OCR Interpretation

The Seattle star. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-1947, May 16, 1899, Image 3

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1899-05-16/ed-1/seq-3/

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Judges to Come Out of Hiding
and Call a Popular Voto.
OBCKtU^A. HO., Mi, 1«.-St. CUIr
rountj- Juiiu■■» m*y MM II l>. AbU to
MM In out ot the lirunh „ ith ii. f.^lU
In* Into Ih* h.iii.tx nt I ins, I Hlat<>a
rnarahala and brlnir ilraggrd nff to
Kanaaa City to \< m* iho rnnainilrr
nf th*lr oßtttal llf* In Jail. Tl»e rluht
>•• i«.. n tha eltu -1-. of Kt. Ctalr
rounty «nd th* hoMcra nf railroad
tionda iMUrd l-y th* county lw«.niy«
nln* y*ar« n(<> • la brought within
th» ranirn »f a cumtirumlae today.
In a d*ltcati convention hrld In
the ..|.. R.i h.Mi« ■ In • >*....|.» laal nlchl
lt» r*|<rrapntatlvr« of the taxpayrra
In rv*ry townahlp d»c|j»,l t-y * vot*
of »3 to M t<» jwrmlt thalr cnunty
Ju>lk«* i . aubmlt th» quratlun of
romt>rumta* of th* d^bt to a vut*
of th« people, Thla proivMltlon tn
th« elrcturat* ilti-idfd ui«m by th*
cti\. iin i. slv*a the r.:.!.-.-. and th?
h"i>l.. «m ill dlarretlon. tl pruvMra
that th* question »..;>■ I up.m «hall
I>* thin:
"Shall th» r.iiir m.I bond debt be
rompromtaed for IJSI,Of«J?"
Th* amount own! by the penpl* of
th« rouniy on Judtnienta render*.!
t>y th« t'nllrtl BtMtM rourl la 11,
--15*,0n0. The d«!eirate*, h.i»*«.*r, c»n
clu.Ud th.lt tt wnuM bq I-, n-r for
cv.r« !> ..Iv and civet th« ju.leea an
opportunity t> »t.. i> in hiuaea nnco
more. If the >!• !><< «.•!«• «■ ■><:■ >l
Thcr«for» they votnl l» comprom-
Ut by paytnc I3l'<« or about une>
aUth nf th* amount claimed by th?
Wh'-n th* rpind* were i««u. l In the '
year \KO there waa aome op|Mi»lll.tn
t> them. JudKra who »-><«- I them
aftft« took to the brunh, n»t t.<
Kfl away'from th* I'nttrd si n..«
mar*tMl», but front the people, K..ur
year* l.ner a tax levy wa» 'mad*
to pay th* Intereat on th<« bond*. It
«aa levied as.. In 11*1. !»:« and I
Jirrrr. Th» nt«ht aft«r the county
court mad* Ib* levy tn ItTT cltu,n«
*eln<l th* court record* and de
atroyexl th* paxen on which the ord
er for the |e*y wu written and later
buriii>'l th* fwwk In the publlf »ntlar«,
Th» county «>urt eonaUta of a
t>encti of thrr« Judaea, but no court
has aver been elected that would
make the l*ry alnre. UTT. and M per
•on ha* ever had th* h\r I»->•>■! tot
bid on prc>|>*rt) offered f>>r tale for
Rv*r alnc* 1M? the. Ju.]£*« have
been paaainc their lertna of nltlo*
•tth*r In Jail or In »m and tett-ut
of th» county In contempt nf order*
nf Jut"..* I'hilip'e mart In W. ••-rn
M!«» >url mx aucreanlve Jn Is: « have
been In Jail Th* preeent bench la
hi,tin* out. hoidlnc court In th*
wooda. »rine.| and determined not
t.i either obey the court or a*o to
According to Ibe report of the •(•
tUUcUn of th* atrrlcutuaral depart*
tnent at WaahlDstan. IlktM will >"■
a wheat ahortairai Ibla year. The re
port* show lhat the mt»(r In win
ter wheat on May I wa* B.iW.ae*
acre* which la 1.0n0.M acre* lea* than
the M mate laat fall. Th* averaic*
rendition of ih* winter ry« • <•* •
a» comparad with M i on May 1.
IBM. and *9.0* the ra*an averax* fur
Ih* past ten year*. Siring » >»m« I*
late alt over the country.
A* to Ih* condition of cotton. th*r«
la a, rr-l'irtinn in th* acreage al>o.
Father Met Th»»monthe Street
But They Escaped Him.
KTAMTtmD. Conn., May H—*"or
th- paat two month* or Bo "Doc"
Waterburjr of Norwalk ha* iirlvea to
New i'4n>in every n.«ht. where h*
met Mis* fete . HVH' one of t:i<
brl!e> of that village, whom he look
driving In the rorroandtn* country,
much la th« dl»|>lra«ur« of nzt
A few nlfhta tr<. when the couple
were met on Main *tr**t by the Ctrl'*
fathrr, who or.l- 1 \! •- Weed out
of Ihe • >««n. Watertmry whipped
up hi* bom and drove toward the
Weed houit with th' father In pur
full. He entered MM <•%»-, only • i
find hi" daastlter hi.l left thmu^h
another door and r'-j.>lne I Water
bury. The paid drove to Port Che*
t r. where they were married. Mi*a
V.'.fl la with fn.rii!«ln Norwalk un
til aba receive* her parent*' (or
V.. it, Hawkins. Kefwral pup^rln
tfndcnt of th* WJi;r- I'jm railway.
l«ft lint nlxht for MlcAKwajr on the
it'tmrr llumboldt.
A. It. CahWr, travrtlns pa»i—nK>r
arent of the Canadian Pacific at
Vancouver, I* In th* city,
M. J. Iliwhe, travrlinir jn.nenirer
•«-n' of the Kf'> (Irand* Western,
hi« arrived In th»-< Ity,
ft. A. Bmart. «->n»ral liarinc
on- nt of the <irr«t Northern railway
arrived today.
A Number of South Jersey
Plants to Be Closed.
mniXJRTON'. N. J.. May J»— Th«
»rui "in ptn»nt at tlii> formation of
the National OlaM company, whlih
haji for i f <■ |>ur|>'in- the combination
<if all tb» botllw f,if|.,ri. ■. In New
York, I'ennylvanla anil N>?w Jfrn^y,
has riuwi much lntPr« »t and upcru
latlon amonit the- t.<-.i|.ii. of thl» rlty,
• nrt «■»»! lally th» mrikini! t-if<
■worki-r». dm- of ih Wpft—Btihrw
trf a firm whlrh Ipa to form lhi»
n«-w cnmfiany »/Hil today that It wan
lh« Intention of th« rotnbinatl'in to
buy all the hollow-ware plant* In
the Ka»t and Dpsnita them under
*'li'- m m ur- r;,. r,l.
} ■■ i „
them will
«r« »-l!l t»- eloi
InK ii' • •
!.in 111..ii |i to rtstrtct i)i.- r.u-i.-iv
nut put.
mi. of in. i.iti. i ii» ..r iin- Qlmm<
wrorkw ■< union Mild Ihnt thi> "whol*
IhliiMT look* Ilk* a bluff," bill h* I*
•iKlnun fur Hi. plait In g\> ttiruunh,
for. 111 Inn opinion, II would tiiiin. 'II
• tp|y -..ill., the dlfTeri-nrra hrr». ii.
! ii.ni. Ml. 11l II ih. truat ,\..i|l.| II.•{
!>>.ic to h*\i> 1.1 I If. uiili 111 nirn,
nnd would imniiilhii.lj ri'ioiiii'tr
, •(hi' ill faJllaal .ii
1 Convict Eats Match**.
BI"I.UVA.V. 1n.1.. M■■ Jl—Wll
ll.mi \.|.||ll- the murderer »f Wll
' llatu rmr». whit nit* recently urn
i. n.,.1 in ih.. |.. mi. iiiiii v for life.
■ iii. nn'i.'.l "in.-Hi. ■ by i aline lite
' li. i l« ..f ;i . mill 11. • 11.. .11.1 ll.it
' i.v.ii Hi.- fact until iii.iiiiiiik. >» ll- B
' A |ih> ■».'. i.m \, An aitnimoned and rv*
' 1.. ». I him by th« u«e uf .m. 1,. ».
A.lii.i- waa m.-.l l> -s •- for tin
-1 killing of llavra itl M. row l.tat ">
tobcr. l«.Hi «.■!.• lni.i\i« .n>. I in I
1 quarreled. Alum hail !■•■• n ii the
' i» ;n:> mi ir> »>ef.>re on almllar af- j
, fair*.
IJ..H-. » In wed were laaued yes* !
' t.-i.l.iy us folluwt: .l.nm-n T. March, I
1 :%, and Minnie Klbtiy. .•:, both nf I
-"■■-nil... Juhn 11. l.u.aa. It, .iti.t l.urjr
I- l.ii;. lm:. .-".. i.-Hi ..r lulln I.
»■•«.-i i A. (•atrutn. 90. anil l."l.« >!•• Hi
, Carl»>in. 19, both of Ktorence, Wa»h;|
l.ustii r (litmore, 21. of Hno«|U*lmle,!
anil Atlc* Htuvalt. 13, of Kuuthj
Urrenflrlil. Mo
!.i.•■•»>■■• i> «>• I «. r- laaued thia
in-• iiii it < t.> i ••» .ill U.hxl, ■■> !S, ami
i-.ih i 11. Gli>rt>. as« -I. Ii -«li nf K. -
attle; AVm. K. Kent, aite 13, of Ta
.■• ii i. ui.il I.' 1!;.- Mao Clark, age i«.
■•f Hv*ttle: Joarph 11. Urm-tur, »«»
SI. And M.v.. B. O'CVnnrll. ago SO.
olh uf tV.illle.
A Cast of Five Hundred Poo
pie quired to Present It.
CIiAWF)>RI«fVIUI<K Ind.. M«»
!«,—William Vuun*. of New York,
who h*» been »t\K«it>-.l la dramatis* ;
j "Itrn llur.' I* cp«ndln* » few «li>»
I with Urn Uw Wallace and (her ■
I have aereed an the schema of Ike
I work. «l*n. Wallace M-'aa« rnthu- j
• *,t«:l.Mliy on ih* subject. «nj lei m
rtdent that the pruduction will,be
.I on* of th« create*! theatrical aueeaa*
j a»a In grvar* ll* aaid; I
"Th* work will tie |.r.»lui-r-l In
: New York In S'anmlwr, If preaent I
I'Uiu carry, an! about t» persona
' i will b« rr.|.|lr.<l for It* t>r.»..nu
linn. Haw li>n« tt will run In Nrw
York w» ran:-...i my. but aft*r It haa I
l«.n lr»t.'l th.rr <•• will |>rn<tur*
It In |:.'»t.in. rhllad'lpMa and Chi
r»Ki>. It will not '.'•-,' ot •«■ >■■••
ful production ■ -.ilirr Amrr • • cl
!!■•« than thriM> ntnii-l
n*n. Waltac* ..v« that «hr play
will b* In Ih* n*lur« mi In* l«-»rttl
' nut* dram*. ih» n|«ctacu!ar |-t
formanc*. and K'r*n<l »p«ra Th'
! mnlr oil >' '' ■ •!-''•■ <n.ni and
1 will t>» lara"*lr r«.|!«'.'«ua In character.
1 A «ur<.-««fui com pus* r 1* now •'.
' work en this part of th* pruduc
; tlon,
i '■O«m>ral WUtM t»ll»»#« thai by '
romblnlna th* r*a«ntUl 'Uni'iiH of j
the drama, np^clarlr and .»t>"» a '
hl*hlr «r*tifjrin« work will r»ault
1 and that th* prwilurtian will dv |i«
-11- L.i hi* n .v.-l. «<rvin« It* "llr
it and bnnirlnc out with blttnrlc
corr*ctn«a* It* (feat cllma***.
Tot many y»ara !.*wr»nc* Bar- I
r*lt ln*late<l on dramatltln* in*
Bovrk tall O»n. Wallace >• t>#r»lil"
•ntly rrfuac-1. feellnc that without J
mult and apoctacular Mlltnsa tb*
• ffurl uuld b* * Uiiur*.
Tb*r* will t•• «lx acu and Mr.
Touna; will In-.irt'rai* th*r«ln th»
**v*ral »rr»! cllmant* of th« nor*),
' m%- i.iiinr th* crwlfUlon. Th* char- j
art*r of Chrlat will not apt>» on
tb* ata«* and all attempt at »Tia«
llnnallam at th* np*nw of rrlttt-n
will be carefully ay • !. I
In on* act th* h«alln( of th* l-i
--*r« •ill hr thown. bat even h*r*
Chriat la not vl«lbl» to ih* audltnc*.
Th* M flirht. th* chart ■ rac* and
th- MM la Ih* garden of ■>phn»
' will all »•- pr*a*nl*d with hlatortcal
r..rr.-r;n»«« and «r*at .It-tail aa to
appolntmcnta and compl*tfn**a.
Said She Could Cure a Child
With the Hair of a Dog.
NFTW Y">flK. May I*.—Another at
tumpl at faith heallnir wan dlm-nv
ered ■ tbl» city accidentally by »
|.hy"im An ela"hte*n-month«'-old
child of Mr*. Johanna Welntmbe be.
came, 111. an I th" mother employed
thrw women "healer*" on* after an
other. The, third woman declared
thai th- rhlll *ai (UfTrrlnK from a
fright, .in" I tiy a do*, BM •'I I
•he could cure It with Kirn of Id-
I .*'« hair. A phy«lelan who live*
near Hi . Welnlrubc. ha« a Inra-e
lii.X k dor. an I the hauler declared
that thin waa taw aplmal. When Mr*.
Weintruba aiked f«ir »«m« Of lh»
do«« hair the pbjral discovered
the situation. A *»k'« meilirsl
treatment restored '' ■ rhlld to It*
former health. Ktep* will be taken
t<> punlnh th<- three women, all of
whnm roll'TH-d f'<-«. Tht> ■ .".in
«<-|cntl«t» dec litre thnt they are bo-
InK pernenited. Coroner Itannln*. of
Mb Vrrnnn. ha« r«*elv«d a threaten
ing It'ltir, *)U* derlare* h# will con
l\icl th» defendant*. If pnMlble.
Thay Aro Gambling Debts
|,i ii Tli.
utt ..f |..».i today i
. | ii, • .mi for mon*r*
Invnlvlng '..'• i '■' "
iw In lhi«
! v. mtl ml iriivii ■ not*
f,,r '■ ' * Ob to
Ii r m •' I to t
illng ll
.■/ pan hi- 'i ; ><y not fn
"r In
■ b< in hi
• «. HI. m nl. l«
tbui in a i
Tha H*m* Clippar Sl(nin«s:
t.lßht, *any runningl. BMldoa, It Ii
rtronrf nn<l flurultl*l. Ix>r»k 11 nvrr at
IW3 Ind live. F. "I Hplnnlnz, ogt.
Has Two Good Claims Out Has
Not Taken Out Much Gold.
\\ I \ IV.\-11.1.1 Mn.. May 18.—
Mr. Anton HI I link iif I 111. |'i" bii.
returned I: "in Mil i. uh. i>. h« linn
I" 'It I'l .".[.. .I i for i."1.1 ll' In
■ "Mil' I 11, with Joarpli H>-hm-ldrr and
• J..».|'1l K. I. ll". Hi left tlila plniu IIV»I
ay.' m.n for iha K'll.l 11. ll' nlmul
|o mil. » apnrl In Ib* O»pp«r rival
'li.ii Ii t
11.. I* not In ►■'■■•■I hralth, m lm
waa hiTli. i. I .liiilmk tin lull win
ter wllh arurvy. He aaya Ihry «>r<
unnlile t.i I*.-, mi- any frnwl toil win
i.i tin that whlih tin v took In
mill Ilii-ni. and inn. of the time.
llve.l only on eajuttd itixula and var-
I loua forma ■■< animal lir>-.
ll* did -.1 aufftT .-in the rnld,
,- a* th* tem(M»ralur» only went almut
•'■•' I. ki. . ■ l« l.nt a.'i ■•. lie luiya that
th.- cold la nut more never* than
*nm* uf our wlnltra here. l<a>t
■■Din »«* vrry warm and aome.
| inn.» the moaqaltoai «i-t» almoat
lie Infl iii» . I:>|in on April 1 ''I
wa* delayed almuat two wrck* wnll
|ln« for a boat lo mv him lo Hi
..in.- ii' kt 1.».it..t .ili..nt 70 m- •
from Wrlltß, and all ir4n»|mrUllnii
1.. that point la rarrti-d on by th*
ii... „f i]o«». ii. and ma companl»na
think thry have a rlrh claim, bul
a* y*t hiv.. only takm <^it alM>ul
t« worth Dl !-■■! I. on* of ttieao nux
«eta waa a Urew one. being worth
11.4 T. Th.y »i located on Ameri
can . ii. and he aayi It ■- very dim
cult t.i (tit a claim lii lint- 1 ' |*>«
■■■■lnill. till! think- lAnirrtran aoll
la JUKI i>> Rood.
Mr. Htrunk rt|mli to remain her*
aeveral weeka, reitalnlntr hla lual
■Irensth and wlil then return '" ''"
in i n.- i wllh a l«r«r ■■■Ii I > «f pro
vlalona for hitin. If and r«mp«nl«>n«.
He la very hopeful of the n-.ull and
■ limn to return Ii .in.' ac>'n n>-»t
winter a rich man.
Crip Destroyed Hit Mind
HT. UOtBaC May IC—The mln.l of
li. mail Thaller. » r- *'• who la
now In th* ■>> ho*pltal. I* «ald U
hate b*.*n paralyi'd by th» «rip.
Th« moat lllVllll *]Ue*ti<in la beyond
hi* eomprehenalon. and he can re
m. ml., nothing- of th< f»»«.
When he cannot talk h* M Inter
ested by th» found of , •■■ ■ • an
prattle* Ilk* a baby lryln« to lalk.
Little Doubt That He Will Be
Elected to SpeakersMp.
wvMirisi-r- is D. r.. »uy it.
rrealdvnt Mf Klnley haa aelwled lU>
prcaentatlve Jame* H. Mi'inun, «f
N**w York, M the administration
■ «ti 11.1 it* tar speaker. Jutt prior lo
hla departure for ll'.i H|irlnit« V«.
: he I* aald tn haw I»I4 aevaral call
era in whom be had confidence, lhat
tfhorman waa the '-"' man In th*
race, and ahould ti« aelected. Hena
i .r llanna I* •!••> f»r Kherman. and
aa I'Uii ha* In! >t»«.1 htm. hn will
(have a following (trona* enough to
I win, reaardle** of combination*. It
1* r!»lm. I lhat rVnstara I'latt and
' Hanna. rnanaiceni of th* Bherman
bwm, have arranired a deal where
' by th* detraction frnm I'ennylvanla
will rote amlld for Hherman on condi
tion lhat Mol»owe,ll. nf I'enruryl
! van> > I* r'-<-l«-<-ie I clerk and Quay
la »eat*d aa aenalor.
C. P. We*»er Charged With
Influencing Legislation.
I/iimvil.t.K. Ky. V»y u.-Aa
! a re«ult of t hi- flehl over the rlt/ ad
verti«tnt°. for wlilrli two of th« I hi!
new*pati*r« crs •truccllna'. rtturre*
hivr been mad* openly aicali>"' the
mayor. Churl* I" Weaver, and oth
er* In the almlntatr*Onn. I* th* rf
f"< that th. hay* bribed cerium
councllnwn and aldermen In order
1.1 wrura their vote* for Ih* I<nul*>
vlll* Tlmea. !h» arternoon .I- of
lh# <\»urler-Journal. a a<iund money
r*>m<K-r*Uc •hewt. ChMI wi!l I—
preferred aralnut the mayor In lh<
board of aldermen on i ■ «' ThunUy
; nidi' and Impeachment demanded.
The feeling In th» matter la bitter,
and It I" t>r >t>»M. that th* Itepuhll
can* will carry thl* My thl* fall. ■•
there are two on mil ■"• within
th« Democratic rank*, eacb ftchllnir
the other. " *J
Hot-Alr Furnacaman.
I'ivrnn' -1:• v P. . Way M. VIM
hot air furnace manufacturrra of
the country have organised a central
!««.•• I.lii'■" for the purpone of 'lain
talnlnat prlre*. Th» m»nufar|urrr«
complain that they have bei-n com
petlnit '" clo«ely th«t the builneia
ha* com* to be carried on nt a lo»»
and that • "i' •■"■' of an aaTr<tn»nt
I* ne*emu«ry t« keep them itolnj it
a very »mill margin if pniflt.
A committee him b--en appointed
In revlß* the *cale of prlrr*. and an
Iron-clad contract hi" been ulsn.d
to r> ■••"••• th* -■ill" that th« rum
mlttee prepare*.
Corn and Potatoes on the
White House Grounds.
WAmnNOTON, I>. C., Mar 1« —
HMnnm i vlnltom nazi y«-«r will
:\ iin-- "< Hi" novel nlnht of Com and
|imi 11 tn « Rrnnlnit In the rfiiml*
lmmi >'llnirly In front of tin- px'Tu
tlve rnnnnl'in. Thn rrmlilinl iM«d
not linve Ill* c'IV'IjI hvma la ■irk
thr 1.. Mill. « Of Hi" oountry> <■* it i •
'to 1,, liti'l. to him.
•m. Whlt« Houm plat l« ii.' in h<
«iinvprtp<l Into i truck in!.-, to
win thf f.irmcr viitn, nor In ii in
I t-nitilntlnn of i*r»v, l*lhKrtM''s nrhr-mi*
Ito utlllx* 1 pilMl'l (crniiriiU for Hi
miiitpnnnrf of tho I'rrilrtnnt.
I'.xprrlit who hiivc mid* id. pubtii
Krniindd » utiidy Imvo fnllpd ■» fnr
to ilovlun BiMnl ivhiTrliy n !>■ iiilful
Kr»<"n»vinril mny h<» riilih'atnl. Now
thiy Jlprlaro i!.it lbs ■ nil mull t»
PMtOltd to Its vlrßln condition Thp
|irrifi^rtl<'ii fif whlih !t linn tirfn iio
tirlvfti can only bo rentornl l>y plant.
in»r rom or . itou.
i■ iml' limit ii.i\• taken aim.nt en-1
THE sf ITTI B stai;.
tlin poaavMlan of til* lawn, nml II la
l.iiiirly tn it»l rid uf Hi. : .■ Hi ii ih.
nn iiinl In tn lit* plowed anil . - ■ -i- -i
When tlio plowman lnv»rt<>* the
I'nulili'nllttl pri-tnlm.'* ainl i« - na In
l inn ttwv lh. end, th« I'lifmi'ra-liy
ulll .l.nililli!■•• atnip nt him In »vi
s-ii-<, but whirl ill.- runt urn! i-"t ii-.
pUnll i»i|i liirmiHti lha iTOUDd I hull
wnittli.r ulll unm in Im*v\ MiliTtni'iit.
Brti.ttma iitpl thn iiu'inli»'ra nf Hi.
li.-u-.. will il>.. tn. tri-iih'tl tv ii i »n
l>rl«», fur It I* iirii|m»i'il lv iilvo Hi.
lawn I"■•' ninth nf id.- cii|ilt<il hliiil
in- trratnii-nt. When lha oonilltHr
cm* nf Hi.- «-niii(rciiiiiMi.n f> .mi Hi.
ii.i. k eiountlaa ihII upon ••. m (hi »
will li •* - n" 11 "ii.i. 111 innklnK H"
rii ia- i■< f.. I perfectly nt humi., They
will n. i- I only lv ill-" Hi. in fur a
•troll Ihroofb. the Whllx Houaa
itrouiKl* .in I talk . row pfMptcU t<>
Jacobs Prepared.
IMN'iWNTniI. la..M«)- l«-Hrri-nt
>lrvrln|iiniula in Hi -ii. Hint William
M. Jnriitm, who figure* *n runiiplcu
nualy In <>„- •-•luulrrfi'ltUii; dlaoloej"
him, iini vii -it. 1 Dumr 11l .III). agn
iii>- in.hi.l., that ha* uvt-rlnkiii him,
ami, In a m. i-un . mul- pn-paratlnn
far 11. In I■■ '■■'•■ '. i~" h* «-.i.| hla
I r. Hv i--.|1.-ii;<- li-.pi.. In Ihli rlly, 111.
--> -I'll 1- ru ll"ii nziltiril In the ■! . I I"--
Ing r.i»<i Thn -I' ■•! Wit* II!■ . I ■■!!
record .i frw day* ago. (In April M
li.- nniinirl a !'i.lkhii ill fur I'-.'-•-".
and on the aam* day tho judgment
hi r i!>n. I In "i 1 -Hi- i, ■! .i)'"
Russall Saga Differs With An
drew Carnegie.
tfmV YiMllC. Miv It I; II
:■*»!.■■■ ha* . «(■!■ -.-• 1 hi* .i>! 1.-- tii»!ii
to A»4r*«r <*«rnrgte'a *l«l<tn«-nt Ihnt
!« man who die* rnormnualy rich ■'■-• «
dlaan . . I Mr. Bagi", who la reput
ed to bo worth »..ii>. iti't i: like ll ■•• -
I aoa.«w. and whn la in t.- than lo
yrant nf net-. drvlar***, nn thu run
trary, IH.tt It la an h»n<ir In a nun
to .1 .• rich.
ilr Hage a«>«: "I dD nnt rnnttiKin
In bualneaa lv raake more money.
I have many Interval* and I devnta
all my UaM ■ i managlnir th»m and
prnteetlng them. In kprptng la
is>-!ln-r that prnperty ' prntcvt the
publlr welfare tod *•! an example
for the young im-n of today. Mr
Carneglv I* in l»« commende4 r.r
giving jut tn worthy ■ ■<<><•• • mil
lion* of dollar*, lie takr* great In
lereal In aurh •niiiirr. and AaM a
great d'-.il of «■•■!. I do not like to
• mi;, im Mr, t"arn<>gte. t'- I do not
think thai a man who baa thrown
• way hla tn-n. > and die* i»«.r *huuld
have th* r. «i-. t of the . .mniunlly.
1 think It I*. If aaytblng, an k MM*
i., die r. ii.•
W'l'lvn I 1 ll.i-i.-r .1 u> la Jean
-ii • H •: ..i I ..•:. t . r( af Ini i and n
IS t,.i lut i blk i. lUrprr'a add..
Wnl «" .i«t Impfuvement romiuny
tn Martin l.uti lot i ant ( l>ik »l.
ciilman I'ark. 1100.
Oeorg* 11. I- baa) to <i. W.rl
Kemp, n •, Ml I nod : Mb «. Nagte
».-■ •!•. 1 at.l. 11-1
I'hlllp M rr.« .n • > Att>ert Taier,
•>* '.'•■>', *-> 11 If) Mr 4 I'
fUcttrvr of aferrnaote* Nail.ttial
twpk tn M X, Ix-i-thim, lot It blk
». tinman park, tiooo.
Henry '* K•■!»•■*' et ux In Vylvla
it r..-k v i!h. •■•,«',■■. ■.»«>,
M« - i|. ."'■ ' I. au» to hnt, ||;i
»t«N-»lVfr t««-urtty Raving* bank in
fttrah Kit afa trick. • .i n » In ei-r ;:,
';• -I r 4. • '-•
• ■:;>- Inveatment company lo Ada
l^im -I, .- W % 1..1 2 blk i, T- ti> »
fourth a.l I. 11.
Adit Liiifilf tn •':!«.• Investment
■.ii.l 'i -. n ', lot l i.:» i T'-rr> ■
fourth «.|.l
>■■>•" uf I'hiUdelphla M<>rtg*g* A
Trtiat nimpnny i»ni lot* ? tv It t>lk
.■l t.. ..!i!. T.de land*. |lt«t
William 11, Illekd to Charle* P.
ami 1.-i.« M tllck*. I.'U 2 and l l.lk
I D. T. Wllllama add.. , ii.
Air- Dumlun to Uartln rd»«.
lot 21 BrOttaln'f «-II lv Klrkltnd,
T. J. lliini- « >-f UK tn A i.hlnri n
v i>; i. il Itulldlng l>n«n and Invest
ment i«--" I ii. ii. lila 21 tn SO hlk
V. „ ', lot I ■ bib *■'■. Rail Ueaefa
lull, tn in -;, ii ■■ 11200, It.
Mum.- J. Miller to Ivan I* lly
land, aw If n» ', aw ', ..■<• I Ip 21
r ». <i c.. 11.
John C. Miller to aame, a*m« pro
p«-rly, IX4)
Ivan Kill 1 tn Carrie ■ ".lit
tie, *w ', im ', aw > 4 aec 6 tp 21 r
'.. >|ni' claim, 11,
ONE OF THE "400"
Wanted to Talk to Mrs. Van
derbllt and Mrs. Morton.
UTItACITH N. T.. llay !«.—A
n:.in about 3** yf'ir^ old. whn *<t!d hi*
name %tn* I: ■'■■ ri Hnilth, entrred the
lonX-dIIUUKV telephnnp ofMcf In 'til"
rlly i-.-l i) and announced that he dx.
aired lo talk with Mr*. Cortlsllai
Vamlerbllt. Jr., and with Mr«. tx-vt
I*. Jlurtnn .m-i her ilaUKhlor*. When
in they could nnt Im* rnmmunlctl
.-1 Hlth In til i' muntter, he n.ild Im
"Why, they nre well known In New
Turk, nnil Any OfM fin ti-ll whn they
!<■ 1 *m nn i- it.t i of familiarity
with all of New Tori 4UO, .ml fr-
qavnUy .. th. in up «n the tele
lihont". 1 have tnlhed with them M
•h- lel|.|.|imie a dOMB time* within
thi- ln»t fi»w weekn."
Tli» ynuntr «nmnn In rhnr«:«> of
Hi.- telephone Called In detective*
and Hi v l.i-U.-l Smiili 1111 .11 hi-ii.l
quarter*. Hmllh rerenlly enmo to
Hyruriiae frnm th*» Went, where hf*
worked an i» cowboy.
Headache Powders.
ITTTSIItTHI. l-a., Slay Id—The
coroner* Jury In the cam* of "Mm,
Cells Duller, whiiitleil a few mlnutag
after taking n n*s4tac6f pnwil. r, hrc«
rcfniiiinenilcd thnt lhi> ItatU leKlnln
tuie psaa a law r» ■*' ii' Hhk Hi-- : ilr>
of headinhf" powder* and pnletii
ilriiK". Klvi* iiiTKiinj* hive heen kill
eil by hi idm pn» ■' i I in Ihld clly
within thn Inat yenr.
Tunaday Mornlnff. —Wmt ulrrel la
i|ul"t tmhiy. Tr.nlr! la weak mi.l th"
iiiarkc In ure> ali-tuly. Quotation* ro
tnnln Hi ■ nnnip.
Tli- following prleni are being Of.
feri"it to.th" pro Incur by tl.r. locnl
flenlem for ilrllvery In round lots on
Hi., dock or In the fur nt I'M.-
Uruln — Outa, i ■■. barley, 1:3.
i. i hi. kaaj ferd, i: i. ki i
■ • i i-i i..i,
HI I m 'i". .Mo. in M
I'lßit*-"Mtiit'liy frcah ranch, f'.'i.
--■ tut ti-r ~in nil ranch, louilc;
c rfiiiniry, UWIBo.
r.iiiiii v ■ 'liii l.i-iii, Hi. it..
1,1 vi- hi.iv - I'liiih nl.i • ■ ratlle,(iowa
4r>; at.'l'm. 4H(|lc; good hot*, live,
*',' . i.,., .. .ii. iaaa, •■'■,■ '; calve*,
<111 •m•-. ! 1... . •'.- ; »mall, »i:, calve*.
livn, large, 4. . *mall '••■
in.i. ■ r. Ita mat Wool — n»avy j
»>'lll|.| X lilt .1 «i..-i«, nviil CO .otinda,
*■ , iintiiiiiii nt'tiriii. per pound. l%c;
Unlit aoiin-1. under Ml pound*. To;
cowl, p.>tin-l. nil Mrrlghta, 7c; ataga,
bull* BOd men, 4lf■'•>■; aalt-d 11>m.
7c; ralvea, p. r puund, le; green hid**,
10 i--• ihit II aulli.t; dry lildm. i" '
pound. Up: ■it full*, one-third I'M;
imrtiMirr deer, i" r i>otiii(l, SZOUe;
will" deer. Cry. HOl''. papery
iiri-r. >m:<-; dry <lk». »_ !'«•; green
.11. 4©Hrj „..;.,, r.S/DV; ahear-
Unit: liojv . i:n«trru Waahlniton
wool. He; Wr.irrn .laliliiKl-m wool.
II"-. dirty nr tlmb«r burned, l*») tat- !
low. fitOH*".
Jobbing Quotations.
The Jobbing <iuuli«tlmi» Imlay wet* I
aa mnil
Bugar (jobbing)— '•. In bbl*,
<'.< . cilia c, In tibia, V. powdered.
r. V: dry granulated. IV: rut.-. (He; 1
b»»i. i*., *p<>t I S»ll plicea.
I'l.mr, ri.-. (Jobbing)— l'»!fflt Hi
cellent. J3 J5; Novelty A, 1100; Kiat
(baker**). lI.TJ; California brand*.
4 10. corn meal, yellow. II 50 err 100
lii« In lolb aacka; corn meal, white,
It M pa* 100 ii.. in to ib »ack»; buck
wheat (lour, pure, II '-» per M Mi* In
• It- an k«. rra- kwi wheat, II -J per
100 11.. In 10 Hi aarka; farina. II M
per 100 ttm In in 111 aa<ba. farina, II
l>> i 100 Ib* In 1 Hi aack*; ateel-cut oat
in. ii |) •» per M Iba In 10 Ib •«< V«;
graham rtuur, 11,11 |>er 100 III• 111 10 11.
tack*; whole wheat flour, 11. *.. pi r
100 II. • iii id Ib aarka: ry« meal. 11.10
j it 100 Mi* In 10-lb aa'ka, iv flour, i
i U « i<t 100 ii.. In io ib aasui split
I--*. 100-lb a«. k*. i; w>; •|.lll t>«aa.
It per 100 Iba In ■ Ik boxea; i*arl
barley, III) per 100 Iba In a*rka;
wheat flake*. :sil> Inn IM0;
wheat .■-•. J! '.-i per <■«»« of m lib
(,•■>. fancy rolled oat*. II ai per
bale. In » ibaaika: corn meal, yedlow,
I.'au i»r bbl In M-lb aacka; rom
meal while. I: M i-rr bbl In Hlli
Miki, buckwheat flour, lure. 1110
per l.r.i in tOiti aaeka; erackaj
wheat. II per bbl In Will abafaSi steal
cut Ml meal. IIU per bbl In to Ib
•arka. graham flour. I! to per I>M In
to-lb Ml ka hi. wheat flour, II per
bbl In *6 ib aark*; rjra meal, II 51 per \
i bbl In M-lb aaeka; ry* flour, II per
bbl: fancy rolled oat*. 110 Iba nat til.la.
It .at. fancy relied oat*. M-lb a»< ka.
It JO; fancy roll*, oat*. i*r c***,
e\.ff.» <| t>blnt->—<lri>*n — M(w|.a.
par Ib. IMfllr, Java, ptr Ib, ttOllo:
Coata lv. a. choir*. per Ib. UOlto.
Itoaatwl—ArbuekWa, In 100 Ib cam,
per ewt,, 11l "I; (0-lb ease*, par r«t.
11l M; ** 111 r«»r«. per rwl. III.»i;
Java. M) Ib Una. per Ib. (V; aa<-k. >«<-.
Aden M.-ha. l7He: Caraeola. He:
'!u»t<-iii«la. tie; ittiuiiiJ roße*. I*9
Mr Mod. loo*, in. 71. lit. HIM; We,
Butter. Cnaata. t«(> an* Poultry
Hutter - llaiKb l«OI*e: fancy
dairy. In »<ju»ri-a. UOKc; Waahlng
tnn < r.-»m<ru •, i-iti prtota, 110120 c;
lUatern. lowa Mai Kinn. l»||lac.
Chee*. i;.l.i.inr) — Situ, Waab-
Infton, l.'SBll:; Eastern. US,*
uv»«»: California. l«c
lrc< (Jobblm > — B-.rl-lljp frirab
t.n. Ho.
Comb tx>n*y - C-ltforiila. lIV4O
Ue; «(r«inr.t. Tr
raultrr — I>n •■••• I rbll'krlM, 1«>,I ,
live I hi- I'M, IV.
Wtlnata, t»r Ib. aMtaaV I?«l«..
Raatern black wainuta, l*e; t--c»n«.
issue: rilb»rla. H. . almond*, fancy,
> .ft .!.rll. ll(r»c; almood*. No. 1.
UUITi. i~-aiiola, (U'c: pin*, lie;'
hickory, IV. riK-nanuii, par doatn,
Tic; popcorn, if per Ib.
Hap, Grain and Faad.
liar Oobblnar) — i'u«»t Bound, par
ton. i:«*. Maaiaia Wa*hlnctoa tim
othy. II1O14; alfalfa, 111.
Oat* <Jobl>ln«°>-f*«r lon. lit.
lUrl«y—llolled. tn.
Corn—Whole. i:;io: rratkt4. in.
f rr • meat. p«r ton. t:i
Feed—Wheat. 1.1. oil rake rnral.
tU; mi-Minna. I2IOU bran. SIT;
ahnrta. 111. rborp*4 lr*4. 110022.
dairy cbpp»l feed. Ill; M*4 eala. '
M.,1 Prie.a.
rreah Meat (jobblnc)—Cow ba«f.
le t-cr Ib; «i ■ r be«f, |i,r per Ib;
mutton, wether, »c |*r Ib; pork. T'».
i-rr Ib; »»«!. large, •*.- per Ib; amail.
I*rovUlont <Jobbln«)—llama, large,
10<4e; ham*, amall. lie; brrakt.at
bacon, II <■%<•; dry aaltvd aidea, i^c.
11. < »Ho
l.*rd (jobbtnc)—Home-made. parlb.
■%•{ « lilta Btar, »c; Coin Hi»»rl«l.
n*ai lard, r.omi nun.l. Uercea, (He;
li.ah Pith Uobb:n«>— Halibut, ".v,
iron, k«/>i-; aalmon trout, US'".
flounder*. 381; > I. •. 4. . rock m.l. ac.
trout, UUQISc; ahiimpa. 10c; ahaU.
(Q?c; • in" It. 4O(c; Columbia river
'-.i7i■; unirll. «<)&. herring, 5«4.-. torn
•■•••I. 4r; >«i.r«. Olympla. 1160 per;
«ik II •>■' par irnll.in. ■ lain*. II fo
I. r '\ k I mtirris"** crab*, live, 11.10;
■ .«.k.U. II JO.
rntntnoa (Jobtiln«) — Wlitt* ntver
Iliirl>«nk>. l*ir.«M; laUml Early Itnae
DmV.; 1-1 ml White-, ir-n^v Ynk
h.i.i and Orrxon, I.U; new iiotatnp*,
3'..r- |. r It-. native allvrr pkln j
onlona. ll* pat ton; Oregon
and Vakimi mivrr akin. fancy,
I '.. i-i r ton: I" ■ ■-. tI.ZS p.r aark; :
r«rrnt». »Oi'«jrll p«r «»rk; t-.irllr. »r;
CnllfurnU »»i"«r«»tuB t,*ftp per Ib;
Wall* Walla «n-n-inn. ml", t . r
11. rhuliarb, JVic r*r Ib; tomttoos,
12.Z3 ix-r ran*; *rll"hoke», <■„. iipt !
■lux.; wax Ik'Siih, 10c i» r Hi; »trtn«.
!>i- p»r Ib.
(Ireen Fruit (Jobblnc) — Orange*, ;
.., uinß, l.'iii!-"; n ivi la. I1.7&O4;
Icmana, II.MO-J.W; n|>pli-», Fancy, 1.175
»i: :.'i ptr box; roiikliiit npplea. II
par bosi bnnann*. i-■■" per
bunch: Cnllfnrnla black ik«. !0-lb
box**, tl ■'•■"; •■iii'tiiiiim. II S. Hmyrna
fl«;», 250 |*r ii: tn Unti-*, TH'-.
•-■ • I appli* rl'l'T. 3IV- |n r ii.il; mi',l.
- -•■ \y. S' J"i'-i.i. Mr;i« l» i rii«. it i
rrnte; California, rliMrrlc*. 11. it i boa
Lumbar and Building M«t9W-
Lagl Puperlor quality, per mTSn,
i in. ji..i , merchantable llr. |«.&OfJ
r. '... No. 1 • r l.ir. !<"•• ■i. i ommos i M
M. ;.!.v"ii:.; i |ifn. ■!,.!■ :.u. „.Ja,r
•hlngln bull*. UJIOI-M.
Kir LiumbcT—itotißh. II; thick fln
lah, rurfii.'-il, m or two 'iili-B. *. 10
■nd 12 In. ii. ■ • Id*, |lt#JO, langthi
13 tn It fi'cl. |pi . : .1 li'iiKth*. Ml- per
M ■ xlr.i, inn- Ini ll Itnlah, tl-IQlll; all
withal pruln, 14 par M extra.
triOOrinC, itrranni] and mntrhrtt. 1170
II; atnek lioanli. i-lnrh, }:iuis : 10-
Inch, SViM'a in; 12-lnrh, llssil'i. Ki-nr-
InR. Nn. 4 or I mi ii flnlsh, Hi No. 2.
l!>; V nr channel ruiitlo nr drop aid-
Ing, weight 2000 Hid. 111014 Kir urn
ii-■■ Jnlnt* and acantllnK^, rough,
!> v-.i lc. HIHI IE, C- l.iiful«; s 4 H.
111 (Til. I. .x board*, i: in. Ii and up.
Wn»hliigton itrtS Ci-.Ur Lumber —
, Itoiiili. 1*99; bevel aMlng. wilght 711
Iba, IMOI '. Mi, relllng, «. i -hi < .".'m 1,
; I and J. H-tnrh, li'ci ll.a, ;.'•.». 1, I,
) and 3, H-Ini h 700 Iba. tl.i'icv. ulna.
entlng, II0UI4; m.tl., f.-W': *A'
•hlimlßi, II 15; ai.iii'l'inl ahlngle*.
; 11, 10, I in. n Rnlah, 11, 14 and it feet,
l.'V (l thl< k flnl ' l.'i'ij ■■>.. cedar
•qgaraa, T. «, It and 10 i. I, Vi{',n't.
, picket*, 112.
, Kiln .1n..1. |l In advance of green.
, Drayace, toe.
; S.-Y. T. CO
On or About Judo loth
Will Mil under charter lor
; St. Michael
' And ill Yukon River Points
t m ti ] imm
i '..*.■ f.-tii.t I im.ii will, tho' .|.«i.r» *>+ n
. |ltt(tr IbHitl,
• tot I (■ ;,;),' .hi !■«**- aajai ■!■«'• •[■!
' Seattle Yukon Transportation Co.
[ 00-92 Will Columbia SI.
I *»•♦
Golofnin Bay
t \M)
i About M.iv 2(«h
; ifr freight ami | ..>.r« apply on tioant
, al Mbit* mm l*..k or t II < oallui*,
, A«onl. -•■■ h«l« |la|<»ll •ull4lB(.
-II AMI 11-.
; Seattle, Edmunds ani En nil. ~
.' Tirte Eitu Tnn Dtiir— Except tain
"rirvie: card
' If ate Keatlle 7a. m !.' m and '. p. m.
l>n' Kvaratl » i. a. i. .IX » m . ami
, 1 lip m.
toaneet* at Haaltla with ma*ia«r rirrr
' tor lartfme.
• t *i.i a r"rr»i :v. tounl iilj. II »; lit
,| m. 1.1. **, ...iin t trip7ft.
i»ut.i.« i oltuan Ihh| a«attla.
; li>phul»». tvr.lll*. I. IMI
I 1.. 11. buott, «>uin
: Seattle TRANSFER CO.
! rrtUltPtstiiurulßiUiie.
TatHiiiitiat tit to nm Iran
■ • •
. 'ram ma i* IJH StttM lintl
Wm, J. DEAN & CO.
• All >uit OnarantMal.
'■ PaictiOE, PaperHas£js2, Kalsoiisim
' llt Hit- I'lam-a Made to flitkw Luck
atnlik I.i i»liu.« i.l All Kind*.
Re*ldeare.l»q*taav*. 406 PUt Street
Oil Barrels
In Good Condition
; Will
i Sold
; Cheap
; Foot of Vcslcr Aye
Vcslcr Dock.
r _______________________________
! i»ig6t i FRENCH co.
• - 104 « atiiiiiKiini B|., liar* tti* only
: Linotype Jo. Printing Machine
; In the Nnrthwo*!. i ntftloattK'i. r«tni.'»
I. '• f|p ,at »}-'. kill IvfMlflM, * \\"K
MItS'KV by KCIUIIK llt rill Mil <„|>|k*i! tunny
' l<' ft*ma.
b -_pM_-^f^-r^^-^^^-_— npt __ct*ri7WQV^^i *v% p_i
, I tini.-ful lMraeton anil lml.«!mi>ri I
I r*ili<r*. 1 hicl Ar« audCulumbU ML ■
I leli-|.h«nii M>ln 1.1 HealUe, »_•„. ■
'1 ■— . U
Bright Boy
For Newspaper Route
Call .it The Star office, 1107
Third Avenue, after 3 p. m.
Pacific Coast Steamship Company
[tej^fcj^ for San Francisco
I' 1 |'4*Vv\Cfc Ttw i <m,\'n •■'.-•
RjsJinjMM k* n * »liN»rn»hi|H»
liQCiffll c/m-rn. Wiillo Wall.i,
I *%ss*)& aM ,j Ciriallilii l«-;ivo
* H<nlt!p 11.11 «. "'■ v*
I'urt Towt)MOd ami VteWfU. May 4,
■i M, 13. U. ?•>. J""B '. *> >*• '*• ** -*•
July :i. himl • very llftli <lay tlier»
«nrr. !><•«¥<• " —
Son FranclßCO
ii.i H.-ntllM 10 «. m.. vU Vl< lurl.t sri'l
I'.,H Twnwml, May I. «. 11. 1«.
2«. 31. JuriH 6. 10, U, 2<». ZIS. S». July
6, ami ev<-ry nrth >Jity Hwramfur.
I^>avi- Hunlti*. B a. m.—
<*'rtl«ir« '"Ky, >l»y V>. Jitn? U. 23;
C'lly of Toi«-ku, May 15. Jurn> *. Hi
<>il*jilm, »l«y 10, ZS, June 1»; AI-Kl,
May '„ M lll'' <. an<l every HflU
rlny 11i«-r**uft'T.
i -it,,. wmtpmnr rw'rvM rh« rti to
rjiniim-, »Ith<iut prevl«u» rmtite,
Ki.-.i:n<'i», »alilni{ iliilp* »n<l buur» of
lAir fiirrhrr lnf"rmatlwn obtain
j.r. Tiu>vvTiuTrKir:,
ViiKr»t HJ. Buirt,. l*f»n Ult, fWwltl*.
rj» town Oi i<.-- flffl'-. «li Klrrt «v.,
'«*•»(Ilo; QoOdalli )■• ik.r;» ■•. «'», Oil.
Arrnm. Hun Frandnco.
Washington & Alaska
Alaska LMtiiiE Keren Steiutlp
|l| of Seattle
*«Hi lr*« Ttllfr Mktrl
FRIDAY. MAY 19th, AT 10 P. M,
S.b.fq.t.l Sailing*, May 20th
C»Uli>« m Vlti .r!«. Vimii KVUhlf
«f«ii«»l Junr«U, Mu«' •ml li> a. »«lii
trr.iu S «.!«r « lurl. - ilrl.r. M«r I. l'J (■• M.
!*«#*' iitf«r kr^iiawltllutti Atl rlw*
»ul Uilora>il<m. nto*. etc . «Hr to
DODWELL & CO., Ltd.,
IKNIII At'" 1 '
Tbon. Main HIV«i!«rWiT
; '—
Empire Line
All Water Route to Alaska.'
; nm nmu a a ium n k imi
Juno 10, 1899
HiODwllr.< with r«mr»«nT*« Ova I
1 liii a Hi.r hittciiri lei
Dawson City
AWI All latermwiai* I'uiDU
Yukon Rivor,'
EMPIRE lixi;
607 Flrtl Aye. - ■ SEATTLE
Dr to >nr Irnl of th* liittnv
I UUed CUIfl Ot <■•»«!«.
|- __^
Tke Octtn-Golng Ste«m»hlp
Fnik I. Wilt?. Mutsr. Sim far
Saturday, .May 27, at Noon
lory Twelia Uay« Tin ir»lli-r.
For It* if in end fuMencn R*U*
•j.plj to
Seattle Steamship Co.
« hlla tur Ihx k. Froi of »nrln( Slntk
'i'buno Main ._•».
F. A. BELL, Manager
fiflEA' -v TJe**t OfflMi,«linr«t *T«
•Jn, J rOM Thon. U.lu 117. T
iV* 1 Saw Wbaicum
«A^ei. F|totiin* Uiwtlmt'l t»l|<.ui.
t-L I nul, I .It «JCU «uJ Ctll
Ctrrytni V. I Mall to all Oriental rutnt4
"Kiojuii.Maru" Will Sail
l.i Japan, China mil Ail Atlallo I'oru
About IN/lay 17. v 1680

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