Out cjf •even r*CM at The M. i l
e>wa yesterday, only t»*w faVßttlßS
t won ami. as a reaiilt, the book* had
much Ihe heal of thrlr snuggle with
the talent. The klilgtlls Of th*
chalk, however, received n tolar
|t|e«ua bl.tw when ftlack F.yre won.
a* the filly was hacked .town from
Sln I lo tin 1 favoritism. In the
Ist' r*e* tatdv Mirthful, lh* •econd
choice, wa* ao badly Injured by b*
- Ing lii.-ii- I" Harbor thai th*
JuJgea had to excuse her and she
waa lad back to th* paddock. Ii
th* hoars wet* in the statlrr •
hand* when th* accldrnt happened,
all bets sto.it and her btttket* had
no redrraa.
Arier Wapnagwotbj had led nearly
all the way In lh* Hr*t, Menden got
up In time to beat him a no**.
lus . > the favorite, ran. third.
tjlaortte. after being la.it At one
■tags of lh* trip, cam* along In 'he
■treteh *nd woo •l. ar. on I race.
Tispsh..'it"i snj Vlgnrcuitv, both at
tang prs.e. finished second and
Black Fyea led all the way a th*
third to i won by three length* un
der a buatlttig -rid* from BorrL
il.rnl. it.. «t 3* to I. gvit th* pi .. c
and Hpins'ieas, It to 1, ran third,
after bet. * practically left.
The fourth race was notable for
being the first two-mile race run
tht* aeaaon at The Meadow* The
two favorite*, n.inar tn.l Watervure,
Hnlthed latt and next to I.t.t. re
apeetlvely. Bonar could not go th*
distance and Watercure waa lh* vie.
Urn of a bad ride.. Th* winner turn.
• I up In Ira*. • to 1, who won brers.
Big by rive length*, after being doe*
to the nacw Bit the w*y. K*|-..1i. Nt
made his run too late, at us-i.ii. and I
beat Invoice a neck f>r the place.
Merry-00-Bound won the fifth'
' rwee In • driving ftnlah with lady
' Tr* vet a. Legal Form ran third-
After Pickaway had made "he
pace to the ttreteh, Mtxetta, * I* I, I
went Ii the front and beat Follow
M*. who ran • good race, half • .
lengr Pickaway hang **> long
enough to be third
Jarkfutl waa heavily played by
th* sue l- "l in th* last race,
while Lady Mirthful, who opened
favorite, went up in the betitng.
After lab Mirthful .a. withdrawn
en account of being hurt. Ja. kfull
loahe-t a dm h. ll* had to trouble
In si" end brverevi home two
length* to lb* good.
' ' Anvil, at M to I. go« th* plac* and
Stjgg May Ibiwdtsh ran third.
Sunday Shaving Free
At Has Iv , Barber *B«|\ If you
aha*' yreurstlf. TV* furnish tbto
lately free atari bind ef ratcw. *■*,
•nd t'.eele Dexter ltort*a Hank
b.i: 1; <
Hoot throw your eld clothe*
away Has* them cleaned to book
like new at th* Faatottua. Mala
IMS ccc
Steel Ranges
|€S Gem Monitor for -jJL'iO.CMI
Ci Star Baal. *.BMM>
to Majestic lUnga . .ytrj.lM)
1 T* All Bteel Fwerleaa . )*.'(-,.1M1
U< lev Man I Range .. MMt
M Horn Rang* lor ..fCUMM)
I to Otrtaod Ilaaga *.{.-, IB I
6* Warner for ...1C.g30.00
to Milter Moat Rant* tVUI.f M)
IS Buck Rang* for fj'*4).f Ml
W« also carry a ill lis* of 'be
wellkmiwn brand of CHAIITKH
OAK RANQ_B, which are guar
tai»s> l to be th* most tfaatl
e*l range on the market
Cae— HsvHwfurnise.ee, and
Sol* Agents fee th* Charier Oak
Steel Rang** an* Heaters.
41) PIKE ST.
Pkimv-Miln IMS. Ind 10v-
Win**. Liquors, Cigar* mn4
,04 JO6 First Aye. S.
*s^»w«w^k-Wskrw*»wa > es^ > -^»aii^ %^
4 for 15c
•9-1.1 <!"») per box
Have you been buying your
Cigar* and Tobacco* here? If
not give us a trlsl/f'ome In and
We'll Treat You Right
104-106 first Aye. S.
Phonal: Bun-sit, Main 5376; 'i>
dependent 1711.
Pre* -Hllrgry.
After Meniien won the fir-' race
b* wa* ran up 1300. but wat re.
ttlne.t hi hi* owner with th* usual
|» advance.
la-igue put up * nice rid* on
Olenrlce, as be did no* hurry the;
mar* and tinted his r_a to a nicety,
No Jockey rod* mora than rasa I
winner >ettwrd*y. Tb* winning;
rldera were llettlg. laoagwe. Horel.'
C Wright. Fountain, A right and
T. Sstillvaa
Tliere was a big play on Doc
Crals t* the first race and ho was
backed down Hum 10 to » to I. ll*
ran a bad rare, however, and never
Jaatlftod th* play a* hum.
Rattle rcato a ale* race on Men
den and put up * nice finish at th*
end. This fact) ha* laipmee I great
Iv tinea coming to th* Mr •d". s
Of th* IT Bonk* now doing bust
a*** la the ring only *ta nf the*,
has beam la beware* steadily with
SaUTTME Ang. 11. IH*—Billy-tltth 4*y. eTstlker flee Tmck
fast It. II Egbert, praeilnvg Judge tat. Dufc*. ■•arte*
M7S) KIR*T It*' > Four aa* • half furlong* Belting. Two-yewr
etd*. Valae to firm. 111*. -
13aa ftsraa, " w*t *t •:*•;•■ ';** ',_,*>» _"
uu Wewia* _„„._,_.^i«r i « it""** h v bwii. :„. inr
a w.r*et<a*ue .„. 11l 1.. I-. !• !• *• v.-- _.. ; I.
teat I..see , w» I .. M *H **H ** nVskeaw „... I » 4
teal >... . * SI f }• *» ♦•»* 1 —... II *
tea raw cw*j ......•** 1.. I* Ml *• V dauaswa ... It I
at. ae-t dte.. M* I .. , , -. c. MeMae „ - i
— MM* '••-■■ :; ...,.,M I." «'n V * t Is* ,. | .. | . 4*
Time- :W, o\ w.
I a Mates *Uee L skew II earwi-i..jaei % are I I lagsea etas* I I
ie< w I" nee • I * Be atkeel Sfslake*
•tart fair. Waa ail *ei«4w*. ______________________________
' *>»»*<» SECOND H>iT.- "IB an* * half fwrtamft. Selling. Four.
.'** and upward Vara* to fir at. Ilia
Base tsseea "" tat a- a , . d* .**• »-.., rt. -v
-eiaTiTiiieW.. • :.".Z"..m~Tl "~~l » R~l't»:*lawawe ...l™ I |""
I *wr ties* I ........W* I M M •* I fH *•«»« ......... t at
I ■ View***. « I*4 I iw » i". fa it, **•_**_ * II
•a •_»._> nee * wt I V «' ***** *'W V wile la .... 4 t I
MttT. v...... . ......a* t*' H t\ *H »• tarat .......... • I
a. I. ».■>« I ..MT I «• > V «. *• •' i„.a.- ( I
I anew wa a wt I I'H M l« 1' T fraeeealla ... I* I
v ... as a.
Ttase~ «*%. i«*_ rt 11-, t n*%
ti win tlaee I MWa I Ti.e*-* *•' face I skew I V , _■_>. skew I I
Wkseee. Bra—— * Ctee't » as as f>» 'liseaes
atari taw Wew .i-.-r'r Mais—-, Siiriaa
'li SBMI THIIIfiRAiF -live furling*. Selling. Three.yetr-old*.
Value to neat. lit*
IB lata, geese ■ "«~s__H t —■_ *__<_ ' ' Bj, m
ifrw*-,. a,« - ~H#~~l~.. it, ,1 I* iiw_ ...„..„. **!*,
Qmm >ar«ii let 1,. m IH ft f 'i ■«. -• • i ■
w.i ... MT M .. M ii f« *w » W.—ao .... M M
I evil Mil IS* I .. *» 4« >• c, as- * M
I eat Mats ......M* I ts* »W tW I' «•'"» ... 14*1
I err* nuwev Iwi 1..,......!«• 1,. si, *• *' • • Kirs s».«- ..MM
I sun 'W-a II ...>,....,Mt I „ *» TV IH - ft WUSawa „ .•
la* is.-srs-.» Lsty 11 is- 1.. r- i« i' t> ilraseas I *
I *>;• Tewrk . M* I *»»• M ¥ Vlckeer „ I it
Wlieo.alf.ee las 4 .. 4' tV I' I* T *«lir>s«... I II
S'rte - .".",. a let's
py-. ■•■- 4 L s*»sr 14} 'le-le-. ra« • I rere 4 Si'mr... —are f I
'near. '« Mesa a 'at f l.r g.Twrt M -I V.I.
i k'.n ta*. Be* .ski, ii.,.*.. enure - - ;
fxatSa* FOLTBTH BACB— Two mil-a entiling Pour-year old* and
upward Vslu* to first. lit*. -
Tea.l iTwss. IBt m <* H...A- a.. Ha le>.f 0a rt
"Ms* Iras" s .....Ml t*H I* ■ 1* I* I* .... i *~
«,."... . IT" 1 ■• ,< *• -H »- "a. .......... f.* ».|
an* ■•>.._-. 4 at) | I M 4 I", •> it.i. > ......... i «
Pa, . I • ....... Ml I t" l« IH 4 ■,'•!•« 1 lit
. p -* t I r
9 est! Mwase, 4 _—__I__JLJ— * ►»"*' ac Hrakaw ....... 111 *
JTlree-.'i%. "V'Z l'l**. 1 *k'4 » ll t is I 49H. I»U
Ira* elera }. skew 1 v r..-' »r.< i. ,•4 t. eke II a. - - strew L
Wiener. W. nwrkw'e * *» kr Mar—te fasllla
twari gr**. Waw —sally, csussea aneisg "
JlilH3 HFTII BA«;B—On* mil*. Mailing Three-year-olJa. aloe
to first. IW. ._ _________ '__.'..
*____! j___k* ____- art "m B__H .... V'"atte^t-v J»k.y T| "'' r>ir~tn.
',wfl M»iry-r»wtaeka»T ...."lei W •• t f , Ih" 1h T^aawtal* I Cf*
! «!litrt.i.-i. -it '."v ' v »' IH T. MIIrM „. It I
i »•; i-«.i I-..™ let Iti t> *• 4« t» ... „.,. i i
I I tsrf In—arrlty ,. tat I|l |> i» «■ i" it twrls , I 14
■Ml. ilea* I*l I m M , '•• I' Kine-rikaem It it 4
tsrf i-arrvk ,« let It I « I* *« r Wlka .... is m
w:.i Ijul. »,'r|.|.. ... . ti" I ."v c- '•• 4' t" «-......,.. ,, n ii
I I -J?* __f_*J ■■-•—>;....iy.'* * **„ ** ■ *"' . "rskstw * *" .
I net*-- ■ ****! tl'4. ttl
.. i- i, l ..ler. I sn-.e 1 t Testi-es |.tara ■- sk^w 11 I" -rat thi. |.|
j Winner. I. a pnenlsln ■ I, r ... ".'■" Jl-iir|
I atart tare W.ai atl art.le* a.. „ .■- .r- ... '■-■' ■-" J ■ ■
i HllSl HIXTII nACB—On# mile. Belling. Four-year-old* *nd up-
I te'-. ward. Value lo first. It**.. ___________________
IMas T|lee~ss~~ Vt. IM~H Ha kir rie Jerksy._ _jf)a, rP
M ~k_»"Mss.iia * t«i t"T»v i'» l>» is p, A."Wngkt .'.,, | i~
i •it r-..t:..« M- a lot I *> *> •'■ 4> »• •' Wunsnts It I
I Milii'i'i t tot It" l» I' l< t«H It twels I ||
y ea kt.eti niesse a ... 1" r r* It !<• J'| 4* I'raaaeaUs .... II f I
I »wa l_ Tarsnia, I IW •es 41 »H 4« !• 1 . n,n .... , |) M
I Mr. !-.••> 4 Ml ' IH >H ** »'v *a '>..'.". „ ■ I
1 w.. .. 1-..!.•• I 1?? 4 4 ti f% V I'M ...» I*
k l__M___aw_l*_ I tat 4 m 4 t I 4 Iwi'i, tl |l
I Tfrne— U 'St. 1 ll«v. I 41.
J V 1....... r.!,. . 4 ... .a 14 Ms plsre t alinw 5 I ptrkaear tear* I »
n WW—is M J llar.s * INc's k. m kv 11... i ... li.. Ml*
II •.art f.lr W.ra .11 l.lliii
fi «.»<•". BEVBMTH RACR-One mlla. Baiting. Four-year-old* and
I upward. Velue to firjtt.
I TrJTrs Ifaeee- Wt. -TB H H__*4 *<r Tin"™ __Jia-ka|r." "~Tip~n"
I M4I JaekftlC 4 "|M 4 _i'* is t'{J~|i* riH-TrTmilliraa ,'.. ' l-i i~
' I te-,7 Aerll, * in I |i I'H IH 1' S' A Writkt .... It M
I «IK M 1... 1,.!,, t.... Mil* !' >• 1' I' |--.. ... | *
i-ei'.lt.rl-r. . ....lis ..... 14
MM Ink. 4 , '■'. 4 « t 4 .« ... ti.r.i , ||
v. i lams V. , ' I 191 •,•■..'. 4 l w K.lir I I*
II >v.l l_ ly Hirtkfiil, I .... kW Kl'V«d St tke pet ___** , ' *
Time- „«4 ♦!'«. 1 ]!',. IMI
Jirkfull i.laea Ml. show 1-1 Ann! plsrs 4 sknw I 11., 1.. i. ,i, ,» I I
w0..., '.• . I' vt-«..i1. -h ( l.r kttuhrul —fill
{ laart Iw I v. I —»-. liih.rs in.-.r.«
Eye Specialist
If you nre suffering from hand*
nehes, Infl lnrnd eyelids, or If In
'need of t;l in»e«, consult Dr. Jane
IM, Johnwm, rrKim 23, "1.-l." build
ing, nxmulnatlon and consultation
'free for a tnort lit-*. •••
out missing a day tine* the meet
log opened. Three are the books
run by Ilk llxriaa. Nelton Jonr*.
Dave Argyle. \V. 11. Kngstrota, Will
lam Aire* and HI Boole
He! rotintala re id- a kilting when
hi* filly Merry goround won He
cashed one bet of |««0 agalntt IWO.
Nelson Jones, who I* mtklns one
of th* biggest '■■»■• In Ihe nag.
bad a banner day ye*tefd*y and at
the clot* of the aevenlh race found
htmtwlf absvut St.*** to tha good
He wat 188 biggest winner la the
Bier* 0 Brlen bet I: • > on Jaek
fall In the la.t race gad went bom*
el! mease la every pocket
Matt Sir* got aota* more east
money yesterday. He bet oa Jack'
Quit* a b-ewl weal *:■ fro** twoae
who b*t raa lad' Mirthful U did
not get • run for their ■tower, bat
nothing coaid be Baa* a* the rules
distinctly **y that after th* -orsea
ar* la the starter • hand* all beta
must stand
Dance at Leschl
Park Tonight
On 'li* finest hardwood floor In i!,„
northwest. Wagner* orchestra. ll*
•tire t'i case • • *
_ .._ . _ ... . . .. .- —————^—^^^-—- —
iit ll.iit'll.W». Hept. I.— AftfT pay
I tag 12 fur * meal that ronstatttfi of
Sk- IS I'h -iwi.-s . "laßßaas."
thine '■••all. ami a gU** of wut.f . >
man blow out of a Iflrl'l I m
' mi.ml .nil on llni .t .1 . mil gl lb
bed • whole handful of lr»titli|it| is
The waiter Indignantly n-.ut 1 | In
'he had helped hlhiaelf lo am a
large number of the t.. ti, •! «n 11l
Unplaiuenta. and the mvii jk'H 111
replied "Tbo price of *•«■ li mi
high up here that I was . ■alt** a I n
advantage of tbo tiMitlipick 111. in
lay In a auppt) of kindling wßi.i ul
ihe wlntnr," Whereat 'be Wit) ci
handed tha man a bill for I' far v th
o( kindling. II I
Sparta Reeling 'j I
Now that the airaugamaiitt f or
the fight are hs-gliiul" it .*» *dl
deftued lorm, the people at* resting
on their elbow* and •king one an
Other tiler 11111 - 111.11 l I i|l|, stloll
"Who .1.1 mil llkn?" The puulroutn*
are beglunlng to tgke an active lii
teres! iii th. attuattos and a big
cloud of in* «'l ma I hit air tie to bang
over the low* In.ill U'.e Until the
da) it th* big ... Although
nail a tvw big wagers have been 1
recorded thus far. the batting peo
pi., ate ling a big wad of bullion
i..nether .Mi the quirt and will flash
II on th* bookmaker* In a bunch
liana now mine at tv t" 7. and tin
general feeling around the camp
fat arable to the aiii.-ke initiates
that ho will rule at odd* clote to f
lo I when ho enter* 'In ring
Big Demand far Steals
Oil* of the strainer.i thing* about
thlt fight I* Ihe great demand for
111 teats Te* Itlrkard eavt lbs
every la.i seat In th* arena could
lie aold within the *ta»* «f N*v*d*.
I which I* certainly lilt aora* wh*a
you ©insider how box seat* arejll*
posed of down 'ii lb* more Ihlggl
populate.) part* of the i.nian i Th*
town of ie.i 1 fi.-M It not an incur
porated municipality and th* dl
t.-ctuts of ih* Bghl club are not I
r*c|utred to lotih out '" the board
of aupervliois and the board of
health and coroner and the public
ailnlnlttratur and i!" friend*'
frtenda Th* fgw public offlrta!*
ihtt they have up h«r* make no
iti.'tnpt to ttall lh* managttrs for
Itckett. but come thruujh with the
ku*h Ilk* a fl»ck of unsophisticated I
lle'iben* I he. lack the etpartance
of their mooching *o*rtaxa*S*wßta** I
la the Is. fight center* on a*.
count of the s. ai.iij of this up In
thlt part of the ....nitty Kverr
: mother* a at. la town hat ordered *
* .
I * Within a few minute* after the i(sm N.leai fight gM Mow- *
* Say. Bap* I. That Star will issue a "link Ettrs," lining *
* a complete rwparl from '.okin.l I Arrange— have Seen *
* n__M far a wire rwrunlag dlrwrtly t* tb* ftgbl ii.sva, and capable *
* sporting enter* Bill be at lb* ringside to Hath the st try to The *
B Star wfTtew. ' *
* All the oeenrrenre* leading up lo the fight wit) he related In B
B detail th* weighing li of the men. th. acrnee and talk about the *
* rtngst |. and |B* bet'teta The bit ftgtii wttl be ml round by *
* round until either fighter to git ,n lb* »« II- t Th* st.wy ef Hi* *
* i i*llmln*rlea ell! sis. I.a related In *rtall *
* Watch for The fits' bull*tln* and His big **__, If I"I want a
* th* beat report Th* men gee eii—ctel ta enter lb* ring at SB
* a
■'S'usieu ii tw ik.i w *.**-■■ M'tiiaaira—4 iiiiMß*—> an «""■-' 1
Labor Day Amusements
Dancing, awlmmlag. sport* of all
kind*, at Alkl Natatorium. - *••
Spend Sunday ant l_bor Day rid
hag on the beautiful steamer for
tuna on Lag* Washington •••
Tslbst far Patente, 204 Mutual Life
A Plunge
I It icfreahlng on a hot day. lis
_HBT*"Bs— —«w^^ i**-'*~*4___H__ only refreshing, "
B_ J H A/- lH cleansing That* how it la with
•_P^^ c • I "^* >e*\*OT4lFß sailed linen sent tn this latin
■T if ' / \ln '" • "'• " "Pi""*"" *"d a
■ * _l ______sr*-a I U "Meanae," and Ihe wind-up la In
L^lj^ fr^ Laundry
HI _______*wßw_-_>krf7^ , F Tha Ironing must l.r ai .I. v
11 r\ \f. what girt '■■■'-■■■ all for
ar* — V. -I* yff ll naught. for I uinli v that **"
C_ *-- ii _as * '^__VaiV ' H reptable Iry ill line Ha at-
P" 1 * i*-^_____2t i*' ***•«<•*»
■ ■
Palace Laundry Company
runs lino 111 Tint: it
Fruit Jar Rings
Tlcgular lie, special, dottn ,">f
714 Fleet Avenue.
rlngtlle *eal if lot hail to hold Up
a stag* to turn the trtrk.
'.ins haa leUgitphed all hi*
friend* In the ••*< lo lay a bet mi
him. and If he i.... . be will aland
half lite loss Joe can't ccc any
illllig but BBS oulroni" tft IBS BBS
lent Milan..- lo *ay, Nelson enlor
lulu', the tain* vlow. Only eucli
.in.- pie** a different man in win.
HIITTK, Sept. I.—Owing tv • hard
rain aturtil, only two brat* In lull
iisss event* Sets tun off, lh«.|e
iliattiltig heals to be derided today,
I a el. muddy, Mummailrs:
I'll at race, I. II p.■ . M.,| . H.
eiiii,' Mill i lock Holme* *eroii.|, Ham
uel I. Ihlrd. Time. J I Hi. Floy 1)1
--i*el nlsii stalled.
rt.K'iuid race, Ik!- si ■!.. . Irottlug,
ptir**. Il.'i'l'l lileilrli M ii'ni woo,
Hilvnr Ban* •eio'lii. Hill tlilld. Time,
Third rare, » |||ng imni flit longs
< n imlui won, i.it r-tii, ii i second,
Pay Me third. Time. I tM>.
FiMitth l»ce,' Woman* Club stake,
half mil*-.-Tree Juli sun, Kuga sage
.I lac* inn. third. Time, I,el.
misiii is c, galling five futlnligt —
Huckster II" li won. Bandele »ci olid.
Mont .ik M .id third, Time, I "I',
, Beventli lace, aelllng. fly* fur
bulge — Mnakatii wort, rtuei. llirgg
ar. ond. M|i,i.i llaker third. *£tme.
The Fulurlly. which la lit. tlrh
«tt ..., vi of the etatern racing »■ a
•on. will tut ''in this afternoon at
Hkeepahead Hay. The winner will
'lis down something like |M.MO
and lh* l.e.t field for * yegrolde
that haa gone to the rawt thla year
will parade thla ..fir neva
femes II Keen* will furnish 'ho
t.itoii'e as he ha* threw *at*4wd,
Peter i'an, Pop* Joan an I 7.ambe*t
Of Hies. Pop* Jos* I* i-i.ia. lerel
t« have the beat chance, at she la
lonly parking 114* pound* Itoy
Malnet ha. his good colt Horacei i:
la the pink of condition and *ip*ct* :
to win the in..' with him Oran.
who tan Willie bHIIIant rare* during
the summer. Is th* represent ttlva
h the Ormonde *fable, but it i*
thought that ha la packing tou
much weight lo hay* a chance
Tsrrtii.nl far whom Paul Kainrt
•Mid iii,'i'«i, will I- • at tar and
hat a royal chan<* The inhabit!
i*» *ra for wartn weather and a
fast track. Following ate th* •*
■ ■«».., sal hares I m key anit »•),►.<
i • hares. I. — |-*a a ..... ||J
) * St—aw. !*»,- I .i, Mew. :.«
' • tew Karekwe w lee ll,'
11 A Mate—r 11-es-s M , Hants, la
II" I Raleey t—«>.es_ J Msrlia, 111
. *___ li'.n. i... Mllwe, IM
T lli'.hi- k > ..' - .......... ft... . in
T kii'-ek, ..• r ii, i .ii...., jit
* Msliaissil. ts—i r~.vr,» , , „ i Jwtse l_
4\ B 1t... War 11 ..... 'is-r.r in
'i I. taw*, t ■•„>. .. -|. w, |lt
f a r, !:•».« Tank aa Olrl . H.rr.... ..„ i-,
W I.Oatl. km.lr Mas* ana«. lit
A- I ' -a., .•_ II ... , 1...".. |I 4
} M 4—Use I-.....' » . . . t. a- us. lit
V** I ate—at. _■___—M ' Wilt. .—a lit.
Don't Forget the Grand
Ball at Leichi Park
Labor Day
Give* by the l_k* Washington
Aasu—stnent club at lb* magnificent
pavilion. ague t a orchestra, eight
pier re Afternoon 3 . I". eiculnt
«:3«. ...
Window Shades
m 11., In Beam*.
Parlfle Window Rliait* Mfg. Co.
J. K. Wlthnraponn. Prop,
til Onion. Main net. Ind. It inn
JOHN nt, in SPOTS.
i Li-ii Junes pit. loot magnificent
hell for lieat'le ». -ii.-i.lj-. ami na
a reault »■■ won tin game, % to 1,
Junes ie ill. allowed tin- Angels
only four Jill as Hills walloped out
a two liaMter along the lliat bate
lint I hat was foul aeveral f"et, only
tiua Klopf, who tiui|ilied. couldn't
awe 11 thai way. tteattl* fuuud Itaii
ilolpli, the ! ji« Angeles plieber, for
11 hit*, but ss ttoay were prriiy
wrll *caltered Ihey a. i. li- CBB*
dv.-i... to run getting In th* at.
senro of a regular outftatdtr Hub*
Vlekrrs . i pi eared Into service
and camped In ihe loft gsnloii dur
tng tb* itflernooo 111 scrjtiltted
hln self ciedltabl), aerepilng '•«' ■
ehai.ee he had, and when at the bat
got a hit out of three time* 'IP
iiliiiKei.-liiii was also John on
it... SfMit with Hie willow and got
till.-, fall i out "if tin. .< times at bat
Seattle won tbo game in the tev
en'h, up lo which time neither
team had scored. Blank walked
llniir.eh'il i'-r bunted, but beat the
bat Ua first, ttroll advanced both
] men, but waa thruwu out himself
Htrelb came lo bst and drove Hie
ball over Mn-ond, bringing In both
i men ihe inning ended without
in. ne arm net a* Molt grounded
•nd Vlrker* struck out.
l/i* Angeles got Its only score
In lh* ninth when Uochuauer Bill
gled Cravath and Nagl* went up
In order, but In the meantime tioch.
got iiuu.il lo t'lit I and Toman*
hot liner lii.iui.iit him borne An
other bit wiittld have Hod the acorn,
but June* won the gain* for Seattle
by striking F.III* mil.
Out of four time* at bat Htrelb
got three hi"/, and pit) act good ball,
as did liiatii.i i snip alwi. ilaadolpb,
be la * Angr-lea pitcher, ghowed to
good .cti a nt. ia" snd proved i had
a cool head by palling out of aotne
very tight boles
a..vi. - a ii Ii ait i- " » t:
>>.■ - cc i 4 I i I I
Vac Bk»__ «t ....... > • I. I • •
!■!.. S-1.,1..!. . ..,,, I I I It * .t
ll'. h . la. 11 , I I I I * »
i"r_l. m .1 I • 111
ca lb .......... I it*,*
8»44. m I iii*4
■•!..... li ..I I I 1 * *
.'■*..* I 4 4 It*
Tot«l* li "t ii el "J "i
i.. «.,.,, aaawrtroAg
!«..-.I I if 10.i,.
■:■.'..»" •« • I 1 ll*
■ ..'!. rf I 4 4 I 4 *
*Je*'-e. Ik ..,,,.,,... I4| I • *
l-.,.... r>. ,4111 t
KtWs tr ...4 I I I 4 4
U--I.NI l>: ..... I 4 4 I i »
I ..-i a I sill t
1... lltjl * ......... 14 II , 4 ,
TaUd* .„.,. ...._* "l "l V* M 1
• -•".« .* < 4 4 I 4 I 4 • . >
line ...I I 1 I I I I I • i
la— Iroli, 1444*11. I - 1
lit"* ...... ..,,, I 4 4 4 4 I I * I I
■w— - | ' Twe-kees in I ... *—rrt-
fWe kits 1t"..-*,-!.... Jest.a I'-...., l
left .— ties aatllrl It, law ,-,._. I
•teens «.. — . in.-, ."•_.!;. taea I 1i..-.
■a. r.:. -,'f .• ... I. _■ f ll.sl.i* .
wise* wis -He Jaeas A fcr nasal -:,,s «
«i.l www Us- * let I—_ el ii is ■
|M . rill" ..,1 i,«if W— r—
l _ i ss*ses •.-. kef
a ~ MUM.
|-.ti..l 11111111 l I 4 ■
H. era—.—«■ Icliull l I . I
!>»■>...., .law awl tsssslia. WtUlaaaa
as— c, >«•
■ MB
r.,... niiutii; h I
•sstkuM : 11441*4.-1 ii t
........ totwe* set laas.-i M- —
»■«. .-wfeeet a—l I_v4hui I ™...!-.,
B. It -
I—sw I M •
lta_a.es... •_« —*^..,......... 11l
Men-.-, .1 ... seat so _cc Wagtail
■ swe.s— set atral
n »4 m
....i.oi „ ■ it i
IM-.,. .............. ill
M.ii-i.. » ... T..r—.t MM Batata.
• rlrw* lea taui.aa
lea,—l I II •
• I—He mini ■_.—.—. .ill
Mallwwe-Mstw• eat I ail 11. MeaaM
Jarl ii sa swat 1it...,
fleas i,i— - W M t:
«s—v—e«- ii n i,.,...|. in,, j M 4
Mew Tel ........... f » 1
1....-... . rslksek.,t ..I Www 'V,
Ml I—4 Mr-tool :■! ..
O—wat aawe— H M 9*.
Vtsss.r«l—, , I I I
New tw* ..,...■ it i
1nn.,,-.. He i. Maakws avar •_*
sua-'.i .»".. Baits—, auiaee aa*
' m it a
i. •• - tit
I. .ana 4 4 I
IMlvwve* in* Bare— •_• o MtMt
I ..•aw, an* antw in—as. < ■i—.v,
~ a It. a
M lask .......... » II l
I'llleSwta t ii •
Uai'-rw. tswi.. It .sir, aa* MatsSssii.
Mssssis. wmis a—4 l-.na.
n ii ■
• _►>—*» 1111
i-lrv lnaa'l .......... I*l
nsi'-r.ss •eel! eat Kb**, W. lnter an*
Wee V-.s '. 11l
l-ki_.i.i»*i. :........ 11l
Run—i.i- aawe .. t a.- '•>. Mil M. s»a j
Ihwataa I eimr. nlm atk* . . I*ll
• ....THE CLUBS;]
Northwestern LeaQue.
pure* Waa La* Prt.
Towi* , 14 M M l—t
Mall* una .4*l
84-—BBS T4 11 41 .4*
Utaye Ha.t. c Tt M 41 nt
American League
riareA We tavst Prt.
■ 1.l s. . II tl It .1*
Mew Tack IU «T 41 MM
l-Mtt ,»i. ........ .114 *4 M Ml
i 1.-.Una 11l tl M .■el
l*l I «■• ... M tt .tit
l'-'r< , in »» at . >
Waahlntt—« ......IM 4' M .4*4
Herat.,, ......lit II *• j'.s
National League.
|-i.|r I Woo law! rVt
' I ' « ' IU *4 II 111
Ptitsl.iirg , lit TT 41 ,441
N.e Viet |M 14 M ,*lf
I'r-iia I. PI la ..... lit M s, ell
I'tnrlr.nall ....lit *f Tt ,4*l
in si.ii . . in a «■ '.im
1i...... .....11l 4* 41 ,R*
HI. lamli , , in M U ,!M
Pacific Coast League.
t*tar««t Won. lawl. TYt
I- ..I'.. I ,. M (4 14 T.'l
Man rr.' •I. .< .....,.,.,! S' II _ sti
Hrallla , f, ,a, » tt ,4V*
I ... t..«.!.. ,.14 *» IS ,4tf
■ •ik'.i. I 41 M U .lit
I'mtw tt 14 M isi
Have You Tried Table
Queen Bread?
"Made In Hcattlo," In Ibo rleiinosl
of clean bitUcrto* from tile flnawt
jhat-il Minnesota flour. Cable Queen
hrentl positively rottlalnt more glu
ten. or strength. 11l ill two ordinary
loaves of bread. Ho* ha I Hie mark
of quality, the lllti.< latliel. la .in ev
ery loaf. At your grocers, Ask for
Table L}ueen. ...
oSY «_-*#
Toe fwf Avmnum I
* *
* Ita'.a el 'I he M. .. ■ . - la,- *
» liod Hay Handl-ap the realm. *
* it... i,. is | ,',.,1,1. header ,' *
* Recreation park tirt*r.oi Heat- *
*- Il« and lata Angelas, llartie nt »
* lii." I bet en-11 iiii-.ii. | and *
* Kin it I Iteiilufi and Navy a
* Yard learn* pity double faßßd*) *
* at Madlaon paik, *
* Hull: Flghleeo-hblf liaii.ll. *
* cap t'liirmitueiil for iltib mem- *
* linn on the ilk* Of the Heal lie *
* iloir i lull *
* Motor L-.it races on I-■ i *
* Washington, a
* Itegulat l^ibur Imy eel-lira- *
* lion spoilt at Will. — I •■ loaa *
* I ii-- Waaliliigtiiii, by OTgaR. *
* i/- t labor in.;" - *
#.-: *
What lha eport* at tha I rack
think of the flghL
Many Btoveri Think Ntlaon will
•In sure
Matt 111-. A 1.. on rial.* looks
I* I*l like easy money.
Hte f Milieu: Nothing lo It but
■ i .ii.--. Mullen: Kelton will beat
Ihe . .e.n Inside of t° rounds
Harry f]r*en: 1 Ilk* riant,
Jin Vl'.iilsun; 1 diiii'l *c* how
the .aimed man ran lote.
P. W, Jour*, of th* Bohemian
club: I think Oana will win gar*
1... r-i ■ . "I rial.l .'.li '.tl . at a :
■It- b Heat It
Hairy Froellrh: It era any
one but U.U.S
Nelson Jonea; I'd like to b«t s
Ihnusatid on Nelson, If < .11 gal
i to 1.
"Oregon Oeorge" Wrntworth: I
looks f <r Nelaon to wtn.
V. P, Fin*: 1 thlr.k the Dan* Is
a pipe.
Hlarter f" I Dtikai N'elaon will
win In a walk.
Hilly Murray, th* en Hat It will
be a . ... of "Nelson also ran "
P.ddle Kaufman, the Java Kid:
Nothing to It but Nelaon.
Garnet lereueon: fas*. It a '
hear; ha should win easily.
Jo* II it lan: Nrhson look* good
Johnny Clancy; Nelaon aliuuld
put If on tha black man. „ -
ftalj h Toier: I think Can* hit
the • ienr* and will win.
Del Fountain; Looks to ma Ilk*
Fordy F.III*: I like Otns' chancre
J. a. Cod*: ■ Nelson hasn't git a
r ha new.
W. tl. Tank*: I I-.** far the Dan*
to Will Inside Of SI -asa.
Wm. Ayr** Nelaon wilt trim th*
What th* Ball Players Think.
It'll- Vkkrrt; Oant, If ha flghtt
to win.
Hull Croll: If riant don't win.
the.e'a tornethlng rott*n In Den
Btonktnn- . If the fight is on
tbe ».|n .re. <;.. will win.
Bum 11 .:i If tha fight «.- * over
?» i iui. li, the Dan* will with
Bag Laaaguar Hansen: lean* should
Virgil ri.ttln If the black man
don't wtn Inside of I* rounds. N'olami
will come bant* oft the bit.
Johnny Kane Ii looks to me Ilk*
Oana, If they fight on th* levtL
Van Duren; I'll hay* to airing
along with Seisin.
•is ir Jan**: I think Nelson •
Houeah'tller- Don't think Oan*
haa a chance. The Dane will win
Julia •tooth Nothing to it but
Net isan.
It.,!i: I think o*nt will win.
Dan Has* had a »*1 day letter
day and wound up by betting hit
• inning* on Jarkfull. Hi* profits
raa Into tour figure- on tint race
the Bull Dogs of
ie Bull Dogs of
the Navy
Are at Ilremertnn. Have you sewn
ben.- if you have never a«ea •
battleship, take the fort Orchard
Route Sunday ft.ua Her S, and
visit the United State* navy yard
at Urvntairtoa Bust* lean- at S.SS.
11. 11,30 a, and 1:15. 13' 4:19
and So p. m Round trip We
Ltoat ml** it •••
t.fi.%y'k».r,'.>. 4 -o-.-j-'.'-,-,;'.ir-«:;e,, .;•'"•-'.-";;> _w-WWWp<W| I
• . •:,.., •,.; V •HV-VT.-f^'s ,£*?-" '•- *^'*__?,^4'^>__r^_l If
'"^ *" -rl
v J -ti
I ; * t *£]
""" * * **■ '*" 't*f' * "*" **>" A*" J_. JjS 'a * *. _. 1" —^siJKs. f'wSS'tl—Ha* '"'"'*, 9 X
'*.-> _. • _ -w-ii-i I
at *_Uk_B,"^__ !ffc^r^''
*a** j *~" * 4*-e t* '• 4_"^*y A */ ' >*^-_________fl' 3^*M»f ■■ J*m—Ss^A_——l By, !"■?! I
£_•£»»' . -'.'.--"■*'«> ;»«.'r'™'... -r V., -iY-a. ' ,'"*\*"lT*^***2l_i!—'
f-*s. '•■ .1 i., r a.e......ev,-.r-i re. .*r .K ,t,.t -a-—
Tomorrow, Sunday
To lUlnlirl.lge lil.ind pnlnts, Hopping at __*«_
--iiin. Harlow. >i HrboM. Matixanlta. KryporL ***"^ ;
r.iiiirl.n. gt*p mad* at I'muliUo of llitec h"ur» and,• linlt- _ t a"
Hrfiethnienta on Ihe boat. Take your lumh and <,«™» a .
nlHif. ' rut TR1 p,
Steamer leave* P,*r 2, foot of V*eler Way, si I 30 A-"''" 1",
arrive* in Seattle at ll JO p. m. I
In oritai to th" you an afternoon's outlt g, w* will M*** , —
trip Saturday, leaving at 1 o'clock p. m, »n,| rtlurnlng at '•" P a
ROUND-RIGHT » w ,„ c J
Titr. jay/ dig it, i\
I.VIIIITT, Kept, 1.-p
tu.'.,,, lh. „„., m g T (■„
"""'"""'• M*r JohruoT "*
ulghi b> kno. king th. H,7\y J
.Olad.eit,,, ,1,,^,.^ 7»^
men m u,e „„,,, IT" 4 f-a
«"■-"- r^iTtfaite
ll* V 1.1.,,. The fll.l J? '**''*<
>-" •-AmriSlff.t&i
-d with honor. even, it, .kVL, 1",
• ou..d. after , r.ppj £&*«
I.lowa, tote c.nght J.,hnw, n "*
right »*lng „„ | h r J, w ' F«l
the Kilo boy. I PercyXleteH
his ad tan.,, and d rappee) liIA Z S
tile c,»ori», M
«'.».. e.ighed m« t ]„ "
Johnson artghed lit, '■'•wlei
Manning refer*,! , h ,, trnp ***
The opening of th* \nwfa. _.
I ana take, v,-, tadg "•***_
Monarch all-yt, ■*•*. ta., ua*.
th* Monarch* tnd <** BkJBXsS
will inret in friendly rivalry J.
brale the npenlng "' SB taa.
which hay. beer, r.saly iiarJT?
filed In good shape Tbt *rkm|„
been closed for the past la, .^
while rrpalit hay* ben I »eg 1*
they ,r. now In greed roidWsgT
following i. th* lb--*, .2
taarru: ™
B!*marrka~?f. a ".rant «*.
lain; llo.aij "-*. W. Brrn
K. tX Palmer. Henry faknate.
Monarch.-C. L Dtrta. X ft,,
N '- Skaff*.
Frank fcherrer, ygtgfal
"Hbortltig- K-!!y **r* that
Monar.ha will ■'*. mit loot* Liv,
< Inch for the other team.
II -sir ' I IM Metro, HI. •-,„
Mut. '•,. |««; iK.radn. !*». Terwea,
M. Angelica, M Stißioe. IN B,
1*0; ihrlstltie A. I*7; fit gtertla
IM, P.pieure. IM; Ifarkar *
Italph Tnutig, tt: Ruby, lt». gat.
rati re I:?, Kanditane, M gtax
I*l, Toller. 108 Narthweet, »
Th* I.leutat-.ar.t. Ist; rNltaen. g
Madden, II; Henry Welle ♦* kg
»T Brltrthorpe, it- giiai t*>
Pllver Hue II; Magr.ne. It* g,
*! Voter . I*4; tittle Lai *
r-hantllly l*» Ittsht.'uL III; » |
ria'-a *• lam. Wolf, It; Btrstt*.
161; Judge, II; llorcbsrd.tr. r.
Dewey, IM. Buchanan. -at, Eaw
«« R««. dead; Bob Rag**, at
Hlue Kye*, J#l; or,run. Hi Cam
I*l r. tir-us, IM. Kumlta. »i; bar,
Miller. Ill; Hippo '•'-■ Hi, U
. tan. It; Cot. Jewell. M. Fitter fag
•a. Frank Fllttaer. M Ira Jar, %
\siion Wash, S*WYL-Ati
meeting of th* ctttaaat of til* _*•
rewnlwttow* were adopt _t totttol*
the protection of snail tad aat
goliaa pheasant*. A iwaatißi *
tbre* eitlteaa will gnggMw* MS
the .'leers of th* law I* pet—l
all who ***_ tfcea* birds Ml *
art son. r- '** -*JCitji
Are You Going to tit.
Are You Going to the
Dance Tonight
At ia*acfa! Park? Tb* nee Ma-g*
maple Door laid this aaw—*r a a
aisgaifieent shape. Wetwtri a
che.tra. '■ j; ' -
. Talbot far Patents, SB) _«/__ LB
Established lit* "--rf
Arc*** Saiwiin