Newspaper Page Text
low EVERTS OF IK VEEK TOaETHER WITH A PERSONAL MENTION OP THOSE Itf THE nOVINd PANORArtA OP LOCAL HISTORY David Richardson, promoter of the townsite of Quincy and a former resident here is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. C. L. Holcomb on east collt ge hill. He is now improving a fine fiuii farm near his town and has requisite water for irriga tion on the land which promises to yield satisfactory profits. Quincy is on the r.iain line of the Great Northern Rail way and has a growing population of 400 souls. Mr. Richardson has been fortunate in business ventures, always maintaing the best of credit and shrewd ly managing his affairs with the skill ol an expert financier. He was recently chosen a delegate to the Republican convention of Douglas county. John Vehrs, a wealthy farmer has just completed one of the finest farm house residences in eastern Washington. Every thing calculated to insure comfort and convenience has been installed regard less of expense. The commanding new "home is on the choice country place al most in sight of the town, three miles west. The structure bears evidence ol 'lie prosperityof the ownerand his strong faith in our section of the country. M. S. Taylor a skillful young painter is lay ing the beautiful finishing touches so pleasing to the vision of the passerby. In this issue appears the announce ment card of Fred Kembel, a rtpresenta tive and highly respected German farm er just west of town. Mr. Kembel only yeilded to the repeated urgent entreaties of a large number of leading citizens with who felt that the German people were entitled to recognition upon the Republi can ticket. He is an old resident in whom all have confidence and will un doubtedly be elected to the office of county commissioner to which he man fully aspires. The latest candidate for county audi tor is C. E. Jay of Lind, a young school teacher of ihe western partot the county. Mr. Jay is a married man, well educated and a nephew ot Rev. T. H. Fertig, former pastor o! the Methodist church of this city. He comes out in no uncertain tones asking for the position. The other prominent men in the race are \V. F. Kcimenschneider of Billington and Chas. E. Amsbaugh, city clerk of the lown of Lind. Fred Putnam, a carpenter, while working on the roof of the Gibford house last Friday fell from the scaffolding on his head and chest, severly cutting his forehead just above both eyes. He is attended by I3r. Burroughs and his daughters; his wife being in California for her health. The external bruises are not serious but internal fractures have not been determined. The profanity and indecent language used on the grounds and bleachers at last Sunday's base ball game was a shock to respectable people. A town that gets in the habit of allowing such practices is starting a bad precedent and those in authority should see that row dyism and vulgarity is confined to those people who enjoy it. - F. L. Frost has leased the Baiour- Guthrie warehouse and will be im the market as a grain buyer on his ownliook # this season. Mr. Frost has been In the wheat handling business for tha past fourteen years and is therefore wrfll ex perienced in that line. Mr. ancf Mis. Frost will reside in Mrs. X. S. Carriers house. M. H. Frahm, a lineman employed by the Pacific States Telephone Co., while working on connections in front H. E Gritman's drug store, last Friday, fell from the top of the pole to the sidewalk, miraculously escaping being killed but severely injuring and bruising himself and is now recovering under the doctor's care. j L. E. Paskill and wife, O. H. GregnV D. A. and Miss Laura Davenny made" a fiying trip to Spokane, Sunday by au tomobile, a nice little run of sixty-four miles. They were among the fine audi ence that greeted Maud Adams at the Auditoriu.n Monday night. D. S. Hounshell returned Saturday from Butte, where he went with a ship inent of sheep belonging to Joe Patter son. He saw the dynamited train in Montana which was blown up by robbers who succeeded in making their escape with £60,000. Mrs. M. E. Corbett died Wednesday evening of typhoid fever, at the farm home, four miles south of Lind. The family formerly lesided in Ritzville. Dr. Burroughs was called too late to consult with Dr. Henderson of Lind. H. H. O'Brien, accompanied by his wife, arrived Saturday from Lake Coco- lalla and has taken the position of day operator. They will occupy one of the F. P. French cottage's on the hill. Mrs. W. H.Tuggle is attending the wedding of her ftiend Miss Minnie Per shall of 922 Boone ave., to Lionel Gunn, of Tull& Gibbs, which will be solemnized this evening in Spokane. Faucher & Garvey have been awarded the big contract for painting the new opera house. They will begin the prelim inaries next Tuesday. Miss Bertha Pettijohn, deputy county auditor, returned Friday from Okanogan county alter a week's visit to Mr. ana Mrs. L. R. Kusler. Ceo. Bauer of the Ritzville Hardware Co., leaves Saturday with his family for Soap Lake where they go for two months camping. Fred E. Robbins, mayor, was mingling with Spokanites Saturday, combining business, sight seeing and pleasure. Miss Alice Jay of Hillyard, came down Monday and was a guest at the Dorman- Chargois nuptials i uesday. Chris Krehbiel and Augustina Wolf ot Lind, were granted a marriage license Monday. The New Bank Day after tomorrow, Friday, July, 1, 1904, the new financial establishment, The German American State Bank of this city will open its doors to the public. The location is in the splendid new fire proof building just nearing completion on the corner of D and Second streets owned by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 1.. Tinnel. The new money concern is capitalized at $100,000.00 and incorporated under the state banking laws. The fifty pro moters are ' local business men and farmers whose combined wealth is large in the aggregate making a very reliable and trustworthy enterprise which will doubtless gain rank and prominence among the strong financial houses of the Evergreen state, of which the Pacific Northwest may be justly proud. There fore our little city can be justly pardoned for pointing with pride to her local banks, all being officered by men of means, ability and integrity, guaranteeing a safe, sound and conservative management which have ever held the confidence ot our people, and, indications at this time are that they will continue to enjoy the same degree of confidence in the future as in the past. The board of directors consists of some of the solid people of Adams county, and those chose to serve for the first year are as lollows: C. H. Clodius, John A. Thiel, 11. E. Christensen, J. I. Ferrier, J. C. Gillett, B. F. Berry, J. J. Dew aid. Henry W. Thiel, J. F. Collier. The active officers are: I'rcs, C. 11. Clodius; Vice Pres., John A. Thiel; Cash., 11. E. Christensen. The institution will do strictly a bank ing business and will have three distinct departments, via: commercial banking, savings department, and a fine fire proot safety deposit vault. They have a mod ern up to date set ot tixtuies, and the best burglar proof safe made. ( LAIS 11. CLOI>IL\S President of the new German Ameri can State Bank is a resident o! nearly twenty years standing, a >oung man of integrity and honor in whom the com munity reposes great trust. He is a heavy tax payer, a German descendant in nationality, has a wife and family .and lives in a comfortable home on the wester ly outskirts of the city. Mr. Clodius is sec tory of the board of education. I j The stockholders of the Pioneer State bank held their annual meeting last Saturday re-electing all officers. The capital stock was increased to $100,000 to be in effect after July Ist. This stock is fully p.iid in. The officers of the in stitution are: Pres., N. H. Greene; Vice Pres., C. E. Shipman; Cashr., O. H. Greene; Asst. Cashr., W. H. Martin; The board of directors are: C. E. Ship man, B. L. Sutton, C. O. Greene, W. H. Martin and O.H.Greene. The date of institution was March 18, igoi. The bank is housed in its own building a handsome two story brick covering lot 10, block 5 corner Second and E streets. Patsy Clark, ranconteur, globe trotter and erst while proprietor of the Model Bakery, returned Monday from a five month's jaunt around the map of the United States. He completed the circle by an extended visit at the World's Fair. Most of his time was spent in the sunny south starting at San Fransisco he journeyed through Arizona to Hot Springs, Arkansas, also visiting his old home in Ohio. He expresses ins happi ness at being home again, in the fairest state in the Union. Rudolphus Pizzaro Smith, he of Maso nic fame, returned from the Grand Con clave held last week in Tacoma. He left for the ranch Saturday night taking little Bryon Gilson and Harold Fassett out to the big farm for a uhile during school vacation. While away Mr. Smith visited Portland and a number of minor points near the sea coast and reports an enjoyable trip and a pleasant and profi table meeting of that King of secret orders, the Masonic fraterniiv. Mrs. Claud Harris, is reported by Dr. W. H. Olds, as recovering nicely at the Spokane hospital, as a result of the sur gical operation performed by Dr. C. P. Thomas on the 18th of this month. Her husband is constantly by her bedside and all rejoice with him at her convales ccncy. Henry Klaas of Spokane, is one of this week's business visitors. Will Build a Warehouse F. A. Williamson, representing the Standard Oil Company was here Satur day and perfected arrangements for the establishment of a branch concern and distributing warehouse in this city. Im mense sieel tanks will be erected for the purpose ot carrying coal oil and gaso- j line in bulk, and a full line ot staple goods in packages. Bulk gasolene stor age is supplied on account of the large and growing trade for this product for pumping and other power purposes. At no other point in the inland empire out side of Spokane, does the demand seem to warrant such a step by the company, and upon a personal inspection of the field it was decided that the expense was justified considering the revenue derived and the steady increase in shipments to Ritzville. Lind Locals Samuel Hutchinson, was in Spokane Monday on business. I)r. J. VV. Henderson and wife cele brated their first anniversary of marriage last Thursday, inviting as many as possi ble that attended the wedding, one year ago. All "flinched" away a very pleas ant evening. The final preparations are being made for celebrating the glorious Fourth. Everybody must come. See the posters and find out whats' doing. A. S. Kelsey, a prosperous farmer of Hatton was in town Monday. F. 11. Haupt and family, after spend ing a luxurious two weeks vacation among the Couer I)' Alenes are expect ing to be with us when we celebrate. What will prove to be by far the best product of Lind Dramatic club, and to be rendered on July 4th, entitled, "A Vagabond's Honor," is now ready and everyone should come. Grand ball after ward. The Eugene Knox Concert Co. enter tained an audience at the First Congre gational church Monday evening. To Subscribers The News job department has the fol lowing offers to make subscribes. We 1 will print 100 sheets of paper or either ! letter or note size with the name of your ' farm and your name as proprietor and I ?oo envelopes, high cut well gummed,! 6% government size with return, your j name and address lor $1.00. Elegant ' visiting or name cards will be printed one line, 50 for 25 cents, 2 lines 50 for 35 cents. Be sure and state size of cards wanted. In all cases cash must accom- j pany order. All orders will be turned out as promptly as possible. CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE Have you (lends, mortgages, insurance polices, or other papers that you care to lose? If so, we advise you to rent a safe in our fire-proof vault. Our smaller safe will hold a good many papers; also v a few articles of jewelery. The small safe cost you only three dollars per year. We invite you to call and investigate. A MEETING PLACE We have fitted up a comfortable room especially for customers use, a cozy place where they can meet there frienda for business conversation. GERMAN-AMERICAN STATE BANK Capital $100,000.00 RITZVILLE, WASH. Model Homes owned and built by Benjamin Roth,' con tractor. Both arc in the northerly part of the city, near the Centennial Flouring mills. The upper one is the family resi dence and the other is occupied by Max \V. Jennings, the merchant tailor. Births At the farm .home six miles of town, Tuesday. 21, 1904 to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thiel, jr., a 12 pound son. To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koch, at the country home out west of town, Wed nesday June 29, 1904, an eight pound son. both reported by Dr. F. R. Burroughs. BUSINESS LOCALS. J. J. Joyce the plumber keeps the best garden hose for sale. 1 have ten head of No. I milch cows for sale. 1. W. Cooper, Washtucna. For Sale—Barbers complete outfit at half price. Address this office. For Rest—Rooms with private table board. Mrs. Georgia loHssoN.DSt. Parties desiring to send laundry to Spokane will find a basket at the office of F. P. French. Buy the White Setbv Washer. The best washer on the market today. King Mercantile Co. If you wish a homesttad desert land claim or cheap wheat land address, F. J. James, Ritzville, Wash. A good new two seated $250.00 family carriage for sale cheap. Inquire of W. J. Bennington, Gritman Block. For Sale—Several milk cows fine milkers. Same will soon be fresh. Call on or address W. S. Egbers, Ritzville. The First National Bank has a suite of room to rent for business purposes. Good location, fine light and cheap rent. The new bank building now nearing, completion will have the finest business room in the city. The floors are to be covered with cork carpet and Inlaid Linoleum for which the King Mercantile Co , have secured the contract. Those expecting to run harvesting and threshing outfits this season should call j at The Model Bakery and learn why it I is cheaper and more convenient to buy bread than to bake it. ' The King Mercantile Co., have the largest stock of inlaid linoleums, oil cloth carpets, couch covers, portiers and rugs ever shown in a city of this site, and prices that defy competition. The First National Bank always has on hand land script for the purchase of government land. By using the script the purchaser secures complete title from the government without any re quirements of residence. Before going to the St. I.ouis Exposi tion, call on the King Mercantile Co., and get an admission card, admitting you on board, "The Great Ship Majestic." and entitling you to all the courtisies of The Great Majestic Range Manufacturing Co.—King Mercantile Co. The First National Bank has money ! to loan on improved real estate in Adams 1 and Lincoln counties, whether deed or I held on railroad contract. We make loans on lowest terms, with or without commission; light expenses; no delays. Correspondence solicited. I desire to announce to the public that 1 will furnish fine sand for building pur poses at cheapest prices in town. Have also on hand plenty of good, first-class brick and all parties desiring to build will profit by seeing me before purchas ing elsewhere. John Sponci.ek. Geo. W. Clous, optician from Spok ane, will again visit Ritzville, Friday and Saturday, July 1 and 2. He will be found at H. E. Gritman's drug store prepared to examine eyes free of charge and to give perfect satisfaction in fitting them. If you are in need of glasses or wish leases in your frames it will pay you to call. Notice to Contractors liids for the construction of a school building for district No. 5 Adams county, Washington, will be received by W. C. Moore, Riuville, Wash, clerk of said district up to July 9,1904, at 10a.m. Plans and specifications can be seen by applying to the said clerk. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby re served. By order of the board of directors No. 5, Adams county. Wash. Attest: W. C. Moore, clerk. Notice to Contractors Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned clerk of school district No. 80 for the building of a school house in said district. Plans and specifications are on file and <.an be seen at the office of the county school superintendent W. I. Lansing in the court house at Ritiville. Bids will be received up to Tuesday, June 21st at 1 p. m. The right to reject anv and all bids is reserved Dy the board of directors. Bids to be left with the county superintendent. Otis Robinson, Clerk school district No. 80. P. O. Address, Otis, Adams Co., Wash. Notice for Bids The directors of school district No. 5 of Adams county, Washington, will re ceived cash bids for the one story frame school building, (approximately 30x40 feet in size) belonging to said district, up to Saturday July, 9, 1904 at 10 a. m. Bids must be sealed and directed to the under signed. The right to reject any and all bids will be reserved. Dated at Kitiville, Washington, June, >0, 1904. W. C. Moore, Clerk school district No. 5 Adams county. Wash. Geo. Spanjer and wife on their way home from the World's fair were stopped yesterday at Quincy, Ills., on account of two of their children coming down with smallpox. Mr. Spanjer was hurrying back to begin harvest. The odor of? the j California. Perfume. f-fadc ■where R A the SJoxrorj A | ufl * ~ ~ 11// I AN ART STUDY given | 3 mm - with every 25c purchase ROSENOFF (EL CO. If you have to snatch a quick lunch why not try it at the Union Cafe. It is no trouble for us to cook you a square meal at any hour of the day. We make a speciality of short orders of every description. Our table has the very best that the market can afford, and we are here to cater to those who appreciate a good substantial meal. When hungry give us a call, and let us prove that we can satisfy all the wants of the inner man. F. J. Van Buren, Proprietor. ■mTKTELCH'S GRAPE JUICE The pimple unfer merited juice of nelec'ed Mew York Concord Grape*. It i.i with out Antiseptic. I"iiih GRAPE JUICE in a food, h nutrition* fluid! | for both dick mid well. In valid*, e*pftcially fever pa tient*, find it not oftly pal atable, but appctixing mid ntretigtheniiiK. It can be taken when medicine mid other food* are reject ul. FREE DELIVERY PRICE Vnn |,|!K wl A " T "" 111 K Kentucky Wine & Liquor Company DIHTKimiTORH RITZVILLE, WASH. p. o box 342. 'piionk 4il. A WEEK OK FIREWORKS! Our bombardments cal culated to make at much noine and create aa much joy for the hh any that can be had, are to beaoldat lowest pi ices GIANT CRACK EKM. SMALL CKACKEHN, TOR PEDOKB, TO V PI HTOI.B. mm NEWS STAND W. L. HOWLAND, PROHIF.TOR ANYBODY CAN DO BUSINESS with Pioneer S'ate Rink. There is nothing complicated about our meth od. The office boy can deposit or draw money, purchase drafts, money orders, etc. We have perfected our system so that all business involving the pay ment or transfer of money, issue of notes, drafts, checks, and transactions of a similar nature is done exfieditious ly and without the possibility of error PIONEER STATE BANK Sprinkling hours. On south aide railway track. 6 to 7 a. m. and 7t09 n. m . on north aide railway track ? t<> 8 a. m. and 6to 7p. m. All bone to be kept dla cooaocted whan not In uae for aprinkling. , SAVE YOUR HAIR^^ Nine times in ten there is 110 need of baldness. There's plenty of warning; hair loses lustre, begins falling, dandruff increases. The time to decide whether or not you eare to he bald is when these symptoms show themselves. OUR OWN HAIR TONIC is a reliable and effective remedy. It will not grow hair on a billiard ball; but where hair has fallen out and a spark of life remains in the rjots, growth will be quickened and stimulated. This remedy vitalizes the roots, tones the scalp, stops the falling out, hastens the growing in. Price 50 cents. H. E. GRITMAN Druggist and Stationer RITZVILLK WASHTUCNA SNYDER THE LEADER Watch Your Tickets SERIES COLOR series Lemon Yellow ColorMandrine The winning number is 1236 The winning number is _ II the above is not 127 presented within 10 days . the winning number is Jf the above is not pre sented within ten days 56 the winning number is [f neither number is 1438 presented within 25 days the winning number is 167 Remember each series calls for a complete dinner set and each 10 cent cash purchase entitles yon to one chance. The largest line of DRY GOODS in the Comity. All the swellcst summer novel ties and SILK importations galore. Our GROCERY stock is fresh. ...THE PARAMOUNT EVENT... In the City of Kitzville at the Present Time is our Complete Display of ...SPORTING GOODS... niv>n n 1 'VW? OUR PRESCRIPTION TRADE — Is steadily growing the result of our constant attention to the branch of our business. THIEL DRUG CO. J. M. ANGP.I.I. A. W. AKfiKI.I. ANO ELL BltOS. DEALERS IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Cornkk Randolph ani> D Btkkict South sii.k Horses and Harness can be brought together satisfactorily. Our harness is made to fit, made to wear, and made to look well. It is really made to sell at slightly higher figures than these prices but that's our business. FINE HARNESS has never been sold cheaper than- it can be bought for here. Even the lowest priced goods are not without style. W. R. Peters. SNA PS IN PIANOS IP YOU WRITE PROMPTLY . . , A partial list of a number of slightly used, rented and second pianos for half their usual price i Sherwood, large size, walnut rase f 168 j 1 Milton, walnut 102 , 1 Brinkerhoff, walnut, medium, si/e good tone _ 190 1 Kic< a & bom, mahogany, beautiful intruement 200 1 Bailey, mahogany rase 21$ 1 Hinze, walnut, medium size.. 222 | 1 Whitney, oak rase, large size rented 8 months with good rare 237 1 Wegtnan. a waltnut u*ed a iiule over • \ ... 240 1 Wheelock, mahogany, good tone 24s 1 Kimball, mahogany, good tone 200 1 Crown, medium size, rosewood case 260 1 Weber, walnut, small size 320 All these pianos are guaranteed to be in perfert condition and a free one years exchange agreement accompanies each piano. KI!*1 l'.*l Itrlf—We *»hlp pla 110s Picryu lirrc fcabjeet lo ap proval. ir not *nti*fartory DIJIiKKW PIANO payn I'retglit boili way•• EILERS PIANO HOUSE 605 6o7Sprague Ave., Spokane. U. A. MHIDINQEM, Manager. LARGEST DEALERS IN THE PACIFIC NORTHVESI