OCR Interpretation

The Seattle star. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-1947, November 11, 1899, Image 4

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1899-11-11/ed-1/seq-4/

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Police Department Suddenly Becomes
Active and Makes a Big Haul
of Noted Crooks.
* War ha* »udd*nly b*«n declared by Ih* au«h.>rtt!r« "f th* *
* rttv upon th* bunco MM »h.i ar» •«»rmln« Into lown. tj>h «n.« * w
* cam» un*«r*»fdiy yeaterday, tallow nut upon the l»g *»|h>w
* |.r.nl».t in th* Htar. With .--.., pointing out IM »"»'" ~
* wh»re th* ...nn.li-n.* men *rr. operating, and MltM'tM puWM •
* and th« poll"1 what P»r*ona w»r« b. ii.k robbed. BomcUUmi had »» •
* tw don*, mi.l don* quickly.
« Th. lMii.-ii» rang, which »i« trallml from OM hoWt lo anolhrr «
* by a "Ph*i}o»" from th.- Mat hi- finally !«••«••» broken up. in
* moat of In* m*mb*ra ar» in J.I On* I >■«• ••• •■ >-■»»'» Hir to IK* •
* Mparta, court upon a char** of itraii.l larreny. am! thn- ..l»irr. •
« (»•»■• b»»n h»I.J M ch«r«»» "f v<«t«ih>. pvndinfl Ih* i>Urln« «r •
* o«lwr an.l Man «ft«niv. .*.».■» Th* word Ka« «»„.. oul Ih.l all •
* crook* ar» to b» arr*«tr.l on »l«ht. r.«»r.11." of »h.ih.r .ny
* m-»<'iiil ac«i ar« chanted •cam* lh*m. A« v n-aull «hrri« h«» !«•«■« •
* a hamy i«..»..i.. i.< all al..n|t th* lln* l» ift under cover rfc.mr •
« «f th« cr<H>k» b»ll#»* lhat 11..- ■...»■!..■,. ten.; «h«>m l» nwrtiy
* Ifmiwjn. t.» lull th* public la .1.. |. »!..:. uthcra •vld»ntl» ■ U*t » •
* to »>♦ ■ »*rloua mattrr and are MiM out of t.»»n ■■• f»»t a» •
* ii.-»m will carry ih*m.
« It la Mid. by way of ' il'Uru that th* prow,ultn« atl»r- •
* n»y"» orltc*. took lh# Inltiatlv*. 'i'»:«« r«e*IVM lndi»pul«blw In- *
« formation thai th* Croat *rt« b.i»* pr.Mn t.-l by th«- |*>ll«-» <ie- *
* parttnent. B*v*ral patrolmen w*r» «iuirlly l»Ul t« arrr«t «■»">' •
* hun<- . man whom tb*y BMt rr«anllr.» «.f aj-w-iHc rhargra. Tn*y
* w«r» ;nr •, ii.. i that th* |>ro»*«-utor would do th« rr«l Acllnj nn •
•* thin tip th» r>m<->r» w*nt atraKht to th» crx^.k* th*y wanted anJ «
* brought thrni to h»ad>tuartera. *
* In to* m*antlm« *-i ■■•« ' ■• ■•' of Tollc* Wll.rd Imu*.l a man- *
* (l»t» Dial all of th» crook* »h»uM •>* run In. thu« i>m<-|a!!y t»k- *
* la« cecnlaanc* of th* ■»'»»nunl Ii H not kn.»wn y*t |u»l •!>"• *
* Winanl «taiMl> In r»«ard to th* ma<i*r "f rUtidly ''" •"' v"* *
* but thia Brat action »•« In the rl«ht direction.
* On. of th« patrolm»n lnformr.l a Mi*r rri>.»ri«T th!» niornln« *
* that two w»li known i-n.l.n m»n r«»ntly turnml a b(* trlrk in *
* tkla Cllr. r»ll»»tn« an t>r»«"n '"■»" " *•"* Th» cronk* w»r» •
* known ■• Hi« Hti". ' 1 and "ram." Th* i-.1i.-.- authorlii»» «<■' •
« imm*lt«l'ly -<:,.'. but took no»t»p» to 1 rinit the criminal* to •
* Ju.tl>«. Tb«y *«* |UMM4 la « • MiMOlMii ! •
Th» f>i.a«n Chronicle of «» "lay
Nov. 4. •«)» "Cicbt illxrunilfd mm .
arrlveil in Ctllca«o U*t niirh! from
6«>attl*. Th»r h»' >• •of hardahlp <
ta> tail. r»e»l*e«l at th' hand* of an
•«eur»lon company .*|»ralln« b*
tw**n Uoaton and .■»«•»<»» Clark >
Jn:»i» irtfi. a Klondik»r »>• th*tr •
»j-ok»*man. Hr •> I ttwy look pa*«
--a«« to Chleato for IUU. Thla ■«• '
to lnclu<l« m»».» to Chirac"
*~Th*y »*r» acrompanl*<l by two
mm from th* •»eur»lon company.
Oo« l«ft th»m n*ar O«d*n. Th*lr
supply of food «»»■» out at !*u*bl >.
Col. TS* .fh»r man who >v la
Had tb« party rcfuaad to buy rnor*.
an! left t»*fn They bad to pur
chaa* trirlr own m*al* th- r*«t of
th* way (0 CMcaco. Mr. EiUwortb !
wia.l* aa aOdavlt '•> ll>« abov*
facia." . . ..-j
TT>» work of (trlppfnc th« wr»ck , ,
of th* buratd bark Wllna at ta ' ,
coma, li pror#**llnir rapidly Th* |,
hull hat b**n h«u.»l i< ft and dry ,
an 1 now «l*'» »uff\. opportunity ,
far th* wrveker* to work .
■an rRANCII»CO. '■• .Nor. Jl. j
—J Marran .".i.lth. n*ph«w of I'lrr
pon' Moron who la cr*dltrd with
»p*ndln» MOO.OOO in Ntw York art '
Kurot* In a frw month*, ha* Ju*t i
r*turn*d from a •**»n month*' trip j
on an Arelie «hal»r lie came hr- i
last April. b«ram* brok*. M I *talp
pad Ml ih* »t»am whaler F**r!*«>.
la th« hup* that th* trip would break
him of th* liquor habit. II■•»• v. r
h» I*clar*a th* wtiai*r wa* a float
lac bell, h»r . row b*in*; fompoM of
th* arum nt San Frit ■ '.* •> Ho. af- .
t»r an »vi: tltnt" hunting whilst anl
tradln*; alone th» Rlb*rlan coast. h*
man*(*d la d«a*rt at fit. Mlrha*l. ,
want h* ahlpp*d on th* •■ h'^.ri-r
lt*ra, and mail* **•/• r«l trip* to
f"afi» Nome. Th« fr>* nearly *tarv
»l. 'ii th« boat wa» ultltnatrly pro- .
vl*lon*4. 4/i1 ram* down h*r*. and
younc Smith ■ M waiting to h*ar
from r*Utlr*a. Ha *ay«: "All <)< — '
r')U«h 1 ha* don* m- ( ad It BaJ
•flr»f> m* a dl(T*.r*nt vl*w of Ufa, an 1
haa taught m* a limoii. I'm Milling
to b««tn ov«r a«aln now."
Th« Pacific rM»am Whalln*; rom
[any - MaMßai Nrwport arrlv*rl thla
raornlna; from vu nut pnlnta In th*' |
Conk's Inlet country. ll*r p«***n
ir»ra r*port •'•*rvthin« Imimlnn at
HunrlM City, but no c>M came down
a* far a* la.known. Only a .'■■.■ nt
tb« pa***n*:*r« w*r* d*»tln*d to P*.
atria Th*> r**t will *-o ■■< thr>iu*;h
to Man Kratvi*" Th* vrasel Bad
a fair v<iyaa;« down.
Th* paßft*.nx*.r* for H-uttl.- nr* af
fallow*: from ftanrtai City—A. 11. j
IV.*l»r and A. C. Hh. 1.1 ii From
H"m«»T —J. i: Vlckory. Jarnci EJoyl*,
Kd nurna, J, A Crow, .1 A. John
don, ' nan Ilroman. .1 ■••• ohnaon, C,
. Cory- From Valdc*-l>an f)Con
n»l, F. W. Hoyt. If M. Hi*wart. I.
T'hllllp*. C. 11. Oom*n, (Tan Dunn,
C. •*. I'rabfwly, . 1... Hammond, •;... i
7>odw)»:. John 11. F*urry. From Or
ra—John Nelson an I Charlaa >.«
lund, both of th* United Hlal*a O*Od>
*tlc *urv»y. T'rof. Hitler, who til
in chare* of th* *urv*y, •■> «l- . a
p*i*a«nc*r. but went throtiKh to Ban I
The Newport left again thin aftrr
noon for Han Pmnr|*ro, *fl*r taking
coal at th*' l.nnk. in
I'ullmnn wan defeated hy Whit
man roll*(*, of Walln Walla ,at foot
ball y»»t*r<lay Th* run... wni pro-j
t»»t*d. The I 'ntvi-mlty of Wu«hlnK
lon I* to play Ih* winner of Ih*
Ka*t*rn Washington ■ liaiii|ii.iiiabi|i ,
•A TU»nk«gJ»lnK day. . *~ »
yftrt 11 WiTj*-- - • ■
T(, -Ml Nor. 11— Th* necessity
of pushing the Shippers* association
■M mi <>f in* chief iitbln-li dls
ruuMl at th* *p*ctal merttng «f Ih*
tru*'"« of Ihe rh«mb»r of com
merce Thursday night On* abWI
Of l.'i • «••- lit. M ;• tO •K'UW unit.
,1 ..mi of «htj-t- -r* In Inducing
i. m« ■MtaJ railroad* to l>u ; I
Tacoma. • '"•• m« an» In (hi* dlnw
ti.m la lv i'!a" la • .-!!■ fr*t«ht by
th* (Treat Northern unless II will
build In!" Taroma. Inducements
are al»*> In I— >»i»h 1-1 Id ">«■ t'nlon
Pacific anri Ih* tiurltngton to com*
to Tacoma.
ASBBH Nn*. II —Th* re
turned MMJvf* 1.l -nt.ii; to inn
i.i-iinty wer* aOBO'Jad a rnuainc re
rrpilon her* Thursday night l>> th*
cltlsen* tin |. r ii- »u»i i- <■• of Geo.
Crunk !•.>•!. <». A. It.
Tfi- At- r.l - n hand supplied th*
music ami J>i l«» N. W Hush. In tr»
ab**nc* of \t . . t 1! i• v gave !h*>
addrea* of **' '■ 'it''l Th- other
•I- <hr» »-r. Col. Toklaa. • •m
--a»sajdat of th* i».«t. and th» !>» •
Met», Crawford mi I.• • ••> Th*
latter I* chaplain of th* poat.
At the cloM a •;.:-n II t luncheon
*■• served to In*- boy* and a num
ber erf invited iu<-fii Th» lait*r »a»
•i; i ;i- 1 by ID) ln't.en of th* Wo
man's Itelirf Corp*.
TACOMA. N»v. 11.—County Trim
mli>alnn*r« Kan,ll*. Van Alstin* an I
I■ . havr nut »• ' eoocllldvd tn tak*
fririnal artlnn "I ■■ " fh» rr>l|(n«tlon
of County Allornfy W«lk»r A* ■■ •
l*tf*r Mated, h- did not aastra hi«
r. •'.-!. i'l-.n tn i-.. Into ■ ft- ■■» b*f»r*
January I, th*y think th*r* la no
«r>-«l hurry «l>r>ut a. tins on It. in I
II hit* >■■ • r. !.ti l nvrr. Tho board
may have a Mrantl with It today,
if *it naff of th* <nmmi«alnn*ra dla
|il»y rnura. rnouith to brine up th*
At «.-r,t ih* thr** oiwnlaaliHi
■ r« stand •» follow* on th* matter of
Mi Walk*r'a ilMCa>iaßOf: X • b4l#'i
rholrc, Fr*mont CaMnpb*ll] Vim A).
■ tin*'* rhnlr*. *lthT John A. Hhark
leford or J. I. V Murray. Do« ■
rh.ilcr. A. It Till..*
TACOMA. N r» II -Now thai
Opt, Walt»ra. r.f th* Ptclflc Wrack-
Ing company, I* r«-n<ly to twnin work
"n th* ftunkfn An 1 1 'pi. M la i»
romiiif in. |. it;, hi at ih* eontlnuxj
bad »i-nih<>r. Fur «M'V*ral Importanl
r*aaona a near <i»y || .].■ | r I.lt- on
Which to rimk" Iha ilfnr*nt. Frank
Clark, Ih* ati-vi-<|ur.. who I I Him. t,i
li" a direr, la ■• ml la have • i..«. ■! ,i
Contract to Bid KOUM, th* Hun Krnn
elaoo 1., r, but h* did not make
a il*ac*nt.
RA.V mANCIBCO, Uc.v. ii i•.,,,(
Hurry Htruv*. » non of Ju,| Kr . Hiruvw
nf KcnltlM, him win Ih* Dirhr for Ih*
appointment to ci rum in i ihi mod i
tfavfuiport H in-, i k .
I'M »l «l M 111 II II IN.
BRATTLE -I in ATI CIT7-riZ^h?)
—((mil I '!■■ I.■ Kinipany In "Tho
(Tonight)—"l'lnk Domlnn**,"
• OLYMPIC ii i.i. -v«uUtvllU and
moving li'.tuii 4 . . <,
v •■ i
Good Fistic Exhibition La»t
Night at Oormama Hall
Th* H.">ll'r ■MtaJ club i.v li»
Him .-in. I l.i linn lit l.mi IIIKhI at iIrr-
IIIMIU li.-ill There «■■ a ((.Hill
ii..ii».- Th* Urn ■ rvi hi km «■! rl«hl
round curtain .« l>i«"-n Hilly
Wright, of li.ii.. in C»l . and Y..IIHK
i'li.i>imki, of H.in Xi mm lai ■ n-'iii
hi. I. w*r» flabby, I.HI 111. v «■ I' »l It
from >l>il |.i flnl(h. ami did no loaf-
IBM Cbornakl •>• undoutitrdiy th«
mora •iirlunl man, tiul li. ■ •■• li"l
in condlilon.
Vounc IVtrr Jark»«n and \\ ii
JIHMM mu11..1 1., work >l nl>...H la
o'clock. Aualraltan Hilly Hmllh r*f
• ■(■-••'I thta . \i ii!
Jackaon had Jonra X"i"X from Hi*
»*cnnd round, and ahOllli 'i'>. rut
him out In the third. ll* haM off,
how*vcr. until In* fifth. «rban Jmi'i'
«.•■ ..ii ip nut » iii> th» •pong*. J«« k
taa •>■• far th* clvanrr fighter of
lha lon. Join ■ did work wtlh hi«
• Ibowa thai waa not al«.\f i i in. i»>ii
11. atari*.! In r.iuillilni II In th« inn
hi * but I'rlrr •.■■■•in." I li> rnjny Ihla
Im-i laf than h* ha<t anllclpalrd
Jackaon mood back In Hi.- Aril round
and It I J ..in - do th* «il«m.»,v. work.'
In th* •rrumi J..iw« alarl*.! In fon *
■MltaM Ivirr .1.1 k. .1 hi* wild
■ •lull v*ry .I. rri 1 and tn*t him
with aom* naaty J.ii>* Xi .mi ih«l
lima "ii. Jon- • >. •• -i- ii fur a knock
A nntlceabl* featur* waa lh- high
flghllng of both m»n. Flr»t-ral«
<>p*nlnga w»r« ofT*f*4 f«r body ' : '« ••
but n*llh*r * ■ *-1-«■*«! i:^m
Arthur Walla* challenurd Ih* win
nrr before lh* nelsi "Indian J>w"
tirrcg challcnccj Tounc "Uncltth."
who rrmarkrd i.< a rrporirr that
th.f,- waa ::'.f of llm* and no
First Washington Boys Ask
Help for J. B. Woath.rboo
The omr*r* and member* of Ih*
fust Waahtncion ar* •Icnlna' th'
fntlnwln* petition to be prrarnted :••
'To tb* Con«r*»* of th*- t'nlleJ
Mala* tJ*nll»m*n—W*. ih* und^r
•lined, respectfully |»Htlon yrur
honorable body may *»»m b**i for
th* relief of J. II Wetherbe*. who
»a* wounded '>•'*' Kara rhurrh,
Manila IV I . February I I***. Mr
Weiherbe* waa '"<•«" I by Com
pany (1. r;r»t redment \Va»hin*i<. n
...Sports and Athletics...
Th* t*nlr*r*lty •♦»"» I. «*itln«
down to haM work for 111 ■ »'■ «n
Thank«gl»lng day M »•» t«rur*d
Nichols, r. of w '♦«. to coach th*
line. Urn I* rwognlied •• •»• •' lh*
•tmn*-**l I in* men on In* eoa»t.
Jeffs, of ritanford. rill pal ginger
into th* »•»■•»* »n I ni.l«. ll* ha* •
record of h«-ln« one of th* •>•>»< *n-l*
who *v«r wor* In* cardinal, t'nder
hi* Instruction th* Varsity l»am
should ttlu * big brace and spr-ar
on th* gridiron In ll« old-1 low torn.
A new •■-1" of rul*a for »olf wept
Into *ff*ct on Nov*mN*r I. Tlm n*w
rule* an not a great departur* from
th* old. They ar* more In the lin*
of an Intelligent, grammatical rendi
tion. •
Wllaon* Ilualne** College haa a
strong team thl* **a*nn. Th« mem.
b*r* talk 100 much on th* ft*l<l. If
they Ua»* out .Ihl* objectionable
featur* they wo'ul-4 make a rnuih
ballar *howlng.
Kid lj>vl«n» remain* po*lll»* In
hla determination not to unit Ih*
ring On November 1« h* "■■ •'• I>al
llawkna of California in New York
for a I£-round battle.
Th* local high school t»am la play-
Ing th» gam* right up to ih* mark
leaving weight out of th* queatlon.
It la. at prraent. Ih* br*t train in the
Jem Mace, th* 7«-ye*r-oM cham
pion, will probably accompany one
or two F"n«ii»h boier* to thl* coun
try at an early dale. Mare •«• de
feated in Ih* ring by Hob I'" II
l,i. k-r Pratt and Tom Kinr. ll*
waa champion from '. .*« lo 1«T«, ami
haa a l*ngthy record.
What th» All R*»ttl* I'm. will h*
la a matl*r of conj*ctur«>. iKiubt
!*■■ It will put up « .me rir-ella-nt
game*. Th* pr***nt t*am. how*ver,
I* not in «h*p* to allow th* paaaln*
of jU'lgm*nt. In !••■ first ii • ii ■
• imply th* aM Y. M C A. I. mi
I baa far. with a few ail<llll»n*. if
th* management talaetf xnn* Im
partial competent men to pick play
er* that rhall represent th* varl'iu*
team* of th* city to play ouUnler*
after Ihe local aaaaoa I. paat. It can
get an all Heattle. team, otherwise
Ih* •■!•!"■" l ilion has only an aggre
gation of stars who represent no on*
siiv* ih»m**lves.
'lua Ituhiln an I Xl Dyakborat.
i. r. Eaatrrn hsavywatcilt*. hay»
• Urn" I to box N round* befor* th*
V .ut.«"> 'wn Athletic dab of I'ltla
i.,.ii t r.i. within th« next thr**
Tim ruyalhip Indian* ar* to ap
pear a* a factor after ill. Oil th*
gridiron. They hay* been coached
hy two Carlla's men thla year. To.
.l*y they an playmic Wilson at Y.
M. C. A. park.
All th* detail* hay* bet n arrang'Ml
for th* M«h*r-Mcfoy fight at Coney
I-! in I and they will pnnlllvHy meet
<m N«v*mb*r SO Till" I* th* hardest
i lak Hi- Kid h«> yet •■ i• i-• t taki n
with Ihi •■caption of hi* argument
with Tom Mluirkey.
T.nat Hatarda.jr'l baakal ball rum*
nt Tacoma <i','i'l a* follows: Tem|ilii
vs. 11* i-I•■■ 21-2". H II In Tempi.-*
favor. Myers vs. Kmerson, 21-in. 21-
II in Myers' favor. Th* Hemtl*
learn was hamll' i ■< I hy a smnil
imnmv Ryan (lalsa thnt if Mrdoy
r.ftiaca lo aisal him, ha "111 i >k. on
i .' . i iii. i iii. , more
than wii'inic to MrjM Ihi Ryracuaan
Tl.<" v M. C. A. rinssi-H hay*
started with Krently im i. ■!-■ 'i nt
a iioiinK in«iiin toi ii i i" • n m
pninti i b| MarahaJ A M Rrown ■ r
Honolulu, and ,i ",■ mi" i ■ of iii .1
. ity'n polll ■■ fOfW -'ill I il I, i 1,.
--ii'julrcd to take liisli U. l.uiitt )u livi
v*»iuhii'*'i ■. ■■ company pook. Ml
I 111 I lino Dim In- rriilvnl It i a M.i'll 1
lit* WMH KtMltlllMlC lift 111- Itloflt' l-ll't -
■tiulniliiK imnilK-rn of ■ >•■ plicii'il
. ..I \>H til mining tt ti'l>*tiru|>li wli»*.
t*rtvtoua la Hint tlmi hi mih c<hii
|. ID) l>. I'H«I hkliiii'lil WnnlilnKtim
vuluilti .>■ mix IUX .. I 11l nrltlH In
to iin I'litirrh, ri..in which "in in. n
wrr i' ■ • i\ uik a 'it.- from lln ■ in in v
Hi .IH I i ■(>!. "I . I In- tin- Offlftr In
. hart* of th« ili'lall itik mi-it IB ralD-
Ins the »in In -• -— 1 --1 Ilii-in, lie b*lll|
i .1.1 Hi ii it V>III .1-1.1 111 ■ -Lllill-ll
I'liniiiiurilcnlliiiiH lu-iw«-fii I'i-itMlrt
points m wmn im paralbl*. Whll#
urn* •■in'.•(•■■i lh« ial4 \\ • iii. i
liri- - ia «..mi i. .i liy ,i htllli-l, nrt-1
li>* (Hi I l""i' >'.- lil. I.i i Mllit.iti! > ii "Mi
.i ii.ni->- it- ii bjf,
' F.i I M 'lii I" ■ M 111 «» .1 I
nf 'ht» Wound, I" |» tin in- nt ly In
. , i . in nit itnv
. ..f im km i foi iii. raal of lii'
i, |lU| .1
"Mr. Wrlhfrti'p w»» not n >'ii ii >
•nllali i 111 ■)><• *rrvli'l< of II" t'llllnl
Him.» but (In- rlnum»l«mT« wii'lrr
« hi. h he m m miiin.li"! .ml hln I'T
iiiaiuiil rlik -!■ ■■ -ii' .ii'il.n •» >« run
si .|ii. !!<•«■ lh<-r«if K«in la ii» to <kII
f,.r MM •<■ ii"ii tin Hi'- I-" of Hi*
Kiivrrillllrnl i. iniiiiK i" III* rrllrf.
v\ , . imaMlj I'i.iy iii.ii Una mi) b*
!• 11. Hheiler. I'nlli-d Hlalra forcat
• uiiriinirn.liiu h..» given uotloa
i!i-4i a trait of »».JK» arrra of land
lyln« around Cedar l«kp In the Cua
ratle ntouiitalna below «iio.jualinie
paaa haa i- -■> Irmporarily art t
■ii iun from MtttoOMßl •' the land
i.m. m at Wntrrviiie mi i Kaattl*
Thf i i; •i» nf-bona fldr •etlli-ra
who havi- ukrn up land within the
limlli will not !>«• dlaturbad either In
ih- tonnieroray order or any p*r
iii-in. Nt re»<-rvation •i*t may finally
t>* made.
Thl« la the ■aatll* water aupply
over « hi. h »<> muih coBlro»»TBj( h^a
twren hrar>l.
n. IVlly. l«-al llrltlah .MM re
rnvrd the trunk >. ... t l»> of Th"»
Hue the Kn«li»h barrUtrr who
dw.J at l'rovldrnie hoapltal l»«
«.. k» ac It" eonUata Brow Illtl*
I llcht Upon Iliiith. •' antrrrdmta. A
meinoran'lum f.iuml In the trunk
ahowed that Hii.t'i" I. > I l.u.liir..
tr.»n«.i. I >•■'■' with a br»«»n at IM
lan, Kn«lan.|. Mr. IVlly rahlcl that
rtrm uul ii. .M and a«kr<l what di(-
I-..1N--.I .!....n 1 bo made uf HuKhra'
I ln« Th» purp«a«» «f <*>'» nw>v« II
partly «)»•"■•• and br«imi<\ to
keep down the afolrdupola of the
pnllr. fore*. .4ii 1 i >ii'» l» tram
them m tti«- ability t« handle • !»•
Hawaiian r>.uirh« ■■'■ drunk* with
out r«aort t.> the urn «'f clul-a.
The Y. M. C A. baak<-t ball learn
la (t-lilnit <■ work f»r ll>* •Inter
champinnahip acrlea. Utmea hatra
been -ir-.n w 1 with Tanirna for
■|iin.k"s >n.< day at that place, and
with JVr«lan4 for I'hrimmaa at
P.Tllanl. Temple. lh» pr«-«-nl rap
! lain; (Irani, who playol renlrr in
(ten rnnrl»'i ; --i »fir» bam
pinna. Hill. K. C Ttlrrut. MdvimU,
Mm*, M .v! iriii,. i.t .ii. I Kahle arc
jt. ii< the . .•: ;i I.'. ».
Champion Jim JefTrlea will '»"*
flirM .i« i.ii before the r»ri» ' ■!- ••'
lion HiKh la the announcement •'
hla ■MOM manager. Hill !'• • -iv. who
.. -. .iii. .i I profitable th»«trlrai or
• parrln* cililhltlona without any
dancer In hit D I* v making i har«e.
Th» champion. HWOTT, wnn •••
titled ■.. ii • ml. aa he hip in. l an.l
I r..«r. i in* only man who had • I
i Mtoa!■ ni •■ N■■ one now nian.li I
In •>!•• way m I. •■ II !>•• FlUalmmona
hlmaelf. Jrffrii-«' arm, 100, la attain |
In hail eotxUUna ■■ a recall of ">" ,
r.ri <i. i i !■ :• 1 of Inactivity la
taacntlal for Ita cure. N. I!.- r those
■-•!!■ r fiimora of It k of condition,
whlrh ihi flKht ll»flf K»m«1 to vl
•■it.-. havi> rut hit. In do with
r.r i ■!>•" I- ■ i«i '■ >* another qmatioa
i\*nrg* II II nMii'M'. \. nn* nf thi*
i.[,mii i. i> nf id. H'attlo Athlrtlc
riuh. t, ... Instructor in that
IniUtUtlon, dl*d I i«i Hatuntajr fvrn
InK a Ban Kran<i»'o. from heart <ll-
Wbatcom I* to h«Tt ■ Illllr (port
in a ■-.« iinra A nuinh^r nf H<-
(•ttlc'n talrnt ar» going 1 6 vuit that
plqro ilurlnc Ihf lallrr mii of ih«*
w*rk. Nick Hurley an.l Arthur
\v<ik<-r *lil «<> >> roundi. Frank
Kinii' i!\. the I'ortlan.l Kid, ainl
Tommy liullfno wilt n»'«"l In an «•
i.kiii I ifo, [....ii- '>' „-.'»■ i »i. ' will
perform •■■■m.> of t.ln famou* f its
of Hir.njriii In building Iron rod! and
ii!" Hurt. \ nn.l \\ ■ .«■ ill-i. h. r
will il\. a Kran<l wind-up. Hurlry
nnn'iunrn a rhall*n#« to .t. f. it miy
VVhutrom or Kalrhuvrn ■■ .ii In four
round! Hi !■..•« f.ir Whßlroni to
mi ii.r>- drtalla tot hla allow, and,
Incldrnlallf, to I.- Inltlatr.l motif
Ihe IJiK'>-«.
Nl>k Hurley and Australian Hilly
Hunt ure lii'ln* iiihl.luml for ii 18
round so lirf.irv ih" llawthnmi club,
HurUy hn.| nitti.-il Ihe artlrlrn, and
they ir#ra up lo Hinllh nt In pit .i- -
• "ii ii in He will probably «Ikii curly
ihlP i-Vf'nlnit-
Thia ■||l lilt Im> n I'ill ( 'ifll.tlt
Sititl In it h.'ir.l. iiKKrf pulv*- Mr ht>l
lie h>' i-i* 11 ability to Ftnn'i pun
l«hni»-nt, himl tli.'-n nnl da .i?i\ loHtinit
In the rliiß liuil.yn reputation •■
■nil hi to rtf'fl no roiium-iii. |l' \p
n i-001. ehlfly tlctit.-r. ami him mi la
v lini'i of frlnnilH In it •■ illy.
The ft- I Mini ,i, ii-. i Itldnoiit li.i-t
arrnrcil thin bom lii kii rt'N gooi < !■ in
iporl In all the MTiim.
(in i■ 'i iil of • '
i 11 lie rlub, Wll ii \ Brady ti i«
I in- Itjrhl
'hiiii; Ink
ii p |hi «•
1 ■
nf II 000 of hli h Ihi w ■
T i ■ B'-rnn.| I'nt versify fo.im l*av*
hip mo| lire'- TiH'irnn. ■-■•.-. Ihry
fill) Iha Ilijth Bchool, •},. 'vanity
hnVt i* *tnn\% nt*» 'itnl |f;un. Th- V
hnvr lined lip BgAlnvt hravy in-
ri*rh> iil<>riK nd tni< ill In good ihapc,
T " nm i Illf-ti Whool I' i .... i *
i«-:im n| yoiniKntcrfl ami uUuubi play
v lively garot, ,
The —
' »v t ihr return "f «Mir nnhl* v.ilun
lorn ha> pomrwtiat »ul.«ll"1. unit
now Unit Imnm «iii Charley have
".if> \v I'-lunt'-'l Dm r<- at. mini* who
.in limiting '"' • I• I •>'•'' 10 M... k■■ 111
t'trninic* mi -holM t>l.u»alil Til' II
„ tin ihi i•• ■"•■ ihoM ■holm i nrllh
ii i.iiikh di t'hurlry la win hmior,
I. ani mimilMi '■"' In th» '"' 4l(*
lam !■!•". I.hi who h«v* I >im rtli-I
■liiuithlrr* who ■li'til.t i ■•iniri. I H.
mi.lv of inualc faring Ihrlr I'i'ii".
tit • lll"».- 111. li.nr xiililrnly found
M. ,i H,. Ki.in lik. ..i i-.ii.t- Ntmir ha»
|ilnrr.l ihrm in pnalllnn 1" l"i>' an
iii"t i in,.-.' I. • itp the thou»an'l
mi I in* v hum* liunln* I** OF iiit'i' now
. nii'i. n I 111 In for Illi- firm I lll'' II
flvi* Off ■!« y«-(ita to irratlfy Hi- ' •!-■
--«lr« in havp iiuiri' in ill. Ji.iti. To
all »ii.-|i ami any ■•Hi. m who may
l< I lll*.' til *• ■ "II II 111 f I "Ml «r»k to
wrrk, w« with I i i m|.|ia»ili. llk fa<-t
■ hat *< air in a I-..HU hi to Mil
i ■Hi. i fi.r mil i.i on May Inalall
mini*, | l.iti..« .1 (a mor mualral In
•Ii iim. hi Of nil) •!<■•. I li.llmi.
In th* I'lano line our liat la head
ed by the wurld-renowned
N'"!!* l.^ti-r nr ni'.r* ...•|l>, th» ar
-11.1. faTorita
Nnl ill I.ne and atri.-tly amonc
II." high |ial. Mandar'l I'lanoa la
rathrr tilth prl.»>l. to h* nun-. You
I'll) a |i.iii.i for >uir»rir an.l icranl
tiii|.|i«i ■ B#B • tlardman I* arlrct-
I I HaW "I" that tlnpan ton* a fro
mn hr»,». but <Irliahlful amooih.
round ton* whlrh •!•.•• not diminish .
aa ih* yrara roll <•> Mai.) of K<
atllt'a i i..inii.ri,i irK, i,.i« and
oralthr ritii«na alll ba*f totlmony
in »hat w« a«y ronr»rnln« th-
Hardman Piano. Not la hue «rr ,
of th* r.rt>'.\ i<; »- ran truth
fuly "ay that or havr nrvrr found
an in»triiiii.i,i »I>i> It (land* In mi ■
Iwltrr. which B4U ni'.rr I »«lri« ,
• wrft i.i>>« and fin* (rnuln« V»n«
#-.r< <l .->•'« And I' »lr patrnt lni»h- <
. t tuntnii pin i» wnrth your Invrttl-
Katlnn. I'h. >- ir» nt»n»lv»ly MH
In California. Orrirnn and Waahlni■
ton and in" haa a complaint
• ■••-n fll<~l by a cutawt !■ not
fall to ;ii>i>i!(>i> th- point* nf :n»r- ,
It and •uprrloiity nf th* Lu'l*t« ll
■if the luniUNnTl'N «r« have ,
only to lay thai tin v ar. mart* by th« i
Hal Ifnan Cumpany and Ih^rr la no
brttrr Piano aoUt at l« and Hit.
while our prtM M only **«> t.i I';:.
I for th< r \«rv br«t and binU'imn ',
Th. KtV.slirnY. manufacture
by nnc nf Ih.- four l«r«rpi Am»rlr«n
piano 11" liir-m. la too writ known
to nr-. I any Uncthy daarripl m VVo
• i\.- aold mor* of th»m than any
'•Hi. r makfi Ihry ar* aaad In many
• .■!■"• rval -i »-• "t mualr and Ihf
■ I i" v la valuahl* In •vary rlty In
! Ihi" l'nlt«l Hiatei. It took ua many
' n.'niihi to obtain th* air*n<-v and w*
j 'ii" ijnint all l*attlmat#» m**thoda to
V*. "|> Mm* by larir? pal**.
i..«; hut nut Iran, th» WM.l.Alll'.
irhli h. whll* a rnmparatlvrly now
make lo S»a<tlr. han Immritlatrly
Ix-on pronounr»<l a popular favoril*.
• Mir Br«4 rarload la»t*d )uti «U dayi
li, addition to our nthrr *a\r».
BHTET, Mll.l.ri! ANN AlHl. 'II
I. it. m envy our Urn* line .if popu
lar mak<-» We An th» oriran hual
n.nK of the Bound, both wholt—la
and tall
In ■ <>n' ' ii«i..n. we have i»oiti#. fine
■erond hand uprl»M and aqiian pi
ano* and many pecond hand nrg-ann
Will you favor ua wMh a rail? 'Tin !
a !■'. .muif lo chow our t: In and
«<■ will appreciate your call.
Twenty-five years in trade
ami every promise
nimle good.
MS Sort Alt
We propose making this the greitesl Black
hi,- • („„„!■. Selliiu time In the history <A
the store. Loversoi Black Dress Goods can
im! afford to miss this rem irk ible ale. High
an dr< [ ds wearing .it easy-to-pty prices
i.'•• >l * handaom* ilialKna; ::'i.
value, only IZ'i»" a yard.
It In. Klnr J'aat Illai-k II HOC AD B
UItKHM i|()'»t>M. rdli now ilealgtiil;
«<• valur, only 26<- a yard.
M in. riM Black BNOLTMI
«-AKIIMI-.l(l. niw- firm mil aubntan
il.il. |.< iiii.iiK-ni r.klor; Vh: valu<-, only
I' 1 a yard.
Mln All Wool Plark I.N'il.lSH
Hi;HUK. fin. »|.l. i,.1i.l wearlnic f«l>
rlCl 4'H- valu>-. only S'h- a yard
It In. Kln« All- Wool UUrk Krrn< h
.' l.K.i:. Ix-autlful fine firm Cabrlc;
&&«' value, nnly I ■■ ■ yar<t.
4! in. Kln«« Btack KIIKNCII CHE*
!•< <s In hnnd'ome rich iiWln M
■ »!i. -milt alyll>li for afclrla mil
• nil-. I: 00 valur, only II '„<> a yard.
Kiii^m Krrnrh HIJACK rRKJ*<>N
in beautiful r.i » rich »iylii>t> i i:
f,-rriM rhvap: If you wlah tIM l<*-»t.
Hi"- will |.i.-i«.- you; I) 24 valur,
only I! Ml a yard.
!:«■ . i.i...ii..i valuea In lli.A<~K i
HA I IN at >'■ and T»e I yard.
206, 206, 210 PiUe St
Tie Germans ten Nig World In New Discoienes m Medicine.
The German Medical Institute
Represents the Very Newest Discoveries of
German Scientists. To establish these
Remedies we offer you
Consultation and Treatment
These discoveries enable tin to cure CATARRH,
cured more cases of catarrh tli.in all the doctors
in Seattle combined.
We cure RUPTURE by simply applying medi
cines to the outside— no cutting, no needles. We
are the only doctors in the WHOLE WORLD
ho can do this. .Many of the leading citizens
of Seattle have Ken cured.
We successfully treat all DISEASES of WOMEN
We cure all SKIN DISEASES. Ours Is posl.
lively the ONLY cure for lace pimples and
black heads.
nerves Ml stomach
Wo cure Ills and all DISEASES of the
NERVES. We cure all Stomach, Liver and
Bowel Troubles.
In tact, whatever ails you, call and the doctors
will locate every ache and pain, and tell you
what ails you without asking you a question.
If you can't call write. Our system of home
treatment is perfect.
German Medical Institute
Pacific Block (Old Seattle National Bank Block)
Yesler and Second Avenue.
* jfeav«k4\ Hi" miwl ruin|>:i'lu Z
• c* #nn ■link-in hoiii <••!•!> z
Z INlllll li'limi-ot la lha iiir; „
Z li/l UU l*»i i>u»Iot»« la town J|
# 1,,f UK |I>"ll>'> O
• C E Edward* a, Co. «
• 71lillOI,Ht, WtSltlUtdE.t.ATH. ;
Till: N. 11. CURTIS
mi: w vsiim
Ar* tbOM in which Ih#» tone Is tho
clou rent, iv wf*rktnnnMitp of the
ht^tn*f*t OfdCfi Ami Hit- in »1. ti.tl My 1
of tin* Mil m qu lilt) We m. || ill of
thrnr r«|rbrfltffl Hi Ik' • ;m>l nt i»i l* ><«
which I'l.u •■ ■' »;i».ml kui!,tr within (ho
rrnrh of nnytmc:. Hti'P In .i ii 1 make
I your m Irtiiun,
Winter & Harper
Burka nulldlnc.
Second Avc. ami Marion St.
'.• _„ s«»ttit.\vt»m,- i
Kln« •.. « Herman HIJACK <"RF>
I'uN, In handsome, grand wearln*
<!■ >Iki»; ilk ■■(> -i M, our price •>■
4J In. Kin* Nrw Kngllah 111-.ACK
CHBPON, beautiful new rich pat
iirn>. kiiiil wearing; 1134 value,
•inly »'*• a yard.
» In. Klnr KnicliSh III.A' X WHir-
COllb, handaoma luatrr. » rich. Mr
vlcrahlr. myl:»h fabric; cheap at
fl SJ, our plica 11.00 m yard.
60 In. h»ira Quality lllark New
Broken v, :• WAI.KBKIIOK. »"iii.
i,i- ►ui.«i.iniiiii fabric; tit* valu*.
only 11. M a y«"l
3H in Kin* War* All Wool Trench
OKA MM CLOTH, (■•'••••■'llnirly
• tyllah, i-'.it.'l ».»rln» fabric; Uc
vmluc, i.l>- '•'.<<• a yard.
45 In. Klnrat Imported Trenth
lII.AfK HKIinB, heautlful fin*
lualrr, for ■• r« • unequale4; H.Zi
value, only »<»•■ a yard.
CO In. l"m- Imported HIJACK
CRAVKWBTTB, fin-- firm aul»lan
llal • "■«v.. atiaolulrly water repel
liner. lh» Ideal wet weather wear fab
ric; (1.76 value, only 11.4* a yard.
a. « nil.- Tel. Whlt» 31—p. H IT»A»
Seattle Heat and Plumbing Co.
Coittractan and Jobbrrt.
Si. .Tin ami Hot Water llrmlnii, V.ntl.
Liliiiß anil I'luiuliitiit.
Oanor«l Rspalr Work
West Status rmr Ktiuiii. root cr Intel a.
Call and see the elegant
line of Furniture, Stoves
.iii.l Carpets we are sell
mr at "old-time prices."
I he cheapest home fur.
millers on the coast.
Hollen & Wilson Fnrnitnre Co
I 1109-1113 Second Avc.

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