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The Kennewick courier-reporter. [volume] (Kennewick, Wash.) 1939-1949, March 06, 1947, Image 7

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093044/1947-03-06/ed-1/seq-7/

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March 6, 1947
Enter! G
(continued from Pale I)
nichland' Walla Walla, Yakima,
”d even Spokane, in addition to
the cancer" presented here.
Next season the four concerts
will b 9 composed ofthe follow
in! programt John Carter, a
W artist recently discharged
M the Navy and now a star
W 10;- the Metropolitan, will
sin! egg-1y in October.
The second concert will be pre
seated py Jorge Bolet, a pianist.
following military service in the
u. S. W. he has been playing
. lull gason in Latin America but
- return to the United States
313 mm tour and will appear
ere early in November.
Km on the series, coming early
in February, is the .well known
soprano» Camilla Williams. She
u, twice been the winner of the
W Anderson award, is a
leadinfl soprano in the New York
City opera Company where her
“Madame Butterfly” made her
famous, and has .received rave re
views in the Chicago Daily News
for 116 performances.
The final concert on the series
will appear during the first part
of March and will bring to our
m a rare treat. It is the St.
unis Sinfonietta, a “little sym
phony" composed of twenty ar
fist-musicians who have been on
extensive taurs since 1937, bring
ing audiences unusual and inter
estins presentations of modern
composers as well as the old mast
eis. ‘
With so much splendid talent
in the four concerts the Pasco-
Kennewick Community Concert
Association feels it has a wealth
of musical pleasure in store for
as members in the community. ‘
All types of
150.1". 0 Phone 2938
board in Day: Bros. Gang.
Prop. Richard Hackney
é 6,1! .
k 6:3
‘ a)? _ , ~/.- .
/E¢’ / -
. G. V].
Pyle and
Spaulding, Inc.
[1 Kennewick Avenue
PHONE 1231
Keep March 27
~ an Open date!
We WISh to Invite the Public .. .
' to the
$3 , emu OPENING
‘ _ of our
( 6%!» E "ii; £5185??? ' '
W “amaze. \
g 6 Korma mm
' Mildred and Tom Jordon '
By Mn. Ramon Wileox
Phone news to Kennewick 1289
before Wednesday
I Riverview High School will
sponsor a musical Friday, April
4th at the Riverview High School.
Everyone is invited.
Donnie Carlton is in the hos
pital at Richland preparatory to
his operation in Portland which
vis to take place March 10.
Sunday evening Mrs. Minnie
Nunn was pleasantly surprised
with a party after. Young People’s
League at the John Nunn home.
A birthday cake and ice cream
was served by the hostess for re
Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Wilcox
entertained Saturday with a
1 pinochle party in honor of Mrs.
‘Winnie Nunn’s birthday. High
honor went to Carl Evans and
Eva Rose Nunn second high to
Mrs. Carl Evans and George
Bafus. Travelmg prize went to
Mr. Wilcox. Other guests in
cluded Mr.” and Mrs. G. Nelson,
Mrs. Geo. Bafus, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Yeager, Mrs. Orval Butter
field, and Bill Nunn.-
Mrs. Howard Ash of Kennewick
and daughter Mrs. Elmer Schultz
of ”Pasco called in Hover last
Wednesday. .
Harry Hampton drove to Spo
kane Friday to attend the funeral
of Mrs. A. J. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ayers, Mrs.
Eva Arnold and Mrs. Will Nunn
attended Eastern Star Tuesday
evening in Ke'nnewick.
Mrs. B. B. Stewart was the
overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs,
uarl Evans Friday. .
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Stinnett
were visitors in Walla Walla Mon
Al Piert was a caller at the
J. R. Ayers ranch Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hampton
and son Bobby returned home
Tuesday accompanied by Mrs.
Lena Hannaford of Lewiston.
They have been visiting in Spa-J
kane and Lewiston.
Mrs. J. R. Ayers is chairman‘
of the Red Cross drive for Finley-
Hover. Mrs. Carl Evans has been:
chosen representative for Hover.
'Mrs. Dean Judd, Mrs. Guy Niel-u
son and “.\'armon Wilcox served
on the school election board Satur
Mrs. J. R. Ayers attended the
Sunday School committee meet
ing _Monday _evening. _ __ _
' Mr. and Mrs. Max Cardini and
daughter of Whitcomb were
week-end guests at the Clifford
Judd home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Walker and
daughters Bonnie and Gloria left
Monday for Oakland, California.
Gladys Northrop was the din
ner guest of Mrs. Clifford Judd
Tuesday evening the Conte
wasta Camp Fire Girls enjoyed
'a party at the Billy Thomas
. Wm. R. Hall was a business
lvisitor in Spokane Tuesday.
Lauella Harper and Gladys
Northrop returned last Thursday
from San Francisco to spend two
weeks at the Tom Lawton home.
V. I. McGuire of Vallejo, Cali
fornia arrived Wednesday for a
visit at the Carl Evans home.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Morris of
Wallace, Idaho visited his aunt
[Mrs. B. B. Stewart Sunday._ _
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slaybough
of Oakland arrived Tuesday for
a visit with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Slaybough.
Mrs. Emily Laudel and daugh
ters Louise and Marilyn, Viola
Hummel and Jerry Erickson went
Zillah last Friday.
Misses Gladys Northrop and
Beryla Bafus were dinner guests
at the Guy Nelson home Tuesday.
J. B. Stinnett of Walla Walla
is a visitor at the E. H. Stinnett
Dr. and Mrs. Burke Hauschild
are parents of a daughter,
Marsha Lee, born Wednesday,
Feb. 26 at the Pasco hospital.
Pink Cameo Puts
01: Fashion Show
iA thrilling ,prevue of the style‘
swing to spring will be a featured
.part of the Benton theatre pro
gram for next Tuesday and Wed
nesday evenings, Clyde Anderson,
theatre manager, reported today.
The style show, produced by
the Pink Cameo, will present
fashions shown in the “Mademoi
selle” and “Charm” magazines.
Among the lines that will be
modeled on stage are Calco Origi
nals, Gallant of California, and
Lettie Lee’s.
The Benton attraction, Earl
Carrolls “Sketch Book’ will be
screened only one each evening,
Anderson said. Specialty acts,
however, will be presented be
tween fashion parades.
Spring styles will be modeled by
Pat Freer, Bonnie Mcßeynolds, La
Belle Snyder, Laura Stroud, and
Jean Osborne, of Kennewick. and
Wilma Gier and Jet Noland, of
Richland. .
Helen Hardy of the Pink Comeo
is providing the style show in co
operation with the theatre man—
lagement. ' '
Mrs. Helen Emerson and baby
daughter left Monday for Chicago
to join her husband who is stao
,‘tioned with the air corps near
there. .
In the Superior Court of the State
of Washington in and for the
County of Benton
In the matter of the estate of
Notice to creditors.
that Letters of Administration on
the Estate of William J. Clark, de
ceased, were granted to the under
signed on the 6th day of Febru
ary, 1947, by the said Superior
Court. ' .
All persons having claims
against said estate are required to
serve them with the necessary
vouchers upon me at the office of
Moulton 8:. Powell, Kennewick,
Washington, within six (6) months
after the date of the first publi
cation of this notice, to-wit: with
.in six (6) months after the 6th
day of March, 1947, and file the
same with the Clerk of the above
entitled Court, together with proof
of such service or they shall be
forever barred.
Dated at Kennewick, Washing
ton, this sth day of March, 1947.
By Moulton 8; Powell and
Thomas B. Gess, her Attorneys.
Moulton 8: Powell and Thomas
B. Gess, Attorneys for Adminis
tratrix, Kennewick. Washington.
Sealed bids will be received byl
Winifred Campbell, City Clerk ofl
the City of Kennewick. Washing
ton until 8:00 o’clock P. M. Pa
cific Standard Time on the 25th
day of March, 1947, at the City
Hall of said City for the purchase
of the following described motor
vehicle. The City Council will
open the bids at said time and
place and the same will be pub
licly read.
A description of the said motor
vehicle is as follows:
One fire truck designated as a
1000‘gallon pumper with cab and
with a 200 gallon booster tank and
booster reel with 150 feet of three
quarter inch booster hose, includ
ing National Board of Fire Un
derwriters standard equipment.
All dimensions and measurements
must be set out in detail.
Each bidder must accompany
his bid with complete specifica
tions of the equipment he is of
Delivery must be guaranteed
not late! than August lst, 1947.
Price F. O. B. Kennewick.
Washington to include the follow
ing equipment:
Complete paint job with let
tering “Kennewick Fire Depart
ment No. 4”, on each side of the
truck in a conspicuous place.
Full tank of gasoline, oil.
Each. bid shall be accompanied
by a certified check in the sum
of $250.00 with a statement that
the same is to be forfeited in case
the bid is accepted and factory
delivery not made by August lst,
The City of Kennewick re
serves the right to reject any or
all bids and to waive all for
malities and to cancel any award
of bid made if the vehicle is not
delivered at factory by the lst
day of August, 1947.
By order of the City Council
of the City of Kennewick. Wash
ington. '
City Clerk.
First publication March 6, 1947.
Second publication March 13,
Address all inquiries in regard
to the above advertisement .to
H. O. Malchow, Fire Chief, crty
of Kennewick.
Camp _l'ire Heads
Plali Activities
The Camp Fire Guardians’ As
sociation met February 24 _at the
home of Mrs. Dale Gallowan, who
is a member of the Camp Fire
Board and is active on the Camp
Committee. Mrs. Galloway an
nounced that preparations must be
made now to accommodate -all the
girls who wish to go to Camp 'Ki
wanis from this area, as it will
be a case of “first come, first
served” this next summer. The
camp will probably operate seven
days a_ week and for a longer
period this summer, although the
fee will be slightly higher.
Miss Marily Buys, field worker
in this area, announced that she
would hold an all-day training
course April 1 at the Legion Hall.
All guardians; Blue Bird leaders
and prospective guardians are in
vited to attend. The Camp Fire
Board members will furnish a
luncheon, and will be on hand to
care for the children whose moth
ers are attending the training
course. Mrs. Paul Richmond and
Mrs. Larry Oliver are in charge
of arrangements.
Mrs. L. 1. Nelson presided over
the meeting, appointing Mrs. D.
P. JOnes to take care of sending
cards to members who are ill or
who have illness in the family.
Mrs. Herbert Henne, Mrs. Dor
othy Knifong and Mrs. James
Magnusson were appointed on the
ways and means committee, with
Mrs. Henne to act as chairman.
Mrs. Oliver announced that the
Court of Awards_will be held the
third week in March, the evact
time to be announced later. She
urged leaders to double-check
with their girls on rank require-‘
ments so that all girls could pass'
Ann VAR‘EIYT2gI‘e; I
“ “» MEN us
\‘H/fl . _ 63;}; 'o' n. ru. “I'll.
" . * '- _..:"H -' -. ._
" spnmcn .. . zpounds2sc 3f024): £5.35... ....”- 3
‘ . DAYTON-S °°. ° dozen 29-” BLENDED JUICE .4233 $3. w -
OIIIOIIS ~.. IO poundbagm SPAGI-IE'ITI DINNER arm.- 2;. 3r
OIIAIIO} ' ° 8’“?“"”° TWISTEE NOODLE m 2':.-::~25v
Texas Punk (an-amen. 69c - CLAM OHOWDEnm ....--f‘ar 19-
' pmms ~, z “.151 ' VAN CAMPS BEANS-.. 222.: 31-.
. Bantam ’0 “d I: DRIED PRUNES 373%.}.“3.-- 31".; 47'
- - - ‘l'“ JOHNSON'S OLO-OOAT-.-,:.*~ 59-
¢ “' I'7“ -
cans all! z for
2 ... 17° ’figfia 3E" Z . M... mam"
mm so u P
CHEEZITS ' . * 1' . my... .
2 $27. Lu mun-legs];r If“: A“. $3.
$053330; / pkg. .' 79c
'rnv HEINZ vac. BEEP ’ -- 4-“).
~ BABY’ FOOD -' ?L‘%§f‘s'i:'§3§°ow . pk" 42¢
cans c- - --.. ‘ .
m: “#23 , 1mg»: .. . 22:
O O O O O O O O m 125 Mno
VIOOIIO ./.. 1M lb. 1393.98 «.... m“"“°“'
{ Roiunfiau 7011: lan and Shaikh”! 9% {mg . . Zlc
’ TMflEEHO‘hd: O O O O O O 1%
. - _
Neuman ’3 Market
\ :Kmau‘cé’d lealaty J/m 0M Gals 4mm
lrank with ease. Council Fire re
hearsal dates have been set for
two forty-five minute periods im
mediately after school Friday,
March 14, and Friday. March 21.
The Grand Council Fire will be
.held the fourth Friday, March 28.
All Blue Birds and Camp Fire
'Girls are urged to meet at the
'High School gymnasium for re
hearsal on the above dates.
I Miss Buys announced that plans
for Day Camp were made for
June 10 through June 13. This
lcamp is especially for Blue Birds
and for those Camp Fire Girls
.who were not able to attendl
Camp Kiwanis. Definite ans
nouncements will be made oon-*
cerning,time and place. ‘
The Guardians’ Association will‘
hold a special pot-luck luncheon
and meeting at the home of Mrs.‘
Charles Fox on Friday, March 7,
at 1:00 p. m. This meeting is for!
the purpose of making further or
ganizational plans. 1
l The Agate Club will have a
.field day, March 9. Members will
meet at Mac’s Agate Shop. at 6
a. m. and will drive to Saddle
.vMountain for thunder eggs and
lpetriti' 'ed wood. Members should
bring picnic lunch and digging
equipment. Those needing trans
portation should call the Sec.,
Mrs. Gilmore, 420-W Richland. .
“Antiach Actress", by J. R. Per
kins,” will be reviewed by Mrs.
t'Fred Erdman on Wednesday, Mar.
. 12, at 2:00 p. m. in the Kennewick
Christian Church.
' The ladies of the church, who
are sponsoring the tea, will. charge
50c admission. They predict that
Mrs. Erdman will provide her
listeners with a literary treat, as
‘she brings to life the author’s
'characters and fine narrative.
Legion Auxiliary Gives
Numerous Pnze' Awards
Prizes were awarded to the
following persons February 27th
by the American Legion Auxi
‘ The Cedar Chest went to Mary
ellen Harris. The other prizes
\given were:
1 mag—Bed Spread. Thersia Sch
Malia—Table Cloth, Duane Camp
4th—Sheet, Bob Tooneny. ‘
sth—Daily. Mickey Guaaennoven‘
6th—Pillow Cover, Al Kisrler.
“Rh—Chair Seth-Eleanor Minnich
Bth—Bath Setho L. Montgomeg
mil—Mixing wk. Mrs. A. .
lOth—Diah Towels, m 1
Campbell. 1
nth—Apron. Geo. Dueich. %
The prizes for the Card Party
m ‘°§.§{“‘a‘a..4“”“‘°°"u mm”
more; . enn
e: . .
mw—M“. we 1
Grand Prize for Pluochle tor the
three parties—Mr. um 1
Grand Prize for Bridge for the
three partiesdennie Campbell. 1
The American Legion Auxiliary!
wishes to take this opportunity to!
thank the public for their hearty
interest shown in the card partied
and cedar chest. '
Washing Machine and Oil Stove Repairing
Phone 1941 22 Benton St., Kennewick
All Work Gnuenteed Free Pickup end Delivery Sentee
McLain Hurts Fingers
In Accident at Bakery
An unloading operation may
cost the tips of two left fingers
for Walt “Tilgzm‘Mc Lain. tore
man of the ewick Bakery.
While helping truckmen move a
heavy barrel into the bakery. his
linger tips were caught between
the barrel and the wall when the
weight shifted unexpectedly.
Hie physician. Mc Lain said
today. will not know for aeveral
day: whether the fingers can be
healed without permanent injury.
Although his arm and hand is in
a cast. Mc Lain has continued
mum the baking stat! at the
I'o mum:
Mrs. William Shauchneuy wont
to Spokane last Tuesday.
Music For All Occasions
Jimmie Wood
and his
Phone: Richland 844-W

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