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a state of unrest and unless some steps be taken before the present administration draws its last breath we will be fighting ourselves instead of a foreign foe. The president, to all appearances, has turned the management of the government over to the Southern Democrats and they are directing it along selfish lines instead of patriotic ones. This is supposedly a free country, but with the laws the Southern Democrats are putting on the statute books, from time to time, it is rapidly losing its freedom. Ex tortion in this country is now like unto a hydra headed dragon that sweeps up the hills and down the valleys, seeking 1 whom it may devour. In our patriotic zeal we are overlooking our country's needs. HIRED PRESS FIGHTING ROOSEVELT The anti-Roosevelt daily press of this country is very much exercised over the probability of the French people dubbing our soldiers Teddys and to avert the catas trophe Sammys have been suggested in lieu 1 hereof. We really believe Sammys would be more appropriate than Teddys, but the French people idolize Theodore Roosevelt and they wanted him to lead the U. S. army sent there, but that being denied them by jealous partisans in this country they are determined to immortalize the name of the man of this country, they think the greatest military leaeder of the age, and therefore style the soldiers after his name. The name of Theodore Roosevelt is re vered by a great majority of the loyal American citizens, and if it were possible to have his going as commander of our forces in Europe put to a popular vote he would be elected by an overwhelming majority. Unless he falls in death before the next presidential election all hell can not beat him for the Republican nomination, and once nominated, he will carry every Norther nstate at the general election. WEEKS WAR WORK As tin 1 fortunes of Avar sway to and fro between the Entente and the Central Pow ers each assumes a more dogged determina tion and gives out the word, it's a fight to the finish. If Germany is losing anything it is so slight that she is not apparently feeling it and if the Allies are gaining anything it is not apparent. The two armies are right where they have been for the past two years and right where they will be for the next two years, unless we miss our guess. Aairships on both sides are dropping bombs, but aside from the killing of a few women and babies and the burn ing of a few dwelling houses no serious damage is done. The Russians seem to be waking up and have taken a few Austrian outposts and 25,000 soldiers are reported as having been captured by them. The Ger mans made an aggressive offensive move the latter part of the week and the British lost considerable ground and of course a num ber of men. but men do not count for much on either side. Airships attacked the Gce man-Turkish fleet at Constantinople and the city itself suffered slight damages from the raids. Germany's U-boats are still sink ing merchant ships, and the ships of all na tions suffer one and alike. The Swedish governmenet has protested to the German government against the work of the IT-boatsl T-boats on her ships, but to that the German gov ernment apparently pays little or no atten tion. The United States is rushing her navy work and more men are being made ready for the European Avar zone. Summing up the situation as seen in the daily press, the honors for the past seven days seem to be about equal between the Entente and the Central powers and thus far Uncle Sam is playing little or no part, though General Pershing's forces are being entrained for the front, and will soon be taking their turn at the Avheel in the trenches that have been so long occupied by the Entente. No Bection of our country is suffering so much on account of the war as is the Northwest. May perhaps the same is true of other parts of the West, but being in the Northwest, we know it is true of this section. Prior to the war the Northwest suffered severely from the financial panic and it had by no meaens recovered from the effects of that panic when war was de clared and financial conditions became even worse than what they had been, if such a thing was possible. Business became more or less paralized when war was declared and to cause still more distreses the neces sities of life sored skyward. OUR GOVERNMENT The conduct of the brutal mob in East St. Louis is an evidence how this govern ment protects those loyal Americans who can always be counted on to defend the flag in the hour of need. If colored Ameri cans were permitted to carry arms and have them in their homes there would be less mob invasion. The colored American is able to protect himself and the time is fast approaching that he will defend himself when his government fails to do so. O this bloody riot and murder of innocent men, women and children. O for a government that is able to protect all of its citizens ir respective of color. How long is this mob violence to last? Is every friend of the col ored American dead? If the government is too weak to protect him give him arms and tell him to protect himself. There is not a drop of cowardly blood in the col ored American and the present conflict will surely demonstrate the valor of the black man. France will protect her black sol diers and promote them when merit de mands it. There is an effort, The Bee un derstands, to retire Lieut. Col. Young and why, because he has but a short distance to go to become a colonel and then a brigadier general. The colored man is bound to rise notwithstanding the preju dice against him. There are some loyal white people in this country who believe in the colored American and will protect him. Why should fire arms be taken from the colored citizens and not from the white citizens? By whose authority were the colored people disarmed? Let the colored people be protected or al low them to protect themselves.—Washing ton Bee. Seweping reforms are demanded by the working people of Germany, but the only sweeping the Kaiser is interested in just now is the sweeping of the Allies from the field of battle. Do You Need Bills, Letter Heads, Cards, Posters or any kind of Job Work If so let us figure with you. Doing this kind of work is a part of our business, and we are pre pared to do your work At Once if Not Sooner Ten thousand are as easy for us to handle as one thousand. CAYTON'S WEEKLY 513 Pacific Block Telephone Main 24 Residence, Beacon 1910 QUARTER CENTURY CLUB GEORGE W. TURNER is satisfied that he is quite eligible to membership in the Quarter Century Club, for, says he: "twen ty-five years ago I was running into Seattle on a N. P. train as a Pullman porter." Whatever he attempted he always did well, and he was an ideal porter. Mrs. Turner had not decided at that time to live in Seattle, but he tauted up the town so much that it was not long before the Turner fam ily was moving to Seattle. He was about thirty years of age at that time and wore a Jack Johnson golden smile, which made the ladies from St. Paul to Seattle look long and wish that they had spied him first. While he did not exactly coin the cash, yet he husbanded his earnings and in the course of events was buying real estate and is therefore at present the owner of valuable real estate in the city. He is working for the city of Seattle in the street department and is always Johnny-on-the-job. ISADORE MANEY, who is now a rail way mail clerk with headquarters at As toria, Oregon, and who is visiting with his parents at present, was a tottering tot twenty-five years ago and of course with no conception of the future. But Isadore grew physically and likewise mentally until he finally reached maturity. He graduated from the Broadway High School of this city. Subsequently he took the railway mail examination and was successful and soon he was in the U. S. service and moving steadily on to the goal. He took unto himself a wife and now he is happy and content. His parents are proud of him and he is highly appreciated by all who know him. GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS At a special meeting of the Negro Busi ness Men's League of Seattle, held at Mr. S. H. Stone's ice cream parlor, 1714 Broad way, June 26th, 1917, the matter of financ ing the League was thoroughly thrashed out, and the League unanimously voted to institute a membership fee of two dollars and monthly dues of twenty-five cents. It was also agreed that this should apply to each member now in the League and to all who may become members in the future. Kindly advise the League in writing, through its secretary, F. B. Cooper, if you approve of this plan and if we may depend upon you to 'meet this obligation. Please inform us before our next regular meeting, July 15th, which will be held at 300 Main Street at 2 P. M. sharp.