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JB WILL NEW BEAUTY PRIZE GO TO A VENUS DE MILO OR NOT? COMING CONTEST OF PHYSICAL CULTURE DEVOTEES LIKELY TO PROVE TEST OP .A NEW STANDARD OP WOMAN'S PROPORTIONS—EXPERTS SERIOUSLY CONSIDER INFLUENCE OF CORSETS A CAUSE FOR NEW IDEAL. FORMER PHYSICAL. CULT ERE WINNERS. -j Miss Newklrk. who was rated the moat perfectly developed wo« man. measures: 11.-iuiii. . feet is inches; weight, without clothes. 13< pounds; neck. 13*. incßea; chest. 31 Inches; chest, small, -!>» Inches; . mi. expanded, SS Inches; bust. SS Inches* wstst SS Inches; tup*. J« Inches; thigh, .->. Inches; knee, tt Inches; . nir. II", in. be.. ankle. "H im*hes; arm, 10 <» inches; elbow, 9 Inches; forearm, t he., wrist, • Albert Tl.lesi. who won . prise as the most perfectly developed man. measures: Height, without rlothea. t feet 19 inches; weight. without clothes, 1.3 pajunds; neck, IS Inches; chest. 43 Inches; chest, .malt, 17 Inches; chest expanded. IS Inches; waist, S3 Inchea; hl|-a. ST Inches; thigh. 34 Inches: knee. I*. n-lie. calf. it*. arm. 13 Inches; elbow, in Inches; enn, flexed, II Inches; forearm, flexed, II inches; wrlsL * inches. B-r-r-r! But This Is Gold Weather, Eh? B-.-r-r! Whew! "Shake yo* se'P " was th* prevail ing order of kings oa Wednesday morning. l Every shook. Teeth »h<j->k. bodies shook, and folk, shook the merry brea-ses of all mil.ide and bugged the stove, or the radiator, or the lamp, or anything that **.» warm an.l .of* and didn't shaker. - Folk. got up on Wednesday mora* . lag and docked b-sck la bed strain. ■ la mighty Quick order Ther. were rot many loam exposed to tb* rui* pibg frost, sod It's safe to as- that there wss more tbsn van eurtsla l.cturc, as to 'who bad the mint I cover It certainly wss a nlppin* morn ing. Your breath chanted to frost. as if It tasted to iesve its warm place. People slid along do. bill en Ike frosty sidewalk., sod won* dewed if winter wss really here Others walked Into llttl* ire-pod die*, and then cussed because they got their feet wet. Tbe weather man says tb* ther mometer was kerflummlxeat > a raid spelt, way up north of the British possession. Zero weather at Part errllie, B. C, on Wednesday mora-1 lag and blamed I -tie I***- in Seat tle. ' The feller who miles ttt* , weather highball tsid We.ine.dsy ' mornlns 'hat it was 31 st & o'clock, hut we all know better—must have; bees way below ears, anyway Kelt tbat way, at least. . Reports *r*» roralng In from all par's of the Pacific coast tbat killing Rsvgley's Corner Your Baby's -Wants We hsv» - everything in thst line here in! for leas money— Melton's food. "5c Hit Malted Mills, hospital fix* .... ..... ..... s;i.*>r, Malted Milk. 11.00 KtSS H."»«- Imperial Oraniiro lie (}.*>•* Eskay's Pood. 7J. (}."»*** ■akay'a Food, 50c | "i c Peptogcnie Milk Powders. It.'iO , size .. 8..C lUibtnson'a Dsrley, 1 1b.... '.0r- LJm* Water, _ gat., inclusive of bottle .. I.M Btiftsr of Milk, our own Impor tation, highest quality, per lb. :;o<* All Other Brands of Sugar uf Milk, per lb . . . . *.'.-,»• Nursing Dottles, 8 oz. and 12 »»/.. graduated, extra heavy ...St*. Ci* tor la, Fletcher's ...... "'..'* Glycerine Suppositories 'Ulr- All Other Baby Needs at Cut frieea. Free Delivery. Both Phone* Ml '%_ | V \/.m^.^i v*u **D*v*- mmr ßit m [ st_pwrsißsia-i.-iiLrg«Liir^L'- * frosts are prevalent. Reports fr">nl all part, of Wsahtngton are to Li Bar effect— killing frosts, and ion sidrrsble damage to late fruits and ELBOW ROOM AT A . ' .- . = a_P^. (^(-SSBB SBBI -- BBS (_■ -BS ' ■ BBS -ii BM SS "i* PREMIUM! We've gone about the task -if making jj Over in the suit Mora they've nothing elbow room for the builders with right km] between the stock and outdoors but a wall will. of rough board--, plentifully aerated with To tell of all the price change*, made | knot holes. A storm would lie disastrous in for tomorrow would occupy a goodly share that quarter, of this newspaper. " ' So we marked a big lot of $19.50 and «'" marked l-oulard Silks from 75c to $35.00 Suits down to $14.50. 2,c i yard. ' ... - • * , You can depend on it there'll be a Another crowd magnet, you can wager! crowd come for these. 1 / And for the same rea*on a lot of Dress And in the same breath wr marked a Skirts of Panama black and two shades of host of Dress Goods from $1.35 and $1.50 ; gray. down toßßc. Yestcrdav they were $0.*,0. Best of all, every yard is new and sty- L li«,li. Tomorrow they'll go al $4.50, Rcdonda Goths, all wool and in all col- j Likewise the ribbon section—it's about ors—blacks, too.* one-fourth its usual size, and as .1 coiim- Foiind about.four cases of Women's j quence all manner of pretty ribbons arc Black Stockings that were in the way—if it marked ioc a yard. Were 15c and .roc. rains they'll get wet. . _ - . , ' *«_"." So instead of 15c and I* they'll all go So °»* ii,. aml down ,he More* ..• ioc Simply Making Elbow Room For the Builders Qii___S_Ltt___2__ STONE. riSllElt&LANt" Corner Second Aye. and University St. . NEW TuillC—Among physical i iiitui i«t. i hers I. tun. spe. uliitluti a. tit -a lull a*, ill be the measurements of th,- i..ini|t a ..1,,. carry off i.. first pilsn ut the niiiiiiul "perfect fl.-un- ' luiili-.i at Mudtsiill Kqusl garden, 1...M year's prl»e winner's proportions were not those of Ihe Venus tie Mllo, and physical culture i-i,.r.-.-...i. -, c , m inclined 10 adopt a more intuitu n standard. ii Is true Hint lliry differ, but those Mil., BO lunger believe lv I.lilt. ||, Ihe ..!.. liui tlirt-k .iiiiitltiri> seem tv ! ———————————-——_——___-___.____■_____________■_______________„______, Gifts to Miss Alice Are But Cheap Junk WASIIINMTON. U l*.. Oct. lit is ahe matt? Well—mad Is hardly Ihe word! It doesn't .uf (i. ii -mt. ,!.--,. i il.,- the outraged feeling, of Miss Alice !t....»... it, daughter of lh. slrenuoua Teddy, And you don't bUme her, do you? After carting a trunkrut of sup posedly 1.1.. i... gifts crown ed heads sbout ihe country lo fin* ally discover lhat they were mere rubbish—wouldn't you lose your temper? This Is a. hat has happened to ruffle the feelings of the president's girt. The gifts which ML* RooMVell received nn her lour arrow ihe Pa cific are pronounced to be a col- to vegetables an.l gisln. And. li make things worse, the weather man .... that another rroet may be •*_• l-a. leat before li'liada* nigh! Thn wind which blew added to the general chilliness, sa It ram*, mostly, rrom the mountains of No rib era Washington. Suspected of Complicity Detective Lee liarbee arrested Ed- • aril Ihiffy," a .al.»>tili.*-e|****i a! Sec ond and Occidental, on Tuesday all erooitti sod charged htm with mm pllclty In Ib. robbery ts*t I**rldsy night In his place of 11. C Engles* '111 l RiCATTi.K STAR—WKDNIJSDAV. OCT. 18. too-* be litcvalltllg. Mi-.-, l.'iiiuiii Nenklrk. of Hittitn Mottles, ('al., 111. Una tuljuilgett tha inn.t perfectly developed vi until ll ll the .iimv, i linn to n proportionately .iniiller will.l -.ii| l.i .1-1 111 l L Unlll the Vetiti*. riii-rt. i nl tlm in... .. Iniiil any Hint Ihl. Is en- Hi.-li natural In litis .In. nil tu count nf the iii.itllfli utliin In Hie fc mill, figure i i.ll.eil by gntterulliin. til ■ ..i-...| ... .iiuir Tltt ii... it stand, nrd, however, Is still adhered In fm Hie men, ii being i-lttlmcil there liiii been n.i Influence nl work In i liungi man's figure (TORI Ihe old ideal, i hi. .... I. in liiiv. 1111 ...iii in thi. year's .huw, n Mlsa Trsuary backed by Its local physical culliir. aocltty. Thr.e nre her measure iiieiils; Neck, 13 Inches) che.l, nor mal, 40; cheat, IIM v. ihe.t. expanded, tut: bust, <i; wal.t, 11; light thigh, ll_; hip, 41; right knee, 16%; I.ft in If, U%] right airble, Mi; rlsht bleeps. 1., re. pose, li tight elbow, 10*4; iiui, i-.i. mtf In repose. 11 ', I 1.1. *'_ . hßlght, I feet 9; wclghl, 160 pounds 1.1 ii-..i of . ...ti.!. if, it., rubbish and Junk. HM-retary Tafl auys that up lo the tints he left the party the presents received could be bought in this country for f 169, But— s-.-l i. *t of all blows— The pearls—the priceless, beaull ful prnrla, presented by Ihe sultan or Hulu— ' AUK PARTI*.! And could tie bought, or their fellows. In any American shop for 110 or less. What makes this eapeclally ag gravating to Miss !•...-. t. it Is that the dear eullan of Hulu «anted to marry her; In fact, propu*.ed several lime.. Oh. th. wretched knave! ton, who Halms that he aaa r.!,. n W intt ilr..|>. l.> Cl.i- Milter, and that later be was relieved of I*i ] Th- woman I. held un suspicion and Kii«i.-.i..n I. st the ill jail a* a wtlneaa. WEATHER FORECAST— Fair Tonight and Thursday | H.avjr frail. LlgM East Winds. Seasonable Underwear for Men Correct qtialltlr*. reasonable price* al i: N. Drvoks A Uo.'s, 1331 M-*. ond s*,. •** If you are Interested in farm) Und*. acre tracts or clly reel e.t.te see page (. | Co.ii|,lei. Credit ii„„..i.,»— FREDERICK A NELSON Compl.ts Hot.l and Club Furni.hars, Attractive Specials for Thursday's Selling All HÄ» of the** ,..h.l-i nre for cash snd final—delivery st our earliest convenience. The rls_l ** l-served at all tlm** to' ■'mR «h" Quantity of any special that .hall lm sold to a customer Nt» 0. O. i- nor tsli-phone orders for these ip-Hala ran ba filled, M.NI. TO II mil • ; Kurnlturo 1i.|.l Ask Floorwalker fur fiHl.-iiiiian. CHOICE OF THESE THREE FOOTSTOOLS 35c —-.. _^—*_____G__ l"'eß%^ ta^ __*__■ _________ _o*____f- -_____*'- Imo^SmStmo Mi%oa4a*9a\*\\uSm_______T^*t__\__- _v*t__ Oaa.. V/ h wit^i \^m4 __tm^ m*\ Aa____l ____a*v^» _a?*»^^^bl R_rHfl_ _G___L Ja wIJ IM *LW *_r V? \ Foot Ptool abovn has veiour covered Foot Btool pltinred above has round iiiinii -foot 8100 l ,. ,. above ha* vilonr ■ ..fl lop » In. equne. Btatiila I In. high .mi baa ruvrrnl lop. to'/. In, In dlauiotcr. Hlaiulslf top 10 In in diameter, Btantls 8 In. high <*(*• brinunl 1. , -.. Regular price COc; spe- it, blab ami haa cast hum/. .1 legs. Regular g n d has cast bronzed Jega. Regular price 'lal 9__* • ....... ;t.-,r price Csc, Btieisl price .. .'{/J**, 70c, apt.ial prl.e USt) '"""" "'"""'","" *t^^"*»»*»TfaWay»a»^ W __s__Bj-B-M-WaTaßa.Maa-l-aW_a.-aMa..» ■BaaJBBBBBBISSSi ji'in ... i .„■■■ n —1111 „., | ..,.,, Ip.l 11 11 , 111 - hit ' - - ~ I '" — Carpet and Rug UepL—Third Bloor. mil- ....I. licpt.—First Floor. Drummers' Samples of Car- £?$ Silver-Plated Salt and ,-. petlng Underpriced Rftf PcPJ?J: r s^ Brß ffff ■OOY BRUSSELS CARPET SAMPLES, * li In X ****.€* 3 Pali' 'II BODY BRUSSELS CARPET SAMPLES, I Lt yds. long; regular ||J f| tilta O Iflll \\\_ 111-.•■!,.. l-l 1,. ,,, i„i , t, - ,jj,^ I'A ll These satin flnlthrd Bait snd Pepper Shaken _\_\ BODY BRUSSELS BORDER SAMPLES, 1 i-l yd.. lung; regular price B__r*aV__7 are sllvtar pitted on a nickel-silver ha*. ... J4 ■ .... ...-!. -i.i.,i .... 11 jj^£ ta 1. oft There sre two styles from which to choose, ________* .TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPET SAMPLES. 1 |.| yds. long; regu- v — _*"* which la Illutiti _!.-! Bpeclal price, sj! 19 i.n In. r-.-.. ,„. t, „,.,, i,,i .,, ii htit a pair .. ........ '*."»•** ~— _*~^i TAPESTRY BRUSSELS BORDER SAMPLES, I 1-1 >HÄ». long; regu- . ■ — i.n 111-.. I.".- . .1. !.. ai-.-. 1..1. .. i, iii/. .... -. ,.,-, i ROYAL WILTON CARPT SAMPLES. , _.| yds. long; Yi.w line Just Houscfurnl.hlnr. Dept.-Hrst . "°r* H VAL WILTON CARPET SAMPLES. 1 1 ! ><la 1..i.b net. lln. received; regular price l« Mi each. special, ra.h .....SUOO _•_ r__ f_ _.._.___. A*M— _____ _____ $l.bu Tattoo CIS A _£> A I #**l I Arm m ______!-». Japanese Matting Reduced Alarm c,ock * ./m*. —r om-mm aO—O—W IIIMIMIirjI IIUMItVyrU _ I 1 (, m, \^J J*\\ |__ W\__% ___*% __""__ afier pausing an equal length of time rings Bf. 9^*o__j\ IP r I ICC sgsln. This titermlttent ringing conllnuee O-mf^ .IB m ew-Bt-r for 15 minute*. Face of Clock Is 4 ,^ in. in \*e%~" v >_F There I. . good sa.orltiirnt ..f figured,. aa wall ss natur- diameter, Cl, . 1. well made and nickel- V_* \^—9 *'»"*'"• p1.t..1 on tbe Regular price ft.M; itii'_Bi"^ Regular lie Matting, cut only, per yard •4.-,^. special price .".•iIHC Itegular Mc Matting, cut only per y.rd *«*j|-r -_________________-__■________________. _ '■' Regular Sic Malting, rut only, per yard |*.« Crockery I)ept-Flnt Floor Regular S«c Matting, cut only, per yard 15*. «-roc_cry i>ept. urtt noor. Decorated French China Gups and Saucers Inlaid and Printed Linoleum 98 rb**eb*ndiom> Cups sod **___**. are ___* -* *■■ 99 9 i *_____r<. -•_»■_"_■ by. J. p",l-r" l-ttimges, Frame, whose __fcnf*Pl I Hrif*Pfl rJ-f.- *Srß&\ *, »ml' "n ,a'fc l'l»*e '» aufflclent gusrantee «#p«Wiailff I iIWCU A^r ''jLr TJ/ as *° «««oty. There are four distinct dec- Regular »l» 1e1.,d R. B _l.r »115 l-1.,d Reg-lee*. Print.. <Jm%^p9%jJX__, o\mTm\ammo\\^ |, I llu.trsted. -*.h Li-.01._-, SIM p.r L.nol._ m 90. p „ Lir-.1.-m 15« P.r _a_K»^_rillß^ - ">* ,!••' ■■•l»r»X wHlsd.pte.l lo the fash ' . i. ' «,w.r. -.rd. C«l Squ.r. Y.ed. Cut r^ ' ' Hegul.r prl.e $1 88 .square ***** tut Only. There «re Only. Assortment "«"Car_.uj,**;, per «*• ■'! six; special price* per set of six Only. Choice of sis aevtn different Inrludes a.- dlfftr. ...... ,-,. different patterns. i-atlems. *i.t patterns. NOT MOUK THAN ONE XT TO A CUSTOMER. 5; -. :- ■"•_.-;. . ■,^'-'--* i i ii - i n-iL^i Drapery Dept —--TTiird Floor. $1.25 Cross-Striped Madras Curtains 75c a Pair $3.00 Corded Arabian Curtains $1.50 a Pair These stirs. !iv., Curtains >■-.-.. i stiilable for bed rooms, be- These Corded Arabian Curtains measure 60 In. wide sod ;,:._ yd*. Ing hrarirr than lace lain, and toftrr than niu.lln mrtslna. lung. They come in Arabian color and have hr-avy corded border .They ar- whit* Willi cross sirlpea In red. dark blue. light blue la Arabian dealgu. Regular price »J.OO a pair; special price., a ■aptnk. yellow or light gr>. to match (baa rartoua room decoration*. pair «\ SO Curtains measure li In. wide an.) 3 yds. lung Kegulsr prl. rll ;r. Kot more than two pairs to a customer. a pair; .pe. Ist price, a -pair......... ......73c •*' -_-_-_-____ Odd Tan. strv PAH!*™, tl 00 Each Eiderdown Flannel Baby Robes at Reduced Prices These Odd ll?. ,"r**,, WMIWIWB 1.a11,1l and Thee* *** « «-» ** White Oderdowa Klsnnel. lined with saline Tl_^«^ir^Vy^ '"°^r . :, '. * and trimmed wttb embroidery and mUb ribbon The.* spearlsi mea.ure I.' li I .aula lung (if mt-st |..iterna ihere Is . , . more H.sti one Portiere, but all will b« sold s» odd. All wrre priced v regularly at 15.50 or wore a pair. Special prl. c. .-«. h.. Sl.tMl :r<" Robes, each ..."Hit. Lace Curtain Ends, Door Panels, Etc., 45c Each jg 1^^::.:::::.:.:::.:::.:::::. z'. :r!._::;;;::sSIII This lot Includes la ( iii.i . Ends. I_ce Door Psnrla an.l Rem- ah tat laa ns tits of l_ .- suitable for doors, tiil^lighi. and small windows. ,1 ' * Roues, each • >! Hi Choice, each .. |.-„•; 12.00 Robes, each 81.25 Wl.-.Tf tf^#_P_aß-_-WH——lttMtß>l_lMlH-_Maaaa^^ Novelty Hot Blast Air Tight j tl^. CABM ANn t •Aj The Garnet Oak For Coal Fairy Oak Heater-For Coal _l_taa«_i> r»r mjmnrl *I* C*BM AHI fl-00 *(, , • > neaier— For Wood week, or osoo cash and M? .6 «m9l MONTH BUYS ANY _B___L_a-a_yr_—k__l V^i, Jn*£____lfl_K____B _sky - *-. HtATINO STOVE. COOK t ' »- vS#V STOVE OR RANGE IN OUR __*_/____ STOCK. <j__^s P_«_ *!BifMiM*aS| Word ___. _ S'* '^ ***a__?^^_a _' _ . -^cttgsi ' _j mt^ta -t____\\\\___j_\__\__\___\ frC___rßl_3_B_^___l HS Hf_BlP_____i .', TQ HR^^%^^^ / \i >— B.l^ Jg**7 HrwlßC3 -II *__P*___T -- -T ( #fir . a_____K___PH^E__l'iW4__B i^K I^l Bk^ab __bl wr a!^Ba_^_T ' mt* mw^Jtzi/ _______*______■ ttmaaS^ "*\?^V^Aa{*mm. *—•••. -^__J__P_r _JI ___T^^O\^ W m ™A I -I ~~-^ \tr' ig s*v_ \ 'A ,''.|f' li-'lh In fecit ilmir and >v. \M! \ "■—-.■■ I ■■_..,/ aah 'Is equip!",! with X v M __ Tht. Meriting 5t.... has long swing-off ton, nickeled urn. nlek •rt,i. t. .a.. -1..1K _»„__- m. ■..-- V_ mW _^——.mm *** from fceJ dooc ''h liisl.i. swing ele.l name plate, nickeled top ring .„£i lit iMV.Mn. H^tr %v. know >i- smokeguard. I. filled with draw and nickeled foot re.t. sold this Heating Klove. Ws know center grale. screw draft damper. It to be kocml and eervleratile. lias ,_ h nlckelstl top ring, nick- No. IS .....f 0-75 tKidy of |K.ll.he,| sieel cast iri.ti _. .. „., . . „,. i-lr 1 foot res! s. nickeled ._■■,«. top »nd cn.t Iron »»«l«;"'- The Th a Wo*, c s not lined »«**•- .... „„,, n | ck -, ed , pu „ urn . r lce. No. IS t. 11.7.1 Novelty I. equipped wllh heavy ures I. Inches long and l* ' follows swing-off top and automatic coy- Inches high. We '' ''"' guar- '. ■■ ' lllimeler * Inches, hel-rht J '. T!! er. a. raw .Itnft. ea.t down draft nor recommend It. <Ml ■ . .......... is-*i« IWE TAKE YOUR OLD register cltati-out door, heavy »ItlO No . n. .ilameler ii Inches, height \ STOVE AND ALLOW YOU i I Mllar """.a"*"* rl^olto-Ta* Htove. St Inche. long and If. »« Inches ........... * ||MM| } ALL IT IS WORTH AS collar, irltr. ar. folio-,.. taefc** hlgh ... *.-,„ No.^ IMIj-|!.l« ■!I: Inch-* height pART PAYMENT FOR A No. JO H,,",° Mjunp Htove. 84 he* long and 31 No. 18. diameter U Inches, height | NEW ONE. No. SI • . '*£ a"VO Inches high ■ %*fZ'\Hw tJ Inches a»-.»|P * > _m_r^^^^^_m_r^w*r^+r^^^t^^^m*m{>: S JffiomicKexJtfisoiv [_|_n ornir &A^Ahmmr\*JT^tW I__P^?/ W AC" T C H T _ FOR MAjmtc MjMJr*ZAmW-/mmM mLm*ZM9m9\ t^r«P^ Y—**.*/_& iut _• BotmooAr S.lti.r ft^ftjlflTir f/VfYUV*fW*rfD) ''ffi&ZXhZ? ■'- h»*t.s ' ___*_*___?s__j___l_^^ i; Mtiiixtt*. vm_wm_m wwwi