OCR Interpretation

The Kennewick courier-reporter. [volume] (Kennewick, Wash.) 1914-1938, December 16, 1937, Image 10

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093042/1937-12-16/ed-1/seq-10/

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OBY BARNES. just home
I from the ofilce. stood regard
ing his wife with amusement.
“You have the manner. Kay. at be
ing about to leap up and wave a
flag. What's happened?"
“I've just discovered something
important about myself.” Kay’s
short. light curls were becomingly
haphazard. Her'eyes were of an
intense blue. She was slender and
young and vivid. "I’m supremely
selfish." She rose to her feet and
gestlculated with both hands. "I
want to be utterly, gloriously en
grossed in ME!"
They both laughed. Then Kay ran
forward and dragged her husband
down into a wide. comfortable chair.
squeezing in beside him.
“You’re a perfectly grand guy.”
she smiled, “but this Christmas, my
man, I’m going to be superbly self
ish, as an experiment. Will you
try it too, Toby?"
“All right,” he agreed, “I'll take
you on.”
The next morning Kay tilted a
pert gray hat on her curls, and
walked imperiously to the shopping
district. “I’m led up with being
moor, and scrimping and saving so
=1 can be generous in mean. little
fways. Today I . ; . spend on my
. She felt guilty and ridiculous, and
she turned her eyes away from a
‘haberdasher’s window where gentle.
:men’s furnishings were invitingly
displayed. Toby needed masses and
zmasses of things. No, just this once
:she would spend with a bang all she
'had on something frivolous for her
self. Toby had promised to do the
some. "7 '
At noon she happened to notice a
tall person standing by the next
store window. He was absorbed in
thought. Kay hardly breathed while
the man suddenly plunged into the
store door. She crept close to a
sheltering pillar while she watched
what happened inside.
She saw the man point to a wom
an’s rich. quilted housecoat. She
saw him pay for it. and leave, but
without a package under his arm.
Just the sort 0! housecoat for which
she had yearned hopelessly.
She gasped in dismay. For one
hot second she was possessed with
anger. Toby wasn't playing fair.
He had no right to make her feel
ashamed and abject on Christmas
morning! ‘
Whoa Toby's flapping overcoat
was out of sight Kay slipped into
the same shop. going straight to the
counter her husband had left. “May
I inquire," she asked crisply. “if
that quilted housecoat just pur
chased, is to he delivered to Mrs.
Toby Barnes?" She gave the house
address. The clerk was startled into
admitting the fact.
Kay threw up her. chin. “I asked
my husband. Mr. Barnes. to step
in here today to buy that for me.
I’ve changed my mind. May I ex
change it for something else I pre
The clerk weakly nodded.
Christmas eve found Kay a. bit
cryptic. Toby carelessly inquired
if a package had been delivered
that afternoon. Kay said yes; it
was waiting in the closet. And it
was, though not quite what Toby
Kay was excited as a child on
Christmas morning. There were
waffles for breakfast and especially
good coffee. Afterwards Mrs. Toby
Barnes shoved her tall husband into
his his chair. “Sit there." she com
manded him. and left the room.
“When is this fine exhibition of
selfishness going to begin?" he
shouted after her. “I want to see it
in action!"
Kay returned with a large pack
age elaborately wrapped. Toby
looked pleased. "There you are.”
he said. “I'm sorry. Kay. to tail
down on our agreement. but I knew
you wanted the darned thing."
"There you are!” cried Kay hurl
ing the box at him. "I simply will
not let you squander your money on
expensive things for me, Toby."
Toby opened the box, drawing
forth a manly. well-tailored dress
ing gown for a tall gentleman. “You
know." muttered his wife in a small
voice. “you haven’t a thing to sit
around in' at home."
“So this." he raved. “is the great
exhibition of selfishness! And where
is your housecoat, I'd like to know?"
Kay. in a thin. quivering voice.
begged him to be kind while she ex
0 Western Newspaper Union.
Grade School to Present
Christmas Program Tues.
The grade school program is to
be presented in the high school and--
itorium next Tueseday pm. at 1
o'clock. All parents and friends are
invited to attend.
The entertainment . consists of
three parts. Thej'added attraction
three parts. The added attraction of
this year's program will be the first
part of this program. The kinder
garten kiddies will take part in the
first number which will be a stiff
legged dance. '
The second part is an operetta,
"In Quest of Santa Claus" given by
the primary grades with the addi
tion of a few upper grade children
for some of the leading character
parts. Betty Anderson as Jane is
the little girl who goes in search of
Santa and who on the way wand
ers into the cave of Wongaloo. the
goblin. The Christmas Fairies serve
as her guides and help her to fin—
ally realize fully the meaning of the
true Christmas spirit. Jimmy Tur
man is the Santa and Billy Pratt
the mischievous Wangaloo. The
fairy parts are played by Leona
Weiggands, Mary Ellen Dickinson,
Shirley Elliott, Maxine Whittemore
\and Irene Pace. The first grade
children are the rabbits and brown
ies in the forest scene. The third
grade girls are the snowflakes and
sunbeams, while the boys make up
a rowdy goblin band. Tin soldiers
and dolls are played by second gradel
Following the Operetta. the fourth
fifth and sixth grades Will bring the
program to a fitting close by the
singing of Christmas carols.
New Car Agency
An agency for the Packard, Nash
and LaFayette motor cars is being
opened in Kennewick this week by
Alfred H. Lentz, former automobile
dealer in North Dakota. Mr. Lentz
has come to Kennewick to make his
home, having disposed of his prop-‘
‘ertise in the wheat country. As yetl
Mr. Lentz has not found a location
here- He does not plan to carry a
stock of cars in Kennewick. using
the cars from the Walla Walla
branch for demonstration purposes.
Miss Bernadette Brown of Ken
newick and Engel Erickson of Ban
Frmcisco, California were united in
marriage by Justice of Peace, 0. I".
‘kaenwerder Tuesday. December
14 at 5:15 pm. They were attended
by Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Erickson of
Kennewick and brother and sister-l
in-low of the groom. Mr. Erickson
is a. former Kennewick resident. The‘
young couple plan to make their
home'in San Francisco.
Special Session Bits“! Oown
Washington, D. C.—While every
effort is being made to send to eon-‘
ference at least two of the four‘
Presidential measures for which the
present special session of Congress
was called, little hope is held out for
the enactment of Mr. Roosebelt's
full legislative program. Even when
the Farm'Bill and the Wages and
Hours measure reach the floor of
the House, the strongest kind of
opposition is expected to develop.
The refusal of the Interstate Com
merce Commission to grant the rail
roads an immediate increase in rates
has added to the current industrial
unrest, and Chairman Harrison of
the Senate Finance Committee es
timates that no readjustment of the
taxation laws as affecting industry
could be expected before February 1.
c. c. Camps Close
r Washington, D. C.—Civilian Con
‘servation Corps will close 104 of its
icamps by January 1, but will be
gin immediately to enlist 32,000 men
for the first quarter of 1938. During
the first three months or the new
year schede call for carrying 280,-1
000 on the rolls. 1
Buffalé Diggfng Out
‘ Buffalo, N. Y.—Snow fighters are
trying to reach suburbs to the north
of this city that have been maroon
ed by the worst blizzard in ten years.
Many homes are completely isolatg
ed, six deaths have already been rem
ported and the loss to Buffalo bus-\
iness houses alone is estimated at
$2,..000000 (
covet-:59:- vim Gfo. I'. fun
Montpelier, Vt.—Governor George
D. Aiken, as head of one of the
two states going Republican in the
last Presidential election, declared
that the Republican party was in a
“nearly complete state of demorali
zation,” and predicted a revolt in
1940 unless the party purged itself
of reactionary and subversive ele
The any'noctor
One excellent way to treat chil
blains is to paint the afflicted area
every two ar three days with iodine
—either pure or diluted with alco
hol. Another method is to apply
equal portions of grated potato and
salt for three successive nights.‘
Wrap With cloth to hold the mixture‘
in place.
188 Proof
N on-Poisonous Fumes
69c gallon
Bring Your Jug
Many Attend the
Formal Opening of
Raymonds’ Bldg.
Dated for the day of the big kids
parade, the formal opening of the
new Raymond building last Satur
day was a decided success. An unus
ually large number of people in
;spected the new building and stock
which the Ramonds had provided.
It was the general coneensus of:
opinion that the new modernistic,:
fireproof building was a decided as
set to the business blocks in Kenne
wick and would greatly aid in the
improvement of that side of the
street as well as the upper end 01‘
the business district.
The Raymonds contemplate the
enlargement of their building and
have made tentative arrangements
for tenancy of the new mercantile
room just as soon as the erection o!
Pillsbury mill has progressed to a
satisfactory point. -
I The building, of concrete building
blocks manufactured locally at the
:Reese Concrete Pipe Factory, is 25x
60 feet. with a half basement to
house the heating plant and the
pipe room for the plumbing business.
Construction work was handled by
Mcßeynolds and DeHaven.
The front. largely of glass with
the new carrara trimming in black‘
‘ i} ,
t I Krg.
L '
E (SLED %W\,
Everything to Make a
, We’ll bet you can’t stump us. Name
i your toy, and as sure as Santa
Claus is going to visit you, you’ll
find it here! Actually 'you never
saw so many toys before . . . all
kinds of wagons and games . . . ‘
building sets . . . toys that go just 1
’ like Dad’s car! i
$1.46?) $7.95
$19.95 set I
Very special at this price!
navy quality silverplued.
Guaranteed. Tunis]: not
chest. 96 pieces
Cocktail and Coffee
$6.75 to $11.75
Washington Hardware & Furniture
Phone 301‘ Company Kennewick
and darkneen, outlined with chro
mlum trimmings, makes a striking
appearance on the street. The Bay
}monds have stocked a line of the
Universal electrical appliances in
addition to their line or the heavier
stoves, heaters. refrigerators. washm
ers and ironers and they will con
tinue their plumbing and heating
business as formerly.
The erection of the new building
will mark the passing of one of Ken
newick’s oldest business buildings.
the old room, which has been moved
off the lot temporarily, is to be torn
Pasco Singers to Present
Concert Next Week
The annual Christmas concert
staged by the Pasco Chorlsters will
be held at the Methodist church
there on the 22nd of December. This
group consists of 27 voices and they
will present specially selected num
bers and chorals appropriate to the
Christmas season. The chorus is un
der the direction of Louis Owens.
As the new member on the Ken
newick Irrigation District Board, I
pledge my best efforts for the good
of the community. I wish to express
my appreciation for the honor
shown me by the majority vote of
the residents in the district.
fired Watkins.
$1.49 to $4.95 1
‘ 1'
$1.39 to $11.79 g
‘ é
321507:- $24.50 3‘
'1; Wfli)i
v, runnnum
The Lasting Gift—for Home Comfort ‘1
Make Your Christ
mas Purchases on
Easy Terms
Modem Dining Room Pieces! .‘ . .
The BIG NEWS for Christmas Buyers
i Sparkling, modern dining room suites, characterized by the new styling
9, of unusual appeal to those who appreciate original designing! We m.
g “t“ “m 8““? *" "“8“ Y 0” $52.50 to SIO9M
E .
; 111.50
: to
g 49.00
Radios -
Bathroom Scales
I. E. S. Lamns
Toastmaster Sets Dinnerware Wool Rugs :
mmMMA.A-‘-_, -__ - -, _. -..-
l. Silverware Set 3. I. E. S. Lamp
2. Birds Eye 4-. Picture: "In ,
Maple Desk Disgrace”
5. Wearever Roaster ‘
To Be GIVEN AWAY Christrnas Eve!
Ask for your cards on eaeil: (3:110:19 purchase or 13mmtent ‘
Make Furniture your Christmas %
and you’re sure to make Christ“... .
gay occasion Your Home should “I:
first! i
Electric Percola
Sandwich Toaster
Electric Clocks
Fiestaware I
Magazine Racks I
' Book Cases 1
Bigelow-Sanfonl '

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