2 “_— _Nov. 19. 1949 THE COURIER-HERALD Five-Minnie, Sermon To Be Thankful By J. M. GRIMSRUD Pastor. Richlond Lutheran Church There are some kids in one of the houses on Stevens who have an awful time remembering two words. The one of them is “please,” and the other one is—well, that is one of the reasons we have a holiday on the 24th. If there Were Just some way in which we could help those kids. How about if we move them ahead 30 years, and then help them remember? They could think back to their college years when they looked eagerly ahead to Thanks giving Day, because it meant going home again. They could remember, “Hello, Mother and Dad, and how are you younger jerks?” They could think of all the comfort and warmth of those who loved them, of a table loaded with good things, of friends coming in, and of a chance to eat and sleep where people understood them. It might drive away'some crabbiness, and make them glad, and thankful. But what if the rest of us could know that we can be at home with God right now? We who have been baptized into Christ, and are members of His family. We who are sorry for the things we have said and done against our? Father, and have received His forgiveness through Jesus our Elder Brother. ~ We are at home, and the company{ there is the best there is. This is the case right now. ‘ We go on from the Record: “He prepareth a table be-1 tore me, in the presence of mine enemies.” And there I may sit down to eat with Him who is Lord of all. There I can be with my best friends, and with those I love, thank God, but best of all I can be there with Him who made me, and cared enough for my soul, that He gave Himself for me. The meal of man’s salvation and peace eternal is there, prepared and ready. I need not bring a single po tato in my pocket, nor loaf of bread in my hand. “It is finished,” Jesus said, and when He sent His servants out to invite others they were told to say: “Come, for all things are now ready." We are just to come, the way we are, to be a, guest at His table, always. Then we will say thank you. But can you see that table stretching out before you? It goes on around the world, and has people sitting there with us, of different countries, colors and confessions. For them too, Christ alone has been the way. So we are of thesame family, with all the inclinations tq-,think and care too much forourselves, and yet able to pray for, and love each other. This we do when we look 1195 to the One at the head of this table. Q There we may listen, as well as look. And‘ when we do, in our Churches, we hear a child crying, and some one says: “Please pass the bread.”, It may be from way over in Japan that request comes, but we can hear it still. And then hearing it we can pass down through the hands of tit? glad company. food and clothes, for bodies and souls ~or this world and another world. And Jesus says: “You do it unto me.” 11.19 table stretches on with its great white cloth, piled , gh with good things. Joy: and laughter mix with tears and longings there, but from above comes the sound of music, with its call to look up to God. .And the table goes on beyond a dark curtain, Where we know there is another room. Mother and Dad may‘ be waiting there now, waiting for their boys and their girls —, much like they did that Thanksgiving Day years ago —7 waiting for them to come home. So there is a longing within my heart for that great country. and that city “whose builder and maker is God." It is a longing to go home to be with Him who loved us and gave himself for us. Thanks be to God. This may be our theme while we are here, chasing gloom and grumpiness away, making us willing to serve Him from whom all blessings flow! Finley Group Elect Offiéers FINLEY, Nov. la-The WSCS o! the Finley Methodist church met Wednesday attemoon with Mrs. B. L. Simon? and elected the- iollowing acre for the coming yesr: Mrs. Frank Vol lsnd._president; Mrs. Harvefilxerr vice ~ president end up .tuel lesdertMrs. Den (Serum-tram urn. end Mrs. Averill Gilmore. secretary. Plans were made for tlfs ‘ennuel Christine: party which is to be held in the church par lort December, 14. There will be a potluck dinner at 12:30 follow ed‘by-s short prom and ex change or gifts. Mrs. B. L. $lO - presided and Mrs. Pierce Belem we: in charge of delta tionals. Refreshments were ser veq by Mrs. Harvey Kerr and Mrs. Slocumb. Twenty-four were present. 3'. W. Drum: had the wrist 0! his-right arm broken late Tues daggvening when a load of feed me tell on him from the top of 3 truck he had been loading. Mr. and Mn. Grant Plant vis iteg her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Warden in Touchet 'mes day and Wednesday. The Rev. and Mrs. Pierce Rob erts were guests Tuesday eve. ning at a wedding anniversary dinner of their son and daughter erts in Umatilla. ' John Frederick brought an elk home Wednesday when he re turned irom a hunting trip to Mt. MW. 0 ' Mrs. Arden Monteney left Sat. urday for Beaver, Oregon, to vis it her parents. ‘ Mrs. J. P. Bryan of Pasco is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Gilmore. Mrs. Fred Falque returned home Tuesday evening from Spo kane where she had been visit. ing her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Nickel]. Sfie visited her son and daugh ter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nickel] at Tekoa and other rela tives also. Mrs. J. J. Sebring left Thurs-‘ day morning for Seattle by train to visit her daughter and son-in law. Mr. and Mrs. Max Schuman. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Copple of Walla Walla were Sunday vis itors of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ash. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Johnson were Mrs. Charles Flathers of Walla Walla and Mrs. Leo Glassner or Waits burg. Jack Young returned home 03 Wednesday with an elk from a hunting trip out from Yakima. Billy Mills moved his house by here from Hover enroute .to Church News Of Pasco,” Kennewick And Rich/and Bishop Is In Richland Bishop M E. Lesater of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mor mon) visited Pastor L. A. Whit ing this week in Richland. Sunday he spoke in the church an»: {Sacred Stewardship.” He “MfPaator Whiting that after noon went to Walla Walla where he was guest sgeaker. Young People Attend Meet A number of young people from the Nazarene church 'Ol Richiand were in Milton Wed nesday to attend the Walla Walla district N. Y. P. S.’ meet ing. The speaker at this meeting was the Rev. Leslie Parrott, Eu gene, Ore. It was, also announced today that the Rev. Fred Vogt, pastor of the Richland church, has been on a tour of the- Oregon Pacific district this week conducting a rally in an effort to stimulate interest in the N. Y. P. S. move ment in these areas. Church Buys Building Lot Dr. Herschel Caldwell. execu tive secretary for the Washing ton Baptist convention, was in Kennewick Monday to make the final purchase of a lot for the church building which had been purchased earlier. The lot is 10. cated at 3rd and Quincy, Ken newick. The church is expected to be moved on to the lot after the first of the year. While in Pasco, Dr. Caldwell met Dr. Russell Orr. executive secretary or the Illinois Baptist convention. Dr. Orr is leading the Pastors’ conversations in five districts in Washington. The first meeting was held in Rich land Monday. Kennewick the last of the week. Mrs. Kate Tate had her house moved from Hover to Kennewick also. A _ _ _ _ The Finley plnochle club were guests of Mrs. Carl Schmelzer Monday with a dessert luncheon served at one o’clock. High prizes for the afternoon went to Nellie Sherry and second to Erma Per kins. Low prize went to Leona Cronin. ' i Christmas Program Is Planned Mrs. Marie Ball, who is in charge of the work at the new Vista Community B a pti s t church, reports a fine attendance last Sunday at the morning wor ship service, and also a good adult attendance for the Sunday school program. ' The first prayer meeting of the. Community church was held in the temporary church quar ters Wednesday evening, with a business meeting afterwards. Plans were made for a Child ren’s Christmas program, and for a Communion service to be held the first Sunday in De cember. The Rev. Gordon Forbes, Christian Educational director of the Washington Baptist conven tion, will be guest speaker Dec. 4 'at the worship service. This Sunday, Nov. 20, a nur sery will be provided for thbse who wish their small children to be taken care of during the wor ship service. A sign has been installed in front of the meeting place at 1614 2nd Ave West for which thanks go to the Tri-Citx Sign company. Morning worship will be at 11. The message is on “Beliefs,’.' and special music will be pro vided. Sunday school at 9:45 for all ages. Ch 'sl Story Told Ag ' One of the momentous books of the year, “The .Greatest Story Ever‘ Told,” by Fulton Oursler, has been condensed in the De cember issue of Liberty maga zine. . Oursler’s book is a warm faith ful retelling of the ever-new story of Christ taken from the accounts of the four apostles. In simple modern language Oursler shows his readers plain ly the plight of Jesus as a man who fought against local poli ticians, race prejudices, and hypocrisies that, couched. as they are in modern terms, will be identified in the mind of the readér as rampant today. Church Plans P Obervance ~ . The annual Thanksgiving Day service will be held at First Lutheran church in Pasco at 11 a.m. “Thankfulness An Impera tive Result of Christian Victory” will be the theme of Pastor Hiep ler’s sermon. A period in the service will be set aside for a special Thanksgiving Day prayer. “Stewardship, Recognizes God's Ownership" is the sermon title for the 8:15 and 11 o’clock wor ship services Sunday. Immedi ately following the 11 o’clock service the annual potluck stew ardship dinner will be served in the church parlors. This dinner fellowship gives each family an. opportunity to give their Intent of Stewardship for 1950. The United States paid $25,- 000,000 tor the Virgin - Islands, three ande a half times the amount paid for Alaska. The is lands cover an area of 133 square miles; Alaska, 586,400 square miles. ' Firsm‘ Lufheran Church,» KENNEWICK . PASCO r. J. LUVAAS onvnus e. HIEPLER PASTOR ' PASTOR Sbcond and Auburn Fifih and Bonneville does the future hold? Socurify and hapoinoss or worry and dis. conionfmoni? Look around you of {he successful folks in your community .- . , fho one: who are filled with confidenco, who are SURE ofvwhoro ihoy on going. You will.firlcl {haf if is no} ius'l' coincidenco {hai succossful man and women aflond their church regularly. Famous E vangelisf Speech Schedule (So Story 8180 Page 1) Speaking engagements for Dr. E. Stanley Jones, world famous evangelist and author, in the Tri-City area this week were announced today as: SUNDAY 9:30—10 a.m.—Radio broadcast, KWIE and KPKW .... . 3 v p.m.—Sunday school teachers and workers of the Mid-Columbia area, Kennewick Christian church. , 5 —7 p.m.—Mid-Coiumbia’Youth council rally, Central . U. P. church, Richland. 7:30 p.m.—Preaching services, Central U. P. church.- HORDAY 9:30—10 a.m.—Radio broadcast, KWIE and KPKW. ' 10:30 a.m.—Ministers oi the Mid-Columbia Area, Pasco _ Methodist church. 12 —Pasco Chamber of Commerce with invitations to service club members. 1:30 p.m.—Pasco High school assembly. school gym. 7:30 p.m.—Preaching services, Central U. P. church. TUESDAY 9:30—10 a.m.—Radio Broadcast, KWIE and KPKW. 10:30 a.m.—Kennewick high school assembly, auditorium. 12 . . —Kennewick Kiwanis with other service clubs, Episcopal Parish hall. 7:30 p.m.—Preaching servives, Central U. P. church. WEDNESDAY , 9:30—10 a.m.—Radio broadcast, KWIE and KPKW, 10:25—10:50 a.m.—Richland high school assembly auditor ium, freshmen and sophomores. 10:55—11:20 a.m.—Richland high school assembly, auditor: ium, juniors and seniors. 12 --Richland Kiwanis, Desert Inn. _ 7:30 p.m.—Preaching services, Central U. P. Church. ‘ ' THURSDAY ' 9:30—10 a.m.—,-Rad_io broadcast, KWIE and KPKW. (Transcription) ' ' ' 9:30 a.m.—Union Thanksgiving service's, Kennewick Methodist church. , 10:30 a.m.—Union Thanksgiving services, Pasco Metho dist church. 7:30 p.m.—Preaching services, Central U. P. church. ’ FRIDAY _ 9:30—10 a.m.—Radio broadcast, KWIE and KPKW. 2:00 p.m.—Womens’ clubs of Tri-City area, Pasco Metho dist church. 5:45 p.m.—United Protestant churches pot luck supper, Jefferson school cafeteria. 7:30 p.m.—Preaching services; Central U. P. church. Mrs. Lyall Named Music Minisfer. Mrs. Leslie M. Lyall has been appointed by the Richland North. .west United Protestant church as minister of music. Mrs. Lyall comes to this posi tion from a rich background in the field of music. She has held positions in public schools as teacher and supervisor of mu sic for more than 20 years, and for 12 years was organist and choir director in Eastern church es. Mrs. Lyall holds a BS. degree in Education from New York university and the Ed. M. degree from Temple university. She also did extensive work in Christiansen’s Choral school un der F. Melius Christiansen. €hoir rehearsals are held reg ularly each Thursday night in room 100, Spalding school. Mrs. John Williamson is the choir president and chairman of the committee on music. The chpir invites all who care to sing. . HEAR E. STANLEY JONES TOMORROW RICHLAND What This Sunday the choir will sing appropriate Thanksgiving music under the direction - of‘ Mrs. Lyall. The pastor of the ANOTHER GREAT CRUSADE MEETING . “TODAY is the ‘ JU DG MENT" Hear Evangelisi Ward Prove II From the; Bible Walla Walla College Orchesfra Presents A Sacred Conced I 7:30 SUN. NOV. 20 7:30 . ' AT THE V CRUSADE FOR CHRIST TABERNACLE . "TH AND A—PASCO Baptismal Service The First Baptist Church of Pasco held its first baptismal service in the upstairs auditor ium of its new building last Sun day evening. .The baptismal tank had just been installed and it was the first service of any kind held by the church in the up stairs of the building. Considerable progress has been made on the building since the fire. An oil furnace has been purchased and installed which heats the building both upstairs and down. Both the flooring and the seats for the upstairs audi torium have been purchased. The upstairs windows have been changed from plain glass to cathedral glass and a number of other improvements have been made. Although the church is still holding its services in the basement auditorium it is expect ed that it will have the upstairs completed in the near future. Sunday School At Enterprise Enterprise announces the be ginning of its first Interdenom irrational Community Sunday school sponsored by the State Council of Churches through its representatives, Mr. and Mrs. Loren L. Kring. The opening will be Sunday, Nov. 20 at 10 a. m. Temporary places of meeting will be in a quonset hut at Chubbs Trailer Court, through the courtesy of Mrs. May Chubbs. Names of the teachers and officers will be an nounced later. There will be classes for all age groups—children and adults. Everyone in the community is welcome and invited to.attend. Kennewick Church Peenk ‘Retzeat’__ C. H. Meyer. Ora Ernest. Harry Higley and son Leland from the Kennewick Christian church mot ored to Zephyr Lodge on Liberty Lake, east of Spokane, on a week end retreat of the Christian Mens Brotherhood of this district. ‘ A wonderful time was reported; by the returning men at the eve- Turkey Day Services Are Planned Thanksgiving services will be held in all Churches of Christ. Scientists. Thursday at 11 a. m. t President Truman's Thanks giving Day proclamation will be read. followed by appropriate scriptural selections. The subject of the Lesson-Sermon will be “Thanksgiving.” Golden Text: I Thessalonians. “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concern ing you." r The following verse from Psalms is included in the Les son-Sermon: “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving. and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him. and bless his name.” From “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy is the following cor relative statement: “God is not moved by the breath of praise to do more than He has already done, nor can the infinite do less than bestow all good, since He is u'nchanging wisdom and ove.’ ' Unitarians To Meet The Unitarian Fellowship will meet Sunday evening at 7:30 in room 209. Columbia High school. Richland. Subject will be “Free dom Goes Out,” second of a se ries of three under the general title “Does Freedom Ring True." Frank Ricker. secretary. ot- the Pacific Coast conference of the American Unitarian association was again enjoyed by the group last Sunday. He was entertain ed with a pot luck supper by the group given in the Columbia High cafeteria. The Pacific Coast Daniel-once extends as far south and west as Tucson Arizona and north to the Canadian border. . ning service Sunday night. The men also report that the Rev. Tom Yates will be with them Tuesday, Nov. 22. Rev. Yates is the state director of the Christ ian Men: Brotherhood. IFall Rally Planned The Youth League at Richland Lutheran church will be hosts to the Spokane Circuit Luther leagues Nov. 25-27. This is a fall rally which will give the young people an opportunity to rrliueet again in Christian Fellow. 3 P- } Friday: Registration. 12 noon Ito 6 p. in; evening session, 7:30 §p. m; devotions and welcome Ihv Joanne Dunlap. president of ‘the Youth League of Richland Lutheran church: welcome by rthe Rev. J. M. Grimsrud; music, "Temples Eternal" by Christian. ‘sen, Youth Choir, Richland Lu theran; address. the ‘Rev. Hiep ler, Pasco, “Let Christ Be Lord in Service in Prayer"; special music. Spokane League. Saturday: 9 a. m., devotions, Clarkston Luther league; song fest, Miss Knapcik; tapics: “Let’s Christ Be Lord in Service to Home,” Kennewick; "Let Christ Be Lord in Service to Church,” Moscow; “Let Christ Be Lord in My School Life," Richland; ad dress, “Let Christ Be Lord in Service to Country": mixer, 2 to 3 p. m.; b‘agquet, 5:30 pain; toastmaster, erbert ; uet, Jack Johnston and Bum: speaker, the Rev. Rodning, Grandviewz. Bible camp quartet; movies, 1949 Bible Camp pic- Sunday: Morning worship, 9:40 a. 111.; afternoon program, 2:30 p. 111.; devotions. Grand~ view Luther league; mutate. “Hymn of Praise," Mendelssohn. Senior choir. Richland Lutheran church. mas-mun: I‘m Moo Quality—Sente- Adv. IDE A L Cleaners Pasco 8500 ' Kennewick 1241