Newspaper Page Text
" WHA T I PROPOSE TO DO IN ZION'S PLANT A TION PARADISE IN MEXICO" On DOWIE REVEALS THE LOCATION OF THE NEW AND WON DERFUL PARADISE CITY M E HAS PLANNED IN THE STATE OF TAMA.ILIPAS. MEXICO—MILLIONS OP ACRES — ALL PRODUCTS TO BE BUNCHED AND SOLD BY THE HEAD OF ZION—A MAGNIFICENT COUNTRY, HE SAYS lIV JOHN* ALEXANDER DOVIE. Written Kapeclaily far The Star, lit lh* grace if Hot] I Intend lo building up * great colony to Ills Glory In tho rich state ot Tamaull l„t*. Met let. Many thousand* In alt part* of th* world gr* responding to Zlon'* call, having a mind to work, lo mc rifle*. *nd ta co-opsmt*. Son City. 111., lh* flr*t center es tablished, in th* rmi.-.i Htate* of Ann" i.n. ha* .tit hit*, four year* be came* an i.bji-i t less.,ii icy all th* ; worUL Tb* city ha* proved th* j truth of it* motto. •"Where Ood rules, tuan prosper*." Aud now, tn the fuiltices of time, ther* ts offered ait opportunity to secure a t-**t virgin domain lv A j sunny and healthful clime, rich In I soil. In minerals, and in forests, and j '•bounding In purr water. SHADED LINES SHOW in LO CATION UP TUB NEW I'.WIA. DISE CITi". JM___H_ff__N____| ounn. vi MINE ihe .-.! LONDON. Oct. 21.—1t 1* reported that th* Japan-*** transport Saner! Brewers to Give Monster Parade ____Cto «how th« public that they (*-*■ Still Striking the United Brewery Worker* 011 l hold a big parade on • * the armaSat of October 33. I%W» many other union men as are ■ able to participate have been In ll Tttad to get into line Th* parade I •will sUrt at the Labor Temple, go ffißns to* Union to Flnt, south on .Tint to Waihlngton, east on \Va_b- I loglon to Second, north on Second •io Union and back to the lAbor Temple, where specially Invited CHURCHES ;#*««#*..**#*#*«*« * * ' * to order to insure ptibltca- * * tlon. church notice* for Sat- * * tirday'i issue most reach The * * Star office not later than * 9 Thursday afternoon.—Ed. * WAfSSJASWaaa^aSSSfto^mmnfm * i* * * * * «*-***" ********* mtm^SAtott*a____Z.mmmmmm pBttASSAAm. North Baptist church, 49199 -.Third and Cedar. Her. George Rob 'lart Cairns, pastor—Subjects, 11 a to.. 'The Wagons Are Coming;' '7:30 p.:ra., "Tbe Baptists vs. thi Washing' State Uqnor Dealers 'A»*cKiatltio.'' Banday school a 'j;ls,a.* fa.; Young People's **rvlc( fat t'.ithp. m. ■"* Taberhacl* Baptist church, cor per Fifteenth North and Fast Am Irlson. John M. Dean, minlstcr- Mori worship at 11 theme sl"Wny -we No linger lyoolc f.l Christ to Come;" evening evangel Urn at 7:20, theme. "The Satsnli ■ophy of Seattle Officials am: Citizens," Church Bible school A 9:30 a m ; Young People's union a 1 it; JO i) m. -* Trinity Parish church. Eighth ant James. Rev. IL il. Oowsn, rector— Services at 7:30 and 11 a in. an' ?I:ZQ p. m.. morning subject, "Tb( : Chorch and the Drama: The Ar'oi la Westminster Abbey;" eventni ■)-. aubject, "The Martyrdom of St Peter." Huu'liiy school, mating, a 9:19 t. m _ta_LW-**tiiiinster Presbyterian churcl The combination of their clement* tt ,m tiring great pi ••■•',•. 111 >, ami, through th* pilt.. ipit a fur wltl, h '/.Inn *tuit,l*. will *a*ur* pur* home*. I'.tiffui and thorough •duration ,tf the young, and th* maintenance of pearo, happiness, and the rut* of Out! In the live* of Iho people. Hon'* (imposed po**e**lutis tn Mexico win eventually comprt** al lea*! 5.000.000 acre* of laud. A large tract ha* already been op. tinned tn th* henutirul *tat* of Ta in tnMp n. It t* wondruuaty altrai !- Ite in ii. tj .-tli. mountains, beautiful vr.llej-* and streams, and ts bordeted by many mttr* of gulf •tat. Mere than 10 miles of the Mexican Central railway uowr runs through the pioptwed Zlon perndla.. planta tion, connecting It with the sea at th* port ot Tampleo, a distance of about IS miles, from whence great steamship lines lead to all part* of the wot Id. A X.i-ui port will probably '-.- ea labtlshetl on the lam**la river, t*on* necttng with a Zlon city. This river la deep and navigable for seagoing vessel* all the year round, flowing Into the Panueo river above Tam plco, ■ Blipa* Is the i ureal of tb* Mexican state* to th* populous een tets of the I' -tiled Stale* of Amer ica; ha* the greatest of all Mexican seaport*. Tampleo. Expert Instructor* aim In- en gaged to tea. scientific inethisl* of growing la* various products, i;». perlmental farm* wilt be located so that Ike people need not a at* lime. money and energy In experimenting. , but may- take advantage of every nett ant valuable feature after It I* thoroughly tested. Kiuti market* will be one of th* tliatln.-tlve feature* of ide tl..ny Eton will han-lie the various prod- ! Marti was sunk by a mine, er rooto ' from N*v Chang to Dalny, Most of { the crew were saved. speakers will address a Was meat ing in the main halt. The fight agalnat the brewery oc topus la being poshed with unabated vigor. A novel .lan haa been adopt ed by th* Painters* union to aid the sirlhers. At * smoker to be given by the onion net Tuesday, all mem bers »ill t.-- ash* Ito sign * pledge to drink only union-made beer. Tbl* plan la to bo adopted In lieu of Imposing a fine the belief being that It wit he more efficacious. ! Broadway and Columbia, ne.. J. I M Wilson, pastor—Subjects, "Per sonal Evangelism." and "The Pan aticism of Unbelief;" evening pre lods. "What the Presbyterian Cbnrrh Is lining Among Labor Unions." Divine altar service, Germanla I tall, II o'clock, subject, rin Sym bolic Meaning and Power of Oor Given Name;" ordination service in afternoon at 2:30, lecture by May li. Stevenson. Friend*' meeting. Friends' latn-r --cacle, 2027 Dearborn, George Har vey, pastor—Sunday school at 10 a. ti. meeting at II a. M.i C. I* acciety at 6:10 p. in ,; evangelistic services at 7:20 p. m. Sunday evening at ft o'clock, at tbo Socialist templet J. 11. Haw tbornthwalt*, socialist member of i the IlrttUh Columbia parliament from Nanalmo, will spank on "to cialist Politics." This aiMrr-M* will be of much Interest to all working m«n. Mr Hawthorn!wal'.e is now serving hi« marl term A tour I years. Unitarian churrh, Tkiylston ave nue, one dock west of high school— Iter. W. D. Hlmond*. minister. Service* at lis m. Sermon. "Tlie Faithful Soul Finding Peace— Henry Irving'* List Word*.' Talk to chil dren. "Frederick, la God Head?" I Sunday school at 10 a. m. Haven Methodist Episcopal church, corner Howard and John. I I, I Drake, pastor—Sunday school at 8:45 ii in . |.nl.lie service at 11 ,a. m„ subject, "Tbe Gospel of Work Ill) SEATTLE STAR—SATURDAY,* OCT. it, 1905. net* «• a whole, receiving them front the |.».*|.l». on elated *tu>•>. and shipping them .lit 11 t to i urupe and New York to our own ape, lul steam- I'll In till* 111,11111. Iho SSlnrt brand will In- built up and established. The first |.«-t iit.u.otu building* tv be eroded 111 Zlutt |utradl*« plant** lion will he i' laln-i tut. lea, vthi-tn PHOTOGRAPH POSED limit. JOHN ALEXANDEII DOWTO KOII Tlin NBVVHI'APKn ENTEIU'RIBK ASSOCIATION ANO TUB SE ATTLE STAR. a* Well m of Faith:** claaa meeting •t 12: IS p. to.. Iworth league 1* - v.ii.ioai rotating at firJU p. in; public _*rvlr« at "-to p. m.. *ol>Je, *Th» Tru* Test of ll.|*it The Tb*<-M>ph!i*! Boclety. Scan 1. --lodge, ll la Tbtrd~rtonday M ap. m.. lea-tare. The lilt),-,!* of tb* The oxophlcsl Society," by T. A. lUrn-e Fremont Swrsr.-h M. X church [ley. John Otall. pastor I'r-ca.hing at 10:4. a m and * p. te snb'c t In lit* morning "I he Tn* (*..mbi Utton;** la the evening. "Th* Sign* of ihr, fruits." Sunday *ckoiil at I:IIa m ; Junior league at 1 p m ; I'.pworth league at 7 M p. m. Presbyterian church, on Laa* be tweets Ninth and Tenth South— Sunday .chtail at » .tag. tti . pra-arb log at 11 a. ro.; C. E_ meeting at " i* jr. m.; pre**, liln* at 110 p. a (J ml nni»li Queen City The,-..phi. »l Society In America. Pioneer block A. O. U. W. hall-Public study claaa ■! 7 p. in., Th* Secret iKictrta*.;"" rend ing at » p. nr "Th* Life of th* Atom." by Mis* Fit tra Prtedleln. First Chnrrh of Christ. Scientist, Pit Sixth, between Marlon and Co lumbia—ServkM at Ham. and ** p, *»., subject. "Everlasting Pnn lmerit.'* Sunday school at 12 ra . '—tiiu.irilal ot— ting Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Pree reading room* at No. 933 and SM Alaska building. Pint Presbyterian rhnrrh. corner Fourth avenue and Spring Rev. M. A. Matthew*. I) I), paator Morn- ink subject. "What I* Our l**yrho liglial Moment V *venlng aubject. "A Table* From a llroken Heart;*' Thursday evening ■abject "Paul* Theology." Raman Catneli* Meeting*. St Mary's Pa.-tsh n*v. W. J. iletx. Early man* and act moo (children** mass at 3:30 * m i .Sun day school at 9:30 a m, and 1 10 p. in. High mass and sermon at 10:39 a. m Instruct and benedlc- II m at 3:30 p. m. Cat he.! I Chapel. Terry aveno*. Man*.* at < M a. m . 7:30 a m . I in a. m ami 10:30 a. m . evening serv- Ice at 8:30 p. in. Bern Heart Church—Rev, Geo. A. Hlld. At 1:00 a. ii and 1:00 m. ■ low mass, 7:20 p. in., vesper*. sermon and benediction. Church of the Immaculate Con ception— Key. A. Swcere. At 7:10 and 1:30 a. ra.. low mas*; 10:10 a. m. high ma** and sermon; 7:39 p. in benediction, ................ * Seattle, Wash,, Oct 17, 1905. » * Editor Seattle Dally Star. * * The Seattle Volunteer Fire- * * men's association hereby ten- a * der to you a vote of thanks for * * your kindly aid and service* * * in the entertainment of the * » Veteran Volunteer Firemen (if * * San Francisco, on their recent * * visit to this city. * * ". a. d. Mcknight. Be. v * * ll 11. CALLAGAN. Pre*. * **************** BUFFALO, Oct. 21.— J. Whitman wai convicted in the su preme court this morning of grand I larceny In punning a forged check for 17-0 on th* Fldollty Trust bank. Former Juries disagreed. till the people ran aaaembl*. . I Thn toil building* In Importance | will be t nut -ally located a. j fur all th* children, offtc*r*d and conducted upon the moat approved method*, uiitler th* ape. direction of th* first apostle ot th* Christian Catholic Apostolic church in '/Mm, I which aywtem has already baen *o WANTS MAN WHO STOLE HIS WIFE I. CMRICH. OF PORTLAND, IN THE CITY LOOKINQ TOR HIS MARRIED PARTNER, WHOM HI SUSPECTS OP ELOPINO WITH HIS OWN SPOUSE Hunting for ' i* elf* and the man who, tie allege*, stole her. It, Kntrl.h of the firm of Thn 'A Itinrti h, pf letoe* of the New T.»rh npnrt -1... ■- I --.-. on lh* corner of Kit teenth and Overton, Portland, ar rived In fleet lie. Thursday afternoon. II I. Thayer, hi* former partner, who baa * » if. living In Keel tie. I* MM man whom Kmrleh charge* with robbing blm of hi* wife a* well a* tISO Of hi* 111.-liev. Thayer, according In Ihe tale Em rl'h (ell*, gave him a note fur th* amount, which wai to have been made it* an advance payment on lb* rent. Instead of paying tbe rent Thayer used the money to settle SHOOTS HIS WIFE AND THEN HIMSELF BAN PR ANT I l-U'll. Oct. 20.—A w-flk- man named Mrs Lillian Ne**l*t. otherwise known as Lillian Italy, was Hint! anil killed lost night by an unknown man In a rooming limine at -tin Eddy street After firing two shot* *! tbe woman tire man tnrned th* pistol on himself aad blew hts bralps out. So far he has not been Identified. , Offers to Divide $80,000 With Cops BRIDGEPORT, Conn.. Oct. 21.— The chsnces that the police will re cover nearly the whole of tin- 1101, --000 stolen from the Adams press company In Pittsburg by Edward O. .ii lirr.-. who was taken to Plttibnrg last night, seem bright. East night 19.066 was found In a trunk belonging to a butler of a prominent family at Btaektock, hut th* butler and th* family by whom he 1* employed ere Ignorant of the fact that the large sum was found within the house. Although there Is a possibility that th* remaining an. ttasftll in th* e.ln. ill.. Ittatl unit. of /.tun tilt. 111 It I* .lis., In contemplation to srarrt nnd conduct first . In** agricultural, dona*»' science and manual train ing colleges. I lit- am I*l life of our people will rt-celvn the moat careful considers, tlon 1.. tha end Sal purity, peace and progress may reign. Arrangement* hay* 1.-.-ii made with th* Mexican government Tor the free admlsalon of the household effect- of our people. It Is rxpecled : that special excursion* during the fall and t. inter month* will b* ar ranged through /'a transport* llon di*|*nrlm*nt at very attraellv* rate* II will lie found deslrabl* 'tor i Intl.* coming to /.inn |,«rndla* PARALYTIC? NO! SO LIJAH POSES AND WRITES -Special to Th* BUr. TO. PASO. T*xa«. OcL IL— Th* story that was printed ail over tb* country a few day* ago thai Dr. John Alexander Howie had been stricken wtth paralysis while en rout* It. the near y.lii,i city In Mexico, mad* that eccentric alar of th* ie llgiou* world furiously angry. Pf^seg'BeTow^ VVh.-n hi* private car lunger reached her* a representa tive of the Newspaper 13 nlerprlse association and The ■*- ■tide Star, boarded th* train and found Dr. Dowle Id a mood very am ato ... mo publlrtty thai th* "wrath of Ood" had not vlaited him. -._ ■:...., In hi* moat vehement manner he denounced the Assoclst. Ed »**. which **nt out th* report. He said It was SUM thing he never did, but *o ** to »how the world that he was In good health he offered to go out to th* car steps and [one for a picture. . ,; Aftrr Ih* photograph had been taken, he returned to hi* office In the l*_liman and dictated to his prlvst* secrelsry. trTrldlng 11. willtlte. the accompanying article about hi* new Psradlse city. When th* statement had been put In writing, he signed It snd delivering II to The Star repre sentative, .ai. it would be esrlu* i The article ■ veal* the local of tbe new settlement, until now a genet. com* pergonal obligations. II Is i charged. Thayer and Mra. Ituirlrh disap peared "Saturday evening from th* ! battel, but were seen Monday going | acros* th* Vancouver bridge. That j they ware frightened back I* proved jby the fart that Bmrlch later re | ceive.! * letter from hi* wlf* stating that •he Intended *ottllog in Pert i land and getting * position. "Thi* letter WO* written to ml** ; . lend mm. I think." Mtd Knnlch to * Star man. *'! am aimo*t poaltlv* they sre In Heattle. I hay* »*<*r j tallied that Thayer gel* hi* mall 1 her*, fm going la hunt thai couple 1 1,, every quarter uf th* glob*. If ti*c- MBBSS I, , ', The woman Is a well known fro 'quenler of the music halls She was } married some time ago to easier. I.i" left Mm subsequently when he' lost (Kith arms In an elevator acci dent, and assumed the name of iMly. The police are now looking tor a woman nsmed Price, who, lt tf salt! was present during the oc- I currence, but who fled when the I shots were fired lin,.-,00 has been destroyed, the po lice are of lit' opinion that Mattel accomplice of Cunllff* may reveal the hiding place of the missing sum. in round numbers, 190,000 has been found within th* past 21 hours. After figuring on about fSQO as the amount which Cunllffe has spent or which was found on him when arrested, there Is left a sum of 10, --600 yet to be accounted for. Two other new feature* of th* chapter of events In connection Willi tilt capture of Cunllffe crop- 1 ped out today, one being nn at tempt by Cunllffe to bribe Captain I (leorgn Arnold, of lit.- local police force, and the other being the atory nf lietiuynl by a friend of Cunllffe for tho purpose of securing (he re- plant .itm. 1.. bring their household good* and other personal effect*. Tho Muat''■■.'. both 11.111..11.11 and gtato, has manifested lh* nu •»l friendly Interest In /.lon's proposed -a.-iil.-in.-ut. and i. ready to git every »*»lstoni« to Hi. move ment. Many valusbl* conce**lon* of great advantage will ■>* Krantnd. uniting which I" the exemption fruin duly on household good* lieluiigliif 1., int. ling saltier*. John Alexander, first a pea • of the i.iii.l Jesus, the t'hrlst. In th* Christian t'uthollc Apostolic . him In /.lon. authorise* Ihe announce. nu ul that It. Intends In spend aav •rai month* of avery year In &!<**!■ ■■*. I ward of l:.'.t"J offer.-! by lb* I'iok I ertun* for hi* art.-a( Inning one of the talk* which Captain Arnold bad with I'uitliffe last night tbe prisoner in* ie a proposition to divide the 1(9.000 which be had sent to his brother-in-law, Joseph W. Itoardman, In Ilrtatol, on the promise of secrecy. MM was to have 140.000 If lb* i* heme was car ried oat according to the plan* of the prisoner, who waa to tell the Pittsburg authortllea that the hid ing place nf th* money would never be discovered. Arnold |.ad the pris oner on la bis wild proposition, an 1 after funllfre* plan* ware. laid bar* lb* detective told ("iihiiff* that the money be had Intended to split np had already b.-en found in Ilrlitol. •LOST IN TUB BUN." Woman Murders Former Friend CHIIICAOO, Oct. 21.—Mrs. Clara! McCluakey. who was shot down at tin- rear door of her saloon, 668 West Madison street, yesterday morning, wa* murdered by her former friend, Mrs Clara M. Hut ley Jealousy over (he friendship of Mrs. McClus 'key with Albert Tryman, an So trician, ted to the crime. Mr* flu. -| Icy, who was arrected early this morning, denied all knowledge of the crime, but later, after having . been question for several hours by the police, she broke down and con j fessed. VANDERBILT'B PONY WINS PARIS, Oct. 21.—The Prix Qiillly a! Ih* Mnlsiin ljifltle track, Friday, Was won by .riiifus, owned by \V. K. \ It rlilll. «**.«e* v *e*eae»* * * * STEAMER SUNK. * * NEW YORK. Oct 21.—Tho * * Steamer Bulgaria made this * 9 port this afternoon an i report- * * ed that during a storm the * * steamer Tasmania went down * * off Point Palm. Eight men * * were drowned, * * * mo*** »»*»»»»*•*■»»* Allen's Lung Balsam I Will positively break up * deep. I racking cough past relief by oth- I er mean*. | Street Cars Crash BAN lil-ItN'AItIMNO. Cal.. Oct 2L Two trolley cars on the Han Ilor 11*1 dill valley *y*-tem lollliled In * thick fug tills morning Moiorman Wbltlnck received a compound frac ture of Ib* leg mid bis skull was fractured, Motorman O'Keefn. liu*l an .ml. I* sprained, and numeroua passed went en! l.y flying disss To Be Prosecuted For Fishing Sunday 'll.' rm.i prosecution In King . '»»iii.i sine* tli.- passage of the i* * law prohibiting th* catching if aal iiinii wllh traps od Sundays, will he In tbe case of it. 11. and J. i: di.t ham, of liallard, against a complaint lira I been lodged In JUdg* Davis' court. It 1* at*'... Hint the (iirtliniiia trap* wer* discovered off th* *hore at Meadow point. Kdward lto*en licliK. * fisherman, lodged tha .1111 plain t. Other pins iut i ma will fol low. as many more trap* were found In that vicinity. Bank Fails HAN PRAXCIHCO, Oct. _!.—Th* Limited Hank A Trust company failed today. Htate bank irominl* slonera hay* assumed . liarge. Ai. depositor* *r« congregated about the entranre. Th* bank la largely Intereated tn real e»I*(- Vtllli I. i -niv- I the failure. A* tli* guest of honor n«tt Pri day night at the Itatnler club. Hear Admiral Ooodrlch, In command of th* Pacific squadron of tb* I Hi' a* 1 Kt.itci-i navy, will Sold forth. Other distinguished guests wilt be Sen ator* Pile* and Ankeny, Congreas men Jones, Humphrey and Club man, and many officer* of lb* navy yard, of tb* government and navy departtin-iit* In Seattle, of Port l.awtoti anil .if the flagship Chi cago. THE MARKETS A steamer arrived Friday with <00 crate* of grapea. | A carload of Chelan fancy apple* alao arrived Krlday. V*B*tablsa, <* i "> IV. Datable*. II HU 1111 l Bean*, dry, pel -tit. 1,1 S--.f II 71 No. 1 small white*. II OK. choir* ' white*. 13.ll: large whiles. lift I 15; pink beans, lit.*: bays bean*. {LOO; beets, per aack. II; parsnips, pa* sack, tl; earrotn p*r sack. Tie; tur nlpa, per a... *&' . cauliflower, per dox. II: garlic, per lb. •<• . natlv* green peppers, per box. (Sflttc: Cat- Ifornia pepperA box. II .'- ",.«r»l*y doxen, l&c; squash, per lb 2Hc: pumpkins. Ie; tomatoea, box. cabbage. ItiC tomatoes, per bos. 7»c, cuke*, per doxen. lOQSSc; corn, p»r do», (010 c; yelloy turns - toe* '.». Se: eggplant. lb. It . celery, per dos MOlfrc: potstoe*. per ton. til-fl-l *w**t potato**, per Id* lb*. I: iS yellow Danker onions 1 l-lt, Walla Walla unions, sack. 70c. Fruit*. Itg*. c**e, H-lb. bricks. 11.71; aeedless figs, 10-lb. cartons. 9*ll*) l» 10: Valencia orange*, a box. I*9 If; lemons, per case, tstfli: Wen atrbe* peache* per box. .scf3tl.oQ; Siberia peaches, per box. •O^fiOc, t.ertn peaches, per bus. 60"8f70f. Birnmon* peache*. box. 10. . Mack berries, per crate. 11.00; ' tiua per bun. 1.1 .">. crab apple*, per box, lOSflOc; cast of mountain ap ples. 11 50«: natives, box, .'.Oc'jtl; i*al. Or*veii*teltts. 7icfttl.2S; par ent apples, per box. 71 *»*-*.: Know apples, ft.T.ot: fancy ap ple*. lOtflll.OO. watermelon*. per doxen. 11.00 *9 11 59. quince, box. 11(91.IS; cantaloupe* jtVOtl: pears, box. Mc Oil: nstlve peers, per box. ILOO; Hungarian prim box. T5e011.00; Muscat grape* crate, II «•*♦!.so. 10-lb basket, 7511 Mc: see-lie*. Sul tana grape*, -rate I' Tokay grapea. pa* crate. 1110*171; Blacks. .ts(e 11.04: Hawaiian pineapplea .lot, ll.tOVtLtl: huckleberries, per lb, 7c; ■ unuta, per doren. 7t«; ,-a'|. honey, per comb, lit,, nee tarlnrs. per box. 75c; poramegTsn lies. P*r "- 9199. " Butter and Ch**s*. Washington creamery, per Ib 2te; Eastern eream«ry. brick*, lb. lie; l-:**tern tub. lb, .»lt-«. . miking. Ib IBtrlic; . ranch butter, 1 10 lie. l-istern cheese, twin*, Ib. 16c; Washington ch*e*e. twin*, lb. tic; cre»m brick. Ib lie: llmburger, Ib. He; block Hit Is*. Ib, 17. . young American cheese, lie. las Ranch egg*. «t|i tic; Oregon, tie. Ea*tnn Untitle. Sugar. Dry granulated, racks, 100 lbs.. i;.i.o: Krult granulated, sacks. IB* lbs, 15.50; beet, per sack. 15.19; Oolden C, tl.00; Fxtra C- tt-10. Poultry. Pressed chicken*. lot* IS . IIV* chickens, llt . spring chicken*, 11. old MM, IS, turkeys. We; geese. He; ducks, lie: old roosters, tc Meat*. Dressed steer*. '»'a ■», : dressed I mutton. *.•_'■( 7c; dressed pork. 9%e: dressed veal. to li>V . dressed I lamb. Tlie. l.iv,. steers, t1.25 per cwt,; live cheep, t*oo per cwt.; llv* boa*. 1*1.2.'. per cwt.; live vml. ti.M <17.00 per cwt.; live lambs. *250 C 12.00 per head. GET A FILE FREE We save you 10c, 15c, 20c. 25c and *o on up to «"..- or TOe on ench Piston Bishop Diamond KdKe or other standard Saw you buy during in.- li .ni- * 1... sale. On Monday, the 23rd. we throw in an extra prise package of the fill" suited to file it. 11.7.". 28cmfwyp in bum nmnn Ii .25 Dl -'"I. D * I-Inch Saw... ..--Sl-lO 11.50 ' I*l .it D a 22-Inch Hnw.. . * *1 '.*:. |1. Diston Ii 8 2t-lnch Saw.. * I .15 tt.75 28.Inch No 7 Dlston Ilip -is $1.7.', fusion No. 8 llinl..s|.:tr, 22.25 Dial.m No. 12 ll.iit.l.M.iir, BOc Atkln* Kitchen Saw :t.->** J1.».". Dlston Panel Saw ... I Oil 1210 Indian Mntocycle SI IS Splttrtlrtg'a Omah Stoc ■ 1110 Second Avenue. OBJECT TO LOCATION POLICE SUB STATION NOT WANTED AT LINCOLN PARK Misinterpreting ri recommend..* llon recently rnndn by Mayor tr .1 linger, Ilroa .way realdentg sre pr* parlng to sign a. petltioii protesting against the establishment of a poll** auh-alatitiii at Lincoln park. Objection Is mud*) on the ground* that the proposed bMStIoU Is within a stone's throw of the high school, arid it would spoil the plan ( > ultimately desecrate public ground, which It Is the lutetitliyn to ultimate, ly convert into a park. It Is i l ilmc l that a police Hill* - station st Lincoln park would have a bad effect un the high school students, and that a location further south, near the Intersection of Pik* ami llroudway, would be preferable. "I did not recommend I, park specifically In my communi cation to tbe finance committee," said th*! mayor Haturday morning, when aske. übout ihe matter. "I merely suggeslei] Interbay and soma point In tbe vicinity of Lincoln paik as lamslbte locations. The latter lo cation I recommended because .1 It* excellent street far facilities. "However, I do not believe that » [•■ni — *üb-*tation i-.nil be any more obnoxious thsn m fir* house. It would be merely used a* a de tention station. Hucb station* gr* needed bmlly In .i city that is scat tered over *o much territory II this. Th* city now runs north and south s distance of 10 miles, and If liallard and Oeorgetown are annexed ther* w 111 be still more ground to cover," FLAMES NEARLY DESTROY TOWN A !''i'i;il fire, which for * time threatened to destroy the entire vil lage, broke out at Caribou, i iik-iri Territory, at noon on t tctober 11, de atroylng the Pioneer sawmill, one* owned by the famous Mike King; the railroad shop* and engine houa* of the White i ■mo A Tukon route, and many building* owned by mer chant*. IteePlenee* ere also de stroyed, rendering dosen* of people homele**. In order to *aye the town from total destruction every rltlxer- male and female, turned out to fight the 'flame*. Owing to the cold weather and the poor facilities for; getting water, the fire fighter* fought* for a whole day and the greater part of one night In Bar* th. remntnlng buildings. A fierce wind which was blowing at 'he time aided the flames •nd rendered 'he work of the, in habitant* extremely difficult. * The exact origin of the conflagra tion hi- not been determined, but It I* thought It started near jan old • .iwtniil. owned by th* Upper Yukon Consolidated company. Although th* report 1* not taken very seriou* ly. It I* hinted that a certain dis charged laborer set fire to tbe mill. The news arrived In Seattle via Vancouver, to which place it was brought by the passengers of th* Canadian Pacific Steamship com pany's stesmshlp Amur. The Amur arrived m Vancouver from Skag way Priday morning. Trusted Cashier Under Ariel] ST LOUIS, Oct tl.—Francis B. Runder. cashier of th* St. ■ Louis poatofflce, tares arrested in his office this morning, accused of emb-»ssl* ment. The warrant charges a short age of between tS,OOO and tI.OM. Runder was one of the most trusted an.! efficient employe*. Postmaster Wym*n wa* shocked when the In spectors acquainted him with the ■ltuatlon. • . • , i jFijrr^ \_ *} \rf_T__\vl COLMAN BUILDING PURITY IS PARAMOUNT In th* manufacture of Haynaa' Candles. It's (he first and last consideration. We always have a fresh supply Sunday*. Half-pound box Ji..** One-pound box ..,,<t»o£ Two-pound box Sl-OO IIAV.NE3* SPECIALS. lUlf- pound box Kit* On.-pound box Silt* Two-pound 1...x 81.00 s——a——■__—■_—aae,«B___——_—___^_______ot Established In ISSS. G. BENINGHAUSEN THE! MOM OF THE TIME H.M.I. High-grade watch repairing and chronometer maker. , 713-715 First Aye. r