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IMbI Iw «...»,I !••• to !»<•( *< - * '•» rm atalaaa ia to* «•!«<«! • '. •• ,<»> a -.*• kin www <»»»'l I N ■• «»•» <•« ha takMl Ikaaa |. «• » I It •• tnmm I*. a«rMm a <»•■ **>**** t ■ v ♦■••*.«•» ' «*•• "• r""' ■ »♦ ike ««• awa.aMa I* anil (•*••*■.; 1 fn>i Mnoititf (t l«w !•(»•»» »»•»•«» »<••>•• •• mm *l «» .1 > -ta* m*m M» tm* •*»*• '«*» Mat)' '»• »I «»«•#•» •• >»"•■• «. » ••#• ».» «»1 Ika tirmi noM' M*W •al»»«» «St *• ••-«•• »f w»w« I •*• mm* mm •■• law n» k*M la>« *# ••♦ •«»»• to |f* «!»»"«» ! fno ii> f t-»»»tv»»» at ? t<* li -»I »•' «..: ••>•< •*• ••■»•• IMli^trv •»«• >r-r.••»«■>*** H «U»-*( •««• •♦«•-" !i«r4b>« a«« *•#• la» '■!> •■■•r« i-» »fj • »«• ♦•••• a>»«M avaaavr vnali* *»f'»t«< la Im» • <■ » •»« ■»■ ! aaaaaw •••»• »* 4>««r«)»*l "to My tmtuwmmt ifcat •• r.*»raa l»* *m*r*m*m* ml •»'• »•» " FO^GJni?- •■■»« «# ■*«■>*»• la Al-i ' *w ►» wmf »f Maw»it*« )• nf.l»r >t* t «•• aa>at •" •«*«• * * " r*lnra I,* >-. r» t'» •>' »i»/.F«> •< I* rimiiT- a ha *M>f raMri •' |t«a«t*a« r»» «ai»i* •>•..» h*a kerai m>*4»- a wratlw* «f '-- ItßHtttrmn i it>»•» -i uurtiti »*•»» itt> ami »»»>•»■ •«•» »»■<'■» ' ••• ik* upper a .— -4 r»TMB«HI< I* "v- Auiln> -1 ll^'.i. «» ••!»• ■aJ* «•«> ■ ■'»' »..«■•••■.. i . in« • . i«ml .••«« •( «•' "• Aarvllua, i »n. »*.-« * •« k|, *> r»rtfcaa-« ii* M. !«ia«f«»« «»*«l*r «-f *»'i«j i:i|.-« In IT,« • . |I» •♦•!■• K> >4« . I. 1. h..| i (to Haas** *"ai*>*«» ftumlM t-Y ■ ■-, ■-v ... ■>.« i - I* ka«* atrurk ll«* 11. »• .1 vii ii , »» «■ i I: "■» I«ttf4(* » « Ulumenrrnn, thtH actor ** *• Vla«««at rreniden • Mil • I IKMt. «*a Im n*i cMaic^t*!/ Ma •*»•«■.*n» f»ai la paaaaafJ t ••> •JMtoM *HMI« M«t(at.l ■»«« I. «>w ««U. M* M tmmM *M *»I M *s» •*« •**»-* 4a* Nf|»fi«Sa«a :»•* iftr ••♦l*** It* •»• #»•»«» 'Ml tin* •*%*M«»«lr a«w»r»> •<•• tea r**« •« i%- .».« .f is. rmMtn |»*»t fat r«a W.aa«>< v.». trw, .. ik. »«r« *»*•» Tfc» a*r*aa ia t»*« «%•* «•*• «M» |MM< j 4«m» MNI ••• »««»> •*' a*n«4 Mil* MMitfl r-a>» tar **i"»(**s* tHkl «|. (<•*(• !»■«* f« (■•n.-wt •<•.*» «|» *«•-*«• --•M •*# *a» atatvM M f»«-«»# **' —_p» V%> M**4a> »«• M *■— [ aI^MIBB • (►** Ifc %99 a^taaafMt 'tea' >• la >•-«■«%• »•-*«••• w W-t.aiM r>«M>i Mfllii il»«i f.« ««•«» fl>*M> »• •«•■■•,! a>»m> •f»<4 *»* a«W If I •♦•»*«• Ml Ut*>a IN»»«*I*, fc»t tw 1».-v*ISI (^K.i.ir *» MH> Hffj«a» Immm.! ; t"l» ItuaK'-waj^an »■»<■ ■«•**• !•«•' lib* ,««• >. -4 *•« If: «- a. I out IM TnHMiatt <#<<)» MM«'I lit*] •*«*»«<■■ «+:■• trtl«»' ha 4 *»«• ••«•)' ••»*• «» •**»« *. U « ■ tiaii? aip.l §*«•»»■•»*«• tat M«) MMtnmi A .*»•;■«»«# r*«t.'**>%*• . »*jawN|! Ki»lw 4s»«» n*m*Ul '• *.•••». ««»» IU *»*'• llm a«f; Mt WMM*I fcrj **• a»M*f ajntarv •( <■ *» t*» «m*«>.| *»rr •( ««• *••**# »nIBTWWNiir at ri«a«Jlti>*»i«l M »«»*».'i- «r«M« Im *•» Xuga M« a*«»-t •• a cibml* (a«j UM> r»»w»,« *•«#; (.« tta »** (4 ikai *)!..» fc* # * «■ K*r**r»* i • tlM* j H» »»• (•** ewfi J«»# #*i -*at'f «**r» j m. Iw •*«• Mf *<*« a»C •«»§ i »#» • •«<-• u» , h. mturl hcoj *«•». fcawjiwax lr<« *im»W»i »• OM awl, MM • «a WMft «• «*. -W* -■ , s mi-mmm ■ *■-•»* mm*htt--*m aM •■!*« *i.»m« i-*f-» maiik«Hima>t* tJMM kail W« ■ fc.l»»-1 ( . »H» lay ■ • * !*.).f !!»• aaM •< a«vtk«i (» t_#»«4«» Tk*. tnna> amr* i it..* if Mi* wm't •[*»■»■<»* fc»*wgM ' 139*.. rvw> ra*«j| *»»«*«iiMMr •*• •»■«#• ! -»» W*«A«" ». • MufchMwaafax*. 1*) |lj» ■•#*•>« ♦» 4aw (Lmmt," MM *««•* HI. tmtmiirr*** tritf aft Mw4k»*** ff'aVM *•■"• *J» «• tMI '•we* - ra«w »k«H««« *«aa war* r»'*«T iwi.ixri-4 ewHaUal prtMt at Hsva* |* H"ii»»»» rs4*»i. »«. <*•• mlMt H I • >r»*»(p,<^»t%«H f •» Ma M *>. W<• »-#*• »«*r« M «« •#»«! l» *M HwinaMl •* !#*»»»». •*• *- »*«• *tt« f«*al* P«rt»». I mmm* «; •» pianatr* fw !*»•» al»a j *IM»|»» • " <•» » »■' ' '!>• »•>»!'• of im* t%< *fc. •*•»• «*•* •••» wMit« »•. ttft I **.«.« #• •»* t**f***4 wft» utar^oo # •*«•>»•*«>#*••] l»*i« a*» th» l*»r IW nM •# awrk !>«*• ..»«-« vi **•« »•*•«■ #•••••« MM. ; ••» 4'«« k ll« tT||J« iMtHllM*!** Mlltol* of •'*•««< »•» Haa« ««•« tiw* »»«•• a«(t* !-*• m#»m« •• *••• ••» '«»* •# *«)i;«j| »*• *»*..*«.«■« aa IM ajajHai *» '• **fr «* »»• • *arr»w« •* ***.»«»» *■»• ■ air—— **• ■HM. rtawnw f»«*»» *» Kr(!a«ul ta M •■'»••—* ■»»— «IM> «••• *»t aaam * » M*,t» ♦«• TV* *trt«rt.»«» M »| *• (»«im«i»»«np* r»« »«r«w«»4 , ■—'-'— ■ 4—Ml (»«••»• ■'• '-»•»«:«. hail pM *mi^l *w •*• •*»*»■« •* !*»• t.«j mta-r «••*»• »• «•!* •• wa» a j IHf*>f Mi ••>• H*i?«» par!t«n»»«t. • Im'4j»* «* !*»> H**tf»'». MX* •*»»<■ •I <*» r«M<<'< a* W««» Ha had «t»-*l «»■» •"■*» •■' *■• *""•«* aedj f -«•««••• «*-w*»#i»« fc» •r^a'h-i |« t.» ia-»Ha*»«4 •» »f -» •- I *»■ «1 ti»u I* »a»mirii— mm »wmi. 'tt* ••» - ■ ••• 5 •*• ' •?!" a •*«• i %MMB*jl f»t»l. »ll •»«t#lM*4 »» lh«, „..,« kmiNi «»« IKIMii law aJ-f <„«•« Ahmb«m •»• • *«*i«*r - * • f»flll*t Cayt.rttf. KWW T^'fcal. afanh l*~Jo«»» A. rvi»**.» ••»*» •«* a-a*. H»a/«» wttk **«*■ « a»#a»H»» of • tvt all „..,.... wfcw a«tfs4!-4 »*»«»l| .-a. M IIM« *»«». .. »M«r arr*« m >*•»« It* *•"» ••« •*•* "»•'■ '• ' " aHa^LHaM^aV SlaW Wai *>• awtM «rr.«tr4 !■■..• ■■■■■ • ' «« - I •!-■ "1 all» «♦«* %**»« i»r«»n!».J •" *ietnli»r ti, • |>na)l> rkfrl ,i fit* ■■•■■■ H Itanll nf Jiortll Am •«V»- «>?••• •» «•* N#lir Torh i%.»»'r »■ •■ » '"• ••<■•■-' If a «k . a • , »?»* •»» tutfd fw IVUraon at Hm> asaa* fcaak. aM M waa arn>st<4. • f»w «•** • i •-» wl»n ka> trtawl lo r t i.mvt rf»r« ra»tw» All thr*», rt«-»i» «nrra |>r»»i»'>onr*• tuM'illnt. Th» lean* of. i» i.i* la which It la •!!< r. I thai; It* Nitowut-4. «t»tali«»«l with raa*,, Mtnk (femka aa J aam|>t* «t«naturr*. fw»»n la* a»ti «f hiialneaa m*n In ilw i t**\i~\,\* tiullillnr*. IVl#r *...», hall w»a f.MfriipJ whrn ha .. In M*-i Hiw'i rufta wa* fintn«• f«un*'k (or trial. Th« Rothschilds. it..li .1 a* Iho r!,«. till,1« w<«r» •« t «r*. lh*» nearly nil h«v. hml nit* lr»n In common. They will |tt*» ll«on hiili'.mi 11 momi>nf« hr»lt-| «>■■ •>, ih»y will nnt »w n«*r«i of 5 .■!.•• »ni«ilil df llolhurhlld 1* falhcr. TIM ■ "i MHO In ill" habit of tnklnic th* •«mi> r«b pvrry mornlnn from |*trr«rtllly u> Kt. Swlthln'n Innp, IT. I .:.< -.vi .... . him Jfhu Mi i. nU. On* ni"ii.ii.it. when Ilia »on *•«■ (iway, Ih* »lr» hullpil the ronvpyunc*. nn.l at th« »nd of i!,. |„I.i, v «ny« Hi driver «n r*nt«. Cabby looked nt III* • "I" iritlly. "Wlnl'i react" »Bkm> Ihn old man. • "Nothln«. »lr," wan ii"- rtply. "but Mr. i,..,p.,ii nlwiiyn |tlve» ■• SO . . nt» "I don't i ..,.|.-i at It. Mr. I^ro po)d l» » nithilfi. Inn In- can nfTonl It: hi h(i» a rich fnthnr. I ■ m an "I "I. <. and can't," — New I Ih i.il . immaii IIOIM Forecast of Work of Next Congress. 11 •. ' ; \t\\l\ TRIP TO. Till ISLWDS ; _j » li 'i" ' ■ ' i MatUrt That Will Occupy MaKln. la* • Attention WHil* Ha Haiti I — Nona kuilamg Fanoat. '] [ ±Ji — . , ————— ; i vv »«MIINUT«»N. March I* Th.- i > •MM af Aim.! McKinli v to the \V..«| I !.]■«• mar not moan anylh^or. »hdj* j • '»k" may Im ■ tttnruugh admin- .' MfMlaK man. but i>■ ■••■ who put | ii * > an i i w < iM|«ihT hava ln-*n 1 , ••!, 1., t,, »h«thtr r ..-.ik- i • MM I •i ii ;■. n i r.» ■1.1 that no rranohlaaa ' j *»*H >•» «r«n!»m*■ ■• to boat i»■— MA I Tk» Mih ii«gral may not r>«» to <'■♦ !mj">n»ri< » of th* Mar innirrn i i )iml (in* •■• J"!n Ita prflweaaor*. i j > .t liter* will b# enough to make [ ita work nwnmuMp in ih<- blalnry » J»f IS* country. On* of the moat Im -1 i-ni»ni qutatlona upon which II Will I 1 • nl'.i'ir to ruta la iutr«ny rofurtn. I Tim lianna-l*a»n* *ht(i autMldy bill ill »>• rrtif»fl. Th« f"tin at k>< v - 1 ■ man i > «f our colonial poaamialana [ n d«t»rmlaa4. Th» Nlraratun . •*.«»! an 1 in- i'*'in< ■ it.i.- «m I- , »*f>u«ht r.r««r«l am In. Th* I'hll- ( rt<»» in*»a»l«ia) an4 Ib* army oil! , •>•». Ik* floor,, j • i »««ni« at nimwr reform. II , ■ HI nUinl thai liter* la a. »l !■• ( H»«ta;*a«« of Mntlm*nt amon* th<4 , I aaa«B>k'r« of Ik' Itrintbllran raucu* ( rnrarfsiti»». who will malt* martyr* ( 't tiwri*»l*»* hy hoMlnff arulona in . Atlantic my thla I|>rln« and mim- ( ■»•» . Tn»*r a**n»a In '«■ a Oajr» far-' , I iii-n and • ll*«4 faailon. tn* fortnrr r [ f •>>>nn« ■ p*rmao*nt rtforra and a Mil «f t*kav*Ov* •!• i»H«. th«- lattrr j .■•alria( a t*rapor%ry r*m#dy and a , (ml | »ntj| <« n»l l»r*il"!i of ihr eiib- i tart. %m "dual llrv% In credited will) , *ii Ha. «iitl-ailmlnli(rall«. th« hoapllatlty' I •f Venator Mann* at Thoroaavlll*, « Amnna In* Mid thins* thai will I . M t« hi* attrntlon whlla hr la I -••line ajii the a(>f>olnlm*nia to b« ' « I ma.it- «»aVt Ik* n»w army bill, a lln* I • t rampalcn la »*• minocd in Mai» - »i|i» ir i.i i»t a renomtnatlon; a ■ 4*f!nll* pollry-a* appwail ■•> anil- i ar,B»i«tli.n , :i, yft the .1. ii..» •»• » i lUnna baa alr*«4r •■»»"» putllnc i u(. f-n<»« 11. will ••» MrKinlry . i 1 imhiiw «■ •" ■••'■• >--• ■ aim. i 1 To* Bnlt«> ..f making |.r.ml»r» will I i a* <• appointment i ■ 111 IV»" *• m*4* without an »V» I ! .ii»«l» In In* «a»futr«Mi of the In- i ! ■ 4ir,S*n) In «h* romlnr contest. I 1 On* Congmrinsn'a Hard Work ; Tttar* I" MM m»ml-r of 'he houM i [•4 r»pr»a#ntaM.«« who <<<•*• a rtMl , 4ml if hard work. Important to th* , l-uh'.ir •«f»lc». which n«-v»r a|.,« Ml , la Ik* lt«"onl, and t"T whl. h he r— r*lr»* n<» hanks an* but little rr^l. 11. Thai m»mh*r la the chairman on ih« ■linlltaa on enrolled bill*. Mr. il.ftr. of lux, nil* the |-»lllnn In , laM • "n«r»»« «nl • • the »eaai..n | i,«». to ■ clot* he )• overwhelmed ! witk work. j Th* chairman of th» commute* on ! t-nrolM M!la IB r-hnrii. 1 with the ' •tiHT ef aiKrrulnlnr If th* bllla l>*a**4 br rontrtM *"• correctly Ml ! i..!!- I. that If. If th* oftlclal copy « hi. «■-• '" '•>' l'r.»l'l»nt and 1 » hi. h tolntw It» Is Identical with the bin •hi l» r»pr«-a»«ta the nnal adlon of th» two hou»*a. Mi. lla«*r.* In fuiniltnff thin duty. mml r»ad lh» 11l lln» tor line, com l;• rin« It with th» copr romlnK owr I from th» buna* whlrh laat !.«•«•'I It. X.Mlay B* wrnt thrtm«h th# Koinrnar l^sialatlvn approprtatlnn bill. nnUna »vrry tiutirtuatlon irk ami »*»ry 1 word, and It ran b» lma»tn<*l that , IBM talk la not r.i«>. Th» *nmll«"1 I>IIU ar» prtnlnJ now. , Inatrad of written. They «!•■ prtatod i on parchment mad* of the brat qual ity of ahetpikln. »■•■•• h "•«• r.«n about «8 c»nta for th» |>airhm«nl and prlnttnc Thr approprlatton bill alon* numb«ra about >»<) l>a««-« thla •*aalon. not to «p*ak of lh» humlrmla of other meaaurea. i The chairman of dM r..miulll on rnrollfrt bltla hai a «mall room near th<> , rm'i om<-«, "nil ■»— a »r«t .1. .il of hl« linn- atundlnr I" hla In- I conaplcuoua but Important duly. N«w Chair for Princeton. , i-invi"irr> >s. March I«.—The i I, „«i.. * of Princeton unlvrralty h. M I their urml-nniiiul m.-.tlnpr ' atoi It i ■ ann<»unf4wl thai a aubacrlptlon " on« i 1 hundred thouaand * Hiirh had <■ M i mad* to the unlveralty for the en- i : il.iwiiw nt of a rhalr In i:iiKlliih lit I I .ihum on condition that the Rev. 1 1 Henry Van liyke, p«ator of the i ' 11ri' k rti*l>vt"rUn church In New ; i York be the 11r»t Incumbent. D II j McAll'lii' «l New York, cave 150. --000 of the ■inn. and the rcmnlnder nil aecured throuich the • (Turin of C. •' ruylfr, M Taylor I'vii" and . other prominent New York alumni Dr. Van I'xki- waa unnnlmou*ly M 1.r1.-.l to the chair today, and It la the general ImpreMlon that he will aorept the plare. Up Ml arrnduated from the uiilvi'riliy with the clnaa of 73 and la aim an alumni nf the Princeton Theological Seminary. In . appreciation a( the aervlcea of the Hey. Dr. Jamea O. Murray the trim teea .1..< 1.1.-.l that the new chair »>• . i 11,.1 the Jamea O. Murray chair In I i<.-11 —It Dr. Murray, the dean of the university, him been 111 "in, .■ Jannnry. Ma reiliinatlon from that plare wni |ire»enle«l, but iii.' board ilccllneil to accept It. nnd the duttaa of hti •itti... will fall upon I'realilent I „• ,ii until the. next meeting of the board. • l'rtaldent ration reported that ether iririn to MM unlvorally nxef •rntlnaT in:, MC, Hi'- in' now ul wliiihi will tin iim-.i In lh» «>-n<>rßl r«p*n»r»l of Hi- in ii. mil' 'i' i ■■ tnv ■ A plan for tin- '-nt.iiiiiMiiM.nl of ii «ummer »• -1111111 in mnmctlon with Hi' un( nixliy am prrtrtiled atif| a ward for • "ni..»(i'i'i" Him* i- In Ihej Infirmary. in. money for ihU pur-| |Hiae to !>.■ nilsii-l i.» aubartipl | Murray Hall, the hoin« "of th« T.j M <■ A. at I'lin'-flon, »111. throu«h, I hi- Kenert«iHy of th* fHrnil« «f thej unlvrralty, be enlarKed to a rupmlty to meet the linn «»«l im n mall •• i Mn. reporta that for the period February 20-th. Inrlualve, th«r« «■■» received In money order fun llt, lit.U from Hi. r.iiluuniK atatlona. Manxanlllo. $47*. Havana, %\W>»: '-; lluena Vimii. 13774; M«l«nzuV t'*~,i: ! Hanta Clara. in*: Placta*. t*<: H«- ; mm la Orande, 1.V.5: Calbarkn. ll'jT. , There waa d*t>uaUed tv Hi- puntnlj fund durlna; the "•'"■ period IJHT. Th* bureau of IK»»lal account* re-1 port* [natal revenue* front all aour ■ <•« up to and In iludlnc February , .'7, fU,Mi.V; total |«ymenta to date. IU.Ha, leaving an available br •:■«m <• at m m ;-«v His Preference. J • •h.ill\ — Obartnlna; widow, lan't she? They say she Is to marry again. Alsjyt-I wouldn't want to be a widow's second !iu>t>and I'h.ill) — Well, II rather be a Midow's second husbund than her Drst hu»t>«n-r. who *t*li-phone«> , from Davenport. Just what the charges are cannot be learn<- unable to vlfilt hi* place because my , oßlce was ■">' of funds, but If he ( would guarantee the expenses I would send my deputy from Bpo- J kane." , ■ • . Xpeaklnf of th* failure of the leg. islature to pass the I.VM appropria tion asked for by his omce for the traveling expenses In such cases as that mentioned above. It Nelson said: "It don't Injure m* nor my office so much aa It does the farm ers and slock men. I cannot travel over th* state and look after such cases unless my expenses are paid, and the farmers and stock men are naturally th* aufferera." . Meeting of Teacher*. WAI.I.A WAI.I.A, March H.—The Inland Empire Teachers' association will meet In this city Man nln a three days' session. An excellent ir'«rimm" has been prepared and some of the ablest educators of the Inland Bmplre have been secured for addreases. One of the features will be the educational messages from three states by their superin tendents of education. Found Dead In Bed. li<>.< . «a« found dead In bed Sunday l.v a neighbor. The body waa found In the bark room of his shop, In which he lived alone. He had been com plaining for a few dava of a bad cold, but was not considered In dan ger. Mr dark was about *0 years of ace lie has one daughter, living hi the vicinity of RpaiiKle. He has been in business here two years or more, and hup won the esteem of all who knew him by hie gentle and un assuming manners. IHirtng th» last few years of his life misfortune ha* dealt severely with him. "The Lady Ghost." \V\l.l.\ WAI,I.A. March It.—Mr*. I >■ I|.|iin dark, a woman who recent ly came from Portland, was exam ined before Judge T. 11. Ilrents on Hitur.lay for Insanity. When she entered the chambers she appeared quite rational, but after being close ly questioned by the examining phy sicians she showed strange hallu cinations and claimed to be the holy ghost, Hhf waa ordered committed to the asylum, and she will 1..- taken to that place ttxlny by Sheriff Kees. Mr*. Clark had at one time been In ■ lit- Oregon Insane asylum. ':'_.> A Dress Up Suit | One that is elegantly and tastefully put together, of most superb workmanship, in neat, quiet and sedate patterns ... ..... If Boniht Here Will Be a Most Excellent Investment • The rich anil nobby effects are always to be found on our counters nt figures which hasten their sale.. TRY US AND SKIi. v J. REDELSHEIMER & CO. Strongest Top Coat. Memo In the Stata. 800.802 First AvcCor.Oilmnb^, TWO IRE 1 tl WITS I Government Wants | Steamers. 11.15,A.\ i.ii. O.\ DIG MAD BOATS Clihu Thomson and Ch»rl*» Helton -.'. ' May Go to MinlU for Uncl* wj Sam— It •> Situation. W 1 7 ! ! 1 Tiif atearmr Charlea Sr'.t'm, of lh« ■ a Kru«« Bteam»hlp company has J i».«ii aecur«d by the government•■! la p' rvi- a* .1 tr«n«i»:i-r iir« both above air! Mow deck. r!!.« baa also « «rriit deptii of hold, bar* SH liik l**n built in curry larK> f relgfel tS '■argw*. Tl.i- N« li'in li «;•*• said te I lie a \*ry fast boat. Til* Nrlson ban *<•■•■ ri In the far* "t> «mn»nt service i>< r >ri-. Last >'im> ll im-r ilir made a trip to Honolulu si; , from Ban Francisco with th« X«»,J j York regiment on board. Wblla la''jtS the m-rvii— ir.» • learner rave goof *. ' satisfaction, and the r»trrnin«• »m- . ployed In the fruit trade operating ;';j kl»wn Cuba and Central American \J ports an-1 [lotion.* During the Kl'* tweent Han Kranclsco and the Boun4 j as a collier. ' : : ' i Rhyme* in a Police Cell. NEW TOIUC™ March IC—John A."/| Green,:a colored man living at 414 West Thirty-ninth street, sent out 'fU a colored boy by the him of Walter ;. "| Itoblnson last evenlna: to exercise an ; KnrllKh brtndle creyhound. which ; (Sreen says he bought from another colored man. In Tenth avenue, near ■ Fortieth street, a woman came up to htm and said that the dos; belonc -■ rd to hi-r brother. She took the chain j« from the boy's hand and started:--^ down the avenue.? The boy tried to (ft the doc bark, and while tt\ry were arcuinic a policeman sucrested "?i* that they no to the West Thirty- t seventh street station and nettle the dispute, • At the station the woman said sh« '.■'« wax Mrs. Bllxabeth ullrlrn of Mt ;j West Thirty-ninth street. i "That do«." she exclaimed to Ser» PHi that dog'a name U Seven j|f Hhym- ». an 1 he's a prlar d.« I de tire to make a complaint of larceny g against this boy now. If he didn't •ir»i it, MRimm did." «*erge«nt Kelly scratched hi* hea4 1 for a time, and IBM ui ■[ llt-vin proceeding* or some trouble .■•' some law null «ii for the colored •' ■] boy to make a charg-e of larceny ■*%< against Mr*. o'Hrlrn. The sergeant -.f; said he would lock the doic up In • ,*M. •■•'II while Mm O'Brien went for her rj brother and Mr*. Whlton to Identify -1 th.- doc. If they were able to do no. Mr» O'Urlen arqulescrd. and In an " ■'■ hour or two Clreen, Mr. Whlton anil -'.'' Mrs. Devne came to the station ,?, houna w(th Ml*. O'ltrien and th« .' culnred boy. <2reen otld he had f.iH '■■}■. a man ITS for the dog. Mr. Whiten M and 1 h-viip »alil that there was no H mistake, that the dog «i« a* Mrs. .. O'ilrlen had repreaented It. The doc Ay seemed to recognise Mr Whlt.m, who wanted to take It home, but the ;■ senceant said the animal would have :. to stay In the cell until morning. r } M Then Walter Robinson, the colore.s *j boy, mndi 1 a fr>rrn«l complaint of lar ceny asalnst Mrs. O'Hrlen. who was ■ releasol ui