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LAST EDITION VOI ft NCKI94. THA W FOUND NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF INSANITY SENT TO THE ASYLUM REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES FOR MAYORALTY NOMINATION I WILLIAM PITT T"IM«Lf. -1 fM*try raondool th*t William I*. Trimbl* will be nomlnalrd oo Moada; and be!l«-vr tkaJ hi- will nat>< not U-*» Hum l.ftM |.lnral |ttji«»T*r UM MCMid h!«h«>»l ran-IMal. In th# »<<«," aald l> C'Oun •ver. uuuMMp>r of ih« Trtmbl« eamr«aJitn; tkta momlnic.' ■efcTb* •nortWHtt * t«fUlra(i<>n J<-m<>n»tratp* ibo trrror-nJmn aud «Jrr)n« in«rr»«l that U* P«o|»»«-of , tb« rtty, ar« laktn. In tkla ton »*t TV« an- d«-trnain»<t in (hake off waliMW tulf la Ihla city. ITkla d«t«mJnation will b« n\»*—'<t In th« ■ r«tnni* : frum tb« ■ >ri f BMr> •UYtlon.'|9tflpKl|SSSßßoMW BBJKT«ryi«slrctiißita!HP« c<H>D»r(»<t with ; *hf «M!tt»«i has d»a»iMi [■bated that Mr Trimble Is o|>nm«l lo inaction control. *nJ thai th« --f wrhlnr iMdera and h«-o -hr»,n aro »'ii'i»>rtln« olbar r«n-JUiati-» .'■ tVt'»h«cti>r» ar«» n«tw ih..n.u«hl. c»m*lnc«l ■■! thla fact an<l will fujr'aai tbat coniietJon In th^ir r<MM : ■':■ .- Tkraack««« the rami<aj«n Mr Trlmblt* ■ aad .. bla - a«t>pun«rra Uin l—laiTi a tborwishly cinan and honorable rampalsa. which |«aaaot a* aald for *nmt> of kla oppua>iat> -' llm han cnn<rln<«d tan— t«lm aa*« heard h.ii that b* U fraakl) alo«rr« la alt of bla artloaa § tad l« all of hit utiiT»n- a»<t that: k* atanda far; rlraa. decent l|lßßildpal;B»«*fmaw»t and a |*llcy of ronilnnnl law enforrwwMHlt. 1 I arafrnalTr a», •• a» pual(i«« la It* chjiract»»r. . * '9MHHM 'Bm^l {>»• mi ■ ■-' tbat (he attafka »bu-b ha«e b*»n maa> apoa latr? TrtaiMr !la , crrtaJiiTquarter« lta»t< bat nPvMNMtai '. to; bl» ■. ad ifwtaca.'kaTiag' rvactvd 11 -.n , tho»« wha'ar«; r<<«pn««lblf>' r.., thnn la»dI a»d ; aaoa ; tk# randld«t» the« arw i»-i't«-»« ntin« bt« kaa r«*-a a |ato«i»'f cootnt. Ta« pjophi ar«> laklac a<|taaiaa> of la* oppor> ftanlty lo Mfr*M tb«a>M>|Y«* In i«.iuir». aud n«i*t Mooday *ff.»,«i» •Ml I tba '•■ aMjOfiaallr they ha»« u,u aV^lrcd ° -. ' REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES ALL EXPRESS CONFIDENCE fespedm Managers Tell The Star What They Think if the Outcome of the Primaries on Monday Next. £**£ tow of th* leading r«-put.l!rau £My«n}ty. candidates, William P. TrtmW*, John F Miller. O-orge P. J KneMl sad T Joan X Humph • I •J* tmt »ttb publlr • «utt-me nu lo §*rewfl*-nt)y claiming tl>» noro iMtion In the primaiiM next Mon ™? "' "• ' Millar claim* 's*' tfc» moat .pwirir, going Into j™» f«llua of ward* and nlura!! --«*• Ifce TrlruM.- claim b»ing but BWe; Inw v p<»«ill*- til* KIMUM-ll ; claim Mn| tom«w|uit more elusive j »««• tae Humphrt.-* <-laim b*lng IMMd chiefly on th- i«ii-ilar char* LJ cJ* r.o* tfcat candidate's campaign. *»• Milter claim ha» about It *** of ib« political aouod than S(bomi of tke other candidate*. a J«w<l which t« nlmont abeeat Iron «M nad« by j^g,, lltnaphric* tor BimMir. :n claim* that Milter will 2S?i boUl Mr- Trimble'* ward. tb<» *»». and Mr Rmuelln wart. th« »'»nlb. and tbat b* «lil carry bit ••a ward the Klghth. by thrf« to «« Ai«, It «,.* to ij^ leneth of «JWmm« for Muter 60 per c«nt of «« total «n|« cast In th« t"i>»M\ ■^prlniarf«a. ■Wli .>. Trimble and th« Ham wsm eUtm» fti.t.-B« ihn confl ■•» that the penpl* ar« weary of «wne rain, n conviction which «n beii»v.. will fll , fxpretwlon In •Tote at the prtmartca. «•<« of th« llnmphrlea rlalm la ■Mmprwaioo tb»! cacdldate haa ~»r>w! In camfialsniK tho city LT" h a pbomtxraph for m com won and roicrtalßJiiK ar"' mc»t --* it.- p^n.ig, mwV of th-i Trimble claim there iJZL w*" dlrp«e<s and well at ;*««led •i»aklnj J campaign, ax w.ll .: ■* a thorongb canrasa of th« city ?T ffrcnUr •ter», which ranraaa ■««,i? t, tii!r <1 lr' * "■H<''H..n of r" ' ■ ' ; .• <lgi I of ►up l>t7,'w Trimble at th« polls. ..." of tho Miller c i ajm lhere |g Uii n^. oli of • ■maber.-of ilraw o*n^* L"!r n hy ihem in Prominent ■m, iJv.Vi!!,' I,' •hown UrEe piur aSttt ■' ln '« TrlnkL »ll of tJir*o «traw bal ,, „. ], M»wb lo (.<• th.- a«c r^MW man in ih.. n«>, while ■■iwiL h". llilul"' bfn thlr<» «n< otWP "* f"" rlh - Allthr.«of Ih. "*«r candldalea answ«r tho UjSc of ih«c Mlra* ballot* by d-rlariuiC ihat ih.' MtH ca»t In thrin do not mill—«nt * tkf rl»-«. ' from : which they «'»|>ort to draw their support, In all of 11h<»«' ■ ballots : th'-rt-■..has !-<•»' a' significantly Urßc < ¥.»t.- for Mayor Moore. iliiijilin th.- fart that "til) M'tMihflcan *«><••< wore' asked for- • ' '.' BIG PLOT REVEALED (By UnlUd •rwi.) IJBHON PORT, K. i. If Openly admitting the iiMUM of a wul» spread ■ plot" to: establish a I'ortu ««"«" republic,; the Imperial - go»* • rnment today piilill*h«*.| an order forblddtsx i utillr gatherings of any kind, giving magistrate* full power U> deaJ with polltlral offenders, and threatening--* sever* penalties agalnut thi>«> guilty of encouraging null monarchical activity. I • —_ - ********* * * * * * * * . . ■ ;:-;-,. :-■,-..-: . - ■ ■ * * PREDICTED DEATH OF ' * * KAISER WILLIAM * * (By Unitad Prat*.) w * PAIIIH. K.I. I^-Tbero was # * a i;r.Ht Rathering of notables * ♦ day for funeral aei fleet of the * • Intl. Cardinal Itlchard. It* * transpired, Diut ! a f<-w hours * * before th« death of tbn prelate • . he predicted, In a kind of * * trance, teat Kaiser William* w • death «<>!ilil shortly follow hli * • own. w * • *************** JAP INJURED J, Mm!ta, a .lapanr" laborer, wa» brought Jo I'rovldrni hoxpltut laKt nlebt frmn Granite Falla with a broken thlsh and Itijiirl.'H about the head. H« waa knocked down by a bolt of shingle*' wblcb Wl upon him whlla at work in the mill The Seattle Star JOHN f MItLC". "John V Miller will t«»hi; not Iras than M awr rwut or all . ihf>.: TtKvs cant in ; th« ir|iiilillr«n - i>tttnart*a nrit Mund«y.' Mid Jim« [I. Worn), mnu't i.l itt< Miiirr ' eampaien. thl« morning.' "Th<- athor i» par rt-nl will be dlvli)<<d l amou* -. the ' * olhrr candl -1) 11 ii^ißlipijflplPi liHii ipi'Ujli liifTßTOfTirwpgriTi^--|y' 'jlTOliJWiMimilnl The »11l f»r«Hl 33.10'J •>>• lb« Hit Ih* bookt : ; rkaM- at' tnUtniuhl tonight. Mint, lhan on* t,n!| thai > nunitxr, * or ! apprmlautlrh ITJM* viiii-#. will <»■ ra»i la ihr rvpubllMU primaries. I t«l|.-v»< thai Mr. \li!!.-r *tl>» grt i.ol lm* lh*n 11.T.V0 Thla will makr htm an e«»> »ininr ■ ' » "I i-M"'i Mr Mllli-r to carry «rr) yard In th» rlty »lih th* : * f.lCWptlon Of tin- t-irit. *htfh t am wl'lint in riHifiilf In Mr Hu> •r-11.. ll« will cairr M« own *anl Ibn I Uliili Ihnw or fo«l to onr, ■in.l I <-i(Mr<-< htm t<> carry Mr. Trimble"* ward, tb«> Hfth, by at trait ihir*. tn i*oJSoSsfit^gfHMUgKtK : ' "Mr. Kuwwll will nut carry hi* own w»id lh# fbMrrnth. ll win lix rarrl«-<l In Mr. Mlll<r. Mr. illlU-r la «tron« In all o( Ihr nu!l>lnc wmi4n and.will u«t b l«rs- »»!•• In all <>1 thrm. *n*b« ttronit (wltw* "' Mr, 1 Mili<-i'» eamt«!gn l» bit app*«ran<<e brr>> tb« voterw.. If* ha* nut a cir«i mini <>r ihim !»<•• (» ran, unit ■. doing ■•> haa won tIM over '" li>> attpport;"Tb« rn'huala*m : • lih ' bki» thf m«ii »'.. «i.- f..j ■ him -am • •u|i)Kirtln« I blm la tin- U>tind.«a. ana I lirllfir. xiillirlv nnl>|H" In Ihr |rri««-«it raoi|«i|n "Kn'in ih«- atari h- haa KkM thn |XHipl# lnl«> hi* <onfld«>ncr as 4 told Ihrtn exactly tb* KH..I of a<trnlnl*tration ttr>>x|MH:la to gtv* th<n» If h* l« rt«-«p«i. Thin I. Ihr kind of a rampaigu: tb* p»»pl« waat. It I* «bfi kind wbkh ioni>uat>d> tbrlr MM) for • caudl- IBM II la *kal will rar.j Mr. «11W to vlftory.- •♦ • * * .'•SSSSSS2E*" * * * 'JEB§ESSSSgSSaSir :i LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER • « * rWl«trnil..t. mill <;<>•»• at the city hall tonlxht at mldnUht, * * WiifH thO '«»..- rl-MH> <nnlKht vnt«-r» «h»»r nairn • lia»i> not i* ■ * U-ea ptorod on ih.-m «lnr-f> Jannaiv ; liwlll tw iJfiilpU the rtgkl * # to partlclpjiti* In lo« primary tlwilon on Moiirta) ♦ * Tb« primary i-lwillon «11l b« ti.lil on; M.imlin >• ' . - :J ♦ * I*oll» will lx' u|*tt In ill* a««eral prnclncti from. 11 a/ 01. * - * ~-to B'».''m. ■■ ' ' i ■ ,'»: - - ■ .'". -*•■'**!.>,■* * Th» i-I.Htor tiralrliiK to panlrliiat* In lh»> prtroarlea will :b« j ♦ • f!i«i r«j>ilriNl hv , ih«- pr«:lnct rlrctlon officer* ato i.a> »lilrh *, w • party primary h* «l»»u«-a to imi'li i|mt<- 111 llr will thvli be ♦ * nl»,n the ticket of that party. ll< will tw r»qiilr»d to row for • '* % each: lndl«l<l<ial candidate by ptaclnc a < r.Hia atur the nim« of • * tbat <«n<ti.lii'. ♦ * I Kl«ioe» ahould HBHiwlxT that the |irlmarv election la not * • an election In the proprr "tin- of that wnd. h>v l» nirn-l) • w a blc party conventlun for «ach patty. Karh vot«o t« ikthim '* * ir.| i.» nartlcipat* In '> •■ convention of th« party ol hit < holr.-, • ■» but no,voter '« iivniiltiiMl to partlclpato In morr than w * party. • JUDGE HUMPHRIES IS CONFIDENT "I am making no fl«ur.-» I am making no booka. I *m making no beta on the outcome of Ibe emu p.-.lan. a»l<) John B. llnm|ihil»'« till* mornln* "I expect to bo nom inated, in fart. I was never more rnnfiii.ut of anything In my llfo. the people Will decide till!! COD tfiit. and there Ik no precedent upon which to hit*» ■ guess of what Ihn people will do. 'i"l believe th« people m< tired of ilmk rule. I have raßde my cam paign from III" tH-|rll!lilliK Ii cam palxn of opposition to ring rule. I bellave. the poople are with me In thi*, and I believe they will show It liy their votca In tha primaries. This It their opportunity, and If I am any |mlg' of Ute significance of the surface and concealed Indica tion* they will solve Ihe rotiti In favor nf my nomination. "I have made mi iMillllrjil cam paign. I Imvn maintained no head qtiartiiH I have had no cttinpnlsn I manager and no campaign commit tin to stand between mo illlll tli< peopla to tnalrn promltns for mo to special Interest* or to Involve n.. In |ili->lk'-h of wlilch I do not ap prove and which would Incorvcn- Icnce mo If I becurae mayor. SKA I II I- WASH . SATURDAY. I-KHKUARY I. 1908. , "I have conducted my campaign in>M«lf, and mr hi>aili|iii>rt<-iK have been In my law * office, which 1* open to »ll rnmera iluiliik th* busi- MM hour* of the ilay I nave takeu my ramlldarv illrert to tin- peapl« I have diacussed with them the Issues ol ili>- : campaign - and told them »li.i" I stand regarding them and wh»t I hop« and expect to M compllsh If I am elected. "Itbelle** that this policy wilt win. I In il. \< It Will \m |>W| 111 the voi" that this In th. kind of a campaign the people; dealrc a,nd approve." GOV. TOCLE RESIGNS (By Un.ttd Prr««.) 11KLENA, Mont., r.i. I <)<<* James X Toola this iiiornliix filed Mi resignation with tbo secretary of Ktnti- 11l health »n Mtrli as the cauiin. il« will be succeeded liy IJeut. Oov. B. N. Norrls. The row- I ernor's health baa been baj for some 1 tliiii' It Is believed that he will I k«i lo California to rM< during tb« ' remainder of the »mi>r oionae r. RUSSELL. |° ji>«l»!i i'ullin», < hulrnian of ih«- Ruwl! campaign commit !••••, faMtey ti|>r«*M-<l Ihr uttno«t confident* that Gvorse P. Ilumll will ,b* ifc<- n«u«li)«i'«if the fiiublli ait l»arl> (or iumjoi »in-n (b« vuu-a «f . lhi- |.r',m»f» «-l*w-lli.ti Monday «r«» routiti-d I "I hfll«»r Mr. HiioM-lt «ilt win lhl» n<inil»*Uon b«c«iuu< b« h»« made ■ cl*'nn ramptin." iutft Mr. <'<-llln«. "uriil Im-an**- h« tuut had tb* .in>n«.M i>rK»i>l»»ti'»n ot.tctUnprrwmal workers that rv.r en nar<! In I <-amp»lKn In U)ta rtiy ■ The ItiiKX-l) <«rK»nlcatlon hat T»d f»cr> "aril and ptwrtncl In ilili rlt) unJ Urn cl**n cam liaign n>fiU.Mi» ha»r tin t *t!h approval alt ovrr th« dty.•-»■' I ? "lam »a(liif|pd that th«- |k^m■!<■ of K4-attl»- recoinltc that Mr ■iu**ll« ii|> nrp m rtt> trea*ur*r ha* i trtveti klm (h<- knowl •hl^ tha> makn littn th# tx*t r«ji>l[>[ .-<J c*n«ildata to carry oo tbe iMialomw uff*ir» of <IM> r!ly of Hi-attlc a» Ita chl*f etocuUvn. '*} "- *\\ i- UrTr "• the "' i*x>pi<> iof 8«attlB ar« "dnslroni^of aot-iog a re publii i'i*)!>i rlrrti-j and { that •■ tha v<iii-i»;; ncttfnitm i that Mr Rwn,. *:anda tb« bmit chanc« of bring elected If ooiuinat<-<]. fur thi> •aaon ibat h* 'and hl» frlrmU ha** rvfmlrn-U frum mud allnc : Inc -'.Ther* will b« bo 'aoto apoli lv hral' If - o«<arge T Ituasell' I* .Iherrpobllcao nomls**. and whM» tho t»t*a ar« cottnted I txllrw tb* p«o|>)a of thle dtjr. will ; have rf*Uter*d their apcroraJ of clean Doiiar*" HIMHHMMnMHfeMIi ARE HELD UP AT POINT OF A GUN J,jH.\.\Vwnian., of Tmlrr i • *jr. tu ■ h«|.l up by two own at ' ; ttM! • point jof a • r«Tt,lfer '. n<-«r * Bl> ! t*rnth aar ainl "., t'nluo * ittr at *7 of L>rk la*t niKht aad n:o and a : fcliv.T wan h laken. T * •. Aft*r ib#> bad ,taken , hit valuables ' uables . tbe ' hi«tiwa> nn-n ' offered him i«i fam home. ** jiMieph - Hut»lt«, a »-lit(hli-r, tv I h*ld up half an .hour later .11 B««enia«stb ay. and Y*sl*r way ' and rublx>4 of 140 lo raah. a gold i waUh ' and two " ch«-k» foi t> j each,'- ■ KILLED IN A CYCLONE (Or United Pr... > WKHHON. - Ml»» Kil' - I*—BU per*on»;were killed outright by a ryeUme whlrh laid want* a »trl|i of farming country thr««Mjuart«"ni of • mile wide ntnl m-v.ral iiilU>b long Juct north of here,' I hrm> other persons w«to : prob ■M> famllv Injured, and many ■■ore were Kll«htly hurt when tMI lioa-.fn wcr<- blown <li>»n A MCN brought news of the •tonn aud an «pß<-al for aid «Thrw [>tivKirlanß started In car rta«- <"• tin' Klilikoti district.' , Th« dead and injured ar<- , all »W!<>. '' The itono - strack about 4 o'rl<i.. I. yesterday . afternoon. , It raaie from the im»Ui wt-iil sud dl» --abpeared Into' 11,. riorlh^Hiit ' *'« * * ************ * * * GREET EVANS' FLEET. * * (By Unlttd Pre«« ) * *. ■ I'UNTA AHK..VAB, Feb. 1. * * — 1 lie (111 linn ' tctnii r Yancs • * inul several prlvatn dtf-mti * * ships, thronced with excur- ♦ * slonlsta, have sailed to m«et • * Kvans' battleship fleet off * * Magdalena Island. Thi- fleet • * weighed anchor and saHcd * * inrly today ll'illl I'lldlM'Hsliill * * Ilay, "ii inllea west of where • * the KtiMlt proper begins. * *<:,-■ •■■--„- * *** ************* NO HANGING ' FAIIUIANKfI, AISKka. IVI> I.— Vii«l<i Pertlcb, the convicted mur derer, illcl not expiate hli crimp ttpin tt«lny on the KHIIuWM. I'resl d«nt floosevelt i iiintiiiK n reprieve I unitl March 6, when an appeal can bo niuilo. The. nx-lhoda of th» robtxr* wti tin* name In both> can?*, and tbe dearrlpUon* iof I th«; mm % Indtraie that UM unlit- i tnt'ii . did both J'>l>*. Concealing Ibemselvr* .behind tt:l«« --pbonn poles.,they aped out «hctt | Urn» vlrtim ai<|inMirhrd and Ibruit ■ revolt«r. nd*T hla note, - - • Olt of th« thli-n-n waa n; Qcgrn of huce »lie. He Rrahhrd . thr v| c ilin by the | neckswith. ont> han«» and »Mh • lh<- i oUM> i held i the. re »i,lv»r 'whilejordering the victim I to bold up his handsy *********** * * * * * * * * BANK CLEARINGS. * c_^j^__^*'ffMMfl6B^^MM"* * Seattle. . i* * i l.iirlnKi today ...f» • * Ualancoß ...... 112.5T4 4I * * Tacoma. - ♦ * (IrarinKa tnday $507,3r.7 * * lialanrea ............ 67.7(5 * * Portland. * * I ring* today |T>l.44J ♦ * HaUnrii ............ M,7i'i'i ♦ * '■■-: • '.-• (?:■[. ■.:•, ,■" . * *************** THREATEN STRIKE (By United Pr*»» i KAIRIIANKS. Alaska, Feb. I.— Fifty-sli |.ii<lni-Kx houscts «ri»n r«p r—Oßtfil at a meeting held to con sider plans, for arbitrating, the la bor i|im-.ti'iti which thi>'»ti'iiH (hlii district. I In- tnlno workers Issued a d.ecreo lh»t ht'itlnnliiK today nil miners not receiving $5 a day, board and lodging, wiiulil go on a strike. The operators contend tliut they cannot ' LOd this and Will ll' fuse the demands.' BOUND OVER FOR TRIAL John Frailer, who ehot l.i- part ner, August Nyqulst, at {South-Scat tlo on 'in 9, wa» yesterdny bound over for ! iii) In tho miperlor com i Ullil.l $1,600 li.uiil- on I charge, of I'Hi.uilt with Intont to commit mur der. Tho prosecuting wit tit was hold 1111.1. i $800 bond*. ONE CENT THE wrATMBR—FAIR TONIGHT AND SUNDAY; CONTINUfO COLD. Jury Deliberates Nearly 24 Hours—Vetdict Stuns Both Thaw and Evelyn—Scenes in the Courtroom —Possibility of Early Release. (By United Press.) NEW YORK, Fab. I.—This after noon Attorney Littleton appeared before Juitice Dowllng and argued eloquently for a writ of habeas cor pus, In an attempt to have Oowling commit Thaw to a private asylum Instead of Matteawan. The pr»i tion failed, and Thaw will have to go to Mjtteawan. There was a touching reunion be tween Thaw and Mi wife in the j ante room jutt outetde the entrance to the Bridge of Sighs, according to court officer*. At toon ac she •MM Into the gallery Evelyn threw herself into her hueband'e arm* and sobbed: "My Cod, Harry, they knew best, but I want you with me —oh, how I want you!" The real facte In the jury room proceedings seem as follows: On the first ballot last night the vote stood eight foi acquittal and four for conviction. After dinner an other ballot resulted: Acquittal ten, conviction two. This stood throughout the night. Finally, be fore breakfast today, anothsr went over, but the last man's scruples couid not be overcome. On the last ballot it stood eleven for acquittal and one for conviction. After a conference between Little ton, O'Reilly and Peabody, Justice | Oewllng was notified that counsel for the defense would not oppose I tha order committing Thaw to Mat ' teawan. Thaw's wife and brother also participated in the conference. The prisoner will be taken to the asylum en the 4: 39 p. m. New York Central trsln. It is possible that proceedings to ••cure Thiw'i freedom will begin Immediately after the doors of the •tylum closa upon him, and this is understood to be, the; plan of the counsel. (By United Press.) KBW YOHK Fvb. I.—Harry Kendall Thaw " will, have to *i>end ►e\.Till months In the M-t'ti-awan anylum for the rrtminal Insane bo fore h«- fully <i|ilate» \ bis debt ■to -. . ,i i> j for takinK the < law lln i hi* urnii hands and committing the mm <|r-r of Stanford White on the iilklu of I.lie 15, lm.'tWsV^pqMMlt This was the verdict of lh«- Jury this •nonilnn after a w»rle* of de liberations lasting over a period of alnnsjt 24 hour*." The derUion was made ft public shortly after , 12 ' I* i-lte the fact that both Thaw and -; X v<ly n' had " been warn- ;by , i.ittlf'tun that InrarcerHUon In Mat i trwaa was the best that be could r.-.wsn ably hope for,";; In " view of Justice Duwllng's Instructions,", the iMMN of the jury seemod to stun HARRY KENDALL THAW. both |of the | leading characters lin thin mirdld , tragiHiv of passion and l>lo<«l that ha« occupied the public <•)«! fur f><) loni;. • Arm* Around Thjw's i Neck. ."•■' Gasping, "Oh. Harry, how .could they V <lyn Thaw limk-Mj away from tho group i>f Thaw rrintlTaa that mit i<>iiiidt-<] her In the ttmrt room ,i;nl rintiK : her armx around Harry's ■ n«>ck. her quivering form pressing close ■to bis. Tha» didn't seem to reallie, ihi full Import of th«- verdict. * Appar ently, h« believed that freedom was already practically within Ms grasp. The awful shadow, of the electric chair li.ii! been removed, tho grew mini' t>li.iilnw of (he. K'">y .1 VIIC walls Of Jlttttewan a|.|'«ari»d. If It rmstiiMi, his mi Ml ■at nil, It was M tndlstlnct and Inconsequential shadow. lliuilns In hts >;irn like,the In cosant roll nnd surge < f the angry breakers of tho *ca were the words of the foreman: "Not guilty ou lli<> : ground of Irmanlty, 1.-.t. --»ln< right to claim tomor row as his own—was his again. Thaw Rel.i»e». la<l H bo recorded that Harry IC. Thaw, "whlui knight" as ho wa» pictured by IVlphln Delmas, or mentally weak as ho wiut dr>scrlb*d by Martin W. Uttliton. ihnußht of liliiiM'lf and only of himself la the crucial moment prior lo lh«* mail- Ing of i!i.- verdict ii. was fright ened. Ills vyca buU»«!, His lips wor« iißhrn. Th« horrible i.-uin> Of 111' chair of donth api earod clo*« lo him. Wli. ti " • und he mi Hfi iH-ill- i!i .• I >•' . • I In 11. court JUDGE VICTOR J POWUNQ. / ;. ■-,.. ■• . ,v.,--—•■-■V, --.•...• ..,' " l>«pltiK from lip to lip,'tbe runor I spread that DM jury h.i<J ; afreoi. The Morning in the Cell. - The appeara? - of l^fljn Th»» and Joslah : Thaw affirmed .thlc' i:v<l) n ' and , J<i»lah had ■ (pent, UM; morning' with the prisoner; In hi* cell Id the Tomb*. -, ; ■ , - ' It, waa; not; until 11:40 itiat thfl . ! Jury tent for 'Justice: Dowllng. fot lowlnn the call for the Jiidße. Thaw wu 8u mmnn: also . his ; ; ,, family. The crowd In tbe court room," re> alizlng ' at last ; that . a wrdlct oai filially > been aitrwd i upon, gripped thetr aeats In aufatj and Interest. ■ The i court t". room tvu % packed." Tho atmosphere palpitated with the excitement of > tbe; moment, f- Tbatr was apparently composm! until th« jury j ancarrd. Then J his V sallow face recorded.the;fear that racked lilk . brain. '• Xv« lyn was : painfully , nenrouß. her hand* * fluttering; from I her hejul to her, tap, and ' from her| lap to herj hat aiaW&When Cl«rkg Penny i read I the verdict, her j fac« f lighted iup ,; for an "; Itibtant, th>n. realUing IU full Import she drooped i waIn,ISfRfIgMIPQBfBHMnMpMB Immediately after I the ', hiry , re- ] turned Urn verdict,- Jnslir«> IJowlinn ' committed \; Thaw kto ' Malteawan, j "subjoct' to * poMlble; "very." ;, j ■' The ; Jury was \ 01.1 i Just! 23' hours 1 and {la' said . to have '. taken: a dozen j i ballots. Th<- J last i ballot j prior,' to ] the diHl>-l\r one ttttMid nine for ao fUlinul I and; Xhret for (tinvlrtio« la ; some decree lose'than the first.' Mrs. jThaw; Swoons. Thaw's; mother * waa not ' present. ■ The news waa telephoned. to her at her ; hotol. It Is said ] she ; swooned when the verdict was told to her. ; Both * Littleton J and p Jerome ;; at tempted toi inak.« ii motion; In tha ; case • after I the I verdict ■ was ' given, but , Dowling ■ in.perlouxly wave»l the attorneys aside and committed ■ i Thaw toMatteawan. :, °', : = , Thaw ; was , then i taken . back ' to the ! Tombs to await further action j of the . court, which ' will probably occur ; MBM :: time ■ next week. In the meantime,* Littleton will try to have Thaw confined In a private Kiiiiltarluni <>r ; may ■ try <. to Induce ) the court ito ' appoint an : Insanity coiumlssion to i>i>ss <m Thaw pres- ; ent mental condition." Commitment Made., ,- In committing : Thaw. '^Justice Dowllng said:: "Upoa all testimony i In thlx case the court; Is; satfnfle<l that i:;itil of rrcnilom to th«> de- iiii.n.t would;be dangerous to tho community hi * liii. 1- .The .' court i therefore orders,* In the Interest of public * BBJaty. I that this defendant bo ro-commlttcJ to . the / Tombs' priwin.i tbenco transferred 'to the state' asylumfforrr the criminal ( in sane at Matteawan.": Aa Bl concluded AM.'tni V,; I.ittle tou nsked that the order be hand sd down at once. * but ' also asked that a stay bSj granted so he could confer with his client; The court ; declared there woald be no action: before next week. 'V MAY ENDORSE MAYOR MOORE • of Srattle Will 111-ill I.lit Cl'll • -M.lllt, yin th( M .-.l.iy, Kfli- In accordance Ith Its practlc* In this city in preceding elections Ihp party will umlorse other camli dates for the several offices where satisfactory candidates are offered, but lv cases wteru noM of tho present candidates aro satisfactory, » li; put up candldatea of Ha own. tin- rouven ii.m »iii i r ■