slight chance of coming under the wire ahead of Hanson had not C. J. France an nounced his candidacy, but with Griffith and France in the field, neither has a shadow of a chance. Now, let the men and women who have Seattle at heart, lay aside their differences and throw Ramsay in the fight and then give him a united support and there will be nothing to it. Boston Holman died January 2nd, after a lingering illness. He was one of the very active members of the First A. M. E. church of this city and was more or less public spirited. For a number of years he was employed as door man for the Arctic Club and was highly respected by its vari ous members. CLE ELXTM CATCHES Robert Johnson of Seattle, is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Johnson. The country about Cle Elum is more or less flooded just now and greater danger threatens the settlers in case the dam at Lake Ketcheles breaks, in which case the whole country would be flooded and unless the settlers moved rapidly many would lose their lives. In case of such trouble, how ever, the big whistle at the mines will give the signal for all to run to the mountains for their lives. Those whose houses are thus far above high water mark are doing all they can to relieve the suffering. Mrs. R. H. Taylor has with her during the high water rush, T. H. Walker, Johnny Mitchel, Robert Marlett and Mrs. H. Thornton, who has her fine Jerseys with her. Mrs. R. H. Taylor is a member of the Red Cross of Cle Elum and is the only col ored woman hereabout that does belong to this organization. Recently she carried a sack of home-knit socks to the sewing room of the Red Cross and her name was put on it and the sack was set out for in spection and it was highl vcomplimented by all. Jack Johnson, he of world pugalistic fame, is said to be a candidate for mayor of Barcelona, Spain. He is now a Spanish subject and is very popular in that city. One day last summer two small boys were playing near the country road. A young lady approached them. "Little boy," said she, "can you tell me if I can get through this gate to the pike?" "Yes'm, I think so. A load of hay went through five minutes ago." Mayor Gill has had another close call and yet he is still right side up with care. Gill is simply a lucky dog and it is better to be born lucky than rich. Tf the world-wide war accomplished noth- Some men's heads are so soft that a shadow from a brick wall produces a seri ous impression. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF Washington for the County of King—ln Probate. In the Matter of the Guardianship of Clarence Hay don, Irene Haydon and Richard Haydon, Minors. — No. 9188. Order to Show Cause on Sale of Real Estate. . E. C. Haydon, the guardian of the said minors, having filed his petition in this court, duly verified, ■praying for an order of this court for the sale of real estate of which the said minors are seized, for the purposes therein set forth, And it appearing to the court from said petition that the personal estate of the said minors in the hands of said guardian is not sufficient to pay the claims against the said estate and the expenses of the administration thereof, and that it is necessary to sell all or a portion of the said real estate of the said minors to pay the said claims and expenses of the administration. And it appearing to the court that said petition conforms to, and is in accordance with, the requirements of law in such case made and provided. It is ordered by the court that all persons interested in the estate of the said minors appear before said Superior Court on the 10th day of December, 1917, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the court room of the Pro bate Department of said Superior Court, in the City of Seattle, in said King County, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why an order of this court should not be granted to said guardian au thorizing and empowering him to sell the said real estate of said minors, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the aforesaid claims and expenses of administration. It is further ordered that a copy of this order to show cause be published at least four successive weeks before the said 10th day of December, 1917, in Cayton's Weekly, a newspaper printed and published in said County of King and of general circulation therein. Done in open court this 13th day of October, 1917. KENNETH MACKINTOSH. Judge. THE GLORY OF THE AMERICAN RE PUBLIC The Science of Government The Hope and Dependance of the Human Race Copyright 1917 By ORLANDO BELKNAP POND (All rights reserved) CHAPTER VII. Great Epochs and Great Events There are some great epochs that have taken place in the progress of events in the history of the world since the establishment of the petty kingdoms of antiquity that is marked by the rise and fall of great king doms anad empires. Some of these epochs are already closed and others are still in progress. If we give the matter our serious attention we shall discover two separate lines of progress and development in the known civilized relations of mankind that have followed the race westward and that more particularly concern the Caucasian or white races of man. These epochs and events are comprehend ed as follows: First:—The settlement of Abram, the pro genitor of the Israelites, in the land of Canaan. Second: —The delivery of the Israelites by Moses from the bondage of Egypt, and their establishment in the promised land of Ca naan. Third:—The complete establishment of the Babylonian empire, and the reign of Nebuchadnezzar. Fourth:—The birth, life and death of Jesus Christ and the establishment of Chris tianity in the world. Fifth:—The Reformation under Martin Fn+ner and others. Sixth:—The discovery of the Western Continent, a new world, and the declaration of independence, and the establishment of a new nation, under a new name and title, the United States of America. Seventh:—The French Revolution, and the rise and fall of the Napoleonic dy nasties. The great events that have marked the most important epochs in the world since the dawn of recorded history, are noted as follows: Ist. The establishment of the Hebrews, or Israelites, in the promised land of Canaan. 2nd. The birth, life and death of Jesus Christ, and the establishment of Christian ity in the world. 3rd. The establishment of the American Republic. It may be of interest to know that Abram or Abraham, as he was afterwards known, and Nebuchaddnezzar, were both Chaldeans from one of the provinces of the Babylon ean Empire. That in which Babylon' was situated. Abram was selected by Jehovah to be the head and named Abraham, the father of a race which was to be raised up for a special purpose. And Nebuchaddnezzar, being the head was appointed to represent a great system of world activity which was to endure for a definite specified term; and include king doms and empires of vast extent and great powers and authority which should rise and fall in the progress of tremendous contests of military struggles in which each in turn should become supreme upon the prostrate form of the other. The great purpose and end in view by the creation and appointment of these two separate and distinct systems of activity, were one and the same thing, the prepara tion of the world for the setting up and es tablishing the kingdom in the latter days that is to endnre unto the ages of the ages, devoted to the true worship of Jehovah. One represented the head of a race that was to be raised up for the special purpose of introducing into the world a knowledge of Jehovah as the true God of worship: and by means of this knowledge overthrow the entire system of idolatrous worship. The other represented the head of a system of forces, the purpose of which was to so con duct the affairs of the world that the entire systems then existing of world powers and activities together with idolatrous worship should eventually be utterly destroyed. One was called God's people, because they they were to, and did, represent in a spec ial manner, and act as a medium by which a knowledge of Jehovah's commands and directions would be, and were, made known to all the nations. The other was named Babylon, because Babylon was the great center and head of the systems of idolatrous worship, and was the representative of those powers and systems of activity that degrad ed mankind to a slavish serfdom in support and maintenance of a royal and nobility class among the peoples and nations of the earth. We must not, however, flatter ourselves that these systems have yet been destroyed. They are just as much alive, just as active, and just as effectual in their operation now as then, though in a modified and mixed form. We are now actually living under mixed systems of idolatry and Christianity. By the birth and life of the Christ the design and purpose of the establishment of the Israelites, according to the Gentile be lief and understanding, was enlarged and so extended as to embrace the whole world of human beings. And the true worship was more fully expounded, and more extensively introduced. But the world has accepted it only in part. It has only partially received, understood, and acknowledged Christ's mis sion. It has even made in many respects attempts to improve upon Christ's expo sitions. This is shown by the mixture of Christ ianity and the Babylonian systems that now prevail in the world; and no denomination is exempt. The world is still engaged in idolatrous worship, and is still acting under the Babyl onian systems though under different names and under different forms. But it is still wood and silver and gold, wealth and pov erty. Tt is still royalty, nobility and suf fering humanity. (To be Continued) The young bride had clearly formed ideas on industrial questions. "I will give you something to eat," she informed the tramp who appeared at the kitchen door, "if you will get that ax " "Oh, I shan't need that," the tramp in terrupted in a reassuring tone, "my teetch are all right." Job work in the latest and newest styles turned out in this office. THE DOUGLAS CLUB Now Occupies spacious and elegantly furnished and equipped NEW QUARTERS And will be pleased to meet old and new friends 308 Washington St. Frank Smith, Prop. Main 4930 BURR WILLIAMS RU3BELL BMITH President Secretary DUMAS CLUB, INC. 209 Fifth Avenue South CAFE IN CONNECTION Phone Elliott 3763 SEATTLE WASHINGTON DR. J. A. GHENT, SPECIALIST In Surgery and Gynecology has removed his office from the Marion Bldg. to 221 and 222 Seaboard Bldg., formerly Northern Bank Bldg., corner Westlake and Pine. Tel. Main 1185.