What Your Friends and Ours Have
Been Doing the Past Week.
Rudolphus P. Smith has arrived in
jtown again and, as usual, is as busy as
a busy bee can be.
W. F. Beal has just purchased the
Lawrence C. Lee land, a half section
on Rattlesnake flat.
Judge M. E. Helme was among us
last Friday driving in from his home
on Rattlesnake flat.
Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Hender of the
flat spent Xmas with Mrs. Ella
and family.
1 Several communications were crowd
ed out this issue of the News for want
of space which will appear later.
Patrick T. Shaw, the contractor and
mechanic, lies dangerously ill with
pneumonia at his home near Janssen
James Neilson, the popular Lind
merchant, spent Thursday and Friday
( hobnobbing with his many friends at
the county st at.
Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Martin »nd O.
H. Greene enjoyed their Christmas
dinner and outing with parents, Mr.
and Mrs. N. H. Greene at Spokane.
Miss Mabel Coe, assistant principal
in the Ritzville public school, is spend
ing the holidays during our two
week's vacation, with friends at Plaza,
As lam anxious to have all ac
counts settled by Jan. 16th I will pay
one cent more than market price for
wheat until Jan. 15tli, 1899.—C. O.
W. C. Griffith, merchant at the cor
ners and county
was in Saturday, and, as usual, was
transacting his business with neatness
and dispatch.
D. McGillvary, the Walla Walla
banker, and of the firin of Durry &
McGillvary, stockmen of this county,
was looking after interests here on
Saturday last.
.V Prof. R. C. Egbert who is tsaching
the Hatton school waif' in the city
from Friday until Monday last visiting
with father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
F. M. Egbers.
Messrs. Cochran Bros., the hustling
and successful well drillers; came in
from the lower country and remained
- 5 in town a day or so this week getting
repairs for their machinery.
Geo. Hulbert, a young farmer,living
west from town and an old timer in
the county, was in the metropolis
yesterday after having been on the
list for about a month.
W. K. Williams, *n old pioneer and
leading citizen and farmer in the
Sandhills near Hatton, was doing
business and shaking hands with
Bitivillians last Monday, driving
home Tuesday morning.
Messrs. T. J. GarVejf and A. Faucher
are in Tacoma this week spending the
holidays with their families and en
joying a little rest after . their hard
summer's work. When weather is
suitable they will return and ,"paint
the town'' any color desired.
Bitzville Lodge, Np. 101 A. F. and
A. M. has chosen and elected the fol
lowing staff of officers for the ensuing
term, one year, beginning January
1899. The installation ceremonies will
be held on Saturday, January 14, 1899
being the first communication of the
new year. Wor. Master, B. L. Button;
Sr. Ward, W. Jr. Ward,
I. W. Myers; Secy., Edgar D. Gilson;
treas., Benj. Martin.
Christmas passed quietly and aside
front the exercises at the various
churches on Saturday evening there
was verv little going on during the
day. At the M. E. church rather a
novel entertainment was furnished for
those who were fortunate enough to
attend—»nd there was not even stand
ing room left—instead of the custom
ary Christinas tree a handsome revol
ving Ferris wheel was constructed and
the presents were loaded into it. It
was undoubtedly the largest revolver
we have ever seen.
Major John T.Harsell, a well known
practical printer amUaewspaper man
of long and widd experience on this
coast and now residing in Spokane, is
tin the city Superintending the issue
of the New Year's edition of our es
teemed contemporary down the street,
the Bitzville Time*. Mr. Harsell is an
artist in this line of busiiieesjtnd *w»y
back in 1883 was editor and proprietor
of the Centervillian published at Cen
terville (now Athena) Umatilla county
Oregon, and at which time and under
whose tutorship the manager of the
News learned bow to stiek type and
ran a newspaper.
OeS.g« Washington Bassett, tbe
founder and father of Washtuona in
this county, was with us a couple of
days last week. Mr. Bassett is a pio
neer in every eense of the term, having
lived on the site where Washtucna
now stands lor 90 years, coming here
in tbe year 1878,.*he0 this section of
Muntry was practically a wilderness
•adSteptoe Butte a hole in the ground.
No Adams county tbefi, no railroads,
and no town of any importance with
in a hundred miles. But times and
conditions have changed some since
ties and civilisation has marched
iato the oountry and performed her
Mark F. Jones, the Spokane music
dealer, is here again.
250 cords first-class dry woo d for
sale.—C. O. Greene.
Mr. Dirstine, the popular Lind
druggist, called at the News office on
Saturday last.
Albert S. Elder, the well known
farmer from near Washtucna, spent
yesterday in town.
The News wishes one and all a
merry Christmas and a prosperous
and happy new year.
P. J. Bennett and wife of Athol,
Idaho, a.e visiting friends in the city
and will return home Friday morning.
Born—To the wife of H. V. Harris
on Christmas morning 1898, a girl, of
the regulation weight, so Dr. Adams
jn forma us.
Sam Allen and George Graham two
well known farmers of the Hatton
neighborhood transacted business at
the county seat Monday.
Rer. Dr. Henry Brown of Spokane
will preach at the M. E. church Sun
day evening Jan. Ist at 7:30 p. m. The
sacraments will be administered.
Ritzville for the past few days lias
resembled the famous City of Venice
where they have canals in place of
streets. Order the conductor of the
gondola to "let you off at Snyder's
Attorney D. W. Zent returned from
Stevens county last evening and has
decided to locate at Colville where he
will continue the practice of law. Mr.
Zent has by his pleasant manners and
sober habits won a large host of friends
in Ritzville who will regret to learn
of his departure.
The two branches of Maccivboe orders
met lost night in the Greene Hall and
the ladies and knights present passed
the evening very pleasantly. The Hive
had just closed its charter, and, with
proper ceremony, the precious docu -
mcnt was assigned a place at the
head of the hall which prefetence was
kindly extended the ladies by the
other secret organizations. Music and
a jolly good timo was had, and at 11
p. 111. the company partook of a deli
cious lunch of ham sandwiches, sev
eral varieties of choice cakes, choco
late, coffee, etc.
Hon. L. B. Andrews, state-senator
elect and chairman of the King coun
ty delegation spent Saturday among
our people. When the senator takes
his seat in the upper house of our
state legislature it will not be an un
familiar scene to him, as he has graced
the legislative halls of Washington
several times before. He has resided
in Seattle continuously for the last 38
years, and, being a man who is refined
by education and extended travel is
well calculated to capably serve the
interests of his large constituency.
The gentleman stated to us that he
had visited the greater portion of the
state lately but that his trip Had 110
political significance. The senator
boarded the west bound passenger the
same day to spend Christmas with his
Tomorrow evening the local lodge
of the Independent order of Odd Fel
lows of this city will celebrate the
tenth anniversary of its institution
which occurred on Dec. 29, 1888, A
literary and musical 'program will be
rendored and a banquet supper served
at the Pacific hotel by Messrs. John
son & Margraf. All Rehekahs and
all persons who were ever initiated
into the organization; with their wife,
mother, sister or husband, are cor
dially invited to attend. While invi
tations cards are offieially issued and
intended to go to all members, yet if
one does not reach you and you fall
within the above category you are en
titled to be-there and the committee
will be pleased to welcome you. The
doors open at 7:30 and the troubfe
will begin at 8.
Third Coulee Christmas Tree.
The following excellent program
was rendered Christmas eve by the
pupils of the school in Diit. No. 18
under the direction of the teacher \V.
8. Holmes, which was heartily enjoyed
by every one present.
AMnaa "flreetlngs". .. W. B. Holme*.
Open (tig hymn
Addreae o( welcome: Cbartee Johanaon
Song Happy Oreetlng Chorus
llccltaUon "The children's telegram"
Miaa Belma Johanaon
IlecltaMon. "Christmas pnewflakea"
Miss Settle Wilber
Beeltatlon. *$5.. ~ ."ChrUUnJßg dolly"
Lydia I'flugrad
Hong "Beautiful •now"
Lottie and Lea OSutt. Jennie Johanaon and
W. 8. Holme.,
Recitation 'Santa Ciaus knows"
Mary Johanson
Recitation 'Scaring Banta Claus"
AlUe Wllher
Hee....... "Our little men and our Uttle maid"
Winter o*utt
gong. "Old King Christinas"
Lottie awl Lea OHutt, Jennie Johanaon and W.
8. Holmes.
Dec "Poor little Teddy and rich little Tom"
Alfred Johanaon
Keeitatloo .. "The Confession". .June Mutt
Heeitation . ."The Kairy Gl'ta". Winter Mutt
Beeltatlon ..."A mother's song" ...Lea Oflutt
Beeltatlon "The bright aide of life"
Mies Jennie Johanaon
/ John and Chaa, Johanaon
Dialogue 1 aud
t ..Lottie (Hfott and Jleonlc Johanaon
Hecitatlon . ."Christmas time" Lottie olfutt
Dialogue "Holiday cenventions"
Helina and Jeaale Johanaon. Louie and l#a
Hong "Merry Christiana Bella"
W. B. Holmes. Lottie aad Loo Mutt, Jennie
Acraatle "Ch MeM*"
Selua Johanaon,Kettle wilber.Mired Joßaawn
Thomas r. Dowdy. Lfdia I'ftograd. /or
Mutt, Mary Johaasou. Henry Pflugrad.
and Winter Mutt.
Closing addreas |(ta» Lottie OIL
f/" OF P.—Prairie Queen Lodge N<j. 36,
w-Sl,, lv Knights of Pythias, meets Wednes-
night of each week in the Pythian
** Castle. Visiting brothers arc Invited to
attend. W. It. Cunningham, jr., C. C.
E. K. LemmaK, K. of K. & 8.
. T O. 0. F.-Kitzville Lodge No. 68,
-I- 1. O. O. F., meets every Thurs
night at 8 o'clock, in the Greene
block. A cordial invitation and a
fraternal welcome is extended to sojourning
brothers. O. K. Holcomb, K. G.
£. D. GIUK.N R. & P., Secy.
AT? AND a. M.—Ritiville Lodge F. &
1 A. M. No. 101, meets in regular
communication on the second and
fourth Saturdays in each month at
7:,K) p.m. All brethren cordially in
vited to be present. O. 11. Greene. W. M.
I. Watson Myers, Beey.
. fl A. R.—W. B. Hasen Post, No. 46,
IKi VT meets first and Third Saturdays
9vvof each month, at Greene's hall.
V/|\ V D. J. Zent, Commander.
' ' * H. Zimmerman, Ad).
LO. T. M.—Meets second and fourth Tuesday
evenings in each month at Greene A Son's.
Lady Tina Uabtson, Com.
Lady Ida Destain, R. K.
KO. T. M. -Defiance Tent No. 14, Knights of
tlie Maccabees, meet first and third Satur
day evenings at 7:30 sharp. All visiting Sir
Knights welcome. C. O. GREENE. Com.
WOF W.—Meets on second and fourth Mon
day of each month. All nclghliors In
good standing are Invited to visit the camp.
It. E. Vincent, C. C.
W, W. Zent, Clerk.
MW. a.—Meets every second and fourth >ri-
day evening of each month. Visltiug
neighbors will receive a cordial welcome.
L. E. PASEIU., V. C.
\V. \V, kino, Clerk
-I. Meets the first sun of every seven suns at
Green's liall at tlie seventh run and thirtieth
breath. All visiting Redmen welcome.
hamtei, Hutchinson, Sachem.
W. \V. Zent, C. O. R.
I.EAGI'E — Devotional services
■I every Sabbath at 6:30 p. iu., at the. M E.
church. J. H. Everett, Pastor.
CONGREGATIONAL Churcn—G. 11. Newman,
pastor. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 12 o'clock m.
Y. P. S. C. E-, 6:30 p. m.
GERMAN Evangelical Church—Rev. Gillman,
pastor. Services every other Sunday In
each month at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school every
Sunday at 9:30 a. ui. All German speaking
people invited.
■METHODIST Episcopal Church — Preaching
itt service every Lord's Day, morning and
evening. Sunday school ever/ Sabbath at 10
a.m. Mid-week prayer meeting every Thurs
day evening. Choir practice after prayer meet
ing. All are Invited. Grifilth's Corners-
Preaching services every second and fourth
Sunday at 3 p. m. Willis—Preaching every
first and third Sunday at 3 p. ni.
J. H. EVERETT, Pastor.
Geo. Zier closed a detil yesterday
purchasing 480 acres of improved land
15 miles west of town from James
Hull, who will hereafter make his
home at Sprague.
Married—Dec. 20, 1898 at the Ger
man Lutheran church in this city,
Mr. Jacob Miller and Miss Anna
Major W. E. Blackmer, formerly
editor and proprietor of the Ritzville
Times, but now of Spokane, is in the
Do you like pie? If so go and see
A. Bailey.
Go to C. Sinclair's to buy your
flour and feed.
Have you noticed the choice line of
candies at A. Bailey's.
Fruit and vegetables in season at
lowest prices at Sinclair's.
Cakes,dough nuts and sweetmeats of
all and every kind at Bailey's,
A fine line of fancy candies kept
constantly on hand at Sinclair's.
Fahmess Alpenkraeuter—for sale
by Rev. Gradel or Rev. Seheuerle.
Bailey carries molasses, syrups, and
all kinds of groceries,fancy and staple.
Say, boys, Bailey has candy enough
to sweeten all the girls in Adams
Go to W. 8. Eastman's for a bath.
New tub. Bath 25 cents. Hot water
every day.
I now have a fine assortment of city
property for sale, both business and
residence lots.—D. W. Zent.
If you want to file a homestead or
make a final proof of any kind call on
F. P. French. U. S. Commisioncr.
Canned goods of every description
known to the civilized world found
at bedrock pries at Albert Bailey's.
Attorney D. W. Zent informs us
that be has one of the finest stock and
hay ranches in the state for tale at a
Jewelry! Jewelry! Going at prices
never heard of before in Ritzville.
Come and get prices whether you buy
or not.—o. It. Haight.
Have you noticod those solid silver
teaspoons at Haight's. They are only
93.76 per act while tliey last. Will
you boy now or get left.
Get your photoa made now. Cloudy
weather with anow on the ground is
the ideal for portrait work. Do not
delay as gallery may close anytime —
You say there must be a supreme
being. So there ia; the supreme be
ing of air-tight heaters ia the Wilson
Improved, sold exclusively by the
Bauer-Bier Co.
It will pay anyone in need of furni
ture, stoves, hardware, quoeuswarc or
sewing machines to call and examine
the Thiel-Dorman stock. Their goods
are up-to-date in both style and finish.
You can buy your bedroom suites for
910 and 960. Battel ranges for 929 and
936 and everything «!»• in proportion.
Time mail iwU
leaves Ritivito, Mondays, «W»«.
days and Fridays J 7 a.m.
Waafctucna, Ttmhlja Thuwdays and
Saturday* at yur e * a,i I°°
pounds of tyfcfct OA tur one pae
* "0 will,!'' ea<-'
Feed Stable.
The Ritzville Feed Stable is the place
to feed your team. Just back of the
Bank adjoining the N. P. stockyards.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given to all who
may have claims against the estate of
the late J. A. Thompson that the
same must be" presented to me, the
undersigned: at my residence in Ritz
ville, Wash., duly verified, within six
months from date hereof or remain
forever barred.
Dated Dec. 7, 1898.
Nancy E. Thompson.
One red roan steer and one red and
white heifer; two years old, branded
RS on right hip, swallow forked in left
ear and notch in under and upper side
of right ear close to head. Suitable
reward will be paid for return of said
stock or for information lending to
their recovery. Warren Smith,
Fletcher, Wash:
Abstracts of Land Titles of Adamff County,
Washington, made promptly and correctly.
at courthouse, gjf
For Sale.
North-west >£, section 3, township 17, range 38.
East }<£, eV$, section 21, township 17, range S3.
Northwest section 10, township 19 north,
range 83.
A 1400 acre stock ranch under fence. 250 acres
meadow land. 35 acres in alfalfa which pro
duces 200 tons per year. Abundance of living
water. 150 head of cattle. 700 head of horses.
Farm implements. Improvements good. Rail
road station on place.
Two nice residences in original townsite of
Ritzville. Witt be sold at once.
E. i>. Glijkon,
Real Estate and Insurance.
Attorney at Law.
Real Estoie Bouatit cm.
Ritzville, Wash.
Fre«h floats, Poultry, Fish,
Butter and Lard always for
Poultry and Game.
A fir»t-clii«B Butcher Shop with Fresh
Mcivtri at low prices.
DeSpain & Tuttle
General Draying and
All orders promptly attended to.
Charges reasonable'
Practical Horseshoeing and
General Blacksmithing.
All orders and work given prompt
attention. All my work guaranteed.
Location—Formerly the 8. A. Os
born shop.
Real Estate, Insurance,
All bnsiness given prompt
Ritzville, - - - Wash.
Ritzville, - Washington.
& Thorns *l
■l» w-
U. 8. Lam! office at Malta Walla, Wash.'
Nov. 28, 1898 j
Notice 1* hereby given that the following
named setter has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will he made before F. I*. French
United States Commissioner for the district of
Washington, at Ritzville,Adams county, Wash,
oa January 10th 1899, viz:
who made homestead entry, No. 51.V> for the ;
southeast >4'of section 21, township 15 north,
range 32, e. w. m.
He names the following witnesses to prove ;
his continuous residence upou and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Herbert Iflller, John (ioodenongh, William
W. Yeisley, Joseph Button, all of Hatton, Wash.
John M. Hill, Register.
U. 8. Land Office at Walla Walla, Wash., »
Nov. *28. 1898. (
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler Ijhs A ted OOtfM of his intention
to make llnal proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before F. I*.
French, United States commissioner for the j
district of Washington, at Ritzville, Adams I
county, Wash., on January 16,1899, viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 7163, for the
section 26, township 15 north, range 32,
e. w. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said laud, viz: John Coodenough, Harris
t'rampton. William W. Yeisley, Joseph Hatton,
all of Hatton, Wash.
John M. Hill, Register.
NOTICE For publication*.
U. 8. Land Office at Walla Walla, Wash., >
Nov. 28, IHBB. i
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made In-fore F. I'.
French, United States commissioner for the
district of Washington, at Kitzvtlle, Adams
county, Wash., on Jan., 16,1899, viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 5740, for the
nw*4. section 24, township la north, range 33,
r.. w. m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, ami culivation
of said land, viz: Herbert Hitler, John Good
cnough, Harris Crampton, Joseph Hatton, all
of Hatton, Wash.
John M. Hill, Register.
U. 8. Land Officc at Bpokanc Falls, Waah.,)
Dec. l/>, 1898. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before F. P.
French, United States commissioner for the
district of Washington, at Ritzville, Adams
county, Wash., on Feb. 7,1899, viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 8702, for the
nw'i section :<2, township 2u north, range 30,
E. W. M.
Hp names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous T j.Km. < upon and cultivation
of •'aid l«nd viz: < fuirlcs Wellsandt. Louis
lloileinnnn, Augt:>l hworin.Henry Sehweriu.
all of RiUville, ttasli.
Wiluam If. Luddrn. Regihter.
U. S. Land Offke at Spokane Tails, Wash. I
Dee. 26th. 1898. <
Notice 1« hereby given that the following
named n tiler ha- filerf notice of h.-. it uiion
to make final pr u *uppon ol In i l.mand
that said proof will be made before k.P. French
Untied States Commissioner for the district of
Washington, at Ritzville, Adams county, Was
hington, on Feb 28. 1899, viz:
who made Homestead Fntry. No. 9451 for the
uw> 4 section 20, township IS north, range 36.
E. w. M
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Louis Walton, Oscar L. Ed
wards, William C. Moore, Fred Seheet, all oi
Ritzville, Wash.
William 11. Lvddbk, Register.
U. S. Land Office at Walla Walla, Wash., i
Dee. 21st, 1898. \
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof wilt be tnaao before P.P. French.
United States Commissioner for the district of
Washington, at Ritzville, Adams county, Wash
ington, on Feb.6th, 1899. viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 7192, for the
nw' 4 , section 8, township la north, range 35
K. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, vis: Edward T Rowers, Carrie
bowers, Amos Bowers, Joseph Rowers, all of
Delight, Wash. JOHN M. 11 ILL, Register.
U. S. Land Office lit Walla Walla, Wash., )
Doc. 30,1HW. \
Notice Is hereby (riven that the following
iiHiut'il settler hit* tiled notice of her Intention
to make final proof in support of her daim.and
that said proof will Ik? made before F. P.
French, United Htates commissioner for the
district of Washington, ut Ritzville, Ada inn
county, Wash., on Feb. 4, IHW, vi«:
who made Homestead Entry No. MOO, for the
iwli, Meet ion 20, township lb north, range 36,
K. W. M.
she nam* 1 * the following witnesses to prove
hla continuoiiN residence upon and cultivation
aald land, vlx: M Elmer Helme, Charles
Rogers, f Prank Collier, all of Fletcher. Wash.,
and Tarbal W. Martin, of Waahturna. Wash.
John M. llill, Register.
U. 8. Land Office, at Walla Walla, Wash.)
DiP. 20, IHW. j
Notice la hereby given that the following
namea settler has tiled notice ot his intention
to make tinal proof in support of hi* claim and
that aald proof will be made before P.P. French
United Htates Commissioner for the district of
Washington, ut Kltxvillc, Adauia county, Wash,
an Feb. 4th, IWW, vl*:
wlp> made Homestead Entry, No. 4742 for the
se' 4 section HO, township 16 north, range 36,
k. w. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous reaidence upon and cultivation
of said land vie: M. Klmer Ilelnie, Cliarlea
Rogers. J. Frank Collier, all of Fletcher, Wash,
and Tin bal W. Martin, of Waahtucna, Wash.
John M. Hill, Register.
United Htates Land Office, K|>okaiic Falls, Wash.
NOV. 29,1*06.
Notice la hereby given that Chriatoph Kyrlaa
has tiled notice of hla intention to make final
proof before F. P. French, 17. H. Commissioner
for the district of Washington at his office In
Kitcvllle, V.'aah., on tho 23rd day of January,
18V9, on timber culture application :iV/7, for the
southeast quarter of section 24, in township 20
north, range 36, e. w. m.
He nnmuH as witnesses: Edward Hill. Perry
Kaufman,t)laf H. Anderson, Bert Audemon, all
of Rltsville, Wash.
William If. Lfddkn, Register.
United Htates Land Office, Walla Walla, Wash )
Nov. 28, IWW. i
Notice Is hereby given that Harris Crampton
haa filed notice or intention to make final proof
before F. P. French. U. 8. Commissioner for
the district of Waahington, at his officc in
Rltcvllle, Washington, on Monday the 16th day
of January, IHW, on timber vulture application
No. 3612. for the southwest of section 24, In
township 15, range 32, c. w. in.
He name* ax witnes«e*: Herbert Hiller, John
Ooodenough, William W. Yelaley, Joteph Bat
ton, all of Hatton, waah.
John M. Hill, Register.
One price to all. Wire or write m
to your well or well* that you wijfc.
drilled. Term* leusonnble. >1'
' V "" *% W-'h."'-'
Real Estate and Insurance
Office in Adams Co. Bank Building, : : RITZVILLE, WABHIICOTOH.
It's the best savings bank on the earth. The cashier will never run off with lt-lt win Mt»Y
"go out of business." You've got it right under your thumb—no oue can take it away (rMiyN.
There it is—a shelter in the time of storm. You'll have a place to sleep if you dos't kITI
anything to eat-and surely that's better than having no place to sleep and nothinf to NV
is always something on which you cau realize rea y money.
IRiteville, "WetslilngtorL
Money Loaned on Real, Personal and Chat*
tel Security.
At the Same Price as others.
That has been our aim and secret of our sucoes for
years. No bill of goods too large, no bill too small
for us to figure on.
To deal squarely, and we represent goods just as they
It W[ll pay you when needing anything in the HAR*
OUR LINES: . . .
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Gloves, Linoleums, Gents' Furnishings,
Groceries, Crockery and Glassware.
Agency for the Watt Tailoring Company's Tailor
riade Clothing.
Lot of New Goods ■
At Bock Bottom Prices.
. . . IICILCk l* . . .
S?" Groceries
Stationery, Notions, Confectionery, Cigars and