Newspaper Page Text
*M THE SEATTLE STAR m .YAK PUBLISHING co. *1""l «££«* °'d "*'"" *veRY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY T«l»phon»a— .■■■,vil*j!'vj- Bdttorlall Indtptndtnt 575; •un««t Main tOSO. <' vlPb^mWlP^ > D«»in*aa; Independent 11M; tunttt Main IOM). •All-AHP rTA« AUCNv'V II ItallaiJ Ax *—"*•, *****"" *** «V»BBT:r7rr*l»'"ioß>«CT-C, W. B»U«I». ■■ Wa.kt An, l«l «•« _____ Ik. r.»i |»r «*», »lt mv »•# ■■■>■ «r «■•»<» "•• '••>• »•« aMaia. O»tl»«»«* »» ■•II m c«trt»r. H» IN* «•»>••• ____ ___——» Ma»w<l •< ii>. PMtttTU* »i ■>•<«!« WuktwiMl, m »■«»«>« «!»»» imiw _ TV mail puiiiriiimcn* ri». *•<• ■»•• ..•■>• •\i*»c*ij'llm •«*•>*• *• •■ I*l •Urn L.f.l rt Mink ,.., WiM« lk*l 4*l* «rH I if i>uf • ■■>! •• '>l'>l"« "*• ""• • ••'• Mm MM ,„ .J««n.. rwr mm la i*»<* tnm ik« tut, A <**••• «' '•'• ■• Iks *14f>«t WWI I. > <^.i v ( ________________ HOTtC« TO Ht)M< HIHKHII ■•■■Mil ..« «■»• •« !»• •'•' *»!• •?„"•** E?«Sl • • M... . ... ■ » ». . . ■ T""t; MM- MM 1.J.,—4«l iia, lt<>M ♦•• I* •"•!»». »»1 »• "HI »»«J r»* • J^»» •» m If r»* •*»»« »U« II >«• >••■ ••'«•• V*—— <•!•»■>«-•- •• •""» ""• !«• v this Mr -• ... v. «.ii«u rf il*tat •«» t«W«lW«» • »«fwl —**• --- U tki. -«, ■• c.a Im mWi •» !»»«•• •« m*m***— • »«»^« ""••• •" • It IW MtJ »«r UTEST SCHEMES Of TH> PIUNDUBUNOS T*« 8.«ntll« KJ<^trto oowiHint h«« »lr(»«ll* «hi<v»*<l lb» 8«» --a.«*ls>U Fktta rower cwtep«nr. M h«« now M ««•• mono oU«t*el» In ilw may ol a cowi>l«»ti> uiMu»i*>ly. ft"l* (U*l la Out Ce«l*r rlv«r pow*r plant belonciaa- «.» ttia city of ■■■Mil iv»ry tffort of lh« Btsn« * Wtbtttf p«opl« win nt» b« put fortK to wr»«h th» elty*« pUnt. <" •• •"»•• that th*y may event* tally ha»» «ho «ltu*tioo cwivtplfttMy In h»m! «i»l t»wn "cloch" lh« u*s>n of hKtit *n,l i»>wef In tho Roi^a oi<l faohlonrd but-anrorla* *»/• • • • Prr«l«h-nl EtUott, -' th« Nurtfcwa Pacific. ..!»!•** law Jo*r P«> --■!• to lay is a «ui>pir of winter enaj at i>ncw, *'ao a* to anM a famine." In tb# »»m» br»»th ho say* that th« rallroaJ tMßa*l •apply «»al- ><« talta to Mah* aa> »tt(ic«*< •>■ *• i» tha vourm •lM«* coal 1* til «>»• front, nor >! M b« latliMto that tho North •m »»a.-ifi«- will *ui»i«»y mttf ear* to haul coal M th« tupplr I* dta ttitni Mr ClUott la waatlatc his breath, • • • Th« r«clfi« Co*»t emat>aiiy. «hiHi la th« arc* roMplrilo? Vtlut thf tw»t|<l<> la the coal »»»«iria«*, k«i'» up IB« prlcn of coal tO faiuln* n«urt«a, ao4 aw»l«iHl« l*n-»IJi»nl MM for «.t<utß« th« ••opt*- to hor now." Of c»ur»r. "bay now!" With a hrt«k mar ket demaadl In »itnm<". thero will i>« «n pxcumi (or a coatlouatlon of i*i«h print.' . If any mm p«noa will at* haw th« <-<>i! «b.>rtac« I* to b« raft***] by "tjjjia* In »a.tin.«-r- 1.-i htm *'<■,< forth aa4 null* him •aif h«*M. 11 th«r« fatal to t>« aay nor* en«l broosht to f&attla Inuw of fttntawr b..)la«' Tn« Padfle Coast officiate Bow claim that t&ay am cilnln« entry t.m that It la pm«IM» for th«m to mla*. It that I* trtw, bow. thaw, *-a wnif b*>tti« la BaalU« l«» *!•»»<• 1.-.* prxvjirtlua of tbo aUMW* ~ INTRODUCING A HERO AND A PIRATE ROnERT KI-AKKT OIUST. ftedufar*. thi* I* Robert on too left. ll* I. th« kaVt) TT>I». an th* rtcht. la Flakajr Cntat. th« plrato. Hiitltl. ItotwrL lv I. r.. Plak«r Croat. ;(r,tM>n *U'l V\mkmf Crag) the li.*.J.r«. «'».MlJ.if yo«ra«>lv»a l»trv! «J Now. what la It all abcret? Oh. it i !• a<iwil»i» on the aa«. !h«» kind ' that l» full ..f breath!*** lnU>rn>t. lßtcr«s«t an brratbN-M It ran tt»rdty [ kw>P from aaftoatiiaja; It will b* In 11 ch*pt*rs. «a! will b*«ln In Ta* Star tomorrow with, a picture for, Math chaptar* If you like pfrat* •rortf*-mil you da—you will »•« Jo? thaa n'rtry, It la a aurpaaatng •tory. Mrpaawtng Ilkn cnff«M>; and a r«rar*oaM on». wnihai Ilk* a Hall atory. It Is a funny alorr, fenny aa • cirni* p>rwa>e THE DOVEYDOVES AND THEIR FIRST BORN BY W. W »CM*trEH. lira. IK.»-r'l..vf tlstea to Baby! Listen to Dabyt Mr I>cT« ly<loir»~riß li*l-nln« Th* Maby-Waugn. M-ra-ra-m M Mr. D-Orarltm*! In the alrkT What ■Mkaa her (rn«tn? Mr* D—l>rnm«l! Ik, ha»» now* Int. >«MKS*! Bb«'a tatklog! lla!i>'» talking. Mr. D.-On! I!* 1 Well' Hut I Balaam! It. (It.iri her ovrr. Mr». P.—Oh. you moat h«»* h*afl bar. 8h« mm it )n»t an plmfn. Mr D— V- • I ftiewi «»!»• did. What wan It' Mra. D.— Th<r« aha gr>«s ac«ln! liat«! Th* Hi ■■ —M ■ m him m-rno. Onh\ Mr. I).—W*ll, Un't that remflrk akin'* ■ Mr« D.—Un't It! And ao young. I cotiM !'■•! klaa naby to pterea. •V --- ■■-_» — - — -- waMBL .--T N JaW B^^B"aBBB^B^B«BBBB«B^^hBWaBBa^BBBBAa^Bk^^BBBaBBlBBBHaaBaaBBV v Jf'KT F avc You a Piano S i \ I ♦V I Which You Do Not Us*? > \ JBR fi^S^sfj, 1 Wliy don't you make It ""'fill to 2 ♦^ CJ2?>' A^ ~^_bn f mrf tnc.miifT of your family by gj •^ Tt*t3\yii I * buying a player which naa bo at- 3 \ " l.w !.■••! tii If V... limy* a lain. Una \ •J whlrh wo v..im1.1 Ilkn In nhnw you. 4aJ W Th« »tory t« e»Hi»«l ' rj»«l**M by 'a Pirate, or Robert* n«ndeivotu With tha Kil l(»i.*«1 Movers. Character*. Klakoy Crust, a pi rat*. Kobert, a bny. ' • Hraf' I*. prt«on«>ni, a>a»i"nt>i-» pvTtttoa and i«ot>»»«, Ttm»—Onro Qp*m. Flaw*— Th*> HprnaHh Mala, taally. Watch for if read i. and are which got* tk*> mart aurprtars— you or tha hero. Mr I). '.iw her a • hMM in fin- Itb. I I'i'.i caught part or tb« word Mr*. I) ■ Ulii. she (pod* a > ■ plet« Milt*.-. Sir. n ,•.«[■• *k« did. Br—what ; |«M It? Mm li V.,i j.;.t aak tweauae you want to be contrary. Bhu ».:ii I "9m thd pr»Uy-pr«Uy." Mr I) - I in m Kind to know It i I ii'nl a wrong htmrh thn wanted lo know what tint* it *aa. lUiby—<.'i irn irn ■ Yah-ah, yah-uh, j <h «h' Mr. D.— U she aaying "B«* the prutty-prpfly" lomn nmn? Mr«. D. (wrprelyJ—No. Bho U crying now. Mr, O— Well, wouldn't that frees* youl "What chance ban a poor mnn In 'hi« world!'' "I don't know. Ask iodis mil llon«lre." STAR DUST I!Y .IOSII. A Word Pram JoiK Wit*. You don't hat» t ha»» «Hry «i»J mti t' h.«i I lot lit thlac* th't ain't tru». A St. Loml* Salutation. <:■*•.« murniiiC' Hi* a >""r ilauxlilvrT Hh»« a «ad<lpr Itmlwelwr girl. Aiihni»i-r mother? t)h» 1.-.-.l* iuui twlti-r •livo I I"' tii.. I'tlniMr. _^^ "Kurokl apeaka oaly Jat>*na»«, .|.-in I h#f "Yob, unit u<>< »try *>u< b of that" • ir.i* rf Clr«. Un.l a«ka that ■■am« h.Nia- bt aatr*<la«<l Can a hntf !■« X •!:«■? 'What l»T.»nu-« of ail our Kf'-at BSl'll ?" "Oh. a* a rul« •• g*t onto them.** I'll you play tart ball la col ir«»r ".V<x" ■ iv«» baiir NN«." "What dM yon pUr?" iHf and a banjo OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE GALLAGHER IS MAYOR (Scrlpp'* T*l*graph ««ryit« ) •AN rUANCIBCt>. Juno ll—Thu hoard of a«t>«rTtanra latt> .^.'..cdar apprdattod Kuparvlanr Jam** 4" lat 1 U«h.r acting major under taatrur il»>i« from Attorney U—)<o« OaJ lajtbcr I* til* one who conrnMed to handling. A >KS DAMAGES FOR DEATH OF CHILD J.»hn Wuratpr. of !01 IU«JM »« . fi!i-l • \-".r. wonted claim with the rlty «-«nni v taut nliebt df^nand' Ink 13.000 for Hi- drath nf ■ 10 year-old Kon U«l l*>■•■ml-fi. iii««l lijr a i "I" ft 111 114 11 (..ii Hi- child. Wurster rl.u»« that lk« pole h» l<i««r.| to the rll», wMa »!.<• cily • lnhiM that It i-i-.nn '1 to ltl« la d«n<«ti4<»nt Tftrphorv cnnipitnr. ■ Tourists ' I fall tO tl»lt 11,.- JI. » N«» y Yard at llrnrnrrton. tha H nii--»iiii»i .%.■'!, i •■ i OrvKon and \vin..»n»ln. the OtinbofMa (Thlragn. lloafon and U' 'in. iii.< TrsUnlncthlp i'hii.i<ii I |.li! i. >!>■• I'rlMinihlp Ntp«lc. and <).> Groat Dry I>-.• k tloata I. .up I'i-T 2 at '.!■'. R-30. ion m. I: li. 2:20, I 10pm Hound trip toe. *** Tailored 'r^. Ready Co.t:?.:r Exclutlv* High Or ■'He "CLOTHING FOR MEN. FOR RENT FURNITURE TOR SALE HOUSE OP 9 ROOMS AND BASEMENT «■:■!■■• In. botiutlful vlnw, flow ••n and fmii In ahtindnnr«, • v Calient liwn; r*nt 130.00 pur im.ii.Mi furniture* nmaliti of bf-droom mitten, bidding, I Iran «*•!» and »p|wt. carpnM. Inlaid linoleum*, full iliimi.i: nulta la walnut, )!>;■ ']'■ i.iiu-". rll r-nii,f. l><-.iii-iu atom*, nnil >■•. ••I i Hi! UK <-iii;l|i,'. I* fur hotlNtV kt ••(.hit-., cheap It 1800; Will ■• il for r.'.n. WiMdlMtsi 1 Pidli furniture (# 411 PIKE STREET. Phonea: Main 3998; l"<i 3096. Fly on the Flyer BEATTLE-TACOMA ROUTE. Far* 35e—Round Trlpa, 50c. FOUR ROUND TRIPS DAILY. LEAVES SEATTLE — 6:46 and 10:29 a. m, 2:03 and 5:43 p. try. LEAVE TACOMA — 8:35 a. m. and 12:19, 3:65 and /.JO p. m. Tim* card tubject to changa without notice. U. REEI.EV. Jr.. tl.attl. T.I Main 170. Tacoma T*l. 212 THK WBATTI.K STAR—TUKSDAY. JUNK \B, I<>o7. Big Cgg Laid by Mr. Dray, ','. llr.iy lal.l an '■*« no. the *d ii.ii a i»r.i. «..vmal ten mo tlioi !>..,«t» nil Hi" ecu* that's •"-•-»• laid tliera in ft lon* time. mea«urln« tH by i iiu !<««.- Hi-u«!.|o niro. I Kl«n«l. Won't 1>...1> please lulrn dine ■» rhnap fi«nl bill? Hpnalor Knraker baa lwa« us sun-.! that he would be iii no .lan «rr vlaitlnK Hrown»*llle. There la Itultf dancer in anybody tlsltlaa; llruwn»<rtlle. Ha Had a small Salanc* on Hand. IV nature fak<<« ■»n I I* «>•• par.-d to thiMM la *hl< I'tHa, Ik* Whlt« llou«o bull doc flffarta, Nor can they b« iH>mp«ra4 la •urh a fak* aa May, IMT, • ■ ik* »■>■»» a.?»» » ■ tut.m* *n>iM. « mi year plara this jr»»rr* i ■ !•■«> 1 HUM I, mf r»ll«r."~l,1f». r,nii).i'»rr I. wb»t _w_ • • man ■ •11 • »r .vi.i It*. li,.:»jil of ton f<-.»l«« <!>• first OM-. — >'IOlH» Tlntut'Blnn. City M.ill Murkct IloMt Veal. 10c. I'M ltw*at. le; lu.iflnr DMC fr- •'« at I-a tab. Mr I i« ■•• ••• I^^— ____________________ Washington People Who Have Cash to Buy Pianos That rh« people out here hut. the e**t> M bay puna. with, if they !_«»• Urn nppxrtunttjr la mm- o»<«n I ey hf doing an, la proT«o by the fact that Jutt Itn parties purchased m«tr«mtnl« In th« flrtt tw» dayt ' of thf M«v" Tontr Piano Co '• •»!• and p>id rath or a good firtt pay- ' ment en him. Tbtt larky nnra '.•I titok advan tage '•' thoir opixirtunlty _n J. T.-Orajr." of ;;.■•"!.•. K. Ijiut.-n «« fil.m.-r. of s. .HU-; Chrla Ni.-ni.-.n. lof .Mo|h in«. <Vipt. (Ji>o. \V. 8. Card I b<iu*ht two !>t.-in«« for hl« hum* : and a bait; It. i; It"-•*••». H«a(tlQ: K. i. it..-.!,. » and A. Hart, tioth of M.k'Hi.; .l.ilm Kiimni of Rnoho mtah. ami o«hi. J, Itauacher, of Maryrrtllo. N'-:nlv half thn amntint of caah *■• iiiii-ini in raJ*a throaxh tbU aala I ha« already it.xii obtained, and It ' lontt* now v ih<>" Hi" wholn amount will liara l>e<>a r*ct>4rpil at t!i« »nd of Ilila wpek. I. We Intondiid to hav«i tlii pnl.- for thn 'i.iaindor of thin tii nth, but a* noon am the mini no«i|a| U rain •••l th« aabt at present i>i Imi may ha withdrawn; •(••>< lurw If you want a piano at a prlr« , rum than rtoalnr* pay und^r nrdlna* ctrrum- ' • !.nifi<». iioti't put • hl» ft ll'mhuiilmt, It la thn Ihi InK that I tiiakdi m ■ iTiti*c at m-rii pi , ...4 |, . ■Ihla. li la '>Malnm_ I ■ slock from tho r«»r«<lv«>r of 'i i'-i<iiia lii.ii ... In difficulty that <r able* ua ' to wll ttM InatrumrDts a factory prlr«»» and Imlow. Thu-ntork <..hi|iilh. i I nany Of ' the wnrld'a leading miikt i>. and If you call on un ■ ill will wij id« how It la pomlbtu tv Bnll rikli | ilamm at •a low a figure, but tha'fart! 'if It I* that ihn need of cash ttHtmtkc many thine* i-"hm| Think if It—s2so pianos for $1211. and tli.«.- am not rh«>ap planoa, wllb hl.ilih-.I r.-i:■< i. hut double Ton cored, In r> 111111..1 nisilii>r.'iny; from Hi'-n It >■.»■» up alt tin- way to Ihn rim-Hi $r,oo plnnoa, which you can r.-i for $3GO. Rtmembir th« place: HI Union •treat, oppotltt tht P. I. Building. _ —— mi Meyer-Toner Piano Co. i__^__^__^___' ' . 11. BtIMMPH PROMINENCE. Mi Ili-ai KaDiivn —In th« roalro of lln in mi-. luittl, yon uitut Ih< I ii parod to tmriura iln« lw*hlMl(lon of ff^'ilnit •malt," You may n«*t>r hum .•i[-ri.Ti«-«»i| thla stafa, Kalh rrn. for I hantlr think atxial ill* tin. (hint have tifmiili-ii you ii tbn Hf- at linmn Th.-v n«-«>t not here, M you will |iit>M>n(ly mm In a auniniKi riilon) or aa»ain bl*Kf. BU|x<rftrUllty la ■t«»n all that mil- ran Judge from, onlaaa b« !>• ii'ir real Mmsolf. Vi-i In ihi« llaa Hie il.iiikt thai you. too, majr learn to altach •nlat►••<l and faliM valmn i.. the facn of pooplo and thlncs Th» blame of this attuation of af fairs l>nlnngs Urn! to the landlord. f«l« i lallr whrrn ih.. aatalillal la not v.-rjr larga, for, a< kin* In nuaibors !»•• Is apt 111 make the moat of iliihm. who do (mm under hi* tfMtf I hat,|..i. la know that the Inn vi which you am cuing enruna under I,la bead. The bntrl krrjwr take* car* '" whlaiwr that "Mrs. X ll»«i« in the beat limiw In niatskvllle,** or ""riin hiial>an4 of «a» X >14 ■ t«nK«r.i,h4 »'»• tmv , of tit* ninniil!(•■«• •■( three »hi. wel [an— i the pr»a«4#at when he via lied Ml«|.|.i Tlww remark! are takan up and pa»»r>d along, and then* Ik "oaaeqawfll I y dlanmlent* the tewtor llshta. Of ll».hm> who am nok««<l> in particular ally ■aim with tboao whom Uu>y bfllevo are. AUNT POLLY'S CORNER MncM «"«t r mi •>«■•. two ruiii bat (fruit) sugar, on* ball ruji MMm watar. two mpa flour, hcapinc i<-««i»wn baking powder. <•■ »in yolk* aa4 »u«ar ii.fnM.i»r. ai I water, thrti flour and baking nowder, ilmiu (hr wbltaa, »». ■•■•ii ilmrot'stilr Ilakn la nod' •rain « «*(! irtnc fir* cako— On* half <•<«. bettor. (iMnwd. AiM all lhal lr«a« mar It *HI MM In. o«» tatilr»;«-ir r.t»(n, <>ai> tr»«t*»io vanilla, on* and oa*balf pound* I • imondn. ttanrhrj. drl.-1 and Immn^i In <i«i«n, tb«n roil nu!» Cvt cako la •mall aquarw*, «pr««d ■ • lib leirg aa<l toll In nuta. Dr. I4W llakOT. 4»«ttat. f«« MM hulMlac I'hono. Mala (IM ••• Appropriate Wedding Gifts BASEMENT Tiffany lii"i> w*r«a. Tiffany (iiit mart, rich cut glaa*. Mm " tan china war*, art f»*d» from i avcrywhtra. Albert Hansen - J»w»!«r and Sttvtramlth. •Ala A Brit for Patch, Philipp* A Co « Calibrated Watchta. Firct A» and Otrry St. CttablUhtd IMJ. LJAITDC GENDRON COCARTS OLD COUNTRY LINEN* |* .111 aM _J-l nUUKo: /JRv _. • /» Use the lndepende^ 8:30 a.m. t06.00p.m. Cyl^ (^fS^/^w/^^&^^^ Tel. 1130; Main3loß HOT WEATHER f_g_gLj^''r"'' "nWiTSQI -■■■' -}z^£^ GET READY FOR BARGAINS liftmi\'J u&^ ® SUMMER HAMILTON DROWN SHOES MAY MANTON PATTERNS Second Week of the Great Pre-Inventory Sale Three Warm Weather Specials in Our Ready-to-Wear Dept Women's Wash Suits |[ $1.25 Wash Petticoats If $3.00 Silk Waists All kinds of summer materials, C_i^__— «£ « f~\C2 lawn*, organdies, dimities, batistes, *JJ I •c^cJ chambray, gingham*, etc., etc. , . . »■ "V. «... .. • Following ..ecial reductions for * lai" and Mcrcenred Finish White China Silk Waists;allMXV We.!ne«Uy- Chambray and Seersucker Stripe ffom 3, |Q 4J Ma<|e wHh tufk , and $200 Wwh Suit, for $1.33 n X \t X $ , M"IU VCr>' finUhed with insertion down front. *» V» \Vaal. •suit* « nr • ■ fi7 wu!c and foil, with • deep flounce. inn. '"" «ii» iumtiiiuh . ci .-• lino YVa"<h S »or Vlil Our "*ular $125 value, ON SALE Worth regularly $3.00. ON SALE US wish I"!!, !« ::::::::£2 Wednesday at- Wednesday at- S4 50 Wash Suit" for $2.98 <___._— —- -i C_tt 35.aj \Va«h Suit* for $3.29 C^^C I .3/O; » J DRESS GOODS AND SILKS IN THIS SALE 3 $1.25 Quality 36-inch Black *5c to $1.00 Quality Plain 58-inch Wool Suitings, 35c Quality Wool "w"* Swiss Taffeta, chiffon ""' V*ncy If'ffta*. Novelty O.rays. in plaids, taC; come in navy Wj«. .... . Silk*, Poplin-*, Rajahs. checks and stripes; suit- tan. pray. li£™ f. 1.,,' fu,i»h. very fast and lua- and Mesa»line». All able for skirts, suits and pink. red. BTWj/Ag trous. Pre - Inventory wanted shades; every jacket! Regular price blue, reseda and W« • 0.., „.:.., „,., , ... Xl" 1 »""'' " $1 Inventory Sak !'• 4 Sa'f pr" 98c ;::r^^" r 75c [ 'zsc^J IMPORTANT ~l| IMPORTANT PRE-INVENTORY RUG SALE Pre-Inventory OXFORD SALE TOMORROW WE WILL OFFER 50 <»O CC TOMORROW WE WILL OFFER 187 *1 AQ FINE TAPESTRY BRUSSELS RUGS PAIR FINEST KID OXFORDS AT $*•*•' Five splendid patterns for your selection. Patent Tip, Bluchor Cut, Wide Ribbon Every one new and the season's best. Laces, Stylish Military Heel, Genuine Size 8 ft. 3 in. xlO ft. Gin. and our Hand-Turn Sole, soft and flexible. :A" regular $14.50 values. d»A ££ siz('s from 2 l to 8» in widths C, I). E, c* Tomorrow Oil sale at 3)". OD This price is less than factory (M AU Come quick cost< Come quick. On sale at tjl^j Ttil* Judging lir IgmflWW and • -linn*« fporta oomairmallr lead* <<> r<ittii> tnlafalma, "'"1 wrong «»M inuli-n as well, r.'iuir lit artificial int'ili u-iitiu- In your eye* mod' 11,..11 II i .■!• make r."<"l. ray <I'»r. You IMAd not tiilml fnllltiK ha. on yuur own worth and iitcmty. Kath »jn. for, bollovd me, il.'-n- «><• MM r-al folks at lh«-*. rmtorta, who will gravltat* to you without • doubt. K(«.!Uli v It I" la i».«"' 01 bo ' Ixwnl-'l of ■• In on* a poalHoil or advaatac»«, alao II U un»i • and WlK**Mi7 I" In luk forward « drawbacks, however harßitms thrao nay b«. It la a mlitakn ri>nimonly mada to tail rod a yuunt »«mau la aunif b> xi r m "Thla la Mir* It—; aha works for Murrla * Co" Whon ever I haar thl* I nro tried at tt>« unfair 1..-.. of U Kalaa fll'l- Is out of data a* well «■ out of lan ■ ajid aloes ii... t'ftvit) Ik-imli m all In (KM way or »»h>ii»»t before we am tfiroiu-h Ufa. tkars ahould I.- no ■hams in whatever form It oommc to urn. Hut. fur r<lf protection, nettir • H'^k of yuur own hlti.lKi,'.* In ■tinny a r.lil • '»«•. ••• both know lime hi»r |.r.~ til . .i|*all»ti mar b« what ill iiiiialafi.'*"* tbape or dlo late rather than the bl«ti »a(«« mark of liit ablUty. Tho kuinmtir p««o|iln at* generally Iran' i frifndi at I- ■»« l-"t tlu-ir. i'umi at you. Kathryn. They may flint ).)ii an Inl^rvmlnc punle. Ya«r l<»*itijt aunt, . IIKIII A f«-w tratlnrn of nutniPir MM*d to (ho Utual tmuiitlr.K of creamnd aptojirb m.'l cauliflower *;!«» a dainty flavor Satisfactory Store . ■ , ■.•■■■■.-■■- ■■■ Service t« what bMtif» lh« him famil iar faro* back In our alor« ac>«xia aftrr •raaoa. Tlm übm aailifa-(lo« that |-.'inilnHl» of our •l*a4|r run town bar* rnjored la trad las •lib u> U •klllnc for ft>m alau l«t u» prut.' It to ma la la* tn»Urr-of that n<-» Bummer Outfit )num going to bttjr. 'Moat fii-cyihlM: that a orw —<-TprTthlnic it.a' . !-•«! —In r^atti !>• •■ Bummrr Aj j»»iri (or mm. *nm<*n and cbildrvo, la hm» r»> fur gai lti»f<f lion. Yoail Ilka our jirl<«-» — you'ra boartlty *«>lcs>BMi to open an arcount *ltk Ml (or •nri&lng M>)witMl, Eastern Out fitting Co. Inc. 13 13 1* Second Ay, ?O» Union 81. -••altit Rcllakl* Cr.dit nMour- SCRAPS ■ (Ulnlrlo iJ'Aiinunrl... th« famriUD Itnllntt dr«m«M»«. la tin.. ovt»r»«-» --ihk Mm cuniirurtlun of hti own M-puUhral imiii'Min ii' wbl'h I* \m Inx carried ">'l ■" ''" h«ad artbl l. r | of lh» I |.IM>O'« <«tli«.ini Th« (»nil» ti to !«■ <•!« '•••« i<> tba nourci iff lh<- rtvrr ('••warn, m prominent in U'Annunxio'a wrlllnx*. It win" prolmtila (hat lh« tjrpl r«l Mrllißli woimiii Xi»- woman »'■ n-prtMsnta. tba rrmiuln« portion at Ibaa* natlona lat-tudH In (be tirlt> i.h rtniilr* will In fifty ft ir» not l»- (b« KiiclUnwrimaa. but tbi ".)■ --llUl Th« fc'iji' linrl'j Of Him i ..|.. Dial woman It '&•■ MM wlfn wlilrb «!■« luiiii.iii-n b«r <i"-iliiii,< her iMtfl ii mi her capacltlfj.— lsiwiuu BwrtllT Th» kal.ii-r'* ».<-»|n-' '»• !• 1 uvaota arc ocra»l"Oally ulartlml by S d« mftanor which rocalla • Clallk >uu f tain Tli* 1/ Mil him the "Emperor of til* French." and (!>••> ar« rlxht. fnr of all <;< nu»nii dir Hmperor - Startling News in the Drug Line FOX WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY CUTICURA SOAP-2 for He !'< »NI >*S EXTRACT SOAP—Pir rake ifc PENN'S ANTISEPTIC SOAP-3 cakes for '.•;.*& BROWN'S BLOOD CURE—l»er bottle ..........SIM Sjwcul—3 bottles for .... ISA FREMONT CRAPE JUICE— Per pint . ..Ik Per quart ..;.'.'.JJc ROBERTSON'S GRAPE JUICE-The world's cum ; •oft drink . per pint ........i'.JQc IVr quart ....."^.fle; ALLEN'S POOT EASE—Rfffuiar 25c «s; spedal.!7cT LIQUID FOOT HASE--Makes the good old Mfnim tine cnjoyablf. Uuy a liottlc and have happy fcet'V*2Sc '■ PEROXIDE OF HYDKOr.EN—McdicinaUy pure. I It* !!r for ....... ......:A..«e COOPER'S NEW DISCOVERS $100 ptr bottle; always get it at the Quaker for .....Sic Big Sale of Shavers Necessities at unlieardof prices continue for,Wd^ h.|.iv and Thursday. Be one of the lucky one* aadj get in on this sale. Every STANUARD make of safe-; tv razor in the V. S on special sale. WEDNESDAY ONLY— offer the Quaker* ip» cial oil! style raror—very finely tempered and booght to sell at $3.00 each. Everyone guaranteed. Wed nesday only .Sll'i Wllilam .. e«rUlnlr tha'i^ •■ moM roa-nMH • rrncka2*!J? urn of thlnt. wniurjt?* <r»fk JokfiK-HarU Bi*cl« k 1 '.<»tna«Q b Im '"' ht*»m 8al»lBl I.m )u, t !«„, ln^ ■ *«« whlrb. «f| Pr ■"•"•« \«fU btoek of marbl* , n tbV^ 1 .: - Ui,h fummua CtlviS: I**1 ** '• < !•■ !i ri'u'ury actor." **• U. S. Navy Yard Att aboard for th, Mw Nebraska. Orneon «»&* "■ phla. lh« I'rlauiut,|» 2?!** ■ I'lt.r 2at fl;3ft, »: J(( .I^ 1 * "«*'• 1:18. I:> 0. 4:19 f. ■ VLS «« -^