OCR Interpretation

The Seattle star. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-1947, July 26, 1905, Night Edition, Image 7

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1905-07-26/ed-1/seq-7/

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A frtßiitfu! ncdiifnt »11l I«> th*
neti'i>nit< of th* i'*t*lmm«bi wtlh
vliMi launchtM are nprrntnt on
lAke WitshlnKtiin. ii. tho opinion of
p*r»ins who mn r.iiuili.ir wttb tti«>
Night ttftfr nlsht t»n> plriutur«
Im.i's dart I'.lxi'xn !!■■• parka In
th>> daciftints without llchts m 11
vrarmni; ot thetr »ppr\>tt. h Th»r»
hay» b*Ml ■■«■!'■! narrow ««cai>ra
from rt>llii4oM already, anil in mv
«raj ln.«t:i«. M rowbtmta nnit caMN
har^ tx%n run down.
Ma' M >;.*«, in. i! a-i>vrmin#nt
emgtneer. In an Interview regarding
the | :■",>■—. I lim •:•.:n o( I-iW •
VTaahlngtan and th* • ■•'<• on the .
part of certain property owners to
have the taks kept at a uniform
level, anil Wednesday morning;
"I think, the tltuattiin !• nut quite
SO dl» v.tir,i c -..t; its some of t»ii«r In- j
terested appear to believe. The
We endeavor to treat our patrons
fairly and tqoarely. It will nay you
to call on us. Prtre hints:
1 .i?t.T "s Tnoth Powder. Tie site 1 "> r
Pabst's I)est Tonic, -jc ai««> )!»<•
Neatle's K.h.,1. 60c size |.; r
C*»ti>rla. Fletcher's. 55c slm..^,";^
Red Seal Si»rt*yari!la. * 1.00 size
AntlphloKlstlne \;\c
Welch's Ura.p« Juice, qt buttln....
Drake's Palmetto Wine, "'■<■ ali<> .
Dr. Merck's German l.iv ■■' llegula
tor. Ssc bottle '£;it
Baldwin's lied Blood Pills. &0« atari
! :tir
We carry a full line of Shaving
It pays to d*»l at Uui
107 rinsr aven
DeL Columbia u< Uti'ou Streets.
Ton get all to* profit at theae
1 price*. W» charge o*tr '"•• to ad
.YerUslns- A man who la not atraavi
enough to ride a bicycle without ex
[ •rtlnn is not strong »«ioiiKh to b« a
r«Tjr great mi i aaa Physical and
mental strength go hand la hand.
*40.00 Eagle Bi ) - X/ IMI
*Kino Crmstrr nr*k<> Yale j|!;ui «mi
Jir.oo Spinning Coaster Drake
Cushion Pork S:;!M*i
9K.M Coaster Orak* lLn.vri- .....
• ::•».imi
$1.00 Selected Willow r.»t. Uajket..
• 7.V
10c Dover Egg Heater ,"»r
» Bet nall-beaxing V;v>'.-r*.. | -' r
'2S« Set RaJl-beariac Castfrx I; r
30. Ret Uall-beartns c ..-.t«Ti». Mi
Me Set lUII-Uarlns Casters.,JM><»
Seattle Souvenirs
Of Fterllng silver, enameled and
gold plated. Very art<-
Jeweler Optician
711-715 First Avc.
Elegantly made of flneirt ma
terials and latest designs.
S 12>> Coatumea at *<»O
tioo Coatumea at -v In
tSO rostumen at *Mi
I2S Hull and Silk Coats $1-4-50
$30 «.nrr,au. all vari> ■ SHI
\\% Walking Skirts *7-."»'»
110 Walking Hklrta . . fts(K>
IS 00 Walking- Skirt. $•£ .«."»
*■ l/3,/\t* Uot *n* At%
QJ)O*£}~s' "Naxt to 31->n«
' *^**M*ft«Jzi ruher * ]>«•
L. I. HOFFMAN, Manager.
Th« kind that, la*'* We will r«iin-« prices on all Uar4«n Hum
tbla weak. Erwy foot K?iarant«*] one or two yaara.
1403 Hw.on<i AMMi
Biim« Of th« I kUnrhM rnrry lichtH,
hut umnjr (lii not. To tnnkn mattrni
worna. BUch craft are ijrnoraUy In
. li 11 ck of perwini nn Uill.-<l tn han
<:iiti:: Uiat*. Not to carry light* U
a »ii'l -itt lon of th» navin rulun,
but that dors not ><vm (ii worry
Th» I'ultwl Ktatwi ln«pm-tora ap
pear to h»v« ovirlookot thli grow
ing ilanc«r to lake navigation, but
tt la l>rlirvc,i by thonn mireliant
with rondtttom that a fatal ».■• i« -m
will rail* attrntlon to the n^gltwt
ti.f.iro i; < •ummiu- la over.
port.ise .hi it *» X.-st illacbarglnc
it It* full an.l Vii!;i!i;-,| opai-tty
(Hiring tti# who!.* wlntrr, and vtlillo
It m tin.- th\t the lik>. hits t>. ■ ii ut
ti'ii.-n Koir.i. 'l Metier limn II «v«
I .»! >v.tr b«>(or* tho portage ft**
'•nliirK'-l Rtlt] tho lilnh 11 \»r out*
!. t t'.'jr-i out 1 bellov* tl-.lt Wiia
due ninre \a th« in- i»-.»-«.-.i ..ml late
ruin full than to any nmtrrUl rhok
"•it of th» natural outlet »-f mark
rIV«T. This Litter ha«, howrvrr,
'»• >•!! ih.» • ,n!s,' <>f m'i;v- ronccrti ..'.I
hd* br*n farpfully wati'hej.
"vjulie recently, upon receipt of
r.imi-i iini frum a anurx-e thxt r«m
ii i:. '.. 1 attention, that thrr* WU n
tendency to fill Itlark river by a»dl
ment broueht down by the Ortar.
anethrr rxamtmttlon was ma<l*.
Though them were sum* litdirattuiia
of shoaling thin as nut iff i !■ I
aa • -i • I >I;> ■••r loin at i 1 •■•■••,
thoujch It m.iy l-t'i .hi" ao. After
I-ik'- Waxhlnitton br^'in to t i.l In
the sptlng, an I after all danger of
high water had passed It *i« •!»-
rtJeil to clone th* i«-t for a
what, with a view of rtoarlng
"The petition ref«rr»d ta will,
however, nphaala* (ha general 1-
■ln for <iraiiiaa-» of th« lake «nd as
sist to the ni..; M.m by mncnn of
A definite policy In rut;:,-- i|.-n with
the ruiil work, ! Imagine, how
ever, that with Interest* in luilir I
Op|ia»lnn the application of 'thej
i'tr«T.i appropriation in furtherance
of ih<- canal project the navtrntian
and limber tnter*»t» »r.Kt«r<l Just
at prwmnt In trying to o«tai>li« i!i
navigabllity of IS* Eaoimamtth mut
V.I i X ilvrn In the full"".! Btatra
•■our I. nn 1 land a«nv> railing for
rtralit n:>\ the lawmakers will |i»
•ufficlrntly perplexed in tryln# to
strike a fair average."
VANCOUVER, a C. July 25.—
Three man were killed yesterday At
Banff in the Uankhead mine, as the
result of an explosion of several
<-«•*• of dynatalto. They were tit
frai'y brows to atoms, and mini
otbrr* am Imprisoned In i" . tbafta
of tba mine.
Tin dead arc:
DAVID THOMAS; !<«rM a widow
and all children.
JOHN W11.1.l AM.!.
Tlmwm.' worr> standing rtrar the
cam* of dynamite when th« #xplo
slon occurred and nothing recogniz
able was left of them. No on« knows
bow tho explosion happened.
A merry fight baa began »■'•»»«-»n
the i '.'wnii of the north and south
ends of th» city over ■ petition
wtlih la being circulated by tbe
latter aaklnc th« v! I of Senatnr
I'lkn and the gorernmeDt In dredg
ing th« Dnwamlsh river.
Th« project la generally conceded
to bo a good one. bat th« north end
lrnproTeraeat < luba are noaplcioua nf
11. SercraJ of them have refined to
endorse It, and otbtm have done mi
only with the. proYlio tint the
dredging of th« rlrer be not atiow
ed to interfere with tbe completion
of tht> north cmnal.
It la feared that If ccngresa com
mencea to appropriate ronn'r to
make a harbor of the rlrer. that It
will refine to hum! out raiih for the
cotiitrurtlrro of the north ■ anil also.
The Duwamlch rirrr Tallry resi
dent* claim that the appropriation
for one project will not aff>-rt pro
posed appropriatlcna for another,
but many north»n.l.-m are of a dif
ferent cplnlon. They do not think
that, nnder any consideration, any
thing ahmild be dono to re'ard the
conatrnrtlon nf the long-aufferlng
I.ak« NVashlngtoa «nai
TOKIO. July «i- Admiral' "tlnjtnt-
T^njikr baa been «ncceai<fully op
ermted upon for the removal of a
pleca of bone from tbe wound in bla
forehead. Ills condition la satis
I Owing to the Ruth |
We will keep open evenings I
hereafter. 9
The Maker Dental Co. I
KlrM „i.l T-»|.r ■
i govnrameni
II , .. . Kul
il W . 1.. . „f 11,.
■ ■■
fopoaod I .i>kt> Wmih
1:■ . ! lls p| ■ :l Iry
\a r*dm-t> lh« iiuml 4 loafel <"
Thi> mammoth llntr Itakota,,
«liiih Turmliiy nlitht t><>t hack to i
port in a .H-.11.1..1 cunilltlcn, will ■<>
tnta ill lot k ••' Ur«m«rton tv m- j
• -v ■• u-p-iim to her tall «haft, «hlch
la broke.
It will tM linT 1" i 1 v to r»mnv«
T.OOO I..ni< ill freight. Whteh roin
prlmwi hur canto, brfor* *h« mn
take th» Hovh. Th» pa»«rii*»t» nnil
1 urn will In" takrn iti«iiii.| Hi"
MlnnrMita and «" lo til* Orient
ntitmril h»r, a* «h.- ■.ilia In übuut
'.;!■•( .1 iv<

linla* Hi* -' "'■■
TraTfic on the Ortn\ Ijike and
V>pniont-lUl!ard Hnra waa blo<-»«>J
t.-i an hour at 1:10 o'clock -<lim«-
Cay morning. Twenty cars were
!!■■■! up.
A heavy delivery wagon nnnnl
by >',i'■.!.'■< Ittna. bruke down on
the track and It waa an hour befute
It couM be removed.
The I'nlon Iron foundry at George
town waa totally destroyed by fire
at 10 o'clock Tuesday nljht. It waa
visaed at $20,000. Tbe amount of
i insursne* Is unknown. Tbe night
watchman could not be found at the
time of the fire. Goldberg A Her
n.irii forrearty owned the property,
but recently disposed of 11 to East
ern people.
Whole Town
In Ruins
. ..-.*■■
CONNELU Wash,. July U.— Th«
greaxer part of this town ts now a
nooMarlag nitn a* the result or a
disastrous fire yesterday.
Tn« cnnflagratlon startnS In It
M O. Oatlagher's office. In the
l^rogrcs* builiiine. by th» otptoakMi
cf a bottle of awld. Th» wall pa
per In Hit mom became Ignited and
before, the flame* could l>*> chccknl
two bkM-k* of the buatniMw Mrtlon
of tba town werti born**! to tbe
ground. If It had not been for a
veering of the wind the retsainlssg
two baalaaaa blocks could not hat*
bean saved.
Tb« total l..«« will rrarh SIU.OM.
with about $30,000 ln«uranr*. Wong
800. a Chinaman, was caught In a
building and re*ru<Hl In the nlrk
of time. SeYrral of the volunteer
firemen were prostrated hy the beat.
Aa Is customary at tars* ttm«.
many Bttatapts aw* mad* at steal
in« from stju-ks of r*fu-uod goods.
On« hobo oarrowly escaped being
, hut In ma attempt to ataal from •
ptla of household gtx>ds stacked In
the middle of the street.
Nln« faj&lUca arw rendered home
The Interior of Northern Pacific
car No. '.»,} was gutted by rir* at
1:24 o'clock Wednesday morning. It
la supposed that the fir* originated
from a cigar which bad been left
i in th« car on Ha arrival In the city.
I It waa a part of tit* 11:10 train from
. Portland. Ho** company No. & re
sponded to the alarm and put out
th« MM
Th» board of fortification*, rnnnlnt'
ins of « Lire" party of army ufrir»r«
will »l»lt l*uc*t nound In f't'i.trm
b«r to romlilrr ill* iubj«ct of coast
and harbor 'iMI.
Th»> party will .-.n»l«f of 1).. i, 1,,.,
P. Story, ••■Mri-.l chief of axtlll#ry;
<:• n Alex. M.«' kruii". rhlrf of .n
Clnerra; «>n. Samual M Mill*, rhlet
of !l»ry. M»J Goo. W. Oofthall*.
of tha K«n«ral star?, and a«veral
NKW YORK. July 26.—At a m«-«
iog of (hn board of director* of thu
KqaltatiTo today, »h" reilsnatlont
of iu«<M W. Alexander and Navaila
H. Htrauaban, dlroctora, wer* ac
Chairman Morton wan (J<rinl
presidaat. I'huitm in tha law* of
th« aoriaty warn dlaruamd. but tb«
r«<>orani<Midatloni wcro not an
nounrMl. Th« illm-toni BMnt again
Old Kin* Hoi >v .. .-.|.-.l In r»
nm\ Inir un ulmtrucllou lv Ml in 1 mr
tmffli- 81l Wmllak" nvrnup Weil
in*.luy mi. l nun; 111 10:10 u'l'lot'k that
400 lirljittt.l |..,nH,.|i^,-i« ni>4 .. i..ii
hi in 1 umilKtiitita wiratlt-il with fur
an hour In vnjii.
An Ire wnic»ti lirliincliit; I" f'.ir
■ It-iii IVi. ktnic fftfnratlT. wtllln mi Hi
»«V lv Kirinont, i,i,,!,,- throitch flu
rotten {dunking- b*twi-en U■>• afreet
enr traika on Wrallako avenue. In
front of tho Wmii-tn mill, the huba
a Mm u.ii-.ni only aavlnf It from
«..ii>« down Into liiU I'Mi.d,
Ji»ik mtpni, railroad lion and llea
a* wall .11 .1 .few I'll |>l.n!ii. IHllril
««•!«• brought Into aervlce, but with
out »n.-. ■■-,< Th# »■••. kliiw <ar sf
thn ;;.•.,in,. i:Ip( trio . ..ii. ( ..iiiv drop
fed n|. in» finally, but ■-•mi.l offer
no K.iluil.m 1., it,.- .llffl. ully.
Thn faltDWtßf ar« In tbn llutt ■ pnii.r: Mr. M I MM llurt Adnma
Tower, Mm J. M K-nniHiy. Mi- 1 [Ujb| Kranedy, Mlwi Nfllle Chiirrhlll,
Mlaa May* (Shelley, Mia* Until. Noym, Ml«« B«mI« UtrDmi. Mia VU>!ct
furry, Mi™ Carrie, Rmlth, Mlaa Murearnt Orotty. Miaa Aiinln Ktlwurds.
Mlaa \\ liiiilk Rdwarda. Mlrs Wltn.ie |!,,d.U, Mlv Jai Itl, !.. Mr. 11.
A fooney ami Mr. 11. V. Oollln*.
The »r««i».- la th« plrturo of hn ten most popular girl* In Mon
tana who bar* b««»>n for the put w<-rk or *i on a Jttnkcttng trip
thmisgii the North Aaotic their outing event* baa b**o a visit
to if,- Portland fair
Th«-y arc now In th« city an th« «<>»ii«ii of Mrurm. Whlt# A Wil
ton, proprietor* of thn Ifalnl-r i;r.nl Wf>dnmMlay '-vrninn th'-y will
tak<> a trip inn, !/..':■■ Wajihlnston on a ■pm-lal ataaaiar, and at
-I—4 m danco In their honor at Hotfl rcwr, Hast Srattla.
F*or ThunuUy It I* p'ann«>d to visit lh^ n»*r yard and other
pouitu of Int^rntt on th<> sound. Th* |««rl» hMWH for Vi.irrHa on
ThuraiUi 1 nlcht, fur • tour throsich IlrltUh Columbia. After which
Ib* part) will return home, rr«rhlng ttuttn atiout \iiKimt 1.
Shall Fort Lawton Burn or
Queen Anne Hill Have Sweet Peas?
Fort l.awtnn Is suffering for th»
want of water purchased from the
city, which '• «>ippl!«-il from '»• high,
;>r««»urr» «lan<l|>i|>" on Qiimwi Am;»
bill. Captain (1 Maury ('rail*. ■-
ststaAt i|>i:trtrrniai<t<>r. ha« H|>piw!<il
in vain In Hupertntrndent I. 11,
Young*, of th« water department.
In i«»» of a flra at the riilii(<*rr
l-ait<» tW* would I— an Insufficient
walT snpply.
Captain Craltn miKlt»*'» a way
out of th*» dilemma by rbangintr th«
•prlnkltng houm for rf>a|cir«ts on
Qnmi Ann* hill, tin would havn
thim i h»nife<l from b«<tw*w«i fi a. m.
to 9, tbe prr«w>nt limit*. to the houra
M«»n »a. m. and 11. For th«
artrrnoon ho iiusccsui that the tfo
I'H M.l K. July tc—An pye-wlt
ttrma of the attempt to aaaautnata
th« aultan at Const** aaya
that Immediately aftar th« «iploaloQ
be Haw a number of Tarklah offlrera
ruah at th« mltan'a canien wltfa
tb«ir sworda drawn. Ih. > ware
Imi*i<-ii bark Xij th* Albanian body
gnarda. Thin Ip|)i1» color In Urn re
port that th.- plot to kill th« aultan
wan originated in tba military con*
! il»r»fUui f.mlth. of tb« iMalHai
public library, ha* mail" a pri<«nnt
of SO hooka to th« illy of Juomu,
At « taut r^nnrt It wan mi(r«Pßted
llutt the i-overlli* Im> rffftovfd from
tlm loa, WHirim. wblell •>■■"!> nllutv
Illr nun 1., in. II the I- 1.. Ilichlt'll
I In- Hiit'iili. ai> thllt It 1 illllil 1.. r.il»« it.
In nk> |a lh« »■ i"
Atiout the Win* thi* l-» 1 rukn of !■-••
hail befll if.lin 1■! <•• It* utlKliinl
futm unit in. !•!■•.I down <•> Ha 11« ii
level, i|,.- like. It il.i» I ii|kih |hi>
mind uf alls »t th« »ln-< t rur roll
'lll, 1. 11* that IKIITt* Uf 111* |.n»MI-HK> I J
tulclit IHiulUly h»Vf> bualnma in
town before Itiru-h. IN t»iik UP'»>
Mm i' 11... authority of turning
MRM of thn '-.UN hark .to Inn unit
1 1 .umfi'ii liui i'"- —nun uround
iiif lie liln. k 1 :!<■
A vnte nt 111 .tiki v. .i» I. h.l-f.l to
ili» <li.t| Ml in m for hla rsr*
plfinrmo uf mind, And old .-.i fii,.i
\y rulßeil 1 in- hi... h 1 !•-.
bcuni brtwrvn 4 and IS p. m could
b* txtni l.v Din r««l<l»nta ln«teail of
Ihoa* bcurwn i; anil 9 p. m
Hup»rin' Younrt dors not
• <-» M that way. mil xtatn] lirl<-f]y
\V«-ilnr/iii.iy morning that th« aMlst
ant quartiTmaift^r had the wrong
M<-:i Yiiiitir.i wilt not Interfere In
tb« matter, but will allow tin- ram
plain) to Kn llimnch the, council, as
Captain Cradle's lart communication
•a* niltlrPHKi-d to rrm|d«*nt fill!
, "It* nlmply ihla." atatod Younea.
*'W<> mtixt rhooim Wlmorn pleaalng
,}<**» than UN at Fort I<awtnn and
H'«r' l»'«"i rubm-rilMira on Qntvn
Annn hill, am) we cannot afford to
link" turn ■ !iKng>*, an outlined in
thn captaln'a complaint."
[Aliuka On th« r>- .-n' trip of tho
library aanorlallon be waa at) ntruck i
with ton lark of ttourthing of the
ktnd tinTi- that hn derldrd to aand
—■an botiiai a« a nucliiui for a pub
lic library.
EtmEKA, Oh, July 26.—The Nor
wegian ■t<*m«r Tricolor Ii still
Mhura at Cap* Mendorlnn and there
la absolutely no hope of aavlng her.
The »mwl la broadaldn on (lit braeb
and partially aubmerged. Heavy
•mi are breaking uvnr bar Tba
bottom I* puiii fiiii-il and the bold la
full of water
roU(!IIKi:i:i'HIH. ■• V.. July Zn
— M fuiii-rnl of fcirmrr Ht-crrtary
:of Wai liiuili-1 ft. Ijuiiiiiil wan h«l(1
■tiortly .ii'■ i n»oii. iha w.rvl< «•»
worn ilini.lit »fv. Mori* Kmlth.
paator of tbn l'rwibytertan rlmnh,
uf Niw York, of whlrh Lainont wan
> liii-tiiliiT, liffli Uli'l. bnlllg ii-.1i.1i-i!
by two im-ai elarirnten. Th« fu
linrul li.iily left MlMlmmk af' thu
M)>rvlcn In l..iiiiinilii prlvata iar
Hlilih bora the r>.>tualna and mam
li.-ih of Urn family. I I••• rcmkJn*
«i.in placed In l.imiHii a rnauiso
!• inn, lluwn rmii«t»ry. Kumihw
Proaldant Clnvelaud and I'ltniinaJitar
ijinii.il Curt«ljrou win* la attend
inn n.
(Sp.el.l « a Th. Start
PORTIiAMXX Ore.. July H.—A
iii.,n, ; Ri-iirral m- n< v In tti li>' null
»t Iliils tt,r the [>rmnt <!. j. intent
nt the Blatant ffvnvral freight
'Wit of llii> Northern l'urlflc rall
r>md at rivtltuid. whom- office, U or
4*T*4 removed to Ta'otna. H, C
Pulton, for in» i mi 10 yeara r>i.-!i;.
Mil Kcniral freight ug<-rtt, hua ten
ijereit Hal rraignullnn to arrept a
more lucrative [xialtlnn. Henry
l;l il.Mv. aaalatant cneral freight
•Kent nt Ht. Paul, will f <i,....\ him
™t Tamma. It |« run, .1, I tlmt It.
T. Itretta, now .tivi-.tr.;i fi..)Kt,i and
|„s., „,-, r agent at Bcattle, wtll be
appointed to the. fu>w offl.i. of iron
»ru| nirefit at ' >H«nd ll* wim for
merly chief clerk b're an<! la In line
of promotion. Twenty drrka «m -
|.loye«l In the off Ire her* have hfrn
c>ril#r<*d remove,) to T«roma.
Two More Die
wav moo Pal., July ;c._Two
mr»r« lirtlmi 'it th« Uennlnrton ei
rloniiin wrr« roove<| from th* hos
pital to th»> rnorKuo tliU niornlnr.
They wor« Ward 11. Ketinnir. of Al
l!»m»'. NVb.. and 8. Taint*, a Jap
MM ward boy. Th* fwrmer died
lain y#»trrd»y afternoon and th*
UttiT at 4 o'clock thin morning.
Ttil« makoi it . total dead «]
Kennedy 1* brother arrival venter
day afternoon, but wm too .ite to
rind bll brother allT*.
Th* l:ipnn»iM> boy {rave up late
yesterday. »arm*: "I ton all don«.
Pl««a» wnd mr f>ody back to Nip
pon. lUnz.il. N'lppln'"
!»nynja«ier*« Clerk M. P. N>m»n
la In a v»ry aerioua condition.
r.nfir.n Jaff*. hciiiilit offlrrr of
th» lubitMirinit »#rt • on tbla rnul.
who la nuprrlntendlnjp thn lnap*ir.
(lon of tb« hull of the Hriinlneton
and la In rbartr* of th«t direr*, l> rx
anlnlnic the i!sm.if« under waf«r
today and reported that nrm<> of th«
: plain* bad h»i) upriinjt and no hole*
found, lie **■ tho ahlp rnultl !■<•
tuwed out tod*y. If Drcflasarr.
* *** www** *******
* •♦
* NEW ORLEANS. July 2«— *
* Two more deaths from yellow *
* fe»er were reported today, ♦
* making a total of 36. A con- *
* frrenre of ait <>.<• state health •
* authoring with th« I.'nltwl .
* Rtate« marine hoiplta) aerrlc« *
* I* bring arranir.-.! for today. *
* *
Nartt)«a*t*ra Commercial rotn
paajr'a Ktßamnhlp tUt Iha will sail
for l.ynn canal , |M>ri). WiclnxwlaT
night, .arrytnir &hoat CO pasacn
iran and a tart* 'ninrnm'til of
Skarw*T Ilnw City of S^attlo will
call \Vr!n«rilar KvrnlDK. rarryins
about 100 panawicrrv many of th«m
maklnc th« round trip. Among thi«
more [ir'>mtn<-iit who bar* vncacml
liiitwicn ar« I. rr..-m.iii and J. J.
C B»rt«r prominent Junmu m«T
rhanta. and th» Mtwun i;r«n. well
known *mitl* society tirla.
I. If. c.r«- company's nt^am<thlp
T»mi'l.«r «vll«v1 Wratiuwlay after
noon for Nnron, rarryinK S." I'o tons
of frnlKhl. Tin- roroptuijr was f<ir
la r.fum» gOO loan of lr«-Iitht. there
Itolne no room for II on thn Tnu«4.
TwcnM pharraaclata hare
born ad<ln| to th* number llr^nsfKi
to prartlr* Ih.lr mlllng In thin Mat*.
an a mult of th<> cxamlnatlona h*ld
In Taroraa ror*ntly by the Washing
ton 8lat« Hoard of Pharmacy. Bpc
rotary V. JoriH. n of the examining
board, with th- other member* baa
jn«t (Tin Imii-ii inlnlDi tho pa
prra. Kt.llowlng ar« the rrelilnrrd
pharmarlita from Snattla who mir
renafully took the examination: D.
R. Sanatrom. C II M*>rrltt, C B.
Arroatrong. T. J. Kowalaky, W. T
Whltlock. C. A. l.lttl.- 11. N. Paul
aon. William J. Jeaaamlnn.
Aaslatant pbarmaclata: O. K.
Front. K. 3. KIM. r. C. T. Delllngtr
and i: (1. ohrner
It I* thnagbt that the noil mrct-
In* of th« board will be held In tint
eltr. ______________
Jailed For Prize
MnNTKKAI.. Qua., July J6.~Jark
Walsh and Jim Mcllrnoka war* thu
morn clv.-n thin? month* in jail
for pri»« nr.UMn*. It ni (ho first
conviction for th« pffenaa. AH pug*
will receive like treatment In tin
A. Bridge & Co., Popular Price Clothiers.
ISSBIS MjgjSfl .^tflß^ m^l j«k ~H
Shirts, Hats, Neckwear, Under
wear, Suit Cases and
Traveling Bags
$20 Suits ( All Go Now For
$18 suits ) §t*% 75
$16.50SlJltS / J ml °
$15 Suits I afci^
TWBM, WORBTKM and novelty mixtures, BINOUI
TOIUCS IN AMl.li. ■ «'
Suit Cases Half Price
Traveling Bags Half Price
Underwear Half Price
Shirts Half Price
- •
1415-1417 Second Avenue
(Ktit Door to till lon Martha j
Spooning in the Moonlight
When the Day's Gone to Rest
"In the moonlight, mellow moon
llfht." etc.
The unmerciful run has been
bnltlnK down all day. but It grad
ually sinks lower nnJ lower In th»
western sky, and finally disappears
behind the ragged Olympics In a
blaxe of rlory. scattering groat red
Umgueaof livid flame Into tho even
ing sky. One by one the evening
•tan appear aa darkness draws her
kindly veil over the burning earth,
and then even as we look, behold, in
the east a light as If the very hlila
were afire, but aoon the round moon
peeks over the mountains to the
eastward, and throws Its allvered
path nut over the smooth waters of
Uik r Washington and the aound.
la tUe pleasant cool of the even-
Ing we dealra a little rest, and so
we take I boat fur Alkl point, or
board aMI for some popular .irk.
The bright moonlight In the trees
and on the green grass makes n
scene beyond the power of cold type
to express, as It sllouettes some fig
ure .iitiUn-i the blark background
beyond, or throws a made seat Into
" 4>
•D excursion rate of 11.00 to Quil
rene. Hood Canal, ami return Ftl-
Jay, July 2s, leaving aaJbraltb Dock
ml » a. ra. •••
the shadow of iKitti« great tree. Let
vis tnke our post here beside the
path, <•■ rrrnM from view behind
this bush; soon in the stillness of
the night we hear voices and font
steps. liOok. here ran»» a young
man and young woman, and they
sit down on that rustic bench over
there In the shadow; we cannot
hear what they are saying, but we
do hear —well, but they my kissing
has gone out of fashion!
I-et us wander l>'l«mHy on down
the path. Kw yonder, anoih^ seat
with two persona on 11. wi pas*
them and there norms nothing un
usual about I', simply two young
people, but as we pass out of ear
ahot we hear another peculiar
sound—ther ther say klsalns ha»
gone out of fashion!
I What were you saying? ToiJ
| wished you were young oc;iin?
l Why, btets you. look yonder, two
white-headed people with their
. arms around each other like school
The cental moon looks down on
, the seen* below, and he know* he
. ♦ 1.. . ■
Salt Water R..«rt.
AIM Niit.itijrluiii In the only re»
sort that I* open every day, ruin
|or thine. All luidtr rent •••
■il ! ... m. ••• '
i ■ ■ I^i in ifi imtlUnrnUW'

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