OCR Interpretation

The Seattle star. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-1947, June 22, 1904, Night Edition, Image 4

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1904-06-22/ed-1/seq-4/

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tSM HI M Mi I'l HI t-.1115.i .'ii
OFFU'KtI-Ue', ami t*>» Nrwuih Avenue.
T-U.l-llONl.at »-^..4*r_J>
limine-. I. i-.u tut. il tt,.,,,. i Main WTO; lndeprndenl USI '•. r»-t»
llelltui Inl 11. c,t nn. in .•.,,,,,.-i Main r. •
Th* Htar'. tla.ttl ll little -ea; p.! 11,.111-M.I 'liiiMtllnS.' I'llllitgit, ti I'llllllU*
tiuli.ttn*.. New YtttS. \V. 11, ISirlerltrld, i-i.in. ailiritlalug.
llAl.trAHll Rl'All Al!t:Nl'l~**l Kallnlel m». Hittiael, Itetl !«._._____
tine cent |itr tupv, els trill* pt-r week.' or ' tsriitv-flve vents per liiuulli.
oelivrml h> mull nr esrrirrs, N.i (r™ tuple.,
TXI MM IT Hl' lt-iV*l'llll'.|lM 111.. .11 tee '«|i, || Ve.eir • 11.-c llplleell eiplle a |.
on tht> a.lilrr.a 1.tt.,1 it nidi paper. When that ilitte nttliea. I( teuir siila-crlp-
I tent has not osuln been pal.l In advance, your tiatiio la lukcn from Hi* Uat.
I _^tl*l lg____!|s'.tt^in.*h* e.l.lri'BS lat-el la a ti-t-rlpl, ——______—________*
Unn.|*«l^rVhV'l*osMflC* Bl n.Rllie; VV.ialillilile.il. U. srvutld t laa» matter.'
Ther* la a superstition to th* effect that In a presidential year
biianie b. must lilt SMllll| be disturbed an.l dull, ll l» "tie of thuss
tnyth» vilti.ii somehow *neuk nut of the Shadows of th* psst ami ap
pear real.
There have been national campaigns upon the l»»ue ot ahtch a -n -
eral business could welt afford lo wait In doubt, l'top-ised changes tn
tariff policy, for Instance, have at Unit's furnished iti.vtler ot gravest
concern to Ihe many Interest* Involved. The itttmey qutrstlo** hat now
and thru I>i.hi..tit concent nnd tliutetlly to flnniit Ul tn-n.
And because iit.--.i- disturbing iim-.tluns hisV* arisen In the p i-t
ml are apt to arts* again In the future, vie seem to hay* accepted It
aa a setile'el coiielttlon that whenever * presidential c'iimp.iigtt la «n
w* must all get alarmed over business and go tv fiir general retrench*
Th* create*! i-n - !-c of l.vi time* la the fear of hard ttmra
*vY*t*en busines* volunlarlly shrinks In preparation fur a business de.
line, th* decline ts bountt to com*. If business knew no fear it
would b-> only under moat sxlraot'-ltiiar) condition* (hat depression*
could com*.
Ah • ill . -me i.n.int «c men sr* getting ready to help bring on th*
' •"presttletitl.il yewr i .-..1-..- li *noitgh -■; them Join In, *• „in .1.
they will su. .| In bringing tt tbout, ot course. ......
fall Is decline If buattteaa ■-■ ii *****M**Bll* tut down their capartty to
do business.
Hut n-llle I*l-1* la not a single Issue Involved In Hi* coming cam
lis that in Itself thouM cause any commercial or Industrial or
fiii.it,- iil Interest th* slightest uneasiness or concern. Wh.>*v*r th*
candidates may be, whatever th • j.l.itform* may be. ho*ever it.
contest may result, business nil! go on Juat tb* sam*. if the business
men then.*- It. s will only be wis* enough lo gtv* It • chance.
The «--iii t sen... of th.- people- of th* I'nlted Btate« l* a secur*
•Bfe_u.li 1 »« nil-it the overthrow of aettled policies. Th* Interest* of
all ar<- bound up la common, iii-lth-.* Interests sr* pretty »vi- to b*
always conserved. Nothing short ot a whirl wind of popular esctt**
Kent cut.it i. :i !.-r any extreme thing-- possible,
Ther* never yet ha* been tlevt-a a president dangerously bad at
heart oe Inefficient. Should ther- ever be one, hi* opportunity for
harm Is . Lisely 1.. S—id about. The fact Is lh,it th* worst man In th*
■world could d* little real damage In the office of Ideal of the**
il'oiiti • make* mor* not**, and exercise* less influent-* over th*
tu'."!*" .rf.it. of this country than sny other element that octuple*
publi..' atlentlon.
Every four years, for 113 years, w» have had a tremendous con
flict between ' tei or more parties for control of ths government, and
ft has nevrr mattered a whit In the lung run shethrr one er th*
•ther won.
, - Sober public opinion 1* the re-it ruirr of this country.!,.
Bafety snd prosperity depenel not upon the triumph or failure at
th* polls of principle* pro pcs I by either party, but upon tl.- honest
SW fin re* me ..t of tit* sound ell principles long settled upon by th*
Am-tI- .in people,
**>- STAR DUST •*>)
* A reporter for an evening paper
tilts of the thrilling esptur* of a
"do* with horns tn I—k* Washing
too A youth who can dlaeover
■ruth ...Itlrs has • brilliant f t
Mel.*- he's ,i Undent of thS I"ra
Big Dolt school of my ■**-*■•_
Some collet* bat cronferred IX. P.
Os Senator Alllton. Pretty soon
there won't be much more honor In
being a !.!.. D than ssstsior.
Th* Runlans are still Insisting
they bsvrn't Sagas to'fight. Next
thing i. know they may Insist they
can t fight.
*. Botir',.. Co. '-ran Is to be married
•gain Thst thowa soother sdran
tag* s representative has over a
a***! He doesn't hare to wait
until he has passed 10.
a woud ra-oii josh win.
Many a man's been
a hero because he'd
been ashamed t' be
anything else.
' •*|f»ie •/- i ever looked •' th*
■tar* through a telescope?" the
**No, but Ire rubbered at a few
through opera glasses."
' Th* **e*dlc*l editors st Atlantic
|; 1 4-3 lia'lei l;li. U, Corner Hecond nnd Columbia Hirest.
Ctty declared list hard work la
deadly. Prepare for another out
bunt from Uncle Itu... il.
Chsrlr* 11 wa* fleeing for his
Ufa aft-r th* hat:l* of W'orre«tcr,
and had taken refnge Is a re-Hop.
"You sre a mighty poor tat.tr
player," b* remarked rather on
gratetully to th* faithful Richard
"How so, Sire?" quota th* j-*o
maa. mucbly perplexed.
"Why, her* you stood pat an I
boosted me, and whtn I •*• your
rait* and ail you all you've got la
king high."
"Marry, but your majesty forgets
he i- not yet out of th* woods."
modestly replied the guide. "Me
thlnks the enemy holds a fistful of
clubs snd la trying for a royal
I'pon this bit majesty wss seized
with cold feet.
A noted Congregational preschey
Hald to a hen. "You're a beautiful
Th* hen Just for thst,
laid threw eggs Is his hst:
Thus did the Ilea *_i-d nsiirSsr.
Mow many , i.rta ar* yon putting
"Oh. no, I can't go," said Mrs
Bmlthern. **rd like to, but I haven't
anything to wear."
•That's all right," Smlthertt as
mtred her. "It's to he a swell so
rlety event, snd there'll be others
ther* who won't wear snythlng,
whether they've got It or not."
And then again, Itnsarll Rage
doesn't have to wear out his brain
by trying to work out the time ta*
OCTTINO CUJsnn. June 2..
--(Rpeclal.)—Just paused a funny lit '
tle town with n name that's got a
hole In th* middle. Homebody rail
ed It Cl* Klura, and I Raid It might
as well be that a. anything else
If th* postal siithnrltle* didn't mind.
I'm not knocking tho town, but I
think the fellow that named It
might hsv* pushed the Cln snd the
Blum together ami made on- nnme
of It. If th»t fellow had had •
chant* the gi'tigrsplty of tho United
i.i.el.-. VMitllil have read like th* lug
•ad of a t't'tinsvlvatiU t ulli'gtt yell.
I etjietl tn it-nt ii ttenttltt lit time
for the .1. .ii. niluu ot thn new Fed
rral httlliling, llsrs'S another of my
hitherto itiituilillshetl works. -.
Till: t'OI'V lU.API.II.
111 ni.in 'nl reads th' copy I* B
mighty inullt ilinp,
IIS liollcrß fer more ropy 'lien lie
tahea a lia:t —
An' stiitielliiit's when Im'a mum. In'
I 'eat i in.l it bunch, I.i I.lnn'
An' stomp my feet an' holler
"More Copy!" back at him.
'Nell lie's Born all' »ay*
Ain't hsrttly wutli my •alt,
Just knuse lie gets an sli-cpy —
Nat really ain't my fault.
Alia l.iilee. tint Limn.
A paper tleacrtbing th* wreck on
the liitcriiili.in last night says Hint
mo*t of the ttasaengrra wern sslecp,
llrnnted. Thry wer* from t.i i-i
Mra. Margaret Mi-Nttlty, an old
soman who, when released from
the Insane sayluia rocently, wsi
forced to sell her only row to buy
f-'.'.l and clothe* for herself, has.
through the alory of her trouble
published In The Htar. found In I>r.
I. W. Itrydrn and Mr*. Ilryden ot
thla city friend* who will help her
to rata* th* money lo buy back ber
pet Jersey.
Mrs, Mt'Nulty owns • little farm
near Auburn, but I I.lie .he was In
the asylum thn buildings on the
place caught fire and burned to th*
ground, su that whrn th* cam* back
•ho waa prrrtlcally homeless. Home
neighbors car* her A small csbta
to in- tn. but there wsa no way for
her to get money to buy food, *i
crpt to aell tho cow, which •■•..■ had
lv f.l from a calf snd which was
really all the old woman had In
the world to care for, She wept bit
terly a ben her pet *as taken from
I»r, Ilryden and hi. wlf* bar* re
solved to belp her to recover tbe
< it*. They hsv* persuaded the
owner of the animal to m-II It bark
for th* s.ime prtc* h* had paid for It
•nd hay* headed a subscription list
with a liberal sum.
Any person wishing to sasttt tit,
snd Mra Ilryden ta raising money
may tear* donations ut Th* Htar of
fir*, to le forwarded to Mi. M-
N-*l *r* , _._-*- .1'
For s short tlm* onty. two t-rsu
tiful full-flgur* i..ir..l photographs,
ia folders, for tt*. llrrplck's studio.
1134 Marlon street, between First
Sad si-.u-l a-- line. ...
Hay* you tried the l- ■ rlfl • feat*
Laundry, ll* th* best ...
There's No
Reason Why
1 ~~°\n
On the Car Line
On thn Lake
11 to IS .ii.l rid*. IS hou***
wtttt s to • rooms sold each month
sn IS to 112 i-r monthly. IT IB
iMi-'t'-'ti'.t.i: TO I'jiAi. oUlt
IJiW I'RICI—I ami gtv* a perfect
Ull*. W* have owned JOS acres
extending from Bsaosa Hill to leak*
Washington Zt year*. latrg* lota,
112. 111. 111, 122 and up. Term* tl SS
per month, l'n , of . , h let ad*
i.i. 't I." *• J every Monday.
A fin* t j-r-r.t at., rt. graded and
planked — Juat * flnl*h*d — -rota
First *venu* to Bouthrast Meattle.
A timely warning to all mailing
lovely homes. M- ran never offer
home* close la m cheap again Tak*
any car on Washington street.
Seattle Homeseekers Co.
UWb Fi.tr-Avr
| Timber Claims §
I Timber Claims I
and Homesteadsl
I L C. DOLLEY •"'_T..., " "|
BHsßß__________m "*•■* ___J
I:,, si.a.re snd fin. Optical ri.,,<n
Watches. »'ul disss and Jewelry .1
-tine. Il.al will ire soil In l>ivi,t|a«|.
tteiialrlns of (.'onipllrated tVatch.a.
1 Louis Klodt Jewelry Co.
M*w I-" alius laM Second Avaos*
*--^*v 1 I-! /??*%.
iflflNieifT^: GaijjtffiA
•_•__-!"" Tee,a,.,.^*-r,_,__ e---<e-*-''y >--- ~" **~***SM *****C>o*'Yl.|ciMT • I OOd- •BY TMf,
"' •""- Me-.1-iaUl .'".'Hi11,,..- Qg -r*--**r**r. s --_ _-<" iiCH^^rac'trc-'Pai-^AJ-Oint'
At tit.- nut In cull of lb* .l.li war,
the patriotic in nt lon of it. i lii.-i.i
-hum, graduating from Cottimblit
college, Hi, ills id,. vast suilli-ni ti nt
ii.. i- „i, niy of Miisti'. Ingraham
secretly lovea IMlthn. the bt'uiitlfiit
daughter i.l John Itsynor, a pros
perous lawyer who has educated
and liberally piuvlilnl for thla only
sun of hla former partner, a* well
aa for l.'.ltv.inl llurtihatn, hi* class
mate, Itetutiilng 'i.ill.i- with, her
chum*, IMlthn receives • tint* from
aunt. Mrs, Fairbanks, snd ... two
her father, who, fearing financial
ruin, ii** gone to lbs N*w York
hotel t.i confer with agents of hit
Houthern clients
It nn.. r etii.lt for money pack
age* Intended fur the Frenler r*i
i-'ite'. Ingraham and lMlthri find
that aonie of them are ml- ■ -inr. from
the siftc Hani..i has a patulyllc
atrtike. ' .*v •
Returning from tl-e hotel with
tt .me ot th* gold. Ingraham li
knocked lenarleaa and robbed.
I ni;.' sham . Injuries fonfln* him
lo hi* uptown room. A stranger,
at th* Raynor residence, i|. maii.ti
■ tldlenr* wiili llurnham. Instating
that hi* Mater hsa ctalma which be
mtiat ti. ogntte Ingraham stao in
trrredes fnr her, and be and llurn
ham quarrel.
Ingralism refuse* a commission
because ot Inrtperlenc*, but decide*
to enlist In Ih* srmy. It* declsres
his Live to i: lidi. and I* overheard
by llurnham. Frdltha, st th* parlor
window, sees Mm accosted by a
tearful girt with whom 6* dflvea
stray, llurnham. saked •H an ii
plana' replies: '1 han't as. m*
lain h.i It' men:! . what 1 alii to
him." j
With Capt. Winn. Re. goes to
Washington and Joins ths, it.-.! ir
rsvstry. He encounters ■A l.ii ii.l
Frenlrr snd bit ■ -|t«ui.fi Ufunt
— a
CHAPTER VI.-Contlaie.lJ
Tti* lieutenant romtnanSfrig j hli
i - -p. who sit months a^k* *••*
wearing the chevron* of ajbirgsant,
had taken Ingraham* Sj-e-uiur*
a the start. Th* troop Sergeant*
looked st his slim whll* bands and
the rut and styln of hl-fti tvllUn
garb and wlnkad at each other, but
tbe rorporal told oft to tat.'. him
lb* far-tag-* th* manual ot Ih* car*
bin* and saber, found tt an easy
Job, M I. I Interlarded his Instructions
with no blasphemy. All through li.'s
boy days his pony sad himself hsd
been Inseparable. It* had fed. wat
n.- !. groomed sad bedded kits day
•WHOa l lIAlJjMi:'! ' Ml ABKED.
by day. It had l-m hit .lilt.
■tlpulatlons and the sergrants tho
had happened tv gather behind t>
• lan grooming began |taik>*d t|u I IT*
ly st each othtr as Ingraham I • m
to the task, with s big bay ti -up
horte a* hi* particular tare. If ow
was It that tbit fellow who lot ,ej
Ilk* a swell could groom Ilk a
«•.ihl. in in? In riding, too, Xi gt
I'l-, nn found ha had no tyra to i al
with, although It was nbrlous fiat
thn McClellan saddl* ot ther rly
SOs was not to his liking but lex
soon saw th* hard "horse Htm**" that
prescribed erery Item of the rt'tilp
—si. even to th* huge hooded f
wooden *tirrup, *o different from
th* slender aterl to which h* bad
lisen *rcu«tomed.
'"Take everything sa It rnmnt and
aay nothing." had been hla matlm
from the start, and though there
was much In the life and nasorla*
tiiui he could never have submitted
A Lev* Lstt.r
Would not Interest you If you're
looking for a guaranteed Halve for
"scire., limn, or Pile*. Otto lull, nf
Ponder, Mo., writes: "I „>ilh i
with nn-ugly Bui* for a y««r. but a
box of Itticklen'a Arnica Halve cured
trie*. It* tho best Halve on earth.
."..: at 0. 0. 00V, Inc., drug (tort,
Second .v.nu. and Y.al.r.
to Stespl it* >i mutter nf ii few
aOftth- nf ci li .li-ti it.lm.- iimi slmly.
lie i mill) have been sine that lie litol
taken thn licat rond toward fitting
iiiii".. ir r.u it j... in.,ii, nnd content
with hla ilnlly lire-iil-wlHTeveii the
lukewarm bowl of light brown s.li
ttler t-offee. but for one strange ami
sorrowful thing:
Not a linn hail com* to him from
I).inli.t itayntir ■luce their parting
two weeks lie for*.
Two i. i.,-1 nn i hud reached till
from New York and *• litatiy ■* a
• ii./t ii letters, liv lulling three from
llurnham. Home of these threw n
•iiio Hi-Hi on the situation; others
unit' served to mnke It more trying
ami obsrur*. First In order of re
ceipt was the wlrn brought to Mm
by ('apt. Winn th« night he •pent
at v. iiii..! "Thought it might be
something of in.in.-ii,at- Impor
tance." said the captain, *• he came
hurrying In, 'so I tame right over
with It."
Ilex tore open th* envelope and
"Return of packages fur Frenlrr
and other* urged. Avolo trouble.
No questions, CIIAt.MI.I'.*..''
"What I* It, man?" anxiously
i,'i> ii- I v- in'i and wtthout s word i
Hex bail i. -i him Hi* dispatch, snd
in turn tho captain studied. Inside
and out, as men will turn • paper
they cannot understand. Finally he
1 -ul .-.I up.
"Who's Chalroera?" he •sled.
"The only am of Ih* nam* I've
ever met wa* with Mr. Haynor at
tho New York hotel, and accom
panied him hum* that night," •«
tha snawer,
"And for what on earth la he wir
ing you Shout packages? Ona
would think you had had trouble
enough. Yon saw—llurnham be
for*—coming away?" and th* cap
tain looked up queerly
'W* were to hay* met during th*
early evening at Mr. llaynor's. but—
I did not set* hlro." Th* recollection
of that wonderful hour durlttgwhtch
i lint ni .in was totally forgotten, sent
th* warm glow to Ingraham's fare.
Not until hs encountered that poor
girl on th* walk without did h*
I- am that Ned wss even then with
in, th* door* It was Improbable
that Ned would reappear so long at
ah* remained on sat. for bin
Her* • .* an opportunity to help
them both—to carry out a half
rutin..i plan—to bear her ►.». to
th* mother whom the poor child had
left that she might llv* nearer Ihe
root that sheltered her lover, s» sh*
believed l'.nri.v.tt.i to Ire. and. by ap*
pealing to the better nature of the
girl in :»• if. to Induro her to promise
to remain under her mother's care
nnd to pursue bis unhappy thum no
longer, llurnham was unhappy. Hex
• .■■.iiii ace week.! before commence
ment how nervous snd •stl.-s* and
worried h* was groalng. and had
begged to b*> trusted —confided In
"If It's—forgive m* now— Roalo or
her people, perhaps I ran even »erve
you there. A fellow, who claimed to
tr« her brother. Mopped me on the
f ret two nights ago. It you've
made up your mind to break that off
I'll help you Sll 1 know bow, Ned.
Only tell me," be had snitl. llurn
ham In reply bad begged blm tn say
nothing, do nothing, at least nut
then, nnd then had broken Impul
sively away, latter they had hat)
other and graver talks, aa ban been
told,.for Rex hud seen the girl hor
f if and heard her own sad little
atory. How many another la there,
Jiirtt aa plaintive and pathetic! How
few women there nre who can bring
themselves to patiently hear or read
Hut now Hex Haw n way, un be
thought, to lie a friend to hot I mul,
briefly telling her Hint hri was to
leave fur Washington within anoth
er hour ami in list hear whrtt alio
wlabcd to say aa linn drove, he
ii,iii.|..i her Into tli* carriage, lis
tened patiently a few minutes to
Iter teal fill litlil no* Incllt mi flow
of words, nut tin -, Bel tiefoio her
hla own pi. and promise. It
ended In hli leaving her wllliln the
doorwi v of her mother's poor mil'
horn* In Ihei Miulhiugiill quarter,
with a slip of paper In her eagerly
clutching flntel*, and her mills*
that never again would alie, or
should her brother, approach th*
It., .nut in.in ifii lv search of Ned
Not otio word of thla had he told
Winn beyond the mention of his
having visited Maelhiiigall •treet.
Not una whisper of it could he 101 l
him now, for his chum's .Infill
secret waa aa a sacird tiling. There
had been no betrayal* In bigma Chi.
Winn, remembering Itirirnlistn's rt
plitnatiiiii and hla own surprise that
anything •hould lake a man of In
mil.nin a I-- I il •tanillng to »uch a
quarter, wa» pnztllng over tlm me*,
sage hi-.I putting things together.
That was msasage No. 1, Tb*
i.'it came a few days later, and
agaiu to th* car* of Capt. Winn,
who meant line had rejoined hit
regiment at a Komewhat distant
ramp, bo that the message *•••
nearly thren days older when It
reached tb* handa of our college
bred i-i i tut ami ; - in■! him broom
ing out the dusty gangway of th*
•tables. ll* had sent tbe first to
llurnham, bidding bias find Major
i hairs ib. |f •ml in N*w York, and
If Cbalmrra denied all knowledge of
tbe ilia;.ai. li. as Ingraham believed
ha would, then to endeavor tough
the telegraph official*, and If need
be tint chief of police, lo detect the
Bender. Four times In two week*
Ingraham bad written full-hearted
and nt.'i < tit.ii.it.- letters to hla ■ burn
Three time* In those two weeks had
letters come In at least partial re
ply, and over thf-ae letters Hex bad
p.ii.-i. i. •! long ami painfully, linn
a* be bora thl* *econd telegram
from th* darkened depth* of th*
■tables to th* noonday light with
out. !.•• was thinking of the first of
those letter* written four ■!.!.. after
their iai tn..:. It read:
'Dear lies: Yours from Wulard'a,
with Its strange Inclosure, came to
I' tho old den. ... dismal without you,
tlie u|.l .|e|i. stl ilietl.il all,. i
two days ago, snd ever Bine* I hay*
beea working and put-ling. Chal
mers left for ih* Mouth the night
after you left for Washington (there
I was bad new* of Frenler — reported
dying at tlatoa Itouge). but I bay*
I not yet born sbla to find the offlc*
from which that remarkable me*,
ut. was sent. Chalmers was with
"the governor* quits a whll* th*
•>v i !.i! -I of the discovery and expect
id It bt th* bearer of a good deal
of that money lark to Mississippi
snd Louisiana, tie bad to go with
out dollar berauts Watson sealed
up everything until uncle thoul 1 re
cover. Chalmers went swsy wrath
ful, saying ugly things shout unci*
cti 1 his 'minion*,* si.'t he was in s
mood to mml 11 'i thSt dispatch and
had Urns (-, do i' Chalmers pro
foas** to believe th* assault and
rubbery of which you were th* vic
tim *•• all a 'plant'—that you hired
soßwbudy lo knock you down and
tun, after you bad carefully bidden
th* gold. Then thai old fool of a
Watson admitted to hint that you
vers set. minutes slon* st th*
open safe while Ediths was away
saying adieu to her captain down
la th* hall. Then, but pshaw', lln,
slitt » mild I be telling you these
Idiotic stortr* for' Of course ther*'*
always a lot Of amateur detectives
snd food-headed prattlers at such
tlm**. and led! split your aides
laughing, or Bwrarlng, st the theo
ries I've h*d to listen to. Indeed. I
most hsd s fisticuff with one follow,
"Mgm.. Cbl at that but h* took water
•t one* and others ISfaMf)—**d. Rest i
assured you shan't suffer while I'm
"The governor steadily Improve*
physically, and Tracy saya th.- he'll
Main be sitting up and might res-ov
er entirely, only he seem* bo dread
fully rut up shout these—and other
— li-uies. It li Edltha who now
s-enu to ni*-t| th* dot-tor's •ttrn
tlon. Bhe Is keeping her room Juat '
now. with Mrs. Fairbanks to com
fort her. and hain't tieen down
stair. for three day»- Nothing fur
ther from our Importunate vis
itor*. 111-other James lertui to have
meandered •'.... I. . . If ho la 1,. i
brother, which 1 have doubted these
many -noons. Thine. NED.**
The next 'arrived five days later.
"Dear Hex: I understand, of
courts. Just how annoyed you feel
about this miserable business, but I
don't !.:.'.. i-i-iii-l how you can ex
pect me to give you categorical do
tails. It isn't so much the words
people iit-i. It's Ihe way peopl* u«e
them th* war they look, snd the
tone, or iui___s or something— I
can't describe It—that t>etray« the
-- i i-l. i-'ii lurking In their brain*.
Don't iii.il. dear boy. I nitaure you
I tin doing everything In my power
to get lo tho bottom of this outrage
— that* what I call It. mil your
coming back would only complicate
matters. Yon sre hot-heatled and will
•Imply »tlr tip a fearful row and
spoil everything. Through a friend
Save. Two rrnm Death.
"Our little •! "i.-iii.-t had an al
most ratal rutins: of whooping mush
and bronchitis," wiltea Mrs. W. K.
tfiivllnttd, of Armcnk, N. Y„ "but,
when all other iPtnedlra failed, w»
reived her life with l»r. King"* New
Dlsriiv-ery. (tor niece, who hrtd l*on
snmptlon In nn advanced stage, also
used this ee..ii.|. ,i vi rneiltclne and
today she la perf.e-tly well." He*,
pernio tit rout itnl Inn* disease* yield
to Dr. King's New Discovery na t.*t
no other medicine on earth. Infalli
ble for t'ougha nnd ( i-ilds. *.«,- snt
1100 buttle, guaranteed by Q, <j,
GUY, Inc., He.-oinl avenue ami Yes
l*r. Trial Imt ties free.
"You *■*-•-I.■ to think 1 t/iiglit to
know more iiln.ul Ih* governor and
I'tiilliii. 11-.. ran I? I'm enjoined
tint to talk, or let blm talk, of the
money bimlncmi. Old Wstson la hem
tiny and nlr.t't, and prying Into ev
erything, ono reason, I believe, why
IMlllia keeps her room, so tli.it 1
isn't ton lief, and I've) been hoping
for opportunity tv deliver your mns
i-tiif Hin ll IsUSfS »• have .nin'
from you to her, I tinderaUiud, have
I,it'll tl. liv mil. Mild •he'll probably
write when well enough. Th« stack*
of fiowera Unit come for that girl!
inns In luißle. N. II
TBS third had rearhed him **■"
days befor* hit appearance with Ho j
guard detail.
•"Dear Inginliarn: Thero it BO OSS
In prodding tn« a» you do. I don't
own the telegraph company. I have
no control over I'illttiu a correspon
dence. I can't I"- men who srn no
linger north of Mason and Dixon's
line. The old man la cranky, tind I
don't know what's thn matter with
l'dltha, Bbe'i up und about, but —
se* here. The old woman, 110-le's
mother, you know, h*» taken to let
ter* heraeif, t.tilni; forth what n
Jewel of a man la Mlsther liigniliara
• nd, damn It. now that the't got my
right name, how she doc* wrong It!
\\ hat dor* It all mean. Master He*.
Il»ve you been doing a little of the
«petik-for-your»clf-jolm bu*lne*».
and •mi "in i tb* t..",. i :■' • and the
widow and Incidentally cutting out
your old-tlm* chum? Confess now,
for something has happened to re
lieve me of all. Ought I to be
obliged— «rJealou»? Your*.
Hut that »errjnt| telegram, receiv
ed Just Sfter the »eeond letter »lid
dated juat befors It, perplexed snd
disturbed him moat of all. lie did
not refer to It when he wrote to
"iteginsld Ingraham, Wltlsrd's
Hotel, Washington, 1). C: Major
Chalmers entruated me with papera
•nd proposition. Authorised to act
for John It.i;. our. li' . inn to him,
not Watson. FAUIIIANKB."
Hex had that dlapatrh In Ha worn
envelope, stored In the pocket of the
coarse, yet Jaunty looking trooper
Jacket when at 10:30 tbat bllaterlng
July morning the trig young officer,
commander of th* guard, came
briskly down the walk tv the door
of the little basement room where
th* trooper* were lunging. "A
corporal snd two men to ride at
one* with "Colonel Hunter," aald!
he, and In fit* rolnutea Ingraham)
found hlmaelf silently bringing opt
the rear of an Imposing little si si
in advance, on a powerful, spir
ited bay, rod* an officer, tall and
•lender, tn the doubl*>-brca»ted frock
of a colonel of cavalry, his shoul
ders decked with th* gold-barred
strap and th* silver spread eagle,
t' c wslst encircled by the crimson
•liken - a '-. hslf hidden by th* plain
I.l*. sword belt Four staff otft*
com rod* la alngle rank sereral
yards behind him. Four orderlies.:
st a respectful distant c, followed
these members. I evidently, of tbe
Special *§!
Values in . *jflb\
Perfumes m|R|j
Plnaud's. regular tie _/**s*/-e******g "^Qfcs_»oii]
.--•• t-i.l. r.u ■" -ii of Violet, regular a^***** Ifl
nplebler's B»eet I'eas. rrgulai ".. . / -co '/ •*«wi*"\Tlv
HpUhler'* Norn ■.. rt. liai [QU-k***'*^ H "*fi__€_?C_f
Special 50C SDlf
Rhine Violet. No. 4TII SOe __l_____^__ _■
• V Its . I-i I : it. c li-..- r.tic vSe"Ki?4_l^H
i 'gate's iMctylts. In packages..S3*
Florentine Massage Cream j
Removes every trace of wrinkle* and makes the face as soft «nJ
it i; -...'ii at a b-by'a. Try 50 Cents young.
50 Cents
••»*-'*w**-'**---**-*^^^-t-*s*^-*''*^ *^-^J**--*-ii—ii-*-_-i_r*i_-*i_r-*^-^-^- l _ri_r^^
New Arrivals in Basket ! t '.° n. l Hoap •• «•
«__. VoodUtk* Kkln Ko>i 35s
new Or. Charlra Irlesh Ft-cid SOe
l- -- '. Powder, pound .. 30* Hatln Rkln Cold Cream so*
i.i . in Halt*, pound Be Antiseptic, Witch 11.. - t 23*
Moth Halls, pound He The Shumals Finer
Harlem Oil <* for :sc) 3s No razor can be better made; sold
\s • i ai- .'.ut, „-1.nt... gSa under I positive and absolute
Hulphur. pound . 0* guarantee , Il.tXI
1' ■-•. '-i - 1 li■•! -i v. j.-.-ui ! in. New Gem, Griffon and Curtsy
nsect Powder (lunt ..........Re Safety Raters.
Washing Ammonia, bottle....lD* Mormon Hishop Pills ........SOe
Automine, quart SO* Cuplden* Hue
I:.- .il- i ii- of Rod*, pound..s* --it's r-ti.nl Pepsin Capsules..
fnssufias Hark, big package..o* i „ „..e... 85e
Tweed's Liniment j
I Por horsemen. We carry a full stock of this excellent remedy: gal
> lon SS.OO I
j Free Delivery at tho Meadows
Free Delivery
To all parts of the city, Including Crecn _M and Italia:.l Mall
orders filled and wo prepay express or freight charges to all points
within 100 miles of Seattle on all orders of |3.00 or over.
m Quaker Br*
Phantu Main 1.-lOi Ind.p, 1.40
1013*1015 First Aye.. Globe Block
latter that were fltat to rerclve of
ficial recognition. Jtown pu*t the
vi..'ell- treasury building they
moved at Mutely pare, leors* of
people Mtoppittg Oil the .... -c.-i . tO
•turn ut a Bight at ill nlmoat Htrnngrt
In Waahlngton. Torßlßg into I'inn
i . I-.,.ni i avcnur\ lbs leader looked
iilioiit ami ni.-ii.iii. -I A aluff officer
ipurrsd forward! then turned back,
"Heud up an onlerly." ho cried.
"<lo you. Ingraham," briefly said the
1 Irish corporal, with s nod. snd a
moment later, liln gloved righl hand
at salute and hla heart beating Juat
1 a bit. lie* reined in beald* th* vet*
1 eran colonel of regulars, command
ing one of McDowell's divisions, and
1 th« an.ii Ur,. keen-eyed, high check
boned t.it... clean shaved but fur th*
heavy iii.ii.-. t. '.■■ turned full upon,
1 "Do you know tho wsy.to AKlng,*
"1 esn rind It, sir, sfter crossing
the l-tiin- brldg*."
"Then present my compliment* to
t.'olonel iiiti, . ■!• . say Colonel Hun
ter la oil the way to hla headquar
ters and should bo there soon after
you, (live tbls man a pais, cap
Armed wltn tit la open sesame to
the military barriers ut the bridge,
Ingrahsm trotted way, ati tea
minutes later was clattering ov*r
• tb« loose planking on his first er*
rand to the sacred soil.
•Though their commissions as
i I general*, of volunteers bore date
May 17, the veteran regular*, com
manding divisions, had not received
those i 'iii.f.i --.-.''itis up to the llm* of
1 Flrit Hull Hud.
i Nolle* to Diamond l.« Custom***.
We hay. this day relui ed rate* on
! Ire- . -iwj.'ii bonk* nf Zi pi.uti Is and
upwnrtt* to 10 rents l«-r hundred
pound* In f -i !■ -. ' district,
t Jun* 21, 01. . •••
,-. —
Best dinner In Sri ttl*. eel I*l *,e>
t.rt■■•• or Eurgundr. st liaison Bar-
I erl. *r. on* sod Jatnes. every era.
* Blrig. HOI. ***•
Money to
HEAL HSTATH f*l..*l-niTT
224 Pike Street
John 3121 leid.. »■■•

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