OCR Interpretation

The Seattle star. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-1947, April 06, 1904, Night Edition, Image 4

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1904-04-06/ed-1/seq-4/

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nY UTAH VV m lsiiiNu co.
OmCK»~IMT and lie* Seventh «v««iu«.
Outtneaa Pejinrtrnent—Suntet, Main loWs Independent .IM. "^e^Ba**^
U.tltiMUl IVt<*ltlli<-Ml - : ■un.rt, Mntti UK
The attar's Ka«iem i.rrir,.* IN Hartford building, Chleegol II
SYttiun* biiiMlne, New T«rk. W. 11. rvrterflalit. n«ir. forttlfn A Ixrllilpe,
HAuLAnD TAR AOKNCT— lit tUllard eve. Sunaet. Ned 111.
On* t*m o»s>y. eta"»»itu"'i>»r week, or twenty-five s*n»e P»l
g«»th, ri»Hvr».l fry .11 .-, <rrl»ra. No free .-..«!»••
"^fcffi All! feUIWCIUUKUA-Th* «U «• whwi 7olir^ubaVrlpd«~»»rlrM U
-.1. *h«i >i«m «uheerlp<l«*i »»*»"• *»
Ml th» i,1.1.<.m '.1..1 of »ecfc paprr, W h»« that ««l. arrtvoa. If va» .ul«rrie-
Me* ha* not «g»ln b**n raM <« »'i*«n.-<\ your nem. la Magi from Ik* n»t
[ ahar\r» «f dat* asi lh» *«irtr»«» »■►>•' la a receipt *
*" Miimm «TThi"V>»i»»nri~ai™S»alU«r -• ii «■••■• >■ »««ond-cU»a '•"•*
"Ha live* for hla chilli on ~
No doubt about that. The children nr* alt In all to him. Kow
funj ha la of (h» Ih<t. who bra«« that l»r la taller l<r half an Inch
than ■'I'op.- There la worahlp in his f.\t* when he looks at Ma
<Jaui«ht»r f«rlf >lf.n!nl la a <ik.-.l all over the man In Ma ahlnr
cJnt!i»«. in th* war h« atloka to buatneaa, forgo«a hollilaya and affacea
kJn>«<«lf for lha chUJrcn'a aukc.
It la natural.
It la a!ao tubltma.
For thi'lr aakaa ha la cutting >r.ir« off hit Ufa, and roluntartlr.
That la what ha la her* for. To thla end «v he born and for Ihta
f)wrpo«> otini be into the world. It la hla mtaalon. aui»pteJ without
rtgrat or B«ir-i)ti««(lonli)4T. lir may haT* no atandliig Of II
bUhar mlaakui, but h» underataada thla one. Take the cbUdraa out
Of hi* life and It would b» io»rlrnev, 1-Vr them be (4ana and aterea
aad hopaa.
Hi la nothlnr. the children MM all.
At for himself he haa had a hard at ruff I*. Tha pathway mual
b« amoolhad for the children. Bduc«Uon w«a denied him. Tha chll
«ran muat have every advanU««.
Certainly. tie ha« diacov«r«d th« aacret of happlneaa—aerrlre.
•taoaua* ha minlatera to those he lovaa hla Ufa) la made glad thereby
th contented a«rvtca ha ftnt]* Urn auilaat Joy of alt bctnff. tn obeying
tp the la»t drop of hia blood the fatherly Irutliut ha bu obeyed the
(Ainilaneatal law of nature. Of eouraa ha la happy*
, Ilut la he wlaeT
Tes and no.
He la wlae when he fu«a to the last limit of fatherhood. N«
mlxtake about that. Out-
He may go too far.
There la aa much danger In devotion to one'a offspring at in
Sheer neglect of them. You cannot .ike your child atrung by pamper-
Ing it. You ought not to do for the child what it ran Jo for lt*«lf.
And that la thla father'a mlttake. it* do«a too much for hla chil
dren. They have come to depend upon him rather than upon th«m
•elvee. Should hia aapport be withdrawn they are not able to go
Me has apoded hla chlldrert by too much k!ndn*wa.
It la an easy thing to do. It Is natural for the father to eat
Short dlnaera and wear cheap ctuthea, If nf'umry, that the children
ma> be well dr«saed and well M not the children may not appre
ciate the rifle*. Ukely aa not they will grow up aalfUb and un
Bat the patho* Is ihla ease I* that the father eJoee not know.
. He will go on loving and tiavlng far hla children to hi* latest
I day. He cannot eve their fault* lie baa done hla heat If mlntakee
: Jiav 1 ■••■■ ■ made they ara of tha head and not of the heart. He U
literally gtvlr.g hla Ufa for them. . t*{ •»-
He lives for hU children.
In ht* emnmenta on th* work of the X*w Jersey l*«l«Utura, wtilok
ka« Just adjourned, Governor Murphy of that stale aays:
PJERSET ron COIU»On.\TION KUSIXESB, akd if kbw jkh-
What do r<">u think of that*
Why, th* atat* of New Jarsey has far years granted Uttara of
bmqbi and reprisal to every form of financial piracy. It haa com
ntaaloiiwd and aeat oat a rnaltltule of sharpers an 1 promottra to prey
Upon an unsuspecting public AH th* smart scampa In th* country,
»m ».»ll as Miif of th* ajroatlea of "high finance." hay* taken aJvsn
tAg* of th* l«-ci of New J#r»»r to float worthless s*--urltlc« r
And at this Urn*, whan the hoi* trend of executive and tegi*
lattv* energy In daroted toward the sqa«)chtng of thes* robber* on
th* hUh seas of finance, the New Jervey governor wants to make
th» laws «...ri.iii« la* oravnlaatkMi of oorporattoD* mar* liberal.
And thts In order "to retain Us buaineaa la this respect."
"Other states are bidding!"
Tb« country haa lons* wondered what the people of New Jersey
ar* made of. •
If their governor la a real aarnyte It la easy to guess.
It baa been the boast of Cubans
that lock* were never needed mi
door* In that country. A locksmith
ought to do a good tmalnsaa 1 down
there afttr the trusts ft comfort
ably located.
Th* Chicago bartenders have de-
del th« saloons must t* dotted
oon£ays. This wilt Inconvenience
(ha Chicago police a great deal.
A man smuggled diamonds acroaa
tha Canadian border by feeding
- Iham to a dog. A <l<>g Ilk* thai must
ba a g»nv
- VOMrX>M. April «.—A dispatch
from '. «M ■ Kouropatkin's secre
tary say a:
After Gen«ral Kouropatkln read
th* American : »rs telling of the
land battle- at Chong Jti ht turned
U> me and said, 'Hereafter change
th* form of th* Introduction of my
Xrts. I notice the** papers tra:m
lail It so It reads, "I have th* honor
M rasi><*ctfully communleaU." You
too* I Bffrw cpllt an Infinite and I
am suixioua that Russia get bock
into th« coed arracua of the United
Mkfu.' -
>>ORT Annum. Aprti « Th»
•«td!*rs anil sailors hera wars much
lg{*TW»a tn the reportJ of th* bat-
Glasses Fitted Fret Diseases of Eyes Cured
Consultation Free
M H»K»i Block. Corner Hi "i. | *nd CclumbU Htr..t-
Us between Cossacks and Japanese
-Tlom and ho**." said th. H.i««l«n
Infantryman, who are th* greatest
Jokers In th* world.
A WORD moil josh wise.
Alxut nlna rooks
out ur ttn spoti th 1
Walrlnr for your mil* to dresa to
uo out with you often paves the way
la th<» divorce court.
It won't b« «o mighty long
IT nuthln' iDttrvsna*
Till you'll «*• th« women out
With thoir tuktti, ptckln' »rt«n«
—Conn*r*vlll« (Inl.) Court**.
A tru»t«« of th« C«eli nhoilea
•chola.rih!p* hint* that tk* lucky
n';hnl»m nhoiiM not enter Oxford
with a br»M b»n<l ao to »p«».W. ThU
t• on theory, r«" lii«i>«. that «r» »'•
no royal' ltli»U*a to learnings (IUI
•. UN lUI
WILCOMK, josh wisui
Welcome. "Joan Win," doubly «*!•
cum* I
We ■!■• (1 ->)»d to ace
That you're back In dear Hxattla
Krom that wicked, gay "Tarte."
I'M* and patiently we've waited,
And our bettrta within did >■ >>.
Aa fa acanned ">• oolumna dally,
Hoping ere long you'd return.
Though but week*. It aeema as ages
61nc« yuu Ml ua all adieu.
Am you atortcd for the far w»t-
And M re giad your ecbetne fall
Kor we like your word* of wUdom.
The re the penetrotln' kind—
Like to raid 'era In the "Star Dual"
Sorter brtfbtaaa up our mind.
May thy worda Increase In power,
E'en inn" now thry are aubiime—
May thy fame «i» tin forever
Down the ourtijor of Ttrael
Mldat tha tumult of Ufe'a battle)
There are two thlnga w» admire:
Oim>. I) our beloved "Jo»h •' !"«."
And th* other la the -ota»! M
JO icoa.
1 I !
.:«^] ....... •
1 *.
j The .Km* treea, I <
I The flow'rtng leaa. "I *
1 The Mouth land »>r--»»»— 1
. \i"' Achoul A aneeaa. « • :-'
• >4#><## •
l*a!n<.!»t at IndUmapoUt are en
gmni Ist a bitter feud, and lha hand
of each la against hit brother.
Th» Korean government ha* r,lvro
the Japanese trorpa 59.90© <-»»»• of
cl«arettca. ThSa looks Ilk* a atab |
tui.Srr the fifth rib.
A".an Kaplfn. anotker of »<•'':•'■
»rII-.!rf«««--I and notorious r*a*rsnta.
was arr«*t*d yesterday aftprnooa by
Ctty DsteeUrta Ilubtnnl and rrM
m»n. »>j»!!n aaa beaa) mixed up la a
camber of shadr affaJrs. principal
among \h*m th* drua-s.'nc and ruMttag
<H W. r Miiur to ths old nll nifli
ll* ws* arr«arte4 with Bt»v* I.rt«
and Tom I'hl!!!;-. for this • ■'.. l.ttm
wl t> the ptnttentUry and m*rf*& >
hla term. Phillies) ab» was *•«( to
the penitentiary, but later went la
sane. r»t<'in, tbrmicii i.l» ■:j• r; r po
litical pull, went free.
V.-rt'.r.r»r Stewart of th* Or»««
Northern rallvsy yeattrdsy f:>«l an
aattii>»u wlih th* board of wr-rVn. In
which he BtatKd th*t th« i nt,.i under
the hit] would b« completed and th*
onion depot fiii!«ti»J by Drctmbcr 11,
C. M. Howe was arrratrd by Ho
m«r.» (ittiri-r Clark yesterday bccauM
h» had f.tll«'l to arerrM* far him fam
ily and »p'iit tl»<j money that ahould
have rona to support bla chlldrao on
hla owa ptvasurr. Haw* la a on».
armed nun, who fenatrly conducted a
II« has pronila«d to da better, and
will probably b« given anothsf chanc*.
Ilia family had been tursad out of
their home, but tb* wlf» and children
wer* taken la by frlenda.
■ ■*
We aim to picas* In picture takln*:.
Kenan A Erlcson, UK first aye. see
Torn "AFTWT AND coiironT
Alwar* eonelderrd w*»n yon travel by
the Souther* Pacific's 8c«nlo Hhaaia
route. is. an -If ill scenery and faat tint*
to all th* nto*t attractive reanrta of
Callfurnla. the land of p«rp*ttuU «un-
BBlns fiat* la Ban rrai.clsro IX SI
first claaa. 111 arcond ? !nes. For fall
Information call or writ* I. IS. Sills,
Ocnl. Aifrnt. M rir.t ay*. *••
lA/y FikstxAvi.
TheXSrceress of the
'illl F-TIIB W«UJ-.
'I count on your accepting*," aald
' Hut why?" I anked. with aoma
Itnpntlenco. "I lint - never haard
mi) till favorable with regard to
Mm IloiiaaMii Her crueltta* to bar
ajilnnlaj ma well ■ known, ilranted
that aha la tha beat tamer of wild
anlinala In Kuropa. 1 would latli't
not know li»r'
I lull baa nothing to do with the
raao In 1 "Int." replied Vandeleur.
"•Ira. Ileitaaaan and M»<lama Kara
are working one of madam«'a • ■« »t
pkita. I have nut th* laaal doubt on
the aubject. It la Biy buatneaato
■otve ti>l* in>atriy. and 1 want your
"Of courae. If you put It In that
way I 1 a, 11 refuae no longer," waa my
reepofiitaj, "Out «hut do you m—tiT"
"ftlmply thla" Aa Viuhl»l«mii apoke
be leant bark in Ma chair and draw
a IMb] puff fi "in hla meerschaum. "I
am artlng In the Intereata of <J«-i.tl-l
Itlllera. You hare, "T couraa, haard
of the ini»»tn< Hlrl'"
"Tour anlgrnat become morti and
tiiiue puitttng." I repllmt "I know
but Ilitle of OeraM Hill, And
who la th* gtrir
"I have rather a pretty at., to
entertain you with. Ttila la MM atate
of thine", an nearly •* I ••an narrate
li. Mia Ilenfaaan. tha owperof iu>n
■aaa. tnenagerlea, la in mm « »m»
tha talk ot L<oi>don. Hha baa darel
to do what hardly any other woman
baa dona befora her. line ruria bar
■ !».>•« haraolf, being ejwaye i k .-nt
at tmportant axhlbltlotta. Her |I<h>
tamlng a>| "• were) remarkable
enough to aioua* |*n*>raJ attention
In l'«fl* laat year, but now In U>n
don aha la irolnar en an altawaxl i*. it
Hh» la devotln« •• ra—lf to tbe Urn
In* of ma wilder and mor* diffi
• .It « ilma!. la 1 .-!>•«• I mean
"Dttt wh«t abont the ell and your
frtaad hl'iarar
"I will explain, nut flntt let me
teti you about Mra. Urnsaaan. I must
describe her b*fot* I go any ,'*i tl»#r.
Mm la built on a *trr tore* •<•«!«•.
balnc «lx f#*t In h*lcht. Mh* has
•trong featur**, pron«ln«nt «•><■■ »n4
• ringing, harah »»!. i He- movUi 1
i* remarkably Urge a>nd wtd*. I itn
drratand that Madame Kara has at»p-
I'llr 1 her with a perfrrt net of f»l«»
terth. *o writ 'i.a ! that thry defy
drt«rtlon, but »:'"E-th"r *b* I* dls
agTemble to took at, although th*
very lino or atretsgth. Maw, this
woman la a, »li'» and guM on* only
child of ti>* nam* at Ljtura. a girt
ntxnjt ID year* of 1*" who Is to all
rvapwts >< unlike th* m<>th<-r as
c!*tj«hi.-r rould b*. for »ha la •lleht.
fair, and c»nile.|.»,kln<. with a par
tleutafiy attractive faca, jti««l<n«ira
has had th* bad taat*. armrdlns; M
Mi". Uvnsasan. to fall In lov* with
uni'f". wher*as th« mother want*
h*r for a very different bridegroom.
I hay* known !l!!l!«r* for year*, and
his father la a*frtend of itilna. Ha
la a nl.-». centletnanly fellow, with
«••"■' commercial proap+cta. Now,
altbough It la mor* than probabl*
that Miller* will be a rich man. Mr*.
Iletieaaan doom not wlah for th*
match. Hha wants I«ura to marry
a rilble ml««hapen llttl* m»-i «
dwarf of th* nama of Rlgby., l»o far
a* I ran ascertain lUir»-y la half ■»•"».
half Uie.k and he !>!>• #»1J»Btlr
known Mr*. li*t>«.»nn for many
ymrs. ll* live* In etpAnstv* lodg>
Ings mi •'Hvondlah aquar*. drtv** a
mnll r>ha»<n« and M* all' Ib* ex
ternal* that belling to a rich man.
II 1 lii< Is as repulatv* as hi* body
la mlaihapcn. Th» c'rl cannot aland
him, ml what th» mother •*«• In
him la the most difficult part of th*
problem which I have got to *ili'
It may he it case of blnckmnlL' If
ao. I must prove It. 1 here In not the
sllnhtcst duubt that this litre
strong and dlsaxre^abt* woman,
fr<ara Ftlgliy. although oka profaaaia
to be a great friend of hit.
"In addition. Madam* Sara la Mr*.
H'-h-m*:in'« i.ii.i Mi« »i.< ii !« a.
gnat ili-nl or her iln,» at < 'my l<-lir».
II.• iiotty littla pl&ca near Uulld
ford wh«m the l;*nimtnn live.
Then* two Hun "N am «vt4«ntly
hand In «lV«, ml both Imvt m
aolrtd to sir* Uii* poor iftrl to Jon.
m»tiy; M thlTigii arc at pirwnt
•j*i.Ud HUllara Kiati'l'i a poor cbajica
of wfnntnc hi* bride."
"T'j" m*y th» «!rl la ml«aliif
1 *•• About -i mnnth im(», Oarald
wroii to Mr*. Ilanaaaan ajiklna- liar
for I.Miir»'« hand. It* had qulta a
I civil lattar In reply, utatlnf that (h»
matter i><iuii|'t lantldaratlon, and
that Just at i ini'iit nh<- would rathar
ha did not |.iv din addraai«t to her
dmuaiitcr. •1.. Mb aurprlan li» rac«lv«d
an ln>Nation a frw il»)« tatar tualuy
nt Cray lodva.
'Ha arrived l!ii-ia, waa ti»at»d
with marked klndneaa. and allowed
in ■■■# l«*ura aa niuch m ha liked.
111* pour |i>l Beamed aii'lly i.»iimlm
n.l and unhappy, """ day when the
two found themaalvea aloti* aha told
him that ha had better «'v« her ♦•!•.
M ■hn Lllf* (liar* W0« not Ilir
• n«hi.i»i < iiiin'o of hoi being »l
lowed to turn jy him. but ah* further
n.l.ifi that un.Ur «<• clroumetarice*
would aha ninny HJgby, Aa »li» ut
tered the muila Mr* llMi*a«an came
Into Ilia room. 'in nil appearance
aha hail heard nothing. Killer* left
Cray lodge that afternoon.
"irmly ilio not! morning Ik re
h-Ivml a letter frotn Mia Bajiimii
aakJng htm to mint to bar at one*.
II- linn int to th* lojaj*. ha wti re
ceived by la* hoat>-*a, who told him
Unit aba baU ecnt I.iura from home,
■11 I that ah* did not Intend (>• reveal
her whereaboute until aha had ■>-
elded It «tv« bar aa a brl*a tv Jo«
IU«Uy or to him. Bhe Mil 1 "I any
nt (<;r««ii! which aultor »hr moat fa
vored, ah* only reaerved to heraelf
<t la aiiaoluta powar to cbooae b«-
IfM tbem.
" l^«.iia ahalt only marry MM man
I . !>....*■• tier t.i marry,' waa b«r
final announcement, and than aha
■i4dad 'In ordar to atudy your
• burn t<r, Mr. l>l!l«ta. I again In-
Vila you to com* here on a vun. My
friend. Mr. Ki«l>>. will ul.o ba a
"Thla lt«ll nt thlim« alon* would
ha.v* made Itlllara aniloua. although
nat greatly alarmed; but Lauira,'*
• ■11 tiuraa. who had been hiding '•*
hind • lauruatlnua buab In tha »v
--rum, rualMM] up to htm na ha *•«
returning to tha railway a tat Imi and
ttuuet a not* into li!» hand. It was
» i if.m i.) i.. i.i.r and ■..** very U-
Itt'tfate. In this »he t:m;.af ' to In-
I form him that the young Udy had
■ t>r*ii i-ii.u'.tU ft 111 her bad In the
InU Ha of tha tilsltt mid Ifrji put
forcibly Into a Mb by lira. Ucnsa-
Mtt and Mm*. Bara, It viu the
nurse* taipreaalon. thai th* poor (111
»a* abvut to le» subject »J to aum«
vary rru«t lt*ali:
IIIII< •a cam* to inn at one* an4
Irruiuittl nw to h>-it» him to find and
irrstua Hit* Dmmho. I tnuat own
that I «m at first (<uaa!t4 how to
act. It «v Just tiirn tj,ui art «x
--iJltuiiy tb.lt>( happened. Mra
, |H»na*aKii cam* to •*«• tor. Htr <>•-
I ttnutbl* r«aa»a was to consult n.«
With r»*»r4 to •nni«- curtmia rob
b«rlta »hl<-h bad l*i«-lr t«k«w ptar«
on hrr prsmisoa. JUr great fmtr was
i that th» |m>O|>l« «i rotatnlttcd t!>••
I»urrlari«>» would try to Injnre h*r
( wolrrs by throwtnc t.>laon«4 m--.it
'» them. r:hc had heard of ny» and
I 1 ray prnfratilntwl skill from hrr sreat
friend. Madam* Bari. and, In short.
«&• »4t;IH to know If I would take
up th* matter, anaurinit m<> that I
should l>« handsomtly paid for my
serrtraa, and. further, that I might
bring mr frlrnd, Mr. luvji Uiiu-,
with in.
j M'Ma lam* Ram and I would Ilk*
to have you both atari ng at Cray
lodfc,' ah* aald. 1 hot* you will
loom*. Will you. In company with
your ft I*!* J. Mr. Drure, visit m«nest
Monday T W* .11 th*n «■■> carefully
Into th« matter and you •mi [Ik
me vii opinion. It would be a most
serious thing for ma, mor* serious
than I can glva you lh» Uast tdn
of. If my wolvm wer* tampered with.
II auk for your )ie»<-n<e M a great
fnvor. Will you both corn*?"'
"And you acepptrd that sort of In
vitation?" was 1. v remark.
"I accepted It." replied Yandeleur,
grnvely, "for M both."
"But why? Your attltud* In this
MUM im«/.!eß m* very much. I
! should Imagine that you would nnt
[•AM to darken that woman* doors."
"X suaprct," Mid Vaniieleur. slow
ly, (li ii th* tula of th* robborie* Is
a tn*r* btiDd 1 look forward to a
very intfti.Mltnir tlm* at Crny 1oi!r«,
for I Ir.tend to km 'iina pOMHM I of
th* n*ca*sary kn-iw 1.-.inn which will
' enable pie to glv* Ulu I<HUia to
Hen,).l Ilill-m as bla bride."
I crettly dldlked tin! Idea of going
to stay m Cray lo.lga. I thought
Vandeleur on the wrong track when
he anlrrod Mrs. n«*nsaatui'a house an
her gucßt, 'nine was no help for It.
however: b* Mas determined to no,
and I, M ills aprclal friend, would
not fall htm In what was extremely
likely to be an hour of danger.
On the following Monday accord
ingly I accompanied Vondeleur to
Mrs Uenaaaan's bouse. A smart
Idog-cart * an waiting for us at Oulld
ford, and we drove to th* lodg*. a
Matty houaa, altuatad about three
•""• • out of town. It atood In
Ha own (Tounda. Thara v«i a plnn
wood to tha left, and I ,i«'.i bavo
thought I waa hmho«< hli.jf una of
th- moat Innocent and lov«ly homra
of i;i.»i.iini but fur Dm alnlatnr bay
of a wolf that fell upon my aura ua
wa druva up tha avanu<»
'!•« wm In full |.r..(ifaa in Uia
central hall when we arrived. Mra.
lienaaaan woro a (MM of tawny vel
vat. «hl li «ult»d her maaalve fl«fU"
and hi.iah, >. 1 In aoina waya band
aoma, fare. Jlar hair waa a abada
K'l'lot In t.ni« than tha velvet, and
aha had It arranged In thick roll*
round her larira li«-».i. ir»r dead
wMta com pi* 1 lon waa unr«ll>-vt by
any oilot. Her reddlib eyebrowe
were thick, and her ayea, larira and
tba color of n««t«ia, d*amed with
approval aa wa entaxed tha hall. Bin
• Minn forward at onr« to meet in
"Welcome" ah* anil. In her harah
voles, and aa aha apoka ah« arnlled,
«nowln« thoa* while, regular teeth
will' h Vatidrleur had mentioned aa
tha work of that «<i.liia Madame
Wa at nod for a moment or two by
the fire, and aa *• did »■ I watched
her face. Th« brow was low, tbe
aya* very l.v«- and verr brilliant
but I thought li.-ii. altocether • »n
--tute of humanity. The noaa waa
tbkk. with wide noalrlla. and the
mouth waa hldeoua. cut Ilka a all! I
«. • «a li»r r». a Kotwltliataiullng
her beautiful t**th. that moutb <!-•
atmyai all pTetrnaa nt good looka.
In the |n'Wiii» of ana ■(> eoarae
and '-Hi «*»..! Madame Kara, who waa
•tK>idt> a- In tha background, ap
pear* I at flrvt almoat Inelgntflrani
but a aeoond Kla&c« abowed that Ihla
wamni waa tha vary foil ah* n««d*d
to briny out bar remarkable and
great attraction*. Jl«t •lati>larnaaa
and li'-r youn* figure, tba 'a.fin***
of her blue eyee. MM golden ahecn
of that marvelwue hair, which wm
neither 4>»d nor artificially curled,
but waaTiatura'e pura product, (iia
tenlng and twtntnc :i»<-if Into len
drila long, thick «>> 1 »-.fi M a girl'a. i
all conlratted well with tb« bmvy
.■Vjpni^.f of her huatrjii. Mi». D«n
——« |i>t». alitsoat an •<!•> wittnan;
Ma<lam« Bar« ihljtM have been SI or
39, Mm wort n black «ire«« uf . «t>-
»!il.y Iji «. and notblnc cout4 »Tt
l«r "ill tha J« .".*•>• of her cum
C°n<... -n. of • f ..<
ItrV Jr. . ». <-„», of V...K-. Ark..
write*; 'Tor 12 year* 1 •uff*r#4
ftini y. ■!■■« Jj\:i..'.:.»■ I eonautied
a number of phyatctnna anil triad all
aorta "t i ' t< ■■■•' ■. but k ' Mi TtUrf.
Tb**» I b*g»n th« >!■<• of nt«ctrtc
imiM • aad f<-<! that lam now air*4
of a dl*t»M that had tn« in !t» CT»ap
f.<r t»»lv» y.'.it»" If you want • Pi
Uabl« m«iJlc!n« for Uver un<l Kidney
Iroubir, atotn^rh <Sl»nr<J"r or ircneml
dtbllity, *«t fHri.' niurw. ''"
if-nr.iiitufil by C. O. GUY, Ino^ S»e
•nd avtnu* and Y«tl«r. OftJy fc»c
B*wlng Machine acknowledged (o I*
the beat on mrth Think of It—
unor-iiCAi> bbwino «*' «mm
AT $10.
All in». lj.'nn for t.-aa than ont-bal>
11.. uauaJ prtca, No agents, do com
ml««Mn» to pay at
Clinc's Piano House
Corner Second and Union.
At Half Price
KM Ruffled Net !.»<■• Curtain*...
.... $2.00
110 m Irish Taint I*ce Curtail ■
tt.ltf Druaartl* Not La0e...... 4.00
I* no Tap«*try I\>rtleraa 94.00
i;m flimin. rnrtlcrcs $3.50
It 00 Kinyrnu Rugs $2.00
J»T> Kitchen Clocks, with alarm..
{100 lunch Wuh Wringer... 94.00
MW rirmr«» 9:«<M>
*i.m picture* $ 1 "iO
Me Braaa Curtain Roda ... lOr
lie Tai*atry CurUln L00p*....30*
lie Cottoa J.ace Curtain l.cu|<»..se
1312 -SKi'iiXl) AVK ilia.
wi: civu credit.
Rich Jowulry
706 First Avo.
SOAP, 5c mlMt
30c a Pound ss>f
lUffutar price th* world over la g^**^"^(ft '*Cl^l"'^H/
$ RAZOR to"n®t<3
The must i.(.;,Lilur priced rj«.:i In L •*"/$> / »Sr3 KB^T
th« world. Ttio prlca la On* Dollar,' aaaaaßam. V b! »a ISfJ
and w« *r« authorlied lo '•»'huiK't^S^Jj^SKP^V. Ki^ faa
iti^m or 'ml iti" n-i»n*y If tiny \ t v xt» [.J
f-ill to pleuM In nvrty v„r I ■■•jual \*M'^O^f' ■ % J r /
to i*'>ra thai rust l»i'» un much. *tjU Wf
Hani by ri nil [>»iti»ld. 'Hi. gunkiir X:vSt>*s\l»^L <>fcr\
l'iu| OomnMiy «ul* t|>oli. -iaVNßtafc
Latest In Auto Bags
N«w atilpm^nt* juitt In direct from manufacturer*. AH l*»rh*r
foods ahown by Th« Quaker coma direct from the makers. We a"- on*
of th« t*vf al'irra on th« I'iirlflo count lar«c«3 rnounh to do Uilil Moat
»• Mi hurt to content th«tna«Jv«a with Kettlns; what they can from
■mall Jobbers, (-.«?• our Interesting wlnduw dla^l.»>- of lat« nov«-Itl»-ii.
NewMt Auto and Shopping Bag*, In all leathers, with tb« new MM
handles, fitted complete; ruif« In pric« from .. . 92.75 to 910.00
Shopping Bag* In the new crushed l-ath»r effects, beautie5............
.7....... f4.G0t091000
A Spl.ndld New Lin* of Dainty Little Hand Bag* for children, all
leathern, ajp»ort«4 1 i..ra, spccliU •*• and SUo
Sassafras Bark ££ Liquozone
I > »«h. 'i**!*, bright and brltUei •
an tM HM sprlna; tonic; laxct New shipment Juat In. brine In
family paxk*«-«; apeclal.,. 1 5e I your coupons.
Fountain Syringe Special
HSe—Two-Quut lUpld Mow Combination rountaln Syringe— SS«
_ _
Free *»nvrr to all r»rt« c»f th* city. Including Ore*n I+km and Dal
lard. Mall orders filled and we pre; y .»;•'*■ or freight charges to
■II •nt» within 100 tnlkM of Bpat»« on all orders of IS.OO or over.
IM QuaJkerS^
Phoneii Main 1240; Indep. 1249
1013-1015 First Aye.. Globe Block
i in^ MHa . Adhesive Pliable Plate
tts^&W£ SW&^l* » PUt. of Ela«tieity. *i AA
WS^#*^V^i®^%a^ Pl.t. Ev.r.pl.a.mfl. *U 111 l
JfTT | T IT pj f/' Plate N«v«r P«rpl«»in».*r ■* w w
L'J 1 |J JL.^^~—" ' _'—^», 1 f Perfection Suction Plat**
' r~*Jl^-~ 1 I Onllr l***l" In the Wilt narking *^«
v* WV***".^^'***» AJ| Wor|( Guaranteed 18 Y.aVa.
Tc«tb extracted fi««. without pain
loar»-l N to •: lutdir. » to 14 and r»pUr»J with oew one* th«
liidr attendant. aamo dajr.
tC\a f*3 M * ha»» •ucc.t.fuUr flUtd over '*■• ..^IKMBgs "
JfcrJ ■Hpt£hV>>> \ ' ' '*"* u>***'-u* *"dflWßP^B*>a
•"^Y^VIZ* c-OMMNT: j hunt-. Jann-« ISt't TwJ Ore-
_ li ij_ *> wid Ay». N*ir ToTk t>lf»ck.
■ ————— ——
.... In the Combine ....
Queen City Laundry I
Cut Rate Offices
Main Office and Plant—Co*. First Aye. and B«II St.
Down Town Office—Third Aye., neat Pike St.
Shirt* tOo Collars 2o Cuffs 4o
No Worm i— U»«r».1 at Above Prloe*.
Tooth At Cut RatM
I UU ill Until May Ist
Brown's Painless Dentists
Air dulng all d»t t«l work f >r cost of
■int. rial ta intf-l v <■ our late discov
eries and painless methods.
I'alnirM i:>tractli)K .. .. FKi:E
Examination KKKB
Sllvrr Ki!!ln«s 35c
<)■>!<! mint «■. upward from 7.".c
■ . Ml l iimi.ii 13.U0
l«rlJ«r« Work. Z.'k IS4O
lull Bet Teeth iS.oo
Com* In nt one* and take Mdvantaxe
ef low rates. All work dons by »i>f—
I rlallstx. without pain, aiul miuninii«l
TUN VKAT.S Our orfirra have l»rn
| M>!iililli>li«'.l In B«-«ttle t«n years. Our
lat* botanlral dlacuvrry to «t'i-'.v to
t!ie tiimi for extracUuc. fllili.K and
erownlna if.t)i wtthuut pain la known
and used ci.lv by
Brown's Painless Dentists
713 First Avenue
Pnrl<!» 1. HIM Union niock.
One Dour tiouth of McDoucalKt South
wick a
II urn: 1.30 a. in. to ( p. m. Sun-
J>. till 1.
A Famous Remedy for Sick
1 leadacha
Th« causa of this complaint Is not
In Hi* brail at all. It oomea from th«
stomach. A Ktomach that hus b«
r<iuiy rlougcil by over eating, drink
ing, or abuse In any manner, will
warn you by bi'lnjtlnir on 'tele hend
ach*. Cure the pains and distress In
the stomach, and the heudach* stopi
of Itself. All bilious attacks, dys
pepsia, belohlng-, bad taste la the
mouth, muddy complexion and yel
low •>'•«, are eure<J by thin remedy.
llt Is called It. Ounn'a Improved
I.lv«r Pills, and I* sold bjr drucgiate
•II over the U. 8. (or tie per box. ft
I One pill for a do»»» or «mt by mall .
on receipt of prt<v». Pample free,
A,d<lr<-*» It. Ilosanko to.. Philadel
phia. Pa. The Quaker Drug Co,
1611 I'irat avenue. Seattle.
I C.R. Butterwortn & Sons
Catertakmtat Ejakaiairrt
Have itmuirit to Uieir new block,
Both Telephone*. Hi.
A thoroushly modern pl« • whirl
feu ar« at liberty to call and id
i pawl
■ |
ruiiii D«r*otor« *b4 —ai'imia. Par- I ,'JS
W"*. Thirl ... in* Or.xrnt* »tr».». I
T»t«o»>«ti«. V.i« lJ ««»itK w.A. I
AlasKa-Pacific Navigation Co.
OMiytna; Alaaka Paclflc Eipr*»*
and Vnii.j Btatea mall
railing at Junrau. Bltka, Ta.ku
int. KAY Enianiar and COOS
iNi.irr roiNTB. jm
B. S. Jamfi Dotlur aatl* (rum
Brut:!* every 20 day* via outbid*
mute direct.
Fulling iroin Arlington Dock.
I P. m.
No ft»la;,t i»f«iv«J aft»r noon
on day or aalllng.
Company rcarrT** right to
rhanira »i»ihi.<t» or daUa of aall
l>>ar without n.Miot.
It ■ c mn'b, Pr«a.
J. V. TROWimiDOC. Mgr.
Phone, In «1.
Phonik, Main 114 T.
•W Klmt Ay*nue. Brattle.

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