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VOL. XXV. STATE PRESS ASSOCIATION Concludes Twenty-Fifth Ann ual Convention at Pa cific Beach. ORNES NEXT PRESIDENT Newspaper Men Enthusiastic Over Grays Harbor Cli mate and Hospitality. The twenty-fifth annual convention of the Washington Press Association concluded one of its most successful sessions at Pacific beach Saturday night, selecting Mount Vernon as the next place of meeting and electing the following officers: President, Fred Ornes, Mount Ver non Argus; first vice president, Arthur A. Smith. Port Angeles Tribune- Times: second vice-president, Fred Spear, Waterville Press; secretary, Louis Jacobin, Concrete Enterprise; treasurer, G. F. McClane. Castle Rock Advocate; historian. Thomas Craw ford, Centralia Chronicle; orator, John L. Wilson, Seattle Post-Intelligencer; poet, Albert Johnson. Houqiani Wash ingtonian; executive committee, E. E. Beard, Vancouver Columbian; F. A. Haz;ltine, South Bend Journal; W. B. Jessup, Bremerton Searchlight; J. B. Be3t, Everett Herald, and Edith Tozier Wetfcered, Tacoma. During the afternoon the members and their wives were entertained at the home of George H. Emerson, where a light luncheon was served. The residence of Mr. Emerson is a typical lumberman's palace, situated in the cedar tangle, with just enough of the natural beauty of the fores? left to make it interesting and rustic and yet with all the advantages of civilization. The convention passed resolutions of condolence over the death of the late Clarence V. White, of Seattle, also resolutions favoring state aid for the clearing and settling of logged-off land^. Free publicity for the campaign against tuberculosis was promised and thanks extended for the good time made possible by the commercial or ganizations of Hoquiam and Aberdeen. Editors in Aberdeen. The association held a business ses sion in Aberdeen on Friday, and in the afternoon were taken to Cosmop olis in an open trollep car, kindly provided for by the Grays Harbor Railway & Light Co., where they handsomely entertained by Neil Cooney, manager of the Grays Harbor Commercial Co., at his elegant new home, on the hill, overlooking the town and river. Iteturning from Cosmopolis, the vis itors were the guests of the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce at a banuet at Hotel Washington. The handsome din ing room was beautifully decorated -with flowers donated by ladies of the city for the occasion, and the banquet ■was a brilliant affair. 10. C. Miller, president of the Chamber of Com merce, acted toast master and the hotel chef had excelled himself in the preparation of the meal, for which the editorial stomach had been well prepared by the ride to Cosmopolis. At the conclusion of the feast, Toast piaster Miller called upon the follow ing gentlemen, who responded in short addresses: Hon. Deed H. Mayar, retir ing president; J. J. Carney, of the Ab erdeen Herald; the inimitable Frank B. Cole, of the West Coast Lumber man; Fred Ornes, of Mt. Vernon, Al bert Johnson, of the Hoquiam Wasii jngtonian, Louis Jacobin, of the Con- Crete Enterprise and Hon. John L. Wilson, of the Seattle Post-Intelli gencer. After the banquet all repaired to the pavilion at Electric park where Manager Nye had prepared a pleas ing program of vaudeville and motion pictures. Allen Dougherty, a singer of note favored the audience with three songs which received merited applause. The entertainment closed •with an excellent dialect poem deliv ered by Hon. John L. Wilson who is possessed of elocutionary powers of a high order. A dance which lasted until after midnight wound up a day that was ■chock full of interest. The music for the dance was fur nished by the boys band of 27 pieces from the State Industrial school. ABERDEEN HERALD PETITION FOR COMMISSION Petitions Being Circulated Asking for Special Elect ion on Question Change Is In Line of Prog ress and Means a Busi ness Government Petitions are being circulated ask ing Ulavor Parks to call a special elec tion within (JO days from Uie date the petitions are filed, submitting the question of organizing the city of Ab erdeen tinder the commission form of government. Three petitions were put in circulation Saturday, and they were signed so frely as to leave small doubt that the new form will be adopted at the election. The small number declining to sign may be placed in two classes: Those who have little or no knowledge of the new law, and conservatives who are constitutionally opposed to changes from settled rout ine in all matters, who prefer to suffer the ills we have than to risk those unknown. It will only be necessary to make known the commission plan, and to compare it with the present system to have the measure adopted in this city by a 6 to 1 vote. The law pro vides that should the vote be in favor of the new organization, a primary election shall be held to nominate a mayor and two commissioners, all candidates on the ballot being requir ed to have a petition signed by at least 100 qualified voters. At the pri mary two candidates for mayor, and the foui* for commissioners receiving the highest number of votes shall be the nominees at the special election, when the three are chosen. The mayor shall receive a salary of $2,40® a year, and the commis sioners $2,000 each, a total of $6,400 a year as compared with $3,900 now paid the mayor and 12 councilmen. But, it is fair to presume that the city will save money by having those three men devote their entire time to its business, and each of the three will l.e the head of a department. As we have it now, the mayor and council men —receiving practically no salary —are busy men of affairs, whose pri vate business keeps their minds fully occupied. They meet once a week for a couple of hours to atteud to a busi ness aggregating a million dollars or more a year. No private business could stand that kind of management and avoid bankruptcy, nor could the city were it not for its power to tax. The commission form is but the adop tion of the fundamental rules of busi ness to city government, and the Her ald has yet to hear a good reason why they should not be adopted. It must not be considered a cure-all. Mistakes will occur under any system, but it is a long stride in the pathway of pro gress. DEMOCRATIC LEADERS STRONG ON WOOL They Think They Can Pass the Re vised Tariff on Wool Over President's Veto WASHINGTON', Aug. 4.—Dsmocrat ic leaders in the house of representa tives believe tonight that they have enough votes to pass the wool tariff revision over President Taft's veto if necessary. Mr. Underwood, Democratic leader of the house, and Senator La Follette, insurgent Republican, as a sub-com mittee, spent two hours today dis cussing the two bills, out of which it is hoped to form a compromise woolen tariff to send to the president. The free list bill, which has been sent by both houses to the same con ference committee as that handling the wool bill, is to be considered at the same time. The special train carrying the State : Press association from Hoquiatn to Pacific Reach Saturday morning ran i into and killed a large bull, belonging ! to George Glanders, of Hoquiam, de | railing the engine. The accident oc curred at a dangerous curve, and the | editorial party felt they had narrowly escaped a serious mishap. BEING RAPIDLY SIGNED HAD NARROW ESCAPE. SEMI-WEEKLY ABERDEEN, WASHINGTON MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1911. OPENING OE LAND DENIED Statement That Large Bodies of Coal Lands Were to Be Opened False WASHINGTON, D. C„ Aug. 6.—The statement which has been going the rounds of the press, to the effect that seventy million acres of coal land now withdrawn are to be restored to entry as the result of field investiga tions now being conducted by four teen Geological Survey parties, is branded by Director George Otis Smith as grossly misleading, if not ab solutely untrue. "The dispatch evi dently emanated from Seattle," said Director Smith, "and is based on al leged interview with W. R. Calvert, a geologist of the Geological Survey. In a letter to tlie Survey Mr. Calvert states that he refused to give out any statement." "What Mr. Calvert could have stated," said Director Smith, "is that the approximately seventy million acres of coal land in the West still belonging to the government would be examined and classified by the Geo logical Survey as rapidly as the ap propriations made by Congress will permit. The fourteen Survey parties in the field this year will be able to cover but a small portion of this enor mous area, inasmuch as the coal-land surveys are made in very accurate de tail for the purpose of classifying and appraising the coal lands." Director Smith calls attention, how ever, to the fact that this entire coal land area, belonging to the Govern ment, is in fact open to full and free agricultural entry, the Government re serving the coal rights only. Under the highly important Mondell Act of June 22, 1910, separating surface and coal rights, any Government coal land, however valuable for coal, may be en tered by the home seeker for its sur face farming rights. Tims the present coal land withdrawals and classifi cations do not operate to retard the home-making development of the West. PLACARDED TRAIN TO BOOST GRAYS HARBOR Grays Harbor Adopts Novel Method— Will Decorate 30 Cars of Lumber for Des Moines. The Grays Harbor country is to be advertised from the Pacific Coast to DesMolnes, la., by a special train of 30 cars which will leave here tomor row with a special order of lumber to the amount of 900,000 feet. The order was received last Saturday and the mills of the harbor have been busy getting the order out. The train is to be placarded with banners painted by order of the Commercial club of Ho quiam and the chamber of commerce of Aberdeen. PORTENTOUS. SLASH ROAD TO PNIAULT LAKE Settlers Preparing to Do The Work As Soon as Their ifopps Are Gathered. IGNORE OFFICIAL ADVICE Insist On Having A Route Opened So As to Permit Cround to Dry Out HOQUIAM, Aug. 6.—Quiniault val ley ranchers have determined to have the route of the road from that dis trict to this city slashed so the sun and air can get in to dry it out, and are prepared to undertake the work as soon as their crops are harvested, des pite any advice to the contrary from county officials. One of the ranchers expressed the sentiments of the resi dents-of the district thus: "We are going to slash that right of-way if we have to take a rifle in one hand and an ax in the other." They are supported and will be helped in the work by the ranchers in the territory between Quiniault and Humptulips City. Word to this effect was brought down by P. S. Combs who returned a few days ago from a two weeks' out ing in the Quiniault lake district. He says the people are determined to wait 110 longer for county aid, but will go ahead and do the slashing. Road Badly Needed, "The people of that district need a road badly and are determined to get it some way," said Mr. Combs. "The trail from Humptulips is fair and could easily be made a good road. I believe $20,000 would make it a first class automobile road, but at present the timber and growth along the trail is so thick that the sun and air can not get in to dry the ground, the re sult being that it is muddy a good part of the time. "They have been advised by the county commissioners that the road is not a legal right-of-way, but W. H. Abel has advised them that it is. They want to slash the route to sixty feet wide, letting the road have a chance to dry, which will greatly improve it and they say they are only going to wait until after their crops are har \ested to begin the work on their own account. Money Went Other Places. "Residents of the Quiniault district are indignant at what they claim is discrimination against them. They told me that R. L. Higley, postmaster at Quiniault, had made two trips to Olympia in an attempt to secure state aid for the road. On one occasion he was promised $40,000 for the road and on another $17,000. The money they (Continued on Pag* Eight.) SINGLE TAX FOR SEATTLE VOTERS Judiciary Committee of City Council Decides to Sub mit Charter Amenm't. SEATTLE, Aug. s.—The single tax on land values will be submitted to the voters of Seattle next March for approval or rejection in the form of a charter amendment, either at the instigation of the city council or by referendum. This was decided upon today at a meeting of the judiciary committee of the council. Councilman Austin E. Griffiths, a wealthy real estate owner, introduced a resolution last Monday providing for investigation of single tax methods and general revision of the present system of raising taxes. This resolution was recommended for adoption and the announcement was made that unless the council could agree 011 the terms of a charter amendment to be submitted next March the same amendment would be sent to the voters through a referen dum petition. To Exempt Improvements. In urging the adoption of the pro position, Griffiths explained that his plan would be to increase the tax levy to a point where it would be possible to reduce all taxes on improvements to the minimum. This could be done, he said, by plac ing a valuation on real estate and improvements and in fixing the annual tax levy the provision could be made to exempt all improved property from the operation of the tax levy. DEDICATION OF COURT HOUSE. Mayor Kldridge Wheeler and J. E. Calder, of Montesano, were in the city Thursday afternoon learning the sen timents in Aberdeen toward the pro posed festivities at the dedication of the new court house, which the citiz ens of Montesano desire to make a county affair, a time to bury the ill feeling that was engendered by the building of the institution and to fost er a spirit of unity and goodwill throughout the county. WOULD BREAK MOTHER'S WILL. Mrs. H. A. Stevens has begun suit j to break her mother's will. The con- j test involves practically $25,000 worth of property. Mrs. Catherine Lowery, Mrs. Stevens' mother, died several months ago at her home in Aberdeen. The bulk of the estate was left to Mrs. Stevens, but in such a way that var ious legacies have become a drain on the property. The contest is made on the grounds that Mrs. Lowery was not in possession of her full mental fac ulties when the will was made. i When you read it in the Herald, you ' know it's so. Historical BooUtf LAND PROBLEM WORKING OUT Prominent Men Named to Handle Logged Off Lands. DEVELOPEMENT BOARD Bend Energies to Solving the Logged-Off Land Question Will Meet Sept. 4. CHEHALIS, Aug. s.—The plans of the executive committee of the South west Washington Development asso ciation for the development of the ,Jogged-off lands of this section- of Washington are made the subject of a letter which N". B. Coffman, chairman of the executive committee of the Southwest association, has issued to the men who are to handle the logged off land problem, among them some 'of the most prominent lumbermen, millmen and timber owners in the Pa cific Northwest. Their number includ es the following: George S. Long of the Weyerhaeuser Timber company, Tacoma; P. C. Mumby, Bordeaux; P. B. Hubbard of the Eastern Railway & Lumber company of Centralia; H. W. Leadbetter, Portland, Ore.; William B. Mack, Aberdeen; Ralph H. Burnside, Raymond; L. I. Wakefield, Elma; and George McCoy, Vancouver. Committee Takes Up Work. At the Chehalis meeting early in June plana were put forward for per fecting a permanent organization to operate as a holding company witb which to list for sale the logged-off and unimproved agricultural lands of the Southwestern Washington for the purpose of making them available for settlement and productiveness. To Mr. Coffman of Chehalis, as head of the executive committee, and perhaps the most active man in bringing the logged-off land matter to the fore ground as one of the works of the Southwest Washington Development association, was left the selection of the eight men who are to act with him in arranging the details for the future work. The further study of this great ques tion is now up to the men constitut ing the committee. The committee has been chosea after great deliberation and a careful canvass of the district by Secretary J. E. Barnes, acting for Mr. Coffman and the executive committee. The first meeting of the committee has been called for Chehalis, Monday Sep tember 4. The plans and purposes of the as sociation have been very carefully ex plained to most of the larger lumber men and land owners, resulting in as surances of approval and hearty co operation. The plans of the organization under consideration contemplate the incor poration of either the Southwest Washington Development association itself, or the committee that will have charge of the logged-off lands matter; the creation then of the committee into a permanent commission with terms of office to expire one-third an nually and their successors to be elected by the association. The plan would necessitate the establishment of a head office, in charge of a general land agent, and the opening of branch offices with local agents In charge, in each town where there is a club be longing to the association. The Weyerhaeuser Timber company and most of the larger land owners In Southwest Washington have signi fied their willingness to list their agri cultural lands with an organization framed anlong these lines. Listed lands could be offered either cleared ready for cultivation, or partly im proved, or unimproved and subdivided into small tracts with roads opened up and constructed, or otherwise made attractive for settlement. Assurances have already been given by the Northern Pacific land depart ment of any information in its poses sion to afford a guide in the organiza tion of the proposed project. This is of especial value, as it embraces re ports of surfaces, soils, etc., of granted lands in this portion of the state. Other large land owners have made similar offers. NUMBER 92 Co-operation Promised. Railroads Will Aid.