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The Kennewick courier-reporter. [volume] (Kennewick, Wash.) 1939-1949, March 09, 1939, Image 2

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093044/1939-03-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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@ll2 Kennrmirk (flunrier-anrtvr' .
Issued Thursdays by 'rhe’Kennewick Printing CO., 217 Kennewick Airenue. Kennewick. W‘aslmuton
Member of National Editorial Association and Washington Newspaper Publishers Asociotion
Subscription $2.00 year R. E. REED. Editor and Publisher
The Courier, est. March 27, 1902 The Reporter, est. January 24. 1908 Consolidated April 1. 1914
Entered as Second Class matter, April 2, 1914 at P. O. at Kennewick. Wash. under act of March 3. 1879
From business’ point of view, the
most cheering utterances to come
from a high government official in
many a moon are found in Harry
Hopkins’ address of February 24.
Before the talk was made, word
came along the grapevine that car
ries leaks from official Washing
ton, that it was to be definitely en
couraging to business, and was to
point to a new and stimulating Ad
ministration policy. But no one
imagined it would be as encourag—
ing as it was.
Mr. Hopkins deelt at length on
the utility problem, and strongly
urged a real government - utility
peace to permit this industry to ex
pand on a big scale. He said that,
government should generally stay
out of business. He said that it was
essential to recovery that the rail
road problem be settled in a man
.ner that would permit this in
dustry to make and spend money“
He lectured labor for permitting in
ternecine warfare; said in effect,
that it was cutting its own throat,
and that this country is plenty big
enough for two major organizations
to live together in peace and plen
ty. He observed that there could
he no such thing as prosperity un
til the people on relief could get
real Jobs—and that could only be
accomplissed by invigorating pri
vate business. He said that indus
try and government could work to
gether amicably without destroying
the necessary and beneficial re
forms executed by the present ad
milflstration. And, perhaps most
important of all, he intimated that
the period of “experhnental” legis
lation was about over—that today’s
job is to consolidate and make
workable what has been done in
the past.
In brief, Mr. Hopkins made the
most constructive talk the nation
has heard in many years. The re
sult was a chorus of plaudits from
all over the country, and immed
iate strengthening of the security
markets. Many a business man
who was opposed to Mr. Hopkin’s
appointment to,the Commerce sec
retary-ship, in the belief that he
was radical, drastically changed his
point of view. It is a highly signif
‘ioant fact' that a number of very
important industrialists are report
edtobecomingtothe view that
.10. Hopkins is today their best
friend at court Land that they are
confidenthewilldoanA—l Jobin
his knportant new post.
So far so good. But there is one
very large fly in the ointment—
and that is the burning question as
to whether Mr. Hopkins’ notable
talk honestly does mark a volate
face in administration policy. Mr.
mm, the commentators think,
is unquestionably on the level and
spoke with complete sincerity. But
an. Hopkins, in a manner of speak
authority is that bestowed on him
by the President. Anything he
might say or do could be instantly
overruled and changed if the Presi
dentdesired. Andinthepast,the
President's opinions have been
known to vary with bewildering
rapidity. On many occasions gov
ernment officials have made en
couraging speeches—onlv to have
the good effects annulled by sub
sequent actions or statements that
discouraged business.
However, there are good reasons
for arguing that the policy laidl
down by Mr. Hopkins may be put;
into effect. Achulnistration lead-1
ers are worried about the swing to
the right shown by the voters at
the last election. Democratic
ranks in House and Senate are
split wide open. and such potent?
officials as vice-maident Garner?
are openly working in the interest;
or conservatism. Bo thus it may;
inevitable, bwause of the urgentl
need for bflnm about peace and]
quiet within his own party. MI
8 God moors the wind to the
mummsodoes a goodpon.
tician temper his Opinions to the
conditions that confront nun.
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The House defeat of the pm
posal to fortify Guam was of con
siderable importance for the light
it casts on the problem of national
defense. Administration leaders,
for the most part, were strongly
back of the proposal, on the prin
cipal that we should take the
“strong line" in our Pacific defense
against a possible assault by Ja
pan. The majority whips in the
House did their best to line up
enough votw to carry the meas
ure, but they failed by a con
siderable margin. '
Reason for failure is found in the
apparent growing opinion that, if
we are to keep out of war, we must
spend our money principally for‘
the weapons essential to territor-
Tial defense. Many experts think‘
that it is tactically impossible to
defend either Guam or the Philip
pines— and that if we attempt to
do so, by sending our fleet thous
ands of miles from the major bases
of supplies, we would risk a ruin
ous defeat. They ‘argue that no
power could successfully attack
either the Hawaiian Islands—
where our Pearl Harbor Naval Base
rules the Pacific—or our mainland.
This is- our logical sphere of power,
they reason, and we should look no
Some development may change
this plan before long. But the
House vote on the Guam fortifi
cation bill indicates the general
trend of sentiment.
i The problem of the sharecrop
per is a maonr issue in the very
present panic of land and crop
control. The southern states are
those most affected by these white
and negro families who move from
place to place hoping to find green
er pastures and more abundant
life. There are many of these mov
ing groups who would constantly
shirt to other acres despite the]
present conditions, and the other
unfortunates who would remain on
one plantation if needed. One of
the chief troubles that the land
owner no longer needs many of
them. The inroads made by the
machine over the hand labor is
a main issue. There will evolve
from this situation some sort of
solution, we pray.
There are many wise heads
working on this new of the
sharecmpper. and southern
newspaper has made a stride in
bringing light into dark places.
There was a contest started to
“Plant to Prosper.” a contest in
teresting to small landowners,
sharecroppers, and tenant fann
ers, with prizes ranging from $450
ito $4500. The idea was to continue
to raise the cotton crop tor the
landowner. but on the side, start
a garden for themselves of vege
tables for table and canning. Have
a horse, mule, cow and pig and
grow feed for them. Plant to pros
contest started out dealing with
crop planting and has auected‘
living conditions, good citizenship
and makes a more contented and
happier south. There are eight
states where sharecroppers have
enlisted, The first year moo
families enrolled and the goal for
1939 is 60,000. This is a splendid
movement, six years ago and idea
and today a sweeping thin. It
deserves cooperation and congrat
It won’t be many weeks before
the season for hockey is in full
swing. At least this would have
been true in our own hey-day. The
arrival of spring brings the desire
the pleasures of field and stream,
street, and alley, the baseball dia
mond needs attention and marbles
are exchanged with noise and
clamor.- More lads are interested in
anglewcrms and bmboc poles than
in algebra. We discuss the van
ishing Indian, the economic
changes and gangster films, but
what has become of the old-fash
ioned truant officer?
There are those minds in educa-‘
tional circles who insist there is‘
not the need for the truant cffi-l
cer in the present day system, for
school is made more interesting
than it was many years ago and
not so many youngsters want to
skip it. Today they figure that
;there is some reason for a child
to play hockey, and the trouble is
usually found in the home, in the
school itself or maybe it becomes a
case of “being full of life.” They
call it maladjustment. However,
these educationalists of today have
replaced the long-faced truant of
ficer, the dread of every child’s
heart, with a person who studies
each case and remedies the cause
with care and caution, rather than
to scare and to force. There are
few cases in Kennewick where the
truant officer is _ needed. for with
the fine type of school programs
and high-type of teachers employ
ed our school keeps up with the
ponds, the woods, the sport and
pleasures of its youth.
The attention of many Kenne
wick folks was held by a recent
picture taken in New York City
where a number of women were ly
ing on the floor asleep. awaiting
their chance for a position in the
health department which pays
4960 a year. There are many cases
where people accepting relief do
not seek employment but this in
stance proved that about 175 wo
men were interested in positions
open for 12. At four o’clock in the
morning of the day before that
one named for the filing or appli-‘
cations, the first woman came to
take her place. From that time on‘
other women joined inthe line. By?
nightfall there were 85 waiting. This:
was the night before the applica
tions were to be received! They
were going to stand all night with-'
not opened 'the building and allow
ed them to remain inside. Such is
the desire for honest toil that beats
in thebreastoi'manyaciuaen.
otanytrueAmerlcan. Thane:
peace. whose love tou- heedom.
have been numerous times in
been concern for the Weather
Pope. Hehasbeenwedtogo;
offlzeeerth. nehasbeenteme’d.‘
‘XI. Wendmlrehtsattemptto
m m ('ASB.) comm
r Why wait until house cleaning
town of Kennewick to do some at
might as ‘well be done now while
you have more time to do them? It
isn’t necessary to wait until the
painting task, for it 3 possible to
open windows partially and the air
from top and bottom of the win
dow will dry your painted article
during this early month. There
are various patching jobs that need
attention. which ought not be put;
off until later on. Look to your‘
hardware and your plumbing de-i
mands. Your neighbors will marvel:
at your using your time to such‘
good advantage, and when spring
cleaning does come to your home.‘
you will be mightly glad these‘
other small duties are out of the I
mums-r EASY 316 m, *
Whatever we may think of our
industries which are about the only
regular source of money brought in
and spent in the community. full
credit should be given to the tour
ist who brings in outside money and
puts it into cinculation: this is;
“sasy” money for we are doing so
little to encourage the drift of the‘
tourist in our direction. x
With one of the great national
fairs on this coast at San Francisco
there will qg'tunly be double the
trek to the est .0! last year. when
according to the State Progress
Commission some $83,000,000 was
brot in and spent in the cities, the
highway and mountain resorts; not
to speak or the few with money‘
who thought the state worth stay-i
ing in. .
Perhaps we cannot hope for new
industries while present conditions
continue, or much expansion of ex
isting industries to attord more em
ployment, but more effort is need
rect them one way thmugh this
State with stopovers and side trips
so that the toutist dollar may be
widely scattered and give a. badly
needed boost.
F.. S. Jacobsen
Specialist in Tax
Both State and Federal
Suite 41.. Inner man;
nan. Wm ‘
Every time you make a purchase you make a choice. Buying a
certain product may be so much a matter of habit that you don’t
. realize you are choosing. But the fact remains that in accepting
ON E brand of goods you are always. rejoining others; and the
, satisfaction you get from what'you buy depends on the know
ledge of quality and values that guides your selection.
How do you know which bed-sheets, or which roofing material,
or which radio will give you service you require? You can't per
sonally'test everything you buy and compare it with-all the other
- prOducts in its class. ‘But this IS a way to find out which brand
' fits your needs. . ~
The people who are most successful in' their buying - who
‘ achieve the highest percentage of satisfaction from the things
they own and use are those who consistently read the adver
. tising Columns, and buy consistently advertised goods.
Choosing isn’t just “guessing” when you follow the guidance
of the “advertisements. '
You Can Depend on Advertised' Goods. It Pays
' To Read The Advertmem’ ents.
Weun We no more “easy
money" than that. of the tourist
and helps business to pay tom.
employ label-and payment. and
tobuymoregoods tot-more bus
Motion of money which reaches
everycluzen. thelackotwhlchls
Twenty “left wing” and near “left
wing” Democrats voted against al
lowing the people of the state to
decide the question of whether the
constitution should be amended to
include a limitation on taxes
against real and peisonai property.
These same people are the ones
who cry most loudly for democratic
decisions. Apparently they yearn
when it fits in with their peculiar
political philosophy. In this vote
they tell the people who elected
them that they are not competent
to decide this question.
'The progress of this state de
pendsonche lamina itcanattract
and payrolls it can develop. It will
one—and calculate the number
atlonwtlldlacloaethat probably
twenty-tive or fifty penent of the
oesflonstohmnen. Aatatedoes
not develop on the money elven
away by government. u can only
develop by pmductlve lnduttry.
Some day even leculaton wlll und
A suggested We of twenty
million dollmln the governor's
Commimeonmutlm. We
tunddeflcttotdxmullon dollm.
mllllontwoyeeuhenoe mdthen
the Home state-men add another
twenty million withfltenonchel
ThuM‘W. M ..
«Mock on we. 11..., Y“
Mon or “lung . m Q“
In: expenditures and no “k.
Ichune to {image "I'. a
The tin-. 1 vote will am. "It.“
of those voting 3(lde ~
tum will be trying to mu“
aelves with the vote" by
Wmy plan 1“. ‘
than extravagant ma“
V Entered as Second Class matter, April 2, 1914 at no. at Kennewick, wan. under act or March 3, 1319 W“ "u" “I“ “Inc W“0 “1w" 1‘ “‘"' “""""" ""’"" """""'“" " ' ""“m‘ "“ W - " "
1 , - I isn’t necessary to wait until the —— than ““3 ”mm W‘ W °°“' - Street Wins in ’*
windows are wide open to do 3 ‘l‘wmty “left wing” and near “left Mons to business. A state does Hover Sch I ..
mnnmn twat-NIGHTS - The House defeat. at the um- : THEY ARM mm painting task. for it is unable tn "m 3 ' mounts ”ted “mt ‘l’ not develop on the money (Wen ‘OO MH‘
ROVER—Mrs. w, a
Guy Nelson and Ru. a:
med on the echool W“
at the school house an.“ lo
The vote count W“ a M .
Within: 16. H. H. 80“.“:
Street 32 in this no. «g‘
trict. .
Howard Smith and 1.“
ed 1.» Tuesday to mm. ...;
will tum a ranch "a“!
Bitumen. .
Hex-1e Wright of M
e guest or wnbert um. ‘
Mr. and Mrs. mu M‘
Heaven motored to Wm -

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