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EXTRA! Muni' r.niTioii $5,000,000 In Gold En Rotate to Seattle Bound For Japan 810 CARGO OF YELLOW METAL BOUGHT BY JAPAN IN NEW YORK ROM PROCEEDS OF GOVERNMENT BOND BALE WILL BE SHIPPED ON THE K.ANAGAWA MARU * 4> . (Sold for Japan U. 000.000 •* % Hob ejecured Kale of war bonds •' •i w - ■ • ■-i New York markets * ♦ :-!i",;-.l from Seattle . *. Doing to Japan Via egawa Mam * tw iir 4 4H 4 >* -M*-*-*-* I-M*-* *■♦■♦ *+4H «***•* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 94)$ $ |a}« M# ♦<»»♦•»»•♦»»♦♦ »♦♦<#»♦♦»« ♦»•♦♦»♦»♦♦•»♦» 1.-.. million dollars In sold I* on Its *•• from New York to Seattle lo bet transpetrtetl on the Kansgawa Mam th* Japanese liner, which will sail from thts port for th.- Orient on Jsnunryr IT, hi* money I* a part of the proceeds of the .ale ot war lion.l* Issued hy the Japan t*r government and sold In the New York market*. The shipment left New York re cently snd wtll reach this city sev eral days before the big steamer •all*. it Is undemtooc! thst the money will be In Seattle cm the dste ot the arrival of the Kanaga»a and mar be put aboard her iu-.i:i. diatel) Th. local express cotnpasnles ills JAPANESE 111 PORT ARTHUR MIKADO'S SOLDIERS NOW OCCUPY LONG-COVETED FORTS RUSSIAN OFFICERS WILL BE ALLOWED TO RETURN TO PORT ARTHUR ON PAROLE TOKIO. Jan. 3.—The Japanese to day occupied a number of Port Ar thur forts. It Is learned that the Russian officers and officials will be permit- to return to Russia on parole, the officers retaining their sword*. HOLD GARRISON AS PRISONERS TOKIO. •-:-. 3.—The Rusrlan rank and file of the garrison at Port Arthur will come to Japan as prisoners. BALTIC FLEET WILL WAIT PARIS. Jan. 3.—A Russian naval attache says that since the mission Of the Russian second Pacific squadron wa* to save Port Arthur the sqnsdron will now probably wait until reinforced by a third and probably n fourth squadron. Semi-official advice?* from I'ort Arthur Indicate thst the Russlsn of ficers bat not the rank and file will be penaltUJ to return to Russia. LONDON, Jsn. 3.—Th* Tok: cor respondent of the News wire* that It Is officially announced that the garrison si Port Arthnr will remain prisoners of war. The officers will be paroled, retaining their arm*, but rar.k and file will be disarmed, for which purpose they will assemble forthwith at seme appointed place. ENFORCEMENTS FOR OVA MA It'tMß, Jan. I.—A telegram from Gen. Nogl's h-'B-leJIIIBIr'S. at I'ort Arthur, state* that 10.000 Japan*** besiegers will remain st Port Ar thur to repair Ihe foitre** while the remslnder. under command of l>n. Nsgl, will go to r*-enforcc Field Marshal Oyama. FIGHTING ON BHAKHE RIVER ST. PFCTHRSfICrtO, Jan. I.—Th* J»r»ne«* yesterday r»*umed hostil ities on the Bhakhe river, aerordlng to dispatches from Mukden and Ilatbln. Gen. Oka's army ma*»ed north of Khahopu. advanced In a wedge shaped formation upon the Russian line*. Russians abandonedset-rat trench es arid lacc-ntly fortified ;■•-,-,-.. south of I .. drawing the Jap an... after them. When the rtuaslana had the en emy In what proved to b» a trap they turner] on the J„pancs» and Inflicted a great lo«« and forced th* Japanese to retreat from the po*i toina they had taken. RUSSIANS LEARN OF DISASTER FT. PETEIUHIFRO. Jan. J.—The cenaor today permitted the n*w*pn per* to publish the new* of the fall of Port Arthur, no mention of which was made In yesterelay** papers. Full recognition I* given Ihe he roism of the defenders, while the bravery of the Japanese. | a gpoken claim all knowledge of the ship ment of the money and assert that thry would not tee ti * position ax the present time to say anything stiout It If the bond Issue were actu ally on the wsy. The money 1* due to arrive here over the Great North ern railroad, and the atitctect • - rrv-y I* being ob»erred hy the of flctsls of the company when the subject Is approached. The liner I* due here on January 7 and It Is .;.. . -.-,' that she will Immeellately take the precious rargo shoard. Agents of the Japan**" government are coming ■- in« and hare a watchful eye on th* coin to see that nothing happens to It. of In high terms The difficulty of the task before Oen. Kuropatkln t* alio mentioned While the story had been carried from mouth to mouth thrrmghout th* capita! yesterday the full real isation of what rt.» fall of the for tress really meant in ltu**l* did not come until today, when the report of the capitulation was published. The is hole nstton Is In despair over the revere*. I' Is believed here that an active winter campaign will soon b* com menced by Oen, Kuropatkln. This aggressive campaign will be at tempted before It will be able for Field Marshal Oyama to ... ut. re enforcements from Port Arthur. RUSSIANS DESTROYED PROP ERTY CIIFFOO. Jan. J.— The fort where' negotiations for the surrender of Port Arthur were held la called Itlg j Eagle* nest, end Is near Itlhlung j mountain. Midshipman Elleorlrh, command ing the launch Whll h left Port Ar thur at I o'clock last night, nald to day: "No shot ha* been fired at Port Arthur for two days. The firing heard last night was the i: .. --...-, blowing up fort*, ships, magazines, warehouses, docks and everything valuable. When v. left port Ar thur, fortress and lain were almost completely wrecked. The warships died hard. Several exploaion* were n#cc*-,iry to complete the wree-king of them. The harbor entrance I* blocked with sunken ships The statement that 1.000 fighting men remained I* misleading, as a ma- Jorlty of these are tick or slightly wounded." STOESSEL SEVERELY CRITI CIZED TOKIO. Jan. I.—Japanese i.-.-, « papera to-lay crttlclx* Oen. Stoe*»e| for destroying the warships and at tempting to hTockad* the harbor and also for sending deatroyer* to Chefoo subsequent to the effer to surrender. The Nlcbl Nlehl says while eien Woe*»e| made a gallant defense, hi* action In thl* matter leavea n ln*t- Ing bleml*h on hi* military reputa tion. The JIJI Khlmpo characterize* the action as "mean and unlawful" and adda that "It should deprive him of atiy military honors at the handa of hi* captors." The i-it't. charge a tfotatlc—>'of the Ite.l I'ross at I'ort Arthur. Iloth paper* contrast Oen. Htoe*se| with the in.unanimity of the mikado. L\ B. .VII,I. KEEP HANDS OFT. WASHINGTON, I>. C... Jan. 3.— It Is -tit..! on the highest author ity this nflernoein that neither Rtia a!a nor Japan had approached the I'nlted .mm for the purpo'iie.- (if *.• he Seattle Star SEATTLE. WASHINGTON, TUESDAY. JANUARY 3. 1905. curing peace with the lulled State* aa nn Intermediary; alaei that th. I'nlted state-. will make tin ad vances 111 the latter without a re ijucßt from both parties. JAPS WATCH RUSSIAN, CIIKHOO. Jan. 3- A dispatch from Tcliistlii .ays . Japutie.e tor pedo boat destroyer entered that port st 800. Other, are outatde. The steamer Vina arrived from (Whin China with several hundred soldiers aboard. it Is reported I hat •he t>-long* tO the Volunteer fleet used In running relnforremrtit* Into Port Arthur. Thl* city I* peaceful iiotwtthstsndtng the preeenc* of uisu.v Japanese anel lluaalan*. The continued presence of three Japa nese torpedo boat ile-.ltiiVe.ts Is merely retarded a. a precautionary meaaure on the part nf Japan. No trouble 1* expected, unless the Rua slsns attempt to ersde their parole. The .lupine se All!. 11 sh I ni- entered the harbor thl* morn ing and exchanged salutes with the American cruiser Baltimore. CHEPOO, J*n 3 -Two Kiißßlan torpedo taunrhe* from Cm I Arthur arrtveel here yesterday. l_i' • third Russian launch arrived. l-'otir of the seven Jspane** tor pedo destroyers have drpsrted. I'htncwe report having heard heavy firing last night. SKIPPED Manager Newton, of the IMleon theater, la among the ml*»tng. Tile irnptielors of the theater any that In- left Ihe illy .•-.t'ut-l •> tilsht and look with him between li"" and 1190 1.,-i..,,»!!,« tv the proprietor*. and lo say tshere he « ,a geitr.g. ll* left Ihe theater at » M and waa *u|i|-ce-..-,l lee have gutc* ii«>r for i f*w momenta When h» did not appear at th* !' - ii't until tat* an it •• •' * '•■ " * t. newel* and 11 waa ■■- .- I that over floe had gen* atsw. Several I i.ia remain nnpatd and It ta Bold that i,ant "f Ihe performer* -i Ih* theater will have lee wall a while for their money, B.m of them drew teay in advance and are now patting themaelve* on Ihe bach. The ib.-.iirr will continue under the olel management Bnd It la Bald there will It* no greet i ... to th* actor*, as the proprietors assert they will make good what ever loss the pin.) era have sets t cine I A search for Mrs. Newton revealed thai ahe had gone with her husband, or la keeping In hiding. WAR AFFECTS SEATTLE The war between Rtiaala and Ja|MMi baa alreaely noal Seattle ap proximately 111.000,000 In itade T lit* is shown by Harbormaster Jensen In the report for the 11 months of the past year, filed with the .. tin'll last night. He state* that chiefly on account of the war the foreign Imports to this rlty have fall, off |1 '. .'•.! ..I over those of !•>•>.!. th* loss In exports being I-. --379.070. The coastwise and Ala I,t trade Increased, The Imports exceeeled those of I!K'3 by more than $l.t*K>.- MM and the exports by more than 11,000.000. WOULD REGULATE DYNAMITE STORAGE Fire Marshal Kellogg recommend ed radical safeguards for the hand ling of dynamite on the waterfront In th- report Incorporated In the mayor's message to the council last night- M renewed the ricommen dstlon thai a powder house be con structed on the tide flats, removed a* far as possible from the husl nrsa center. He Bald that tons of explosdvc* were being mov.?d each week through the rity and thai a die** ter transcending the Iroqunl* fire horror might occur at any time. If steps were not taken to remedy the evil. He also reeommrnled the sage , Of m ordinance regulating the inn strurtion of crude jetlroleitm tanks. He reported that sppllrationa to construct tanks -if from si»i lo 1,000 gallons rapacity, segregating 15,000 -.- il-.n c, were ilready in hi* hsnd*. MARKS BEFORE COMMISSION \. tt ..e Market n young twin who Is well known In itiis city, I* being examine-! by on Insanity romml* *ion In the superior court this af ternoon and It I- '.. ee-en wish thnt he be . -.ti milted tee an asylum. Ill* family la convinced that he I* not t ■ sponsible for his net*, a* he hn» recently been lnvolvpel In flimm 1,1 dlfflcnltle*. cM-e-(e«leened tiy hi* giving worthies* check*, and *eem» to be iitiHotutely unable tn avoid doing »cc. Two prominent physicians have e« --.iiiilni-d l,in, nnd are convinced that hee I* demented. DO THE WOMEN TELL BIGGER LIES THAN THE MEN DO? Which sri, as 11 rule. Is entitled to 11,. ... 1 111 for tho most prolific umt Biii'ci'saful manufacture of untruths? Hr. All-ii M.ll Lam- Hamilton the famous alienist. In a scien tific review of Hi. Chadwl. case, baa publicly declared llial It ie much harder for a mail than fur a woman to lie gucr—fully, backing hla a»*crtloii by what he claims to be a natural, paych -1 Li-1. .11 eiptanstlon. Ami now there Is trouble brewing fur the daring scientist, for women are up In srtns over the whole country about It. The Star lust Wednesdsy pnlilt.hi Urf Hamilton's wholesale . li.nKe that women nre more worthy and faithful followers of Anuanlaa than are men, and yesterday The Star offered Its column* and two cash prises for the best de-fens* of women's Iruthfuln*** the first, a CM prl»e Of $10, In go lo the woman who aiiliinlt* the beat defense, and th* bmuml prize, of fa, to Im swarded t.i the man who send. In the test defense of tl,. ver arlty of the op pott* *e« The letter, are already beginning to arrlvo at The Hlar of fice, • rectal having appeared by 'In morning mall. The first of th*** will lie- published lv The Btar tomorrow. I. tl.'ii for the 10nice! till, I* Written on i I,'- aide of the paper only and mu.t not esreed -10 word. In length. The writ er', real name and address must be signed, but will be with held if reejiirßted. A Talk With the I Mayor and Chief \ The Star, tn Ihe Itileresla of public tlerenryr, would a* lo have - little heart lo heart t.tik with Mayor I' -_l:.*;• i and Chief of I'ollee leelaney. The Star preauniea that ha mayor atid chief, who have worked In Ih* i literal harmony lv Ihelr eff.nls it gltm the elty a greed .. I - i- nlnUl' i ii.. ii ar* of nn* mind J* lei Bluet hi- been ,|, nr aim r they .-•-.,-■ I office. Chief 1■• lane. In hi* rr|>ort, make* a number of *|eerlflc claim* of reform* accomplished by his department. Among ihem are these; I dance hall* abated. I. Mrii.ll- .nil. and beggars wltfeotlt licenses driven front th* street*. I. Hlreet advertising abolished. 4, Gambling prohibited. .'- l*e>ol rooms driven out of th* rlly, * Min-i walker* and women ;.■;'•-.-. In -...:.. eliminated. T. c'llii.e. In and .bout aalnoies :. . , frequent. ► Truant laws enforced. * » Illind pig* _i.,.:.»! ..1 I* vi . etlrt *B* street* nnd failure to maintain red light* on iic'iin'ii.t'i. elc. abated li Prostitution In red light dlsftlct -. .. obnoxious. 11. Haloon ben ordinance enforced and airlct record of disorders In and surve-Hlanc-e over all aitloons mßtntalneel. II | j -lee flghta „i...!!.»,. I. 11. r*r*eana living en the earnings of fallen women rigidly pros, ecu led. 11. Vagranta. undealrable rharacler*. bokoes and loafers either tun out ot the rlty ear placed upon the chain geeng. In answer to Ih.-*. rlalma made by the admlnl*lratlrm The Rtar boa Ih* following In *ay, and »' tin '. ready to prove every *tatenient It makes If I'hlef Itelaney or Mayor 1i..-:.; _.r would Ilh* to have It deene. The War will take up the rhl*r» •* in order. 1. Public dance hall* are not abatecL A few have leeen sup prsaaed, but there are any number of Juet a* Vie iou* noes running now a* there ever were 2. M--t. li ,ei.:s and _*-l. have not been driven from the street*. Any-one knows that and can %-frlfy It by walking up end down Mrst and fteennd avenues any afternocn. The department has, however. deme Borne good along Ibis line. I '. t*trr advertlalng ha* not been abolished. It Is ) ,-! a* '. .: rant a public nuisance n* at any time „ Meg*tic ■ hlatory. I. . .... I.- i.- ha* not been prohibited though It i* running more quietly. Th. department ha* clearly ebnwn that It is utterly unable to .upper., Iht* evil. I. Pool rooms have been driven out of the rlty. Chief Itrlaney and hi* men deserve full cre.llt fur Iht*. I. Hireei walkers and women loiterer* In saloon* are .. greater evil by far than Ihey wete wh'n Mayor Italllnger and Chief lielanry took the reins of offhe. In an Interview with Th* Hlnr a few d.-tys -'«" Mayor Uttlllngrr | t , 'I -.'> a<fmlite,] that they »rr» a growing evil. 7. The records of the police department show that saloon crime* have not been dlmtnhdted to any „ i-i i. ■ i ,t.l- extent. *. The truant la-a* ore being rigidly enforced, * There are plenty of blind pig* In Real tie. They are another evil which Ihe police don'l »eetn to tee able to handle. 10. If the pe.llce department ha* abated the scattering of dirt on etreeiß the downtown thoroughfares don't Indicate It. 11. I'rnatltullon ha* really been rendeted lea* obnoxious In the redllght district, but It ha* simply .born driven Into other nnd more respectable sections of the city. The evil, broadly speaking, la worse than ever, 11. The saloon box ordinance has Bte*it certnlnly not bent en. forced. It |a openly violated In * number of places. 11. Profeaglc prise fight* have be« n abolished. Chief He. lansy must be 111 due credit for that. 11 There are Just ns many persona living; off the earning* of fallen women n* ere/, Korri* have been prosecuted, but Invariably th" charge* have be«en dropped. 15. Vagranta and undesirable rh»rarter* have nnt been run out Of the city very rapidly. Nearly every etny report* come In of burg. Itrle-s. hold-up* anil leaser crimes, which cannot tee attributed to any other cause than the presence of a horde of cheap crook* and hoboes. NO ATTEMPT ON CZAR'S LIFE fity ScrlOD* New* An'nl LONDON, Jan. S.— A dispatch from St. Petersburg state* that a rtimtir I* current nt the Itusslan capital that an attempt on the life Of the czar ha* been made at hi* villa. Thcrr I* no corroboration of the rumor. HT. PETERUBURO, Jan. 3.— It la officially denltd that an attempt wa* made on the life of the rear, The emperor passed Mlnlsk at 1:30 o'clock thl* iftei Mm Mil,, I, I* 135 tnllea west of Moscow. BIG GRADING IMPROVEMENT Councilman Murphy last night Introduced a resolution providing for a large street grading Improve merit In the Intel buy llstrlct. There will probably be several property owner* whn will oppo*c ihe Im provement when It come* before the »lret committee. The improve ment provide* for Ihe grading of Orand boulevard fmm Thirteenth avenue west tee Twenty.fourth nv enu* wot and it large number of adjacent and Intervening *treet*. Five Fatally Hurt 'ftv ;--tli p. Net— 1 "UK Pa., Jan. 3—A work train mi the Northern Penti bucked Info ft freight hero today. Injuring 19 men. five probably fntalty. NEW YORK, Jan. 3.—William Henry Oaldwln, Jr., president of the l.i i ■ Island railroad since |vn, died this morning at his .111- in I c.. .■: i Valloy, Iriing Island. MAYOR BALLINGER PRESENTS ANNUAL MESSAGE TO COUNCIL Mayor HiillliiK'-r lard night |tre sentecl lo the council bin hiiiiiihl nn- •cc It cellliilHts of a compre hensive riimitilng up of the prregretta of th* city for the year, with recom mendation* for Improvements by ii,- mayor, and rc-i»orls from 'in head* of the departments The Ball lent feature* «if the lengthy docu ment are the fullowliig; MA Villi IIAI.I.IN'tIKIt'H RECOMa MENTATIONS. Water rat it* should lie reduced If they rail be wlihout recklessly straining the fund* of the water de partment; Is ton relating to the over - t.iv..iins of theaters, particularly 10 cent playhouse*, and dating the » of veblclc-B unci street car* on crowded street*; An amendment lo the city ihsrte-r snd ■ t-.'.- legislation provltlltiK for the rare- of the- city's petor and *b k In la. levy. Dili* doing away with the m.ii • 1,-1! in mil ■:i • l,* ■ tow In Use; The i Ity e-l.i i,'el not resort to 11 - e-ileitis: crime for revenue; The hanka In wlile l, i Ity fund* are plated eln .it lel pay an tntrrrat for the use of the money, thus prtivld- Inr an additional revenue of about $.0,000 _ 'It. A new codification of the city or dinances, and the formation of new iiuiidiiiK ordinal Charter amendment alius. state and county land* to be taxed for lo cal Improvement.; Tim unification of the city and county .hould be a-cnmpllshed; A commission of business men shun!,! 1.. u|.;'e i to at t with the council In ncnring a new tie hall. A Juvenile court should be estab lished In the rlty and it* offenders should be Bent to the Industrial school now conductcil on Mercer island; The financial sffair* of the . I!> ■ hould be rtperl.d ut '• a-' one c a year, a full leport of the sal being made to the public limit i aiitii.ii should be taken in enforcing the smoke ordinance; The rlty should be rcdlstrl'ted Into ward* and precincts, An Inspector of weights and meas ure-* be aj ;■•..!•• ■: CHIEF I.I.I.ANEY'K RECOMMEN DATIONS, legislation providing for the 11- HILL WINS INJUNCTION ENJOINING DISTR IBUTION OF MERGER STOCK ON HILL PLAN IS DISSOLVED AND RAILROAD STOCKS ARE BOOMING PHILADELPHIA Jan. I.— James J. Mill has scored another victory In the Injunction of the l'nlte.l States circuit court of New Jersey, pre venting the division of the North rru Securities stock as proposed by the Great Northern president. Thi* morning the t'niled State* c in i:t court of appeals dissolved the injunction preventing the divi sion of the Northern Securities stock as proposed by the Great Northern president. Judge of the court of ap peal*, wrote the majority decision. Judge Acheaon concurred. Judge tlray dlsaented. The majority rtoelalcn Is ex tremely voluminous. The Injunction was secured by the II i; :••■!..-i Interests and granted by Judge' Uradrord when, on the dissolution of thn merger ns or dered by the 1 lliteei! Sl.lie* su preme erourt, Mr. Hill made public hi* now famous plan for dissolving the great corporation. TAGOMA SAILS FOR SHANGHAI THE ORIENTAL STEAM! CLEARS FOR THE CHINESE PORT SHE COULD NOT CALL ON RUSSIAN TERRITORY Tho (.leanihliip Tacoma, of the Northwestern Ktenmshlp company, sailed today for the Orient with a full cargo of general merchandise. The Vessel will lake no passengers, her Object In sailing being for the purpose of carrying freight only The cargo of the Tacoma consists of 2,000 tuns of general ruerchadiac. rnmi>o*cd of I'eOO tonit of canned beef, conslgiinl to tin- different job- : blng house* of Shnnghal. Chlnn. The balance of hc,r cargo consists of general mere handlße, mostly dry good*, hardware iind other articles merchantable sort. Tin vessel will not, ns reported, sail BBder charter to an outside party, 'ill! will, n* ehe him been all summer, sail under Ihe manage ment of her regular owners. II ha* been rumored about tho waterfront for somi> time that the Tacoma ft 'Mill. I sail from* port for Vlad- EXTRA! VOL. 6. NO. .71. RECOMMENDS MANY CHANCES IN CONDUCT OF CITY AFFAIRS — FAVORS REDUCTION OF WATER RATES AND LAWS REG ULATNIQ 10 CENT PLAYHOUSES 4. censing of im i i- li bath rooms, sev e i ai of which an- in i -i for assigna tion purptMM and an- a rilpieH • growing evil; ami the further regu lation of crowding at theaters, backs and ci pi ess wagon*, wagon rend er*, pawnshopH snd second-hand Btorc* and the establishment of a workhouse. In connection with the illy tail; The police force should he further Increased, and suh-slailons be con structed at Lincoln park, Fremont at-'I lull ilia) . Mounted patrolmen should *•• provided for the raaldc m • district*; The telegraph system should be Improved. ('II. ENfIINEEE THOMSON'S RECOMMENDATIONS. Btrcet Improvements should l<e of a in i ui.i•!■ i.i nature, commensurate with the rapid growth of the elty; Ittgradi'H sh'-uld be. ate radical a* the property can stand; Granite block pavement should be ti- '■'! on ihe streets *u»talnltig most traffic; brb k pavei on others .lid asphalt pavement ill tin resi dence sections; Attention should be paid to the opening of new *trc«t* across lb* title land* -it.. the construction of pleasure dtlvea. RECOMMENDATIONS OF PRESI DENT IrOUOIIARY, Or THK HEALTH HI iAIt I > I'ntil a rcorjcanUntlrin of the health department I* made, the health Officer*! t-alary Bhould be in crease'l r.o that be- could afford to devote hi* entire time to hi* public dutle*. to give the department a bet ter standing ami a prop. head; The health department should lee reorgsnl/eel |g produce ihe proper !■• ii' ■ the charter teeing amended to give the mayor power to sp|eolnt three or more medl< al men to serve on the board of health, whose dullcs sre: 1. To arbitrate s|l matters per taining tO the department; 2. To be the custodian* of the necessary fund* for the maintenance of the department for a year, with As • result of this decision rail road stork* ate booming and there is liberal buying. I landman's fight to prevent the distribution on the Hill basis has i.e. n carried through it... courts and nth sides have employed fa mous counsel. RHhu Root, ex-secretary of war. Is among the nc veral prominent at torneys tn Mr. III!!'* service. NEW YORK. Jan. 3—Referring to the decision of the V'nited States* circuit court of appeals In the- Northern Securities ra*e, E. II liar riman said: "The matter has now been before four Judges, and set far It Is an even decision, two having dec he, for v* net two again- 1 us." He de< lined to Bilk further concern ing the case. NEW YORK, Jan. 3—An adjorn mrnt of the Northern Securities stockholders In lloboken today ad journed again until January 9. Ivoatok for the purpose of carrying contraband of war to the Russian forces. The officials of the North western Steamship company announced this morning hat nil reports to that effect were absolutely false and that the Tiicoma would sail from Seattle direct for Shanghai. At the custom* offices her paper* hear out; the statements of the officials of the Nnrlhw-cKtern Steamship com pany. At thai office the records Ishow the Tacoma cleared for I Shanghai. i All official of the Northwest I Steamship company stated also that j tt would be extremely doubtful if the vessel could cnll on liiigslan territory, ns It Would be Imprac i utile fur her M enter Port Arthur, Owing to that port lielnß now In tho hand* of the Japanese, I I'd to call at Vladivostok would be al- 35 CENTS PER MONTIf |Kiwc-r to dispense, the Mine al l!i-ce!e.el; 3. To elect a health off,, who** duty it will be to appoint all hi* subordinates; The- city and the state hoard! should work In harmony; The depart—ent should he taken out of politics; Ite-tter ordinances should be pna vldeel for the conduct of laundrlrg arid barn*; The ordinance-* regulating tha standard of butter fat la milk and other requirement* fur a pure mill. Supply should be raised. RECOMMENDATIONS OF CHIEF COOK. An ordinance, should be paste el requiring all theater* with a seat. In*: capacity of GOO or more to hara at ii.v i one fireman on '111- stage during performance* to see thst the*, audience 1. properly protected from fire, a diagram of exits to be print ed on every program; All theater, should be connected with the city fire alarm system with special fire alarms; New apparatus should lie pur chased for the Terry avenue engine* house. STATEMENTS OFCOMITROLXEII RII'I.INGER. Ttu-re has been paid on the Cedar river water system debt principal and Inte-rciit, $.00,000, while a larger payment than f 119,000 war not ab solutely required; Hv this rapid payment the city will be saved $400 In interest during the year 13U5; The city's assets, bawd upon tha actual cost of Its real estate, water and lighting system*, are $4,4a_,595. The liabilities are $4,381,041. .ear 'teste the an. , ml of asserts over lia bilities $72.3.3; Title cost to date of the lighting rend water systems has been KM,' 834. but they are actual)- worttli $1,000,000 when the value of the per petual francblt-e* and pie-eieut value are considered; If the :i"..-t.i of the .ie »era based on real value, they would show an Increase of $5,000,000. most 1:-.; -■ ii! !■ owing to the Ie» which blocks the channel In the winter. It would be equally Impracticable for the Tacoraa to proceed to Vladi vostok, owing to the fact that she Is Incapable of carrying sufficient coal to feed her fires during the voyage across the Pacific, and for the time which would of necessity elapse, while a channel through the mas sive Ice fiooa was being forced by the Ice breakers. Without a full head of steam the severest northwest galea which prevail along that section, would blow tho vessel ashore in spite of a cargo of anchors. Th* steamer Ta ■ oM-.-t 1* also one of the alow class of freight carriers and is anything but th* class of vessel* win won!. be employed to carry contraband of war. It is a well known fact local ly thst all contraband of war Is shipped by the fastest of he trans- Pacific liners. None of the vessels leaving Seattle fur the Orient are of this class. Mi M of the steamships making Seattle their port of de parture for the Orient are built for freight carrying capacity and not for speed. The officials of the Northwestern Steamship company aa_onnce4 that the Tacoma would, after ■:,-, harga Ing her cargo at Shanghai, take on a return cargo from that port fof Seattle. He return cargo will con sist of general merchandise, such as silks, teas, oriental curios, and the usual consignment of freight ship ped from the Far Fast to America. "KATY FLYER" WRECKED I—V Pcrlptvs New* As«'n> srnM.iA. Mo., Jan. -The southbound Missouri. Kansas A Texas Flyer was wrecked near Franklin. Howard county, early this mornig. • The baggage car and thrco Clinches were ditched. A huge boulder rolling down from the bluff onto the track caused thi wreck. Five persons were Injured. CHARGED WITH ASSAULT A ipallal was sworn out Is Prosecuting Attorney Scott's office this tiftenion chargiug James Mur ; ray was assault with intent to com mit murder upon K. O. Jones. It | was -:.,.:• I that Murray went to the ' room Of Jones, at 1 '■-•"> Sixth avenue, and broke In the windows nnd doors.- After gaining admission to the room, he succeeded in BleOlll killing Jones. The affair lull nea on January 2. Murray was arrested by Officer H. l: Harding. PEABODY WINS FIRST BLOOD DENVER, Jan. J.— Peabody re publlcans are claiming first blood In securing the select lon by thi re publlcan cuticus of W. H. Dickson as speaker of the house Dickson was backed by the Peabody crowd and foutflil by the Walcuti faction.