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01-vB CENT A COPY-SIX {J CENTS A WEEK a* a* VOL. i». NO. 281. KRU6ER YIELDS Would Not Demand Absolute Independence if Boers Would Give Approval «yggri_KPAM. Jan. IT.-Os. the m el* authority her* It la stated °_rt the pe-olbltlty Tor bringing an _• to th* lee's"- *» I* **, band ami jjjh, et.rtare* will ha mad* within jury'saert time which will solve _, *geN*«> Dr. Kuyper, premier [-^gaietA'di- not go to Knglan.l «*_ Ike p-jrpo.. of submitting any •"_4«a*l>ea';';.'» subtly to eecure '[_^*/g, of British feeling. US W> re<uro •'' Amsterdam Dr. SUBSIDY MEASURE rIEASURE ACCEPTED Senate Commerce Com roittee Authorizes a Favorable Report -/• —— . *__I>t.-.T, '« C. Jan. 17.— ;: l*_at« . committee on coin 'am* today, by a strut party vote, Brett*- Chairman Fry* to make a, I ki'Mßtilg report to the senate on his .'kg ,-roilvttng BUbsi-lea for ships. -at Me changes have been made In in* •_,*_* first aeported with the ex '_«_•, of .m* or two rather minor I *>n: a The bill will probably com* I a fur ',«ld*ratlnn next week. • , -ga-ut-aarcajr ! lit house committee on Judiciary I -**•< began considering the various f-t--aexrchi*.t bills... - eew bill was - presented by At -fcreey General Knox, which make* ,-l .sj-ult on the result .',_» faulty, a capita! offense. to be JM In a United States court. An - assault • that does not result lag. may be deemed a capital of. teas- within the discretion of the ' aat - '-■*(. Call* 9a**_«a I _* .' P-Clflej call- question was if aj_ argued befoi the house com-, [.':._* of inters and foreign com-! p.'—egg today. - ■ ~ i I * *_-i„, ITtark, of I the Western • .tj_r_ sdvov.xted *,ox em men t §}•_>-*_, the ground that cable hit kg the nmere-tal company rf^^B*|rt'-» the Western Union of, i. ___. ■ ile*a> resulting, while a *etw_e-r. cab!* would divide the' , '/ T_-_ Grcety. chief signal officer, f jßß_* ta*vrt_sT.ent cor. teal as 'a BBBBsj _ time of war and a thing _^_^_^_N l" "me of peace.** He |.ar_M -asf-arnment* were rcalts-. ! tf;*ii_H.iy -,f controlling eaaaa 1 ■ _»^Q_!s_4__ta„vit. - ••■ | .? _,'*■*-•Bra.tV! caortis committees i J ** **»*>***» net today noon, with '•^l___ir* Kir:*-. ■ ,■- a* chair ■ **•**■»* tmaUat eertim resolution* >•**-_?» to taety at wHicy Henry , .*_ efferasl a leaorutlon de eisrt-g that *-/*apSn<>_rßt.c rap. *^™ii*erti»»r_el>-tlng In the caacßs .__. _, ,-Sid by the " !_,-„.{ be •*»»*. and that It teas ■ =*4 *t«_la the of the e»o --«»» F-rimalaal* a. reverse a plat —t. f-.,-"'v " aa. '. ■ -P™ 1*"*1* «*»*• committee ap-; '«*_„_, ••^mmlttee, eonstatlng < of Harris, -Hlrtdge and -oat- to to*** ■* t*- «a- Bfaa tunnel route.: -.J™"" i ttmm '. this plan, which L'__ V?****■ **»v att«m, ut*t W*^tlgtFeri ]|a- , 8 . 0f0g#9 VUlM^l _?'*' **1 which ■is ■» per cent, j : "•"*»* **•"•, the Panama route. SHE MAKES "GOO GOO EYES" AT JURY FOR $1300 »*lJlf,ir_i Pa, j_ n 17_| _y. Er' ,Km the actress was _SS_*_; *»*» damage, today j __*_■."'' Zlegfeid. the hua ___._.'''• ''* - ng a ,*^_2^_ '* l-art of the -rat, t_ if? *"•* ... ,d WM o" rfcaata-ei _ _*• *"*«*-** her for altera e_L ___*• * i*>*«t*r out Of the a**?JT 8 * *od —w th,,*« "as no "JJM' trs-le attitudes and ! *"* « _|_ sssrael lor to* de' *?** •» *eera*in_i Miss Evesßon of' LUM YOU CAPTURED |urderer When Found Is Half-Drunk E_!" .END' J- n jj,. (jm Tou, fS?*-*** ""-'■derer, was - ...lured -..sir 5"I.* _* »iK' at» ******* ■_-_£___ l&d *"* ,n th« -*"• ««M 72? tf*:'' n>mi**l<>n<>t* met last to« severs ™' *"4 **f,>' ,h!» m"fn" ■**miS*\ _* l"S mi*' «"' *"-» ■ • **»'b atuJ* tv? k*r »*» 'h* woe-da .■^-Vi^iS h-tcM «'•'•■«■■• *•» tat ._-,'' .rscl"" «h» <-hlna*. NW' •_«»« *»»*•. When • »*• a _«.,i „, "" "«'r drunk. He ef l__t ili*, •* """*' t-il s **omei em, ".*,,."• 'scared. Lorn H"> •M be .It J hat th* <•"•"■ •*■«•-' S"Vv lll; i _ »**> of Council ****aa*M__. to QuarantuTs ____5ar m*n' Ktiyper rendered his opinion to Kruger and persuade.l him to waive all deautnds for the absolute inde pendence of MM South African re publics, Kroger acquiesced on th. condition that the approval of the people of the it-public should be i obtained. It la generally conceded that the people of the republics would will- ! Ingly consent to such an agreement _nd 'a; It would take but a abort time to get such an expression. IN A HAREM -.TANTINOPI.E. Jan IT. —Montenegro baa demanded In* deiimity from the sultan for the murder of a subject and will force tha claim if necessary. KussU baa announced that she Is back of th* demand and will us* all her str.nglh to so* that It Is met forthwith The Montenegron murdered was a mat 1 aervant l» the royal harem and whl'.e such affalrs - are - irrounded with the utmost i secrecy. It 1* understood, she 1 waa strangled with a acarf by i the order of the keeper of the i harem, for the Infraction of I some petty rule pertaining to I visitors. SPRINGS A JOKER Kitchener Offers to Re lease Boer Women __________ i - - DONTXIN, Jan, IT.-Oen. Kitchener , baa answered one phase of the ax gument* against treatment accord* !ed prisoner* in concentration ramp* ' which places the matter squarely be fore lb* Haers foe answer and Ulnae as a surprise. In a budget of mail received at the ministry today came a letter, for warded by Kitchener, which was from Acting President S.-halkburger addressed to premier Salisbury. It mas a tetter of protest against the treatment accorded Boer women In the South African concentration ramps. Charges of flagrant abuse. were made, and 111-treatment from ISrttlsh soldiers. Kitchener sent hi* reply at the game time, and said he would send all women and children, who were »l ling to leave the concent rat lon camps, to Re ha * burger, that the latter might treat them as be saw fit. lie says the charges are with, out foundation. To Avoid Delays Hereafter the fumigation of big liner* coming from the Orient to Victoria will be altered. It has keen customary heretofore to quarantine the steamers at WIIKam Head. where the baggage and effects of the «'ni ns** and Japanese paasengers were fumigated. This baa caused • dg'fty and has handicapped the steamboat men from making connection with the overland train* from Victoria. Now the steamer* and baggage win all be fumigated at Hongkonr, - ethers a vet complete plant ha*l been installed. Japanese passengers will be similarly treated at Yoko hama. It Is expected that the new arrangement will give great satis faction to the saloon passengers. making; ''>„. goo eyes" at the Jury men. and for a, time the court mas In the uproar, which the bailiff* quelled with difficulty, while the two actresses glared and made faces at each other. Miss Eveesnn appeared in Seattle but a few week* ago aa leading lady with Thos. Seabrooke In Sydney It, a. ernfeld's comedy, "A Modern Cru see " Her beautiful face and figure, In tact, were the chief point* of Inter eat In the production. MORGAN'S NEW MOVE Reported Steamer Con bine Confirmed ■.■-■■ LIVERPOOL* Jan. U.-Conrtrma- • Hon of the report thai steamship magnates are now en route to Amer ' lea to transfer the White Star Line to the American ocean shipping com bine, that which 3. Plerpont Morgan la forming, was printed here today. The confirmation ts based on an Interview with a steamship owner of Liverpool who Is Interested in the Whits Star line, and he admits that the ii,bin.- I* fairly under way by which Morgan's plan Is Inaugurated. It is Bald the transfer will be made Immediately upon the arrival of the White Star representatives, and other tines are expected to merge their Interests within a few weeks. Henry Norrls Missing Henry D. Norrls, Jr., aged 27 years, la missing from his rooms. 511 Cherry street. He disappeared last Monday. Hl* friends are becoming anxious about him and have report ed the matter to the police. THE SEATTLE STAR. SBATTLB, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY EVENING, .JANUARY 17, I !,<,_.. WANT FAIR POSTPONED St. Louis Managers Ap peal to Congress •xrABIIINOTOM, P. .'. Jan. .— Manager* of tti* Hr. Louts World's Fair who are here, will try to per • uaile congress to postpone the cele bration from ISO* to IM4. Tt.ey will put forward the plea that foreign government* will not be in readiness to make their displays neat gear, but would 1,, prepared In I*« 4. They claim th* action has been taken because representatives who have approaches* foreign govern ment* agree that th* foreign .lis play will be a very .mail one If the fair I. held in iwj. A* a matter of fact, a,,m* foreign firms that have been liberal In expending money on American expositions, are growing rather tired 04* th.m, and want a breathing spell. KRAOSE LONDON. .i,„. it Th. trial of Dr. . ran**, the former governor of Johannesburg, on a charge of Incit ing th* murder of John Douglas Fes ter, an Englishman, who was on th* staff of Lord Hotverts. legag, today. Krause l 'ea-le.! not gut -. Owing to th* novelty of th. .-as* It 1* at tracting id* attention. EMPEROR WILLIAM'S HEW YACHT IS A TYPICAL AMERICAH SCHOOHER NEW TOniC, Jan. it-Emperor. William commissioned Cary, Smith A \ Harbey. of New York, to constructs bis new yacht because they were the designers of a racing yacht which was bought by him and proved suc cessful In many races That be Is a thorough-going Bailor I* evidenced i by the fact that he 'ho** to have' his new yacht of schooner rig. ll* is an acompiiahe.l skipper and often sella hi* racing yachts In regattas. The launching will take place at Slat-n Island probably on February **. The vessel will be the largest of schooner yachts. She will be ](tj feet over all and IT feet beam. Ail HIS STORY BELIEVED | Looks as Though Johns Were Held Up After All The Strang* rase of th* alleged ' hold-up of 11 11. C Johns on Wed nesday night has taken a new tack. Yesterday nobody believing he was held up Now It la thought that he was, and two men suspected of do ing the work are now In Jail. John* himself Is stopping at the city baa tie for a few days, upon the Invita tion of Officer U. R. Hubbard. The whole case la a -Hilar on*. As told tterday th» -.-.arch alleg »d to have been stolen had been pawn- previous to the 'Im- of the , robbery, by-Johns in.self. Johns was Intoxicated, but he knew he was robbed, lie had forgotten, however, that previous to hi- hold up he had pawned hi* watch. , C. 3. Burns and Robert Hume, two brothers, were arrested by Detec tive M. R Hubbard Ih morning on suspicion. On on* of them was found some trinket* alleged to have been taken from Johns. The -case Is being thoroughly Investigated. On the night of the alleged hold up a small boy rushed Into Use am bulance barn and notified the man In charge, H. K. Kendall, that two men had knocked another one down at Fourth avenue and James street. With Frank Ml Id -lon an employe of the barn. Kendall ran down to the scene of the Kb-* and saw a man walking away. A* the affair waa over, they went back I" their w£_k. They firmly believe that Mr. Johns waa the man knocked down. SAYS DRAGA'S A BAD ONE , VIENNA, Jan. 17.—A Ilelgravlan dispatch aaya that King Alexander of .via la about to take another turn In the panorama of his domes tic troubles, and that he has naked the Oreek church to arrange for a divorce for him from Queen iiraga. I Senaatlonal statements are made In th* petition, which If proved would piece liraga In a very unsavory light Alexander names four co-respon dents who are accused of everything Improper with the queen. He also charges her with using her Influence to deplete the funds of the tressury. Ill* uncle la again In high favor, al though hi wa* allowed to return frotr, exile only on the condition that la should kiss the queen's hand aid ask her pardon, WEATHER FORECASI lFor Seattle and Vicinity—Tonight and Saturday, occasional rain; fresh to brisk Boutheaat winds. LIRERALS i 1..1KH IlOflEnEttT. LONDON. Jan 17.— A movement to conciliate the opposing lions In Hi* contest for the Liberal leadership In parliament I* again balked. !_>rct Roeebery ha* rejected a eeheme whereby he would assume the leader ship In the house or lords while Mr Henry Camphell-Hannerman will continue as trader lit th* house of commons. CONDOR SAFE? VICTOIIIA. B. T. Jan. 17.—„p1. Fleer, of the rtiaelon bare, sags be thinks the steamer Condor la all right. II- believe* ati- used all her coal in a etorm and then resorted to sail. Honolulu not being In th* re gion of the trad* winds at this lime of th. year, th* steamer cannot roaks port. A raid on New Tork poller shops dlavelose* th* fart that their receipt* are *J,*e*,o*o a year, of which their patrons g.t I a. a |K.i WW. DECK PLAN Or Til- KAI-I NEW YACHT. thewegeslwork will be of leak. There! will tie nothing showy either In the construction or finish Of the boat. It will be Just . staunch, fast Amarl can *:hoe>n.r, roomy and cat-fort- , able, such as any man of fortune having love of th* east might buy. The main saloon la about II feet ►guars and ha* an extension tab.* that will seat 14 people a ball may be given on d»ck. The emperor room la about 11 feet long. It contains a eras* bed stead, several wardrobes dressing table and writing desk. The room has a large skylight; In fan. It I. * realure of the yacht that .-.<•, SIGNALS OBSCURE NEW YORK. Jan. 17,-At today* session of ilie New York- tunnel in quest, testimony In support of En gineer Wlskers* contention that the signal light* were frequently ob scured, was Introduce.. The report of an engineer was of. fared In which be said he bad run a whole train length past a red light, which was obecured I, fog and smoke. F.samlnatlnna are be log closely conducted, with many prominent attorneys present. For Clean Streets A new flushing outfit, recently purchased by the city for the clean ing of brick streets, will be put to ; work Sunday on the Yesier may district. The streets will be regu larly flushed twice each week, the dirt being forced Into the catch baslna. That which Is not carried away by the water will then be lift ed from th- catch baaln* and hauled away In wagons. _________________ OLYMPIA AFFAIRS Political Outlook-New Lawyers Admitted ''I.VMI'IA. Wash., Jan. IT.— Any doubt* that may have heretofore ex isted In th„ minds of office seekers and present Incumbents, concerning the policy to be pursued by hoy. Ml 1.l lie In the distribution of slats patronage, appear to have been en tirely dispelled by the announce, rnenr that he will officially Inspect all state matltutlons in February. It Is not deemed probable that 11,,. govern' will make any change* un til his return. The folio wing candidates success fully passed the stale bar exarnlna i lion yesterday: Thos. Ij. J. Henley, Whatcom; A, W. Bwlng, Seattle; W _*, Crist, Everett; Win. Me-Cliire. Se attle; P. H. i -• '■ 'i,»n. _*_ttl*B Wm. a g-labea Heattle; Wm. II Real ty, Berittle; II C Hell, Spokane; Ar thur It. Sherwood, Walla Walla, SUSPENDED SAN FRANCISCO, .Inn 17.— Mnyor Hchmlts bus suspended County Illerk Ms honey nn account of the pledges and appointments mad* by the latter before election In viola of the charter. STATE FEDERATION OF LAROR NOW ASSDRED Congress at Tacoma, After Much Diplomatic Work, Adopts a Plan That Meets Favor TACOMA. Jan. 17.—The lab. I ton- i greaa convened at 10:ttt o'clock this morning, all delegates being preaent. 'Ilia Hi si matters in com* up was the question of organising a atats federation of labor. This «as left 1., the commit!** of seventeen last night an soon after assembling 11 I). M.irltt. of Spokane, chairman of Ui« committee, said ha waa ready to report, The constitution was prefaced by „ preamble which entered Into the Intentions and advantage* of an, an organisation. The body of the document followed the ptinclpls of similar organisations The name adopted Is tha Washington Slate Federation of 1.a1.0t. and will In clude In membership all trades and labor unions that mar desire to amilata. It la the Intention of the federation to .tiiv.- for leglslall which will benefit unionism and the Individual union nam Assssl Ce* vast lees There will lie held annual ronven tli,lis of the derail.'!! Two dale galas ft, til each labor organisation 111 Jh* stste will be admitted. Ilut such delegates must attend In per son, aa no proxies will be admitted. The fed.ration wtll constat of an •xroullx* and legislative body, each of which will be posed of n com mittee of five. lint Para 01,.i It Is agreed that a vote of the *tal* labor congress will be tie-*,- to adopt th report of th* committee rocJm la v.ninar^enrot orttr by dead.! itghl* through the aide in the usual manner but also by sneans of sky lights For supplementary ventila tion there are Altai mushroom ven tilators along the aid*, made of spa. rial pattern, according to sketches furnished by the emperor. Just aft of the owner's stateroom la a bath room, beyond which Is a valet* room. WASHINGTON. D. <•, Jan. 17- Th* ship building Arm constructing Emperor Williams' yacht announced this morning that the date of the launching had been flird for Feb ruary IX STEAMER THOMSON Arrives Spick and Span Afl Tempestuous Voyage Th* steamer ICtlhu Thomson. Cap- , tain Jones, five cla>s oveniue gin : Vnldes, arrived at her dock shortly , after I o'clock this morning. T_. , steamer looked as taut and trim as , the day ah* sal sail, although she experienced several nocturnal squall* of mora than ordinary severity. She left Valde* on January x arid ' 'hat night a heavy sou'easter came ' swooping along that sent the staunch ' steamer tossing on the billows like ' a tciyb'iiit. She laid by all that night and rode out lb* gale splendidly. ' The storm continued and the ' steamer made Yakutat on the night I at the Tih. The gal. _god*r_tl somewhat the Thomson siari, l out on the following morning, only to . find herself In th. teeth of a suffer ' blow than the one she had Just ' passed through. Back t* Tskatit • There was nothing left to do but to make Yakut*! again When about 75 mllee from that port on her sec ond attempt at Balling a regular old i aradog came bowling along with a velocity that sent the steamer spud ding through the whits caps like an ocean racer. Th*'high wind was ac companied by a Minding, drill sleet that chilled la th bone. Then * the worst thing thai can happen to 1 a vessel *t a*a occurred, her fuel | gave out The wind veered and for , hours the boat had a fierce tussle , with th. angry waters, that thrvut- - , tied t,. engulf lor at every moment. I Her passage through Icy straps wna . a perilous one, but sin- finally reached Juneau. Tour relay I rietsssnt Day On her way teem from there th* i weather continued stormy and the ! only pleasant day lanced on the entire voyage wna yesterday. t The steamer brought 18 passengera , and a cargo of TO) tons of copper ore from Virgin liny to the Tan I smelter. The Thomson left Valdes before i the mall from Circle City reached there, but she brought doe a a quan llv of mull from lb" Yukon. She anils again far Valdes on Mon day morning. AFTER 'EM milT WORTH, Texas. Jan. IT.— A heavily armed Sheriff's posse, re inforced by United States troop*, 1* scouring the mountains In the Kiowa Comanche reservation In search of iii, murderer* of Sheriff Smith and Deputy Eureka nt Inadarkn It Is- believed the outlaws are recent- I |y escaped convleta from lb* Leaven- ■ -.'.',,, penitentiary. and thus eaiiiiiiisii the state f*d*ra> i ion organisation, and 80 day* will be given fur the legal) to nic their illicit* This arrangement waa ac complished by a two-thlrds Vol* of the delegates now In session. It was also agree.l that when the stste federation becomes a perma nent organisation It will then apply for iiiemli. i ship 1.. the American Federation Of 1.n1.0r. It was further decided that a majority vol. of the ■ lelegatea now serving will la- stiff) cierit to sanction this action.. It is given out on authority this morning that there will be no set lon. obstacle In the way of adopting the •tale federation plan, and In vIVw of ■ ttlai tin,eat officers for the con template 1 organisation will be elect ed from the gates now In session here, and they will serve when per iiiuiierii organtzatton I* rffected. At noon a recess was taken until 1 o'clock, . a I tern*.* areal** At 1:M o'clock this afternoon the ■ convention reconvened and at once proceeded to the election of f.rrtrers, the res-ilt being a* follows: William Illarkman, president, by aoolama. Hon; 4?. 11. rase, ICverett, vlr* pres ident; J*». A. Meligles. Toe.,ma. See. i r»tary; H. Tracy Whllney. Seattle. I treaaurer. by acrlamallnn. Mr Men. slee wss elected over Mr. Whitney as secretary, by a vote of CI to to. The executive committee elected Is as fottowa: Three, Cole, Spokane; T. E. Ctrpeland,' Tacnma; J. K. May rand, nverett: John Ornnow, Ah-r --deen: H XV. Harmon, Seattle. Thee* officers will serve In their respective rapacities with the ntaie Igslsor l*«ngre*» until the State Federatl,-,n of I,at,, r may be per* manently organised after (4 day*. They.will then assume charge of the earn* office* In the federation. They are elected for one ,ear Ii waa decided by he .I..legatee in have representative, of labor at each and every political convention of all parties that might 1- held In ' tbe elate, and endeavor to have I hem Inevtrporale In their platform mee_ urea favorable to 'or. II was alsci decided lei request each repres»nt*tive and senator at Orym. pin. or those who max In future He •lecied, to gir* a written pledge for Ihe eupport of certain labor prtn- , ctpat*. . J It Is bettered that the convention t wilt adjourn after transacting a few i minor matters of bustnesa this after. ' noon. t ' I.* Cammlttes . , Th* original commute* selected to J draft a constitution for the new ] Htat* Fed era lot of I ,a», ,r I* as fa|. j low*: Harmon, <'"l«. M Nichols, Case i and Edwards. To these war. added 1 -11 other delegate*, making IT in all, < They are »►« fa:*..wing: XV. A, nan*, I J J. A P-eir-y ef He*,", f. <X *••*»*. <M W. 11. Tupper, Spokane; —» Cope- i land IX XV. perry. Tg ma -. i Krtitwick. Everett. J. - now! Ab. ' erdeen: W. J. Walker N'oMhrswi; ' Frank Sherwood Whs- am: C E. ! ttosenberg. 11. D Merrill, of th* Am ertean Federation of I_t>or The first thing after coming out ef .tecutlve ess-ton was a notice to the cngresw by fa.legate Crandall of the Seattle Newsboys* union, that th* newsboy* of th» Taroma Even* Ing News ha 1 gone on strike because the taper would not take back un sold papers. Mr. e'randall request ed the delegates nog to buy the News pending the misunderstanding. The members, without formal action, alrrniried that they would heed th* reeiueet. A heated squabble followed over th* resolution adopted In the morn ing condemning M'-f'abe and Hamil ton. »tevedor*s. for their alleged re fuaat lo employ union men A mo tion was trade to reconsider, and a letter wa» read from Mr. Hamilton, (who I- Plate Senator I'd. 8. Hamlt- J ton of Tgaitni, denying that Ih firm had ever discriminated agatnet ' eganlted tabor. Several delegate* stated that they have been given employment by MrCabe and Hamlt ton CR. le**l* of the Tacoma longshoremen, author of th* resntu. Hon, became considerably egelted at the prratpect of lowing hi* offspring, , and undertook In answer everybody by giving a. much of th* hlatory »f ( the longshoremen's union as the i congress would listen to Me had ' to be shut off from time to time. j Always fer Leber ( It was stated In behalf of Hamlt. lea that In the legislature he had ! almost uniformly voted for the de. ] mantis of nrganlted labor. This won « * good deal of sympathy. Than Carl |< snbera wanted In know if the ' grievance had been taken before th* J Tradea* council of Tacoma. Mr. ! I loste admitted that It had not. i I „ , lr I (Continued on page three.) I WHERE DOES IT j ALL COME FROM? j Hundreds of Loads of Dirt Hauled j From the Streets Every Week 3 "One alio does not keep In close I touch with the atreet cleaning _•■ ] partment of the city cannot have i the faintest Plan of the great amount ' of dirt that Is srraprd up and haul- j id away every day."remarked Street » Foreman Walters this morning. I "And even then," continued he' "the ' streets are not kept as clean as they J should be, because we haven't the J force lo do It." Yesterday atone Ml Walters re ports that 161 loads of dirt .1,a, --hauled off Jackson street between Fourth and Fifteenth avenue. Eight teams and 17 man did the work. The day before ISO loads were hauled from Ycsler way. In two days 242 loads were taken from First ave nue between I'll! elreet and Hoy street. An average of «el loads Is haul..l from Third avenue once a week. And on First and Second avenue and I'lke street which arc bricked there are about IS toosd of dirt removed every night. The dirt Is used In making filial In different parti of the city. Corporation Wins a Jury in Judge Prather'a depart- , in. hi or ii ii superior . .an returned il verdict this morning for Ilia di fendant iii the rase of William Mel calf against the Seattle i-, trie company Metcalf sued for 11,610, alleged personal Injuries. The women of Japan are now largidy employed In telephone and poatofflc**, and they are a..1,1 to be bookkeepers. ADAMS & BLANCHARD 719 Second Aye, I lint-ley Blcxlc THE LAST DAY QJl&UffijPtt VT\ can buy L^TJ^T \ fni \lf ' which you can buy Ajt i rtW nil ll,s. overcoats or fur :f~~~Lr^ \ /Ml hings at cost will be I/1 n Mnr lorrow. If there is // if Or laf ny reader of our ad —-J lp Jjj ' tising who has not _^//> ' ' vet availed themselves , 1 /i— J ol his opportunity they ■ r -**-afcji J should do so tomorrow, f vß^\ yji Most people give us \Ma>tMl wV^ credit for being abso iy^ //i__ lutcly truthful in our >» ..presentations — all would do so were they acquainted with us. The prices quoted will speak for themselves: $15 Sulta $11.13 | $2.00 Um-t-lIM » $1.38 $20 Ovorcooti 14.62 ;! 81.00 Giovai „ .77 2 lor 2.c Cotton lex 01 ; $3.60 Oxford Hati 2.38 $1.38 Monarch Shirts II ; 60c Neckwear II ADAMS & BLANCHARD 7J9 Second Aye., Hinckley Block hgpjg^k^ \ ADJUSTABLE BEDSIDE i -^ r»*~**^___^| J i They ar* very convenient for ' K-' ■T*f**sW^^B^*es'« Jf serving Bsaala to Invalids, and are ' lm> 1I • jew." \wXSr*\ 'i 1! useful for many other purposes, _**^J_ -■< it _D TAKE ONE O.N TIUAU *^^^2^ .Iv-Hift & Ko'Tei Dru*> to.; ;|j; ,:J First ATcnae MMMmiiiminoiinmimima-aMotiiMnl ftrt $fs^&Kfet*~) _• All Day e^^^**--^?—r _ J «P. M., Hpe<l*la. |-ll^.H__lll i lf_Bs*** Hpealai*. Having the Big Linen Fire Sale Of JAP. F. WHITE a CO.. the grand AUCTION FUHCHASE PALE OF EDWARD RIDLEY A SONS, and our ANNUAL, JANUARY ri.EAHANi'K SALE, from these three big sale* we will take our ALL, DAT SPECIALS, and our AFTER I P. _ SPECIALS for to morrow's selling. Every purchase made will mean a saving from JOe to *f9o on the dollar. Our January Clearance Sale "tftSP [ HOUSE Ft FINISHING DEFT.— {, brass. oxvd'rei copper and Celebrated I. X 1- Steel llange fl nickel: regular price, $2 00: clear [ will be reduced during this Bale ( Ing sale price. 11.75. i 25 per cent . ____ i One-light gas and one-light [ We have a few Acorn look \ electric Combination Chandeliers. [ Stovee left, which will go at M ) finished In polished brass, eg) ' pel cent, reduction , dlsed copper or nickel; regular The celebrated Triumph Econ- , prli ". , 4 25; ranee sale price i only Steel Range takes a 20 per ( $ 2 _ M ! weft, disc "","' _.„ Feb- I *"»•_ department would Inform i_oeftv Ift .reent > rati that *■ do „11 kinds ** lee ' ra<rT.V.r.'nr.?lte«r# Oatvan- '""_ _««««*»■ and repair ; JdwarT^ .are, Wooden !| «„rk. satisfaction guaranteed. I ware and Iron Ooods, Stove- i PI MP DEPARTMENT— 1 boards. Mats, all marked down ? We have an ov ,„ tock In No " from ie per rem to M per cent. * Pltchcr-spout Pumps. We have i FURNACE DEPARTMENT— ( been sailing these at *_; clearance i Fine Superior Furnaces, cased I sale price, 11.16. a large Variety i ready to put In * house, of sum- (, of deep well pumps reduced from ! event size to heat an ordinary s 15 to 25 per cent. . l "►<"' or nine-™"l*- .n»u» e- ''•'•y I This department Include! a , ular price. 1100.00; , . nan,.- sale > cumulate i.e.,,, mem of horlion -1 ii I, i, IMI.OO. ' la | double acting pumps, hy- FIXTURE DEPARTMENT— [ draullc rams, strainers, and no , We have a large aupply of one- > end of pump trimmings, all re. g- light gas and electric Combine- \ duced for th* annual January 1 tii. Bracket. finished In polished ( clearance eale. * Z. C. MILES & PIPER COMFY I 1021-1023 First Avenue, Cor. Sprlnj. COLLARS ] Men's 4-Ply -—5- — . ■. ■ Newest Styles (till) WijJ*** 1 IOC W^^ I jp» Y|^ IJL^^F* SECOND AYE. »] -lam H.B--I agaißmi' '"i "*■ii.-aie»-us_M__«_tiii a ssssaassi— hi iiiii ■,— „„, II It Is Sporting Ooodm of Any Kind San Urn COIMO hvmiißUP 00.. mO4 rir* Are. K///W/J ///^////Jm///uj (Ww/ Ay floor (oHifi Bit**. tMAHt •>■* MUMAi* . _Vr ceW ****** eggv_nss. THE Only Paper In Seattle That Dares to Print the News -* «r> CENTS a mo vi , i ■ Five^Acre Tracts Water front at entrance of Sal mon 1..-i,, •-.manila & mngnlfi. cent view of Sound, otyaapla mountains, and ever boat m tering Seattle harbor, soil very rich and well adapted for large and email fruits; a prettier home site cannot be found any' where around Seattle, easy terms. 1 Herbert S. Upper II and II Heheueri.ian mock. First Avenue and CL.rry Street. THE DRUG TRUST Is Still in Existence, But This Store Does Not, Has Not, and Will Not B come, a Party to Their High-Priced Schemes. Witness These Prices: Ilortlek's Malted Milk 4'_ MelUn'e Food 40 Sugar of Milk, per pound lie Jayn.'s Twnlo Vermifuge ...*c Florida Water (large, Jac Siu*_-t'a Dyspepsia Tablets Ho Da Rlache Face Powder l&o drier's Utile Liver Mils IS. Cuileura Soap ..Ho Cuticura Ointment 44-0 Meet. Iron and Wins , Mo Bcotl'a Emulsion (*0 Ptnkham'a Vegetable Compound..Co Paine'* Celery Compound.. . 65c Swift's Specific 4*o Coke Dandruff Cure «c Pierce* tiolden eMdleal Discovery.. ....tltc Plerce'B Favorite Prescription..... see Kilmer's Swamp-Root W- 1 * ____*__. _*/v _■■» _•• \ Telephone. Main 717 lie. E. Co. Pike St. and Second Aye. ' *siSI-__-fc-M_____i_-i ' V-e-rVVVVOVVV-e ■H ' - c ' x VAT"*.-**.-!-.—ix -"-": a": a a_|'. i X \MH CWTHiWJIWJI*^ X f^B *Vr^sFS,ea^^.etsiiS-aXiv-Vsay-v-V*^^ YIP if SPECIAL | i 2 For Saturday Cnl* Z _P Men's French f" _ • • Suspenders... OC 5 • pen pain w A A All our 118 00 and 120.00 A 2 Men's Tok* Overcoat*, Z — 9 thrown into on* lot. Your mw 4*% pick of any for A 1 $9.50 I Am Maybe you don't believe Mm .L. It. Well, come In and we XT V will prove to you that _>*? Mm) WHAT WE ADVERTISE Am < E w' Your money back If you *& Your money back If you Am X aay so, Z _B_ I LION ; i LION # _ CLOTHING # _ HOUSE ¥ , S 220-222 First Aye. South 5 ! x Cor. Main. y : A__k_____Lf._____ri I WwW**sr,~B^eyßjasa_-^^^^ i PERSONAL II We are NOT MAKING ANY AL ' TERATIONS, nor are we moving ' from our present quarters, but are J j still at No. 71 1 Second Aye. 1 where we are selling Pianos in the 1 SAME OLD. SUBSTANTIAL WAT. 1 a* we always did. BARGAINS ! are always to be found here, and , we promise to duplicate any price* , and terms offered you by other , firms. QUAOITY considered, of i course. Upon Investigation you will 1 find our statements true, and lie ask; I you to call and convince yourself. ,• Sherman, Clay & Co. STELN WAY DEALERS gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaa I Glass & Dice I | CASH OROOERS 8 ft 2 I SPECIALS S { SPECIALS g For Today *» 0 And Saturday *> Z HAMS, 10 to 12-pound aver- © 9 age, in. .mi,.. ,i to be extra 3 J? qu _lty, per pound ... I -St" • _J COrrKE—We have ii strong 2 X line, do.-. Sse, IIOi", _*• 2 ft BOe> per pound, qualities) guar- 3 _. itaed, your money back If not • _; satisfactory. We have a little 9 Z of Adams' 40.- grade left. It's 3 A yours at I pounds for 14 1; Sac 11 5 grade, I pounds for **>l: 11 0 Adams' Queen City blend, if. 1 i *J pounds for I*l. We must . ] | 2 clean this out, and no have ' \ ft made the price. J 1 i « 1428 SecondAv. \' p Phono Mm In 482