ENGLISH RED TAPE. War Office Methods and the Test of a Mountain Gun. The story that a gun of marvelous possibilities invented In England may be sold abroad owing to tlie apathy of the powers that be Is not altogether surprising. Whitworth refused Napoleon lll.'s offer of $.">O,OOO a year for life to go to Paris and manufacture his cannon for the French army, but perhaps our war office was not so faddy then ns now. Some little time ago a new gun for hill lighting was offered and was sent out to India to be tried. It was drag ged up steep hills, rushed down rocky dellles, left for a week at a time in mountain torrents—in fact, submitted to all the tests which a veteran officer accustomed to war -with the hill tribes could suggest. The report was satisfactory in every respect, but a war office genius bland ly asked If the gun had been dropped down a precipice. It had not. The war office was horrified and amazed at the neglect of so elementary a test. The gun was now dropped down a precipice with the inevitable result- Its internals were Irremediably dam aged. How was It possible, the war office asked, to accept such a weapon? And the ariny of India was left to potter along with obsolete weapons because this sew arm would not stand lmpos- tests.—London Sketch. AWAY BELOW ZERO. THa Awful Cold That Coma* With Eighty Degree* of Frost. It is difficult to form any conception of the decree of cold represented by 80 degrees of frost that at times prevails In certain parts of Itussla. Sir Leopold McCllntock tells us how In one of his arctic expeditions a sailor was foolish enough to do some outdoor work at precisely this temperature. Ills hands froze, and when he rushed into the cabin and plunged one of them into n bnsln of water so cold was the hand that the water was instantly converted Into a block of ice. At 25 degrees. Dr. Kane says, "the mustache and underlip form pendu lous beads of dangling ice. Tut out your tongue, and it instantly freezes to this Icy crusting. Your chin has a trick of freezing to your upper jaw by the happy aid of your beard. My eyes liave often been so glued as to show that even a wink was unsafe." During a theatrical performance giv en by the crew of his ship at an Inside temperature of 30 degrees "the con densation was so excessive that we could barely see the performers. Their hands steamed. When an excited Thes pian took oil his coat It smoked like a dish of potatoes. Any extra vehemence of delivery was accompanied by vol umes of smoke."—Pearson's Weekly. A Wrong Diagnosis. The small boy with the big bundle of papers was observed to be moisten ing some of his stock In the street fountain. "Ah, my lad," said a benevolent old gentleman, "It does me good to see such an Illustration of cleanliness." "What do yer mean, boss?" asked the boy as he stared up in wonder. "Why, aren't you trying to wash the mud spots off the edge of your papers?" "No, boss; you are way off. You see, some of dese papers is two weeks old, an' if I dampen 'em up a bit peo ple will think they are Just from de press an' never think of lookin' at de date. Good graft, old sport! Say, some day when 1 am a captain of in dustry I'll give you a job." But the benevolent old gentleman had fled.—Boston I'ost. The Order of St. Patrick. The "most illustrious Order of St. Patrick" dates only from 17S;i, says a London writer, when It was founded by George 111., and Is not to be com pared In age with "the most ancient and most noble Order of the Thistle," which, dating from a remote antiquity, was revived by James 11. in lUS7. The curious thins about the bands, or rib bons, of these two orders Is that St. Patrick's Is blue of the hue that may te soon In the "hackles," or plumes, in the bearskins of the Irish guards, though It suggests the blue bells of Scotland, while the sash of the thistle Is a dark green, suggestive of Erin's verdant Isle. On state ceremonies these two orders are frequently con founded. What She Was Trying to Accomplish. The other morning at the breakfast table throe-year-old Joannette was pok ing vigorously with her knife at a bis cuit. "What are you trying to do, Joan nette ?" demanded mother. "I!e careful; you will cut your hand." Said Joannette, "I'm trying to un loosen tills biscuit; it's so tight!"— New York Times. Not a Matter of Choice. Columbia Alumnus—That woman on the debate team is Intolerable. You wouldn't like to debate with a woman, would you? Cornell Alumnus—Got so I don't mind It now. Been married five years.—New York Tribune. Hard Lines. "Docs your wife make you explain all your acts?" "Worse than that." "Worse than that?" "Far worse; she doesn't permit me to explain them."—Houston I'ost The Three Periode. Jason—There are three periods In a man's life when ho does not under stand a woman. Grayson—And they are? Jason—Before he know* her, when he knows her and afterward) A BILL IN CONGRESS. The Method by Which a Measure la Transformed Into Law. On a day set for the consideration of the bill the house goes Into committee of the whole. A chairman appointed by the speaker presides. The bill is read by sections and clauses after gen eral debate has closed, and any mem ber may offer amendments. All voting in committee is by rising. The yeas and nays are not taken. When the bill has been gone through and all amendments have been voted upon, the committee rises and the chairman reports the bill back to the house, with the amendments. The house then votes upon them either sin gly or In gross and by yeas and nays If they are ordered to be taken. The bill is then ordered to be en grossed—tliat Is, written out In a fair hand and just ns it is after being amended—and to be read a third time. As It Is usually already engrossed it is at once read the third time—by title, as before—and passed. The clerk takes the bill to the senate, by which body It is referred to the finance committee. In due time the committee, if it sees fit, and not other wise, reports the bill back to the sen ate. with propositions to amend. In the senate the bill is considered "as In committee of the whole," the amend ments of the finance committee and other volunteer amendments are ac cepted or rejected, they are again voted upon when the bill is reported to the senate from the committee of the whole, and the bill is passed. As the two houses are not agreed upon the bill, a committee of confer ence, usually consisting of three mem bers of each branch of congress, is ap pointed. The committee, when it has come to an agreement, reports to each house, and the acceptance of the re port Is the final stage of the bill in its passage. The measure is now "enrolled"—that is. It Is printed in large, open type upon a parchment—and Is taken first to the house, where It is signed by the speaker; then to the senate, where the vice president signs It, and finally to the president, and ninkes the bill a law. Congress is notilied tlmt the bill has been approved, and the original copy of the act is deposited in the depart ment of state.—Edwin Tarrisse in Har per's Weekly. Johnnie—lsn't a tin horn made of tin, mamma? Mamma — Certainly It Is. Johnnie —Then how is it that a fog horn Isn't made of fog? "Your lankweedgo," remarked the visiting foreigner, "it ees so strange." "Why so, count?" "When a man spend all hees money, one man say hee's all in. Another man when he has 110 money sny hee's all out. I no understand."—Philadelphia Inquirer. "Your fnther Is In politics," said the stranger, "Is ho not?" "Yeh," replied the boy, "but mom thinks he's getting cured of it" "How do you mean?" "Why, his stummick has gone back on him, and ho can't drink like ha useter."—Catholic Standard and Times. Two girls returning from Sunday school were discussing their progress In the Shorter Catechism. "I am past original sin," said the younger one. The other immediately responded, "Oh, I am farther on than you, for I'm past redemption!" A peasant Insured his house against fire. When he got the policy, he asked the clerk: "What should I get if my house were burned down tomorrow?" "Three or four years' Imprisonment," was the short and prompt answer.— London Tit-lilts. "But can we live on $1,000 a year?" asked he. "Let's see," said she. "Theater tick ets will cost about $200 annually, flow ers as much more and bonbons, say, $200, Certainly we can do it, John, and save money Into the bargain."— Kansas City Journal. HIS FAVORITE WHEEL —Georae in Bt. Paul Pioneer Praas. r ~ THE QUADRANT. I How the Idea of the Device Cam* to Thomas Godfrey. Concerning Thomas Godfrey, n fa j mous American niathematJclan, th»re | Is an Interesting account In the "Lit | erary History of Philadelphia." Thomas Godfrey was a glazier. He ! seemed to be one of the most singular phenomena that ever appeared In the learned world. One day while at work at his trade a young girl came to a pump and filled a pall with water, which wus left upon the sidewalk. The sun's rays were re flected from Godfrey's glass to the pail of water and then to Ills eye, thus com pleting a triangle. This is said to have suggested to the glazier's mind the Idea which In 1730 became the basis for the le reflecting sea quadrant. Prior to this time English mariners had been using Davis' bow to ascer tain their latitude at sea. but it could not be adjusted in a storm. Godfrey gave the subject careful study, taught himself Latin In order to read New ton's "Prinelpia" and endeavored to have the value of his invention recog nized in England. While thus engaged ho determined to have the device tested on a ship bound for the AVest Indies. In Jamaica the quadrant was exhibit ed, or presented, to an English sea captain. Thus the important discovery came Into the possession of Iladley, a mathematical Instrument maker in London, whoso name It usually bears In spite of the long exertions of influ- I ential Americans of the eighteenth century to lnive Godfrey's claims es tablished and honored. The Next Duty. "What Is my next duty? What Is the tliinv? that lies nearest to me?" "That belongs to your everyday his tory. No one can answer that ques tion but yourself. Your next duty Is Just to determine what your next duty Is. Is there nothing you neglect? Ts there nothing you know you ought not to do? You would know your duty If you thought In earnest about It and were not ambitious of great things." "Ah, then," responded she, "I sup pose it Is something very common place, which will make life more dreary than ever. That cannot help me." "It will If It bo as dreary as reading the newspapers to an old deaf aunt. It will soon lead you to something more. Your duty will begin to comfort you at once, but will at length open the un known fountain of life In your heart." —George Macdonald. He Drew. A very pretty girl had n bashful art ist for a sweetheart, but he would :s'>\ er come to the point. One night after he had made a desperate attempt to test her feelings she looked at him in a very significant way. "What do you mean by that?" he asked, with a startled look. "Do you profess to bo an artist?" she replied evasively. "Yes." "Do you think you are n good one?" "I flatter myself that I am." "Well, 1 don't think so." "Why not?" "Because you cannot even draw an inference." lie did, though, and now they draw conclusions. It has been shown thnt criminal tendencies depend on heredity and so cial and physiological circumstances. The uiost Important of these Is hered ity. Just as no amount of ambition will enable a man to write a Shake spearean drama If he have not the talent, so It is preposterous to expect in a child of vicious parents, brought up among vicious surroundings, that moral tone which would characterize the finest type of humankind.—Strand Magazine. Precious Models. "Just think, somebody broke Into my studio last night. Unfortunately I had Just begun n study in still life." "Was It stolen?" "No, but the models were—a ham. and eotne sausages,"—London Tlt-Blts. ABERDEEN HERALD. MONDAY. APRIL 5. 1908. Victims of Heredity. Jimmy Junior-Our university ha just received a consignment of fossils Freddy Fresh For the museum or the faculty?— Phi hi di-lull la Record. Church—Did that detective you en gaged discover an;, tiling? Gotham Yes. that I li-d money. — Yoi::;er Statesman. Leonardo da Vinci was passion?* fond of oranges and with this f;-.i and bread he would at any time ma!; a mea'» "Pa. what happens when railroa cars are telescoped? "I suppose the passengers see stars —London Fun. Nell—Mrs. Ilenpeckke boasts that sh> reigns supreme In her own home Belle—Reigns? She positively storms —Philadelphia Itecord. Snuff taking originated In England from the capture of vast (juautitios ol snuff by Sir (ieorge KooUe's expedi tlon to Vlego In ITS I. Him—My dear, this pumpkin pie is not half done. Her—Well, finish It then, darling.— Los Angeles Times Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the ; ,: lowlng list of saw logs are now ly- my lands on what Is known as f—. \ Aberdeen Gardens, In Chehalls TMjunty, state of Washington, and all persons owning any or all of said saw logs are hereby notified to re move the same, and pay the damages within 30 days or the same will be sold to pay said damages, said saw logs are branded as follows, to-wit: 4 logs branded O. K. 1 log branded MB. 3 logs branded XT. 3 logs branded 22. 13 logs branded 35. 1 log branded SBW. 1 log branded TF. 3 logs branded Diamond B. 2 logs branded W. 1 log branded V with 7 dots. W. F. LYONS. Date of first Pub. March 19, 1908. Date of last Pub. April 16, 1908. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing list of saw logs are now lying on rny lands, known as Lot 4, Section 11 north, rangs 9 west, and all per sons owning any or all of said saw logs are hereby notified to remove the same, and pay the damages within 30 days or the same will be sold to pay' said damages. Said saw logs are branded as follows, to-wit: 10 logs branded U . 1 log branded O. 2 logs branded WHS. 10 logs branded 35. 4 logs branded V, with 7 dots. G logs branded circle K. 1 log branded W. 1 logs branded 22. 7 logs branded O. K. 1 log branded circle T. 1 log branded 25. 3 logs branded M. 1 log branded 114. 1 log branded 21. 1 log branded Box B. 1 log branded T. W. M. HULET. i Date of first pub. March 19, 1908. i Date of last pub. April 10, 1908.; Notice, Notice is hereby given that the fol- j lowing list ol' saw logs are now lying 1 011 my lands 011 what is known as j lots 7, 12, 13 and 14, Aberdeen Oar dens, situated 011 the Wishkah river, Chehalis county, State of Washing ton, and all persons owning any or all of said logs are hereby notified to remove same, and pay the damages within 30 days, or same will be sold i to pay said damages. Said saw logs are branded as fol lows, to-wit: 3ft logs branded 35. 8 logs branded W. 7 logs branded, Hear Foot O. K. 17 logs branded U. 2 logs branded Diamond SBW V 2 • 2 logs branded Box B. 4 logs branded 1 E 1. 2 logs branded 22. 2 logs branded 15. 2 logs branded 2G. 4 logs branded Circle F. 3 logs branded Circle K. 8 logs branded A 2 logs branded N. O. 1 log branded O. X. 2 logs branded xxx 2 H. E. HULET, First publication March 2fi, 190 S. Last publication April 23, 190 S. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the fol lowing list of saw logs are on my lands, on what is known as lots 7, 8, and 9, Aberdeen Gardens, situated on tne Wishkah river, Chehalis county, state of Washington, and all persons owning any or all of said logs are hereby notified to remove the same, and pay all damages, or the same will be sold to pay said damages. Said saw logs are branded as fol lows: Five logs branded 35. One log branded 25. One log branded Horseshoe. Two logs branded L, with bar above and below. One log, branded O. K. One log branded J. B. HENRY LENTZ. Date of first publication March 26, 1908. Date of last publication April 23, 1908. W«» Rcpnii'^Afi.ytliliig Novelty Repair Shop Saws, Axes,"Knives and Scissors Sharpened. Um brellas Re-covered and Repaired. 210 South II St. Tel. 11)91 FREE FREE City Library and Heading Room CITY HALL, ABERDEEN Opr> Irs:3() p m. Visitors always welcome MH W . J. M WALKER Librarian MEN (Qhen You Need a Specialist Consult One of Wide Experience We are just now completing our twentieth year as specialists in men's diseases. During these years of close application to a single class of ailments we have originated and per fected the only scientific and certain methods by which these diseases are cured If we accept your case for treatment, a cure is but a matter of a reasonable time. We guarantee every man a life-long cure for Varicocele, Hydrocele, Blood Disorders and Skin Diseases, Prostatic Troubles, Piles, Fistula, Loss of Vital Power, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. We especially offer our services to'those who are afflicted with weakness. Our Mrv pnv Unless Guarantee: ' IV/ rril Cured Our methods are up-to-date, and are endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe and America. Hence our success in the treatment of Men's Diseases. We cover the entire field of ner vous. chronic, deep-seated and com plicated diseases. Consultation free If you cannot call, write for Symptom Blank. Many cases can be cured at home. All correspon dence confidential. Call or Address SCOTT MEDICAL CO. 101) Marion St., Seattle,. Wash, BRANCH OFFICE llSO'a Pacific Ave., Tacoma, Wash. rM Hh MMHWWHII IIBI illl i 111 | Wimiii—BMM Sf you want to Advertise in newspapers anywhere at anytime call on or write E. C. Date's Advertising Agencj 124 Sansome Street W?ANCI«eO CALIF, pni 'wmiy-"' v.'wt— A! iihliriakinir I'arlors BOWES & RANDOLPH 406 E. Wishkah St. Ladv Attendants PhnilPC Office CO2 r IIUIIcs Residence 424 Il *'"1 ■ all countries, or no fee. We obtain PATENTS H ■ THAT PAYj ailviriinothem thsixiugUlj", at cm I B Send model, phutoor sketch for FREE report I I PASSING REFERENCES! For I I 503-505 Soventh Street, I St. Louis Mil Sk Repair k SHOES REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT Half Soles and Heels, Sewed Work, in from 6 to 10 minutes, for $1.00, 408 . East Wishkah St., Next Door to Herald Office ..ALL WORK GUARANTEED.. TIME CARD HARBOR BELLE DAILY TIME CARD. Steamer Harbor Belle. In effect March 16, 190S: Lv. Montesano for Westport 7 ®- Lv. Aberdeen for Westport 9 a. m. Lv. Hoquiam for Westport. 9:30 a. m. Arrive at Westport 11:00 a. m. Lv. Westport for Montesano 11:30 a. m. Lv. Aberdeen for Montesano 2 P- »"• Arrive at Montesano 4 p. in. s, TIME CARD (fit — WWtoJ TRAINS. At ABERDEEN DEPART 12 Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and all points ea»t 8:45 a.m. 28 " " " 4:3 r » p. m. 27 Moclips 2:60 p. id. 9 " 8:15 p. in. 128 Ococta 2:50 p. tn. ARRIVE 27 " " " 2:60 p. n. 9 Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and all point* east 8:15 p. m 12 Kioin Moclips 8:45 a. in 127 From Ocoata 8:25 b.i« 28 Moclipo 4:35 p. iu Dining cars on all trains H. 15. ELDEK, Agent N. P. Uy. A. D. CHAKLTON, A. G. P. A., N. P. Ry. Co., Portland, Oregon. Aberdeen State Bank Cor. Heron and H Sts. General Commercial^Banking Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent E. J. BRADLEY, C. W. MILLER, President Cashier Hayes & Hayes Bankers (Incorporated) Aberdeen, : : : Wash Transact a general banking business. Foreigu and domestic exchanges bought and sold. Taxes paid for non-residents. Always ready to discount good local mill paper OFFICE HOURS—Open at 9 o'clock, clovf -tt 3p. in. Saturday, close at 2 i>. m. Opening one hour in the evening, from 7 to S. ABERDEEN sSteam Laundrv J. M. LUPTON, Mgr. Aberdeen Sleain Laundry is equipped with latest improved laundry machinery made, and does an good work as can tx turned out anywhere. PRICES REASONABLE Telentione'<74 Oor. II nnd HnmeS'o. Fred Bedinger Shaving and Hair Cutting | Pioneer Barber Shop : 21 Heron Street Have You Houses For Sale? Want to realize more money on them? Paint them with Best Prepared Paint It makes them Sell Quicker and for Higher Prices. Iflaehafferty & Sods 311 E. Wishkah St. 7