0/ gri-Cjily CAurc£ed
U ' E
It Sim
Rc-orsanized Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints. Marcus Whitman School.
1.. A. Whiting. pastor. Phone 8-0769. Sun
day School 9:45 a.m. Room 221. Morning
Service 11:00 am. Room 221. Christmas
pageant. Sermon ’ntie: "Looking Unto
0 0 0
Richland Assembly of God. Lewis and
Clark school. Sunday school. 9:45 a.m.:
Morning worship. 11 a.m.: Youth service.
6:30 p.m.: Evangelistic. 7:30 p.m.
O I‘ 0
Mission school. Richiand Baptist church.
Room 14. John Ball school. S. W. Douglas.
superintendent. 9 run. a
0 9 0
All Saints Episcopal. Stevens and Van
Glescn. Leo w. Dyson. pastor. Holy com
munion. 8:15 a.m. Sunday School. 8:15
a.m. both in Richland Lutheran church.
Morning prayer and sermon. 11 a.m. in
Villase theatre.
O 0 0
Bethel Lutheran. John Ball school rooms
9 and 12. Paul l-larting. pastor. 1228 Dud
ley. Presser. Clara Reinke. parish worker.
1215 C. North Richiand. Worship service.
9 a.m. Sunday School. 10 am. Confirma
tion class. 6 p.m. -
O I 0
Catholic Church. Church of Christ the
King. Rev. W.J. Sweeny. pastor. Rev. J.J.
Kelley. asst. pastor. Stevens drive. Sun
day masses 5:30. 8:30. 10. 11:30 a.m..
Saturday confessions 3 to 4:30 p.m.. 7.30
to 9:30 p.m.
0 O 0
Christian Science. Columbia high school
Sunday School. 11 a.m.. room 209. Morn
ing service. 11 a.m.. room 215.
0 0 0
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints. North nichland branch. John Ball
school. room 1. Priesthood meetings. 9
to 9:45 a. m. Sunday school 10 a. m.
Sacrament meeting. 11 a. m.
0 O 0
Church of the Nazarene. 11. Fred Vogt.
pastor. room 300 (cafeteria). Spaldins
school. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Showers
oi Blessing. 7:45 a.m.. KUJ: morning
worship 11 a.m.: Juniors and young
peoples. 6:30 p.m.: evening worship. 7:30.
0 O 0
Church of God (publishing house. An
derson. lnd.). Spalding school. room 204:
Harold C. Lougheed. minister. 1318 Per
kins. Morning worship. 10:45 a.m. Young
People. 6:30 a.m. arching. 7:30 p.m.
O O 0
Church at Christ meets in Columbia
nigh .9:hool Gym. ' James 1.. Standridge.
Evangelist. nos Putnam Street. phone
1409-W. Bible Classes. 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Preaching and Communion Service 10:50
am. and 8 run. 11wa Broadcast. 3:80 to '
4 pm. (DST). _ '
o a 0
Free Methodist Church. Marvin Ensign.
pastor. Marcus Whitman school. Dee and
Snow. Sunday School. 9:45 am. room
121. Mowing Service. 11 a.m.
Latter Day Saints‘ (Mormon). Columbia
high school. Sunday. priesthood meeting.
9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 10:30 a.m.
north itichiand branch. John Ball school.
room 14. Sunday School. 1 Mn. Sacra
ment meeting. 1:45 p.m. '
. . a s' a
Mind Lutheran. Stevens and Val
Giesen. J. M. Grlmsrud. pastor. Worship
service. 9:40 and 11. Sunday School.
grades. 12. 9:40: adult ciass~at 1521 Ste
- vens: primary department. 11 a.m. 1.0.8..
grades 3-7 meets resend and tourth Sun
day S p.m. You league andadult
leasue 7 mm. . . . ‘
National. Lutheran Council. John Ball
school. rooms 25 and 26. Clarenceiian
son. pastor. 328 Ave." 1!. North Richiand.
sunday school andnible class. 9:45 a. m.
Worship service. 11 a. m.
~,0 O 0
. UNITED snowman-r
mach dileialiy representing 11 denomina
. - . , , tions.) .
"‘Cen'tfal Unlted Protestant (Methodist
sponsored) Roy 1.. Smith. Kenneth Sell.
A. .Phillip' Walhorn. pastors. Stevens Drive
andjLong A: 11 a.m.. Moi-rung Wore
ship. 9:30 a. Sunday School _at "letter
son. Marcus Whitman: 9:45 a.m.. Sunday
.Schooi at Sacaiawea (intants. 3 years).
r00m"137. .11 a.m.. Junior church. Saca
awea gym (LT-grades). 11 a.m.. chil
dren's-hour. (1.8) grades)» room :143
SacaJawea; 5:30. junior. high fellowship.
Sacaiawea gym ((-8 grades) 6:30 am.
college tellowshlp at the church: 6:30
youth Warship at the church. 7:45 p.m.
, evening service. -
ss o .
West Side United. Protestant (Presby
terian sponsored). Irvin N. Morris. Min
-ister. Marcus Whitman school auditorium.
Lee and Snow. Morning Worship. 11 am.
Sunday School. 9:80 am. _ ;
. - 0 0 O
mused Church of Jesus Christ oi
Latter Day Saints. Marcus Whitman School.
I. A. Whiting. pastor. Phone 8-0789. Sun.
day School 9:45 a.m. Room :21. Morning
Servic 11:00 a.m. 360 m 221. Jr. Church
Room 215. Sermon Title. Sacrament Ser
vice."‘l'hs Willing and obedient." Alter
noon and aching . Events. 6:00 p.m.
0 9 0
South Side United Protestant (Northern
lsptist sponnred). Paul E. ilamlin. pas
tor. Goethals and Gillespie. Sunday school,
9:45 ans: Morning worship. 11 and
Family Hour. 6:30: Youth Fellowship.
7:31: Priendshlp 1.1 m? S9O.
Reorganized Church or Jesus Christ or
flp ' _
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v I
Latter Day Saints. Marcus Whitman school.
L. A. Whiting. pastor. phone 8-0679. Sun
day school 9:45. room 223: Morning serv
ice. 11 a.m.. room 223. sermon. "Because
He First Loved Us": Zion League. 6 p.m..
1008 Winslow: Sunday evening service.
7:30. room 223. adult class.
0 O 0
Northwest United Protestant (Christian
Spalding school at the west end of Will
iams and Sacramento Blvd.. Claude P.
Sabin. minister. Mrs. Leslie M. Lyali. min
ister of music. Church school. 9:45 a.m.:
Morning worship. 11 a.m.. (two services
each Sunday adults and children) (main
auditorium Spalding school): Christianl
Youth Fellowship. 6:30 p.m. '
0O O ,
Baptist Church. ii. A. Zimmerman. D.D..
pastor. George Washington Way and War.
drop. Sunday school. 9:30 a.m.: Morning
services. 10:50 a.m.: Training union. 8:30
p.m.: Evening services..7:3o p.m.
. O I
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints. Marcus Whitman school
L. . A Whiting. pastor. Sunday School.
9:45 a.m.. room 223: morning service.
11 a.m.. room 223: Zion's league. 7:30
t' 0 0
Richland Church of Christ. Co
lumbia High Gym. James 1... Standrldse.
Evangelist. 1105 Putnam St.. Telephone
5-9757. Sunday Services: Bible classes.
10 a.m. and 6 p.m.; Gospel preaching.
10:50 a.m. and 7 p.m.: The Lord's Supper.
11:45 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. KPKW broadcast.
2:30-3 p.m.
'0 O 0
Redeemer Lutheran. 5m Goethals Drive.
Edward it. lmme. 504 Goethals Drive.
Sunday school. 9-45 a. m.: morning~ser
vice. 11 a.m.: Saturday. 10 a.m.. con
tinuation class: 11 a.m. children's choir.
O O 0
Unity Lecture. 7:30 Col. High school.
room 125. the second and fourth Sunday
or each month. Lecturer. Beulah Scott of
the Yakima Unity Center.
0 0 O
- Salvation Army. Spaiding school. room
No. 100. Sunday school tor all ages. 9:30
a.m. ,
''o t 0
-.. . I I
North Bichland United Protestant Church
(sponsored .by the State - Council. of
Churches). Eugene W. Muench. pastor: all
services in ‘John Ball School. 9:30 a. to.
Sunday school. room 18: 10:30 a. m.
Homing Worship. room 18: 6:30 p. In.
Senior Youth Fellowahlp. mum. 18. -
C 0 0
First Baptist church: Jefferson Grade
school. Pastor. Rev. Nile Fisher. Sunday
schoal. 10:30: Preaching service 11:15:
evening service. 7:30. ‘
'‘'' ’ O l O
Unitarian Fellowship. Sunday school 11
to 12 a. m. at‘4o2 Cottonwood. Richiand.
.itm. 209. Columbia Eigh.‘itichlahd.—
‘ O 0 ‘O. '
Four Square Gospel .Churchr Columbia
high school. c. Ostrom. pastor. Sunday
school- 11 'a. m.. -moms,‘l2l-123-135:
Morning Worship. "12 noon.-itm. '121: Cru
saders. 6:15 p. m..- Rm. 215:: Evangelist
7:30 p. m.. Rm. 215: Tuesday. 7:30 p. m.
Rm: 215; Friday. 7:30 p. m.. Rm. 215:
O .O 0 _ -
Vista Community ‘Baptist Church. 1614
2nd Ave. West.. Mrs. Marie Bali. mission
ary: Sunday school. 9:45 a.m.: Morning
worship. 11 a.m.: Wednesday...7:3o p.m..
Bibs study' and prayer; _ -
. 'e ~ . . .
"Assembly oi God. 102, Kennewick Ave.
9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m.: even
8. James Cornwall. .pastor. Sunday School.
ning. 7:45. _ »_ . .
Bethlehem ‘ Lutheran (The Church of
the Lutheran Hour). Third and Benton.
M. 0. Kath. pastor. Sunday School. 10
a.m.Morningservice.ll-a.m. _ .
I ' ‘Cl'.’ .... '.‘.‘ 4-
..Church or Our Saviour ’(miscopal) Pasco.
Dec. ‘ 24—yndidnight_Euchaflu. 11:30 p.m.
Déc. 2:s—Holy Canthuhiou. “10:30 a.m.
Holy ' Baptism. 11:30, a.m.f No Sunday
School. ‘Rev. Fred w.‘ Baker. 619 Albany
Ave.. Kennewick: Phone 2931.
St.. Paul’s Episcopal mmnsoo Block.
AwMéA-florninsprmr 10 am Sun
day school; 10 a.m. (in the Hall): Holy
Baptism.-4:3o‘p.m. - .
'OO t ‘
Assembly of God. 102. Kehnewick'Ave.’
Sunday~ 'lnornihg. wbrsldp‘ at 11 o’clock.
Sunday School, at 9:45 a.m. Sunday eve
ning service at 7:3o."!‘uesday evening at
3:30. . Young People's. service. . .
9 0 . -
United Pentecostal Church ‘O2 ~Jesus
Christ. 721 Columbia Ave.. Sid C. Sargent.
Pastor. Sunday school. 10 a.m.: Morning
worship. 11 a.m.: Evening service. 7:30
.m. ~ . - ,
D . . O O '_o
Christian _Church. 'i'hird and. Washington.
Eugene C. Hawkins. pastor. Sunday school
9:45 a.m.' “Morning you-ship. 11..
O O -
, 'Churchzot God. seventh. and Gum. C; D.
Rookei'. pastor. Sunday * school 10 a.m.
Morning. worship 11 a.m.: evening 7:30
p.m. ~.
* 0 O O .
(Mormon) meets at Masonic Temple. A.
Morgan. branch president. Sunday School
10 a. m. Sacrament: p.- m. -
- 0 :0 ‘
Church oi the Nazarene. First Ave.
and Everett. J. N. 'i‘lnsley. pastor. Sunday
School. 9:45. Seroton. 10:45 a. m. Young
People. 6:30 p. m.: evening 7:30.
.ea o -
finiey Community 'Methodist. Keane
wick. lit. 1.- Pierce Roberts. Pastor. Sun
day‘School at Finley and iiover. 10 a.m.
Morning service. 11 a.m.. Finley.
"-> 0 0 -
’ First Baptist. Washington at First. it. E.
Stanley Hunt..pastor. Sunday School. 9:45.
Morning worship. 11 a. .m. Youth Fellow
ships. 7:00: evenings. 7:30.
0 0
First Lutheran. Second and. Auburn. P.
J. _Luvaas. minister." Sunday School. 9:45.
Morning worship. 11 a. m. Luther League
7 p. m. ' ‘
o o o
First Methodist. Kennewick and Dayton.
Rev. A. ester Wischmeier. pastor. Sun
day School. 9:45 a. m.- Morning worship.
10:55 a.m.. Jr.’ Hi Yd" . 5:3) p.m.: Sr. Y.F.
7 p.m.: Lampson Road. Sunday school.
Bruce Lampson home; 121.111.“. :
St. Paul'svliplscopal. 619 Ave. A. 10 a.
to. Sunday School. 10 a.m.‘noly Commun
ion 10 a.m. .
___'_.. o 0.01 W
Unity Study Group. St. Paul's. scopai
parish hall. 619 Ave A. Beulah Scott. lec
turer and teacher. 2:90 p. at. Thursday.
0 O O
Pilgrim Holiness. 212 East Third. Rev.
L. F. Knight. pastor, Sunday School
9:45. morning service 11:00 a. in. Young
people 6:30. evening service 7:30 p.m.
rasco .
Assembly of God. 327 West Bonneville.
Gladys D. Cutler. pastor. Sunday School.
9:45. Morning worship. 11 a. as: evening
7:45. . .
O 0 O .
Christian Church. , Filth and Shoshone.
Grant 1!. ~Cole. Pasco. Sunday School
3:45. Morning Worship. 11 a.m. evening
'OO O »
Bethlehem Lutheran Church. 3rd and 8.
Benton. M. C. Kauth. pastor. Sunday
school and Bible class tor adults. 19 a.m.:
Divine worship. 1% a..m..
Christian Science. Fourth and Shoshone.
Sunday school. 9:40 a. m.: Sunday service.
11 .Jn. 0 O 0
Church of Christ. Labor Rail. Second
and Clark. George Smith. minister. Bible
Study. 10 a. m. Preaching and communion
11 a.m.: evening. 7 p. m.
0 O 0
Church or the Nazarene. Seventh and
Yakima. Clarence Berkley. pastor. Sunday
School. 10 'a. m. Morning service. 1.1 B- m.:
evening 7p. m. . .
First Congregational. Fourth and Bonne
ville. Rev. lvan Smith. pastor. Sun
day School. 9:45 a. m. Morning worship.
11 a. in. Young People. 6:30 p. m.
0 0 I
Seventh-Day Adventist. Eighth and Syl
vester. James A. Ward. pastor. Sabbath
school (Saturday) 9:45 a. m.: morning
worship 11:00 a. nu. .
Pasco Mission. 129 West Lewis. liev.
Ray Carriker. pastor. Undemonated serv
ices. 10 a.m. Sunday School. Evening
services. Sunday. Tuesday. Nd” Md
Saturday at 7:30 p.m.
0 0 0
First Lutheran Church. sth and Bonne
ville. Orville G. Hiepler. Pastor. Sunday
lmnrning worship services. 8:15 and 11:
,Sundny school. 9:30: Young people! Lu:
ther league. 6 p.m.: Holy Communion ‘
‘service (ist Sunday oi each month). 8
[p.m. . . .
. L.D.S. Church. 10th and Yakima: priest
'hood at 9 a.m.: Sunday school at 10:30
'_ a.m.: Sacrament meeting. 7 p.m. l
c3O . I
First Baptist Church. 2nd and Gianni;
- Lyle Bramblet. Pastor. sunday school. 91.1.;
la.m.: Morning worship. 1.1 a.m.: Evening
service. 7:45 p.m. ‘
I News Of Presser Area
Bradfield Family Back Home
Affer Soiourn In Brazil
PROSSER, Jan. 6 Rev. and
Mrs. E. H. Bradfield and family
of five children have returned to
Prosser after' spending three
years in a missionary field in
Rev. Bradfield is a former pas
tor of the Calvary Pentecostal
church in Presser, which he
[served for five years. The mis
isionary states that he is in the
States for an indefinite period
of time.
After visiting in Prosser, Pen
dleton and Lewiston for a few
days, the Bradfields will estab
liish their headquarters in Olym
p a. ‘
Rev. Bradfield and wife will be
heard both morning and evening
in the local Pentecostal church
]§R_’c';§"ii'6_cpncl~:_nt_ __ _ _ _l
The choir of . the Richland
Baptist church, under the direc
tion of Miss Imogene Baker, will
give a sacred concert Sunday
evening at 7:30 in the First Bap
tist church here.
Divorce decrees have been is-i
sued to Elvah M. Jorgenson‘
from Edward M. Jorgenson; and
to Ruth Waller from Herbert
Waller. An action has been filed
in the clerk’s office by Given
glutlteball against Max Hutte
al . ‘
. County Treasurer C. W. Nessly
has announced a sale of county
property to be held Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock.
Included in the sale are 10
parcels of land located in Sec
tions 29, 30 and 32 in township
12, range 24 North. There are
also two pieces of county proper.
ty near Whitcomb which are up
for sale.
Deposits in the Prosser Branch
of the Old National Bank of
Spokane totaled $4,374,497.32 at
the close of business on Dec. 31.
in.“ vngv v- qul-lww v. 5 uvm v‘m‘
Prosser had two New Year ba
bie‘s born in the Prosser Memo-1
rialhospital. Baby No. 1, a girL;
was born at 1:14 a.m. to Mr. and
Mrs; Charley Marley, and baby‘
No. 2, a boy, was born at 10:23
pm, to Mr. and Mrs. James
Redd Jr. .
‘ A daughter was born Jan. 4 to
Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Landin, also
sf Prosser. ‘ ‘
|Fn§s§£§ “any“ f_ _ {
The Prosser Parent-Teacher
association announce the Janu
ary meeting for Monday evening
in the Riverview auditorium at
8 o’clock. Mrs. Homer Gill of
Grandvlew, as guest speaker,
will present a travelog on a re
cent trip to the Atlantic sea
board. " ‘
Observance of the 13th birth
day of the Prosser Business and
Professional Woman's club'will
be featured Monday evening
with a potluck dinner in the 1i:
brary club room. After dinner at
7 o’clock the program will be
directed by Miss Edna L. Keene
in charge of special club days.
' The Ruggers have stated a no
host luncheon at 12:30 Monday
at the home of Mrs. L. S. Rod
man at 1008 Anna street.
Mrs, Joe Steed will receive
members of the Friendship Cir
cle at her home Thursday at 2
[WHEY-to mar v . l‘
The Women’s Christian Tem- .
perance Union will meet Wed- ;
nesday at _2 p.m. at the home of ‘
Mrs. V. C. -Wilson, with Mrs. ;
Edith S. Allen and Mrs. Lawr- .
ence Myers as co-hostesses. Mrs. ;
L.‘ J. Larson will lead the devo- j
tional-hour and Mrs. Myers will ‘
present the program. i
The Rattlesnake Homemakers ;
will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3
the. home of Mrs. Russ Holmes. 1
Assisting hosstesses will be Mrs. ‘
Glen Jones and Mrs. Homer Tull.
Riverside camp 2438. Royal ,
Neighbors of America, announce ;
a public installation of officers 3
on Wednesday evening in the ‘
Labor Temple. 3
I Church Radio l
“Shem of Blessings." Nazar
ene church. 7:45 a.m. Sundays.,
Baptist-“ Morning Bible Hour,"
KPKW. 9 a. m. dail: except
Lutheran—‘The Lutheran Hour"
KPKW. 1 p.m. Sunday.
Pentecostal— Pasco Pentecostal
Mission, 4:45 p. m. Sundays.
Interminilterlal— KPKW, 9:00-
9:30 a.m. Sunday: 5:45 p.m.
week days. .
meniand'Church of Chflst KPKW
2:30-3 p.m., Sunday.
humbly 0! God “Assembly
Echoes." 5:30 p. 111., Sunday.
St._ Paul’s *Episcopal church. Rev.
Frederic Baker. pastor: morning prayer.
10 a.m.: Sunday school. 11 a.m.; bishop's
committee meeting. 7 p.m.
O O 0
Pasco-Kennewick Presbyterian Church. ‘
Arlan P. Dohrenburg. student pastor.
Sunday services in Seventh-Day Adventist
Church. Sylvester and Eighth Ava. Pasco.
Morning worship 11 a.m.: Sunday school
9:30 a.m.: Westminster tellowship 4:30
p.m.: choir rehearsal. Thursday. 7:30 p.m.
St. Patrick's Church. Rev. William Sch
mitz. Rev. George H. McCabe. Sunday
Masses: 8. 9:30. 11 a.m.: Confessions. Sat
urday trom 4-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.,
O 0 0 ..
First Methodist Church. Rudolph A. \
Anderson. Minister. Morning worship. 11:
Sunday school. 9:45: Youth tellowship.
5:30 p.m.
miscopal Church of Our Saviour. N. Bth
and Lewis Streets. Rev. 1". Baker. rector. .
Sunday school. 10 a.m.: Holy Communion
and sermon. 11:30 a.m.: Choir practice
Tuesday evenings. 7 p.m.
O 0 O ‘
Pasco-Kennewick Presbyterian. Arlan P.
Dohrenburg. Student Pastor. All Sunday
services in the Seventh-Day Adventist 3
Building. Sylvester at Eighth Ave.. Pasro. ‘
Sunday school. 9:30 a. m.: Morning wor
ship. 11 a.m.: Westminister Fel
lowship. 7:30 p. m. for teen-age youth.
Choir rehearsal. Tuesday evening. 7:30.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rod
gers. 1524 Olive St.. Pasco.
t O a
First Christian Church. Pasco Wash.
Bible School. 9:43 a.m. Morning Worship
and Communion. 11:00 a.m. Music by the
Junior-intermediate choir. A girl's trio.
and the singing of “Jesu Bamblno" by
Mrs. Grant Cole and Paul Davidson. Ser
mon by the pastor. "We Too Follow the
Star." Evening Christmas program. 7:30
2 island View Chanel. Rev. Russcl A. 3
'fl'arrenk. pastor. Sunday School 9:30 a.»
m. Morning service. 10:45. Junior church'
6:13 p. m. and evening service 7:15 9.13: I
Mrs. C. C. Wells, assisted by‘
Mrs. Al Winkler and Mrs. M ry
Houston, will be hostess at a;
meeting Monday evening for he
Vesta Home Demonstration c 1 b.}
The .program, themed to “ a-‘
shions for the Figure” will 'be‘
presented by Mrs. G. R. HilemanT
and Mrs. 0. D. Graham. ’ a
The" Women’s Missionary So. 1
ciety of the U. P. chfirch will
meet Friday at the home of Mrs.
Ernest Fisk. Mrs. Harold Jones
and Mrs. Durwood Wheeler will
be in charge of the devotional
service and program.
Miss Elsie Tasker, former
Prosser teacher, was a house
guest of Mrs. V. A. Schmidt
Thursday and Friday of last
Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Dickinson]
have returned to Auburn after a
holiday visit with their daugh
ter, Mrs. Elgan Cox and family.
Mrs. E. L. Kent, who spent the
month of December at the home
of her‘ daughter, Mrs. Robert
Moore, returned to Walla Walla
where she makes her home with
ian'other daughter, Mrs. Claude
Guests at the ' Harry Carver
home during the holiday season
were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Osborn
and children of Colville and Mr.
and Mrs. Vern Carver of Yakima.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Peters and
daughter Linda of Lind were
guests of Mrs. Orah Dunn Tues
aY. -
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Leathier
returned Tuesday from a three
week visit with their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Romstead and family in
Horse Heaven Club
Fefed This Week -
Mrs. Ralph Wooden entertained
the Horse Heaven Home Econom
ics club at her home Wednesday
with Mrs. Amy Burkhart and
Mrs. Bernice Dowd as assistant
Guests were Mrs. Everett
fhristen and Miss Marilyn Eas
After the luncheon. Mrs. Syl
via Easley told of attending the
leader training meeting held in
Prosser last week on fashions.
She 'showed charts that indicated
the styles and selection of dress
that were suitable for all types
of figures, as well as making the
most of one's best features.
Figure problems were discus
sed, with suggestions on improve
ment. Mrs. Easley was assisted
by her daughter, Marilyn, and
Mrs. Leone Heady in the demon
Mrs. Heady also reported on a;
consumer's report on breads, the
amounts of additives or substi
tutes that are used and how they
may effect health.
The club members voted to
sponsor a campfire group the
coming year. and a committee of
five volunteered to help in this
project. Mrs. Easley will be
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marley,
Jr., are the parents of a daughter,
Kristie Anne, born early New
Year’s morning at the Prosser
Memorial hospital. The baby
weighed 7 lb. 12 oz. She and her
mother came home from the
hospital Wednesday afternoon
and are at the Ray Gould home
here, to join her sister Claudia
Lynn. Kristie is the 57th great
grandchild of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Gould of Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andrews,
who are living on the George
Smith ranch in western Horse
Heaven, were guests New Year’s
at the Harold Heady home in
Prosser. Also present were Arthur
Dowd, Marilyn Easley and her
house guest, Miss Nita Schaf:
fer. Miss Schaffer was home for
the holidays from Spokane where
she is in training as a nurse. Mrs.
Andrews is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Smith.
Lige Sadler of Benton City
passed away at the Prosser hos
pital Sunday evening from a ce
rebral hemorrhage. Funeral ser
vices were held Thursday after
noon at Benton City. Survivors
are his wife and a brother,
George. Mr. Sadler was a former
resident of this community, liv
ing at the old Weber or Fairview
place and had a sister, Mrs. Ma
bel Uland. who also lived here
with her family for years ‘before
moving to Benton City.
Bob Johanson of Benton City.
had one of those freak accidents
here Tuesday evening that might
so easily have resulted in tra
gedy. He had a truck and trailer
loaded with fertilizer. As he
swung into the sharp curve of
the road at the beginning of
Weber canyon beyond the D. L.
Henson place he knew he could
not make the turn in the fresh,
slippery new snow. So in order
to avoid turning over, he drove
across and straight down into
the canyon. ‘
Had he turned the least bit the
truck would have overturned.
The trailer load shifted and fell
off, between the truck and trail
er, the hill being steep, and this
stopped the vehicle. The truck
load also shifted and shaved the:
cab ahead a bit. This was all the
damage done.
Johans‘on walked back to Ben
son’s where he phoned his home,,
It’s wise to be polite, even when
you don't want a favor.
‘ Prompfly and Efficiently
' PHONE COLLECT—Pasco. 6411
1 Kennewick. 2161
‘ “A Saving to You—A Service to the
‘ Community"
‘ Seattle. ’
Mrs. Harry Evans was called
. to Beaumont, Calif., Monday by
the illness of her 2-year-old
grandson, Tommy Drottess. who
underwent an ' appendectomy.
She plans to be in California
about a_month.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiles Rodman of
Ellensburg were guests at the
home of their son, L. S. Rodman
and family on New Year’s Day.
Art claSes under the direc
tion of Mrs. Jane Coffman of
Kennewick were resumed in
Prosser this week. The. classes
were held in .the library club
Mrs. Raul Harting. who has
been hospitalized in Portland
lfor several months, was able to‘
return to Prosser last week. She
is reported to be convalescing:
satisfactorily at her home.
monuunrrss vrsrr 1
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smolen of
Richland were visitors in Prosser
on New Year’s Day, being din”-
ner guests of Mrs. Barbara
Meirs. ,
W. A. DeGood, who underwent}
major surgery in Kadlec hos-;
pital. on Dec. 27, was able to re-‘
turn to Prosser Wednesday. He‘
is getting along nicel¥ and is to‘
report to the hospita for peri
odical checkups.
Visiting for an indefinite time
in Prosser is Mrs. Henry Han
sen, who is a guest of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Carl Hanson.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larsen
and family. of Kennewick were
New Year guests of Mr. Larsen's
mother, Mrs. Grant F. Seeber.
and for assistance in getting
back on the road. It was a spot
to be in that was not enviable,
however, for getting under way
again wasn’t as easy as it
Eva Perrault Williams of The
Dalles, ore., was an overnight
guest Tuesday evening of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Hanson. Mrs. Wil
liams is -a former resident of the
Harry Hadley and Mrs. Aura
Burkhart left Wednesday morn
ing to drive to Long Beach, Cal.,
where they will visit relatives for
several weeks.
The Elmer Hansons are having
a walk-in freezer installed in the
basement of their home, and ex
pect to have it finished this
week. Reece and Sons of Yakima
are doing the work.
§7th Married '
‘Year Honored
'l'hree score and ten oi mar
ried lite -—~
Next Tuesday Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Houde. at 'l‘racyton. will
reach that 70-year rnarlr.
Since their 60th anniversary \
is commonly known as the
Diamond Jubilee and is the
last listed inmost references.
there is really no name tor
the 70th. .
tioude. a retired carpenter.
is 88. ills “bride" at. three
score and ten years is 86.
The Baudes came to 'l'racy
ton 19 years ago irorn Auburn.
lie has been a carpenter and
millyright for most at .his lite
and still saws a square and
drives a straight nail.
The Honda were married in
1880 in Hawick. Minn. They
have eight daughters. 15 grand
children. u-gmt-grandchlld
ten and 14 great-great-grand
Mrs. Houdee' advice to young
couples: “Stay home and save
your money."
Ingrid Divorce
Terms Talked
NEW YORK, Jan. 6 (UP)—
Lawyers for actresilngrld Berg.
man and Dr. Peter indstrom are
conferring here in a concentrat
ed effort to reach a divorce agree
ment for the couple by next
week, it was disclosed today.
Miss Bergman is in Italy. She
has asked her husband, 3 Holly
wood surgeon, forza divorce, re
portedly in order to free her to
marry Italian film director Ro
berto Rossellini. ’ .
The disclosure that her attor
ney, Gregson Bautzer of Holly
wood, is holding talks here with
Lindstrom’s lawyer, Laurence
Brinn, indicated progress in the
proceedings which have been
snagged for months.
, ’MARCH or omss GIRL IN CLASS—Wanda Wiley. mm. of Dimes poster ‘
‘ girl. points to the blackboard in class under teacher Mls. Doris Dodge at Govalle School. Austin. Tex.
“Kahlofus Boy Meefsi
Deafh Unexpecfed Iy;
KAHLOTUS, Jan. 5 This
community was shocked and sad
dened by the tragic death of
Jimmie Beckner. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Beckner. Jimmie had
spent all his school days here
and was on the town basketball
and baseball teams, although he
was taming near Riparia.
The Kahlotus Grange sponr
sored a benefit dance Thursday
evening for Miss Bill German of
Connell. a polio victim. The Me
sa orchestra donated their music
and a nice sum was taken in for
her. _ g
Mr. and Mrs. Marina Nichols'
and son from Everett was home
for Christmas and several days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Elledge. Others there for
Chrismas was Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Elledge and son from Seattle,
Earl From Pasco and Kenneth
from Ritzville.
Home for New Year’s were Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Elledge from
Cheney, Kenneth Elledge and
friend Bernice Heimbinger from
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCall and
son Jerry arrived home Friday
from California. Mr. McCall and
Jerry flew down to join Mrs. Mc
call for Christmas. She has been
in California for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Behn have
closed the service station had
gone to Hontana for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Whit
more spent New Year's eye and
day with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Philip
Joe Robbins and Everett Whit
‘ more were in Colfax Friday for
medical care. They visited Chief
Lloyd Whitmore and family that
evening. ~ . .. » - -
Rose Racanelli .left Saturday
for Cheyenne, Wyo.. afterspend
ing Christmas with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Racanelli.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Racanelli
and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Guiday
spent New Year’s with Mr. and
Mrs. Pete Harman.
Mr. and Mrs. ‘Leone Simms
from Okanogan spent Sunday
evening and Monday with Mr.
and Mrs. Finley Angell.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mitz took
their two boys to Spokane for
medical care last week.
Kennewick celebrated their Gold
en. wedding anniversary New
ProfeSSiOnal and Service Directory
. , Pasco and Kennewick .
Answer a 11m»: ca.
216 Kenn. Ave. Phone 6161
._ ‘
mm 80“
2201 01: 2401
314 First Avenue
8063 8. HORTON
303 Kennewick Avenue ‘
Phone 8721 Kennewick
RUSSEL 8. 811328003
106 N.,sth St. Pasco
Phone Paspo 4601 .
Telephone 5513 ‘ ‘
Edwin L. Dunnavan ]
’ Attorney At Law
Title 8: Trust Building . T
l Pasco, Washington
- Jan. i. "so
Year’s day. Those from Kahlotus
attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Richmond. Mr. and Mrs.
Finley Angell, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Hudlow, Mrs. lone Welch and
boys, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Blair,
Mrs. Roy Buchanan and the Rev.
and Mrs. Green.
Mrs. James Moore returned
home from the Colfax hospital
Thursday. Her twins will have to
stay in the hospital a few weeks:
gYoutH Club;
\Sets Meet -
An important meeting of the
executive board of the Richland
youth council is scheduled Jan.
9 at 5 p. m., it was announced
yesterday. ‘ ‘
Chief topic for discussion will _
be the budget for the coming
year. The council and its ac
tivities are maintained by con
tributions to the community
The council supports the fol
lowing activitios: crafts for
children eight years of age and
through high school, lii-Spot
director payment. Friday recrea
tion program for grade school
children, drop-in center Fridays
and Saturdays and the square
dance for all age boys and
girls Saturday. ‘
Mrs. Lola McMinn is now con
ducting a special class in art
on Tuesday and Thursday even-.
ings, 7~9 p. m. Parents are cor
dially invited to visit any pro
gram at any time. ‘
iNo Doggone Privacy ii
A locksmith and police were
needed to rescue a small dog
who jumped into the rear of a
milk truck pawed the latch
and locked himself in.
Thrilling Adventure :
word in
mm The Desefl'
sums SUNDAY use: ‘
Licensed Wash. and Ore.
Assoc. Member American
‘ Institute of Architects
Ph. 6672. Pasco, 115 80. sth
‘ Guaranteed Service '
‘ 'on All Cars & Trucks
15 N. Auburn Phone 1001
3 Engineers
. Re§i Land Surveyor
1827 W. opkins Phasco, Wn.
Phone 4302 '
Pasco Garbage Service
Phone 4452 ’
Rubbish, Dirt Removed from
yards and buildings on short ‘
. 1513 3. Gray _ Pasco
on. auxin: Damn
Eyes Examined
Lenses Duplicated 3
9 80. Dayton Kennewick
Phone 6241 ‘
w l -
ißailroads _
CHICAGO. Jan 6 .- (UP)
The nation's railroads trimmfed
more than 650 passenger tra us
from their schedules today ~10
conserve coal, while Ohio mine
bwners slapped a $11,150,000
damage suit on John L. Lewis
for loss of soft coal production.
On other fronts in the con
troversial coal situation, press
ure mounted on Washington for
government intervention. " -
Rep. Angier L. Goodwin. ~, 1?...
Mass. telegraphed President
Truman that “The coal situation
"in New England has reached
a state of emergency. . ’.”
PRESSURE 180855585
Rep. Lawrence H. Smith,_ 11..
Wis, called for a congressional
investigation of Lewis’ “stran
glehold” on the national econ
omy. and challenged Mr. Tru
man’s recent views that no na
tional emergency exists: ,
The President gained support
from Cleveland Mayor Thomas
A. Burke, who heatedly chai
knged statements of; retail coal
dealers that the city faced ~an
acute coal shortage in a week.
Burke said inferior grades cf
coal - were available-1 ‘a'nd that
“there can’t be an 'emergeiiéy?’
as long as people could buy
such coal. The retailers main
tained that the public wouldn’t
buy inferior grades. j;
' A spot- check of cities and
states by the United m'shn-S.
ed domestic supplies ramm.
an almost critical to plenu-
Sorne segments of. the indus
try awaited a new survey ‘Of
coal 'stoacs by‘the Department
of Interior which was expected
to show just how much coal
Iwas available and whereit was.
g Cleaners
' Pasco 8500
I Kennewick‘ 1241
'11» new laden Sew-Gem"
I Rentals—s 6 per month
Save on ‘
‘ Repairs and Conversions-e
‘ K E I. I. E R's
} Phone Kenn. 4505-3! -~
3 5005 Col. Ave” Kennewick
No equipment to buy -
No maintenance . _
6905 Col. Ave. Kennewick, Wnl.
Phone Kenn 8942 or
Richlaud 1749 K , ‘f‘j
216 Kenn. Ave. Phone 6161';