OCR Interpretation

The Kennewick courier. [volume] (Kennewick, Wash.) 1905-1914, August 04, 1911, Image 2

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093029/1911-08-04/ed-1/seq-2/

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Steam rolled Dayton barley, per ton - - $31.50
Choice alfalfa hay, per ton - - - 12.00
Middlings, per sack - - - 1.30
Steam rolled Dayton barley, per ick - - 1.15
Shorts, per sack - - - - - I*lo
Feed wheat, per bushel ... .95
Bran, per sack - ... .75
Alfalfa seed, the best grown, per and - - .22
Alfalfa seed, the best grown, in lb. lots - .21
The Hamilton Supply Co.
Round Trip Excursion Rates East
O.=W. R. & N. CO.
The Safe Road to Travel
Chicago $ 5b
St. Louis >0.00
New York 108.50
Washington, D. C 107.50
Duluth 60.00
Port Arthur 60.00
Winnipeg 60.00
St. Paul 60.00
Omaha 60.00
Kansas City 60.00
St. Joseph 60.00
Denver 55.00
Colorado Springs 55.00
Pueblo 55.00
Dates of Sale
May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29.
June 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30.
July 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28.
August 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30.
September 1, 2, 4, 6, 7.
Stopovers going and returning. Final return limit October 31, 1911. For further infor
mation, «-»U on or address R. BURNS, District Freight and Passenger Agent, 19 East Main
Street, Walla Walla, Wash. C. F. VAN DE WATER, Traveling Freight and Passenger
Agent, North Yakima, Wash. E. L. HOPPEL, Kennewick, Wash.
The World's Best
1911 Prices on Oliver Plows
With one extra share
No. A 2, 1 horse, chilled plow, 06.50 Cash We have
No. B, heavy, 1 horse, chilled $8.00 Cash a "'mitcHELL,*
No. 20, 12 in. 2 horse, chilled $12.50 Cash WAGONS
No. 40, 14 in. 2 horse, chilled $13.50 Cash Run easy—sell easy—
No. 52, Reversible 2 horse " $13.50 Cash u wanted? g WBB ° n
Kennewick Hardware Co.
The Pioneer Store
Cows • Milk - Cream - Butter
We have the agency for the only
one that is ever used in
creameries to any ex
tent in the United States
and the one that YOU
will use sooner or later.
You may use some other
one to start with, but
you will find out the
difference by dear ex
perience. <1 Call and find
out so, le of the points
before purchasing. Any
i tic other separator will be
Lei US taken in exchange at
Show you junk prices.
Hardware, Furniture, Implements
R. E. REED and E. C. TRIPP, Editors and Proprietors
Issued Every Frtdav from the Courier Building, Second St., Kennewick, Wash.
One Year, $1.50 Six Months, $.75 Three Months, $.50
Entered March 27.1902. as second-class matter at Kennewick, Wash.,
Act of Congress of March 3d, 1879.
At last, the bill to enforce the
agreement for tariff reciprocity
with Canada has been passed by the
Congress of the United States, and
passed without any of those amend
ments that were offered and pressed
by legislators whose purpose was to
kill it. The adoption of any one
of those suggested additions would
have been fatal. All were rejected
in the Senate last week by majori
ties of about four to one, majorities
including many who would vote for
them if they should be brought for
ward as distinct and separate propo
sitions, but who clearly perceived
the insincerity, selfish motives and
sinister designs of their advocates.
The work on this side of the boun
dary is done. There have been ob
struction and delay at Ottawa as
well as at Washington, and Cana
da's Parliment has not yet been
permitted to vote upon the argu
ment. It is known that if final
action should be taken it would be
favorable. But obstruction may
compel the Government to lay the
issue before the people at a new
election. The result of such a test
can be predicted with confidence,
for we believe the agreement has
commended itself to a large majority
of Canada's voters.
Here the most formidable opposi
tion has been that of agriculturists
who were misled. Advocates of un
just and excessive protection assured
them that thev would suffer greatly
by the removal of the present duties
on grain and other farm products
imported from Canada. These false
teachers were aided in hidden ways
by the agents of lumber and paper
trade combinations that were en
abled by other duties to extort high
prices from the American people.
They were also greatly assisted by
insurgent Senators who had repeat
edly in public addresses argued in
favor of reciprocity and had, in the
tarriff debate of 1909, asserted that
the duties on grain and other farm
products were ineffective. The evi
dence of their inconsistency has re
cently been held up before the peo
ple. Their purpose was to prevent
confirmation of the agreement be
cause it was the work of a President
whom they disliked.
We do not believe our farmers
will be hurt by this reciprocity. In
our judgment the entire country
and the American people as a whole
will be benefitted by it. Assuming
that the selling prices of our farm
products will be reduced, these Sena
tors have urged that compensation
should be given to the farmers by
amendments providing for the free
admission of Canadian manufac
tured goods. If it were true that
in justice they should have compen
sation in a reduction of prices and
manufactures, it could not be ob
tained that way. Canada's manu
factures are small and weak com
pared with our own. They have
been created, and sustained by the
protection of tariffs or the testimula
tion of bounties. Free trade with
th»> United States in manufactures
would crush them out of existence.
Could our farmers gain anything,
then, by imports of manufactures
from Canada? If they ought to
have compensation, with respect to
manufactures, for this reciprocal re
moval of duties on farm products
which we do not admit —they can
obtain it only by downward tariff
revision effecting imports of manu
factures from all parts of the world.
The full economic effect of this
reciprocity cannot be measured ex
actly. Probably it will not per
ceptibly reduce the cost of living in
our country. It will tend, however,
to prevent an increase in the cost,
to steady the prices of food, to make
j the cornering of supplies more difli
cult, to aid the people of both coun
tries when a crop is short on one
side of the boundary and abundant
on the other. The need of such an
equalization of differing harvests is
shown at the present time with
respect to hay. We have only two
thirds of a normal crop; Canada's
crop is notably fine and heavy.
And so at Chicago they are already
using hay imported from Canada.
But they must pay the tariff duty
of $4 a ton. There should be no
such duty.
The greatest benefit to be enjoyed
by both countries will be derived
from the removal of many of the
irritating trade barriers, 3,000 miles
long, which have excited more or
less ill-feeling between the two peo
ples so closely resembling each other
in intelligence, standards and aims.
To Mr. Taft must be given the
credit, not only for making the
agreement, but also for effectively
promoting the approval of it by the
people and by Congress in his public
addresses. Whether he sought thus
to break the malign political force
of the Payne-Aldrich tariff revision
blunder, or was guided only by the
principles of broad statesmanship,
he should have been followed and
supported by his party. There
should have been a Republican ma
jority for the bill in the Republican
House, and the Republican majority
in the Senate should have passed it
before March 4th. Then this tire
some special session would have
been avoided. But the number of
Republicans who have voted against
it, in the Senate, as well as in the
House, exceeds the number counted
on the other side, and so a majority
have expressed their disapproval of
the most memorable achievement
of the President whom their party
elected. This is a political blunder
that deserves to be classed with the
Payne-Aldrich revision.—lndepend
Senator Cummings, addressing a
graduating class recently, said with
regard to the spirit of unrest abroad
today, that it remained for the
future to say whether it shall be
calmed by law or end in revolution.
An English correspondent writing
to his London journal discusses this
remarkable declaration and wonders
why the American people should
be so restless. According to the
demogogues and infiamers, he says
an outsider would think the coun
try was tax-ridden and going to
the demnition bow-wows. Consid
ering the good conditions generally
prevailing, attention is called to
the reckless and careless assertions
made about the courts, the alleged
corruption of the lawmakers, and
other conditions. This English ob
server said he thought it was time
for the American people to be shak
ing off their morbid habit of self
reproach and taking a brighter out
look on life.
Now that the Kennewick Com
mercial Club has taken preliminary
steps to get the towns up the river
to do their jobbing through the
Kennewick merchants, it would be
well to carry the same plan a little
farther and take in the towns down
the river as well. The little town
of Attalia is rapidly coming to the
front in a business way and the
trade from that town will be a val
uable asset to the Kennewick mer
chants. The commercial club of
that place has issued an invitation
to the club here to meet with them
any time to talk the matter over
and will entertain, should the local
club see fit to make the trip.
Next Thursday every business
place in Kennewick will be closed
for the trip up the river. As the
trip is wholly a business affair, for
the up-building of Kennewick,
every merchant should do all in
his power to make the trip a big
success, not only by giving it his
sanction, but by his presence. Get
the spirit of the thing—it's for your
particular benefit —close the store
and take the trip—and bring all
the clerks.
Kicking Yourself
Will Do No Good
Don't go and buy him ber or bu ildin $
material of any kind somewhere else
and then come to p'jul out that you could
have done much better in both price and
quality right here, and then go out be
hind the bam and then kick yourself.
It will be too late then and will do no
If you want anything in our line, no
matter whether its a small amount or a
large bill, get our pi-ices before buying.
R. C. MOUNSEY, Mgr. Kennewick, Wash.
The Valley Barn
and Dray Line LIVERY
Ferrel & Schmella an^
Proprietors S'S, Baggage
1 ransfer Service
Telephone - - 142
All kinds of Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing
neatly arid promptly done. Suits made to
measure at the
Yakima Street Next Kennewick Studio
Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable
St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co.
Continues to handle the largest line of Building Material in
the territory. If contemplating building or repairing on your
place, come in and take a look at our Stock and let us figure
with you on your requirements. You can't spend an hour
more profitably and it won't inconvenience us a bit, for that
is just what we are paid for.
L. B. WARD, Mgr. Kennewick H. W. Nelson, Finley
Sanitary Plumbing
means more than a Red Cross
" sign. When you consider that
; home health is governed largely
by sanitary conditions, doesntit
MfZ. —- seem that good plumbing is well
'MNTfSHi while?
—'* 7 ' Our prices will interest you.
Avoid sickness this Summer by the use of
Cooled with our absolutely
Carbonated Beverages
All ti.e water used in our plant for the manufacture of the various
drinks, ice, etc., is as pure as it is possible to make it. Every
ounce of water used is taken from the top of a steam dome at a
100 lbs pressure which is condensed by being run thru the cooling
pipes, after which it is skimmed and reboiled. As a further pre
caution it is then filtered thru two thick felt pads and two heavy
pulp boards. Thus every particle of air and all foreign substances
are removed before the water is used.
When you want FIRST CLASS LUMP
COAL, let us fill your order. €| We have it!
Twin City Ice &Cold Storage Co
Big Discounts on ice tickets if you pay cash
1 elephone 212 Kennewick

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