«figs; $.17 per word per Insertion—minimum. 25c I! prepaid, nve times 101’ the price of four. I ‘w II 3‘“ the agency for the GMC fl 0! W Everything for “I We end price. Come in “fin!“ mmerclal mnspor‘ W— " I"! ma washing machines d W sewing machines; flI“ M “unports, 800 d used ‘ id furniture. including re- Ind stoves. Durocher’s ”a. 3mg, Kennewick. phone ”will st! 7—l fl “Lg—Used ice box. L. H. HIM“ Plumbing Shop. 9tfc 7—? ” ”Westinghouse combi “n fuel and electric stove 1n #Wm water 00118. Call m Welt at 1671. $1 f 7”" 103 SALE _. McCormick-Deering W in first. class condition, 2 3' genes; about .enoush 800 d I!!! m to fence an acre; also I um mime: bring cherries. Mrs. G J, OW. River Road. 159 -V 'O3 SALE—Royal Ann Cherries— me 1733. C. F. Winkenwerder, and!!! Tracts. 11p 103 SALE—I dining room table ma 4 asks; 1 kitchen cabinet, W; 1 75-11). capacity ice box. an 591 W. F. Altrogge. nu Mom SALE—Low prices we 30 HP Diesel ._.“.31750 we 30 HP 688 "mm---“ 1450 am E-62, 24 HP Gas --_ 1050 one wheatland plow, 6 ft. 175 Terms VALIIY IRON WORKS, Yakima comer Front 83 Chestnut you BALE-Winter Nelis pears, ml cheap, Delicious. Try ’em at Mars in storage. Francis Zamdt. 30083 FOR RENT—Close In—‘- Ivnllihle on July “11.38.00 per mm. Lane K. Larson. 11p yon BALE Two-wheel trailer, get-up body, good tires. Inquire u A. A. Anderson Chevrolet 00., um Day. 11p r—i m BALE—Pie cherries, 2c per lb. Pick them yqurseu. Nels Coult in cm Tracts. 11p .T‘Wa’ited :111111111l 1!! AMERICAN PRODUCTS CO. m your live or dead horses Neon. Our truck will cell every .1, except Sunday. at Benton City, Mind. Paco and Kennewlck. line 2161, at Grange Supply, Inc.. ll «Ice during hot weather before In. American Products Company, mm. sue Yam—Fresh cow, Jersey, or Gunny or cross. Conrad Nelson, In 175 Connell, Wash. 11p .11l For Rent‘llllllllllll ma. RENT Nicely furnished mun, modern conveniences with a without board~ 504 Kennewick Am. phone 612. st: MEET—Furnished house, three m and bath, 116 Third Ava, ’- E. Lincoln. 9t! “Live Stockllllllllllll M SALE—Harm and cows. Ken mlek Implement Co. at: was 5 um Noam plums iron SALE “ by. com, mm and other :Pwflgusfimtro sale In season. - - w. secy. Bunny “ Ins-tion District, Benton City. W latte \— -_ Poultry 111111111 l M ELI-Haney Spring triers, 20c In Ind 28c per pound dressed; rm “"6- Phone 32x3. Bernard 5"“ 8-12 c O - Miscellaneous 11111111 \, "ID 330 m GLASSES direct '0 Dr. Aihea 2. Jones, Box 1216. “no ‘G', quick repute. Watch “Intermenut visit at Ken “ Hotel. First visited Kenne “hmo. See him roi- better “‘- ”tic “I'3 AND CAPS—nets cleaned “W 60c: caps cleaned 25c. Mm Die Works. phone one "WIM. Pasco. sat: \— mflz m EXAMINATIONS D“, My Wednesday R, GARD’S Eye Service h: Appointment Phone 66 Bldg. Pasco, Wash. \‘ 13m A DOG? Nice, young friend “wt: Wants a home. Too good a ‘ dog neatrOY—aind we don't want w 'Hm call get’s thepup. Ed ehbut. phone 1572. 11p ' If Excess Acid causes I . {Jermaine of Stomach , cert, Indigestion, m'hiflunbum. Belching. Nd I“ I free sample of UDGA ‘ ”“3 inure-tine booklet at "3GB: DRUG s'ronn DON’T COME to the Highlands clubhouse Tuesday evening, June 21, to hear Gene Coy and his 11 Black Aces unless you want to en- Joy the dance band sensation of the year. 11c STAMP INK—Pads and lamps for sale at this office. A line nual-t.- ment carried in stock. Kennewick Printing Co. 1% y/ m— z‘ “m 1937 Chevrolet Pickup—Motor and body appear and opentes like new. Pick-up box has panel body built on, which is removable. This is one of the best used pick-ups we have ever had. With an OK that counts. Ah 1/ mm A “‘éfllfl‘i’” ' 1935 Ford v-s 4-door Sedan—This carhashadgoodcareandisin‘ good condition. We offer this car with an OK. 1936 Chevrolet De Luxe Coupo— Motor in good condition, uphol stery spotless mohaieree action, allsteeltnnettopandhuanox guarantee. m 7/_L'X-/l ""‘*“‘-‘lu:-'—CARS"“ 1934 Chevrolet 11/z-ton, long wheel base, dual tire truck—new rings, motor checked throughout. Good rubber, has {lat rack, painted blue. This truck has an OK that Counts. 19_35 Clgevmlgt 11/z-ton long wheel- base dual the truck—motor is first class running condition, tires, 700: 20, new cushions and upholstery. With an OK that counts. _‘ We have seven! other can and trucks we are olfeflng, which carry the 0K Guaranteeaswelluanlee assortment of lower priced used can and trucks. 7 A. A. ANDERSON CHEVROLET CO. KENNEWICK S’MATTER POP— Listen, Uncle Sam! THE FEATHERHEADS “91.3511": MESCAL IKE I, s. I. nun-n." EXCELLENT INVESTMERT and income property. Sixty room hotel, fine lobby. four atom. garage. steady proven buslnm. Books 'show property will pay for itself and give owner excellent income. Land. ulldlng, furnishings. $7500 down; full price. $32,500. Write P. L. Bar 'qlon, Realtor. 2644 Park Drive, Bell lngham, Wash. 11c NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY State of Washington, County of Benton. ss. Notice is hereby given, that in ac cordance with an order heretofore entered on the 7th day of June, 1938, by the Board of County Commis sioners of said county, directing the sale of the real property hereinafter described, acquired by said county for delinquent taxes under tax fore closure suit and sale, I, the under signed County Treasurer of said County, will, on the 9th day of July, 1938,‘ commencing at the hour of 10 o’clock am., and continuing until the hour of 4 o'clock pm. of said day, unless the property hereinafter described shall sooner be sold, at the front door of the County Court House, in Prosser in said County and State, sell to the highest bidder for cash or on legal contract, the following described property, situa ted in said County, and described as follows, to-wit: Lots 1. 2 and 3, Block 2, Brow-17's. Second Addition to Prosser, $30.00; Northwest quarter; and the South east quarter, in Section 26, Town ship 13 North, Range 24 E. W. M., $320.00; South-halt of the South half of Section 12, Township 5 North, Range 26 E. W. M., $160.00; East-half or the Southeast quar ter of the Northwest quarter, West of canal; Lot 4, West of canal; Northeast quarter of the North-i east quarter of the Southwest quarter: North-half of Lot 7, West of canal; Lot 9, all in Section 23, Township 10 North, Range 27 E. W.’ M.; Lot 5; Lot 4; all in Section 25. Township 10 North, Range 27 E. W. M., $95.00: South-half of the North-I west quarter, South of the N. P.l trw., except the East 5 acres of the‘ South-half of the Southeast quar ter of the Northwest quarter, South of N. P. rtw, in Section 34, Town ship 9 North, Range 29 E. W. M., [572.00; Northeast quarter, in Sec ‘tion 10, Township 7 North, Range 30 E.».W. My $160.00; Hen House and ham on the West-half of the North east quarter of the Southeast quart er, in Section 16, Township 13 North, Range 27 E. W. M., $30.00. The above property shall not be sold for less than the amount set forth as “Minimum Sale. Price" shown opposite each description 01‘ property. If sold for cash, a Treas urer’s Deed will be executed. If 1m max (wan) comma-Emmi sold on contract, the terms thereof shall be 20 percent cash and balance in ten equal annual installments commencing Nov. Ist next. with in terest at six percent on deferred payments, payable annually. All sub isequent taxes and easements must Ibe paid prior to delinquency. Fail .ure to make payments or to perform any of the covenants of the con tract iorieits same at the election of the vendor. This contract may be paid in full at any time, plm ac crued interest in which case a Treasurer’s Deed will be Executed. And Notice is hereby further given, that it necessary I Will ad join said sale to the same hours; from day to day by announcement} made at the time and place of said sale. or at the time and place to which said sale may be adjourned. Property sold for the sum of $50.00 oriessmustbepfldforincashat the time of sale. Dated at Presser. Washington, this 14th day_ of June. 1938. - BEN KNOX. County Treasurer of Benton Benton County. 6:16-30 NOTICE To CREDITORS TO FILE . CLAIMS ~ NO. 1802 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for Benton County. In the matter of the estate of Susan Louisa Saltgaver. deceased. Notice is hereby given that Let ters of Administration on the es tate of Susan Louisa Saltgaver, de ceased, were granted to the under signed on the 9th day of June, 1938, by the said Superior Court. All persons having claims against said estate are required to serve them with the necessary vouchers upon me at the office of Moulton 8:. Powell, Kennewick, Washington. within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit, within six months after the 16th day of June, 1938. and file the same with the clerk of this court. together with proof of such service, or they shall be forever barred. Dated at Kennewick, Washington this 16th day of June 1938. THEODORE PAUL SALTGAVER, ‘ Administrator. 1 By Moulton & Powell, his attor neys. 6:16-30 NOTICE or INTENTION To sum. COUNTY PROPERTY Whereas the following described real property to wit: AllthatpartoftheEasthalfof the East half of the Northwest quar ter of the Southeast quarter of Sec tion 6, Township 8 North, Range 30 E. W. M., lying North of lateral No. 2 of the Northern Pacific Irri gation Company canal and the South line of the right of way of‘ the North Coast Railway Company as now located. The East line of said tract being about 241 feet and the West line about 323 feet. Said tract containing. 2.59 acres, more or 1&3; \ Also a strip of land sixty seven feet wide on all that part or the EastsideoftheWesthaltotthe East half of the Northwest quarter of’the Southeast quarter of Seétion 6, Township 8 North, Range 30 E. I: 2‘: Z 2 u'om-rlcfit. y W.M..lyln¢Bouthoitheo.w.3. &N.rlghtofwaynndflm'thotthe Columbia Irrigation District later alNo.2caml. Thissixtyfeet widthstripheingnboutmtectiong North and South and containing about one-haliacremoreoriess. was heretotone acquired by Ben ton county and It appearing to the Board of County Commuslomn of saldcmmtythatltistorthebest interests of sold county to sell the real property heminbetore duct-ib ed: Now. therefore. notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners will meet Friday. July 15th, 1938 at the hour of 2 o‘-‘ clock pm.. at their office in the Courthouse in Prosser. Washington to hear and determine the advisa bility of selling the above described property. at which meeting any tax payer may appear and be heard for or against the advisability of selling the property described above. H. E. CHAPMAN. County Clerk and Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. 6:18. 23. 304:? NOTICE or SHERIFF'S SALE 01" REAL ESTATE Cause No. 8523 Inthe SuperlorCourtoftheState of Washington. for Benton County. M. 1". O'Brien. plaintiff. vs. Geo. Brown. et ux. and Barry L. Parmentier. et ux. defendants. Under and by virtue of Execution Under Foreclosure issued out of and under the seal of the above en titled Court. holding terms at Pros ser. in and for said county. on the 19th day of May, A. D., 1938. upon a judgment rendered in sald Court on the 19th _day of May. A. D., 1938. in favor of M. F. O’Brien and againstGeo.Brown,etux.nndHar ry L. Parmentier. et ux, for the sum of $300.00 Dollars. together with at torney's fees, interest. costs and in creased eosts, and to me directed and delivered. commanding me to sell the following described proper ty situate. lying and being in Ben ton County. State of Washington. or so much thereof as may be necmary to satisfy said Judgment. attorney’s fees. interest. costs and fuel-eased costs. to-wit: Tract 89. White Buffs City and Orchard Tracts. ueeordms ’to the record plat thereof, In cudlng the appurtenanee of one motor and pump. Now, therexore. notice is haehy given. that on Saturday. the 25th day of June, A. D., 1938. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. I will sell the above described property. orsomuchthereotasmaybenec essary to satisfy said ”Gallant. at torney's fees. interest, costs and in creased costs. in all ammmtins to the sum of $459.63 Dollars. together with accruing interest and cost of sale. Baldnlewillmkeplaceatthe trontdoorotthecmrtnmseu ProsechnsaidCountyandsuee. and will be at Public Auction. for cashmhan¢wthehismand b'estbldder. Dated at Prmer. Washington. thlslsthdnyotmy.A.D..lm '- A. u. RICHTER. Shel-m. 5:26-6:16 By Bert Strum. Deputy I WENT. jug E OHM-Ida. I There Now! See What Happened! a TI. . VI || Hr IL I. nun». Tub mark 3... r. s. tn. omm I SMONS NI PUBLICATION In the Superla- Oou-t of the state 0! Washington In and [or Ilen gon County. Bertha Buns. plaintiff, vs. . wall-m J. Mel. defendant State of Washington: to the stud William J. Bum. defendant: You are hereby summoned to ap pear within sixty days sfter the doie of the first publication of this Summons. to-wit: within sixty days miter the 9th day of June 1938. and 3defend the above entitled ection in the shove entitled court. and ans wer the Complaint of the Plaintiff. and serve n copy of your answer upon the undenigned attorneys for plointiff, ot their office below stoicd: and in one of your failure so to do. judgment will be rendered against you according to the dew mood of the Complaint. which hosi been filed with the Clerk of said‘ Court. The object of this notion is‘ ionecuneodivorceoithel’lsintiff fromtheDefendnnt. 1 MOUL'I‘ON & POWELL. Attorneys for mutt Office and P. 0. Adams, Kenne wick, Benton Cmmty. Wan. 6:94:21 summons BY PUBLICATION IN the Sula-lu- Court 0! the sate of Wnlhlnzton tn nnd tor Benton County. Walter Marlin and Flora Belle Marlin, husband and We, plain tlfts. vs. Benton County. a munlelpu cor porntlon: Ben Knox. Treasurer of Benton County; Sunnyude Ima tlon Dlstrlct. a publlc Won: the unknown heirs and unknown devlsees of Thomas J. Montgomery and Nora 'r. Montgomery. husband and wife. deceased. Ind 111 other persons .or pan-tle; unknown clum- Ing any right. tltle. estate. llen or Interest In the reel astute deocthed In the 00:11th herein. defendants The State or Weshlngton: To the unknown heirs and un known devises of Thomas J. Mont gomery and Nora 'l'. Montgomery. husbandnndwungmdw other persons or parties unknown. cMmmganynzhgflugm.nen ammmthenuesutcdewflb ed in the «mm-Int bean. de fendant: ' Ymerehemebyammonedtoep— pear within sixty days alter the detect the first publleetlonofthu ammw-wlnwlthlnuxtydaye afterthemthdeyolmy.l93B. and defend the ehove entitled ae tlonlntheeboveentltledcwrtmnd answertheeomphlntoftheplem windmeecopyotyouren- monthenndenlcnedetwmeye for plaintme. et their otttee below statedandlneuedyouruuure sotodojudzmentwulhemendered against you, according!» the de mandortheoompllmt.whlchhu been filed with the clerk of aid court. 'me object of sold action is to reoova-judgmentocunsteochond anotthedeiendnntomedobove, including you to whom thiamin mons is directed. quieflns title to the following duu'ibed ml prop erty Jo-wit: ‘ Southeastqmrtu-oftheswth westquutaotsecuona'rown- shipONoxmnmeao.E.wn. BentonCmmty,Washln¢ton. ‘ mpMnutuunteeumpleutle. clear ofanyandanrmhntnh. www.mnormtelutinmdnu By C. M. PAYNE. Beautiful New Kitchen or Dinette Set with the First 110 Refrigerators Sold Be ‘tween June 15th to 20th None can compare with the Shelvadore for con venience and economy. See one of our many users before you buy. It will help you decide and will save you money. Egon}, My chimed or ma by each and .11 of the names her-do. an! («ever hut-nus such and an of the ddendmu from hummer u ses-ting my right. title. acute. nan aluminwdtomdrealprop eny, Ind to recover genera equit tble relief. HOUL'ION dz POWELL. Attorneys for math. P. O. Man-s. Kennewlck. Benton County. Wuhlncton. 5:10-15 :23 REFRIGERATOR SPECIAL F R E E See this famous line on display at Durocher’s Furn. Store Real Buys in Radios, Furniture, Simon and Washing Machines. Kennewick Business and Professional DIRECTORY F. J. LEMON, M. D? 'l‘ltle a mm 3143.. pm. mm omoe Hours: 10-12 um. 1-4 pm. Speculum In Eye, Eu. Non. m and man; 0! an... BENTON COUNTY Abstract & Title Co. men man DR. C. BRUNN ' mucus: melons ~ Office at W . 111 An. A ' Phone us: 1 DR. 11. J. CAPELL mm a m . Office In no ammo on. a: 430 mm. m m c. L. nowoun' Lawyer norm wane am. An 3mm; 3mm R. L. LUNDY Chiropractor ornoe m m mum on. Phone ao'n Bu. an Moulton & Powell LAW OFFICE m our Hut NM Bank 1. N. MUELLER omm W Phone an Ru. no: Elan-ed um Mrs. N. Seward 822 AID-n Shot m mo. can. an arm“: emu um sue m atom DR. A. H. WEGNE’ nun-tn Dulce W mum. on. all. an a... : 9