OCR Interpretation

Aberdeen herald. [volume] (Aberdeen, Chehalis County, W.T.) 1886-1917, September 20, 1906, Image 5

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093220/1906-09-20/ed-1/seq-5/

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School Shoes
The "Billy Buster"
sleei bottom shoes for boys
The shoe with the sole that
won't wear out
For Sale.- by
Luna"., T: ' ge Aberdeen, Wash.
Teles of the Town Tersely Tdd.
Sheet mil i • H
I Sin lino " ,8 -
:;.|i \l. Payette.
.l! M. T trip to
o<tk\ ide ye i
I if. g. K. CI " ! •• .-ma 8, ii
and 10, l.Vi '-1
\!: kii.il ••'liiiw ami
reroiiN. A., i ,>-lt
1,, , ;a , .vest price.
Dean's Tim
All of tin* Litest Blioct music al Al.
Fayette's. 3-lt
Mr. anil Mrs. lolin Lupton Tuea
ilay for an extended visit in the Eaßt.
Dr. — (i'ii■- v", "iitii in, .it E. T.. K.
Pharmacy, t-i>>. '■ T. Glaaßea fitted. if
l'liil S. Locke returned Monday night
from a busin' trip in Pacific county.
Dju't Buffer with toothache. Japanese
drops will cure it. Evans Drug Go. If
G. Canterbury, dentist, over State
Bank, corner lleron and II streets. 00-tf
Mrs. Frank S. P.eice is over front
Portland visiting her mother, Mrs. A. K
Wanted—An experienced irroceryman.
Good wages. Address Box .>2O, Aber
deen. tf
For Gurnev, Express or Dray, call 14-
A-A Star Transfer. Your ordeis prompt,
ly filled. tf
Judge ami Mr.-. J. C. i'eaison left on
Tuesday for North Y\ikim.i to attend the
State lair.
Frank IVeker ha < moved his family to !
Elma, where ne has purchased a farm
adjoining tomi.
ForGurney, E • piw- or Dray, call 14,]
A-A Star Transfer. Your orders prompt-1
Iv tilled. tf
Mrs). I'. K. Hngan and Miss Edna
France returned Tuesday from a visit to i
the Sound cities.
Alonzo Spuhr returned Tuesday from ■
an extender visi' i* his o d .home at i
Santa Fe, O no.
We take back all old or broken records !
and give iew on . instead. M. I'.iyette, |
414 East Wishkah St. 3-11
Spend you- m ' .• profitably by ac-[
quiring anusineas education at tue Grays;
Harbor Business College. tf |
The Fraternal Brotherhood gave a
pleasant social Monday evening in
Knights of Pythias hull.
Cemetery lots enclosed, brick, con-1
crete and mason work of all kins. Jas-
McNamaka, -13 North B street, 73 tf
S. L. Reynolds has the contract for
the erection of the two story brick build
ing foi Judge Drake, on (J stiect below
The ladies of St. Andrew's Guild will
have a sale of home cooking at Kolt's
fuinituie store, Masonic Temple next
Stanley Zelasko has sta l ted a messen
ger service in liassett's Hook Store &
News Agency. Will answer all calls to
10 p. m. I'hone 123. ')3-tf
Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Crowthor are pre
paring to leave for Hollywood, Cal.,
where they have purchased a residence,
to spend tiie winter mouths.
.Girls Wanted —We want women, |
gills, and boys over 1"> years, to work for
good wages. Sea Beach Packing Works,
next to G street dock. 101 -tf
R. \V. Bryan has leased the room ad
joining his bicycle store, in Lumber
Exchange, and will use both, his increas
ing business demanding more space.
The Equitable Savings & Loan Associa
tion.of Portland, makes long time loans
on improved city property. W. M. |
Lamb, Hoquiam, agent for Grays llar-j
bor. 57-tf-T j
Burke & Jakobson were bound over in !
11,000 bail each to appear iu the superior
court, by Judge Kox, yesterday, and
außwer the charge of maintaining a
gambling house.
The Young Men's Republican Club
will give a smoker in the Grand theater
this evening. Congressman Fordney
and some local candidates will address
the faithful assembled.
Ask any "JAl"' that you may see,
"Why the LV.ar, with Hoar behind," had
to climb a tiee.
The Yanks, God bless the Yanks, says he j
They gave us Rocky Mountain Tea. j
Wm. Goltl plead guilty in the police)
court yester lay morning of the charge;
ol assault on a cook named J. K. McCoy, '
and paid a fine of It has been said '
that Gold mistook McCoy for a man who j
had insulted his wife, but no such plea
was made iu . oui t.
Dr. Smith, Osti i path, V S ]'. 0. block.
Candy, Chewing .-inni .t I'vans Drug
j Co. " tf
1 OHice and school fcupi iie- at Evans
Drug Co. ti
Nit*lll sessions at the Grays 11 sir b. r
j Isusiii< ss College. tf
All kinds of music teacher's supplies,
at M. I'avette's. -!-li
I'ocket cutlery and barber supplies at
11 vans Drug Co.
The Loggers' He-turn ant, -O'J South I'
street, ready for business. 74 if
The latest magazines and other read
ing matter at Evans Drug Co. tf
For best Tea and Coffees Dean's Tea
and Coffee Store. Phone 1411.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Crain left yester
day to prove up on their Oregon ti iiber
L. L. Trask left Monday evening for
North Yakima on business and to see the
State fair.
John S. Creech lias been over from
South Bend this week looking over mat
ters at this end of the line.
The l.ady Maccabees are giving a tea
this afternoon at the home of Mis. L. B.
lluschke, 10".» North Broadway.
Sewing Machines—We have a large
line of sewing machines, and will sell
them on very easy terms. M. Payette.
Our handsome Fall Suits are way up
in style and material, hut not in price.
A. VV. Barkley, ll'i South U St. !Ki tf
Men's Suits, correct in cut, perfect in
ailoring, right in fabric, $10 to $25. A.
\V. Barkley, illi South (j stieet. 96-tf
' Take a look at our stationery whether
! you wish to bjy now or not. It is a
pleasure to ehow it. Evans Drug Co. tf
This is Jewish New Year's Day, and
the establishments of merchants of the
J Hebrew faith are closed in its observ
| ance.
Mr. and Mrs. Wythe Denby left Tues
day for their home at Juneau, Alaska,
! after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Waldo
i W. Hart.
i The funeral of the in'ant son of Mr.
| and Mrs. Andrew Anderson look place
Tuesday afternoon from the residence,
; 714 East Market.
O. A. Gilmore arrived from Fairbury,
Nebraska, last week, with a view to lo
cating here. Mr. Gilmore is a brother
of Mrs. E. E. Boner.
Rev. Chas McDennoth left yesterday
morning foi Walla Walla, to attend a
meeting of the State Ministerial Associa
tion of the Congregational church.
A lady fell from a trolley car at G and
Heron streets, yesterday morning, and
was severely injured She was taken to
her home at Michigan avenue and Hume
There w'll he a civil service examina
tion for the positions of clerk and carrier
at the poat office on October 10. For
further naviculars see Cecil Bell at the j
post office.
It arouses energy, develops anil stimu
lates nervous life, arouses the courage of
youth. It manes yon young again. That's
"what Hollistei's Rocky Mountain Tea
will ilo. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets \V. B.
I'aine tk Co.
Lilly, the 15-months-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wilson, died early
this morning of cholera infantum. The
funeral will take place tomorrow af'er
noon from the residence of the parents,
80<> Market street.
A. B. Newland was brought down
from Seattle Tuesday by Sheriff Graham
to answer a charge of beating a board
bill. He is accused of having left town
without settling with L. L. Trask foi his
board, and will have a hearing before
Judge Fox next Monday.
Souvenir Postal Cards
ot your own city and county; tliey are selling fast.
2 for 5 Cents; 25 Cents per Dozen
Telephone 61 I, | TelephonaT 61 t.
Cor. Heron and C Sts.
Leading Prescrption Druggist.
G'is < and C. Crozier were dis
j charged from St. Joseph's hospital thiaj
I morning.
G. W. Walsh and family returned
| yesterday from their land claim on the.
| Holi river.
H. Spetrill wai discharged from St.
Joseph's hospital yesterday, and le- ;
turned to Ocosta.
| I
Mrs. G. 11. Hawkins and baby were;
able to leave St. Joseph's hospital fur!
: their home yesterday.
f H. T. Hanson, I). K. Crov.e, 0. W.
I Harris and A. Pea hod > were admitted lo
i St. Joseph's hospital fur treatment yes
! terday.
Louis H. Burnett returned Tuesday
j night from St. Joseph, Mo., where lie ;
tad been called by the death of his
The Daughters of Kebekab gave a
pleasant dramatic and literary entertain- !
ment at Odd Fellow's hail Tuesday
The captain of the scliooner John C.
Meyer has been attain fined if 1 < '<> for en
gaging a ti st mate who had not the re-j
quired pape. s.
C. Belin, K. Dufl'v, C. Hathaway, A.
Elbow, E. Sheriitan and I). O. Buckhorn
entered St. Joseph's hospitrl for treat
ment Tuesday.
A. K. Dabney recovered from Ids in
jury sufficiently to leave St. Joseph's
hospital yesterday, although he is;
obliged to use crutches in getting
The W. C. T. U. will hold a "Parlor" j
meeting iomorro.v afternoon, at the res
idence of Mrs. O. \. Myers, 51S East
hirst street, to which the public is cor
dially invited.
The laxative effect of Chamberlain's ■
■ Stomach and Liver Tablets is so aareea
and so natural yon can haidly realize
that it is produced by a medicine. Tin se
tablets rd o cure ind'K tion. For sale
: by Evans Drug (Jo. t
The Grays Harbor Electric Co. is
! planning to lay tracks up Broadway to
Sixth stree' ; on Sixth to Division, and
ion 11 striet from Heron t'> Fifth. The
, franchise asked fur requires the cars to
be running bv December 31, I!U7.
Clyde Weatherwax and Frank Davis'
have" leased ;he Zelasko store room on
Wishkah street between F and ( j, where
they will carry on the business of tnui- |
chandise and produce brokers, under
the tii in name of Weatherwax & Davis.;
Ladies, read this catalogue of charins.
Bright eyes, gluwir : ' -c.l lips' a
smooth skin without a blemish, in short, I
perfect health For sale with even
package. Hollisters Hocky Mountain
Tea. 35 cents. V\ ,B. Paine it Co.
The city clerk is adveitising for bids to
build the wagon hri Ige over Elliott 's!
slough, on the road around the bluff.
The bridge will have two truss spans of
48 feet each, and 2SB feet of approaches.
Bids will be opened next Wednesday ,
The following building permits have \
been issued since Monday: 11. Gihbler,'
barn, 112 We«t Hume street, $100; John
Zeeman, residence, Market and Wash-,
ington streets, $1,500; Chas. Wappeu
! stein, re-idence, corner I" and Third
stieets, $1,('))0.
Mr. and Mrs David MaeLafferty and |
two sons, Drs. B. D. and X. C. MaeLaf
ferty, arrived Tuesday from Port Town
send, where they have become laigely
interested in the Northwest sanitarium,
and where they will reside m the futuie
Mr. and Mrs. MacLaffertv will pack
their household goods and ship them to
Pori Townsend, and will follovv them as
! soon as their business affaits are ar
! ranged i
former Superintendent of Schools
Married to Miss Liiu in Seattle.
"A wedding of more than ordinary in
terest was solemnized last Sunday night
with in the prettily decorated parlors of
Representative and Mrs. William E.
Humphrey's apaitments at the Hotel
Stand* r," says the Seattle l'-I.
•' The bride andgroom were Miss Louise J
I,au, of Ann Arbor, Mich., and Prof
U.K. Harris, of Port Townsend The |
officiating clergi man was Rev. William
fl Leech, of the University Methodist!
Episcopal churcn.
Mr. Humphrey, Prof. Harris and Rev. ;
Mr. Leech were all members of the class j
of 18S7 of Wabash college, Crawfords
vilie, Indiana.
Prof. Hairis has been a resident of j
this state for a number of years. He was j
formerly Superintendent of schools of
Mrs. Harris has also resided in Wash-1
ington some time, having lived at South j
! Bend and Aberdeen."
■ i
j Burke & Jakobson Have Council
Served with Writ of Review.
The city council was served with a
wri of review from the superior couit
yestetdav, in the matter of the revoca
tion of the liceti"* of Burke and Jakobson
of the Combination saloon.
The writ is returnable next Monday,
when the matter will be heatd in the
superior court Counsel for Burke &
Jakobson contends that the city council
has no authority to revoke a license,
without first prefering specific charges
and giving the parties a hearing thereon,
and, it is said, will carry the case to the
supreme court if necessary.
Four Houses Burned at an Early Hour
This Morning.
About fonr o'clock this morning the
lire alarm rang, the tire bcini; at the
hagino known a-< the Peerless. 400 East
llume street. By the time the appara
tus reaclieil the scene, the building was
entirely in (1 imes, and three adjoining
houses also alire. But for the stillness
' " ' wei id have been impossible
to hat ■i. (.• :ht '! lines in check. As it
was, wi!! i \ !i., : i,,,,wing, the fire de
paitne-iit ■ »' needed in confining it
to t hurt' i> ,i huu us oy tlie hardest kind
oi woik.
The entire tenderloin district was
alarmed, and with good reason, and the
streets were tilled with excited women
Hying to save their effects. Furnituie
was ihiown out oi windows and so badly
damaged th.it it might as well have been
left to burn. The building in which the
tire originated belonged to Alex. Cas
trino. and i, ,i t.tai loss, as is that ad
j lining it o:i the east. 40S, which was
the propert t of drs. Marshal. The next
house Oh the east, 410, known as ihe
Diamond Front, was badly wrecked but
may be repaired, and belongs to Edward
Thompson. No. 4<i4 was the property of
Samuel I'enn, and was damaged to the
extent of several hundreds of dollars.
All of the buildings rallied some insur
ance, but n p to the time of going to pi ess
we have been unable to ascertain the
amounts, nor could any information be
had as to the insurance of the occupants,
whes ■ losses will he heavy.
Sub-Committees Appointed by the
Executive Committee.
The campaign for tlia removal of (lie
! county sent will be pushed vigorously
11om now on till t' e polls dose on elec
tion dav. The Aberdeen executive
committee lias niriounoeil the following I
Committee on publicity: J. J. Carney,
J. \V'. Clark, L. G. Ilumbarger, Wni,
11 vine.
Committees to solicit funds from the
different piolcs 'jnal and business men:
.Merchants, ex-ept grocers: Fied
; Flirtli, L. 11. Burnett.
Grocers: U". \V. lioner, C. A. Holmer
Hotels and newspapers: A. H.Griffin.
F E Jones.
Lawyers: .T. 1! Bridges. J. C. Hogan.
j ileal Estate: EC. Finch, S. K. Bowes.
Loggers and I.umber Owners: Eugene
; France, A. K. Coats.
Manuf.n t i- A. W. Middleton, J.
I>. lititlgcs, .1. 0. Hogan.
! Banks: J. A. Hood, E. B. Benn.
Saloon-: J. G. Lewis, Fred Furth, F.
K. Drake,
Non-resident land owners: Phil S.
I lectors and dentists: S. K. Bowes,
I E. C. Finch.
Barbershops, restaurants, city ofli< ers:
j L. J. Hilts.
Landlords: A. F. Anderson, F. E
Jones, Frank Stenzel, E. B. Benn.
Ministers and school teachers: Rev.
| olias. MclJerino'h.
Contractors : ,M. E. Lucas.
Vends roniirsj. ..r.d Going and Loading at the
Saw Mills. !
The schooner F. \i. Slade is loading
at the Slaite mill foi San Francisco.
The schooner Expansion is loading
at the Union mill for San Francisco.
The schooner A. B. Johnson is loading
at the Wilson mill lor San Francisco.
The schooner Newsboy is loading for
San Francisco at the S. F}. Slade mill.
| The baik S. C. Allen is loading at the |
Anueieon it Middleton mill for Honolulu, i
i The schooner Endeavor sailed Monday !
froni, the Bryden it Leitcli mill for San j
The schooner ('has. E. Falk sailed to- |
day from tne American mill for San
The steamer Bee sailed todav from the
Anderson it Middleton mill for Sail
i Francisco.
The schooner G. W. Wa'son sailed
Tuesday from the L'nion mill for San
i flie schooner Mary Winkleman is at
i the liryden it Leitcli mill, loading for
■ .San Fianciaco.
i The steamer Newhurg arrived in port
, Tuesday, and is loading at the Slade mill
i for San Francisco.
i The steamer Melville Dollar sailed
! yesterday from the Bryden it Leitcli
\ mill for san Francisco.
The steamer G. C. Lindauer ariived in
j port Tuesday and is lo uling at the Wil
• son mill for San Francisco.
The steamer Grace Dollar arrived in
! port yesterday to load at the Br; den &
i Leitcli mill for Sail Fiancisco.
| Tne schooner Lurline ariivetl in port
Tuesday, and is loading at tlie Bryden &
Leitcli mill for -an Francisco.
The Breath of Life
I Tl's a significant fact Ilia the strongest
animal of its si/e, the gorilla, also has
'the largest liiiijs. Powerful lung
i means powerful creatures. How to keep
| the breathing organs right should be
man's chiefe-t. study. Like thousands
| of otheis, Mrs. Ora A. Stephens, of Port
! Williams, Ohio, has learned how to do
this. She writes: ''Three bottles of Dr.
l\ing,s New Discovery stopped m.' cough
|of two yeais ami cured me of what my
j friends thought consumption. O, it's
grand for throat and Inug troubles."
Guaranteed b>- Evans Drug Co. and the
j Post ollice Pharmacy, Price suc and
i $1.00 Trial boftte free. t
Shingle Manufacturers' Notice.
At a meeting oi the Sningle Manufac
turers of Grays Harbor the following
resolution whs adopted :
Resolved, That the mills of the under
signed shall be operated under the Open
Shop plan. That we maintain the right
to employ or not to employ at our option,
and any discrimination against any of
the undersigned shall be considered as a
menace ti> all.
Northwestern Lumber Co.,
Hoquiam Lumber & Shingle Co.,
Poison Shingle Co.,
Aberdeen Lumber & Shingle Co.,
Ornvs Harbor Commercial Co.
101-9t "
f roe *v» <» p , ,
How many Umbrellas in cur Corner
- Window? ®
» The person guessing the nearest is en
titled to an umbrella free
.Anyone can guess
Postoffice Block - Aberdeen
F r c i l F 3 " {> r ]• r
Just arrived Spring Suits. Coats, Shirt Waists
and latest let Accessories at tlie
Only Exclusive Tailor Made Ladies' Suit House
on (Jrays Harbor.
3<L> K;ist M;irk"t Street.
Room 8 Dabney Ulock
Oflice hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. in. Sundays ( .» a. 111 to 12 in
Get your wife
to study practical economy by buying your
groceries of SHEI.T, Y BROTHERS
Then you get the best
there is. at the lowest possible prices. Dealing
with reliable grocers means a big saving to \ou
New Styles
For the Fall and Winter are ready tor tht
ij/T WVJ j\ Y v .making. (.uir fabrics are all her-.' •m 1 we
V'J IwJi r" A 1 await \otir pleasure for making jom h ,cc
/ M t : Cl \ <«» for autumn. Many compliments have been
1 given us lor the skill and taste displayed in
V J | 1 ►.44 fi, the elegant cut and style of garments made bv
' /jflp* • t us heretofore and we can assur v u ih..i
rfjMA if Ml I'l : I W neither our skill, judgment, tast.M cxpe- •><#
; » ; 'F ID has lessened but we feel assured that we art
I i'jf ftifii better equipped to dress the ma:y people than
l 9 I //.jf] COPYHIOMT
V" w 418 E. WISH KAH 3T
Made from pure sterilized cream under my own
supervision, and sold under my guarantee. You
can of your own knowledge be assured of the
cleanliness and purity of the cream. (This cream
is also sold bv us in bottles.i We make the- ice
cream in bulk and in bricks; all flavors, and will
take orders to furnish anv flavor wanted.
Heron Street I I g South C St.
R. W. Hilligoss
General Contractor
Especially equipped for build
ing - Streets, Sidewalks,
Docks and Bridges
Street improvements attended
to for non-residents
300 West First Street
Northern Hotel
New Management
Table supplied with tlie be t (lie market
Clean, comfortable ami cosey rooms
Hates reasonable
116 East Wishkali Street
Aberdeen, W sh.

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