie Martin. There were no witnesses. Cook waa Intoxicated. Martin claim aelf-defenta tnd al once eurrendered himself, bat It allowed liberty. Mtthodlat Mlaelone. Washington, Mar 22. Rer. Thto. Bowman, D.D., of St Loul, one of the Bitbop of tbe M. E. Church, tailed oa iht Nederland for Antwerp thit mora- -log. Bitbop Bowman it to make a tour around (be world to Inspect tha mlttioui of tbe Church. Peaoe Proepeote. Naw York, May 22. A London die patch says Ibe Duke of Atbol tetter. dy bad two interview with tht Queen at Balmoral Castle, and after wards addressed a pnblio meeting de claring tbe prospect for peaoe mora favorable. Privilege of the Pre. New Oilianr. Bfav' S2. Jnifn Monroe, of ibe Third Oistrlot Court, has granted an Injunction requiring the Board of Health to allow n reporter free aoceu lo the record of that office, which bad been refuted thm. MABKIED. BTOUKaKD rOWLKlH-Atth. rmmL. denes of the bride' father, oa May 11th, ibis, by the Bv. Mr. Kewblll, B. Btociabd, ol Mississippi. and Mite Exit Htdb Fowlkbb, of Virginia. Thev depart lmnsdiaulr (or Naw York. a rout to Europe. IN MEMOBIAM. Ma. Idwim Cooeb, a young gentleman 19 fear of aie. died from nnlmnnarv uut- sumption at the residence of Mr. Q. L. Boney, Uuckport, U May the 9th. Other men, in other places, may have left a wider droit of frlsnda to mourn abnva tha asbee of their depaiud asaoclstsor Blue man, but u uprightness of heart, prudenea and clronmspeotlon of uooduot and a manly deslr to do to every man as he wished otbsr men to do to him, are quail tie that dsservs our oral la lira aad our leer la death, then Mr. Cook de ssrrss U Ulbut of a aish (rata all arhn knew him. B wa oloa pharmaoeutioal stuaent and bis prorsasloa bas lost a etar tbat, had time permitted, would haa shined. But we must bid him farewell; who la tbe morning of life, ere the hand of ear or orrow had traced a line upon hi fair young brow, our friend wa taken irom a lutur which vouchsafes no Immu nity from pain to th assured rest ef the throne of God. For those blinded by the root of crlef it 1 hard to nallxa that "Us dseth all things well. With torn heart ana weeping eye they can only trv to say "Thv will b done. O Lord If our heartfelt sympathy, our tear la nat- un wua mir, can auu on ray of com fort to tho whoa antuiah la too daan fa word, to whom tbe light ot 111 1 almost gone out to almost broken heart, then tbese word are not poksn in vain. cunning ny ni grave grief stayed, the words whloh trembl for axnrauioa n. sflectlun's lip, and wrung heart were mane mu-e aim their voiceless orrw. They laid him down to tlaen amnno- hia family' dead; here they bid him their eanniy larewells, hoping to meet hia again where anrrow are ended and weep ing never comee. 8. T. B. DIVORC'EH, In any Btats, without pub. Ilcity. nend stamp for the law. myl!4.a3m Q. a. blUa, Chteago. nRlll.KFKfiFSf, CI1RFR .wi.i.tai.iitaww ivabvi vr ueairav lor v.iqu.,r, wiua or lbr, lorever destrov ed by tbt uae of Da. D'Unobb's aeoideatal oeoiBoiai properties ol gist always hav It, Th worse th ease ... v.. w. Mi. an aura, w ire ana dauzhura, raoiaim yonr husband and brother. Circular free. CHAELEs b. rBASOIS CO,s Morta Clark BtAaL Caieag. W, mytt-waia