OCR Interpretation

The Seattle star. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-1947, August 15, 1899, Image 1

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1899-08-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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T*t«ty nv«r»nti (Month
X, >l HI .., •
\nl.. i.
They Claim to Have Discovered a
Second Klondike.
Th* acliooner Thxnw IWivani.
• ft»r many <lrlay», gal *w»>- tml«>
f»r N-< ■ ii »-uti.l « i h lh>- Jatwn
Krlly X '1 1 ■ hunting »xp*dlUon,
Ttirnr •*>■>■ fly* In tho |wrty, ..i I
«vrr» on* !• ri »Hh th« firm convlo>
th>n that >;<• «otil<l mum la s. ,i:r.
with "money to burn."
"I >wv« not < McOCd Klm.llkf"
Mkl Mr Krlivy l.< > Slur rr-ftorti-r
thl* morning -if h* Miptrtnlandw] lha
loading of th* - (•. >•■<,• ■ 'It will ho
many ntor»th* th^uxh i^ f.--.- ..ut-.ii
rr* will know wb*r* M I*. I ■>■■•!: rf
iiiain til.'-.- for about mo ><-«r», ■•
I *xp*o< mo«t of th«* t.-ir r\ win,"
Mr. K*Uy would glv* na furthi-r
fact* aa < > hi* dratlnallon
H. ■ -
runn mi '
• » I
•m I'm ■» t
Soon 10 Be Opened In
Within th* n*xt two M t hr«-r w**k« j
• atork •xrhang* In fu'.l operation In
• Ml* will b* • r*ali*»d fart. Th»
rv<n»«»tn»nl of lh» excitant* ha*
•*t'urr [ th* larc* room en <•'>■■ ••■uih
•wat MMMi of Klrat an) Spring
•tr»*?». In th* ground BOOT •■' the;
H | •*• block, ml ■ flulnc II up
for th* u«* of th» tifhanir*. *i (»■ r»
win t>* :..) »(.>'kh.>M-i* in ii>«- •*•]
charm* ml etch M •.M bar* on*
•hat* nt atock of *►>- value of II"
and no ahar*« of •lock *"■ «••;•! **•
e*pt to acttv* '■•:• MM m«n --f »*.
•til* Th* object In making this rt»|
atrKtkm la to h»v* Urn . fun.
-m»n*«>"l tor th* benefit of Avalll*.
Brat. la*t and alt th* Urn*. «i, I fore
•tall th* charo (bat M I* manaffrd
for th* benefit of any cllau*. or **t.
. Tli* mmptflr *»** b»«n tnrorporat
•4 un-1»r •- Urn of th* »tat». and
•!>• f»ll<»w4n« ■•« •«■ *l»ct»il; A. Cor
roran. pr*«Ki»nt »r.l «-t.t»! man'
• «»r. IMp J. T. ItonaM. > t> »i r. ■
Smt: D. li. MrClvltand. **rrvtsry:
IVI lurp Hi»fi tr-a»ur.f. all
E. McManit*. auditor. T*i- •nt«t<-. •
art: A. Corcoran. v Ml. «n.|.
Fr« 1 Rlr* Rmrrll. JudK* J. T. Rnn
• M J. t: McMl J ■-. i>h dtnith.
lUn*i r flatiK*. O. C. M;>:n and I. 11.
A ll»t board will b* aranir«l. ami
ar.jr MMMI •'■- will t- market on
th* board. In front of th* i-iri
••ata will he arr»n«..| for th* "!■• r
«fr« Twvrrtr-Iv* of the*' »««ai«
will be *"!•! at ih.- np^nlnc far J">
Mark. and after that all a*at«. i-r..(.
ably >r.<-» a month, will b» •..!■! atruh
ll*' aurtton. Th*** amita ar* a* •<•!
for Iff*, but ar* iubj*ct to a r>nt of
It a month. A a*at on <•'- N*w Tork
Rtork » bans* rnm'lv > li for
li:.'*o No on* will \~ *!•.».! to
N-1 on <('■» ka un!r»■» th. y .■•[) a «mi i
In th* pit.
On* f*atur* of th* -i h m«» will t>*
an •iimlnlni br>ard, ami no n,.k
will b* llat*d unlll th* board ha»
pa*a*d on It. A f*» of ISO wi I b*
<har«*d f<>r !l«iin« th« atorka.
'■|fftr»« will b* nn«! up In th»
fOoma for th« mi. and --.■•■
and about alajhl of in affjaaj «ut p
flttrd up in th* bulldlns for brok*ra
Th«*« will i■• > b* r*nt*d at auc
Quarttra ir. bete* (ltt*d up at th*
•tock *xrhanK* hc.t l.|ii*rv< r< for tit*
litfarnv*tk>n bureau, and H*« -. f i-v
Moor* •«[.»*-r« to move Into the new
quarters twnorrow.
;— : ,
8. 11. OravM. pnafclant. and Cow-
It) r..T.' • ■ • and 11. B. f*|n»c, dlr»T
tor« 'if th» Parlflc * Arclir Railway
rompany. and th» Firltl«h f'niumhla t
A Yukon Navl«at|nn eampanr, ar»> |
♦xp*ct»d to arrlv* In H»attl* lomor-l
row •v»nii.v m rout* t'> Al«*ka i (
Th*y will Irav nn the fity of **•-j |
atrl« Thurwlay for Hkaßway, on a|>
trip nt ln»r*'"|l<>n of Ih* fornpuny'ii i |
lln«» They will !-•■ ■MOmptUlitd by!!
B. Ci llawklna. jpn«T.il mana(<r of I.
th* company, and K. 11. lluaiwy, pur l
rhaainic »«'ti<
Two Important matt»m ari" to h»
)'».i<»<t Into while th* forty In in fh<-:
rtorih. Th* mnln on* Ip tb* «-xi*»n- I
•lon ■•.-•. i to Fnrt »«lkirk. iind
th* profiahj* ron»tru«'tlon of braacll
lln*«: and th* othtr I* th* .t <•■ on
wtHrh th* road will be turned ..vr
to th* own*n». Th* ro«d ah.iu'd '.'• ,
r»ady to turn ov*r by H^)it«Tnl>»>r 20.
Th* qu««tl of rolllne Rtoch andi.
*iulpm*nt for lh» road will fttM b* ,'
il»<-ld<"d a lulu Ib* pi iK) nl and '11 1
r«rtor« ar* on Ihf Kronnd.
Ml« Catherine M. Riokett*, who ;
ha* h« ' n In '. -i mi' vim n rnlHnioniiry In |
China for th* |..! 20 y.u-n la In Ih*
< Hy. Hir station -.in In th* rlly of
Chao Chow Ku, on<' of th- larfcal
In th* provlnc* of Canton I.
Mm nickcHl -.i ■! In an mlilrorx I
th* othf>r •Vtnlng ih.it h«T fff.irln In i
Chin* w*ri» rtlrrrK-d tunar'l* rim- i
«dylnir th" ml -■<■ ■.i (•(-■ c.M'lll .i, of 11
th* Chln'-p^» worni'n. A whbji
m Inn built !-<•" ypar, nnd It WMM n<nrly | I
tiurnrd by a moh. Ml« ttlckattl will •
teav* (of China »ditlii In November. i
1 • '«h II tin* to Hlt>i-i|« Iturln*
ii;» may with th« ■■••!ii|..ui\ Mr. K*lly
! vlmir.l many point! oil th» norlh-rn
ri-aat, anil t».. .i:n.- th m.-ukMU ac«
quajnted xlth th*t t>»rt of the ter
ritory whh-h lira mir Mm Aleutian
inhimlo Anv>nt oth«r rvislon*. 11.
--\lmlr.l Norton lounil. 11-i- h« <U>
tti^^r^.l * *-r«H-k \% hi-r^, ««'t«rtllriit I*l
i hl« ■torjr, h- pi. kr.l u|i ov»r »•. ••
*i>rth »f <'...-■■>• ll* »■ ralli.l
• ■■<••• « h- <i th* Wmttrn I'Mon com.
f .ny • i i j. . I f i). I anil n.-\.-i
!->ui. ! an o|i|M>rtuntty to t-■ \ --it hla
i|i**-ovrry until thl* >» it Mi ' >.nt
<h* .i■ -k I- .t .I'm «*i mi. '■..»! k -■ I m 1
I- m,,.. .! out a >. ■•■ i quantity of eoaraa
(Old KlthlHtl II i- hillK i...1i-. k ll
took out a» hlsh aa IU tn th* i •<■,
I he ways.
\\ h. n hi> r*tttr»*<l t« ■>«lll< en th"
j lloannk.* i 'nitjr. h* r< i «tt.it* an
[OVtni and I* ..ti hi* ■>•> to ■i»v*j-.p
j t'i- pr»i>rrty b« iHM«rrn4.
Man Who Robbed Hit Boor)
factor Ar retted ilKilima.
DM Monrn*. who la charted with
robblnc lUubrn fMor, ■ r»turnr.l
Kl»ndlk*r. of i- «•> In MM dual, a
«■>!•! watch and rHatn. It* In caah.
•nd a ulk, early la*< Thurxlav
momma- has b«-»n taplurrd. Chief
of IN. f Rial nMia| I irnwram
lii* yewterday aftrrrumn tram r*r«tnk i
I Rlrr>. >h*rlll of Cnwtila rminty. ••> i
tna; M»nro« bad b**n cantured at
Kalanw with th* »(ol»n pro|>*rty in
Ma t> « i<l«» Chief ll— 1 left hiat
' men fur tn r* an I sill t»lum ! hl»
[ <->• n!n« with hla (>fl*nn*r.
When M«nrt» waa arr*«t*d he
. mad* th* remark. " Wnl ii'» all up
j now. I auppom th* officer will b*
rest after m*."
Th» «-rtm* with ohldi Monrcw la
■liw«.-| raa rsaMBMIMI m Itrattl*
l >«i Thur»day mornlnt b*lwe*n 1 and
> o'clock. Monrn* met drier In •>•
i ••r>—t rar'y In lb# »v»ti:n« ll* told
i*»vr a "bard lurk" atnry, and aak*d
htm fnr MM Mat Th* two *p*nt
th* *vrnlnc t»c«-th'r an then r«-«ir.
«d to i.-r'« n^irn In Ih* h>te hmw
Ml ('■>!>■ mM« »tr»*t. near Third ay-
MMB| abmti 1J o'clock. Helrr invtl*
• I Miir.r— to -i — n.l th* tilth' with
him. When ■• »r awoke In ih*
mormna'. Munr ■» > M miaai'ta 1 and
ui»m « fi(r*tl 'n. found lila moMy
*i; I valuablra « »■• i »>r
Arrested at the Seattle * In
ternational Depot.
Th* Brat "Cuiy Chin**." ■- »#•
• •■I- •.•.lire h.. ■• had !•> •! v with
r<>r .i day. i*«n «rr.-«!- -I by i •■»'>-
Mf John Kelly In th* rWattl* A In
ternational drpot thU mnrnl— Ah
Hint*, th* 'inf ■■ •mat* • ium>, arriv
•d In (»*attl* R*!nrt»r mnrnlne ll*
m. ■••■ I Mi |.-ir. !|.« Into the utatlon
and haa mad* ', ■ home th*r* ever
aim* ll* r«fua*d In itpeak to hla
<»wn rountrymen. who appmarh#»l
Finally Ah f*tn* -*■«. d*cUr*t a
nulaanc* by th* railroad tn- n. and
ih • mornina* h* wan a*nt to )nl lie
wnuld not M X at MRaWMMPten, a'
<h"iia:h It la aald ht- MeMM F:>«l.»h
fairly well Wh*n a»k*d by Clerk
K*nn*dy If h* waa a hljthblnrior, r/
--annw*T»d. "No." ll* told hi* na?n*
and wn*n qu*«tlon*d ahout hla ax*,
h* '-■■:i>te.| hla rtm*r •-> hi* hrad
Ah Hlnc will ■ » taken I-! th* ■••intr
I iii. wh*r« h* will b* examined aa to
hia «»nlty.
M Chartter waa arr**l*<l In ■*•
an;.. M Mill •■, • ch»r». '.' roh.
blrm in Italian f«rm<r "f l."i>. at
P«lm«T cut-off l-i't S'lin'Uv Th«
--f i rm> r M»4 hi* money . ■ru --<N -I in * i
barn. X la rlulm*<l thai «M... r
mw him hi.!' It. an* In hla ilwnr<
»tol« it.
Damage Suit Stand*.
Taooma. Am. is—ln th» (tailed
ttt/ilea rlrruH rourt »n opinion wn« I
h«nd*d down y*»i»r<liiy by Jade*;
IF i !i' ■ ! iniAlalnln* the rlvht of
Chan. V. Krlckann, administrator, t«j
i.fir !■ mill for ■! .itn iic ■In 'ii. turn rif
111,000, .il'ilii-i 1h» I'afirt^ ■ \.a»t
«t*»m«Np (oirrpmy. for th* ...
hla «l»t»r by fatllnK fmrn i Hint
plank or Hh.irf al Hilks. In MM,
grain region
WFTRTOV. fir,. Auk. 18. Tin.
a*rtlon la row In th" mlddl* of hiir
v»»t. nnd *v*ryhorly in btuy. Any
nh]i--)uulii-<] man Who want* «',»rk
can llnd It will]..ll' difficulty, Karll'r
111 th" •cn»on, wh*n rrf«« wrrr ba
in* nisi.l.. ut>. <>n<. nilKhf hnvr l»cur
r>l n .1"7..n <llfr. r«nt Jihn In a ng|a
il.iy. ••> nrtivM tvaa the demand, nnd j
H»r* arr- mill n f*w belated outfit!
In *"-iir«h of "hand*." An unem
ployed man la « < urloelty (i>t<",
f'hnrl"« l«opf», the I .-■ Imilin
ii.il I- -I with criminal «»• HIP" upon
hla lwo-y«-»r-<.ld ilaiiKhter, mi- ti .
*ti n preliminary nln» In .hid**
''nnii> (f>iirt thin morning Dor. i
tor» i.»fimlnc-d tho tlllli» irlrl'a iiuiiv !
md ' iiml *h* wnji affi 'I- 'I with a
loathaom* dISMUw, ITik rimp, how
••v.t, I ■■ 'INllll: «t» account of In
iumcl«icy of tvldtnca. I
Tha 10 v»r» franehtaa f..r lh«eonaolldatad Mr—l railway will com* up i"'"" th* <lly . him' II at lh'
BMvMni '"«' Monday Rvrnlnt, i i'liiik i. ■ itatimcnl m*4* t.i th« Htm Him kfttrnoon t>y Cnun<i!
iii.iii .Inl Hi. lp*<lal roininlllr* «■■ to hwv* mot Ihin *v*nlng and CIMMMi th* "'•'' '■ ■ '■"' th* IfMCIII
in..in,,; of COUHC4I |ir*vrnt*d. A ' mi. in!' I. nir»llng »HI I* hold »i>m* nl«hl thla ».'.li and th* matter
will I. pirparnl
AWTOMA. or.. Au«. ll—About
10 31) >r»i.Til.iy niorriiiiir. during ■
I.' t> Khim>r of ruin, the unusual |
I |>hrm*ni«-n'»n of a wnh*r»tHMit Ml
I plainly rialbl* at li««.-.. ..>. i fart
■ «m!.v || ortCtlMtcd |U»I off th*
[dark »t lh» fort an>l « >< uttout 20 I
| fert in .lI.Hurl.T.
Aft* r i!' ii!.:nk- full | r ••;> 'i t •';* II
! moved "f m Mm direction ot r'ort
Hi»\rnm. on ih* '•(-►-■* hHko, • -uv
•Mm ■>„ full |f-|)Kth tl f Sin 1 l»Iltnd,
j :fir»«» :i i tmnifttnt* i k ■ i»f driftwood
land ii.nn nf »<int high Inl" iti" air.
j Afl*r I. iMi.it lh<» Island it Vtltdl
Imbrtirlly I" th. pun „!,! ,ui,| , ima
led IU. lt>-r» bay. 'IciM-uim
Th« ■icht nan mini -- I i.v him '
1 dml* ..f |«-. I |.lr- at thi- U-ar»ie» »n.|
j 11>. in ii «• nf it* Jmrttry airo** H.ml I
; lalAtxl are plainly vlatbl* In a derp
| CUIIV rut iln .ii.-'i the •ml In It*
track am** ih.- |. iv nmnr n»iiin«
b>Mls w*rc narrowly muw«4.
On» •'■•-.■ in -nf • n>d t•. mtir
In in* «-«unly 01-rki nfflr* i« rather
out of th* ordinary. A.'-.r.||n« to It.
th* Columbia ftlvrr * I'utcrt *<«ml
railway, Im in* H.. i • „„ .. of it*
•ark, • ■•! »iru i. i ■ ,i«iii ,r.... Hi.
■mutt fork ..f iii Cvtfar river an<i
• other outlet*, .in : ii.. i- i.. !.-.ii«v*-i
ih* |-r.«|»ri)f of J. J. H|ffl# *n<l wtf*.
Tl'V brought •nil atl'l * ■ m. I ■
]>■ Umrnt fur %'■'■'■ ilimia In Ih*
low»r court Thli the railway r«m
pany all —«l-l in. ...... »,, i n ia a ,m
l»nl!- | In th» ■urwrtnr murt. Now
th» en Hi » ramt tnln ttmrl m i fll»
a «r1U..l -niii • ni-m > . -tin < 1..
lh» t*rma of »hlrh th# »uit la In tw>
li»imw«..i by lh» railway cofnrwinjr,
ami »n '• •• parm^nt »f tha ■..••» and
' JU'l«mrnt» Th> .1 ■•!■- . Hi.- . .mj. m>
, •hall h* -l •■ >, ir«. ■! from any li.ii.il
lljr lh*>< MM «<-rrua trtrrrfrom.
Hatnuri llarrvn. of omaha. I* <•■•
l»-> '.-I <•• arrlw In »>■:.• in a f, «
■!>>• '•• iak« chart* of v.. . ■h.imi-
U"n of tho •m<>ii#r i.ii ii.- ra«i • ill-'
of latfca \V«»M»«|..n. 11. »ll| .!>..
ha %*• ■ 'i i■i •• -. r tin- plant after ll*
r.-rntrti. ti.in
W. ■ Owrta pr*ald,nt of th. Saattla *«M rranciwo ruilmad «mir.. nr . haa „,.t r.turnrd fr ., m
"h" «»k«r trip to N-w York and Il»*iad.l|*la. Th. ohj«-t of Mr —Wllli trlr. ... i, makr .r
--ran«>nwnta for th. pun haa. of !-..«•. for ih. rompany to run b*tw**n her* aiwl flan rm l*ro, a <I*al
wafl pra<-ll«l:jr cloa«l, «»"-t» th* ctwnpany will mm »*v.ral of th. „,,,«, coUi.ra on «h* Atlantic
■ «»t
wh.i. m th» Raat Mr. fhiik »«•■ m*.t. . -■ ■!,,. ataaM „
Th work of ronairurtlnc n.t t,.i from 1t... I. tnamflnd ■- »Mtt> will h. >lr tm „ rapidly M,M
MM* Mr. riurrln >UM today that th* company twaaata to have Ih* road r»ady for baalatw hy th*
flmt of ii- ti January.
Chinamen Plotting Mischief.
Should th. application mad* by th* Chin**. rr*w of th» traiwport VlrlorU In th* f«il»i«J rourt fir r*
l**a«. from th* ahlp •••mi in naught, thrr. will probably h» trnibl*. Th* Chlnew op*nly atat* that thry
will '<" b* r«rri*d '• th* ITiillpptn... and It I* lhou«ht that If th»y arr fore*<l lo go by an ordrr from
th» court, th^y will hay. to ba m. | i •■>,. until land la out of »i»iv
A Htar r*i-.rt»r vimt*«l Horma'l -I.»ra (Hi mornln*. wh*r* th. Victoria M lyln«. hut ••« not p»rmltt..l
to «,. «b,«rd ih* >hli' ««v*r«l m*n who ar* working on ha vaawt w*r« aaaa. h«w*vrr. and th*y mad*
"'**"■"""'" tmuhl* was again briwtnj for th» omr.ra ..f th* •t**m«hlp Th* rein- work*d
»ull*nly on Hunday and Monday, hut today dki not turn to. M they w*re lnform.d (■> their leader that
thflr c«»* wouiJ b* a*lll*.| In th* i -in (hi. aft*rno»n.
■Th*y all „,..-. „. go frr» tn4»y." Mid on# of th. workmen on the .hip "If th*r <lon'l you ran
look out for aqoalll. T-..■»• IN broodln. o**r th* matt.r. «nd »h;l. HBM r».tr.|nt I. placrd on th*m
now. th*r« will h- h*f«r* '•'> l.ay*. 1 •*»•*• th* h*ath*n> art plotting ■OOM nU»chl*f. for lh*y an
alwaya talking t.>c*th*r In group* of hair a d«i*n. and »**m awl , • ...i "
Wh*n th* raa» *II!" ■• hWnr* Jud«* llaofon) ihl. tnnrmni. all partial r.. n .-*rn*l ».r^ not pfanal
It >•■ l ui'ntly adjourn*d until I o'clock thl* aft»rn>vtn.
I^iNlkiN. Knt-. A druiwitrh from rap*tnwn mat*a that th* r*piy ol
th* Ho»r » : .n. hi",. ti ' to th* llrltlnh i" i na»l for a j«Hnt Inquiry Into th*
*fr~-t» ..f ih« franrhlM law, :. diMt|,pnintin« it >. f. i,n.| „i th* ,-,,,,
that th* r«uli will (M <-ompl*t* l,r*ak In th* Anil' r n.-,..l ml l.'i).
Th* JMnl Inquiry propoaal I* r*«r«rd»<l „. rOot llrltaln'a ..■ *ffort to
brln« ab.,111 „ poarpful »>tt|i-m*n?. Thr ' '.' parllam*nt haa »*nt ■.
twmnrtul to iv, -:,|-tn Kni«. r ur«lri|[ him •..»■. .pt Rn«land°> Joint In
quiry j.r->i .» 11
WASHINGTON. I>. C Aiiic. IS •■••'■ '•<'. .... I 1.. 1,, that 8,-rond
t.l*<it*nant J.« Jl'iw. c.f th.. Ninth Infantry, died In th* hoapiinl at
Minlln INI '" 'rnlng of typhoid f,-vrr. Mora* waa a m.mlwr of th* Call',
fornln h»nvy nrtlllpry. nnd <.n Mar I >'■ «■■ appointed in th* :. rui*r
nrmy up,.n the r« .imrn*iidall.in ..f il.n " • ||* a.,, a resident nf Han
Fraiiri*-,,, ii ltd married Ida McKinUir, ■ diuulinr of I>avld McKlnl*y
(hip of rr>'*l<-nl MrKlnl*y°a br<Mh*ni.
■■X Ni '- ■■■- phl|i M'«.k-r, nhlrh «r
--rlw ' Vldor l"lnn.| f,.r iu-v . • .1
■ th. Hool ,
ITKHTit '■'• * i1 v Han I «.nnliiiro, a. . 1f..--Th*rebel* haV* m*t with a
•',!.. that »■«« nl/tion a rni«»«rr* M*nv «»r* wound.
*.1 h..tli *ld.«. It la bellevad the iW«-at will end th* i „,,,..., uprlsltiK.
WASIIINiITnN. p. C, All IS.-Th. nttark on Ih* ChlnMi* tro.,p. by
the '•'■•'" :" Cot hot) «■«« not unesparted hfr* natural WlMman nl
Itoruikonß "■■' '" ' the iT '•» departmenl pome tlm« .!«■. that piracy and
brlrandass ».i« prevaJllns to nn alarnilnff extent Thp i ral. ami rob
(>*rn pi I'll' dominated iho wr»i river tcrrlotry.
; Raceptlon to the President!
itci-n i. in Mil \. N V., Aiiic.
is.—l'Mni.ii'iit McKlnJey win «hlic| ,
■i. .ii today by n commllt** from Hi. ,
Dew.y iPPtlmonUl nrranlmtlnn ,m.i
Invited t<» b* iirri*#>nt lit Hn rntrrlaln
mcni «t iln> Mftrnnolltan Oparn
holme In New Yoik. lip will mt*n<l
| If pnmlhle,
The i,r*»l.lcnt thin momlni aa
irivfii h crand reception at tin- r.i'h '
'ill*' HiiiiiiTicr irhooli thuui»uii<lHuf per*
Nollri llt(i;tl'llllg. .__ ".'>: ■ v ,. ■
m v iia\ i s Conn.. Aug. 15.—
\ in.l. 11. I: » - 1., mi for ■ tran*ron
tin.'Midi rallntad llu«, controlling
Irartli- from the Allanti.- T.i Hi. Pi
. Ifli-. la to 1..- m*t by atuithi*r ooio»«
. 11 i-ombifvatlon.
* ITurfc N*wtl .v. I: * Hart
...... I la at ih- i.r. i nf th*
ii«Mr railroad Hunt, ml at pum-iit
tin- pkMM »rr laid for (Imply a ion
>■ ••iiii.ii I "ii «f *(i* N»w Tork. K»W"
■>..». ii r<>ad with th* lio>t..n * Main*
an.l ii« i haadtan 1.. ill. lino.
ITi. <I*ai for th* combination nt
iii.». r •■•!■ I* UN i way. and I* •!•
i... i. I to i-i- . . t<»iiiiiiimlr<l lit a f**w
day* Tti*- at i .in-iii win include
a traftV arrang^mrnt for i'i>- Mn.f
Th» Vand*rtitlt rnntiMl tt Mi. tin*
ton * Alrtany n.i.l ha* drawn *»ay
a i.iiin.- amount of 11..«' m frrithl
(rum t|i«. fnr»i'!ili!>l road, and MM
now fomhlnaiion I* >i|ni»i tn gtva
ii ii. uull*t from Dnaton t» th*
Northwest an*! a!*-, th* .U|irwiia. :
In h«th ii'iittirtii oil xiuthrrn Nrw
Ki.k-l.ir.'l Tr-- Itnttnn A Main* and
Ih* ■ ..n* >i!-l«i». I road* hay* l««-r.
h-*tll* for )Hri. but may now t>*
r.-k .i.i.l a* aura lo b*r<uin* warm
has- ni»vniin.. All » ii-Th*
TVrHh r»ll—>!»■■>■ voluntxra will
rr-maln al th* l'r-«i.il . Mm liti
(••n(or ami th. ri l*av* for their K«»t
ern turn**. **o>rlml by ih* .<niti.iit- ■
of 1% thai ram* h*r* tn rvrrlv* th*rn.
Armrdlng to th« pr#**nt arrant;.
n.»-iit» ■ nlv on* Mop will I- ma !<•
during th* )»urn*y i.i I'lttahurg, th*
inflation nf Mayor ►•tank K. Moor*
■■! "ns.h. having l>**n ar«*pt*d
Many other mrdlal invltatlnn* from
PHl** ak>n« th* rout* ha>> l»—n .1.
rlln*d on a. ."unt of lark of tim*.
I*aao Bimnr «c» M. dIH at Ma
rp*id«nr* Mil Waahlngtnn iiim >■•
terdar aft*rooon, of blood i-.i»on -
An Important Shipping Deal.
Free Pullman Scholarships :
I'IM.MAN. Au«. II The .i| .|h.|i,i ,
niont!< lo trpr ■chnlanihtpa In the r"l- '
iigi. iu>r» »ro «» follow*: Bpokan*
nounly, chii» Oood»#tl; King < ■■iiiiiy. i
'.• i i.v.mi". Pl#rr» rouniy. 1V..1 ■!,•
Mfihii-k' . Whitman „,imiy, Minn
I .ii/ 11., i h . ii.ii^h . A«..i i county,
I'Vjml A. lloffen; KlilllnK county,
i 'Inn lei llnl . Ynkinm cminly, I' . J. '
Lynch. mi.l < ikanocu i mutt) Knul
r. nandcr«. . <— \C--:, '
HIVIKAM; Auk ll.—Th*> h*«v|c-»l |
rainfall «-v*r known In Aiik'h" In III*!
. I'alou** ■ .unit v fall Him-luy ntaTM,
<«.i»iiik mix h damafa 10 nmwliiKi
grain llaln In Aiiiliint 1* mo»t un
llM'l . bill th* vlorin thut i.»*- s.t con-|
linu<"d until an ln«h <»f wati-r li» I j
fall. •
\\ in ii waa grnrrally rlpi". and lur.
vpii h»>l b*an unl«-r way for aboul
(Wo wrrku Ai ••■■mpoli> Ins 111., l«»i
w.i" a .If UK wlml. «ti|i-h hl*w iiowni
1 th* . «!i. .-I Una lo iii. dainait^ liy
II I* 1mi«>*»ll>l» I" «lv» any ar
fmral* eatlinile of t(i" dnmar'- ■•»
y*l, a* rrp'iri* art* f-otifiirllng. but
' the flafiiajri* I* w*ll '"ridt.'i to i|ie
' •••ctlon* inrluiling ihr town* of »*o|.;
r»i. nun ■ I'alou*.. and (inrtl.l.l
Rain wa* general Hit..lit' ml
-1 •m Washington At Ket4l* fall*
■lamar' ■• re|-.i i. I ■■» Ing In ■ kv<t*
illMMMartn following by rain and high
' wind. wh|.-h blew down en. n wheat
aa i-*<-,tpe.l Injury from hull
In th* hit Itend roitntry amall
' ; damag* la raportad. So trvrlm '■'
I ' damag* in Walla Walht dUtrtCt In
. th* l*n«lat<*h • -iiinit v the rain ■> •• of
h#>n*flt to grain, whlrh w*« not rip« ,
enough to hurt.
Th* at*t*m*nt of th* R**ttl* rear
| ing Ii ni»e «w *mall*r today than it I
ha* t»>-n for wetk*. Th* . If-a: . .■ -
I won ij'iti'. £0, and i.iUii,... i l7l.
Mr l>*r*d*rlrk W. llurlbut. <•" thp
, firm Ml R|>*lg*r * Hum i. iota)
> *>i%-lriv th* congratulation* nf hi*
many fn*nd* on ih* addition to th*
family iirri* ■■! a rbarming int.*
Magul* Nr«iMi. a woman of the
town wa* arr*«t*d thin morning on
a • •■m|. nut (worn nut by Michael
K«atln« ll* rharg** h*r with mb. i
hlng htm of HI) In gold ■Hit* th*y
w*r« dining tn»»tr«-r In a Kimt av
*nu* »>th rmjr
\Vhll» milking «n «rr«T>t parly thin
mornln*. Put* ■ i <m.. r A. 11. Mi I
f.l I ii,. wiih an mi|.|f-M whlrh will
rotnj>fl htm t.. l.iv ..IT dtlt for * fr»
<liy» TWfl labnrtra, Jiihn nln«»
«ml Th..m«« rorr—l w*n crvnlliiK
» dtitwiMitca n^ar ihp Hk.itit hotel
on r.i.i «vi-nii«> tool h ml M- n ii I
in ill- an (ifofi i., li.in-!:.. 1...ih m. n
»l one* In ih<- wuffl**. MrfTord'a
right nhnuMrr unn dlnlxMl'.l ii
TTMnrtttrii !■> it-i. m lit.- rn\\ boi , tn ,i
rtnit t'>r l)»- p»tn>l With lh<> ■*■!•(•
■ nrp of th<> jnllnr. th«* tw<> tnt-ti hit**
h i ii'l- ufT'--1 i t,.l «m! t» ih»» Kintlftn.
offlfpr M' fT.tt h\»i\ I 111.' t*» th»» pt«-
M-'ii mi. i ills nhiHiltirr -i« ■«. t liy (ir.
Km 11 Ilorlm. 111 v« .1 ■• ill. II l.ikni li>
hi» hnmf,
Il«rry FnM>«-. of tb* v. ■ Knglnnil
h-'trl. kwMrt nut i COlT?plAl|tl thin
■ftarnoan, eh*rgin| I'mnk r, i
fnrm'rly ro»f nt ihr 1m1.,,1 It. with
apprnprlntlnir l\h».
i>. puty .— ■ 11• t i rr \\ n»on r«lurn*d
i n r - „,u r• .i ■ i ii■ i hi \ n| In
i -1\ \\ i ■ laundrn
«.(•-.I! i■ . • I 'i ,in M \1 i . .
..f i hi• . 11 ■. . . ,
ii M.kl.iiik. i>i
Pollen nrtli«T R. I". Cummlno m.i
Minn Mm ConMj «■ i ■ in ii 11. ■ i thin
■fttrnoon il Mi. Church of On l.Hiiy
of ill.:,- R»v, K. . I'n-r.inlHln.-i
nffli'lHllng. Th« ■ him h ru will (111 -
■■■I nil many friniii* of iii .on
i .i. in,, piirtlrn.
Mi Roptat* m ,ii „• ,ii. i y»i<>rilav i
nt lh, S#;it!l< Ri-nirnl h'*«i>|i.il „f
pjtrnJyulH. ngfil .'-" yrnr*.
Ml»« »Minlo R mi. • mi Mr. Urnry
Ram ••' ■■ ni.ill . t ii : 1,, mitdffiirA
of Mr. in I Mm. Qaorva Miirmn. U'H
NllM'l'-fti lli .i\iiiu. Sun.l.iv niilil nt (
7 nek, It. v. i:. i;. Thumi»vii oin
Don't Miss These This Week
siovi-. DIN EH SKIS.
A chance < <■<■ i buying that Something extra good In Eng
ii i, UtLnraXeA Ijiihkt Sets th.it
will seldom >g«inhe| ented „ „l Mll „,,„,,. up;
*■«.".: '."— '"' ""■""■ HW.OO '*,w '"""" *" |3.7»
• i!S i«i ""■"■ """'"': $8.00 lW&™*T.*S *"-50
M»u»t Hirdwrt ■«« lull Fumlihlnn 1315-1217 SECOND AVfc
Glass, Wallpaper, Etc.
Third and Pike. STAR PAINT CO.
' \ M St!»!tmPaper; m 8;»rt reel i! Userf:r He. 213215 i::\i::'i\ Ar>
I BRUrsirvJER & CO. ;
1 ;! lit.AIM.M4 VI . i
j ]• Groceries, Wines and Liquors \
i<; BW2 Plk* Street, MTMT Fink. 'Phil* Grct* 794 <
> j !> Dottlrd liter on Ice is right In *c«son. We carry '
1 !; Milwaukee, St. Louis, San Francisco arsj Seattle *
I j , Hark>« r.rl.r M<l IMIul i.l.grr Ala. /
turn* A»«ortm«nt of.m«
;Sr Elgin, Howard. Waltham ant) Hampden Watches
1° boll« liu< i,.1(1 rillil ••! MlvmCu** l»l«<i.uoX.. Cli.loi, CknuJ
7O« rir.t Av»Wu» JEWELCR
£. S. R. WA GO ISI R, D. D. S.
.^ Painloaa Dentist.
■Ml T*a<k. m•* nl wU 'i.iiu «• « Mi.., r.lil«f«. »: if "^*^
CV ••• 1 I riUll>«x tU» ■.» A If* |lti< ptlUHt wiUl ait wot ~m3
gm - IIOS Riotr. t. »m raa . f1.41.| •■ytklag kit F!r«t-clai«
__. Material la tki *••«■ »«rk.
*w '••!•• is-h-it Kill* »»imib« T»i»r' -- m«i. •> •^ ty
MUj >\ *»• •»«' •••■'ll'* •fr«« rt amn In t». loir H sln-n)
Af VS?** \ ».ic... .In '.I.M. (JtTi at> tk. r«! -tot tt.tin rwii,
4A.wT^w|P* ' »iiiiiwimii»ffkii«
<i. l^_ >■ .' Ml* h <l.*« hvmtkOi.K. OMirtit tm Him in
»«>«»<• 0«»*« »>«»>■••>>»<»♦♦ •••♦•••••••♦•>0»tO»0~0'
I l»r» Mln« .n.l 11.. | !■■<• ■ *'- | -■■■ , — \ \
j \ The Migliavacca Wine Co. |
', \ Of Napn, California, .'■*)! !
I > •!>!..-*4 Iba l.l«h.«l ««M .n.1.l .1 tk« !.. . fip^«lll«ln IMI t.r Ilnl.oCl 1. I
i i «•!..• In-, lar <.»r.. 11, -*.*.<• HI <■••«. o
I i M«Miftf TWHKitIK MK.IIW ill ( A (t»K<!U. A
jf\ A Pleasing Reflection
' JB^ _ f M^fa^\ C\ AriT man ran lti<lul«t<-in thai linn 1.. I
f Jjf rV £. '.' li / In- Im-ii.< iuu-1 i!|- Kith <m«ii unitary
•^xi^^^J^r^ t'lunihin*, ami thai i« the health "( hi*
-V^^L \¥yj h latnily i» anurrd from anjrtli«<-mifs tint
a^i'^v \// jr «•»•• fromlmpvrfacl |>luiiiUiii;, m«
- Ji l^hV V*T"^W__>iiS^* fa". or '""' <»l«>r» "I anr kind. t»ur
Vjl "*-t 111 t*ii^sl ItahttollM rjin and the U.U! o! th«
'Mm fB * l 1 t.T«»- tor. Third Aye. md Sprl»| St
"~ »Th« Proof of tt-»o Pudding '
Boat Coffoo on Earth
1008 S»caad A»»«»«. •« J 2»2 PU« >tr»»t _
I -^100=- I
If choice: lots 1=
\'m in »•"
| Walla Walla Addition si
i Ml W»
if Denny-Blaine Land Co. |
!«g Dexter Ilorton Bank Building. 5^
"The Apparel Oft Proclaims
(":^-'. HJr-fcWjSl thß Ma"""
ij \'^V' SI \£y-_LB ■ nil wheth.r he la In knti k.Tbfxkcra
1« "vLq (il 1 I^^r ' llr a l'r**!ls ** ii 11 11 it) \k * n<» OlfTiTfiict*,
j_J "*"^' I >V.:jA^f AiT i provMed l>t-i '"■" in beyond r««
■j<^*^ Ui||y! VVIL n| J |i...i.-h. whK-hii Iw mil '
rv^/re^WA I^T^ g <Ir|o<l nt Ihn f.ilabllshmnit.
H\ rfiwj^€\* ' \ Xt^M. T """'l ■• !*♦•• price.: shlru, li>.;
A^J, .Vj\ > V'\riVl~''> *'''r' "l"'"1"'r- '»',<•! „,. 1...... JI rin.v.
\KryT TJJ\ ' "*^^' f^^L •|il" <•"•> ."Mil ii . «i
|M Vll|| }!'•• vMk lA# I "•'«•" """1*r *' »«■ I ••«<!». «c TUi.uo I'iki'id
?^^\ri -^Jh% Qneen Cily Steam Laundry
• I***' 1426-28 rum tig Hiwfra Unicn »n rml
•r^ <^ RAMBLER pn
—V\ /V~x x ! ™*&% Blu I uLljo
/ / y\_ Xf \ Vk *«O. »30, ».28. »2O
II — IV-VT/ |l \^ 1| tMh qi luUUmaaU
v^»«^ * _^sr^^l 1108-1110 ttotnit »»t., (•■lilt
—^^ .—, i.. r~rr: ■' ' —
Moran Brothers Company
Our titnnt Inrhnion **++\ nn<l wooA ..mnuiiilni an.l rover* all tmnotac* of th«
lii«iti.-«* Mlnlnv <tn 1 all it lift . in--. i >f mi ..'hii.t-rjf built M n>) ■-i.*l l .■ i
Auonf> fff "Wmililnfftn" piim[>ln« maohtnrrr. lhi» "Motthrr** Mid *Huboita" w»*
Ur lubt btlWI «ihl lti« UalUil butca MttaJUu I'wkluv OiV#H| _^, [ ,
I. I. )-1 -. Ui •
\<». I IT.

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