Newspaper Page Text
BIG CELEBRATION TO BE HELD MONDAY LIOMAt HOLIDAY TOR SE i ATTIt LABORING MEN TO |( OBSERVED IN UNUSUAL M ANNER-N0 PARADE-EX .gCI." AT W.LDWOOD PARK 'veil Monday I* l--*'l"' «'->•"«' ___J Stdldaj fW the working *_Ad 8«« t,!p ,h"' >°*r will ***._. In *n unusual ttisnner. __f3a -s no parade, and the '^ «f amu-*mciil wilt ahlft "K. -WW* seroM Uk* \V.hl, [• " i, bat been itecliled to "i^iht d«y one "' ""ll -ml rvc _2_ ami to that end acme com bat the lVntr.l Labor coun ftT • be*» w-rklug fur eeversl ?..'% - *««» Is the form 'm^eßle and ou.lng. There 'ieV and la I"' evening " grand ___, b» fin » "•» *>• •'»«•» ft-ii at-.*" " '»"• ,u"l'' ___a 7 forenoon, and the other '"* . at 1 o'clock. ttSalpork • - FlwSr-iwW.--> «•«•• «- L,-* '" "- rrWlhtte .learner* will be >• .wtMlß** the --• '" Wild 4*rM** ■* •""agMfa*** •'•-• 0-y. t'"ti,'syawk*i- eg( Mu,,J"' -na K^#^ "Mttn,c,p *, W% _«■ v^g, Harp*'. "Tha rMiur. of We** B THEATERS Yjw* A.*nae Cl****. ■1 etwTliril Avenue theater* _JgT.t for lb* present Uefor* It ~y M .ir, -a. --*kt hen. • •» th* attrar * __»tsttrettl-g development* wg ton* _t*«w»tl*B a*v« I air I**-**l for and *c_i* unex Z^J k*M*elßg- *'» --• V»AC«. ST'■■»■■"' cowtwivr b»» become ar» Ikr*-' *Hk the patron* »t ?_, Third l»en«e theater. They '**• "TH I***l* Detectlv**" tt* STwrftf_a*ce toalgl It I* tb* *t c_J IW *•*• *'»"i btT*. . v BatrtT Tkwat** Open*. Tat St»tb" theater openi t.raor -a _-e-i- - under the »-_»„*- Mt of «tt*eetl A Drew, as a pop _i wired IssßlH tl.f and all _c ?-*ir S Htvltn attractions gal late It '-he pan been pl*>e.l h_ a* Third A«*nu* theater will urrxTav.- I* played at the Seattle _L*fSM BfLUe *t Midnight" wtll It _♦ saif.s: attraction, coeetag [ajim tfTernii-a It la • big Mrtt grtslartioa and I* away owl afrat actoi-" run rtf m*tretr* ova*, . B>_| —and li* rant* for . . l >tone* a Itxf*elsc»'t poem. "I ttxkl in Si w-tJg* st Midnight," whleb iarr_w hit tea! ■T_t *rHw* at the Seat". theater ItlW at—Ori Meatlcil with those i« St Third Aveon*. Th* Taylor Mttay ta "Stolen by (Hpaiea." Mtsi Oa the Bridge at MM ajjat ' Th* tale of ttau for th* «af*| started thlt morning •Silky- st tht Grand. -__* t cry of **lt*frr)thy." the de 'LitsGotothe Navy Yard Sunday 111 tee He rwrtfle White Ho,aad ** af •a-tie*kipa. rralaar* aad toe -1 ail* tea* Tfc*) re all there. Take . Otakard Route boat from Pier la I W. M 11:39 a a. or 1:1$. IS, 41* or T Mr p. aa. Round •tjHr-tte VV i ■ •••. Irrigated Lands I ■__■ __»-* _M_l Bring § Dividends Why not make lug money from a fruit orchard ? -Other* do. you can. The Arcadia Irrigation Asso- Ifrtion will plant live acre* or more with two-year -old •eet ami sell the land to J'• I for $1 00 per acre per month. hey will take care of the land for two I; years free of cost to you. Perpetual water rights Each purchaser is given a building lot in ,r town. A railroad runs through the enter of this trrif district ant! It It "tils *<« minutes' ride to a ,fi large city. Call _„_ sec samples rd fruit and be p* Convinced. GRANT & DYE _ - s . 306 People's Bank Building SECOND AVENUE AND PIrCE STREET OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8 O'CLOCK. The athletic -nt* are at fol lows: foulest ball game. Linemen is ll IVIe cllnil'lng contest. .'M',. i.ii. rope throwing contest. ion-yard d*»h for men.* . da*- for fat men, limit 200 ."..Is buiant .lash fur la.lira ,"1.11.1 itatU for girls, IS tears all.l under. yard .lash. nr«sl>o>a *>; tfpeclal. tug of war between newa liiiv* of The War and Tlmra. ;■" »ai.l .t oib. boy* under It i.aia t" vi.l aark rare, for bw) - under 12 )rrir» Thiee-legged race, ti|>en to all r." 1..1.1 tla»h, fat Utiles' race. £.0 yard* for members of Indies' I ...1-4-1 league, Itwlniiulng contest, o|«n to all. Tub rare, open to all. Ilutlness agents' race. -hintl.- packers St Killing broad Jump. Running broad Jump, Hag, «ktp »aii Jump. Hie eating contest, open to all Tug-of ear Several Sp**i*l f ssturee Special to the l*rge*t famtly on Ihe ground* will b* given a tear* aubscrlptlon to Th* Dallj Star. 1 mi, your claim with cashlet at tb* restaurant. A prlie of • meal ticket, donated by the laxbor day i.niiiiii > ami a prlte of one doren photographs will be given for special evenia to be ar range.! The pi I tea for th. abova iiuitt have been contributed by Seattle mer-hasta. It tht ful English cvnilc opera which th* Bt*wnrt company wIU pretenl th* tatt seek of their engagement at the Oram! in.l • til. begin* to ! morrow night. I* I very pleating on*. Dorothy, the daughter ol a wealthy foxhunting aqnlr*. don* a pratant dress and at the village lan eervrs the landlord* customer*. M't* tall* In love with a gentleman VIMSa horse has losl a shoe. Dor© thy la accompanied, by a friend, who alto falls In love with n customer. I Then follow* a love story which It l**rtou« mouth to th* principals but hlfhly humoio'ia to the audi ence. The book of "Dorothy" I* by I! C. Stephen*©*, the music by that most brilliant of > a'tan cuntpi-wrwl of .Hi tuneful melody. Alfred Collier. . "The Tec Rosea" bat It* last per formance tonight Nut Willi Vaudeville, Next week* vaudeville at Ihe Star theater |>:o-l*e* to be Inter eating Tonight and tomorrow, from J to 11 o'clock. th*> last per , formance of the old bill will be given- When th* curtain g"e* ai> Monday sftertxma the tnanßgern**' will offer a* the new headline feat ora Ct**y and L* Clair In a true tonal tire dellaeailon of Celtic te*e* meat life, fun la promise*! lv : asset low al'h number Mt4' and V*gg» are two young men who roll hoops and punch the bag. their cleverer** being a matter of ante MI over the wee-em vaudeville clt cult. .Mile latin-nt la deecrtlwd •* th* drum n -.>.! Ilia tare 1* along th* Una* of • comedy nautical act. Camilla Persoal. th* ringing rorae .'iarte will make her first once here Morrison and Roma will furnish th* dramatic (ketch. and the moving ptrtur** and th* Illus liraled song wtll hay* their utu I j niece* on th* program. Olympla Market lit Ptk* st , where yon get the beat ' meat cheap. *** , Be* the dare devil balloon •seen- 1 •ton at Maditoa Park Labor Dny.*** NONTANA war VETERANS MEET DUTT.S, Mont ,'B»,it. I—The Mt tiiial reuutou of the Wat Veterana of M.mi! ..II I "|.« 11. I hero this morning nt V ti'rlork, Hit Ho ii.titii.-ut Cotnmanilrr W. It Ha via, of Hiittr. presiding. This I* Hi. third encampment of tile Mot mm urn am/a. t ion in.l an Inlerettlng program has been arrnngi'd for Ihl* occasion Ihe nnntia) banquet will lake place this evening. Tomorrow ihe id, tun* • ill attend service 111 ttie morning in! will devote Hie real nf the day lo tight ageing Nit.l committee meeting* Phi . union will close Monday iu»m and In lie afternoon lb,. mlii.iii, will tile county fair. VALENCIA SKELETONS VIrTUIIIA. It Ca' Hept. 1 —Th* I'.>iiiiiii..n gin eminent steamer 4ju,..|i.i. on her return la thla city afternoon, brought use, con fit in* lory ef the finding of the rave* In th* shore near lb* Valen cia Black, On* ate s.i,l iii con lain seine akr'.t. lis la about 10* yards b*yond wlitre th* Valencia "I. Utai. Th* Ha kin bey*, on* Of eh.oil ram* to Victoria on Ihe Quadra, en. tered *oih* of the** ravra, which ate tilled with wreckage, but did nol gel Into the large one. In a tilth Indiana report that tight'os are lying. Tht* can only be tillered by *wbn tnlng In al certain *t*gra of th* tide Indian* sat Hint la a large Iron Bag which could not lifted. |n in. c*ve. =» Th* Valencia* engines at lew wt. tar are ... five fret out of wattr. r ,____^sr«as*_-__.. ~™f B I ■''-Ol '•'*•; ' ~l f I |w ■Ht-. /.- -w/i"". .f - ■ I *____■"/ *•*»**_■ __/>'___ E_i___B _*__._■ I ■_»w^^^^'wS__B_%J_Bi» I i_^__ '■" Tif__| ___■___________' _____■ " ■ Cash Registers all kind* aad make*, about half monopoly prices. * A saw cob: put lag teal* about ball old time price*. *? .', The Sundwall Co. M iff. Aye. Pboe* 197. ; ! H. LEWIS ft CO. formerly of first tad Cherry *v hate removed to their a*w •tore, no* Second a*. wfacte th*y ara ready for Latlaeta. NO TIC a. te see en tl. ibsss *f IBs eesw et ess ***-• al aii».ile I* ike ...t rat.* i > ' Haa.ib *i rente* ai we •MVe le ear new in *•».• m I *.«• ll .Wit., eewaw aw iw*e kai.r-i. eat atr tern. ' _*_ to wee ■4 I? ft is we k—• ■. ■' leg net FRECKLE CREAM Plait'e*ly remove* freckle* At Bagi*y'». 2ewt an* Pike APPLES! APPLES!! APPLES!!! Beat I as' ef ll.s Mountain" Apple* choir*, hand-picked snd In fin* condition to keep. Varieties. King: Oraventtloe. ate. Absolutely fir.t grade and nothing under alt*. Their »pple* are barrelled rignt ■ t lb* orchard*. We are very parti, -alar an Ihey do not get bruised, to asa.i.e yell trisl -he, wUI keep snd thereby pay you lo put In a barrel of more for future •>.. Thl*. •■ you will observe, will cut oul ... middlemen and ..>' retail price* Our price It *• per b*rr»l. d»tlv*red free lo your home dlrer-t I' you have a place ■• put Ihem. you may empty them and do your own Inspecting. Thla will Brae* our fairness and guarantee to lease ■_**, J.i" cn°Jf- •Trewer *nd Hhlpper. lloth rh«ne»—Queen >..,■,. *:* Ind. 7741. CANCER CURED Without the Knife ■________ -fl I ' '* ' _P-»> **_» tf)r**K F _______ .* '_____»■ . _____ _k*____B_t -^r__lw______ /_W _H tew.- a * fill r ij-Br y/_i»*^^^m %F * * '# _____r * ______ ____f ___H ______ ________ __P^ __________■ • ________________ w_M _^_B-e-^^^ _^ ... c _. » — —w-**-*^ a r MOLBBOOK DR' M ' M' R,NQ' 8. F. MOLBnOO*. Osteopathic Phy*ltl*n, S**ttl*, Will. atW Arcade Building. Third Floor, Front of Elevator Formerly of Sparta, Wit. M*ln 4185, Ind. R 1*66. The Man Who Had the Cancer and the Man Who Cured It Mr S. 1" Holbrook I* 81 ears old and hta Just been relieved of an enormous cancer on hi* lefi cheek. Wttcen monthi i.t In tente suffering It the hl»lory of this monster. Dr. Hint laoS tin- cane less than six weeks ago ami last Sun day removed the la*t particle of caßuaroaa llssue. Mr Holbrook at*lll enjoys a remarkable vitality and will be glad lo talk personally with anyone suffering as he did. Call on him at COt t'nlon at., Brattle. If you at.- interested. lir Ring ha* had several years' eiperlence treating thU dread disease, having cured his own father after surgery hail been a complete failure. Write to htm If you cannot tail. stating your cat* fully Dr. Ring also < in* rupture ami tcrofuli under » positive guar antee. All diseases en ,-pt cancer .mil rupture treated by oateopathlc method* at 11600 per month of ll treatments A positive guar anlee of a perfect and permanent cine In every ease treat*., The doctor Is especially i essfnl In curing asthma, anemia, appendicitis, bronchitis, constipation, diarrhoea, enema, cancer, rheumatism of nil kinds, pile,*, pimple", nervousness from what ever cause, ii,a. li, kidney, bladder and female utiles, dis ease* of the eye, ear, not* an.i throat, i"i,.. backache, in grippe, lumbago, goitre, sciatica, pneumonia, tumors, typhoid fever and consumption In Ha early stage* Consultation free, strictly confidential, and earnestly Invited. LADY AHHTSTANT. A class will li* formed Monday evening, September oth. at m Arcade block, for the study of osteopathy. For particular* Inrjiilre of Dr. Ring. _________________________________________ rAT^TI |T M' RAT 'AY SKIT I tone) TREPOFF POISONED RUMORED THAT IRON-HANDED BUSS CANNOT SURVIVE — BIOTIIwO AT LIfJAU. WITH MANY FATALITIES. ST, I'KTlJlrllllMltl, He|il, l.— l! I* rutnnied thai tlenernl Trepoff Is •«• 111 that 1.1. life la rlolaosneil II I* Ittll.l'. i c.l that lit ha* been tails ou*d. . Kill.. Mother and Babe. 1 l.tllAl', a*pt t.— i-i■■•..' i attacked lin.'l's au.ii.lies |irlsotiets tine 1.-st '.-at tint retnfuteeiiiriita artlv*tl ami killed right ao.l wounded a*. Among Ihe killed wwa a ll'iitllri vho held • tuiby at tier br*«*l. MOSCOW, Bept. I— He volution. lit* Ititiad a proclamation today and claimed the credit for killing (leneral Hln. but Banted rtspniialhllltr for lb* atte. oil I'letulrr Htulypllt, CUBAN REVOLT SPREADING HAVANA. rJept, I.—Th* revolt ha* Sine. el to Ibe province of Vi> i to Principe It It elated Ihtt banes f B \ h <*t~ _k. '-■• *-■'"* *t ' ■ __{ __rW^ Or*. o**. O. Sure end All** M. Sure SUCCESSFUL OSTEOPATHS isnevail, le tka c t-e'trtr IrMtaMt. ■ li.-.MI Ike .'— et i- - li- 'r- w el ...we eiimial. a* Ike ke*e rv_ we. Is I. ,- ..! .Is. 1,1 , i.tinar sal ttski irswi—aei , .nasal a,, ilfce a* 11.■ ai reea waw wees a—ikwls el wis' r«ealle le t-.r--..5-...a eeeea la eeeer '••a*** eksea .it.,, a..,-.,,-lis*. ..'in, i-.iv r.iai ... I 'ha iw. *l '»-. ii-.t. aw* —rata r*-.i vketeafwlkf te r-srit- .'ill. as- ir. raws . f i,— ellk ear rt Ike ssniaais dl_r.ll.a enss .alts* .-a s'li..l._ seesseiiii . 5.1.... ,-4 t—ll" *f'i. ii.. ele , 1., s.i.r'r let I- < c.! -r. I. lewa lew • »-e_! lurse tl-r. • All teres a-.-awi em. if i.i.a ta ir... ,». .ti. le tie atertskMw liM lialtira .11. s le laisl'-a*... tk .a... asf w-as.s* ,tt ...i—r .via aisesew ie* arra. ii.»s ft Ike —aetrelari viasss. i.i'si .-! 1a... el, as keswslillie ■ 'Ist iiwl.i east as. i»..»l —M— ■ -_» ele 4.x>„*t-i.TATR>v r*aa Ws nwke cc •■_.,. far 4'-.«r-«'«s »—.. saw If .. eaaaetaki se •*__•* se usee i-w ear ... ssiii is III* par assailk *f tl Irs*i_*sis Steele Irsel—aal It »• W. ■ iiw -f eal».*al*r. St. !,.!«.» »s_ lt*ki lrsetw*B4 ii.i.i »•'. OSS OKO. O. BURN an* ALICE M.'BUBR. Osleopetr. 411 Art*** Blsta 1-hr..,.. V1.1.i till I*4 **•« rf iwi'tfii -i*:*ir£i^ r?'!sr': V.ctsr teed Edison fttcittl* Pally—C*rw*. ■*.: . ouwNiku, HOPKINS s avea SBOetTftS. BMOKBBS Oreln. prnvielnn* Bt**ti*. •"nil rm^ * ir -vtitßS. TsL Ml. 7*S. In*. 17*- . liiei SM-tOt-tOI Alaak* Sl** of lu-'itia ■■■ - a. iii.'ii.niilliig in Hut vicinity of Hie city of I'uvKO I'rln ■ ll.e CARPENTER STRIKE NOT IN SIOHT. LOB .ANOELES, H.-pl. 1— Ihi r.'iinetiin, alrlhe, which la a.-l fur todnv. Is not In tight al prBSSBt, Tlln carpenter* tale the liatiinliii half litiiiiiny, ciiiuiiii-iicitm today, nil.l iii'tu.iii.t all linn kro uf wnget next r-eoh. -;,' t i . ——— —— ADAMS .1 MONDAY SPECIAL rOL'II CANS COHN 25c <*c ''Mir 32c Adams Tea & Coffee Co. Hl* Seeend Aye, Car Pine St We don't ile-ler but we **U «be*». MOP I'ICKCHS' SPECIAL 11- 4 ta. a teat 11*1 tat. I a . . leel list Ist • ... A li lit • ill, • .-• , - .11 leal .,,.14 It MilL I as a.ii 1.1 I ,*4 la 11.14 IMI , Bill leal - a M COGGERS' SUPPLY CO. I Pi one, 5.2. Colmtn Does. —e—lswswww.>——asawsses—^ew— swe^e I 5.1..H 41, 5i...-, ri.ea.av a a. ie_*r, Vste i,...1h I j.e T <...... sir ''irtis I ■ i'-'e Is.wrw.sis4 1- ma ''4*4 I PIOPL-S OAVINCS BANK. I rseaiiuilsl. *atts,. eat Trial I 0...1.1 aaatte* sal *••»►«**:• 11 rWsMiT ail lis. Essies "—» I Bra" ..en tar.r tw T ■»»•— J awl lake tx r.n.ii. Saw I Bill -*• I ear* C Vser.Ww LLOVB TBANSCIN CO, Irsa. Baa tar. t«*e*ew Peer tar, an* Heavy Hauling. I". Bete. Ph*B*e—lMS. X Off!** I» Hitler lUlel. H o*en Day sal NlgKl. £ TAKE mis TRIP THE DAY BEFORE labor DAY and SLEEP late next MORNING ~__^^i *W _w___ ___ _n __L__P _^_k _____T -M CLAM BAKE i-e JL A. aT- PAs-Lf Two Excursions ____*C _es « _a*~^ _| " • ■ East Sound and Olympia SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 2 | Tke simian, iilj *^^^J-^-J l _sf_l. £__-&_. .Mar-- Whg wry. beaultful .. hay I hi. ..11 k. >ou, J?'" _ _,__. .i _■_■■«■—lTfiJi i__ ■■■-■*■!■■.■ »*.iL..j* Steamer Steamship F^VttS^^ r_ _ r i.ii * rUr/IAIWW^ JICHv UI Whatcom hi^S^^ p j Wash if iiaiVrUiii |m- v-;■-t;4_ss^ Wach- Leaves Pier 2 <^Bss^^^:-^f 1 . .. Sunday.Pi p«-2 2 - l i-___|i*.ff3» "-£l-0.. Sunday, Sept. a .. .. ■ ; ; &'g^»^}*^^^fe___ ! __Jf; 1 »'5 l"» 8:30 a.m. L -eati^jn't-re^Sft r, .~ > -sKfift Leaves Pier 2 l L^ _S_B ■■•—--•—-•- -**—>-•-- ~e _ IJC_______| I •East Sound and |^_*^ReHS^^^^^Sil| „. F<" . ' aP^ 1 fur forcas island --—---■■------ —J -;■ - ' Olympia a I i-wwi »«r„.io„. fhslclier •«.-!„, P...).. s„d rsrr-Z.k?».iH^^ „ j__S J°X_. tkirtiit_ the Grandest ocean scenery In the West, close by „.,„. , |IC state Insane Asylum; by McNeils Island, _*■ «T ? .•..'. r-'.c i State IVnitoiitiarv; .111.1 excursionists can take a trolley rule rocky islands, through San Juan Archipelago to East bound, Bt plympia to set beautiful Tuitmater FsIUl This is the first Where a Clam Bake will be served. Tickets for round trip, • excursion ever run to Olympia leaving Seattle as late as 10 &__,'-rod toe. only it* «« "i„ I bad. "' Se j** _ * -^^.iX^^rrJsiC Jtlle at lo:y» p. m., alter a ride of 250 miles and an old-time ,-,, RC 1»*»Ix11 e i* possible OH account 0, the extreme speed of native Gam Bake on there. the State of Washington. Round trip tickets only $1.00. The Clam Bake Will Be Under the Charge of Two Experts in the Old Original Indian Style and Is Alone Worth the Price of the Trip TAKE YOUR LUNCH BASKETS OR LIGHT LUNCHK S CAN BE SECURED ON BOARD STEAMER. IF DE TAKIt SIRED. AT CITY PRICES. Steamship Whatcom carries 800 people, but only 500 tickets will I-' sold. On last excursion to East Sound or Wlialco. h rio CIS.. Bake, boo people were turned away at the you. tickets early. Capacity ofState f Wa^ » X 1 it u,111,c!,.,'.1,„.U limited to \po to provide conveniences to. the *"ur-K»« rickets „d .Uteres for Blest Inland Navigation Company's ticket office. Pier _, relepl c Main an, and L. 11. Gray I Co., lor 11 >li i Way, Telephone Main 37. SECURE YOUR TICKETS BEFORE SAILING DATE AS CAPACITY OF BOTH STEAMERS WILL BE LIMITEO acme: business college "Tht School That Oats ■.•suits" I all enrollment t_Jt __«.' t '/V *k .Miiiiti.iv. Sfiit. I, _ff / ...V* ,*>-* l^ wjr^/M^ir? / o i • i fct%_. r*»* Tf»*»-_ "» ironi Bii i link a. in. TJE&Vr- * gjflj*!?/ '*f**Yf.v_4*_s» X^jlT """ o'clock p. 111. a-L^X _.*a_ws(fV-*e**e*/ w2: ♦! I Iss_e*_r»_r*»_*_ I_r Sept. 4. Seven ex- '^0/r^^ m^3'^ ** ' V^__*N , V» ' |ii|lcinr.| h .11 If IN I" s^y^ VM__Mwr—^Jp(S_a^t_) ' **H y F* in I'iiiii.iii Shorthand, w_ _, Itt^' e"*P?-^^ >Vcvs jt^r^i. No | iron ti Mr* iliai ;_f_ja*«teS, VyA bW2?»I fsLyysj&sS£Zm~~ l-SlHllll lirlivCll tip I" ree-_^*s-*^vJ^'*? *>T.JsVjIV.'W / UVfotPV'^*'*'^^***' Unexcelled in 1.0-. --— -Z-' <bs^l '^SSl^^S^ cation,, l'i|ni|i- n [^|r^^_Se in. Nt snd ventilation, M J-s£_k 4 j l | Lr^"^ *. i** It Mill In In M.lll _ee*FTT_f>"a 111 I tft/X^ itite li - I I" .ill and '^i'/vcO*-' 111/ '/AY Intpcct our quarters IfOT 1 ~ X*% before ctirollins else AGUE BUSINESS COLLEGE U.S. EIKENBERRY President. Entire Third Floor, Pott-Intelligencer Building, Seattle. HAVE MUSIC IN YOUR HOME If tin- piano you hut. In your horn* Is silent most of ihe season for want of a skilled pianist who can pi*) It, we suxgitl lliat NOW la a good time to m liiitige It for I The Pianola Piano "THE PIANO ANYONE CAN PLAY." , . . . IVi. are constantly faking ill make* of pianos Exchanged hi ,, t,.,,,^-, r,,, ,„„ |.i ano |g Piano Main of tin PianOß Instruments received In tills way •how scarcely $110 Up any siri of BBS, (but demonstrating ronclu- As a result .Urlt how II la* real pleasure their owners have of lh* wide be. n ,„.„ , 0 ...tract from them, spread move ment to ex- Tne pianola Piano Is the one piano that will Ch _**_.*twe-* never »tand Idle, in. mttter Into whose borne it • no* fin Plan ... ■ Ola I'lano*, our may to. Every memlirr '>' the fan I) can play Ksctatiiß lee- ll— ma Moral) the east pleres," that are so partment '" gaaert beard, but IB* moat brilliant compost to offer . _, |h wbtcfa a p«_(- r «wnkl or a Ilotentbal •nine excep- .... llonal values In dai»l*« bis audiences and (.rand* thut Would It not be worth a great deal to nave bay* seen gurh a wonderful Instrument to jour home thla hardly any use *ummerT w* shall lie pleated to quote an al gurh BtaBBTS lussMl on your | n nut piano In exchange for are reyteaent- I'lanola Piano and also to make ea»y monthly r ,, X , ! Piaiiola Pliiur, and *l*o to vi.ike east loci WEBER terms of payment on the balance. f" M If* X I* R I fa Q STECK W* *v* * fee. escnanged Pianolas, originally KNABE coating S?M, which w* offer at S'"-~. Sold sub- WHEELOCK javct t 0 th* full awara*nta* el*" 1 with n*w xziT 1 "-* D. S. Johnston Co. EXCLUSIVE WESTERN DISTRIBUTERS. BOS SECOND AYE. BURKE BUILDING NdflCt TO SUBSCRIBERS Should your copy of Th* Star fall to reach you by C clock any ever, Ing pleas* do «• IB* favor to call ui/our mala ofnee lßun»*t. Mala 10$0 Indepenlenl lISSI. betwee* • *ad 7 o'cloca. sad wa trill aead toil a copy at owe* if yon ri.ould ntt* It more thaa one*. pl*aae tele atvoß* v* every tune yr« ml_t »L , la thl* way we can ** certain of gtvlng our subscribers a ic-ifeai as nice— sad It I* lb* inly way THE STAR I'I'HLI9HINU CO _____________^_________ BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS T — elta year t;,isr»ntee I_*y Attendants Hour* ll* tn I t-un.era. I la 11 riotli phone*. lit* PtWOND AYE a n , " L"_L_."-a Centennial's Best Flour Makes More Bread Makes Lighter Bread Makes Whiter Bread Makes Sweeter Bread Makes Better Bread Than Any Other Flour ALL CBOCERS SOL IT ____________________ I ______________T-e--i I I "■■ ■ "' ■—ie — —-- ! GO AND SEB OXBOW ADDITION TODAY l T»lbct for PttcnU. 2C* Mutual Lift. ...