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WWW“... The Northwest’s “Mt Popular and \idoly Read Newspapu VAQL. XI,-—NO. 1. 1930‘ RESUME 0F COLORED AMERIC Government SECRHARY OF ”M NAMES CflMMITTEE ON. NEBRQ EQUCATEQN Wifliur And Advisory Group WASHINGTON. D. c.. Dec. so.——| Ray Lyman Wilbur. secretary of the interior, announced Monday the or. ganization by the office of educe tion, department of the Im. of a national advisory comnitue of twenty educators on Negro educa tion. ‘ The general purpose of the com-l mittee will be to rim cored upon] policies to be pursued ‘ donlingi with major problems. The plan isl for the members offihe committeo‘ to serve as contact repreomtativeo in the various geographical centres ini interpreting the education] needs of colored people to the offitc of educa- I tion. I Dr. William J. Coper, commission er of education. and I}. Ambrosel Cnliver, specialist on Negro educa-i tion in the office of «adulation. will‘ direct the work of the conmittee. The three fields to be coverfid byi the work of the committee wil be elementary and secondty education and teacher preparfldbn' Nominations for tie committeei were made mainly by the officers of the National Associltioi of Touch"! i; Colored Schools. Thl members of} t e committee re 5. ~_ Miss Fannie 17. .'. Much“ of the Valeria C. Jo Elementary School. New Orion”, Mt of the Notional mi. nor Teach. l ers in Colored ‘. he, Fred McCuiation. Idochte (“rec-1 torof the Julius Raenwald Fund. Nashville, Tenn. I Dr. J. H. Dillard. nesident of thel John F. Slater 1;?! m! the Ann T. Jeans Fund. Ch ottepvme. Va. ' 1!. Council Trenhdm, president ofi Stite Teachers Coilfie, Montgomery.‘ A‘la" and chairman the high schooll dvision of the Nltb‘nll Association; of Teachers in Coloze‘d Schools. Garnet C. Wilkinson. first assist ant superintend? of public schools. Washington. D.‘ . ' ' 1 W. A. Robinioni rigcipal of tin-l Austen High Schuo finoxvillo, ’l‘onn. H. L. Triggys sink inspector oi" colored high ”hook, Raleigh. N. ('.' H. 0. Cook, principal of the Lim‘ coln High School, Ruins City. Mo. J. W. Seahrook, den: of the Statel Normal School. Fuyetteville. N. C. 1 Dr. Jane Ellen McAllieter, chair— man of the Department of Educa tion, Miner 'l‘elchers College. Wash ington, D. C. l Harry W.J(}reen. profe>>or of edu-1 cation, Wes Virginia State College. ln-titutc. W. Va. N. C. Nev'hold, director of the di vision of Negro education, Raleigh. N. C. l B. F. H lbel't,‘ president of that Georgia Agricultural and Mechani-i 8111 College for Negroes, Savannah. n. ‘ Dwight (L \V. Holmesz. dean of the college of education. Howard l'ni~ vernity. Wrshing‘ton. D. (‘.. and presi dent of the Areucintion of CollectN for Nemo Youth. C. \V. Florence o!‘ Virginil State College. htenb rg, Va.. and prel dent of tie Natfoml Association of Collegiate deem end registrars in. Negro SChOO‘w . Dr. John . Davis. president of‘ the West Virginia State College. In stitute. W V 1... nnd chairman of the executive connitte-v of the Confer ence of New!) Land (Brant Colleues. Dr. W. J. Halo. [Ul‘critient of the Am'icultuml and Industrial State College. liusiwlllt‘. 'lcnrz. Dr. hlnrdcvzn \l‘ .lvlmmn. xlros'i dent of inunri lilit't‘l'rli)’. “ash— inyton. ll 1‘ Dr. Juan M. Candy. YilWNlllt‘li of Virginia Suite ('ollt-ut- l’c'wr-uurg, \'3. Dr. \\ A. Daniel. arm-4m wom ‘lH >o(‘:=’~tixi_\ n! the Amerluu. Bil-'- airvna‘w h: i. intiqn Retired Armv Officer Given $2,200 Posxtmn iH‘STUNi Lurkinvm‘ ll.“ v' ..s mi Et- ulm am cmhmcl ' K v! .i' Cum‘d ‘. mu: .1 Y " ‘ «blunt ... zmum .: " " - *‘ ‘llall lyn! inn-inf“. ‘v' ' "i infiilcfll” ’.,.vxw ‘- . . :1. M} of 1’ 'U W With 0211' Vote 110:" H. u' «H'H' fl. ‘ .iwiu'ett, 5 HH' - "(10.031 "‘3‘ ‘Vdn' . om‘oneng [J'- 7htl' lining.” !' tu-J ‘ > i O. "1. ‘ I‘7/‘977:~/f/i///w _ in); Antibmwl flintzrpnn - _; u)" Aémpflpz’r [be Peb)le 72am Low} »~d‘iid’¥ flawed? 1.. African Bishop RI. Rev. Childnnc Mari-m Cuu. D. D. recently appointed bishop by Pope Pius XI, Christ’s vicar on earth and head of the Roman Catholic church. He is the first African bishop of modern times. Though his juris diction is confined to Africa, he rep. resents all Negroes throughout the world. Some 75 Negro priests are under his Episcopal authority. l3' o So I k L, F‘. 1?".;; . ‘1 Ti M ' Poisoned Cole Chas. Young WASHINGTON. D. (‘., Dee. 3|.— It was indicated in a special dispatch from Monrovia. Lilll'l‘lfl‘ here this week that the late Col. Charles H. Young died of poison while serving as l'nited States military attaehf‘ at the Capitol of the West African lie puhlic in 1922. Young went in Liberia January 3. 19‘10. He died (if “yellow fever” after an illness of several Weeks: on January 8. 1922. and was hurled at Arlington National Cemetery. It is indicated that Young was an objector of forced labor and slavery in Liberia. it was during his trip into the interior of the country that he is said to have been noisoned hy natives. It i: charged that the re gime that recently stepped down from rule oi the Republic was not a! I!” displeased by the removal of the :United States Army officer. President Barclay. new head of the government. and {Hrmer Secretary (1?" state. also was against forced labor and slavery and i' was his principle> that resulted in him moving up to the presidency without any wild pro testatiun on the part of the citizens. it was leurnt-d. White Men Choose Colored Wives ' NEW YORK CITY Although many Colored men have been mar ried to white women within the past few years. the reverse in which white men choose brides from the Colored race is not usually heard of. How ever, two such unions occurred here this week. - Miss Julia Elizabeth Harvey. 41, who lives at 63 West 139th street, Mcame the wife of. Hans Olson. 47, white, of 6 East 117th street, on Fri day. Miss Harvey who is a cook. was born in St. Kitts, B. W. 1. Olson came to this country from Copen hagen. Denmark. (.‘onuzalo Rodriguez, 40. white. 1890 17111 avenue. with Miss Joseph ine Mortincz. 3'5. 257 West 111th street, on January 8. Rodriguez is a native of Porto Ricq.and is em ployed here as a mechanic. His bride,‘ a cigar binder. though born in New York City, is the daughter of Cuban parents. Hampton Given New Name HAMPTON, Va.—The name 0! Normal and Industrial Institute has been changed t 0 plain Hampton}. stitute by action of the tm board. 3; ,‘j‘ The name of the presiding 01' A-«the principal-hns b e e n ch ‘ ‘ and Arthur Howe is the first den? of Hampton Institute. ‘ The new $400,000 I‘d-grade - 'ice scluoi will soon be tweeter; the campus to take the place 1‘47: Linda Whittier school now 10“ ”on dietancc from tho institute. SEATTLE. WASHINVGION.’iTHURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1931 Names Committee flew Year Lll'!‘ w I: wlvv that in the New Your we shall make the "ml of {inn-Y That \u' may be proud of each day's pork and happy at the pruspvcts of the labors of tomorrow; Hut m- .4:le val-2y happim‘.“ with us in our businoss houses ...“ :md show 3 _ju)t|llfl hmrt tn nur neighbors; that each day \‘hlll find new pm made tnward the gun] of our am bition. and that u the“ and of the twe‘lvo months before us. we may find or in... butter homes. :mr lives better lives and mnwlws lwtlor men wd women. W. H. Wilson Carolina Buy Co. Employ: 60 Drivers ‘ WINSTON-SALEM. N. C. - The problem of tmm rting 30,000 r sona to their chieroecupation. tot:- co. has been solved luv the Safe flu- Compuny, a SIOO,OOO (rumination. owned and controlled hy colored in terests. which has been wanted I llluflltipid .IhmJln‘ riih 11l the privileges of the street ruilwuy com pow. he street roilw-y a stem do“ not oponte in the cnloretiy districts, ond until the ndvent of the Halo Bur Company. it was difficult for the mul titudes living in these Nit-tion. to :xecure adequate trnnspoi'tation. The company is aerving thin constituency with altisfnction. The organization has 32 modern buses with 60 uniformed drivvrs; ol so mechanics, traffic officer-I. le ll Advisers and liahility protection ’or plnengers. The. nun and ma chine shop are also the property of the company, as well u a modern typo De~lux bus for specinl trips. The“ vehicles a re operlted on I systematic schedule which Allow: varlttions to meet emergencies. R. R. Morgan is traffic monomer of the concern. N. C. Town Bout. No Lynching In Sixty Your: KITTRELL, N. C.-~—“'hill- mob violence runs rampant in other South ern communities. this town boasts that not a single lynching hn oc curred hcre during the put sixty years; neither hu any resident of ‘the whole county been executed for {crime since the electric chair was in ;stalled in Raleigh. \ Dr. Moton lmprovmg ‘ ROCHESTER. N. Y.-Dr. it. it. ‘Moton, principal of Tuskegee lnsti Mute, who underwent an operation at the Strong Memorial Hospital here, is getting along nicely. Ho is ex pected to remain in the hospital for about two weeks longer. U. 5. Civil Service Discriminates Against Negro; Fails To Give Race A Square Deal 1 WASHINGTON, D. C.——(By Kellyl lMillerr—Several weeks ago the New< {York Times carried an accoupt‘lnf fl Uses Threat 0f ‘Colored Tenants’ Nl-‘W YORk CITY. l‘vv. fill—An .ylu “mum: uwd m .- Muz‘ wu. In tho mums said (u have boon uken by R. knpilnrf. woollh‘ H‘nllm‘ hero. in or der to sell his :21 - rum-n! huild-‘ fix. an the "chm" gvarsidc Drive. near 122 m! .Itru-t. Mr. Knpilnff ix advvrtiainu Nit-l hnuxe fur n’n or learn In (‘nlnrni‘ pvnple. IVPIH-mh thinfiinl (a force his white neighbor: to huy the houu ‘u kvep member: of flu- ('ulun-d run out at Uw nughburhnml. The Imflmem hnusr is a nix nmr)‘ rod hrlck huflduu and iu in NW "ml medium vlctniw M' Hu- m-w 80.000.- 000 Riva-id. Rumm vhun-h. kmmn‘ a; Uw Rocks-{l'm r church. It is ulnn lepurled thll .luhn H, Rm-kofl-llvr jr. «.wns vu‘wrul pmrvclu M ”II «mu- m llw “Unity. A young Harlem fully Agency Ital“ till I hm: hm! boon writ ten Hr. locheteller tdlln. him that unb- he pun-laud th- Imuun It would be gold or mud to Colnrod. Advertisement: altering the Mull. for rule have been plnrqd in varlnuu Colored vapors. Kg. Sam-to 60! m (' vmu‘rcm. K '.«~l'wo umnu of the hu- Mnyor l‘nnk H. Putin. whit? IN Atll Renault", nook. and Willi-m Mun-y, rhum-uran received bequests at $5.000 ent-h fnr lmatworthlneu. act-oral“ to the will which has been prob-ted. SERVANT! All PALLIEAIIIS ST. 1.0U1fi.--Ei;ht non'unh M the family uf Mrs. Gillian N. Truman. 7|. whit». defined widow of I farmer general mllritnr n! the Wohuh Rall maul. artecl In her pallboanrn lat week It the lumen! M-rv'lru ovur ronv durtl-d at Edw-nluville. a wealthy ox clushe suburb. ._.—._.. w (Enterprise New: But-um ID“ "_l". A .....-A _1 Q ‘I. aunt o! “tor to be M I ll!‘ island: 3&- mill! that M b ‘mc rt- Mia and dheflmimun h iducvfiufliec. Buchwald-o ‘tncta was made in the lad M» 1%" «mm; :1: com to ”7.3 It") I ‘4O :xflevtnce M {by Retro 65% I replied to the team M H. editor of the Time: “In M 1... fifty thou-ad join. fur the m conniskod o! mldieru. nilon. huml managers». hbnnn. chum and caretaker: and did no! tutti m mum of ab complaint that the *1 was dimiminltld minn in u"- cl alfkd “Vi“; My ”Join“! ro- ‘ mim unpublishod. Bevan! year: :30 (in who): me In. Inked into fury Mr «Mm. union in the gamma: «out. ment: at Wtdflnfian. m Inu- ”on! H. Thomas kid 60" N- I", u I mama out-1:5; that. VOID-fl W a... has During the his! hhufium In" I dozen hated inane: have ”hum and pushod kovnmmm mum «at (Continued v-n f‘ncr “1 . Owns Shoe Plant With 35,000 In Equipment GRAFTON. W. Van—With the most modern filwe repair shop in tho “ily and $5,000 in uquipmnnl. Hm N. 'l‘. llhthw mtabllshmmn lwru on Main Strovt. in an example of huHi- IH‘lu I-Hit‘ivm-v. ' Starting hie business in his home with an uld t'nshionod last. Mr. Blip Kim has drvelnped it. into a modern shm- emporium and not only does a nhm- repair and cleaning blminons :hut carries in large “Lack of men's and hoyx' shut-x. Eloelric Shoe Shine" Among the modern machinery are th vlortrit‘ shne shiners which elim inntex the danger of climbing- on the lhiuh ntandn :u-on in moat, places. Ht hnn 1“ an assistant, Hurry Fuller, of (‘larlmliurm In his determinatinn to keep up with thq- Hill's! m footwear and shot repairing. Mr. Higgins uttcnds tho i-‘hm- dulors’ mnvnntinns. He uses. Hu- very nmth methods in rcpuir [Work having replaced the old moth |le of using: tacks with a modern Int-thud nt‘ ulueing on Holes. Ho vnlm‘u tn both raw: and has :I lurk» number at customers. White Spikes Rumors N.A.A.C.P. Dissension | NEW YORK. ‘Rumnrs that James Wi-idnn vlnhnmn had quit, thi- Nu 'tinnli Aunciutirm for thy Aclvnnmu ‘ment of (’nini‘ml i'ounlo IH'CflHHP i'f ldiuwmiun. wvn- hrnmlml as lnlw in n utntomv-nt today by Walter White, uvlinv Mercury. Mr. “'hlt(' said: i “Rumors that Mr. .lohnsmn hm rm ‘cwm-d 8“ u-vyninry «if 011- N. A. A. it i' hmuun uf lilh‘tt'nr‘l'lll. an- un 'hmmlrd." i ‘ "" . ! Whit“ Replace Thirty ‘ Durant Euployees , “M “ploy": of ham. Wt have bun W hr w muons and M when cm» with. M. The com: «the». who W! mu m: luphy, how r 1! ' Ma to the do wn in “0 mi. of (he rity'n col ‘uld "mph”. M In Idiom hio ban hug. Cut. It Caulk-d WARRINHW‘Y! (L The Sam €O|O below fat? In" Hu- (.hri‘. [u Mb“ 7 (“infirm [he 111-1 m“. }m «f 1:59:15: 8, (Hm of W". ?-h¢lnll, 014-“!!!- as, rrugrdvr n! F“ 4.1 the firm a! Columbu. ! Ir Fur: we“ Arthur G >'m M “(with " V"!‘"il. “0 1’5“!“ finisher % In! He he! Mon as. may! flan” "cm-kt under I“! it a ‘ Tutu Harvard Hours “‘.HH‘M “Ti H ‘ Flo-donch 2M‘lfiu‘?‘ S’uhh rmavnd (M Pugh.” Jug-...: raisin 7‘ L-‘r the Harv-rd "Mi Eu} wrap! 3‘4 semi H- um um pl f,“ {on mu» :5 It. «amt thaw m b. §¢srflmi 2 'm- “ssh: “an. Alpha éhaw “in :7: 9!; Thai 5 I “Hung! hilt-ruined: and has tho- am sh: “than“ a, the PE: “N: “1”... .0. «km 1" that m 1%» why mocha! vtm‘. !' ;§:§‘i=' On Educatio IN MANY WAYS man IS MAKINI cummsumm RACE PROBE Recovering Dr. Robert R. Morton‘ president nl’ Tush-mm Instimlr and prmidt-nt u!‘ the Nntinnal Noy'ru lhlsinvns Len-'m‘ who umlvrwcnt an nm'rminn lust wet-k at ”w Strum: Mvmnrinl hos pital. Rnchosh-r. N. \'.. i 4 reported rapidly rvcnvn‘ing‘ um! mamas In ru turn to ’l'uskvgm- uhnut Junuury IL). C l L' H' I oor me .ats , V Qt dt D ‘ .. ll en 8 ance BOSTON. Manon, lh-v 2!! sm— (h‘nh‘. of ”H- Sm'etvm Hu-hvml nf Phynical Education. who n-v-ntly charged that Hwy \wrn HH- ‘.Minm of n Jim ('ruw sx'stnm 5n lu-iru ns- Hignml to dm‘mitnrivs, \u-n- r. "um-cl mlmisnion to n rhnh'nh' l‘flllt'l' hwl' Friday night, it was h-nrnml. ! Accurllimz In Miw Aluwtlv Mandi“, I‘l’nvidvm ul 11l (:nrhum HII'W". Hum-1 hridmn th' “Nymph-II (H Li“ (iwkuln fur Hu- |I:\ll(‘l'. whwh l‘l‘l'Vll-lll‘ilv had Lt-(en ndw'l‘lmml m nun-n in ull .[u (h‘nlu. hui (lid me hmmwd. It is mud Ihat. :12. won as it was h-m‘nml that shu and ulhvm (lwm-d to attend Ihv (lnnr'n, tlu- “hit" mm mutt-rs ul' lhv affair unnuum-ml Hunt Ihc- duncv was m ho n privuh- u'l‘l'nir. 'l‘hv (lum‘v wnx lriw-n lyy Hw (‘u "mut rrs ()luh. :m m'wmimtlnn u?" «tn. th-nm whu «h: nut. lin- in lhv "rh‘ml. dormitm'h-x. I 'l‘hl- :U'l‘nir was mllwl |w Hu' nth-n- Hun nl' l’l‘l‘xhh‘nt Dunn-l .Wnr h -.f‘, lhmton l'niw-rsif)’. 11l- Ann! that hu (lid not hnw- um’Hling tn :lu will] ‘ IJI‘. Mm‘ph W‘VOHI' “In-Mm Hit” “'1 nmlnt't-d that. “0»:th l'nivm‘zily would nut luh‘mh: segregation of ih Negro students; he ulsn rlnimwl elm. lhcrc- wvrv Nu signs of ritual snuru gnlion in the institution. Acrnrdinu Lu mlurml shim-“ts al, Summit, which if: n gnu-t ut' Hu-mm l'nivoruity. Hwy huvv lu-vn rnnuwlh-d tn l|\'|' in u it-m'vunlml «In! :Hi'nn. (h:- u|lvrlmh~ lwim: (limnz- a! ’ Town 5 Best Cook 1 ’ Makes Em Pay \I \II\ \'|[ l I'_ “u. l,\.\(!’) ~l’nl' l . \-,- 4- Mb. l'rzm’u smm" hm“ him" 1*!" m" v-I-ulr, h. thu \-.r;l3'.h\' pvupln .v' Yh: ‘ x." I!) "'l‘ E-H- l'rmm hullrfl' ~t. yl. my”! w".- :n Irum ."I to HI. u! H 'l' )‘u ~- "h'd I'M" thll mu! m ' h.‘ r" h' r «lvrmimlv. hm , ‘ ‘m- nw-l n» VHHHK‘I'. -,. - ww' , "x1'l";u¥l”ll' I '1 :u , 9m ’: ‘1 "H'H inn-unfit: ‘ a ' w. I: .r .. lelun! :1“ r‘ l: :mu .mx‘lnuv-‘l wnh r» 4. . ‘lh , "’.‘IV lu- ~ann'." - -- :t w “ vyirl' ‘.lh'w- V'l'ul'hill‘z A ‘ v“ »r'- 31-! y ~ { ' Hw- houn » I" 'u ‘. " H ~\-u' “I!“ i .v , ’\' ."HH" "lb‘ : A ".I Hv'r' 4:!Il‘!‘ -v -~ 'xt! ' Hm I l'\- w 1: ‘ 1 H" .‘. k ,A » . . ‘2‘ . ....M ‘y.,‘,f ‘ ~. ' y . wvav” !- .- ‘ ..‘u. 1m ‘.' ‘l' . K ‘_ , ‘ Boyd lo Cunfer In Dvnvcr A ‘.\ . l.‘ ‘,l ,‘ ‘ .. ‘ [HA ‘ ' .vvva-H ‘ ‘ I » ,1 t L * r. , r_,,A_., _., ”‘.,...V 1565 b Advertising Medi /‘ Its Kind in the Pac' Northwest * , ‘-u r...._a—’..._‘._.——-———-—~ "4534.. PRICE FIVE ( D ’t D I ProgressOf I I ,‘t i Has Been * 111 !,. ~ g . I 111~~ _\'l‘lll‘ IIHII hmmn'wlth (III— III'III .\Ill"l‘l(‘:lll3~‘ II‘IIVI’IIIIK IIIUIIL: tIIv {rm-d wr pl‘ngl'~'~‘s I)!” uncorlllln as In >IIII' right murso In this state of IIIII‘I'I‘IJIIIIIY, IIII‘I‘I‘ was (‘OIII'IINIUIL 11111 'IIII‘I‘I‘ \\'II~I (I"II‘I‘IIII“IIHIHI In kvop aw imz. mm It 11111111 sinxlv tn the 1111-a 111111 Illvl'o must 1w prugn-w mad". 111 “In IH‘WIIIII‘I'IIH! ()UIIUUk (Imm- I “'l‘l'l‘ Inuny In‘mllv with many mlnlls. ;111111 Istll of IIII‘ KI‘I'III I'II‘INH Imp“ IJIIIHII. IIIW:I_\'H. I’nr IIH‘ must. purl. ‘.‘H'A‘klllL’, ‘I(I\’Il'1‘ :11111 wIIIIIIg to I)" III “TIP”, I‘IIIIIIII IIII‘IDHI‘I'H‘S turning 111 ‘IIIII'H' (III‘I'I‘I‘IUII‘; (lIII‘II'II the cuurm‘ In; 1111 In-III' I'lmn [he wholo. how ;mmg llltm win I);- rmgmbered an n ‘\l'£ll' ul‘ KI‘IHIII‘I‘ III‘O‘I'IIG and real 111-lIiva‘IIIvIII 111 Hm world of the .I .I-k.-.~ pI-Iml-w. 'I'MI h umculnrly II'III‘ :l‘l :Ipplllu In mm» o! the I'IIIIIII Slulvs in Amerlcn. I'UIII'I'N'H In pnIIIICH. us not. 111 I'l-I‘l-111 )‘I-um. (‘nlm‘vd Amvrlca ham III‘PII Ith :In inlvreatlnlz and (III; IIII'hInp: I‘nvrnr. In the South cun- IIIIInIIs or IIIsI‘I-lumhisnmem have not Innumwl. but In Iln- Nurth. wlth th“ illl'l'l‘ihillK llllllllH‘l‘H hvcnlmn 0! ml- I'I.IIIIIII. IIH‘I'I‘ hurl been -‘I. My I"H‘I\II‘ III' IIIIIIIII'JII pnwvli Thoffi lum Inn-II I-x‘IIhIII-II n mum; mm. ...; u. inllnvaldl-m'e In poflflcll mnlmx-I. :11111 II‘IIIIE‘I'H have learned III;II I'nlurml van-I'3 must he an [N'IIINI In 111 thu same fashion an any oIIIvr group III‘ Ann-Henna. and 111111 Inns»- I‘l'spnnsible for lllrectlnK IIII‘ wm', In :IIIV party, will rmulll' I‘IIIII IIIw r-Ithlnll of sentiment. I” III" I'I"IIH III' III!“ ballot. box. '- thII,IImIIIIIIIvIII in National poI IIII'III I‘l‘t'Hflllllillll llm'nlnped a con llilllln .IIIIIIIII: VI-11-N that caused IZI'I‘III IIIII‘III IIIIV'HIL’. ”[0540. responsibla Im- anvwmu in Ihw H--nuhllcan party. I“I'III|lI'I' In “lump lhn filth" with “HIUI'I‘II .\IIII‘I'iIJI'I~ resulted disus- II'IIIIMV on ,‘"'\|'l'l|l Intrusion! for the 111-IIIIIIIII‘nII |I.III'\' Espnclally wlll I 1 I- IIIIIIIIIHII'nIvA 111 repudlutlon It Ihp ”III"! by I'IIIIII'I-d voters of tHO I', >2, ‘J'IIIIIHI’I wIIII voted [of the I'IIIII'iIIIIHIIIIII «If Judge PlrkM' In 1.. - or Ihl- I‘XIII'INV‘G‘II opponltlon 0! III“ mew II II cvrtnlfi Pro-Idem IIII.I\I~I' WIII II:I\‘. IN unswor In 1932 In “III!!!" II AIII~ I‘l'n fur failure to ['o - 111~1 II’HIIIII-I’Il)“ of Judge I’JII‘I'I' .11111 111 II IIH‘ pel'lnlttlng the lIIxII'IIIIIIII'IIIIIII :t‘vn (‘ulon‘d War \IIIIIIIIu. 111111.-=lun:x‘ are thnt I'l‘h-KIIII'III Huh: .inl Inc. from ““IIII‘WI \ln» I'|w I 'I II stronger op”- ,Inm 111.111 llnl' Hunuhlicun Presl- I‘ 111 111 ”15‘ |.: mm of the country. I‘m 111.- I'II‘J linm In I quartur ;.ll.'ll\ ,I I‘vllan-Il mun ults In the Hum.- 01' I'IIIIUI-m‘ ’l'he III‘IVII 0f Ihw Hunnmhlw IM‘IH' DePrlofl. 15 but Ihw I‘ln-o-runnxr “1' more to com. “mm-II .r\lu.-I-II'IIII,< :II'» determined 'II.I| IIII‘ IIIm «I: 111 111- rnpreaentedlu 4hr \I‘III 111 111. III|".III,Y by a. latter IIIIquI' UL 111-‘Il ul’ IDIOT. ('ulm‘t‘d Amn'riml II My ulvrl. und in tanking ld'fihu b! z-vvry unzh- of Hm a”. 01g, mnn'y. alum" and 114th are gin-n their w'uxwr ' .‘d suiting, um! Ihn dim I‘M! haw- hm'n uhln m “mm none surprising rvsults ii IN db"!!!- innting manner In w Runs 0! (hr (lay :u'v INN-d f ODOR hid of Nurthvm beam“ “[O6!- m'e-d vmm- hm» {hilly gwukgn.‘ Repuhllculm In "‘6 nocumy of db. my: mum Ivriwi- ll than to an vor In “iv in“ M ta “1?“ thin E mu-nt ul’ 'l'“ “41113 9001113” I. -. nu». .I|w:x\. h retarded mafia un qmwdimwd :I' 1.- The meauire 0‘ llw umk l~ nut. underestimated on 9Hho'7‘ :zidv IVlerm—The year has begn max-Inn! w I great movement of mum-- o .nz-w-Ica from m. South to W, \mh During mid-Innate: “in .W..” ‘wnume so alarming. fur “W. .- 'Pn-i South. that remark ..m "w ere put forth to dis mnlxmx- h»: unrush. Chambers 0! . nntnmml on Page 4) Journal tad Guide In ‘ ‘ Thirty-one Your: Old . NORFOLK. Va.—-The Journal- and wade, this wection's first “‘('Pk’.". wrmted its fllst anniversary edition iust week. It consisted of W pages of news and advertising. 'i‘in- Young family have owned and «mum w! this enterprise for 20 yvars. ‘ The Guide has 'nure than EU 3"“- .phyees in its fully equipped pun!- v and nuhlth‘v'ev‘ plant.