OCR Interpretation

The Kennewick courier-reporter. [volume] (Kennewick, Wash.) 1939-1949, August 21, 1941, Image 7

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093044/1941-08-21/ed-1/seq-7/

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'- WW
11.53..“ per word per insertion—minimum, 25 [f prepaid. five times for the price of four.
For Sale 111111111 l
’3 ”lE—Three milk cows. Dick
W’ mile south of Richland,*
/ a”Edam-tle“: canning pears.
1’ ‘ or 2011. L. H. Ray
:3 ‘mm 2356 19-22 c
I.“ pEAcHES—Just right now
“canning; tree ripened. H. C.
M, phone 2101. 20-21 p
m SALE—Must move at once so
1111 sell all my household furni-
M including new GE. Electric
589 and water heater, electric re
mgor, washer, Monarch coal and
mod misc. etc. Louis Eichner on
wick-Pasco highway. in
WWW ribbon: for
d mes at the Courier-Reporter
gala—Guernsy-Jersey, yr.
film. Fresh last of month. D.
D. mu, Richland. 20'2113
errlgerators and elec
w m for sale at bargain
I“ Wumngton Hardware and
We Omnm- 49“
m sans—mo White Giant Ply
mm Rocks and Rhode Island
u pallets. Ready to Jay. Harry
ma, Rt. 2. Kennewick. zo-mp.
{a saw—European grapevines.
many orders now for spring de-
M- 340 per 1000, 1.0.1). California.
54/, mm (or all cash with order,
”at No. -1 plants. An early sell-out
33pm: was a greater demand
flaming planting season, so or
“ urly.wllhnsen’s Rainbow Gar
“, Wand, Wash. 20-22 c
:ééggéfigaégsg ..
335% gag—Eh‘
Abstract 8; Title Go.
331161.388 PHSICIAN
Dulce at Residence
Ave. A Phone 1521
1. Leonard Mokler
mane Bye Examination
}mamd madame 319 Ist Ave.
L Phone 1361
Mu Am. Security Building
omm Analytical
Eye Examinations
mm.» B. OLSEN, opm.
Bldg. msco
Over Penney Store
Emma 2671 Res. 262
Moulton & Powell
0m” In Havstad Building
T "sensed Morticians
Lady Attendant
‘ Phones 2201 2202
'MESCAL IKEfiVB, s.L7HUNTLEY Now All Pa Has to Do Is Catch It
FOR SALE—Good used studio couch
and wood-burning circulating
heater. Inquire at third house Ave
nue 1". Zip
FOR SALE—Horses, mules and all
kinds of used horse drawn farm
machinery. Twin City Truck and
Implement, Pasco. ---__ -_ ._.,50t1
FOR SALE—2O acres, close in. One
of the best farms in the valley. All
producing, buildings, stock and
equipment. Some trade, by the
owner, phone 2178. 2ltfc
FOR SALE—II% acres, 71/2 in as
paragus, 14 mile north Sunnyside.
Paved. $5500. A. 0. Peterson, Route
2. 21p
FOR SALE—Tree ri-pehed Hale and
Elberta peaches. Dan F. Beagle, 5%
miles East on river. 21p
FO_R SALE—4 acres _corn. Fill your
silo now, also have ten-inch
Smalley hay chopper. See these at
Ger-hers near Finley school, after
5 pm. 21-22 p
GAMING DAYS at the Campbell’s
Custom Cannery are Monday,
Wednesday and Friday afternoons.
Produce must be in the cans by four
o’clock. 19-23 p
EATS AND GAPS—Hats cleaned
and blocked 60c; caps cleaned 25c.
Eetterson Dye Works. phone one
two-three, Pasco. m
CLEAN-UP—See our inside paint
special. Ask about our Spring
Clean-up deal at Potlatch Yaxds.
Inc. 521:!
SPEND A MINUTE and save a life.
Have your car tested on the Wee.-
ver Salety Lane at E. C. Smith Mo
tor Co. . . 141:1
SPECIAL—Inside paint clean-up
special—one gallon varnish, 1,5
gallon enamel, one quart floor en
amel. wallpaper for average room.
walls and ceiling (10x12xs) five
pounds Kalsomine and a brush, all
for only $9.58. Ask for details at
Potlatch Yards, Inc. 52tf
H. E. ARIEDGE & SON, blacksmith
and welders. Truck bodies built
to order. Best plow work on earth.
Axes, syckles and lawn mowers
sharpened. Front 8: Auburn Sts.,
Kennewick, Wn. lltf
BUILD, Remodel, Repair, Paint—
No down payment—3 years to pay.
Your home need not be paid for.
moo—repay $4.59 monthly ; s2oo—
56.39 per month; s3oo—rrepay
$9.59 per month; ssoo—repay $15.97
per month. Potlaatch Yards, Inc.
phone 241, Kennewick. ‘ 17ctf
PAPERHANGmG—GeneraI house
cleaning, including rug cleaning.
Kaxlsomlning, wall paper cleaning,
reasonable, phone 2467 after 6 pm.“
Phone 411
GET THE BEST—More heat per
dollar, combined with freedom
from soot and ashes, When you burn
Gasco Briquets. Order now from the
Twin City Lumber 00., Pasco. phone
702-W. 35a
mmun Wanted Imm
WANTED—GirI or woman to care
for two small children. Mrs. Dean
Coffey, 208 Benton St. 21p
WANTED: Girl or woman for gen
eral housework and care of two
children on ranch. Permanent
position to right party. Inquire
this office. 1861'
1111111111 l For Rent‘llllllllllll
FOR RENT—6 rooms and bath
downstairs, unfurnished. Inquire
504 Kennewick «Avenue. 479 m
FOR. RENT—Modern office rooms.
water, light, heat furnished, and
air conditioned, in the Penney
building on Main comer. See A. F.
Brown. 7t!
Better Used Cars
Dependable Dealer:
Kennewick Auto Co.
Phone 100
Coans Announce Birth
of Great-Granddaughter
FINLEYv-O. O. Coan and wife re
ceived word of the birth of a girl,
August 13 ‘to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Koenig. Mrs. Koenig is. a grand
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Coan. ‘
Frank Bens is a pretty busy man‘-
with his irrigating and gathering of
melons. :to have much time for his
favorite sport. fishing. Mr. Glassner
is 'busy getting the school house
ready for school, August 25.
Mr. and Mrs. O. 6. Coan received
word that their son-in-law is in the
Colfax hospital and no hope for
Walla Walla Guests
Visit at Muncey Home
_ --- if}??? My- ~ ‘,,-___-
Mrs. vArt Randolph, Mrs. Mildred
Eddy and son, Wayne, from Walla
Walla visited at the homes of their
brothers. 75W. L. and Sherman Mun
cey Sunday.
'Mss Lillian Carlson, who has been
attending summer school at Belling
ham, returned to her home Sunday.
Miss Carlson teaches in the Rich
-land schools.
Miss Mary Weir, who is in train
ing at the Deaconess hospital in
Spokane came Sunday to spend a
three weeks vacation at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Nebraskans Vacation
In Eastern States
vHOVER Nebraska vacationists
are Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dye and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Blair,
who will also visit relatives in Min
nesota, Miss Zelma Dye and Mrs.
Minnie Ashby, who will visit her sis
ter at Red Oak, lowa.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Evans are va
cationing at Soap Lake this week.
Mrs. Minnie \Ashby called on Mrs.
Ernest Johnson Wednesday after
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Nelson and fam
ily visited at the N. P. Nelson home
in Kennewick Sunday.
Jim Nunn is taking care of the
Russell Blair ranch while they are
vacationing in the East.
Mrs. Ashby Hostess to
Out-of-Town Guests
TIOVER—Mr. and Mrs. Toothaker
of Kennewick, Mr. and Mrs. Wallly
Swanson and sons, Mrs. L. Gilbert
and children, Mrs. Don Borden of
Walla Walla. Mrs. Irene Hughes and
daughter, Iris, visited at the home
of Mrs. Minnie Ashby Sinday eve-
Rev. C. Bergen and family retum
ed to Davenport Wednesday, accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Coch
ran and Miss Berlya Bafus.
Norma Lee Dye had the misfor
tune .in falling and cutting her arm
which required a few stitches.
.1 «osmium 3M9;Mrou Con-Ind.-
Virtually unnoticed alongside the
larger lumber and agricultural in
dustries, the .fur trade is neverthe
less a vital addition toWashingbon
State industries.
Seattle, annually selling over 750,-
000 raw pelts to all parts of the
world, is second only to New York
as a .fur market. Fifteen thousand
mink pelts and six thousand silver
fox furs are produced annually
from farms located in nearly every
country of the state, but principally
around Seattle, Spokane and Taco
ma. -
‘ In 1938 there were 321 fox farms,
156 mink farms and 12 fox and mink
farms—a growth of 181 farms over
1936 figures. The reputation made
by the state in the quality and quan
tity of silver fox and mink pelt pro
duction has attracted such atten
tion that some farms produce only
breeding stock for shipment to oth
er parts of the country.
After watching some of the new
dance steps, it is difficult to dis
rting'uish whose partner is who.
A Kennewick man says that you
don’t read of so many bigamy cases
any more, which is proof enough
that men .are growing smarter.
The President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Great Britain met aboard the British
battleship, HMS Prince of Wales, surmunded by high ranking officers of the American and British armed
forces. In this photo, an informal one out the meeting. President Roosevelt is leaning over talking to Win
ston Churchill, while the Captain of the Prince of Wales (name unknown) chats with executives. Stand
ing, left to right, General George C. Marshall of U. s . Undersecretary of State. Sumner Welles. Admiral
Harold R. Stark of the U. S. Navy, Admiral Sir Dudley Pound, First Bea Lord of the Admiralty and General
Sir John G. Dill, Chief at British Imperial Staff.
Bicyclists Reminded
of Need for Lights
WHITE Elam—Serious acclo
dents have been reported in nearby
localities of bicycle riding on the
highway after dark without lights
or reflectors. Forewamed is to be
,forearmed. Without lights and re
flectors, bicycles are not visible on a
dark night [beyond the beam of the
car headlights and a car driven at
a fast rate of speed will travel the
distance of its headlight beam in a
very few seconds, so play safety
first; equip your wheel properly; you
may avoid a. broken wheel and ser
ious accident.
There has been a heavy peach
crop in the Priest Rapids valley this
season and the picking and packing
will practically be finished this
,week. There will be some late var
‘ieties next week which will write
“finis” to the peach harvest for an
other year.
R. W. Hawley, the first engineer
of the old ‘Hanford Irrigation and
Power Company, now liquidated
into the Priest Rapids Irrigation Dis
trict, visited the valley Friday. look
ing over some property he still owns
in the In-Between territory. Mr.
Hawley came here in 1906 during the
construction of the power house at
Priest Rapids and the pump house
and construction of the irrigation
ditch. Mrs'. Hawley accompanied
him on the trip from Seattle.
Return From Harvest
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Shaw, their
son and daughter, John and Cath
erine. spent Friday in White Bluffs.
They have been working in the har
vest at Milton. Their two children
attended school here last year, Cath
erine having graduated with the
class of 1941.
Guests at the R. S. Rierson home
last Wednesday were Dr. 0. A. Tin
glesta-d, president of Pacific Luther
an College in Parkland, Dr. 0. M.
Jourdahl, department of physics
and mathematics and Kenneth Jac
obs. ground superintendent. They
were accompanied by N. N. Ronning
of Minneapolis, who is editor of
"Friends” magazine. After making
a field trip in the interest of the
college, the party returned to the
Has House Guest
Mrs. Millard Bastey of Seattle,
who is visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mm. F. M. Wheel
er, has as her house guest. Miss
Josephine Lewis of Hillaioro this
week. -
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Krug and
daughter, Caroline of Yakima. re
turned to their home on Monday
after a short visit with Mr. Krug’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Krug
and Mr. and Mrs. Jess L. Browne.
Mr. Browne is a brother to Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Hoar, Loe An
geles, California. who were the
guests at Barrett Island of Mrs. C.
F. Barrett and son, Robert, left on
Monday on their way home, going
by way of Seattle. \
Attend Legion Meet ‘ 1
Attending the State American
Legion convention in Yakima Wedm
nesday as delegate of the John Lind-l
blad post, was Otis Skellton, recent-l
ily elected commander. Mrs. W. R.‘
lKirby, president and delegate of the‘
American Legion Auxiliary and Geo.‘
Burford, past Commander. of the In-
Between, also attended the conven
’tion. '
1 Mrs. Ralph Houtrow returned to]
Ephrata Saturday after visiting
Lfriends here for a week. I
Rollin B. Holden. Pastor
10:30 Morning worship service.
Guest preacher Mr. J. C. McKinley
of Byrom. Wash. Bible study in
No evening services through the
month of August.
Wednesday evening Mid-week
service at 8:00, studying St. Luke.
The pastor plans to be in the pul
pit the 3151; of August. A welcome
for you in this friendly church.
J. N. NOLT. Pastor
Sunday Bible School at 10 am..
»Wm. Mills, superintendent.
Morning worship at 11 am.
N. Y. P. s. Juniors and Prayer
Houh at 7 pm.
Evangelistic service at 8 pm.
Mid-week prayer services, Kenne
wick, Wednosday, 8 pm.; Hover on
Thursday, 8 pm.
Third and Benton St.
M. C. Knuth. pastor
Divine services Sunday at 10:30
Sunday school at 9:30 am.
You are cordially infltaed to attend
our sex-vim.
_ 03315?!“ PEPE“
Corner Third and Washington
J. A. Pine. Minister
Bble school. 10 am.
Morning worship and sermon at
all 3111., sermon theme, “When There
is no Vision.”
Evening church service, 8 pm.
5-..“... ...-A ‘llhi Gin-..‘-
Second and Auburn Streets
I’. J. Lam mm
Sunday school Rally Day. 10:15.
Morning service at 11:15. follow
ed by the annual Sunday school and
Congregational Plcnlc in the city
W. Cochran Guest
At 81st Birthday Party
ROVER Relatives and friends
gathered at the *W. L. Cochran home
Wednesday for dinner to celebrate
his 81st birthday. Guests included
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cochran. Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Cochran od' Carvallis,
Oregon, Harry Cochran and son of
Kennewick, Merton Cochran. Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Cochran and daugh
ter. Rev. C. Bergen and daughters 01"
Davenport, Mrs. Minnie Ashby, Miss.
‘Berlya Bafus and Ed Fraun. ms:
brother-in-law, and youngest sister‘
‘Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCrosky of Col
fax enroute to the reunion had the
misfortune of an accident. wrecking
their car and receiving slight in
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blair and son.
Merill and Ronald Nelson. enjoyed
the week-end at Soap Lake and
Coulee Dam. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie
[Blair enroute to Seattle. joined
them at Soap Lake.
\ Carl Evans has had his third
operation a week ago Monday and
is coming along very nicely. Be is
convalescing at the home of Mrs.
‘Evans’ parents at Post Falls, Idaho.
Wilson Flying Cadet
in Army Air Corps
made a business trip to Olympia on
Thursday. Re was accompanied by
Jack Mlson. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Grady w ilson, who remained at the
home of his cousin. Ed Jones at Du
pont for a few days‘ visit. Monday
morning Jack with a m of twen
ty reported for duty at uwhord
Field and left by train for the San
ta Maria. California training field.
the army air corps.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McAipin left
Sunday to spend ten days with rela
tives in Seattle and other coast
points. '
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Edmonson
are the parents of a son, Kenneth
Raymond. born July 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rider of tne
Rattlesnake gas field had as their
week-end guests. Mrs. W. E. Hen-in
of Enumclaw. Mrs. Isadore Country
man and son. Bunny of Gena-ails.
Mrs. Kenneth Rucku- received
ter. Sens Marie to her brother-in
law and sister. m'. and Mrs. '3l:-
dolph Jensen (Wilde Combs) of
W. E. fillmone. employed as well
driller at: Wallula spent. the week
end at his home heme.
‘ N. P. Peterson rettn'ned Friday
from Brennerton to remain here dur
ing the peach harvest. ins. Peter
son joined him here I. few days
Walter Waldron at Fall City was
a Saturday evening and Sunday
visitor hene.
State or Wammcten.
County of Benton. as.
Notice is Hereby Given. That in
awordance with an under heietetore
entered on the 4th day at August.
missioners of said Coumty. directing
‘ the sale at the real property herein
, after described. acquked by said
. county (or delinquent tuce under
tax foreclosure suit and sale. I. the
undersigned County manner at
said cotmty._wlll. on the 30th day of
am M. commencing at the
hour of lo °.%w" and continu
ing until the ot i o'clock pm.
. inatter described shall sooner be:
‘matwetmnt dooroitheoounty‘
. Court Rouse. in inn-er in said!
camty and state. sell to the highest‘
the following described WM. sit
.uated in said county. and described
as follows. to-wit:
W 59 a sw Sec. 25. Twine. B. so,
minimum sale price. $40.00.
The above property is sold abject
to the lien at all Drainage or Dik
ing or Sewerage District assesslnents
or installments thereof not yet due
at the time of sale. .
The above property shall not be
sold for less than the amount set
forth in colm headed “Minimum
Sale Price" oppositeeaeh descrip
tion of property. I: sold (or cash. a
Treasurer's Deed will be executed.
I! sold on contract. the terms there
ofshallbempercentcashand bal
ance in ten equal annual install
ments commencing November lot
next. with interest at six percent on
deferred payments. Payable annual
ly. All subsequent taxes and assess
ments must be paid prior to delin
quency. Failure to make payments
or. to perform any of the covenants
of the contract forfeits same at the
election of the vendor. 'lhis con
tract may be paid in full at any time
plus accrued interest. in which case
a Treasurer's Deed will be enecuted.
Property sold for the sum 01' 850.00
the time of the sale.
And Notice Is Hereby Further
Given. that if necessary I will ad
journ said sale to the same hours
from day to day by announcement
made at the time and place of mid
which said sale may be adjourned.
Dated at Presser. Washington. tnis
sth day of August. 1941.
' c. w. rmssmr,
Countv Treasurer of Benton Coun
ty. Washington.
By Ellen Berndt, Deputy County
'l‘reasmer. 8:7-21
In the Superior Court of the State
of Washington in and for Benton
In the matter of the estate of
Bernard 3. Plowman. deceased.
No. 2017
That Letters ‘l‘estamentian'yv on the
estate of Bernard 8. Plowman. de
ceased. were granted to the under—
signed on the sth day or August.
1941. by the said Superior Court.
All persons having claims against
said estate are required to serve
them with the necessary vouchers
upon me at. the office or Moulton
8: Powell. Kennewick. Washington.
within six months after the date
of the first publication of this
notice. to-wit. within six months
after the 14th day of August. 194.1.
and file the same with the Cleric
of this Court. together with proof
of such service. or they shall be
forever barred.
Dated at Kennewick. Washington.
this 14th day of August. 1941.
Cecil 1". Anderson. Executor
His Attorneys. 8-14-28
In the Superior Court of the State
or Washington in and m the
County of Benton. In prob-me.
In the matter of the estate of
Bert Layd. deceased.
Cue No. 1682
W is hexeby given that
Rey V. Lloyd, the executor at the
estate of Bert Loyd. deceased, has
undead and presented for final
settlement to. end filed with the
ciett or the Bupetior Court of said
County and State his fin-. 1 account
and report and petition for distri
bution as such executor; and that
Thursday. the 10th day 0! Septem
ber. 1901. at ten oiciock AM. at the
court room at said Superior Court
at Pioneer. Washington. in aid.
Ooimty hes been duly cppointcd by
our Superior Com-t for the settle
meat 0! the Pine! Account. It which
time the Court is asked to settle.
such report. distribute the property
to the heirs or person: entitled to
tutors-me and discharge the exe
cu .
W the Hon. Mott. L. Dru
ooll. Judge at the Superior Court.
end the seal of said Court “fixed
this 12th day or August. 1041.
m J. W.
County Clerk and Clerk of
the Superior Court.
w. 1... m.
Attorney for Executor
m Drumheuer Building.
Walla wan, Wednncton.
. 8: 14-38
In the Superior Court of the State
of Washington in and for Benton
« Ruby Wilkin. plaintiff. vs.
Richard mamas Wilkin. defend
State of Wamincton to the said
Maui Thomas Wilkin. defendant:
You axe hereby summoned to ap
pear within sixty days after the date
of the first publication 0! this sum
mons. to-wit: within sixty days aft
m' the 7th day of August. 1941. and
defend the above entitled action in
Who above entitled mutt. and answer
the complaint of the plaintiff and
serve a copy of your answer upon the
Imdersisned attorney at his office
below stated; and in case of your
failure so to do. iuflment will be
rendexed against you aeoordim to
the demand of the complaint. which
an” filed with the clerk of aaid
That the cause of action herein is
for divorce and to adjudicate the
care. control and custody of minor
m .7. am.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Office and postoffioe addrem:
Title and Trust Building Pasco.
Washington. 8:74:11
7a Bade
M's Public W
and Mum-Mud Contra!
Public Hark“. opened August 2,.
MW this nub! hing- b
100-hunkdu billed-thank, ox
million final, uni Mon wido
hmandtndm hiddinqoonpofl
‘ flvolylotyoulbtt.

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