OCR Interpretation

The Kennewick courier-reporter. [volume] (Kennewick, Wash.) 1939-1949, December 07, 1939, Image 8

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093044/1939-12-07/ed-1/seq-8/

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Christmas Trees
The boy scouts are quite busy
taking orders for Christmas trees
and have announced that they will
be here ready for sale this Satur
day. The trees will be placed in the
E. C. Smith Motor Company car lot
and boys will be ready to help you
pick out your tree in the afternoon
and evenings.
Lions Win Two Games -
on Local Floor Wed.
The K. H. 8. Lions played two
practice games with Richland and
Finley-Hover here Wednesday and
came out victorious in both. The
first and second teams were divided
to make the two games. The sec
ond team played Richland coming
out with the top score of 33 to 30
and the first string won from the
rf’inélzciy-Hover boys by a score at 54
0 . ~ '
According to coach Brim the boys
showed quite an improvement over
last week’s game and are getting in
fine shape for the opening league
game with Wapato here Friday
A paper-on ‘flfiifnaneing Problems
in Irrigation Disti‘icts” will be pres
ented before the Washington Irri
gation Institute by Irank Maupin,
secretary of the, Columbia district
today. The Institute is being held
inYakima todaygnd tomorrow and
is-bemg attended by representatives
from all irrigation districts in the
state. _. ‘
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3. -" 3:“ r. .. '_'. A ‘ 7 fig?“- ___ _" " ‘l' "“ .~, ~21
5‘ c* " xzfiiémture’ the enwfigm ‘Sltheflefsiégreseamaanfir t 3
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F This special Holiday group will thrill gift
; seekers—lavely all-walnut tables, richly
'. carved, soft hand-rubbed finish. Very well
} made and worth confiderably more than our
: very special price.
Portable Radio Makes a
Fine Present at Low Cast
No wires! No electric current needed!
These portable radios are self-contained and are
ready to play anywhere, anytime—the aerial is built
right in—no outside connections needed. A splendid
BUY NOW and.
Pay only $1 or $2 '
each Week
Washington Hardware
and Furniture Co.
Legion Card Party
The second in the series of card
parties sponsored by the American
Legion and American Legion Aux
iliary held at the local hall resulted
in high scores to Mrs. Ace Purdy
and Mrs. Charles Hunt and high
men’s .to Odes Sloan and Ralph
MoCalmant, who received prizes.
The next party in the series will
be Thursday, December 14, when
prizes will be given for high and
low in bridge and pinochle. The
contest is becoming very interest
ing with Mrs. Spears holding high
score in bridge and Ralph McCal
mant holding hlgh in pinochle, with
very close scores crowding both
International Study
Made by B. & P. W. Club
4 The Business and Professional
Women’s club enjoyed a very in
teresting study meeting Wednesday
evening at the home of Mrs. A. H.
Meyer. Miss Helen Steiner, inter
national chairman of the organ
ization, led the meeting on the sub
ject. “International Relations,” with
reports concerning the various ac
tivities of clubs in foreign coun
tries being read by each member
vpresent. .4 Following the study meet
ing refreshments were served by the
hostess. ,
Slight changes in the N. P. time
table have gone into effect, No. 3
changing from 9:30 to 9:45 p.m., No.
{‘s‘ from 12:15 to 12:20 p.m., and No.
4 from-4:12 to 4:09.
, ‘ _ . . ‘
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(in: fay-...: '* 5. .4 49":- ‘ 3'— ‘ ’
A J-- n. .' gl- '7': ‘ "VS"- ! '
a: éy
Cocktail fables!
Cdffbe Tables!
Lamp Tables;
For as Little as
t I 7'95
l Complete With
Brothers Enjoy First
Meet After 37 Years
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Personett and
two sons. Elias and Roland Person
ett of Phillipsburg. Montana were
visitors in the homes of his two
elder brothers, Mr. and Mrs. C. G.
Personett and Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Personett last week. This was the
first meeting of the brothers for
the past 37 years. The visiting fam
ily was entertained at a dinner with
their niece, Mrs. Everett Dague and
gramin and the A. B. Personett jr.
family. They. all enjoyed a very
pleasant reunion.
The regular meeting of the Par
ent-Teachers association will be
held Thursday, December 14 at the
high school at 8 o’clock. This meet
ing is in charge of the study club
and will be composed of a Christ—
mas program.
Til—e PZ-T. A. executive board will
meet Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'-'
clock at the hxgh school.
Hunter Acquitted
Raymond G. Hoffman of Spokane
was tried in Judge Winkenwerder’s
court Monday morning. The charge
was that of shooting pheasants out
of season. He was acquited due
to lack of evidence.
Herbert Misnei' says he still be:
lieves safety first pays. Look at the
fellow who invented the safety pin,
he made two million dollars from
it! , ‘ .
i/ ’34 3
. "71w 3%: sll f)! g
g; BESI‘ 4,; :
’ . Of All ”Y '
' 'ggwmwm,
: ' . S“ I"! PROOF
! 3&3?!
Free! Free!
This Xmas we are again
a Beautiful Luxurious
Davenport and
With each SI.OO cash pur
chase or SI.OO paid on ac
count you will receive a
ticket which entitles you
to a chance to Win this fine
modern set.
m Kmmggwomwa
Navigation In crowded harbors would not be possible. says Captain George
Scheltens, famed mariner and former captain of the yacht “Southern
Cross." without the courtesy code which requires that each ship keep in
Its own lane and give proper signals. This same code is being urged for
motorists by the Shell “ShareoThe-Road" Club and Captain Scheltens
think“ " “‘"l greatly improve traffic conditions.
i, ' a .mmmmmmpuwnmwm_
m in- the heme-‘0! J‘ohnß. hobo}! 9n powllt; Prairie. It
Emmy m the ant mum in the lute-withixcaptlon of trad
;. the 11011;“: 5153:3101: mammal-1: in 1845. Grant mt I. night
."7 ,_ n. . . . ‘ - ' I. 1‘ f".
4n. .' gamlwnegcuy‘
Peeler; "‘ . ' Barrier-con were
Friday ‘ .md “dreamers
angina" .w.A.Deaood. 1
mi: w “my rem " 'to
W3B.- (1% ital"; gpendlng are
parents. In and flu, C. 8. mm
at Klona.
m. man-3mm of Imm n:
a. business mm have m. ‘
Robert Chunwnuendmm
aghast!” night tad Wednesdty
west of his unit. Mrs; Gm norm.
Kenneth Green of Vahkhcus in
mm numb. In. ind m.
Dr. LEAN of Pulknan, dis
trict superintendent. will be here
Mandamugmmc for the my
conferenae' «a? the loan Methodist
chrch. ‘
Mrs. T. B. Kendsll returned Wed
nesday nod: Paco. when in has
en since Friday.
Finn Column“ Game
The 343 m school basketbell‘
team will play their first conference
game of the saeon here Friday
evening with Riehland. There will;
be two games ployed.
Miss Evelyn Moore returned Sun
day from spending the Thanksgiv
ing school vacation with her par
ents at Wenatchee.
Mrs. C. E. Morgan rdnrrned Pri
day from a few days V 1811? in TOP
penish at the home of her sister.
Mrs. Fred missell with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. George Chase of
Grandview, also guests at the Ru
sell home.
Dean Van De Venter returned on
Sunday from Yskima. where he
spent the school vacation. His par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Van De-
Venter, bmxdbt him here.
Lloyd Peokenpsush and son,
Charles, are at the Coffin Sheep
company much in Horse Heaven.
where Pecflnpsuch ls re-bundinz
sheep sheds and Charles is working
with the sheep.
“About the only relief a farmer
can actually depend upon.” admits
Horace Wray "is a new plaster for
his back.”
With the coming of the radio and
improved phonograph the sale of
pianos dropped from 340.000 units in
1923 to 27,000 in 1932. Then a revo
lutionary thing happened and the
demand for pianos came but until
115,000 units in 1939. Manufacturers
of other musical instruments report
a similar revival and increase in
sales. The radio and the improved
phonographs which took the place
of the piano and other musical in
struments in the home served to
make the public more music con
scious and file (1881113 to possess the
accomplishment of being able to
play some matrument has begun to
assert itself.
:6 ob in. $1313! 31- 1» O «to o
“m 0m _““‘4_. ‘_‘ M
Woman’g GM). Mic lull. 2:80.‘
(‘.K.ns-.,.m,W92-to. hem
Ghlgler's dance, Amw arm. I: .
_. ”manta”. '73:."
. ' '. - F ‘. . r i
'Pomm"ms Yale bu. ‘ ' ’
Roxy—came u may.
Sunday. December 10— '
Churches—me notices.
Roxy. "nun Street um." and
“Stop. nook and love."
Hominy. December 11—
Whore club. In. G. W.
BAIL—Mrs. n. 1!. m
Nissan Camp Fire Girls.
Boy Scouts.
Townsend Club.
I. O. O. l".
My. December 12—
- Kiwanis club, Arrow arm. 12:10.
Eat Kenn. Woman's Club. Mn.
0. H. Luddmcotn.
RED. chapter. In. an». Powell.
Schubert club.
Roxy. “Hotel l'br Women.” and
“Flight. at mdnlzht."
Wednalhy, Dunbar 13—
Amriean motion Minty. mt.
Larry Oliver, 1:30.
Kennewick Bridge club, Mrs. Ber
mn Schmidt.
Hopitu Camp Fire Girls ,
De Malay boys
Thursday. December «
Chamber of Commerce. Amw
Grill. 12:00.
Pink and Green club. Hrs. Clyde
Highland muse.
P.-'r. A.. high school. 8 pm.
My. Decanter 15—
Locust Grove m.
mun-s nowinstock. Setotdnhes
tiful Christmas presents (or the
Budget terms may be named.
Raymond’s. 3m
<k ,ywmx-
. t'
Finley Ladies Meet
To Finish Quilt
Palm—The Finley Ladies Aid
will meet Wednesday. December 13.
with Mrs. Harry Benson. All mem
bers are urged to be present and
bring their finished quilt blocks or
bring a small piece of print and
complete one while there. This ls
also the Christmas party and each
member brings a gift to exchange.
The Md also held a speclal meet
ing at the T. 8. Kerr home Nov. 29th
when quite a number of quilt blocks
were finished.
W“ V ' , Hum ‘ 4 3
no“ If l } ,r‘ L l fluk-
G‘“ 1393 .t S V
Ly)./ 6‘ IPF .
“\K‘Y‘x’maw NH“ 5
Many New Gifts Havé Just Arrived
Shop Early'for'Bést Selection ‘ \5 ‘
. l . Use Our'Xmas ClnhM
...} Small Deposits Will Hold Gifts Till Xma: ‘
Fitted Bags
mat‘irhandle fittmts! Each
case hum twp-tone IW.
set-In. filmed locks. three
mm jackets um lining p;
lustrop :_ .mrned awn—r
brown;:,.m-_su-lpe cm.
63;" 2:"?-
. 1
:2. xmm
«an m at, m
told and named styles. In
In! may am to an
toflndtostny nut my! In
Reduced to $ll.BB
My: Emu-w“: mm' We? “3"”
-v K \ ‘
Quite a number of pup“. “'0“
been absent from school due to ll
Mr. Ind Mrs. Charlie OM
and daughter. Alta. were “My
evening dinner guests of m. NI
nu. Jesse Grlmshaw and My.
Chisler’s Dance;
3'0?! “1“! MIN (01' M
School Boys and Girl-
{l}" Lu. ".
. Comforters
um «J W
Wm-‘Wm m
.wmm '
Women’s Lustrous
Thursdav. Dnoomber 7. m
Toilet Sets
$2.98 »
Q “varicos- 1
0 Go Color Numb;
. Rand-My m
A luxurious w». ‘vnot
extravagant! Itch “ .‘o.
comb. brush. Mn s'”
mlrzjgr' and a “mafi
“Km W‘ - '4.- fl
Tomi? Cases
packed when he on and
cnlsxnm mm
Mens Gloves
In tuna-one lined und un
amp-anarchist. Stylu-

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