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Aberdeen herald. [volume] (Aberdeen, Chehalis County, W.T.) 1886-1917, January 01, 1906, Image 1

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Instructs all United States Attorneys
to Investigate and Prosecute lin
der the Criminal Clause. I lie
Cracker on President Roosevelt's
Attorney General Moody has is
sued to all United States district
attorneys a letter of instruction in
which he calls upon them to en-
force the anti-rebate law known us
the Elkins act. The attorney gen
eral calls attention to the fact that
the Elkins act provides punishment
by fine and also provides for the
prohibition of rebates through the
injunction process. The attorn' y
general calls upon the district at
torneys to diligently investigate,
and in every case in which sufficient
evidence may be secured, to submit
that evidence to the grand jury with
a view of securing an indictment.
He says that it is desirable that
indictments be returned both
against the shipper and tho carrier.
Pointing out that under the Ell;ins
law jthe only penalty is a fine, the
attorney general says that in all
cases where the evidence would
warrant it an indictment for con
spiracy to commit an offense
against the United States based up
on section 5440 of the revised stat
utes should be obtained. Ho cites
a decision of the supreme court in
which it was held that a conspir
acy to commit a crime itself ]
ishable by fine is punishable by
prisonment, and he says that,
the event of a conviction upon
charge of conspiracy, the dlstri
attorney should present to the co
the desirability of Inflicting the pen
alty of imprisonment "to tho end
that these unlawful practices which
have -ecelved almost universal con
demnation may be discouraged and
prevented as far as existing laws
will accomplish that result."
That is the plainest kind of talk
and just at this time it will be en
tirely agreeable to the American
people. Walter Wellman, Washing
ton correspondent for the Chicago
Record Ijlerald, says that this is
"the cracker on the whip which the
president Is wielding over the rail
roads," and that officials who may
be caught in the net now thrown
out are to be prosecuted not under
the Elkins law which provides for
line only, hut for conspiracy with
terms of imprisonment staring them
In the face If they are convicted.
It is to bo hoped that President
Roosevelt will act on such lines as
these, not merely for the purpose of
winning his point with respect to a
particular piece of legislation, but
in the effort to require influential
men to give some consideration to
public interests. Mr. Roosevelt
will find that he will not make ma
terial progress in any serious cam
paign against the special interests
by feather duster blows. Although
it may seem that the representatives
of special interests are powerful,
they can not long withstand a de
termined campaign waged by a
faithful public official who is back
ed by public sentiment. To a feath
er duster blow these representatives
■of special interests retort very
smartly and they display a thorough
contempt for law and authority.
But they were crushed in Jackson's
time, and they will be crushed in
Roosevelt's time if the patriotic
and determined methods employed
by Jackson are brought into use.
The president and his attorney
general deserve commendation for
the order referred to. It is to be
they will adhere to this pol
icy all along the line. These rich
and influential law breakers deserve
no more consideration at the hands
of the authorities than the cheapest
of criminals. Move against them
at every point, Mr. President. The
people are with you. Treat them
as they deserve to be treated —Just
as the commonest criminal Is treat
ed. And in waging your campaign
against these law-defying men re
member that
"Tender handed stroke a nettlo
And it stlngg for your pains;
Grasp it like a man or mettle
And It soft as silk remains."
WORLD IN 1899.
The New York Senator Shows That
Honesty is Easier to Write About
Than Practice. All Those Involv
ed in Present Scandals Were
Shouting Honesty in 1596.
The New York World recalls the fact
that in its issue of December 31, 1899, it
printed from the pen of Senator Chaun
ci'V M. I>epew, the following very inter
usting essay on "Honesty
" Honesty is too much talked about, as
if it were scarce in these days. The
business principles of today are better,
purer and more universally honest than
11 ley were in tlie days of my boyhood.
"I have seen many men become
wealthy through dishonest methods, and
my experience with them has taught me
this: That most men who gain wealth
dishonestly, if they live long enough, get
poor ag.iin. It is almost an invariable
rue; and it is reasonable enough, if you
► top to figure it out, for it comes abut
in this way : A man employs dishonest
met hods and yet he becomes very
wealthy. All his creditors know that
l»is career is just a little hit study as re
gards business methods, but he sails
serenely along until a crucical moment
arrives—a moment such as we had last
week—when ready money, 'cash at any
price,' was the cry of the maddened
"Then he finds his Waterloo. The
credit which he might have obtained,
the confidence of reliable, reputable firms
which lie might have commanded, are
11 forthcoming.
I lie main temp'ation with which the
aiy business man of today is beset
temptation to misrepresent his
•i ii. l or business prospects, and thus
• aafer credit But don't do it;
il us not pay. The old, old adage,
: . <esty is the best policy,' is the safest
i, ;to for every business man to follow.
And I know what I am talking about,
'"Be good and you'll be happy, but
you won't have a good time,' may sound
ver- well and elicit rounds of applause,
but it is a fallacy through and through.
It is easier, much easier, for an honest
m in to become wealthy than for his dis
honest brother, who may seem to pros
per tor a time; but. mark my words, his
is only a temporary success."
The World intimates that in the light
of recent disclosures, comment upon this
essay is at this time unnecessary. That
is all very true, and Senator Depew's
poor old heart must sutler many an ache
when he reads his interesting an 1 in
structive essay of 18!t9.
But this is not the only interesting
declamation on "honesty" that is to he
I..und in old-time newspaper files and
written hv men who, at the moment
poking as the special champion of "hon
c ty"and the particular "defenders of
national honor," have recently been ex
posed as men who preached but did not
The tiles of the New York World say,
for the year 1896, will show that every
United States senator and representative
indicted for malfeasance in office, every
insurance magnate exposed as an em
bezzler of his policyholders' money,
every national banker detected in the
act of stealing the deposits entrusted to
him, every federal official whipped from
the service in disgrace, every "frenzied
financier," shown before New York's in
surance committee to be a perjurer—
posed during the pre-idential campaign
oi 181)0 as one divinely ordained to de
fend the "national honor" and as one
whose mora) convictions were shocked
because the democratic party in that
year charged to be true the very facts
which are now being revealed to the
public gaze.
To Cure a Cold :n One Day.
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to ''nre. K. W. Grove's signature is on
each 00/ : ->c.
A Grim Tragedy
is daily enacted, in thousands of homes,
as death claims, in each one, another vic
tim of Consumption or Pneumonia. But
when Coughs and Colds are properly
treated, the tragedy is averted. F. G.
Huntley, of Oaklandon, Ind., writes:
"My wife had the consumption, and
three doctors gave her up. Finally she
took Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds, which
cured her, and to-day she is well and
strong." It kills the germs of all dis
eases. One dose relieves. Guaranteed
at 50c and .f 1.00 by lied Cross Pharmacy.
Trial bottle free. in
Laboring to Thwart the President's
Plans for Railway Regulation. To
Obstruct the Construction of the
Panama Canal, and the Admission
of New States.
This winter, the focus of American
activity atul attention in public sffairs
will be at Washington. At a moment
when reform movements in the states
and large cities were never more success
ful, it happens that the situation at
Wafchington has seldom been more seri
ous. It tnay be said with some caution,
hut with probable truth, that at no time
for twenty years past have lobby inter
ests been so powerful and at the same
•ime so insidious at Washington as in
the prrsent legislative season. The great
corporations propoee to thwart the I'resi*
dent's plans for the more effective regu
lation of railways. For various reasons,
they propose to obstruct the govern
ment's policy in the matter of the Pana
ma Canal. They are bent upon prevent
ing the passage of the Statehood bill
that would unite New Mexico and Ari
zona and admit them as a single com*
monwealth. It is well for the people of
the country to know that such influences
aie at work, and to do all they can to see
that their own representatives are not
captured by the lobbyists. The situa
tion is an unusual one in many resects,
and a very difficult one to deal with.
Tliiib President Roosevelt recommends
the immediate admission of Oklahoma
and Indian Territory ax one state, and of
Arizona and New .Mexico as another.
This question hag been tally and thor
oughly considered from every standpoint
of statesmanship and public policy, and
the President's recommendation ought to
be adopted. The oppositim comes from
great corporations, principally mining
companies in Arizona, supported by rail
road corporations. These Arizona min
ing companies own property worth hun
ereds of millions of dollars upon which
they pay practically no taxes at all.
They seem to be able to control Arizona
for their cwn ends. But if Arizona were
united with New Mexico they would be
in danger of losint; control, and might be
subjected to something like reasonable
taxation. They can array immense in
fluences in round,, bout and unsuspected
ways, and they can afford to spend a
fabulous sum of monev to defeat the
pending Statehood bill. It is to be feared
there lmve been attempts to influence
members of congress in this Arizona
situaion by the gift of mining stocks
and like improper methods. If the joint
Statehood bill is defeated now, the lob
byists will go on with their work, hoping
to seize a favorable moment in the future
for admitting Arizona and New Mexico
as two states. The safer and better way
is to close the business now by passing
the joint Statehood bill.—From "The
Progress of the World," in the American
Monthly Review of Reviews for January.
A Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Mrs. Micheal Hart, wife of the super
intendent of Cart Service at Kingston,
Jamai 'a, West Indies 1-lands, says that
she has foi some years used Chamber
lains Cough Remedy, for coughs, croup
and whoopiny cough and has found it
very beneficial. She has implicit con
fidence in it and would not be without a
bottle of it in her home. Sold by Evans
Drug Co. m
Petition for Removal of County Seat
Piled With Auditor Saturday.
Attorney J. C. Hogan went to Monte
sano Saturday and filed with the county
auditor the petition to the county com
missioners, asking them to submit the
question of removing the county seat
from Montesano to Hoquiam at the next
general election. As the petition con
tains more than the required number of
names, the commissioners are required
to place the question on the legal ballots.
The petition as filed contained 1,020
name 4 from Aberdeen and 936 from Ho
quiam, being 656 more than the required
legal number.
A Guaranteed Cure lor Piles.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO
OINTMKNT fails to cure any case, no
matter of how long standing, in 6 to 14
days. First application gives ease and
rest. 50c It your druggist hasn't it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co.
St Louis, Mo.
Editor Dean Sells Washingtonian to
O. ft. Moore, Pounder of Paper.
Last week J. D. Dean sold the Ho
quiam Washingtonian, of which he had
been editor and proprietor for the past
eleven yea»s, to O. M. Moore, of Seattle,
and proprietor of the White River Jour
nal, at Kep», Wash. The consideration
included the White River Journal and a
residence in Seattle, to which city Mr.
Dean lias removed his family.
Mr. Dean leaves Grays Harbor after
having lived seventeen years in Hoquiam
with the kindest wishes of a host of
friends. While this psper did not at all
times agree witli the Washingtonian,
it has always had respect for its editor,
and now wishes him all kinds of success
in his new field.
O. M. Moore, who assumed charge
of that paper this morning is no stranger
to (irays Harbor, having founded the
Weekly Washingtonian in 1889. and sold
it to Mr. Dean in 1894. Although resid
ing in Seattle f.»r the p-ist eleven years,
Mr. Moore has always kept in touch with
Grays Harber, in the full knowledge
that its proper development was only a
question of time. Mr. Moore is a well
equipped newspaper man, and with the
knowledge of this region gained during
his former resilience here, is in position
to accomplish much good for Hoqtiiam
and the Grays Harbor country. The
Hkbalu wishes him unmeasurei success.
Dangers of a Child and How to Avoid
More fatalities have their origin in or
result from a cold than from any other
caube. Ihis fact alone should make peo
ple more careful as there is no danger
whatever from a cold when it is properly
treated in the beginning. For many
yeßrs Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
been recognised as the most prompt and
effectual medicine in u-e for this disease.
It acts on nature'** plan, loosens the
cough, relieves the Inngs, opens the se
cretions and aids nature in restoring the
system to a healthy condition. Sold by
Evans Drug Co. m
Will Hold Annual Business Meeting
in ChurCh This Eveninq.
All members of the Baptist church in
the city are urge*! to attend the annual
busines* meeting in the church, tomor
row evening. Every Riptist in Aberdeen
is invited to be present and take part.
The following o'der of business has
been arranged :
Dinner, at 0:00 p. in.
Devotional meeting, 7:30.
Roll call of the church, 8:u0.
Election of officers and other business.
Free will offering.
Social hour.
Cured Lumbago,
A. B. Canman, Chicago, writes March
4, 19j;{. "Having been troubled with
Lumbago, at different times and tried
one physician after aivother, then differ
ent ointments, gave it up altogether, So
I tried once more, and got a bottle of Bal
lard's Snow Liniment, which gave me
almost instant relief. I can cheerfully
recommend it, snd will add my name to
your list of sufferers." Sold by Shelly'g
Drug Store. m
Meat Packing Establishment Will be
Erected in East Aberdeen.
Last week a deal was consummated
that had been under c >ns deration foi
some months whereby tbeCarste.i Pack
ing Co., of Seattle, purchased lots in
East Aberdeen, upon which tliey will
erect a wholesale meat market, picking
house and cold storage plant.
The firm will erect a building to ac
commodate its business, 100x1150 feet in
size, costing about $10,000. plans for
which are now being drawn.
Pleasant and Most Effective.
T. J. Chambers, Ed, Vindicator, Lib
erty, Texas, wiites Dec. 25, 1902: "W : th
pleasure and unsolicited by you, J bear
testimony to the curative power rf Hal
lard's Horehound Syrup. 1 have used it
in my family and can cheerfully affirm
it is the most effective and beat remedy
for coughs and colds I have ever used."
Sold by Shelley's Drug Store. in
Card of Thanks.
We hereby wish to express to our
friends and neighbors our sincere thanks
for the many acts of kindness shown dur
ing our time of trouble, in the sickness
and death of our beloved husband and
Mrs. Jake Hamilton and Ciiildrkn.
All the news that's lit to print. Aber
deen Semi-Weekly Herald, 12.00 t year,
91.50 In advance.
New Year's Presents
To those who need New Year's pres
ents we wish to say that whatever
stock is left in Holiday Goods will be
sold absolutely
Geo. J. Wolff
Office 213 South C St. and Room 14 Datonoy B!k
Express Piano and
and Furniture
Drayage Moving
Phone 14 WILL LANNINC, Mgr.
This Label Stands for 51 Yeart
mi T\ 1' 11 • of Knowing Mow i
Look Like a Man! Feel Like a Mail! t
It's all right to be in good con
dition—-physical, financial and "ft
mental. But that's not all that's
necessary to play the man —one j! i\ yS A i'\ ' IvjjfF
must look the part. No use talk- [[f it! tr ° ? ' ; V/Mrt
ing, clothes do have much to do •0 f i* : j' !/Jp|J
with the making of a man —at \\ V• 3 I v' li'
least in the eyes of others. We V i&y; o •; '» j
tailor-to-measure whole suits, \J| :
single garments or overcoats m- ' ! f?'. j|j j|l r
stylishly from fine fabrics at m j i,i cmim
moderate cost. We want your £ j I" t|j l|
next order. 'Hiy-.,- M M
-1® Jk J The appetizing appearance
1 ' ' of our productions is not disap
- pointing. The rich, brown
Breads, Rolls, Cakes, Pies
°^ er things to eat and
the light, palatable interior is
crisp and wholesome and gives
that satisfaction and pleasure
which is so desirable,
Model Bakery and Candy Factory
G Street Opposite Postoffice.
Intrinsic value and a fair price
are the watchwords that gain and hold
public confidence. To tell you that
we will sell you honest, up-to-date ImSJ
merchandise would be an offense to
your intelligence. The improbability
of the thing would be too apparent, jr
To tell you that we have good, reliable / ;
Jewelry to offer von at a fair price is to f ■ . "'1
c nnmaud that respect which is always i j&as.. . t
dne to a truthful statement. After all,
it's the honest goods at i fair price
that most people are looking for.
No. 32

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