OCR Interpretation

The Seattle star. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-1947, August 05, 1899, Image 4

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1899-08-05/ed-1/seq-4/

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Causes Much Comment in London-
Critical Situation at St. Peters
burg Believed to Exist.
r\!tlf. Aug. &.—The report 0( Ihe lni|x>nitlng abdication of lha i 'an
a* printed in th. London Tlm*a toii.-iy i- tho iubjxi of mui-h com man t,
*»pet'lally In regard lo the rffe» t« whlcb nui h an ait would huve on Ihe
Fnan>"-Hua*ii.4M relxtlon*
The *tore In not glvrn in- rrv.l< me. hut jh.hm ronn<*rl It with a
dispatch printed here, aa> Ing that t'• »'* v huh miffi-rtng from m**ldn
rholla ov«r Ihe fart ih.ti ii- li ■ I no heir, and alM> over Ihe t •• i I■•■'>■»i•
result* of the pear* ronf<"rn< r. Many b»ll»v* there l» a nlili-.il siiun
-11..m in Si IVtrrsburg.
An Italian Fiend Oios Bogging
for Help in Prayer.
NRW OatLJBANB, Aui. &-Kt*tik
Na*ca. the liailan w«» hanged >i
PI. John. La , yn-aierday. K**ra
miihlcm) *!irht |.r».>n« and wound
ed two olhvrs. Ilk !. .1 ii • atxfet
persona be<-au>* Ihry wrre .»■.>•.--.->
to » murilci be .-.. tin it:. I »■ i ■ r.'
)Mf» taja 11. <l:r-\ It • •■• ll l.« I' •
Italians around :.•-,■• >i • to pray
tor him
Women Cruelly Treated Near
Raleigh, N. C.
r..\I.KHTH. N. C. Ann. S.—The]
news reach** here thai the female!
convict) an* brutally tr.-.u. I on i' • :
penitentiary (arm war w«-1 i..r.. |
Th'ir »r» forced t. strip to ii- ir
waMt and ar» th*n ■asp un the
bar* back.
Spanish General* Acquitted
MADRID, Alt*. L—Th* suprt-m*
roum-ll of war ha» .1^ i !■■ i la n- •inn
i;«n. Tnr.il and Ihe other •■•'!> -r«
connected wlUa the turrendrr of «an- j
Dewey at Naples.
NAFUUI.' An*. I—The .ruiaaf
Olympka. with Admiral P*w*y on
board, arrival, liar* ih!« m-mlnt.
Bolul»a »i-rr nrh4t>(r'l am III* Cam
«M nail entered MM port.
WAHHIM.T' ■ Aug. S.-The an
atatant controller of the treatury ha*
decided thai th» »nri par inn. I
M nrfl. »r» an.l rnlhMr-1 tn-n of th*
volunteer army In the H|«"i. war
ur.<!«r th* act uf March i. i> •■> la not
. payable to th* kHr of such <,m- . r«
and m»n In case ofjeaih of th- I-r>. -
nctarle*. who may A* ait»i rtlmtia.! jo]
from ttt* NM I with ml having r. -
reived extra pay.
II- hold* that th* extra pay 1* a
gratuity and If n»t rxlurnt l» | ■■*■
seealon by th* aotdler aft*r til* .1 --
rharf* from th* •rrvtr*. In rase the
•otdler should die. hi* rlalm for r«
era pay dies with him an<l cannot I. ■
regarded a* part of hi* .= «'>.(.- It
can. however. b» («lfl i . ih* heir* of
a mat who Mat before hi* time of
cnlUtmcnt cxplrra.
BAN ritA>rri«O. Au« I.—Edward I
RaM>nb*nr. fHK-relary Of We Hjinj
Prawlaro LnN>r rounril. rivenlly la-1
• iifl a •tatrmrnt rp|rar<lln« what he
trrtned th» "criminal j»i!lry" of
muatcrlna; out any mora rohinUar*
In Han Frarn M
Thin |ir'.i^«t la one art ra will. In
turn, effect (treicnn. WuhlOKtonJ
Montana ami all other <v>a>t cltlea.
and <»ov. ftt-r. i>t nrv^nn, ye»t»rday
mad* a pertinent uriiwer.
Th« RosrtiherK rlrrular «'!»■• <hnt
the labor market la bates M .-. <■■ i. !
and that volunteer* will lie fnrcr<l to
rr-enUit Hi •ml-r to *erure a living.
It la Li thl* that ■•ji.|-' ' nf In- !
bnr «!>■<■ .in li « *.■ denial. Ttvy claim
that th* iabor maittot In thin male
I* far from being M ■■-! I ami th»t
no man need r*-enll«l If he tl*ctl to
■ • •
Tlie anmml i.-mi« tournamrnl for
th* rhamplonnhlii nt He mot* will
occur «t the Seattle Tvnnln Cluh'a
frtwnt\% ii"*' \V"<lnf*ftrl:iy nn<l the
fnllowlnf f«ur day». Th« pntrlvl f^r
the meet r\nt* hi mldnlajht It.nlnM.
■nd nh'itjl'l be aint !■> Her ret iry !,.
Telly, m r'lf.rr»-<.r (jiiil.llna. Mr. Pcl
ly la In Victoria nt th<« prraenl lime
but In hla ■»'■ -•»!■■ the r-t\tr\*-n will
be Iwik'-'I ufier by W. ii, Murray,
Drawing* for pXMlUon* will b* mn<\»
M'in'l.iy. Till pnvnl rh.imr'lon In
the ulnnleii In <','... A. Hurd, In
yeat<T<lny'« i«n «t Victoria h»
wai drf*Hied hy A. T. O<>«r»M. ITow>
•v*r, thla .• no Indication thut h» will
t>e d«-f«-nl«l In Hfiitllo. Tlin [l»yln«
there wa» on it "turf" rourl, whll* .-»
"nklnne.i" tourl will 1>" n»'»l h»ci.
Th* *vent« In Ihi l</iirr>nnient arr> nn
O*ntli>mrn'» Op#tl Klnicl'-H. winner
Will hoM 'h.'irnpl..|i»|,|,, „f the >;r"
of Washington, «si-J in* <'«irli-r Chal-
I<T!R* rup, now h«i4 tiy Mr. O, A,
Citllll'tlirl. • .
Ivrme i 111 II n<>» li. I I tiy Mr»r>. 11.
A. lluril .".I S ItuwHll. it s. ihi.
i.i i■« and ■•ntltmvn'i opta u»u«
; I" ■ ■
1.. i !'■•• ■•! • i «ln«;le», f»r ehatl<-ns*
Imp now hrid by \l •• KfoWB "f Ii
I.i i • - open il>iutile*.
i •..ii...: i!i-.i , , ■ ii IO :■! ii ■ n. 1.. »t -
m lit firjit mi4l«'h -•' :i* ■ nt i! * •■ v
liles. The winner Hill bold Ihr Mar
lon »trr*t CUP.
Th» ruU • «f the t'nltr>l taiaa
I U*n Tennl* i - ■• ■1 km •Ml (utrrn
j th» lournantent.
• • .
I Hume of the |. ■ •■■nit tennl* player*
j wh«. will pertlelpat* In the lourna
| menl next week ar» ■ ;• ■ < k ■ A, Hurd,
I «f Hrattle, t-hamplon of the *late In
1 the KinirlMj i .!•! itii •-■' .ii lit.).! ii
|of l>hlllt|Mi-AnJ»ver; I. Oily, one
•if IVjUtU-'n le«>llnK i i .».•-, Thomac
Kranimlit. of T»f>om«; J, K. r -i:w. •
of Vlrt.-rla: Mm !;.,.•>. of s. ..li:.-.
and many at bar*.
• -■•■•
\ new i": ■■< rlub ha* t ■• n or
>: in « 1 .i•-. ■„: the ..•' •,■■ I |. ..; .
V-!- Mm I* the Hawthorne Athl«lU
* H|Hirllnif .•■!?. The . t.i. .•>• nf the
rlub. .i« •• i out In the am. !-• of in
j corporation. *ht<-n i»n- i...-» ny i.
...Social (]hit-(]hat...
Th» WHk In »•-> I*l matter* haal
»-wn 11: v-■ i > J»«otr»> tn Hat »pa>rt>,
■ llhoujrh |iU nl< • an>l •-.•ini>i".« |>«V* .
fiil ir»!it t i ilnr.- of rvrmttlon.
Ind'xir »■•• t,il cvrnt* are ii.-t popu
lar ix.m( to ih- warm weather. anJ
th« Invillnß rnvlron* of the ■ <r.
• • •
Th* KpwortH 1.- -i«'i>•• nf a»iiil»
■ n-l IL*llar I Jiiiv.l In « «r in I plrnlc
at Ih-llrvu* )'<tc.|n. The ii.it.
rr I- T. I Li!" mi rhartrrrj.for the
urtulutl. an<l right *■• <■(•■■-« wvr* f'(•
-- •-■nt. -I I, i h ■ .<.-n- wore It* own
i ■; -i - and a m<wt plraiunt day » »i
•-• ■ ■
The rnutr !• •>• of Kit. Mark*
ihiip'i. ii> ut thirty In number, arc
ramHrm at Juanll* in on th- ea»t
aide of I-ik- \Va*hln«ton. The ramp
I* In rnarve ■ f the choir maitrr, C.
V. icl<-harl.
Mi« William Hartranfttl* rhap
••r •>> ■,« a |«rtjr of seventeen y<iun«
I -•■■! >. who are rani|>tnit on th.- shore
of !. Ik« VV»ahin«i..n The romp4"y
I* matle up of the Ml***a Anna Mur*
ray. Main?) AM. Winlfr#.| Abbott. l
) May lloncman. <!en» llo«m»n, Anna
l>-.» n hi. Veva M. u« V<" •■ Hnrt>
ranft, Ida C'arl»>n. Ulllan Kalr
t..:•■.- Mr*. *tVllllam* nml >!..>•. I
M. ii> Cole, Ni »!. .. Clark. N. II '
lirown and Trlnk. Many of the
yminir people nr* > ■ * .k-.-1 In com
nt.-r. ;.ti riurvutt*, ar.d rome to ami '
frwrn the city daily. Thi« la a novel
way to enji>y Ihe numm«r *eajii>n
where .i \ . .it. -n I* lm|KM«lbl». and
It I* likely to become v> ry popular.
• • •
| M ■■ May Kllleit mv< a Minn '
I party la*t \V«^ine*.lay evening on th« |
!'!» »tnnln« yarht l.n.u I>uri-|
<*het>n was ■• ■■- 1 on the yarht. ami ,
% fc."-l t<r ■ ■ <■■ ,\ i. 1 a very enjoyahl*
'<-...* Mr*. M, i. Hampton a '"I a*
rh.»pep>n for the party, which waa
mail* up of M ■« May Klllen. Ml«»
M ••■• : Huahton. Ml** Wood. Ml**
1.-11..1 W.HKI, \|!». I. r»i. Sf.-M.ul.
\l -• \i .•.. . liiiahnell. Ml** Ulllan
KnlKht. Mi/<« Klla White. Mlm (Inf.
farj-Titer. Ml** Msli-I Itli'litin. Mr.
nnd Mr*. I* I. II .|. ; ■ i. Mr. \:t.. ri
l...rii. rf . Mr. 11. r. Onnplon. Mr. C.
Woo.!, Mr. John Abernrihy. Mr. I.
llurn*. Mr. till ton II > Mr. Will
h.uii i- Mr. OiKirare (iraham. Mr.
Alexander llamllt'ti. Mr. Oliver Ah-,
ernethy. Mr. Arthur Hix-nrer. Ml 11.
ThompiMin. Mr. WMI Kllli-n. Mr. U
Knltcht and Mr. fonlyon C'arjpenler.
• • •
The H*-attle T*nnl« fiuii made a
j- -■ 1 .!..;'.- on I■- ■ ■. ii. In Vic
toria. I-. I'rlly. H.un nitwit, ft. A.
llur.l. HUM rtellly aikl Mr*. ('. II
lloltlru h-l'l lha I. ■/,•.- for the home
• • •
Mr. W. 11. Toiinn und party are
n t' r . - ready f r a trip nrroea the
< rlympl*"*
■ • •
Mr. and Mm William Ward vinlt
e<l with Mr*. •: iii.i-. i nl ■ 1 ■ n h i >n
"."p. lh»' «e<k.
. • •
Mr. Orval Turk'-r retiirned Mon
day nfti'r a Khort V/ir-iitlon lit Al .«•
• • •
Mr. Frank I'ii'rre left W'dnrmlny !
on nn *»eur»lon trip |<» Alcmka,
Mr. J. llrooha leave* for New York
Mr. J. ES. llnwklnx bil returned iif
t«'P a thrci' a. ki vacation.
Mr*. Walter 11011, nnd Ml** Mull,
«r» «[>en'llnir a fir* Week* ut Man
< h<Httr.
• • •
Totiifli'dw Iho tr'tn tr/vl'-* of Ihe
r!fy Will J .In In n ».ljr rianc* nml ex
euralon on tho barf* Skookuni, X"l"l!
as far an I'nrt Towna^nd.
• • •
Mr. W. f l. Merrlrk la vlnlllnit th*
principal eltlet of Ih" l".ii*t,
The m«ny frlen^ii of Mr, It. U.
r*iiiilweii, w ho rwftntly returned from
Cbvnn In ft rrlllwil * I:»«<• .' heart ii
i will 1..; t - i.i.i lo learn tlmt lio l» much
.Hi- "Th encourage athtrtlr I*, vm
naßlti'*. boKltut, an I (thyph'nl rtiltine
*ll!if|lg till* Hi.-niiii-i» >ir «H|tt «li O*
rorpnrallon.' The ofltoara are: Ootl
A. Hlrtr.mi, |>iv«i,|nnl: «' M Beotli
vlce-prealdanl; (Iraile KarJ uri'if
liiry; \Vm. UiiWul. Irennun'r; Win,
i'.iimm. I i ..Ilk Km. til. Clarenc*
Mullory, . 'li.i- Kuii.ii.l. tilt Dim
K*ije, are ih. truata«a. II la the In
trnllon of the |iromolnr* of Hi. ■ lull
In mrt .ii • lam** nxmiy >iu<u t> i • mid
1 ii|n'H a tint iiifi !■■ "i>il men* lull
IA Kiii.ik.- mil a basing rarnlvnl will
in' Kiven ra< h month,
• » •
One week I ii- . Hi.- »..iii i. i mi. Ml for
ih«> <h»miilnn«rip of the itorlhwMl
will Iw |.i i\,-l al T.iimi.-i All 111
|iU>.t« m ii. i|..it|nK In 111- ttal*
i 'i "mi -«(ii|> will be .11 hand, .lit
hltihtla** work may lie aipaelxl,
• • •
Aug. II Hi.' Hawthorn <luh« pmm>
I"• •• asm* good tporti On Mml .I"1"
Ike Mi" km. Kill n« i W. ii Jom-K
fur a Ilinlled numtwr of round! tat
poinu. a pur** «f •-■ -" h.i» bam
htiiiK up ftir Ihn winnrr The nun
an- h..ih id I li. HrlgM »n i will <if
Irr m ring "i between l«o iii.
iHiunda. In addition i" Ihe piiroe
the men have put up "I-I"' '"■'* of linn
a|i|e>-«. The i otitralant* are now
irainlng I'rrllmlnary i« thl* «•>
thrre will lie i»i. « rminil eahllililnna
f.ir i-ui -. ■ The Rral will !«■ ti^lwrpll
the "ISirtland Kid" nti.l Hilly WVlah.
They will weigh about 1:0 poun4»
eath Following, •nrnimy Hell*n*
and fal«y i*iiito|l , lwn fealher
weight), will .-utrii iiii ii"' audlenre.
• • •
Inlere»t In th" annual meet of th»
I'ai-mr Northwent a**«iallon at A»
t.H i.i on Augual I*. la "■■' |iarli>iilar.
Ijr lively. The - A.«'. learn will not
i contain m«r« than fight or I" mvii,
and i-.««ii. > not thai many. The
jT. m CA. will not wad in-. than
, thrre or four men. and Hi.- I'mver-
J ally ii."". or, at lea*l, not in»r« than
j The entry blank* f..r th* meet are
I out, and cimtaln the following
event*: Ino.yard danh. (nn-yard run,
!-■" » ii I hurdle, running high Jump,
running brtwd )un>t>. pulling *'
l»>und *h<K, one mile walk, .'-■•' v•• • I
dash, one mils run. ,'.■' \ ml hurdle,
•<• nrl daah. pole vo ii thruwlng
IS-poun-l hammer, throw Ing Ihe dl»
--> >.* relay rare one mile, *tx to enter,
four to run. The Taronia Athleilr
• lvi. haa i.nW. I that putting the :•*■
l..iifil weight and the one mile blry.
Rle rwe Iw added In the<n\ The rule*
cat! fnr them, but they w*r* Inad
vertently .'iii.tl' I
. . •
iVpiember I* I* •• i for a big ..|>»n
rlum| :.ir«M|. meet of the Vorihweal
athlete* by the Jitn." lUy Alhlellr
I Improved* .mi th* «»i i plt.m-tr la r*ai
t* KA\n\n* U.» tutfumt *%rrt\%KU
■ • •
Mr E. I. l.ipfinan *!!■! Wife, who
have (■»«•!! vt»'.i.n( hrf. r< Km.. I i .
l"Tt mil T«'*li).
Un I. A. lluiti. of Aurora, tit..
Hi inn* h-r rou»!n, Mr. J. B. <Ul
Col. J«m. ■ Hamilton Uirii la on
a inp la W««hln«ton.
■ ■ •
Mr* Jam«-« A. K«rr an<l family are
ramping" at II »»l Canal.
Mr. C J Moore,' of Imi-n. I* *!•■
Mr <■ I ■■• D ■ * •
Illnic In UMCltr-
Mr. ami Mr* William II Pyoti ar*
••njujrlin -in outtnx at II —-'I ■ ■■ «l
• • •
Mr. Thorns* Darfca an.l »lfe left
thla «<»k f»r Alukii
. . .'
Mr C C Million, nf Mount Ver
n-.ii ■■> t>«llinac In th* my l-ni.-e
■ ho week.
• • •
M •■ I- ■- ■ Illrk* returned ye»trr
day 'r.»m her Halt to Port T>>« n»
• • •
Th* ladle* of th* M. X Ai<l Ho
rlety '•( Wain* are perfertln*; ar
rangement* f •' a Mir -», ur ,,. „ i,,
(tea I He.
-:- • a •
Sir. I . i'h Turner, late of Kulr.
haven, will make Mi |>ermanent mil.
danea In Beam*.
.. - .
Mm r. II Parker. Mr* M X
Partor MM) HIM M r. Park** are
tk.riK I trip In At -V .
« • »
Ju<t«e arwl Mr*. It. O. km are.
preparing* to leave for Kurope. They
111 Ilk' win them Ml"« Pally Itar
r nii!<*fi. h*i will remain In I'arla tn
ftiiKh hfr atU'llr*.
• . ■
t>r. »n.l Mr*. T. M Taunt am at
({■-»! <.*r.*t iAm|>ln|
• • ■
Mlm Vvr» Hmllh la vldtlnc fil-1. I.
In I'"ril.lit I
•-• a - ■
Mr C. M Ht,.v»«ri rina n-lurnM
from Atlln Tlly.
M«a*r* ni^hTrtl* anl Edward Iliit-
M«Mra R i ! in-1 Edward lim
l«r l«ft for id* north laul Tui-»lay.
• « «
Mr ™„ I Mr». (I»~>rir» i; 1..rl l»ft
lam Tur«<lay f<>r a trip In Him.in.
Mr. I. t<»vy li>ft fir flrwn ftlvi>r
Hj.rlnr* !»•> Tnr>,t«r
■ • •
1 Mlm '• Ahram* ■ vlalllng frl. n.l«
in Kin Fran* .- ■.
. . .
Mr Okii!.« r. Hl»'"i ani Mr.
Harvey Mnllhrwa an m rout* tn
June* v.
• • •
!(<•¥. ». ft ohrum and f»mlly li-ft
Tur«/tay f.»r «i month* midriff Mt
!..i»»t H«-iin I on ' »r< .i * In'ait')
• • •
Th* family of Mr W. <■ ThompiMm
Brriv»i| from ("hlrn«o lhl« «r«-k.
l"T"f Trevor Kin^n return***! »llh
th<* llarrlman expedition thl- work.
Ml«» Prlro anfl Mum Hal both of
!• '• liOiil', and Mi«* PMlllpa, M I'.il
mvra. Mo. are vlnfttnar lira Car
lo* <>n r>lcht**nlh avrnuo.
• • •
A hi* fturn hak» la: pnimla< I to
morrow at J>donilo b»»rh.
Mr. and Mr** William A. Ornun,
of Vin"ni\.-i and Ihelr Iwn dnuieri
t»r« m.-i ■ vNillliia? In thf rlly Mil lag
tli" »..k
• a a
Itfv. n. ii t.vp-I'.i of p lulafa i, »■«*
In Ihf illy iinrinir the wei*k.
• • •
\l -i Alto* Kf-rton cm.l Mini I ! ,-,
Kerfon rirc* Ihi ((•'"'lit* of thc*|r *lsl^r,
Mr* I'.iiU. r
Mr. Metier K»n*fmn wn* vinltlnir
in T«roinci ln*t MMn'lny.
Mr. nnd Mm. «*hnrle)* K. rr.inp ;mi|
f:miily lire rnmplnß lit Alkl Point,
• • •
Art Informal hop w;im Riven i,, »i-v
--rrnl yminir penpl,. Nt Or.en t.iltc 101 l
Miuiilny i>v<nlrii».
> • •
Mr. KrfTH'h l»orrnnre hn* roturiiftl
from a ahort trip M Wwtnrajr,
TUB BE \ i I II I'AI!.
m**'M'i.iilnh. The it.iy'a ■port* will]
ntiuriM i*f 11.11 k ulnl fit I*t i'Vi lltn hihl
liliyclr ii.h
Mm. .1 Uniurnitli hit* hfin appoint*
•■ill hltf eOMttl fur III.' Xt lliuf VVmll
iiH,!. m liy tlin :. < im *»f AiiM'rWiiti
\\ Ilitlltlvll.
Th*construction of Iwni inti.n mnti
■>f Ihx M.iitintllH r. mi hh yi !■• |mIII
him I.- ■ m <-i»riliitri<<<t far, only iih'iut
one mill «>nt-*iui!r mllw H'*w rvmiUPi
1.. lirllllt tin' i-tili In |hi* itMil.V |H*Mt,
It I' Mi. .!.-■•.■ ef Hi,- Quoon ('My
i I It.ill.U' (lull |i> ti I 11m- irltutllill
Th* V. m C, A. will ronMnua In
retittvil ih« V. M. «'. A. park iiutinir
lh< r«-iii"iuilt-r fif tltlH Ki'.imm. nn<\ I
»\ 1. n Miittihcr **=m*'ih i»ih'h« lli-yi
will in nil probability h«vi- ■ pnik of
llmlr ■ «ii «. ii uihlit »ny. T>n> •»•
H<i i« Hi-ii tin* 114*1 yti bsvn dvcldvd
T'i. Imiilv (if tin Mltkn<»tt|| linn HAN!
(.urn I i» 1 in* bay 11 hh trait uf Kprlna
#irr«l, liy < party of n< utuhMitnttf,
ii. .1;! . .10 Uilm niuritin^. Th*< holy
hu» Ih-*ii In lh<- Ini> fur aboul Ihr"1"-
--j»«-*ll« 11. I »w» >n bully ilri ->i!H|hi«.
■ I iii liniiirtllatrly buriul »•• 11" .
between THE ties
CAHDONDALK. »•« . Anr I —Jim !
Hill, i>f Ihi* ill), h lir.iki-.iim »n Ihf
I. ■ n ... A llu.lkj.ii imlr..n.l, \>Hlo
• "-'I i i.*' ■ . ■> »' \i .■ . tiuinittll, ym- j
(• 1.1 o fX"I hi* foul c/mifhl bftwrvft
two tli« unit «U hi 1.1 Hi. 1. nt.ll.- a
irttin .!..'.! ui»n him. II- lrir-J ■•■
• .t\r hlmat-lf !■> ihnittlnic hi> !• «ly
... 1 ■-■ iii tnrki »■• thai (he fmet
W«tUl«l " "■ - ' M' irq, but H«* nllly «U4~*
crr«lp<l 111 .. •■■;■■•■ i. • i. -' . nvt-r Ih*
mil. Thr r«M r«n «>%i<r hi* bivjy
!• ;is'ii-.v ■■■ klllinn him limuiuiy.
• -
j ,
Seattle lining Exchange
■lies Li::r*;J hi fc«::::-l 01 Waun Uilsi Strri:-
Gablo Atlclr.» »K:fVtIIMCX -
From All Mining Centers
|JP 'Jy J- ,H" f«» V«J gj I
You are Cordially Invited to Attend Daily Call
I to 2 p. m.
Mines and Mining Stocks
609 First Arc, Easement Mutual Life Building SEATTLE, U.S. A.
Tolophono Mam 273
Secretary and Manager.
iMtiiwimtttwwwwiiiiwiiiiwiiiiiiitiwwßwtwwwwtuntwwuißiiwiuwwnim—mmiwwM— mmm
CliUiTUil lor *Hi\H M Hull UU !i«::al Utß Is tBUUUO. Httt.l. I IIQUMI*
Union Bakery.
IBUftHlraiGd tsi Piej. • • • Maailacrnren of HirdUti in Toia
P. a. IIAI I 111 RO, i»mp, imiMkeSt.
* Can Secure Space and Electric Power •
2 AilfHlllll.-1.11.1t 111 Hi.' >11..|U.11«U. Itui, ... 1....1 I. .!.« , „.,.! n,. I. |, M.h, .!„.,.,•
T i.v.l m-t i.n.l ar. ii'.o uMilh. **
J Aiinnta for- Ihn r»«tw "»f «. .. i.... Imn » Light ?
*£—« I^iV^ i:i<DipynTrc
// / \\* Xil\. \\ **°- *3°. »«O. »ao
If -/ i y»^^ II >, ll l** ■■< ln>w"m*BU
/S^-*^ "^1 HOB 1110 l*t.ontf A.« . baatti*
L <?■ *f*»sTi%X^''S«?>*'l*r »i.">l j Mml«ol«<»« thick. Hlw. IWlft. i bKlfhl.
■if* lW l 'Sa''f»lr !#!%.* \ I'^SK I. « l'l«irilii A liml, ,%»A(t , |l W
KffJ*£jJ| JOT r^BM^. ' \vilKj*»' l*il«lr«u'i '■ 11. liuol, ixi 11.. ila
-S^T^ls^l^ Felitz Tent and Awning Co.
■*- -" : 1 117 Yuler Way.
Moran Brothers Company
I M.IMIIiS and SHIP 111 lI.m.KS.
<lur ph.nl In. In. In •'.■■■ l i-i.l >v.->.| r. n-liu. li.n til. 1 MT>n nil li,.ii.li. « ol th«
1,..-..,. -■ %:..,,, tit.il nil .'lh«r eta*w»l t.r i... •• . . m • .hi ami t.)...!...)
,\«. Mi. r..r ••v/i.tiMimi. v" punnlnf nu.-mwit, m. :.\ „,, ■ Kn 4 ■■itgbtru" w».
itr lvi.. b..11.r. ui..j ma Ualltd Li.v« ....i-u.i N'ki.n > |iw|,
Itl'KH'Al-ii. N. V., aui IS.--Al«rm
.mi thi) allu.k* of 1 limit Nrw
r.MiinlliiMil •! „- in.ii aha* -I up In
Wiihlk hi..i,..ii nmi In I, •v«HI'-
hit* .... . 1 U11...11 ii-iii th« — - 111.
iiii-nl* In Hip tli.l til.' purl of I If
l»w n „f Al4«n .111 llm . i-I.lt. |. I' I
nr ihr ii-wii uf l.«mii»iir. County
I'li-rk \Vi-iii»p, *ho ||vm nt VVin<l"
•Iklli'li, Kttlil liiliy id .1 ll.il- !■■■ I)
ii«K», IWO honwu. two f««'< hi ' on*
Ml b«VO l» •■!) »hn| inTdiix- lln-y hail
I l»'t-n tilllrn liy th* mml .i,,k Th# ij<n
Ii Ih'-uxht 111 Imvt. run .1 I"MII In m.
'. territory *bwil 'iniit him•• »<iu»r«<.
|HllH'kln« iviryihlim tli4l runii: In
11 ■ way.
Senator Jonas Not Well
LONDON, Kn«., Au« I.—UnltMl
Hl.li. » Hrnalnr JmifK. of Ark»nan», l«
run In |""T in iiiii -•«••» -►•... In
■ In-('uiillnpiil upon ih' n'!vU"-nf tin
aiu'ilullat. 11. i.i' l"'»rt alTn-llona.
I M Tuwntend Social Affair*, j
\!;-- |i > !■■ of H*n •■"' '• ■■•. ii '*
b*tn K-nlrrrl many r— 1 ii *llrnilnn>
at Hhlih many Hr*tll» |>*<ipl. «rr»
(.irxiil. 'ii.. ,-v. i,'» nf th* ».-k 111
1 iuii<-it .1 picnic, r*c«plton and ■ liliin
■ ■ •
\V«-ln<-«il«y «ftrrno<in lh» aoili-ty
|>mpl<* of IhP City "I"" rlltrrUllicit
liy <'hlrf l>o>'l>, nf Hun l°*r«nr|>vro. oil
itxtard i!.. I. H. H MrTulloch. l.l»u
--■. 1 ,i.i Atle*-, »h.> rtr«-(t th.- nrn nun
'at Manila twy. « nlnlalf.nl th" rftin
tutny with an InterraUnc '•'"' "" "'""
; l'li!ll|.|-lll.«.
I Th*> TVnnla ' ■*• il' i-*>\<- m grmt\'\ ball
l.mt H ;r...liv * >-• iilhk
TiiriWiAy l*«l* lira rill. t»tU
•rava a nc*pHou in honor •■'■ Mr*
«lmir«<» 11. •!•! I. ol ri |i«K'> mil
M ■-■ J<-««l» Illrk*. ..f H<-alll». lh#
.r«x>niß wi-rt-taaK-fullr 4»c*»rati"l. and
th* ■" •'■' ■■- i- "n* of Hi-- in ■■! MM •
-''.1 Klvcn i*. 1 — Ihla ••Milan.
Monday's Tan Shoe Offerings....
„ Will eclipse all former Shoe SHing
V 111 Ladies', Men's and Children's
I J!r^ ' an Shoes at surprising cut
/ /%>\ prices. Extra Salespeople
/■„ (*• \ will give you prompt,
/nSS/V^ ' courteous and
v\ st,.W careful attention. Bring
■>J^Bk your feel along; we can fit
\V^^\ ill sizes and make them look
'^•ftj^^ stylish.
M.i.'k Onulnx -i .in Kit) miOEtU l.ili. ■>' Kln*«t Tun v\-\ Kill
nn i,. ■ Darby md plain Bn#il*h jRIHIKM.fIn* combination arroll.lrath*
lailp; hiiiiitht t» aril ii I.' '.<< aixi [«■ and tutu v VMllni t»l'». New RuM
worth cvrry panny <>r II; Moiniiiy'»f 1,, i,. li, InKm, batullful drrtiii '■<••!
!•'!■. Hhllo i! • v i.irt. tl 7u ■ pair. M.M i,.iu<. I rod*) » i"i.-, irhllM
M^n-n ru.' T»n Vi. i KID mtOICi "" ' '••«. ■•Tl " l"llr
ki'i ... 1 loth lop. ii'vi Opera or plain flroken ft— -rrtnwni !^|<ll#»' T«r»
• Hub* i.i.'. kid or r«n>y vi»!ln« <?o|or«l OXKCJKP TIF»; were II M
tops; ■dually worth MM. M ,1, !i>i. « tl 'l II 75; Mnmlay'* prlcp. whll« n.«/
prlco, viii. Ih.y Uat, unly ILU a Iwi.m a ptlr,
pil4r < •hil.ir. i, . Kin.- Tan VI. i KID
M- 11 « lii,. I'd-* 1 1 it>- rolor"1 Vi. I Sll' >l-~. ii.-l n'vii- " i|.<T» la«t|
Kll> Hilol.'S. rii .•11--.w>"l »•>*.- • ■ |.. •iK'a « to *. wr- hi. n»w 90r % .
m-» 11. « lam. limiui rmii nnlahrd pnlr: Hi< • .', 101 l «■'■ lit" n ■>/
thn>u«h'iul; |l M) value, Morntiy'i Ji r. a pair; iivn I.', <•> 2, *»» 11.71,
prioa, rWt« tbry lam lit:. « pair. no* II ■■ pair.
U*4m' Klnr- Whlti- Kit) BAJtOXIM, tuodlom* (Ilk km »lv>i buckl«|
hand turnnl; urn I."ni» »-i —• I II Mi ■ pair.
l«.llfa' Klrw HKUOK DUI'I'KHH, l«ilhi-r rountrr.; cr*n<l ».arln»J
'■"• a, pair.
206, 208. 210 Pike St
8. [. BARRON, Pre*. M E. WEYMOUTH. Vlet-Pru.
Copper Vault Mining Go.
In ■ U\ter i- 11. V. Wrymntilb, dated July 7 Mr. H. K. lUrn.n. th«
r>rr*t'l*-i.i of th« rnni|»any, tart: "l'«pp»r Vault i» ■ property world
Ihf working. K»rrjfllitn» It booming hrr« now. Tlilnjt* «re fhowln*
up In f*»t >hy. an*l ii<**r» U no rr«>ni, why < ,>i,|..-r Vault cannot
la- mail* a Irxirr, •• t tliall *|iai> nu rSorU In bviplng to dcrriop
aii't 1.,,,1.1 it uj."
fru.« ul it<Ai lor a tow day*. 2 tent* i«r iN«i.
Scuttle Mining 1-Xk.hannc. Ollicial Itrokcnk
Has Declared a Dividend „,
The Weatherby Bonanza Gold Mining and Milling Co.
Has Declared a Dividend of 5 Per Cent.
A Fir*t*clas,s Investment.
W* h«v» a f«w thouaand »h*r»* of IhU ■!■—k. »til. h »• offer Sir »
Urn days M l«c. for full partlcuUri mil on.
• I and SI Btarr-Boyd Building
7 / .- Specialist
The Glory of .Man i*. II is Strength—The Ambition
of Woman is Her Bcauty-fßoth CMi
lie Acquired.
Thousands Restored to Health and Happiness on the
Pacific Coast Who Had Been (liven Up by Other
Physician* II i- Specialties and
Mode of Treatment,
All you have to do in learn beyond • doubt what your trouble In «n4
what can !■<• done for It I* to Apply at Dr. llwvi « pATlor*. Korn block,
ml •>■■ lit' fre* rorwultatlon and alvn* ami an • \|- r! elimination with
I >i. Iwvea' won.]- i ful appliance*. No matter » hat your dtaeaae In, or
how many you hay«, hi* otter appllra to you—and tt'a free.
What Is This Expert Examination?
It I* the rare opportunity that ComM -no* In a lifetime to learn from
a rei-o«nli«wl authority—<"hronle «iliwu«e expert—Ju«t what your trouble
In mid whether or not It la curable.
Dr. Reeves Is Honest With the Sick
If he flnda a rune whrre mi 1: .1 ' skill I* i-'H-vlin, he frankly tella
the patient ••< nil arlvea luch mlvlre an will hi i them, without rharxe.
ir ■.'! Are curabla l'r. RMm will tell ynii M and tell you )n»t h.>v»
niui'h ii will oo«t \"ii to hi- > ut. .1 Thin Mvea uli-k people the trouble of
goina from one doctor to annther to find OUt what they think' th»
trouble la— atxl then mi ni 10 drrlfte which d'WMr waa the nearest to
the Irulh. It aavea micpenae— It ».)\.» lini.- H aavea m»ney—for J)r.
\m • PAIN yOU KKKI»-Mia you why you auffrr-atnl ho« you can bi
. in, .i There In ii.. myalery about It— It In bo •uixThuninn bug-a-boo—but
•Imply the rmull "f x .it - of pp. . l.il tr»lnlnjr—yeara of har>t work treat*
inn tiothlna: '-I"1' and the Ifiii I experlrme tnn.'l In treatlrwr thout<
aiida of nlmllar «■•'« thi i .ii i hi. « Dr. Tlrrvea t.i tell at a nl.inn- what or*
kiii la iiftiTt.il li■■« and why .in.l what th« rrrnedy la.
Let Those Come Who Have Some Complicated Troniile.
Who have puff* • 1 for yeara without knnwlne Jimt «hut It was that
did all them and are perplexed by the different oplnlnna Riven by differ*
in! doctor*. Iteevea will tell you HOW you •utter and WHY you tuN
' f*»r. and If your m**> la curable he Will tell you how you can bo cur»d. and
If you are IncuMbla hi- will tell you ao. ,
Come Today, Come Monday, Come Any Day This Week!
And I>r. Rmvm will examine you fre» of rhurnc Dr. Rcevea' oontln«
nil practice in treating nothing but chronic <1l»e»!iea h.i» won for him
Ihe i .....-,:. 'i. .■ midihiu th« bi'Kt rlaiwn of people In the Went. Ilia
«n. '■•'" Ii mi. ■"!•■.l by iii.- thousands of publlahed tratlmonlala from »i< k
people Mill- well all o\or Ihe ureat Went.
rnll and c.-c DR. Pi 'Wi-1.1. iu:i:\ i s KOHN id .< m -|< lit TDBLCR
WAY. si'AT'l'i.r. WASH., mill aecura proper In itm»ni i» r... It la too
Inle, i,.'.... you lire beyond tneillral and human aid. Ilia exfvorlenre In
treating luch caaea him hern irorld « i He Mm eared thouannda of
..iii. r» and he PAN CURB for
Patient! llvlnu »«ny from Hi.- plij who rnnn.tt conveniently call far
perminiil i >naultatlnn may dMCritM iii. troubli-H by letter and have m*4«
iclni • h. ni i.. iii. in fi,,- from abarrvatlon, to any part of. lh« raclllj
t'oaat. ' Hiiro houra, Ba. in. to ■■' p. in. Dlraet all mail to
4 . *

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