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Eh: (Enuripr-fieralh Successor to The Kennewick Couriertneporter and The Pasco Herald Published every Satnrday morning in Kennewick. at Front and Cascade Streets. Benton County. Washington by the Scott Publishing CO., Inc. Telephones: Kennewick 6751; Pasco 3366; Richland 4-1207. M Glenn C. Lee .................... Publisher Subscription Rates: $3.00 per year In Benton and Franklin Counties, $4.00 outside; or $1.25 per month when delivered by carrier in conjunction with the Tri-City Herald in Pasco, Kennewick or Richland. Wn.. or wherever established carrier Member Washinkton Newspaper Publishers , Association. Inc. Application _findm matter at the Postotflce in Kennewick. Wn.. under Act of March 3, 1879. Ofllcial Nefifigper Benton County and City of ‘ Kennewick Saturday, December 10, 1949 Mere Lobbyists Needed This country needs more, not fewer, lobbyists. This should be made plain at a time when congress is girding for an investigation of lobbying. What congress apparently proposes is a close scrutiny of some of the more active -—perhaps too active—lobbies. 0n the face of it, this is a worthwhile project, because admittedly there have been abuses of this democratic privilege. - The danger, however, lies in that the sins of a few may bring a blot on the many. The word “lobbyist” must not come to have the same odor as “chisler” or “five percenter.” Lobbying, in itself, is—and must re main—an honorable business under a republican form of government. If this nation were a true democracy and 'every issue was decided by a vote of the people there would be no need for lobbyists. But in representative government, where elected delegates do the voting, lobbying not only is necessary, but it be comes an obligation of every citizen to be a_lobbyist. He must not permit his elected representatives to vote unassisted. ‘ If the will of the people is to be done it first must be known. Our representa tives can know our will only if we express it. Our “votes,” the majority of which determine how our delegates shall vote, must, of necessity, be the letters and the telegramsme'send those delegates and the telephonef’iconversatibns" we have with, them. ' . it To do this, of course, makes eg" y citizen a lobbyist. 4 . . " However, failure to do it makes for government by the few who are interested enough to make their interest known—or - Lto hireksomepne togggke it known, which also is lobbying. 4' ” This isgthe distinction we must keep in mind constantly during the days ahead :when ms is investigating lobbyists. Robert Emmgy Gay ' Quiet, outspoken 'and studious are words that describe Robert Emmett Gay, who for 21 years edited and published the Prosser Record-Bulletin. Never one to reach for the limelight, Bob Casi, always made .his influence felt tram the'snhdaws: fHe “.had unbounded faith in his community and the future of the lower Yakima valley. He never gave sparingly of his efforts. He was always a booster, when boost .ers Were needed; he was a critic when critics were needed, and he was known as. -a man who never hesitated ,to provide a helping hand in assisting some worthwhile community venture. , 7 _ 7 - - _ 'Bob Gay was a student of civic and state affairs. He was slow and thorough in reaching a decision on issues, but once he he‘d made upshis. mind, he made his .staniknom _withnut' qualification. ,He never compromised a principle. He was always a gentleman. The Yakima .valley will miss the voice of the shy, sincere man, who always be lieved what he wrote and always wrote what he believed. George E. Sokols’kx The Marrow Of Faéf T DURING ALL the year‘s‘ of iierce propaganda to convince the American people that Soviet Russia is a good nation, that Sta lin is a good dictator, that com munism is becoming a good sys tem. men and women who be lieved no such thing and even knew that it was all untrue, toed the mark and followed the pipers not power. Their excuse today is that they were patriotic and fol lowed national policy. Some of them limit their par rotings to the war years and in sist that they could not oppose their own government during a :war. Many of them today are anxious that. their records of those years should be forgotten; that what they said and wrote should not be resurrected to plague them. On the other hand, during this{ same period. men and women Ofi courage and integrity, at person al risk, insisted upon stating the truth as4they could find it. , To mention ‘a'few. there were West brook Pegler. John T. Flynn, Ful ton Lewis Jr., Isaac Don Levine, J. B. Matthews, Eugene Lyons, Ben Gitlow, who “tried to warn the American people that they were being tricked and fooled. All or us—and there were more than here noted—became unpop ular; we were smeared, attacked, abused, and lied about. FOB XNSTANCE. J. B. Mat thews told the tale of the Harold Ware espionage cell in 1939 and he was called a liar; Today, the existence and nature of that cell is being disclosed in the Second Alger Hiss Trial. I called con stant attention in these articles to the menace of Harry Hopkins’s authority over our government; today. that is being disclosed in data as diverse as Edward Stet routes prevail. tinius’s book and the charges 0'! Major George Racey Jordan. - Pegler and others disclosed the relations between the com munists and the C. 1.0. and Peg ler was defamed in _every possi ble manner, but in the Second Alger Hiss Trial, much is com ing out, and more will appear in the quarrel between the 01.0. and, U.E. and other communist unions 1 An organized effort is now be ing made to smear Fulton Lewis Jr. This is nothing new. He was, for a time, nearly forced off the air by an organized and wicked campaign to .paint him as an anti-Semite. When Hitler was around, such a charge, true or false, was sufficient to kill off any writer and commentator. Now, he is being accused of in accuracy. When one asks for a gilldof particulars, none is of ere . BASICALLY. THE theory of the aggressive defenders of lying is to besrnirch everyone who tells the truth. Lewis brought Harry Hopkins back into the news and again raised the issue of his menacing relations to our gov ernment. The defenders of Hop kins are unable to establish his purity; he is dead and cannot direct them and whatever is the record. good or bad, will show. Harry Hopkins, like any other figure in history, will have to stand the test of. time and the disclosure of records. There is nothing more he can do about it than Hitler, Mussolini, Julius. Caesar. Franklin D. Rooseyelt or King Tut can do about their rec ords. No matter what documents are burned or what information is suppressed, the trnth has a curious way of coming out. I know, for instance, of a research 599?” C. Ruark A Discussion On, Modern Music SAN FRANCISCO; Dec. 10 I have been studying modern music lately—mod ern music being approximately one-half “Mule Train” and the other half bop—and I may have found an antidote for the whole business. This antidote would be a young color ed gentleman, originally of Los Angeles, whose name is Connie Jordan. Mr. Jordan is in his late 20’s and he looks rather like a sunburned Sinatra. He is a reformed drummer, and he sings in a little joint called the “Say When” here in town. The “Say When” finds itself stacked to the eaves each evening when Mr. Jordan begins to roll, and remains stacked until Mr. Jordan goes away. This is because Mr. Jordan has a yoice that combines something of the old fash ioned Georgia camp meeting with a sly} sophistication and even a wistful tenderw ness—Good Gawd, Ruark, lay them adjec tiv'es down, boy—which makes him about the best parlay in entertainment I have clocked since Crosby had hair. WHEN CONNIE is singing hot he opens up his mouth like a sinner come to mourn and he whacks his hands between phrasings and when he rocks on his heels and whacks his hands and opens up his mouth you can see the whole jampacked crowd whack hands and rock on heels and follow him with silent, open mouths. When Connie renders “Saturday Night Fish Fry” unto his faithful, there is no doubt at all that the young man has a son I in his lungs. He does not croon. 7 _ Connie can-stroke a ballad as soft and sexy as Sinatra in his better days and he doesn’t have to fake a falsetto. .He can turn loose on' a ditty with as much or as little noise as the ditty needs and knock the crowd dead with one reaction—name ly, that a pleasant looking brown young-. ster named Jordan has just cornered the market on all the rhythm in the world. , On top of that he looks nice. There is‘ a touch of the choir boy about him, and a clean good humor. This is a refreshing change from the nasty-looking men with the berets and the little goatees who hol ler “0000” and “eeee” in leiu of words, and whose whole repertoire seems slanted at the marijuana, or happy-stick, set. ‘ I AM JUST about caught up on this bebop kick. Paul Weston, _a rare band lead er who plays soft and pretty, was telling me the other day; that bop has become so esoteric that when a player, gets up now to take a solo break, all he has to do is stand there for most of his 32 bars and the applause is just as heavy as if he were playing. ‘ This is known as performing to a “cool” audience, a cool audience being one which is so hep that it does not need to hear the music at all, but can imagine what the music would sound like if” it were actually being blown out of a horn or thumped from a drum. It is somewhat like paying a singer not to sing or‘ a foot ball player not to run, and may have some advantages, ‘at that, I mean that is the proper place for bop, anyhow —in the heads of its fanciers and not in the public eardrum. . MY MAN JORDAN comes from‘ a musical family and hence has some respect for sharps and flats. His stuff ends on the beat and he is so old-’fashioned he even sings in tune. This is a modern miracle in jazz singing, since mostoftthe ones I hear lately wander around the m'elbdy’ like a drunk in the subway. Ordinarily I do not make a habit of going about discovering people, since this sometimes earns you a rap on the snout or additional financial obligations, but I break the rulein favor of Mr. Connie Jor dan. \ ' If this young gent isn’t the hottest thing in the vocal business before he’s much older I will take up bop myself and try to make it' popular with people who speak English. . ~ worker who, quite objectively, has been going through Dean Acheson’s White Book on China, to discover from it- what docu ments have been suppressed. It is possible from the records of the Tokyo Trials of the Japanese War Criminals .to piece together data that is not yet available in the present published American material. THE HISTORICAL researcher finds a fact here, some data there and soon enough, it all falls into place. Thé whole story of Yalta needs still to be told, but it is already possible to be gin to correlate sketchy Ameri can, British and Russian mate rial. Some day, Chiang Rai- Shek’s archives will become available to add an index. When all the characters in~ Vqlved in those years are dead, it Wlll be easier to discover the truth. Only foolish men can be lieve that they knéw ways of SuppreSSing the in ces to the betrayal of the United States in the interest of Russia, because that betrayal did occur. 'l'o Televise U. W. Games SEA'I'I‘LE, Dec. 9 (In—Whether the University of Washington's conference basketball games will be televised this winter will depend on an experiment agreed to yesterday by athletic director Highve ‘Caslsill. lg" arrangement 9 ‘ nea calls forggtationpKlNG. Seattle. _to televise seven HUSky pre-confer ence contest, beginning with this Saturday's Washington-Western Washington fray. . Success of the experiment and its effect on attendance may determine the schools future course of action. ~ “But This Thing Isn’t Getting A‘ny Bigger” Tribunal Criticized . . . By Ray Tucker ‘ WASHINGTON. Dec. 10—Many readers have asked for comment on the Supreme Court’s recent decision upholding the Patent Office’s disbarment of a lawyer because he had included a ghost written article in his successful application for a patent on a work-reducing, automatic ma chine. They are inclined to criti cize the tribunal for condemning such a common practice among statesmen, officials and‘business executives. . . . NISUNDERSTOOD -—Answer: The hullaballoo over this deci sion demonstrates once again the need for a publicity expert to keep this august and hard working body ot men from being misunderstood, and made to look ridiculous at times. The court did not condemn ghost-writing as such. It could not have done so with a straight face because I doubt it there is a man on that bench who has not resorted to this device at some time or other in his career. As a matter of fact‘kmost of their leg and mental wor and prelim inary writing of decisions is per- ‘ formed by their-Jaw clerks. 1 ‘ Q TIME—As one who has written speeches and magazine articles for numerous members} of Con gress and the Cabinet, and even for Franklin D. Roosevelt himself when I befian the promotion of the origin “baby bonds” in 1935, I can say that there is nothing harmful in this practice it not carried to extreme. Few. public men have the time to do? their own research and prepara tion of a speech or statement. The more conscientious public officials, however, digest an aide’s product, translate it into their own language and really make it their own production be fore delivery. Only the demago gues do a parrot-like job, some; times not reading the paper un~ til they get onto their feet or the platform. I I 0 O ‘ DECEPflON—But the ghost -Iwriting in the patent application iunder consideration was, in the court’s opinion, a “fraud" and a “deception.” The lawyer persuad ed a prominent labor official to sign an article praising the pa tent and refuting charges that it would be detrimental to union employees by depriving them of work. The ghost-writer subse quently demanded and was paid SB,OOO for his contribution. Moreover, as patent officials note. a rival company eventually had to pay more than a million dollars for‘intringement of the patent. These facts were set forth in the court's decision, but they were so obscured by legal lang uage 'that they were generally overlooked. A smart publicity man, how ever, would have been able to explain the decision in everyday terms, pointing out to reporters the sections of the document to which I refer, and thus saved Chief Justice Vinson’s men from unjustifiable joshing. Their faces have been red ever since they gave the impression that they were trying to break up one of Washington’s most ancient pro tessions._. PRMLEGEs—“Is it true.” asks GK. 0! Concord, N.H., “that Stal in's newspapers have a bureau at Washington, and that his re porters are accorded the same news-gathering privileges given to Americap writers?” Answer: Yes, the Tass Agency here, which serves “Pravda" and “Izvestia,” has a staff of six people. They have the privileges or the regular press galleries, Senate and House, and the right to attend press conferences held by officials from President Tru man down. In fact, the Tass bur. can here has lately been in creased in number. t t # OPP-THE-RECORD—There is no official discrimination against them. with one exception. There are times when high officials give ott-the-record material to ‘ provide correspondents with military, diplomatic and econom ic background. Naturally. Russia’s journalistic representatives are not invited to these affairs. However, Wash ington is such a whispering gal lery that they undoubtedly obtain information of great value to the promoters oi the “cold war." In view of the restrictions placed upon American correspon dents at Moscow and in all the “iron curtain” capitals, many of us sometimes wonder 4why the Red reporters should have such a free run of.ou.r'C.apital. ‘ POINT—“Has anything been done to carry out President Tru man’s ‘point four’ program for the development of so-called backward countries?" inquires T.O. of Brooklyn. N. Y. Answer: Not a thing, and I doubt if there will be any real government activity to promote this over~advertised scheme. Pri- Pasco , Personalities a; mnczs palm? The ladies auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Railroad Train men held their installation of officers for the ensuing year ISlufiday evening at the Masonic a. ~ ‘ 'The installing officer, Mrs. Edith Tabor. was assisted by the installing conductress, Mrs. L. L. Brain. »_ The officers being installed were: president, Mrs. Glenn Ralph; past president, Mrs. War ren Penny; vice president, Mrs. Jack Comer; secretary, Mrs. Ta bar: treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Keene: conductress, Mrs. Clair Phillips; warden, Mrs. Don Everett; chap lain, Mrs. Hazel Beck; inner guard. Mrs. A. K. Turya: outer guard, Mrs. Gretna Mulligan; pianist. Mrs. Dale Baumgartner; medical examiner, Dr. Roy Cor nell. \ PRESENTED WITH rm 7 The retiring president. Mrs. Penny, was presented with her past president pin by the newly elected president, Mrs. Rolph. Mrs. Penny presented each of the current officers with a gift in appreciation of their assist agge in her two years of being in 0 cc. Refreshments were served to the members by Mrs. John En gelke. Mrs. Brain and Mrs. Baumgartner. The table carried _out the Christmas season theme being decorated with Christmas trees made of tree ornaments. The room was lighted with tall green tapers. . Mrs. Jack Comer was pleas antly surprised by a large group of friends .Thursday evening when her daughter-in-law. Mrs. A. A. Turya, entertained her at a birthday party. f The evening was spent play-' ing pinochle with prizes being won by Mrs. Glenn Ralph and Mrs. E. 1.. Godfrey. RECEIVES MANYGII-‘l's Mrs. Comer was presented many lovely gifts from her friends, also a beautiful two tiered birthday cake baked by Mrs. Turya. 7 " Those helping Mrs. Comer cel ebrate the memorable occasion were Mrs. Mable Bizelow. Mrs. Milton Musgrave. Mrs. Warren Penny. Mrs. L. L. Brain. Mrs. John. Engelke, Mrs. J. A. Keene. Mrs. Clair Phillips. Mrs. Harold Liberty. Mrs. Hazel Beck. Mrs. Henrv Geiser. Mrs. Godfrey. Mrs. Dnlnh. Mrs. J'. \V. Mulligan and Mrs. Floyd Bittrick. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pennv and children. Bobby and Jan of Seattle, and Mrs. I. M. Penny of Snokane visited at the home of their brother and son. Warrenl Penny, Friday. Bruce and family had soent a week with his par- i ents in Spokane and were on‘ thfLY'aV home. J DOWNS FAMILY LEAVES Mrs. Orin Downs and children. Linda. Bobby and Winifred of Umatilla returned to their home Sunday after spending the past In” an Wanda-v» meg vate companies, of course—oil, public utilities, minerals etc.— have been investing and operat ing overseas wherever and when ever it was to their advantage. In fact, it is expected that there will be an increase of Am-'_ ‘erican development of raw ma terials, water power, agriculture and railroads in certain Latin- American countries within the next few years. But the great difficulty, and it has not yet been resolved. consists of the legal and economic impediments which many countries place in the path of foreign investors. a The State department hopes to use its influence to eliminate‘ these barriers in time, but so far; it has not been too successful. The overall fact is that, it con ditions abroad are stable and prospects for profits good, Am erican interests will go there without any need of official per suasion or assistance. , two weeks here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Keene. Norman and George Keene drove their sister and family to their home and returned the same eyening. ‘ _Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bozlee and daughters, Mary Elizabeth and Bertha, accompanied by Mrs. Bozlee’s mother. Mrs. S. S. Kempton, spent' Monday in Walla Walla. Mrs. William Boz lee returned home with them after Spending several days in Walla Walla with another son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bozlee. HAVE DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Smith were dinner guests Tuesday evening in Kennewick at the home of their niece and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Webber. John Vails and his sister. Mrs. Sadie Rigney 0! Yakima sp t Sunday in Pasco with their 3;. ter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Conrad. , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cunning. ham and daughters, Vernie Ann and Marilyn ‘went to Walla Walla Friday to spend the week yend with .Mrs, Cunningham’s {gin-firsts, Mr. and Mrs. John a er. Mrs. Jack Comer was called to Winlock Sunday by the ill~ ness of her father. Paul Jones. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gretz and daughters. Shirley Ann and Rosemary were Walla Walla vis. itors Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gretz. Officers Given 5 Tri-Cifians ‘ln WCE Chorus [ ELLENSBURG, Dec. 9—Five lstude’nts from the 'l'ri-City area will participate in the annual Christmas program of the music. drama and speech departments of Central Washington College of Education last night and to night in the college auditorium. Students from the 'l'ri-City ar ea who will participate in the charus are: Philip Sturdevant, Pasco; Paul Savage, Pasco: Shir ley Blodgett. Richland. Virginia Miller, Richland: and Marion Routh, Kennewick. nggar Swim Teens» ? PULLMAN. Dec. HlE—Ten returning lettermen give Doug 'Gibb the best balanced team he’s had since he started coach -ing the Washington State col llege swim team in 1942, he be leves. \ “We havea real chance of winning the - northern division meet." he said yesterday. The Cougars will host the ND. meet here March 3-4. ' DeWiff MacKenzie m Trials For China CHINA'S CIVIL conflw ap pears to be entering a new and perhaps even more terrible phase —the waging of guerrilla strife by the nationalists against the now victorious communist ar mics. This means underground fighting. It means stealthy blows struck under cloak of night when no man knows whether he is facing friend or foe. It means destruction by the torch. It means the ‘awful plague of the scorched earthdor the hungry masses. . The Orthodox phase of the pro tracted warfare was formally ended Thursday when the na tionalist government abandoned its temporary capital at Cheng tu, western China, and flew to Formosa. This great island off the southeast coast has been turned into a fortress by Gener a’lissimo Chiang Kai-Shek and is defended by some 300,000 troops. supported by an air force. _ Formosa long ago was prepar ed by the “Gimo,” as they call Chiang, for his last ditch stand. There the government will have its seat. From there the nation alist forces on the continent will be directed. THUS FORMOSA becomes the symbol of all nationalist China. So long as the flag still flies over this strategic island, and guerilla nationalists continue the fight on the continent, just 'so long can Chiang still maintain that his government is a going concern. j The nationalist troops which ‘were defending the government in the temporary capital of iChengtu are being pulled back sfurther westward to Sichang, 1n lSikang province. This will _be mainland headquarters pending ‘further develdpments. Whether this force will be split up into guerrilla contingents probably will depend on developments. ' The loss of Chengtu and sur rounding territory is a serious blow to the nationalists. My col ieague Charles A. Grumich, who served as an AP correspondent in China and now is on the AP staff with the United Nations? says the Chinese Reds in their? sweep on- Chengtu are grabbing; probably the richest farmlands in the world. i “THE CONQUEST o'f Szechwan province and the mountain rimmed Chengtu plain," Grum ich adds, “is their most impor tant triumph for control of food sources that may be exploited as a political weapon in hungry China. Thanks to centuries of ‘honey-pot' fertilization and an ancient irrigation system that traps and parcels the mountain waters“ the ‘sea on .land’ and "heaven on earth’ of the old cm. rnese. poets is productive almost ‘beyond dscription. It would feed large parts of China but for thel lack of transportation. , K 1 “Chengtu was one'of Marcoi Polo’s favorite cities and hej wouldn't find it leaking muchl different today—except for the scramble of the nationalists to get out ahead of the oncoming communists. The old walled city prides itself on a culture that dates from three centuries before Christ and on the fact that this is the real China preserved IDEAL; ,Cleaners ‘ Past? 8500. » Kennewick 1241 - HHUSEWIVES CHEER SOOTLESS FURNACES 58x Housedeaning is a Breeze after “CHIMNEY SWEEP" Destroys Soot in Furnaces, Flues and Chimney! Housewives, everywhere,‘report substantial savings in clean ing bills and housework after soot has been cleaned from furnaces. Homes where Chimney Sweep has been used thirty days or longer discover aremarlsable absence of soot smudge on drapes, curtains, walls and woodwork. * "sun-ct. WC It “5' ing less oil but best of all, it seems my housework is cut in half.” ~- —ull on: wuuucruu things we heard. Three weeks after we started using Chimney Sweep there wasn’t a midgin of smudge anywhere in the house.” ---—-——- uerore my hus band put Chimney Sweep in the fur naoe the soot smudge would settle on our woodwork almost as fast as I cleaned it. Now that the soot is gone it’s a wonderful relief not to clean the whole place every day.” - WASHINGTON HARDWARE-FURNITURE Kennewick Washing!" g .Mrs. Rollo Wéed: ~ Columbus, Ind. stated : “I’ve never seen ll"ything like the way Chimney Sweep goes to work on soot. Our home is much warmer. we're us. ”A neighbor told us about Chimney i SWQOP.” Said Mrs. EW. E. Woodman sé see, East Orange, iN. J. “We tried it Eand found that 5 Chimney Sweep is in]! the wonderful \ Mrs. E. K. Beck,: Bryn Mawr. Pa -53 reported, “It’s ‘ amazing how {clean everything EMays since we gstarted using iChimney Sweep. Rofnrn may 1“... through centuries of fighting- Grumich also reminds us “It Chengtu was the center of air. fields ,1 that launched the land-based attacks on Japanug‘ the B-29s of the American m bomber command in 1944. ‘ AND WT DOES the rum. hold for Chengtu and this rig taming area? Certainly the m. ture isn’t bright. with the Qi nese Reds rushing in for bank with the nationalist army to a. west. There is, of course, ti: possibility of much fighting, Q pecially of the guerrilla type. Nationalist tactics. as am aged by observers. may imam. cz\ltion of a considerable num. ber of guerilla “pockets" on the mainland to harrass the com. munist forces. These poem could be supplied by airplane! from Formosa. Paratroope.‘ from the island might also he dropped at strategic points 1! help organize peasant uprising. against the corprnunists. - If all these things materially; the country's 400 millions may go through a hell which Will make past trials seem mild. It depends on how well the nation. alists are able to implement the plans which they. have in mind. We mustn't overlook that they are in a bad way and are con templating a last ditch Stand. The United Nations yesterday developtd an interesting side light to this upheaval. The as. sembly called on all the worn to keep hands off China and t. reSpect her_ treaties. This policy was initiated by the United States with Austn. lia. Mexico, Pakistan and tin‘ Philippines as co-Sponsor. Beam transmission is a dime. tional system "for the sending of short wave signals that result: in higher efficiency. éeu luvs V m nus BIG cm £293”? | find. I -‘-Time for ' EXTRA COMFORT EXTRA SCENIC BEAU" m CONVENIENCE by GREYHOUND“ It's "Take-A-Trip Time" to go places and do things. Who can resist the alluring call of Fall? Who wants to-when you eat have it all by Gwyhaund-fer so little! I EXTRA SAVINGS, TOO! ' iron: Kennewick GI. ‘37 CHICAGO .............~..“.-..mss NEW YORK .. 46.15 MINNEAPOLIS ..................81.95 1 BOSTON M * (plus U. 5. Tax) GREYHOUND POST HOUSE xmmzvncx ,vS ‘ . Prim :1 —_—::l,= c. 33.3. fWTJzZ-‘éatedt' m GREYH O U N D Easy to “.88 in Coal, Coke. Wood or Oil Furnaces! , Chimney sweep goes to work (In ,soot in much the same way W , soap attacks dirt—by safe chem ical action. The soot. is loosened 01' “flufi‘ed up" so that it is destroyed 'ilnuthe course tofc 101-ma] egmbustig 0 types 0 imney weep availfvl‘ll:d 3 Powder flfor 12:1... :03. an - urm‘ng rep ur naees and stove: and Liquid for oil or kerosene heating units. Pow der Chimney; Sweep is thrown di rectly on t e fire. according to 31m 1e ditections rinted on every pecEge Liquid Ciimney Sweep u pou into the fuel oil or kerosene storage tank. Chimney Sweep does the rest! —______ all" 0|" DANGEROUS. Hut-“HUNG 300! .. . ask for Z CHIMNEY ‘ AT.AU. HARDWARE AND, A DEPARTMENT srous POWDER E ‘ron (on, (one, moon 5 I FLIQUID : m on, KEIOSENE f anmunmxoumuicowwssronmcafl 5 j' llb.Box 49¢ : 31b.80X51029 M L.______. E Pint $1 .29. :J 3 Quart' $2.29" L