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LOCAL EVENTS OF IHE WEEK TOGETHER WITH A PERSONAL MENTION OF THOSB IN THE rtOVINO PANORAfIA OP LOCAL HISTORY Wilbur S. Egbers and wife of Griffith have returned frcm the St. I.tuis faitf and were in town this morning to meet their father, Rev. Francis M. Egbers of Athol, Idaho. The eldtr gentleman settled at this place in 1883 011 the farm in the southerly outskirts of the town, now now owned by Prof. J. H. Perkins, where himself and good wife lived up to a short time ago, when they moved to Ko itnai county, Idaho. Mr. Egbers held the offices of county treasurer and assessor a number of years finally retir ing upon his own motion after honestly fulfilling his duties pe.taiiiing to these va rious positions of trust. He is nearing his seventieth birthday, has always been a consistent" teetotaler and since early manhood, a member of the Methodist church and is today a well preserved man. Their home is among the pines with a swift running stream by their gloor, where they enjoy natures lavish surroundings and, are well co.uendeJ. Judge C. V. Martin of Chelan county, who is conducting superior court this week, relieving Hon. C. H. Neal, has de clared the law unconstitutional providing for the protection of certain fish in the lakes of the state ot Washington, thereby discharging Robert Mason who was held for catching perch out of season. Mr. Mason is a wealthy stockman living on Cow creek and one of the prominent pio neers of the county who was desirious of testing the law, which decision vindi cates him on the points for which he contended. O. R. Holcomb attorney for defendant filed a demurrer to the com plaint basing it upon its illegality and ob tained the finding for his client. W. R. Cunningham jr., W. H. Martin, J. D. Bassett of this city and F. H. Haupt of Lind composed the Adams county delegation at the Bankers Asso ciation meeting at Walla Walla last week. The session was largely attended. Messrs. Cunningham and Martin were on the committee on Safe test, a Victor Manganese which was opened in 54 minutes in regular burglar style. The visiting financiers were wined and dined and smoked the finest cigars ever made uiid all left the Garden city in high spirits after an enjoyable and profitable session. R. A. Chittenden returned Saturday from Spokane where sometime ago he underwent a successful operation tot ap pendicitis, from which he is now well re covered.. He is of the firm of den Brothers grocerymen, who are en joying a visit from their old friend and neighbor, A. J. Chamberlain, of Mar shall, Minn., who is making a tour of the west. John B. Mitchani who has been in the employ of the city for nearly two years past in the capacity ot engineer under city marshal A. J. Coss, leaves tomorrow for Conn ell where he assumes a like position. Mr. Mitcham has proven a very competent man of steady habits and makes the change only on account of financial interest to himself. I. R. Frazier, the box car burglar broke jail Monday night and when Judge Mar tin of Chelan county issued requistion for him Tuesday morning in order to'pro ceed with his trial, Frazier failed to an swer roll call. Being left outside the steel cells the prisoner had pried off the heavy wire screen and evidently made his escape very easily. Benjamin E. Hervey of Spokane, who formerly amassed a small snug fortune in the land business at this point, accom panied by his wife, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reeder the latter part of the week. The gentleman is now ac tively engaged in the real estate business in the city by the falls. The Board of school directors have placed the $20,000 bonds voted by dis trict No. 1. at the last election at 4'A per cent. Shontz S. Schuler was awarded the contract for the new building on the north side near the German Congrega tional church, the contract price being *8,250. J. E. Nessly of Colfax, traveling cor respondent of the Spokesman-Review, was here yesterday as a witness in the Alvin Meigs-Sarah McFirran bigamy case being tried. A verdict of not guilty was rendered this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Linn on the hill lost their new born babe Sunday evening. Or. J. W. Lansing attended the case and gave service of skilled medical aid but was unable to save the precious life of the little infant boy. John W. Goodykoontz a big farmer of the flat, is serving as juror this week. He reports the crops in fine shape in his neighborhood. Brome grass, the new pasturing, has proven a successful ex periment. \j Jno. E. Goodenough and O. W. Hend er of Hatton, passed through the city Monday on their way to Moscow where they will load a thresher outfit for work in the southern end of the county. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Proutv left Sunday morning for Seattle where they are called on account of the serious illness of their daughter, Mrs. Laban Ziniraer. Sam F. Stoops left this morning for the Worlds' fair to be absent several months. While away Mr. Barronett will have charge of the dray line. Joseph M. Comparet after two months needed recreation has again resumed the management of the King Mercantile Co. - F. W. Thom disposed of four car loads of building sand shipped in from Deep creek this week. Crop Report. Wheat and oats look fine. Potatoes good. Spring wheat and oats are heading. P. H. Sherman a merchant of Haiton, is registered at Hotel Ritzville. J. M. Crouch of Washtucna, was one of the week's visitors. After a two weeks sojourn on the Pike, Joseph A. Humphrey, Northern Pacific railway agent at Mabton, Yakima county, accompanied by his wife, arrived here Sunday from a five week's visit in the east and at the Worlds fair. While here they are stopping with Mrs. Humphreys' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Schnell, on fourth street. Mr. Humphrey has just closed the sale of the townsite of Mabton, of which he was the half owner, for $25,- 000. The present population of the town is about 350 people. It is centerally lo located in the lamous irrigation district just opened up and from Which point three hundred thousand bushels of wheat were shipped last year. While east Mr. kumphrey was besieged with questions concerning our wonderful country. According to papers filed in the county auditor's office by Gertude and C. E. Russell of Spokane, notice has been given of a water right appropriating 40.000 cubic feet per second of- time trom the waters of Colville lake, lying between here and Sprague and parallel with the Northern Pacific tracks. It is proposed to divert the waters from the southwest end of the I ike near the natural outlet. Water is to be used for irrigation and manufacturing purposes and to supply water-works along the course of the ditch between the outlet and the town of Lind, a dis tance of about 30 miles. The works are to be completed within five years fro n the date of notice. N. H. Greene is making extensive im provements on his store building at the corner second and O streets with an entire new plate glass front, cementing on out side, enlarged stairway, removal of par titions and a more spacious lodge room on the upper floor. Benj. Roth is the contractor and has a force of men push ing the work. Lewis Young, formerly of this county, has leased 8,000 acres of grazing land on Weiser river near Council, Idaho, and will engage in the sheep raising business. He reports times in flourishing condition and is impressed with that promising section of country. Rev. and Mrs. C. G. Harmon returned from Walla Walla Wednesday night, where the gentleman has been resting after recovery from his late serious ill ness. While there they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.L.Bryan, parents of Mrs. Harmon. John Zimmerman and wife of Lacrosse, are over from Whitman county on a visit to his parents, ex-sheriff and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman and his sister Mrs. H. E. Gritman. L. C. Huffman and wife of Bemis, owning one of the best orchards and highly cultivated farms of the county, was a business visitor this week. Judge Alf. L. Currey, of Baki r City, Ore M is a here on legal business today and will pass on to Spokane tonight. He is a bright young attorney. Arthur E. Hunt of Leon, was in the city the first of the week fixing up har vesting machinery preparatory to car ing for a bumper crop. F. F. Wollenberg and Joe Fink re turned Thursday night from the east, after visiting their boyhood homes and the St. Louis exposition. Rev. F. Vernon Jones of the First Con gregational church has resigned his pas pastorate in this city to take effect Au gust I. Knox Concert Coming with their melodious music and sweet singing will appear/for the second time in Kitzville at the Congregational church next Monday evening. This quartet has justly made a record in the' world of ex hibitions as something above the ordin ary. It was the finest entertainment and pleased the public better than anything seen here last season. The singing was superb and artistic and the impersonation of Mr. Knox is a genuis of the highest order. He kept the audience widly en thusiastic and all who heard him before are securing seats for next Monday evening. Admission, 25 and 50 cents. Don't Wait to Register Till the Last Day. Register today or tomorrow. Why wait until the last day and force yourself to stand in line for an hour? Every citizen should have pride enough and patriotism enough to quali fy himself to vote in November. He cannot vote unless he is registered. If you want to vote for Roosevelt or his opponent, Register now! New Officers Elected The Farmers Warehouse company held their annual meeting and elected the following officers for the ensuing year. President—John Olson. Secretary—John C. Gillett. Director—Michael Thiel, for three years. The other directors are Henry RosenoS and Daniel A. Scott, fames Turner is manager, a position which he I has held some eight or nine years. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Ritzville, Wash., week ending June 18, 1904. • LADIES. Mrs. C B Arnold, GENTLEMAN. Eldon Charlton, Aister Davis, Her bert Harriman, Amos Helmic, W. Lan ham, John Geyer, card, Foster Rogers, E W Rogers, Ed Van. Persons claiming the above will please say "Advertised" and give date of this list. Jno F. Irbv, P. M. Vary Low Rata* East. lune 7, 16. 17 and 18. July I, 2, 3. Aug. 8, 9 and 10, from this territory to St. Louis and Chicago. Are you going. If so, write me for detailed information. The Best service between St. Paul and Chicago over the "North-Western Line." H. S. Collins, Genl. Agt. Spokane, wash Council Proceedings Council met in regular session June 21, 1904 at 8 p. m., adjournments having been regularly taken from the two previ ous meetings of June 7th, and 14th. Present, Mayor F. E. Robbins, Council men O. R. Holcomb, W. W. Zent, W. H. Martin and W. C. Reeder, clerk, attorney and marshal. BILLS ALLOWED Thiel Drug Co.. mdie |6575 Kilzrtlle Transfer Co , draylug IB Homer Wright dray:ng King Mercantile Co . md«e OS 81. Pull Ai Taroma l.tir. Co.. labor 17 1? J. J. Joyce, plumbing etc 368 10 C. O Greene, May lighu 1602S New* printing *«o LA Suit CfJRIM Junes C Hammond 30 00 Thoa. B Leonard 38 00 H.O.Stephen* I*oo Chat. Moore * o®o W.Stoop* *00 Application for water and laying of mains: Lyman P. Johnson for changing of sprinkling hours, public school. Re jected. John Smith, Conrad Heimbigner. Tryphena Low. Granted when deposit is made. School Dist. No. I. Engineer reported pipe laid and tapped. Ordered that a 2 inch water main be laid allong alley in block 10 original town trom C to D street. Ordered that 16 candle power electric light be placed in the chemical engine and hose cart house. Rescue Engine Co, No. 2. by Ray Thompson, asked permission to take the lighter hose cart to Lind or Odessa on July 4th. Granted. Report of Police Justice W. K. Ken nedy read and placed on file. Ordered that liquor license of H. G. Hildebrant be transfered to John C. Clodius and John A, Burft ind and new bond approved. Ordinance No. 114, revising water or dinances and general regulations. In troduced and read first time. Following three bids for pipe opened and read. Portland, Ore.. June loth, igt>4. Mr. E. E. Gilson, City clerk. Ritzville, Wash. Dear sir: We beg to quote you for the 630 feet of standard four inch cast iron water pipe forty-seven cents (47c) per foot f. o. b. cars, at Ritzville, Wash. Yours respectfully, Oregon Iron Sc. Steel Co, A. S. Pattullo, Secy. To the Hon. City Council, Ritiville, Wash. Herewith our bids ot material to be furnished the city. 5000 feet 2 inch wrot galvanized pipe at I7>sc per foot. 630 feet 4 inch cast iron at 65c per foot. 630 feet 4 inch mathesen pipe $>7.25 per 100 ft. 630 feet 4 inch converse asphalted (30.00 per 100 ft. 630 feet 4 inch converse kalamine coated at 37.25 per too ft. Alt in accordance with your request for bids. Respectfully King Mercantile Co. per W. A. Hansen. To the honorable city council and mayor of town Ritzville, Wash. Gentlemen: 1 agree to furnish the city as follows: 5000 feet of 2 inch iron pipe for sum of tg 25. 630 ft 4 inch of universal cast iron water main for $380. 630 feet 4 inch cast iron water main for 5420, to include necessary lead for all joints. All f. o. b. Ritzville, Wash. Respectfully submitted, J-J Joyce. Bid of Oregon Iron & Steel Co., ac cepted and the bid of King Mercantile Co., for 5000 ft. 2 inch wrot galvanised pipe at 17X per foot, accepted. Ordered that delivery be made within two weeks or sooner if possible. Attorney instructed to draw contract accordingly. Ordinance No. 113 requiring and pro viding for safety drop gates maintained at railway crossings on "C" and "E" streets read second time, rules suspend ed, read third time and passed and ordered published. August Wellsandt appeared person ally and requested that the place of pres ent dumping ground be changed, from Geo. Spanjer land now owned by him, to five acres more less in nw V, section 18-19-36. Agreement was reached be tween council and Wellsandt to buy tram five to seven acres at $10 per acre, (1$ to be paid down, balance when patent from government ittues to Mn Well sandt who enters into bond or contract accordingly. Report of committee on streets and public improTements: * To the city council: We, the committee on streets, would suggest that side walks along the lollowing described proper ty be ordered condemned, and new walk* laid, to conform to the ordinances and regulations governing the laying of new sidewalks. Block 30 Ritzville on 4th street, owner C Staser Lot 6, block 16, on E street, owner O M Lee Lots 1 and 10, block 2rf, on E street, owner C O Greene Lou 3. 4 and f block 20, 3rd street, owner Alex Rosenoff Lot 10, block 3, owner S Ott Lot 6 and block 3, owner Ritxville Hardware Co Lots 6, 7,8, block 4on Second street. Lou 2, 3, 4 and J<s block 9. 00 Second street. * Lots 2 and 3, block 12. owner Hallio property. Respectfully, W H Mart>n O R Holcomb Fred Thiel Upon motion the same was unamious ly adopted. Notice There will be a meeting of the Wo man's Relief Corps in Greene's hall on Saturday June 25. 1904. at 2p. m. All members are earnestly requested to be present to assist in transacting import ant business. Matilda Prouty. Pres. Superior Court Judge C. Victor Martin of Wenatchee, tried the case of the State vs. A. L. Meggs, on a charge at knowingly marry ing another man's wife. The jury ac quitted. In the case of the state vs. F. E. Allei mm of Lind, obtaining money under false pretenses, jury found guilty and defendant was sentenced to six months in county jail with suspended sentence. Divorces granted: Samantha E. Hath man from Thos. Hathman, Mary Streeter from Horace Streeter. Desertion was tjie grounds alleged in both actions. Geo. F. Heiber, representing a Spokane liquor house obtained judgment against O. M. Lee as administrator of the estate of Alex (Scotty) Stachan, deceased, on foreclosuie of mortgage, neJ4, lot 5 block 9. original town. Mr. Lee was formerly owner of the property and holds the first mortgage thereon. E. E. Davidson, preacher of the Church of Christ at Ritiville, closed a very successful meeting at Silverton, Oregon, at which he had n immersions and 5 reclamations. He will be in his pulpit at Ritiville, Sunday 15th, at ■ 1 a. m. and &p. m. Come and hear him. Rev. C. G. Harmon, the pastor will oc cupy the p'.ilpit in the Methodist church next Sabbath, morning and evening, with he usual service. BUSINESS LOCALS. j. J. Joyce the plumber keeps the best garden hose for sale. I have ten head of No. 1 milch cows for «ale. I. W. Cooper, Washtucna. For Sale—Barbers complete outfit at half price. Address this office. For Rent—Rooms with private table board. Mrs. Georgia Johnson,DSt. Parties desiring to send laundry to Spokane will find a basket at the office ot F. P. French. Buy the White Setby Washer. The best washer on the market today. King Mercantile Co. Don't forget the Clearance Sale at Myers-ShepTey Co's Store. See other advertisement in this paper. If you wish a homestead desert land claim or cheap wheat land address, F, J. James, Ritiville, Wash. A good new two seated *250.00 family carriage for sale cheap. Inquire of W. J. Bennington, Gritman Block. For Sale—Several milk cows fine milkers. Same will soon be fresh. Call on or address W. S. Egbers, Ritiville. The Firrt National Bank has a suite of room to rent for business purposes. Good location, fine light and cheap rent. The new bank building now nearing, completion will have the finest business room in the city. The floors are to be covered with cork carpet and Inlaid' Linoleum for which the King Mercantile Co., have secured the contract. Those expecting to run harvesting and threshing outfits this season should call The Model Bakery and learn why it is cheaper and more convenient to buy bread than to bake it. The King Mercantile Co., have the largest stock of inlaid linoleums, oil cloth carpets, couch covers, portirrs and rugs ever shown in a city of this site, and prices that defy competition. The First National Bank always has on hand land script for the purchase ot government land. By using the script >e purchaser secures complete title from the government without any re quirements of residence. Before going to the St. Louis Exposi tion, call on the King Mercantile Co., and get an admission card, admitting you on board, "The Great Ship Majestic, and entitling you to all the courtisies of The Great Majestic Range Manufacturing Co.—King Mercantile Co. The frint National Bank has money to loan on improved real estate in Adams and Lincoln counties, whether deed or held on railroad contract We make loans on lowest terms, with or without commission; light expenses; no delays. Correspondence solicited. I desire to announce to the public that I will (umish fine sand for building pur poses at cheapest prices in town. Have also on hand plenty ot good, first-class brick and all parties desiring to build will profit by seeing me before purchas ing elsewhere. lohn Sponcle*. Geo. W. Clous, optician from Spok ane, will again visit Kitiville, Friday and Saturday, Tuly i and a. He will be found at H. E. Gritman's drug store prepared to examine eyes free of charge and to give perfect satisfaction in fitting them. If you are in need of glasses or wish lenses in your frames it will pay you to call. Notice To all concerned and others: My son Glen O. Howard aged 17 years having left his home and my control and refusing to obey me or accept my advice, I tSerelore notify all merchants or other persons not to trust or harbor him on my account as I will not be responsible or pay any debts he may contract or other obligations he may incur. Dated at Ritsville, Washington this Sih day of fame, 1404. J. J. Howard. Noticc to Cowl—tipri Bids for the construction of a school building for district No. s Adams county, Washington, will be received by W. C. Moore, Rittville, Wash, clerk of said district up to July 9. 1904, at 10 a. m. Plans and specifications can be seen by applying to the said clerk. The right to reject any and all bid* is hereby re served. By order of the board of directors No. 5, Adams county, Wash. Attest: W. C. Moore, clerk. Noticc to Contractors Scaled bids will be received by the undersigned clerk of school district No. 80 (or the building of a school house in said district. Plans and specifications are on file and can be seen at the office of the county school superintendent W. k Lansing in the court tease at Ritiville. is will be received ap to Tuesday. June *ist at 1 p. m. The right to reiect any and all bias is reserved by the board of directors. Bids to be left with the county superintendent Otis Robinson, Clerk school district No. to. P. O. Address, Otis, Adams Co.. Wash. Noticc for Bids The directors of school district No. 5 of Adams county, Washington, will re ceived cash bids for the one story frame school building, (approximately 30x40 feet in sise) belonging to said district, up to Saturday |uly, 9, 1904 at 10 a. m. Bids must be sealed ana directed to the under signed. The right to reject any and all Mas will be reserved. Dated at Ritiville, Washington, June, 10,1904. W. C. Moore, Clerk school district No. J Adams county. Wash. odor oSr the pc^er^ California Perfume % Palo Alt* l^rlnkv!' Made wA<r« A the \ A II ym*»W. «r a- If v I AN ART STUDY given I Bv with every 25c purchase ROSENOFF ®. CO. If you have to snatch a quick lunch why not try it at the Union Cafe. It i* no trouble for us to cook you a square meal at any hour of the day. We make a speciality of short orders of every description. Our table has the very best that the market can afford, and we are here to cater to those who appreciate a good substantial meal, when hungry give us a call, and let us prove that we can satisfy all the wants of the inner man. F. J. Van Buren, Proprietor. GRAPE JUICE The dimple nrfermented juice of relec'ed Mew York I Concord drupe*. It i* with out a«'*ticieptic. Thin GRAPE JUICE in * fowl, n nutiitimia fluid for both nick and well. In valida, especially lever p» tienta, find it not only pal atable, but nppitixiiiK mid strengthening. It run he taken when medicine mid other fooda are reject*d. FREE DELIVERY PRICE $1.00 Kentucky Wine & Liquor Company distributors RITZVILLE, WASH. p. o box 342. 'phone 411. PUBE JOY EVERY PIECE A shipment of Ireali candies direct from the factory juat received CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SMOKERS ...... GOODS All the latest periodi cals and magazines.... PnalnfflpA News Stand W. L HOWLAND, PKOPRirroK ANYBODY CAN DO BUSINESS with Pioneer State Bink. There it nothing complicated about our meth od. Th«-office boy can deposit or draw money, purchase draft*, money orders, etc. We have perfected our system so that all business involving the pay ment or transfer of money, issue of notes, drafts, checks, and transection* of a similar nature is done expeditious ly and without the possibility of error PIONEER STATE BANK Sprinkling hours. On south side railway track, 6 to 7 a. m. an<l 7 to 6 •». m . oo north aide railway track 7 to k a. m. and •to 7p. m. All boac u» be kept dia oonnoclod whoa not In use for sprinkling. SAVE YOUR HAIR——. Nine times in ten there is no need of baldness. There's plenty of warning; hair loses lustre, begins falling, dandruff increases. The time to decide whether or not you care to be bald is when these symptoms show themselves. OUR OWN HAIR TONIC is a reliable and effective remedy. It will not grow hair on a billiard ball; but where hair has fallen out and a spark of life remains in the roots, growth will be quickened and stimulated. This remedy vitalizes the roots, tones the scalp, the falling out, hastens the growing in. Price 50 cents. H. E. GRITMAN Druggist and Stationer £*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VJ £ RITZVILLE WABHTUCNA £ | SNYDER i f THF LEADER £ | Watch Your Ticßets ? £ SERIES COLOR £ r series Lemon Yellow r * ColorMandrine The winning number is 2 * 1236 4 i The winning number is , V if the above is not j) 127 presented within 10 days iT, . , the winning number is £ Jf the above is not pre- P sented within ten days 56 V S the winning number is if neither number is w 1438 presented within 25 days # A the winning number is i ? 167 5 £ Remember each series calls for J £ a complete dinner set and each 10 J 5 cent cash purchase entitles you to S * one chance. 2 i The largest line of DRY GOODS £ J in the County. J J All the swellest summer novel- J £ ties and SILK importations galore. £ f Our GROCERY stock is fresh. i | ...THE PARAMOUNT EVENT . | X In the City of Ritzville x 0 at the Present Time is i 8 our Complete Display of a |... SPORTING GOODS ... | JL rumnn nnnnnnnn<inniMUMiinniMinnivwiivvwiVVUMUi>'i««i» twin A K OUR PRESCRIPTION TRADE—X 1 Is steadily growing the result of X K our constant attention to the X |C branch of our business. A | THIEL DRUC CO. $ John A. Pi'icwk office room: 8. A Well* tKM Kern well Bi» Irtln* W. 11. I.iwlden ..SPOKANE Peacock. Wells* l.udden Attorneys at Law Will practice In all State am! Federal court*. We have also hart many years experience In Land Office matters and will *lve prompt at tention to land content*, title* and mining law. Land scrip of all kinds for Male. Horses and harness can be brought together satisfactorily. Our harness is made to fit, made to wear, and made to look well. It is really made to sell at slightly higher figures than these prices but that's our business. FINB HARNESS has never been sold chcapcr than it can be bought for here. Even the lowest priced goods are not without style. „ W. R. Peters. , SPECIAL SALE — OF PIANOS AND ORGANS COMMENCING MAY ist, 1904, we sha'l offer exceptional price inducements on all pianos and organs we sell, the purpose being to reduce our now great stock and make room (or seven carloads ol new pianos en route from the factories, and due to arrive here about May 27th. ; Our stock comprises over thirty makes of pianos, among them being the Chick \ ering, Weber, Kimball, Decker, Crown, Lester, Hobart M. Cable, Hazelton, Weser Bros., and many others equally illustrious. Send in your order by mail and our 1 expert will take pains to make a nice se lection for you. The pianos will be shipped on approval to all points in our territory. No money paid in advance. REMEMBER—If the piano don't suit you, we pay the freight both ways. Easy terms of payment will be allowed at the special sale prices. Write today for catalogue and price lilt. Ibilers piano house 605607 Sprague Ave., Spokane 0. A. HEIDINOER. Mmacar. URGES! DEALERS IN THE PACIFIC HORTEHWST