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LIVES ARE IN DANGER fORTORMBN DRIVE THEIR CARS AT SUCH HIGH SPEED THAT PAMXMOKM ARE IN CONSTANT % FEAR-VIOI-ATi: THE LAW. n*Sw!«« » r«kl.'*a JUrrsartl ol im ftnUiblM 1 rr«iil»«l»n« gumming SSnwl of ""• •"•'•(lltl ttl*«-trl«* I«»aB»» «•«• » ni'W'T ol !'«•»- Lllird line* haro filiHl ,lalni» «ni Tk* s'-%i TIW» t""l*^* '***' for lhl"lr llirr* , ,(„«, *h*u iht» mortorniPO ol u»rtnirp»rrt|ll' <hr«w iliwr#tUm Z, (h* wlmli »n>l. In an rff«»rt to ' uup |.«; tlm#. »-nd IS. rart at »p»*d aruund »Uu«Tr«na cnrv»«. Oa tbt !»>ng tr««ili> i»»«t which th« tan run aivuml Ij»«« I'nloa th« jTittr* of «»••>* «'' ""' """'uruiKn to TLrtve »rra th" ortllnarr prrvau iioai *SUb tß* fomiHiny haa Inslal- J «b»o l» •»"'!' daj rommvntcit »;..« hr p*opl<* *!>" *»•» «bat Una ... I TMI ik*rr '" ' ' «•>•»•• I tftlua of ih' nuiu'ruua ilrw' ear iert**"" ■''''■' iwcurrw) lata it »jJ in vhUh tbvr* »iii i<- a t*r> •Hl* Km* of llf* ta tb« opinion uf iH< ,iini fin af with the .tlua faJ»r th# franchl«» which the S* •Ml* Elwtrte r»wi>any l» m—H lV*r» I* a ■-!*<■ atrtfttr imhiMl kg tli# ivrp»>ratKitt"a ear« fmm •*• mldi * §[>•■.' limit <•! 13 iui'.-< an Uat at* ii *>•"«• wlthia rv.ijru.* MHN* Tin ral« ■» «li»'>'•'■ ■' dally, Vnr t n«.-» a day ■ th* auburba \U W«. mi»'<->n •■«'* w»l tr«. h a | i lr ' a* bleb *■* -'* mil** *a hour. IV roaJn.''' 1" know thla and Ih* rou.-uar ktto«« It and tb« p9O» tU l»ow l«- Tb« ta*pay»r« think It I* *» '" lb« rltf >.rf:.!»!« ta .<>m ■ atl a «trl. t «ocipMaae« wits th« fr»»flll«*. f%» *aplu)NHt of tb« rtirpormtlna aft*. n»*ra » tlfV rats of ip»»a t.i awk* up I*-'*' tit*** IT>»t know tWr >>b* 'It- 1'- ' la '.*'«» nmfur* »rj<« IMI k*«plac *>9 •'■'' th« siiM> FEELING RUNS HIGH OVER MINER'S ARREST DTNVSR. t'oJ, l>h. I»—A !«••!> Hskirftea d*t*<-Uv*a and •••rut» +mtt* art roan !■ « up otlMr unto* Uitrrt _n ■■!■ j in haT» b«m «*«• Metol Htm ih* siwitWu mur «p O«v*nM* MrOMMkM r«-fu»»« la H**» '•» »t««i* b<-y til «taltn« ttit «• UM» Mkr* of <»• «•»i.l»n. • It* emM Ml (to ■■'H--'««» than «iv>« tVra iv« in b* r«iaoT«4 m« Ik* FORBES HIS NAME ' a ttmUmrmn. a prtnt*r. »•• put I . m Mai In la* tx lmin«l department *t la» —|nri..f • urt thu movntnc •a a ilMw of f'.r«»rjr. •!<■■«•*•■>• h »l»» MM to lun e»ort«.c->1 bla HraUw* m !*■•« Uuia »i«hi lim*«. later <Bff<r»nt >ma— 4 imiti; t«»m rrubnt into • kMMH poto at Ptoat and Ywler FRENCHMAN BARRED OUT BY CASTRO « 'Hi-' T»l*ny «v chare* f»/*iff tn V«rvMWrU qnlll j.natanr It »«wn h. «MM »b.«r i a rrvncli *«•*• In L« ■.'*»»?» harbor and CM*» r*fa»»d to allow him la Un 4 •« ila. Amr*| In jf»w Tort (Vbruarr T •« It now t n W*shJngtoti to rvport! 1 A»«i>—a fc»r Ju«Mrr»n4 Urn» I «»■<* trouble* in V«ne*u*U. >!- T»%njr **< , * that th« wtM*t| •■••*» • ■•« ITiaHim Caatra I* . »w l«r «oIK ■» *V»b not t»lt*rv rr«n<-h pm» --»J» «»i4 projx'rtr ar» in Ung.r In *•■••■•*». k*i W the r*-i>>* Uk« ■• »>'' m |n ' "**• m • traubU. "«i»sjr drnlr* that tit* rr»nrh «W» ofru-uu tf»* part, an r,:> t »,j »r ..... |n the rona piracy «rf *««» tralntt tb« Vnwtwlin gut- Wi i •l« «•«■'>•■ that lh»r» wIJI It* any ••r ■* a r*Mri< of ■!,» vi.i > >• Mm. CRISIS IN HUNGARY BCDAPEST. r»*. 13— Th. Hon ■*••• parha«»n' w*a dUanlvfl to «*r By VI- of tb« nrpirrtw wltn a nnt dUplay of mlliury forr*. HBBjary |. BO w to bm c»v«n>*d *•• aiaolsta r^im» irtmllar to *•■ ■»*♦»>. ill* a."., ft.,. 1,..n0 of !f* «*o»otlet> of IU». Th« dlaaolu 1^ auuka tba cnlniination of. a "•• «»»a<lin» qiuirr-l between th« ?"« »*d foalitlon |^|,|« r . In par itir*^ 0™ u"> rm-ounllUin of "nary-i rlihu of liberty. _J^*y§ pror»»<llncii war* tha {' Combination Set of 12 Plaf«d Knives and ForKs 75c Pot In tatWttu bo*. Thla **' *•'• m«k. it, mark, v tha *;' l« worlh twit* th« price. we H#w»,j iia,|, KJTub l!m«h.. IMS M'-r ..] i-hi,,i)C'i Pat* "" Mammim/1a fn-f^rhlll Ijiihlna- M.t.f,., |||.(rll w «.in. fhnmpttm or llurwnrxl in i.* W '"•'""■ UK Me rr»ll and Vvg^tabla KnlvM 1 t.»4 tUva«« or iumVii'st'nn »J --"c <loi»n i^ad Panrlla 7* 1 I-"* lilntnn. Illnhop or Illmifn tha |>-» i|,r!.i» .... • ISO *»« Hhurln* lim«h • /«• II ♦♦ fr*tr lil-Trle |v.!,|- . lii><* •■3 J I 111. 1...X lluUh.T Ht*«l« #a"«« r><>* SPINNING'S CASH STORE "With tl.<« »f,1,.D, aocldenl on the Mallard rar line miii fre.h in the mlnda of th* t*"l>l*. H «,|.r-, „.,, of th» |wtn>na. "| would Ilk* to voles th« ttlxwittsUrtlon of th* natnma of th* Smut* Kle«-trlo rar lln* who ari> mmpelleti t«t rlit« dallr on th* r«r» l*»tw»<«in !"trin..nt oil the city oft Ih* trvitU on W.-.-Uko boulevard around 1 j\Kc I'nion, "Thrrw «r ...i.'iii aharp rurr*« aI.HK ih« rnutn «n.l ilino mi> warn* Ings |«>r>!.-l In lii.' PM) ran. li.mln* thi> 111., Nil in. tit gn i!ow, l>ul In mjr actual knuwlcKlg*. m atrad of ntaylng thra* «iftulv th.-r will iVin.rrji, iv turn ua th* rur^ !'-iil ■ml «.n.| I lirir i •<• at (op «i"-<-l ' •nmnd th' < urx <k. ti,Un«t>rlng the Hw at hundrriU qf ponpt*. "Th»i U.>! iMi>u of th» rulo |l n>nro null. «bl* •hen tho . »r« aro crowd• r.l ami lh#rr ftr« .1 |rv«t tmnjr atnpa. •a Ih» ino'iitin. 11 b.-.iii to ■■>) «n»-rv tMK*ana* Ui»)r h»v» 1,1 itop »i oftrn and «i« b«htnd time. Ll%i« h.i. m a Trap. "Th« othrr niihl na th* rar kolqk out (3 On>«n I jiKr • wax* blorkrd th« car far mmi> llraf> and wb*R II cam* in th* trtstlw I «•■ atttlng «hir* 1 mutd w«!rh th» nMitnrtnan Out of th« ati wamlnsx aloof th« track, b* ob) | only M In < *•»> of an a.i.lrnt tb»r« la n.«»hin« In ih.- world to kr»|. Iho car fmm b*la( thrown in»» th* lak« and (lino would b» no in: fur i th« |«»rn(.Mi in I '!!■■■ Would !•«■ ilmt««t Ilk* raU in a trap. Mom mparlallr la tbU tn>« of mi"»i uf them wh«a lh«> h«»p a crowd on th« front md of tb* car and tbay wlab to abnw off "I k*T* talknl with a crvat win» p«>npl« and ihrr all f«wl thai »mi» thing ought to l*» ttoa* about tb« matter, aa than* la car* to b* an arrtdvnt M long a* th* n»<>»iirni<>n do not ob*y ordvra. ant no on* eaa (•It who air 1m th« vlctlma" Th» aMitlmont iimn| urlm man la •irons «ssIHM <;.»\, McDonald «n 1 IM la Wine roundlr rgn>m t II la .-t»lm».| thai IK* m»n c.iul.J haira l)««n UkM at any tl-n« Mil lh»r« »»»• no tic. »««Mr of iwciwr. «p*clat •r«MMi and naltottal «u«Mor Noil* til tIM prla»n«r* «••- «tv»n » ittnri to ommull 'i'n»i« or lo m 4 f«r»»»-H ■»!<• to ih«»r famlN tea, ihla moraine br^»«ln« tb« «»«im all to |4«c««. Thn ownar** iuca« I* not known TWO YEARS IN PEN \WIUm ■ :•• • a MM :•■"" thU momtn« p4<ra<>«4 «<iiiir la rwk- Mac wiiiiih on rutlmaa ear •I ik« Ur»at Ncrth«rn of i:v». It »»•• wtilniffj t« two >•->'• In «*»♦ m . i.r. » n T \!<;s v turning point In tb# .!•••.( !ni<-> of ihr dual mofiarrhr of Auitrta-llunKarr. »a<l may i»a.l to a r»ioluil"n .-nrt Id« In til* eatabUthmtot of Una e»rj■» lodrpredrnr*. TELEGRAPH BRIEFS (Unrninr Utltiunt of Yukon bn »rrlr«l at Victoria on hi* way to Ottawa. Tb« lti*:inS!s Alatkn DfTplop- Bi^nf company, K«n#rally er*dit«<i with Mai !h« Imiii'-llalo r»uw of 'mv. Itrady'a restsnatlnn. \» not do- Ins !.u»in<"n in Alaaka a<oirdln« to law »ad all 111 rontracts, ««i'-< --m*nia. etc., ar« vntdahU. la fact, Alaska cuurts would not rcmald*r tb« company bad any rfchu -nffi dent to enablo It to bring aulta. In an »<»p|i».Uin of Riant i*i«nl»r lit th« Datlonwoud rolMerr. of it,* Parrtah Cnal rompanr. aouth of Wllkeabarr* laat nlsbt. II now de velops lhat ihr«> m«"n wrre killed ! and a fourth fatally ln|sir.-l Tim »t'«niiT Oolatnbla o{ tbo Han Franclaco-Portlanil Unm bad a fry ■lifflMilt tlm« >Tn"»inic tha bar at i)i» Dotranc* to ti.« Columbia river on her Idiit trip. Kh*> ma four at t*mpta- \mtoT9 rmililm Aitorla. FIND DEAD MAN Whit* walking on th»> .tun-of Ijiki* Washington In company with bin aoa y««ter<Jay afternoon. Brie Kncmaii • mi* upon Itif badly de composed body of » man In tht woods, Jnat »<•«•"> of Ixachl park. Coroner Carroll waa • imiiiioih-i ami th« police notified, but tbe latter w«r« unable to t,ff#r anr «n««»» --tlona M to whoa* body It might bn, at they h*ra riwlved no report ot ttiTnna irUilr- fro» fhar nH«lthnr. » i III* SKATTI.K STAR MONDAY II ALICE AND NICHOLAS A T THE AL TAR WITTE STILL IN OFFICE BT. TETICK- i r«b. i>.— r'r»«ut»r VMM r»*t«ii»4 Ihnm llmrt l*« »*»», t»m »«(h iiw- •»• p«r •uad«<t to w(ttii:r»» «h» r«:«o»iSi»n LONGWGRTHS II FLORIDA WASHINGTON. r»fc I»—Tb« Lungwort hi loft "FHcii4ahip~ i a tut HIMMMU tkla nomlßK ii • U in »*» • «p»rui ear tor Palm Itark n*»rlsJ*. Th« roupU !-»r4«J th« Southern (Hallway UtnUntl train «i \i..,.n<lrta. Va.. at >1:OS. to »hi. h «r M *•'•■ nxl Ik* pci»»t* ear l.r»u» WILL HAVE A BILLOWY TIME CatnmlulatHiTu Murmy,Smith m 4 I Htarw-ll thorn a <l!>4C7r>-4!,t r nn« to ■take th.; r trip of Itxprrtlon »t I Tatooatt ml Cap* Kiativry, Tacy w»r* tn tar* rrscbnl Tativnh vr« t<-flar morning. m« wloetty of lb» mini) y<-«fr.:»r mrtrnfnic «<» !'■ it:l!*» an hour rhi* la a KTMtir »*■ incitr lhan daring th» «l«ht •>' the »[<-<•> acd will rrmito a baavlrr t«i than liiiff«»'.l th* Vain. Imi <— tIT i"i "* "> ' mmml&&Um*T» toUt fH»o«J« MM** -«»lnt thai th*r «r«r« tlabt* tn tx^oia* sraalrk. ACTORS ENTERTAIN YOUNG STUDENTS f '*:• . -•>«- »., tfT ' :-'■ ■• Th» r|aattan>»« of ■ platan 4 '«l«*> an.-i th« rtwiiiin of a BaLkwal i[..-«irr at **hln<liMi. l>, C, wan dlacuotisl by Claranr* II llanford. I tb* M.a'<r!p«*r«<a:i arinr wnn la noV I 'la tht. < it) la an addrvaa i<> tb* bled •-, »m-«I atudiata (hi. iu..«nin<l llanfurtl advocated tbi> «-«!*!>H»ti mcitt of atirh a Ibntlrf and rlub tnr d«T«Ji)pm«ot «ad a^oa)aw4aaa> <•( him . U#« i-U*« tn !• l«i»r «|v»o In tru) oikwi odarallonal «*•«•« of lb» rounirr. Ha tboncbt if would ha»« an u|4il*:n« affmrt up<« tba drama, •nd would »«• inaplnultHi <•> ib« r»<ta« dramatic author* of ti>» tmm try. Mr lUnfotd r«lt«l aum* of <h-i mor« rwnarkabt* paaaac** front ftJi»»«t'rwrr-* pt»jr«. and Mr. T'mnbi of bla nmpur aatvriain ]rd tba a(ud«au with aot»« fitiui* 1 atorfaa. HEARING RESUMED BT. I-OUia Mo.. Kfh I>—Tk« maitiUr<l Oil h««rlB< w»» r~«um-l tbla BUVBlng. CHARITY BALL Th- annual rharlijr bait of th« do** Fi>»-!hrr,i orphan anitlum «lt It* itt»'n M»B4ar "•«!»«. mrf M. at < h,1.1«i.««i. • Ilrtwdwajr hill Th« |i.itt.n;<-po<» ,if- Mr*. John II A«*o. Mi> Jam.* I*. \« i.-». Mi. w.iitrr ii imia. iii«. i: li>i».t«;i. Sir*. <;•-«.n- Itnnworih. Mm, r M i m.» ■ •". Mn V, A. !*•■» f . i. >«••. Mrs. 11, r.himin, Mm. J i; <I«Jt>r«i Mrs. T. J. Gorman. Mra IMil ■-■ ■ ■ . The Scene in the East Room of the White Home When, Before a Brilliant Assemblage, Alice Roosevelt Became the Wife of Congressman Nicholas Longworth. 1. C. llalnra. Mm, I'hlltlp r. K. v. >. Mf«. ItanlH li. !:■'. r. Mo O. It, KHi'..:-.-. Mra. U. IK I ■ ■ !.. >. Mi. W. I*. McCarthy, Mr*. r vi it.t moll, Mi* WiltUm i >■*•'!. Mr*. 11. f:< > i...!■•». Mr«, W. A. Shannon, Mia. (l*ntw M. Hlvwart. Mra. J. I*. Hu|. llv»n. Mm. Andrew WVtw and lira ». I*. Wrainn. AFFAIRS IN WASHINGTON I •'^VAHIItKOTON, D. r*., rvbv JI/~ ll»M'»r l',t«ti.v of i'« and Mvnalor l*«ll*raun, of «*o|i>»«da. an i«ui-.!-».| I* th» sraat* tmlay that ttf y »»«l| *"■ «<>v#iri»*J by tb* rotf «Ml»iu>tu>l itiiiii of (touator ttonl Hhoiii when lh« (ton* mmi to ♦«»<• u'V>^ th« a^aaatlaa of hi« rl«nl to r-- --lain bta mi, IWi la »t:-t— i >!nn day li tha h.i«»« Th» Util.fl.-M bill la |-t» v»n« caMbUnar "i trrrttorlm i« being »in»i>4lljr».t Th* t""""' '«■"' '!<!« aftrrnonn Mil a tnnaajm to rmi«i«. at>vrovlna* th* kck ty|M • Dm <*><■ Tumi l>ih ■ man walvrvay. Th" p»««l4«nt MM " "''• '' no tlr#4 (hat An<*- i »n»in»»r» en the ••msitltin* liwil ami on tha rommlMion by nutr* (bait l*n to ott« fa«w the leli fc <«Im). <«h^,r»» far - rir« •nstn**r* ara a MM •«.»lnal 11. A i•• v canal ran t- IjulK In half Hm MM at half r.v.i „•■, | murh |..» flak .'<.•! I"- "M" In rui i!g* than It a«» |av«| canaL Jtttnnw mart ' »I»t MM »«•'!.•! MIMOVH In "« Mil to <W«nnii. tnate it-- >"hi- ji.i> drali»c« ranal •• a ntttMiw*. An .il(r«'lr»n la brine maita Into nt rt •* '.on.. I rhar«>i «r i l"»l til* lr».i •••■»•■ !tl ol •>>• ■••Vrllilitrlil hn«. 1 Hjl f->r •am. h«r» All ■•■tl» i( (.ruiiili'i. • •- •:!• a-<i. C!«tn««t Armaad F~aiii«rr« Ann day autuiDMi th« <li|tl#a of pn-»l --dent of Kfanr*l, whll<- fornurr l*r»»l --d«Rt l^m!w< i^m.-I Into prirata Ufa. Ttio ifrrmnnr of tranamlnalras nt uff)<*« look |>la< •> In Iho i;iy»>'t- j»al *'ii i o'rlnck. M' CALL 15 DUD NKW YOIIK. Feb. P —John A. UrCali Mini at I 2] ... I.irk Hundar afternoon a! ill* l-aiir»l bout* la l^k«w«»l. N. J., wh<-r* b» had bm»R takrn Ihrw w«k* ■«<) In tb« hop« thai th« bang* might benefit bla a«*llh. «hl.h had auff*r«4 a brrak down two month* »< . It it antioutK'd lb«t Mr. Mrt'all • dnath «■• duo to »nlai i«ii'ni of the Him; and ib* «nd bad been pnarefut and without pain. Mr McCaira *| breakdown Orrurrvd about tbe km of tbti in vmtlcaUon of tb« llfr Iniuranrr af fan* In tbla aut* l.y the !<^Ulallr«> n«amltt«« Is tiwnntM-r l«»t Tkt* rrport of tha roniintt(«« It >-\p«vta4 i.. b* anbnilttnd to toe leclaUtur* a' Albanr *arty tbla ••■••). Mr Mx'all * rxamlnatioo liofbr* tJiU body wa« a aevnre mm, and ih' nr.lml »><• MIIIMII In th«> ■..•ar. !i --in« detail -pi' : v of it» affalrm of tb* iii(*iiv of whlrh '>••• K«meral p'lMii" •aa i«n«iran(. *orrl«d bin pWalPi :..:. John A. M.c-ill in born In Al bany. N. V . 3, ISO. ll.' .n ifi<'-l I In- Insurance li'ninnn • mly la lifn an<t In i«v. « a « appointed i<t.n<- latdrtan romraliuiloD*r lit Cir.vrr «'!.■». litiil. Who »»< thru Kiivori Ho rrlloqulahH that po nil lon to Ihtimhi rotnptn>l>r of the r.-l'illall" l.lfr AHsiiraiii'f KOC|r>t]T. which pi'xlili<n ha h-lil until l;» he ; rain* pr« t«|il«>nt of Ihe N»w Torh Ufit Inmimnr* . nni|'»ny In 1*92. EASY MONEY ri Mil or r»ll at mn at the 11™/ Bhn* ritnr* fur Old Oak ►l\<" 1 rant*.! trro. anil «lv tUe };."■ rafth prize fur Manh. \- . .: ••• - 107 Firm tr. OOIMAS HIM 1. NO Special Prices on Staples For i n>»<la.v and Wednodajr— I.Uterlnn, r.Or dip . . .'JO* Wampoka Formalld, :.<V alt* :to« Lyons' Tooth I*owdcr, 25e klv 124 RublfMm. 1 for .. •'.l*' Arnica Tooth Soap |,-,» Tucker* Tooth l'..w lor ..•».%<» W« Sell th» Wtterman Konn- UlB P»«l ASKS FOR JOINT USE IIAKKIMAN'S ATTORNEY SAY:. IS Mil ONLY SOLU TION OF PRESENT DIFFICULTY ON RAILROAD AY.—MILWAUKEE WANTS ALL OF REMAINING ROOM. That (lie application of tfc« liar rlumn !»'■ i> '■> for ii railroad nil rhino Into Huh illy DM • oiiiiiMi kt'-i| • *»*- work at III" •■iHii'ii i i-orpofi 11., ii., nmimlttee In now quite appsr . hi Karh one of the ■ •.-«>i-. both old and new, are Iw-mim* strenuously for >v. i) in. li of and prartl rail)' h|i>-iMiii- ih« ratlri question if fra; .'a .■ rights will i.<- Rons over again (••(*■ • n the municipal rrp if> ■< lii.iMtt-1 ami Hi" u-Kut-ii ad vi-«n. if iin- railroad corporation*. W. W. Cotton, attorney for the Union Pacific »bo appeared before Hif (.orporallona (iimmlltnn Hatur •i.t> ufi mi, •m, dvmaudpd that all iiu'l * un Whidam h> and Hall road «•. 1..- mad* for ]olot ijK»r Mr. Cotton liuUta that It la absolutely < »»■ niiul that the Itjr < '.M,|..-i tha dlfff-rrnt ruada i.i Btaka joint m-r provlalom far every •!»■ k »hi. !■ laid or In to be laid "'■ either of these thoroughfare*. Moil of It Alr«a4y Con«, The tlnlon I'm Ifle has arqulrod Urge tnrmlnal landa in the oorO) md of the iMy which Ii an hMit iraiii ovrr tra> along ilailmad M or by m««n« of a tunnel. Th« Utter will coat million* of <lollar« SUII FOR $750,000 MM.WAL'KKK. Wit.. Keh I».— The Ktiarttlaii of Mrs. Knima I»ns- U'tt ■ uiiHi.rfu . ■) stilt today for t*&o. --000 ajtalmt the mother and aisters of 111 woman'a husband, charicicg allennlon of I la affedlun rrsultlns In tbe plaintiff belnit i!i-ihim| and bxotiiliiK Insane at B<>attl«. The de fendants have an Inxime of f 1,000, --000 a ynar from citenslv* Iron ore lands, leased to Plttsburß and <'!•«•■ land companies. DROPS DEAD Aleils Krtlocr. »*'■■! 73. foreman of the )otnera* department at the Hr<riirr(nn navy yard, dropped dead al Qu«*n Anno it , and (>»> It at at I 7:10 thU morning, while on hi* way j ■•■ work. lM«<h was due to heart i failure. The oM man bad spoken •'i hi« ana ('bade* only yesterday TiKura, mentioning, the fact (hat a* bad not fell better for lore* »<•«»• i»»i. and th* inline nan •taim (hat hi* father baa always t>. *n In apparent good health , Mr Kallogs waa living with a married dancMer. Mr« txirm K. lllswr. MOO Warren ay., ami leaves fit* rbll«lr»n Rlaarr, Mrs Marr II May. and threw anna. Cbaa. 8. Alllaon and Wtolbrop. all thrw ■if whom live at Vaahnti Island. Th» body waa taken to the Ilonny- Walaon und»rialiin« parlor*, but. a* >•*<. fnnrral irnnp-aimis bar* not bn*a mad*. Thi> frl,n<l« and nHitbbon of W. Pom^ror. a laborer llvlnn at I-Vnir t*»nth At. W. and Alt* BL. ar» trr mi to r»l«o motify for hla ix-iwu. A. BRIDGE * CO—P«puljr Pric* Clothier*. Sachs Bros. Sale Draws ■ Big Crowds Opening Days, Friday mm] Saturday, pack the big Clothing establishment to the very limit. No such bargains mi heard of in a legitimate sale. No MM quantity, no such assortment .if i,,. up-to date, high quality merchandise ever put tip for sacrifice. 50 CASES MEN'S SUITS. OVERCOATS AND CRAVEN ETTES. 35 CASES BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. 300 CASES MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDERWEAR. 13 CASES MEN'S HATS. CASE AFTER CASE OF NECKWEAR. SHIRTS, HOSIERY, ETC. Ask Clerks for Union Card A. BRIDGE & CO. 1415-1417 Second Avenue Next Door to tha Bon March! T!ii! other railroad*. In »lan« par« !ar.««, have a!ri>My "howd" all tha avallabln room at ai rattle point* hi.,11/ Kail' ar. City Knjtln«rr Thomion I^Jl^vm in '■Joint untnr" irai kM A majority if Him < lly . 1,111.1 i111j• ii d\M> hold tba naDin opinion. OwlnK to th« pecu liar lay of the land aouth of Yea l«r Way, where tha Columbia A I'ugrt Hound Hallway O>'a track* ■ ar* >■!"..ii. i the llarrlman Intt-r --•ata are prnvrnted from free accea* to mil h valuable terminal property untewi they get the Joint uwtr tracks. Will Not Give Up. The Columbia '. I'uget Sound takes the position tl at they haw nothing* to give up at till* time. "We k»k- Hi'- r.t.r many right* and valu< ahln itround for our present fran < 1.1.1*1." their ilir«-> I'lm »ay, "M »•■ < an not see where It 1* '1.1 advan- Ugn to (We up something MM a* thin time." In tha meantime tha mrnnljT* of the corporatlona rommlttne and City KrtKltiMT ThornfKjn are Koine to get together and put down In willing Juat what conditions tb« ■ 'y wit expect the railroads to fulfill. Up to th« present the rlty has been M> peitlng tha railroads to formulate some mutually agreeabla |>lan Pomeroy has l*en luffeiing from a cenrer for i-irni- and v entirely <}> t>'-nilirii on bit friends far th* support 'if himself and wife BAKERY BURNS A defective bak« oven In 'he ahop of X J. hard!. S-.'ith Seattle, caused a fire at 3 '"! this moraine which resulted In damace to build ing and contents to the extent <<( %'-')•> brfora the f!r» department was able la subdue 'be flame* Th« loas to Hi-, bulldlnc la $30". with II") InmiraDco. and to the ronteuta $200, ■M |M ln«uran<>- making a total Irws clear of Innurance of only $50. NELL PICKERELL IN TOWN AGAIN Nrll Pickarall !■ In town acaik. Sh<« with th" prcdlllrtlon for iiit.nn w<-«riim apparel ha* not sent up her card to Ibr pollco, wo far a» known, but In* blua-coated of rirrra iif th' law ha»« taken co(- Dlaaar« of Nell'a eatnlnc junt Ik* tarn* and have not taken offensa at her failure to notify them The la*i head of the Irrepivaalbla Sell alia waa Join* aome fancy (tunta at Vancouver, the thrirlnu metropolis of Drttlcb Columbia. Evidently ah* did not take well with tba resident* of that law>abldlnx town, M «h" .-ame back. Id fact, aba always »«-«'Ui» to coma back. th<ni|(b. truth to tell, much to the dl*mi*t of the pollc*. Today thf woman, who insists on drea»!nf up aa a man, waa teen rid .nt in a btiMty with an nnuauaJly wel tdrw««d woman. Nell i»aaaa« saece«afa!ly for a Rood-luokln* younic man and bad evidently mad* anotbar "ma*h." At a nwx-lal mwtln* ihl» •(!«• noon <>( lh» lru»t«*» of th« chamber of commerce lh» proportion to •»• cure f«ler*l air for th« con»tru«Uoa ■I railroad • wa» *ndur»«d. '_ f