Newspaper Page Text
EXCLUSION LEAGUE ISSUES MEMORIAL TO CONGRESS P^ißtis Compete Exclusion of All Asiatics From American Soil Gives (.rounds of Protest Against Immigration. ■ W North AmcrK-aH \«4«tlc 'Srt, W»tw ft.nvrtitl.m. «>«»• fin. Of !«• d.1.-K«l«». »23 Of at* native boru Amrrlcan. •ad f twit* «wni. «J»1"-<1 • dor* ' *•"' » » Hovr ••( a law "aU^ tb» adffllßtitf*tlv» and .MMrtft-offlw™ of th* Tnlted Mttrrtß* Into any #«r^ «Stk iW l*nßtl th« ru!«»r of any Ooat »> >>' •*■ «7ta what amntwra, «hall l*av«. tfcs taM teiru« cvantry tor |wr «*<« e< tani!«r»tln|l Intu tb* [altfd SUte*. «»d >our B"'w «WMt ttl'<>> of HifM*. -r Dr«l»t* (bat M) iuth •«rr*m«al vtU i I*"- «»•«•' •» iulw^rvtrnt M ti» tr»iB(k«« «nd poiinn or tt« I'«lw4 State* and • brtrayal of lb« itßtU «r •■■Hill rtili*n tkll*, tad JOOt meteorUlUta fur •ar ■ S I«'»!f that th« Incomlnc of im MUntt.4 IBID th» rnltwl BUtr» |> a nittrr for douratlc l»1>la Oob aad rrxuUtitvn and la * i <•■ roeatlT* rf coniiT«»» and of eoa . t;m\ r ifea« Tour in«mortall*u forts* r PTMMt acalßM thr cmpk.jmeol «f A»iatlfi on board UMBU Ri let tar Amcrickß fls(. '" Ut* «• ttwloa of Am«r(ran *«*mrn al«t> ta ik'lath'B Of tit* Amrrtrai) l»t. :pi jour MMaortalUU |iray fur ipwdi ■ rMctttrtl of law which »Ui proaiMi the waptoym««t <>( AiUttc* ,-io all »—■')» fl«)t»a , On act. rir»o Hac or la any branrb ar ; 4«ii«rim»Bt of thai.-it.v«- Hr>Vt. Creufid» «f Prstttt. ■ Toar a»»uf'^i't»l« tsaln •in ■haUrallr prM*u »t»ir.«t the ron " Hhun of , A.'iCc lamlxratlon, •poa the «S»H«d nn-ond* «l Anwr traa - vatrittlsm aa« for Ut« ■HMMM •• "r '-, i ' . Plnrt. Ckai tJ> Atfattra romtnc - to w meet/yarn »atlr«ly iw>r t;( *l vumeiitwi . of ntlvtty »sd ; i«a Fto.-|-«a! ami ottrrly \wJ\i- Wiiml tojatii. «f dUtbJtrsint ,la» ttttm «f AlMrtcw c:t!:. n =*■ -TME GROTE-RANKIN (OMI'ANY Complete Furmthert o! Homes. Steamboat! and Hotels :ffiChrC\_ 11 • 1 11 f T T #Mid-Weeks_le i-v v"• ... _ ...._ _ __ _ _ '' ' ■ ' ' - - I Some MidV/eek Bargains in Yard Goods 1 sitlf it!!*L!! <l ri irarf' <l '■■lr1)» K«n» <r»atlty rmw* Curtain \V# ha»- ■ f*» mil. of U*t ■*'■*. »Mm la vt.lth •nil Mm||b rnin dot or k—tiirn 4» ■—•• -*«*»• « «•«• °» ■» »>r klldta. asstry ..r talk- -l«.;«Ula«l^rin^M7r -**'"* >>"l">rn* "' '»llU> "" I j"J* »te«to»i. jPric« •« '<>' Al MS.IWr.k 8al« prk«» a •*•! cloth aflll oa hand Tlvbim. .....I. **WJw »He r*rt; tjwi.l. . Übt^eoyc'riasn m*V - bT'hld"^ WCMI " >*l|U'l» p*- - *5c '2^7'"' ••• Sr ■mall no«t: x»nl. Th»- lot Include* rnnnjr »pr 7 **' ls«y»rfl; «p*ci»|. • T »rd K««ul«r 6»« yara; »imh-I«I. a jr»r«J j prpltv and dainty tmttrrns. «n.l KtnhVileVarf* ■'^.'tii'i'"^ „'",""..'""!' •••••••• •3»<» will be on na'e tiimnrm* a( Ju»t s^*L. ..r. :. T^.Tjßf T^.!^/.^:*^ !v*.«VJ «-«p^. lys^.y.rd. Not 'I*wUf M«y»rd; (peciaj. « yard Rp».iiar <i' yard; p(-rlal a >ard "vrr ls y»r<li l<> any opr «»• i "'■•• ;-.-l7tf % .... 2."!* 1 jtoajwr. • -T^j ' -_ X Special 15c I^3 J^^^! Special 15c fea/j;; r°3 n« ilti lni Cf* l lUrk •" m*<l" of Mft: may b« had In wrHth^MKl W^\) M Jy^v A. 1 T mr*4^ hook.. luck la MM to b« r«atrnml to *«ll «Ilh VTf-^Y I \/\/ I Bllr^ t*°, bl? l b^lnu prn*|/sw!, on« at ca«h »nd; lh» r.-: IC_ T_\ _J»| j til- . t J «»r price C f thli rwk I. 35c; .p^,,, prlce for tomorTO w .IDC L —— — *-**5-:2^.=r" w V Mii-Week Basement Specials I^^S^r lI.M Klektl-Ptated Tea Kettle; apcclal tomor- Special $29.75 J> r"w O."»<» Muff-1 lll<iKtr,i?m] In made of a £&£hn ti.Zi Food CTiopp«r; ap«rUl tomorrow ..S5«- quart«»r-»awrd o«k, and may B |rto ro<Kl Cfcopl*"'; op^'al tomorrow h|.u«i ,h. ad,'" f, I*™1 *™ or *"athcr- B i'Sifff f\ -c .i i it • ,» ■ , » . pd finish. II.tH di>i liN- to[«. 41 I 4\ W • : '•'"' T- '■'■• •"«•"•'• Inchf* ... width; .»„ .woll Biff M&\ H ''"' Nl ' k''pla!<<l "'''"' Cottm .-■ • :i.-,r front lea drawrm, sm larit* ► fiLEji/'" ''•'■ Slckel-liatrd ('i«l'l'l«>r n;.«<-lnl tomorrow lli>-ri 4r»W*l and «l<>nlil« atOf if nB JJ • lOr ■■'" '■<'tni"'tHrnii» wliii l<-adod (9WVp •'•"' family <:i<:iv«-f, iporlal Inniorrow .{.,,• (r!a«.<> ilnnm Mirror Ik a S) £■ Ific Acnw Hour Blftirr; «i">ini tomnrroti |Or Krenrh Jw^r-lpd platp. Rtrii "^' I*^ I'm ■[-»■. 1'.1.h1" Mlm-IDK Knlf-. »p.-<liil tomor- lar prtea HS.f.O; COQ 7C r»w 7^ ip«!Clal tornnrrow ..<s£. Uif J ***^~ --. - ' L i ~ ~ ' ~ 1. . . i _*'' ™r t-PFniT _—__—_ 1403 TO Y^ii- WANT M»M Order. aii .^mrrTZ&&&*-<^*. o*!>ver,«, SECOND 1 i^T^#K^>jjy3P^n?Vß Carefully avenue ImZ^z£So*\* \iJ**>*l£~ •üburU.i ' \J^SS^^^SuBSS^ StCONDAVCJ Promptly s~iS^^2g|rjjß>2S!s^'^ AND p 9|r"«. BUY NOW UNION ST riUed. ~ . pay LATgW ' ■* _________ B«Htmd, the liili.mliulloii or thti Irnimsruoua and iiuua*»li ••1.-ni» nt into ttur national ||fi< will liM'Tltahtt Impair ami dmradn If not rffiHtlvely dratwy our chrrlsh ««d Institutions of nil i ititn llfp. Third, MM* Adriatic* are alien lit our ItWa «f |ta(rtnttsm. moml ll)f and high i-..iii-« pi|..i. nf I'brla tlan rlvlUiatlutt. rVmrth, thrlr iirrNi'ui,. !,, i,, | H • rit'cradlnjt ami ninianilnattnK In fluftir* to th« iM-t iitiatca of American Me, Abominablt Conception. Fifth, Vttfc ih.-ir low standard of llvln*. mitiaual Burn>uittlln«a •ud ch»aj» labor, ih. cooiiltult. ja forniMabl* ana florco cuiutMtl tloa H»lMI mil A tiif>t I- ■ n ijitttm ih«< |>iiU«> and nlory of our clvlll ».iil..ii, and unlru prohibited by , rffveUve IciUUtlon Wt|| rvmtilt In itr»p»ral.| r 4»fii u.ratlnn of AJMT ican tabor. Slitb, the >i"« in inir mldat "f • '«'■:• body of Aataflr. ih. --rxuit-r number of »h«mi «iv artnrd, lojral to thrlr owu covrrn iiuiik. fnirrialnlnE '•-• liiiga of djla. tniit If not of bottllliy to our |-.. |j!«\ without aoy allcKlanrv to our Kin.-rimunt or tnatltiitUinf. not •ustalalng Amcrlrßn llf.. in 'Inir. of tw*c» aa«] «<v«>r r^adr «o re • ix>i>.t to tba cause of tljrtr own nattona In time* Itll UMk« tb.»,. A«latlc« an appalling n,,.,,.,, la tfc«. Amnricsa rv|iubllc. thw «H<n did «r(i!t.».!uriii wrmuchl by tb» •trons arna and 1...., hc-arta of thu i"am-a»»l..n tiillrrs. i»1,1«.U. and brrtam tn »n-i> »<tlk i>( life, FAST TRAIN GOES INTO THE DITCH 8, United Priti) BAN Hi.HS UIIHNO, C«L. F«b 6. j— -To* *««itt»>iin.| !4»» .\n X .(.-« ||n». Itwt on ftse San i*<ndro. \a<* .\»«fi. * ft Halt l<ak« railroad »*• rnxkni *»t Blfht at IVII.-y *UtlOß. uti ft mllra from Mu.i TW engine •truck « vajtlMd^B)! portion Df the track and ihr entire train of ». t. n r«r» left thr track and ««-nt Into ttM ditch, whrre It llt-i. at »-i tnilo of i% .|r«r«-.ii ll l» ultl thar ail of the {utMeitiirni mttn> mtrmruly «hawpu in., but thai nr> oo« waa Kt'.:.-ii or MTtounljr Injarcd. *mba»«*dor Reealltd. BT, PhTKnsmrßO. F»b. ».—Tl»# rrrnrfc tahitwl." M llotntMrd. whom th« Krmrh K>i*rrniiwnt baa Itall, Irfl hurri^Ur for I»aila. ll» »l!i -.iirn only to ir«rii( til. Irtifra of recall, vklch rtrtnalty •<■!<• •l>->nainl»«J l>y liumli. • OAKI APPOINTED • * PRIVY COUNSCLLOfi. * • (Bj Lln.lrj )>..« | • roKio K«b. 6—Tim offl- • • rial iiiitiiiiiiiri'iui'iit Ul 111. * ■ u|i|>niiiiiii<iiit ,>t Aokl as privy * * iMiinih.■ii,it will i..' mudu to- • • morrow, * • Aokl wa* rwrntly ifrnllrd * * to hq Mil from WitKhlngton, • • •'»'>■ I" waa Btatt«tii«l as th« • • Uilkado's . * POLICE TO GUARD CHURCH STEPS Continued n>«iliiam of boys, »hi<-ii i... <m om< or two nmwinM ooailjr r*ault*<i In brrahlnß up church Mrvlna, haa brmiKht a '•omi-laltit ttt tha [Hllil i- riuiu C. K. VuulM-r. Of 4U31 Aurora at., with Hi-' n-ijii.l.l fui proti < 11-hi Ufii' | after. \i'|'si i says tka boy* bav>> b**n «aih«-'Hia- Sunday nvenlnKs at tbo |door of tin- rhurch at r'ortt<?th aud I Whitman ars., Krvmuat, and durlnK | the hour of m r»lt in •■nsacliiic In liii.l talk ami ■rufntOß. dt-spltn tbe I mli'«iii of ihf it!.-nilifi» A policrman will N> lent to th» MM* Hunday alsbt ASK FREE RIDES A lart» tlrlffc'ation nf Klrkland if«lili>ot* a|i|N-M brfoin tli«- coun ty t'liniiitiMiitut r» tbla aftrrßQua to •irirn tb« !>(>• imlim of a fr<-«- ferry "f> l<ak« a«hHi«;i mnnvctitiK Hnalll- *nh Klrktand and tb» nor<h county illnttit't* Wbile no defin ll« arilao tuid !»■• ii t»hf«i by Ui« r»immi»»lotn*r» ut> i<> a 111-- hour. II l» r»««r*«# a* tl.iln lh«( ilu <<i!iimU*i<tu«-r» will u<>l grant «v.. fr»* ferry. TW <-.imi!il»«i.>uiT» ur«« that tl» --boat Hi. I can dv alll 1- to hare th« f.rry op«rtil«<i on a atrlrtly rash ta»U. and ilar.- Ihc r»>«t t«> Hit)*.' |mh>i>l« «h«> aro t«'|utr<Ml to mall lli«-miwlt.-» <•( lh« ferry serv \m at the lowrst |«»«l|.|.- fisui*-. Om rr»ult i>r the agitation, h<>» #r«r, will probably be (bo opera- Uua of the ferry bj tb« county ln»ii-a.| of awarding Ihr fraachl** for IU ir-,-<i»!iim to tiri»alr parlle*, aa at tint imi'inl.-il Cip««>tion BUI Rtporttd WAHHIMJTO.V. Frb. s—Th*. I' 1)11! a|>i>r«| tlatinc IJlo.ow li>r th# Vetted Hi«i.-»' partltipatlna In Ibr Tokio rxi«.»iiit.n. waa t» porlni ra<rnrabl» today b> Ihe , "-n«t» CMMMItUW <Hi fotvlga i<-la Mom Hlh SI,A II I I '. IAK - Wl.Drj/^KAY, I-'EB V 1901 •TUDBNT KILLED FOR ■ UNOLAR. (By UnlUil Pi... I HAN JOSIC, Cul. Krb. 6.—Wil liam ("<M>l<iy. a Htnnfnrd attidont rii.ti. lutliMpi-11. M.nil wiih allot and lilili'il early thla imiiiilng nl Palo Ml., will!" I'liii-iltiK (hi- home uf Wiiliii rblinuii by tnUlukn. I'hl man, tiilnklnc Cwilcy n tmrKlar, riii'il. ■MMlllllll ill" bulltit llllnilKll CiHilcy'a head. CLANCY GETS MONEY BACK 111. I. whs <i faint it l.n i.f th« ili'l Hull illnlim I i.i l>' . iliH intirnlnK whin John Clancy rullcd at i"iii> «• iii'uiii|it!ttii<ri« and n. < ivi-ii 1150 I«UI mi !■><■> whll h In' |IU( hi Mon day fur m K. Murphy. C, A. Mai ■hail ami li. 0. I'ait". Jiiilk«<« In th« Fourth j.i ■ i In. i .1 Iht' Klrat ward. I li> ' lihlU'x wurn mi i.Kitil day Mini liimilvi-iI at ikilli •• lii-nil<]Hui - lnr« i>n M I'lmiKc of violating it.. --• i.-rtiim law*, Mi Clancy »«vi l.hii for them in ill. mint'of !■"■» i'ui h and they «-rro ■a<ilt, (lib ••quontl) rutnpMlnK ili«'li work aa Jiid i;<-». John IVirv. <ti ■ i >lllv iiiiinlv «!tnr !><•>. *h«. llinlltnli'il Ik* |.r,K*«d linen, .11.1 not fullow n| 1,1. rtcilon by mi« n ootnplaint, '<>"l aftrr ih«« ititt-Ktu no iion «w takt-u toward i>n>>hiiiK Ui»- rmmmm. THltr SHOT AND KILLED. B, Un.Uil Pr.iO STOCKTON, lal, K.b. B—Fred Kill*, all r\ •-.iiivii i. who lias don« ilnu- at Ban Qio-tillii and Kolsotn. was ah..i In tbn Kllle saliMin hrre ihl» morntnK after b<> bad blown the »nf< and was In ihr act i.f making i«i) with a thotißanil dol lain K.I Larla tbn proprietor of tba Rlltr shut KIIIK .i- thr lall.i waa In tbe act uf removing thf aark of money. CHAMBERLAIN FOR SENATE (By Um<«4 P,... ) rOIITt.AN!>. Or», P»b., i.— Q«or«< H. Chamberlain, l^ni.H-tatlr governor of ' MJN will l>.< a ian •li.Ui.' fur tb« uffira of t'olted Klaifs senator. Mi ha« i.<-. n twtcv nl«>ritij governor of tba »l« ■■ as th<- candidate, of that party. 0r« --gon gat* Tbeodortt Hoosevelt 30.000 plurality at tb* last pn-«ld*-ntlal <•!< iflon. and >.i on« MM lalar r* •■!n'twl Of>t. ■ iiiilx-rlaln by ama 4 )orlty of 3,4»< over JanHM WIH.v combe, tb> nomine•- of ta« repub llcann HENEY MAKING LAST PLEA i By United rv.,, ) r<iitn.\M> Or*; Feb. 6.—Hit; lerty .'..rlim John 11. Hall as a l.uhlli- officer who betrayed hla tru*( and aa*Utr<| land ihl«. In |il>in.|rrlnic the ptmaM Ol Its , dominion, Franrla J. I !•■»••» oprne4 the eiita-rntiK-ni « final arrurarnt la I ihn Hall I mi.! fraud rajw til* morn jtnj(, H. will speak for tbe greater ! part of Hi.- day. Tbe drft-ns« will have lv Inalnx* tomorrow. PORTLAND BANKS IN MERGER (■> Un.t»d Pr... , rOIUI.VMi Orr^ Feb. 6—The proponed niHr«>r lx-twe<-n <h" dr.. funrt OifKon Trust anil Havlnan bank and thr U<rnian Aim-rlran bank «■■ fnrmally completed this morning. The OermanAtnerican la to pay thr creditors of the Oregon Tr.i«t In full wltMn iti>< nrit two inn without Iniert-at. H'-n I>«t Ih.viiti will hold th* M m-tM of th« Oregon Tnml until all th« llabllltlea* of Urn Oregon Trust and Savtnga ar<' adjusted. ALASKA MINE CASE. («y Un.Ud ■rmi SAN ITIANCISCO. Keb. 6.—The rnliril State* circuit court of'ap (mmili today bjatl' <l<i«n a <l<'ialnn affirming lh»> tliclnlnn of lh<- !.■». r cnart in ih»- cas« of ('. H OrlKga, wbo wa« <har«fil »lth obtaining n.■.ii. v nti'lt>r falw pretense* by fraueliil.'Dth r>'|i .wntinK tli<- rahM of a placer mlo# near Juneau, Alaika. Orlicsi was tried In Alan ka U«i yrar and convicted. • * i A Wise : * Man I* h» w\ kn*«w« *h«*n *n4 * • vhPrc to i<ittaH !>• »i-*M'!!n« # Think! W »'"i 'I" lv.l nil ■ i»«rt * *■( y-,t mttplto* frnm >^k to * ~ *##«, hnw 1»|tl * '■. Mi"! •!. »- fc n-»« «n-l ttimfw-tal Irmjfel* If lh-» * thallM -or-,.- M«ll>r* »" «f» • *X.l HfA 4 ff r«nl r«mi»oun«t In- . " i If .!'»■ ■•!(>.I alih i!ii« bank. * * Capital fully paid. 100 000.00. * * 4lh and Pike St. * * « **************** iiii RAVKft nil II I•> ■•►II- IOH I I -•« " int i« < <»M> \\r.. ' FEDERAL TROOPS MAY BE CALLED OUT IN ALASKA (By United Prr«. i I'AIUIIANK", Alavka, i.i. B.— t'miiii Hi a I i-M troop* from Fort OfbiHin limy br . .ill. 'I hem 11l |.M Vi-m inimr iliimiii!i-i.i 'i in- ralnera' atrik* bM faii<.i but tlirii' It a rrji li •• liiiir-ti tvs till Ii iliii'.ii.'i.ii In terrarUt) lh« dlHtrlrt by lutluildat- I Inn itun iiniiiti iih'ii. Tim 1,111. of ICithiT rrcr-k, BOO< iMtlllllK hrvi'iiil limi mil.mi null WaH In-11l tip tin' ilnr, li'.-i.|i'ih nf ii . iniili tmiiit tin* in .ii iiiiliiiil'it-i to ii-ii.ii n to town mill, i Hi. V. 8. Mhi.-.!i.i11 IVrry Imnn illiili-M BETS $10,000 THAT ROOSEVELT WILL BE PRESIDENT B» Umt.d Prot.) NH%V YOUK. rWb. s.—Much dl» --cusslun, pro and con, ... tho curb ami nn the fl<xn of ih. hi... h cx •■bu(•>:»■ him bfit>n cau««*d by Tom ijtnomi'H tir.'ni prediction that froild^nt II" imhi || » • <-»lnil would I"- ItiHiarvrlt llllllK. II Tbeae; POLICE ARE PUZZLED OVER NELL PICKERELL Nell Plckerell. allaa Harry Uv- InKM.m, picked ll|. laal nlgbt by Pairolman KU-inlntl was walki*<] la,tt>,headquarters clad In her com |.!■•(.. outfit of men's clothing. 8h« Is (will without charge for Investigation, and the |io|lrti are at a IfMa In know what to do with ber. nltht after her arrest her' iiHtthi -t i-iiH.-ii up headquarter* i.\ j t»-Vi.lm».« and to know If • In* could ■••r "Harry," using Itir xlrl'a assumed name. WHISKY LEADS \ TO THE ASYLUM »^(*p»«l««llv and nn-niall) wr<«<-k«-d. wt-* only tb« RH-nxiry of a past t/.*f* was I.Uk!ili"l at ili< ret? *^»rt?i of »iiiwhi, H.< v \V. 3. 'lijtlnil't.-'u. at onr llmr t« -t.«i.t«-«l as thi' rmttt r).»|iM-nl and !• .urn <i dl»iti<- lit Bcutiand, waa tmlay a<l J'l.'ijwl lti«Jti«> and mil'-ml romtnlt t*J t" tb» asylum at Ktrllaroom Tftf man was •tamllMxl l.> a >N«rd of'Vanliar) rirwrts In thi> superior court, who iioWWH him mrntal i i> nsbaianced. Thin Is tbe rndlnx rha|>tfr In lh« llfr of on* who f<-|l his blgh < •i.iir throush drink; a man of superior attalnmrnts, moral and tntiliwtu. who forsook bis pulpit and a >•■■ "ill «< mini to MB* In his Illlir land, f>nl> to stutablo Into ihf Idwi^i IrrrU ifach^d h» ih.- Inii-mi-'Tntf Tbcrw U f>»rry evidence that he | mad*- a eallanl Debt aiialn«t tka Inevitable > ltd that spfllm] ruin, but h" larlii <l tbo »lr.r.i;(li t<> *u< n»i.fiillv »iand Ihf a|>|xul of Uii- barroom. How ln« r:im« to Hralll. no nni kf«< v. >. iin,. day recently h« was takrn an a patient to Hi-- iv»Hr I KlHiTrr -■ -• liospltal and an cxiun- Inall'Mi «1«»• ..I--.I the fact thst hr ALLEGED MURDERER MA V GO FREE Joseph Uilllaniß. a uni. who ba* i."ii i.i«iiiifl«-.l by '!>• Omaha auihuriiit■« a* a man wam«-<l IM iimi'l'-r In that city, will bl !»•• l*>a*«»d from thn cotinlv Jail lomnr r<>» mornlnit. Wllllatn* wan wn 1 ni-rri M Aumml <• laat to acrrt! als iii«inttin In Hi" county Jail hem on a HMrW of threatening to kill bit wife and mothor-ln law, wh" 11 Vf In O>or|tctown. The mini preiwnt wlf. c.i\>- jli< police thn tip that I to thn local antborltlM communlcntlnic with the Omaha department, lly mean* of a BOOZE MACHINE IS VERY DIZZY *A well.oricanljcd and well rroni «il IU«tl machlnn hullt up for the pitM. etlnn of boozft Inti-r.nln in Wt-iii • Mill, was sadly deniorall«>d |BBt MondAJ when M.iv Wurdall llr'i-iiti-il r M. llnwe for thfl Hi'pnli li«'mii i mini Iliiiiinlr nomination from tbi^Fourteenth ward. Thl* inK.uilriiM.iii was first cie aicd to 'iiii't the emerKency i • t• t.-nt'-il to the h.iluoii and br«wlni IntnrrstH several months iv:<> b) th>' ahtl booze riiiupalun In I|M Ml ward, and Its first oampaiga that fur iin- nomination ol Councilman Behtnlti, »hh mmmM laricely o> account (if III!' .lllfl.ll'tll Inspired by Urn character of the .iinllil.Hi •elected. lint Councilman S.hinlt.- .li.l not prove to lie as useful ||| 111. council as they had expected him to be, and ih»\ did not cncouraßn him to enter tin- i.i. >■ for ro-elertlon, put llMK up I' M. HoW( Instend. Thct Went iitlt booro machine. Is iii|:iiul/< il and works under thn direction of Frank I'hul, with I.v i ii'ii Maßulrc, Arthur Itnymond and other ward hj— lnn as lieutenants and tbfi, liquor men of th<- ward hi lt'< tttnM uctlvo supporters. ('.mfiili'tii of It* abint) to doml l Httiuti in cjtiii clcyailii and I' ►'!■■■' mill 1., to I• i in*.- In iii iy in' int.i i .if tin rouiitiir flernt-nt In rttnip ■ »•-!• i will in- prrnLTVi'd, and todoy M.n !i,il I'i-rry annoiim't-d that h< would i. i|n. • i thn |in • i ii' •• of thn nolitl. ln-ni It disturbance! ..■ cm Kwiv pi.iiii (in tin- rri>i-kn Ih llll» working full tlllH with 111.11 union illllll'Kl 'llH' 11111 l I 111 I b<lng paid (5 a day with board and lodg luit Thn mini' owner* have m-lml fin proli ■■Hun mid Hilm will in civi'ii tr Hi., hi.i.iii m nui'-i come v, afford ii itlHtUf.iiliiiif hH. ■ finally l<-d to a *»«♦■!■. ili>- ttinoiint of which I* ncii msdo public, but Ih itupposed to in' about ti'i.'nm, at even nmin-j that 'l li«-<.■!'.i• HcKiai>vi>U would In' tb* Mil |>ti «iiii i.r tho drilled Hmii« Ii Ih aold that thn brokers liiaklflK Illln Ixt if|ir<Mlll |Millll liium of national lutp»itnnc<*. Rhn visited headquarters this morning and promised that If Nell were given her liberty she would see that the girl l«>ft llw city |m-i manently. IVi-iniM-iim for this was refused. Tbe rttl h»H tiecn arrt>al<-d so often that her face Is familiar to all Ihr poltea but she has never l«*n nun m i.'l of a crime. Offer- Ing imi explanation, fni tb<* girl's ptranitr lichavloi In masquerading In mail* apparel, her friends appear to accept il.«- fad without protest. was ta the last 'Hi-.n of lh«- wtiUkv not. l^tn-iH unit |>a|H'r* In tIM iuan> clothing told tin. »iury of tita fall In iii« delirium h- raved' of wrnm anil Incident! v,hi<U lln K-'f <\ In his wrecked memory from ili«' day* <>f lit* glory. Inquiry elicited fuiili.-r '■■ta!l» of t)»- itory. At v last rwniir» II wan .|. i i.t.-.l In hsve Hi.' man tak«-n tO Sl< llac.pHll. «l|fM' bet Would tlilVa muff liberty, tleoovery Ur> ,:.inl< >l a» Otll of ' In- question. Her. W J Thompson, D. D, I,!,- D,, was mmml.-.| in Ui day a* IB* most Kiii'il illtim In (be en tln» fi'-ctiM.rv of Scotland. 11. --lalrr ••ui.t. «t the Church of Erie; land and afterward* came, to the I"n!t<-<1 Slates, embracing the K;>u cwpal ministry. Kor lh« i.ast l.'i M<«r» bis lift* h«K txw>n a rrcltal of a itrMag man's but In eff<«ctual fUht against the titel ll«' «-v<!i blmiH>lf In the »i!il- of llrlifnh < i.liiinlila In order In iwi away from il>< curiwd Ihpifir. but ill. mao'i physical ami int>nial «lHl!tl|l was M4|i|.'i| l.i Hi< point wlirrt' !;•■ could not withstand tin- ti ini'tMtltin. and bn tmw MMH oulv to wait ||M final rail wblcb will etoa* the sad raeora of an olbor nf lift" drrfllrtß. t>botnicTaph wiiiihiiih wai i-'t-iiiv. --\y itli-iitifU'tl In Omaha m tin- man wbo tcvoral \« axo trl<ul to i-ilwm an I'tiilii' family, on of his \lrilnn dylrm t'UWt lK>nabu«, of Omaha, th«t loeaj police that uffi.-r* would In wnl afl<T lh« mitn Imracdlatrljr but up to the pntMiit do further word ha |.«-.ti r«cel*««d, and Bhcrlff Sinllh will allow lh<- .ill- k< itnuili r bia (dtiliuii at h o'rlork tomorrow iiimtilMK unions additional iu«trnc tlnns are received Ikiiii 111. Omaha |K)llC<!. n«»«" lh<- ward again In a primary election, this organisation selected as iiH candidate C M ll.imi- who wait lixil.i'ii upon at a limn who nuuiii "follow program" murh rnor* f.iilhfpiilv than Councilman Bchmltz Mr. Mnwii had beta v member of ih<- Went Siiiulf couiiril and had a iß>nn>v t'lilm li'i-K HTunl on the bonze and franchise questions. Hut In Monday's primary 11. etlon the Paul orKanltatioD pnroum tka iial thing In p.iliil<:il i >j>|-< isi tlon In ili.- candidacy of Max Ward all. Wardl U emphatically nntl Jimi/.i- and appealed lo tho rl< rtm.s on that prunrum, offering h Hiii.- Him nf other progressive tmrf clpiil polli-Irs. iii- rit 111 paln »■»« an ag- Krt'Bßlvely .i.-ii olio, and wln>n 'hi votes were countod Monday nl^ht his iippiiiicnis found thcmsvlvca siiiiwi-ii mill, i hy ,i vote of 318 to 407. Tho iiH-iiil'i i • of Mr. Paul's or ganization mi', ns h ■'.>iiM'>|ii<>nc«, I'lmsiiiK iln iiiHi'hrs Mill! 1111 l .11 other mini.l and i i.iiii.l In a circle, asking ono another how In thr world It could liave ii.iii" in .1 Like Homo other Interentu which atlampl I'll to IlicillK. «111 l til.' new primary law, they have received a m.'MHanl' from 111. people. CHARGED WITH BREAKING LIQUOR LAW .".mi v.'.iH-.ii.n. a wnil«-i In tha Ami-rlcnii raff 1, at Fourth ay. and I'll..- at., will bo tried In police court I ililnv on a rharKo of i • Hint liquor on Huiutny. Th" Jury wan drawn today uu follow*; 010 ll.m •on, M. McTt-lKh John rutrjain, Wlllli ii,. ih i;i..ij-i- Di i. ti and J, T. r,i,i< i ■i.iin Tho iiiti• > lit W,iil-lii' drew nv4 of Hi'- •ffortl of ili.-,|.i,!ln- i*pMC> merit to ftiturcK tin law i»H«hiK( '< SEARCH FOR BODY OF HARRY HUGHES Seven men worked In a drench- i iiitn-1 w;mli thin morning, tut lflj{ rnlu on 1..-<l»• - Watthlnt'.t"" n<;<i the qucat »v» r«'i»um«;d ibla afi< r \li-im r Ulund lan! night (o !• i (H'-r noon. it,- body of llnrry liuj-ln «, i<him . i'.i|,l;ilii Aiidcroon, of tba Ander of th« f.ii-iinii.i.;it frorothy, who fell »on Hteumbout company, who has overboard and wax drowned Mon- directed tin- k<sii«-li. will keep « day i.Hi but without result, crew x<-an t.lui: fur tb« t«>dy until The ri.i;,|.iini' hook* at OIK tlma It i« ri"»fM'l "i all lui|M! I* rauxht what I* Ix-lU'Vfd tn have . ,'l'll.'-'! l««n thf lj<«ly, hut It 'ii|,|".| away I lliiKh** w»h nrnrrled thrc« heforo It could b« hanl«d to the «tbi bko to Mlhx Minnie Wilk«, ■urfacp. The h<avy rain preveut«d « Itallard criK-il rlrl. TACOMA CONTRACTOR GETS $180,000 JUDGMENT (By United Pr«.».) TACOMA, Kib. 6.—Nelson IVen nell, the well known contractor left last nlKht for Holm-. Idaho, to col lect a Judgment of H&O.OOO which has Jiut Ih-« ii granted him by thn state, supremo court In a suit against tin Twin Kails company. Thn suit grew out of lh« deal ings Mr li.-iii,' ■ had with the Idaho eorporatlos mm years *?," In 1904 In- look from the company ,i contract to dig the first. 'i'< miles of an Irrlcratlon ditch which Is one of the largest, if not Hi.- very STORM IS COMING Local shipping wan warned totUT i > the U, 8. weather bureau that a ■tortn at cuu»ldcrable- intensity iiilirli' In- «»|.< (t. .1 during (tie aft ernoon itr..| lonll Tbe Morm Is approaching from ii«- iimwil direction and ia • ntral . over HiiiUh Culumbla, moving •lowly towards the eaat IliKb southwesterly wlndn with rain ml •■M-<•!.•<! to make up the fury al tin- gait*. At Tatoosh at ii M today th« oiihl ni blowing M mil. k an hour, at'ctuii;-«iii« 'I by an taiterly rain. PARK BOARD PAYS. The park board, through the Charity Organization Borlet) paid off tin- unemployed doing tempo-1 mry labor In tlw public parks. Tbej : «rmg«« i-itiit out today im for '•"■ M>coii' wiH>k, and Htn«'iiiit> <1 to t1.002.Cl One hundred and thirteen linn sbarrd tae money. Last week 113 men were given work and ! f 4G0.3S waa expended. UNKNOWN OFFERS LIBRARY SITE Or;i< offer of a site for BM "f the branch Carnegie uri<*ti was made today to Judge G. A. O. Itochester at his office In the Baile) building. Tho off.-: was made? by a resi dent of West Seattle and will be made In writing and directed: to tin- library board In a I< * ila>» The name of the donor will not be known | ill.ill l\ until thr offer cornea to ih«- board In a formal manner. FUGITIVE IS CAUGHT. (By Un.ttd Pr....> CHICAGO. Feb. 6— I'.i.t Callan der. the .liiffntr who Qporatl tho Hi|'o!)idli!!<' In whi<h I'KMiont Older, managing editor of tho San Fran cisco RulMlß, was kidnaped sev •ml roontha ago and tnkpn from S*n Francisco to Santa Harhara. was MTWtI here on a fugitive warrant. Callander expressed a willingness to go bark to San Fran cisco without extradition. SOCIETY MAN JILTS A SERVANT GIRL . B» United Pr «■»«.) BELUNOHAM nb 6—The first breach of promise suit filed In Whatrotn county In ><-:tr* was placed on record when Mary l'ear son, a servant phi. started action to recover $5,000 damages from Olaf Sanlbom. n well-known society yinini! man of thll town, »hiw father Ik iiromlnent In business circles. The »imian alleges that on December 24, 1906, ihii»liiii« eve, Olaf iii.iniM.l to marry her, but that he proTi 'I fickle .mil never carried out his I'.ut of the con tract. COWEN STRIKES MAN AND PAYS HIS FINE A l> OOW4 li . WhO, nut Inn •)m- i Itj ol Sf.itii. ■ raluabla park in 11 »• - DOrth <ml oi lh( paid a Rm "■ | In Ji ■ in on a . of aaaanll iimi bM ■■ In n land luiilf Cowen accused a man iiiimiMl livers if 'iriilm over nome niortj;npvd ju i ■-< ii.i 1 property, which whs mi|i|him'i| to have been ii.. li,. iii. called Cowen h liar Rtni the lint, i struck tka man in Uh' facp, Cowan did not permit the case to >-'ii to trial. ______________ .iiiiM Kahlow, of 004 Twenty •■iKiiih ar. s. ran away from boma yesterday and his mother hai asked the pollot tn pl( i. him up. Ma li tl medium ba4ghl for his ace, and wore a striped rail and iofl linr» hat. Mi: Kahlow thinks the. IK>* is rooming with newsboys. CSfol which M •iiKpfftH of ««Il- I»K liquor on Riin<tov Inforn leading t., the »rfi of the »'>' in •■i» w«H hard If i obtain, and in, offlcsr w»« dotallad to K»* H In i (:••■•( • I'i'lilnlf The Uquor, 1' Ik charged, waa by tic- walt<-r» In teacup* wlmmi th« mufiimiT, with a wink of tkn I"/' »?)''. iii*"« "cold tea.** A Tha w<»h<.(m my mi- cuwtoinera krni«?*«i tka ii^" In and <i«r«d It out of a bottl* tIH-iiiwlve*, flargeit, la the country. It waa a heavy ploce of work, ranch rock excavation Im-Idk encountered. When It came, to a settlement Mr. ('.iiinitt thought he was being rob [bsd by a fraudulent rlagilficatlon, i and. ii|»iti being i< fim. <1 bis money, fil«-d a lien on ili. ditch and the company's land, about 270,000 acr«a In extent. A little more than a month ac> an opinion waa banded down af firming a judgment In favor of Mr. Dennett In the sum or tU0.060, and allowlai the plalntlf attorney fees In tbe Miiiu of 110,000. ************ w ■*> * WORK FOR 400 MEN. * * * * (By United Pre»».) * * POIITLAND, Ore.. Keb. B.— w * Work ha* been ordered re- * * sumed on ih<- Oregon. Waab- w * ington ti Idaho railroad by Har> * * tlmaii, and over IM M will * » he put at work at once to com- * * platl the road, which Ii to be * * opened for traffic within »0 * * days. Thn road Is to operate 1 * * liilwwd Raparia, Waxh, and * * wlnton, Idaho. * *************** TO DISCUSS EXCLUSION After a tbort business MMion to nielit o( the CfiiliHl l.alnir Council at I^abor Temple, there will b* an open mwilni! for the public in h*ar tin- exclusion »jn< otinii discussed by ■!. .-»a'> - to OM convention UiK bctd in IMa <•!(>•. Andrew Kuriix<-th. r< j rcn-ntlnt; Count Seamen » union. who will go I to l>>n<lnn thin year an the delegate of the American Federation of l^a bor to attend ch<- Britiak Trades Labor congress, will R|><-ak tonight if be arrivrg In the city Id time. WOMAN DIVORCED BY RABBI 8. Marko and Mary Kanarls, ar r—tod by Detectives Peterson and McClurg on a warrant sworn oat li\ the woman's husband, wore dis charged by Jud»:>- Gordon this aft ernoon for lack .'f evidence. On the stand, Mary Kanari* testi fied that she if no lonsvr wife of thti roniiilainlnK witness, <vlttg been (ranted i divorce by Kabbt Oanx, of the Orthodox Jewish church. SOLDIER PUNISHED. For refusing to undergo a ourKl cal operation otii.n-l by the post surgeon. Carl 11. Morton of Com pany 11, Third regiment, at Fort l.awion, was courtmnrtiak>d and ■MOMMO4 to six awinlln at the guard hoUM*. Ho will also forfeit 110 pa> each month during his con finement RETURNS TO SEATTLE. rVrlarlnK that S. ■• ■!.• la Rood enoiixh for him. Charles D. Hay mer proprietor of Kaymer's Old Ttook stor*. has returned ■ from a month's absence Id S|K<kanp. where he Is interested In another book store. Mr. Ray mer came, to Seattle from Minneapolis. WASHINGTON, Feb. 6.—Sena tor HfvcrUlKf". of Indiana, today addressed tho senate on the sub ject vf tariff, advocatlnß the »p --pointment of a commission com posed of exiMTis whoso duty It will be to get the fuels relating to the tariff problt'iu. BIRTH RECORD. nirths were registered today as follows: Clarlo—To wife of Q. Clarlo, 2415 Day, January 31. a daughter. Crnnur- wife of C \V. Cra mer, Haluler Bench, • I'iuary 3, a -Ol! Graude—To wife of t_ nrniidr. Brlßhtou Beach, February 3, a j daughter. DEATH RECORD. Deaths wore registered today v follows: Kinklo K. Fluklo. 54, January 31, Providencw hospital. Ilrown—C llrown, DO, January 28, i'i\ivicii'iiii hospital. Ili'i;k» —A. K. lIeRKR, 03, niaiy 3, .10 Kast Columbia it Conway—Capt. K. C. Couway, 76, K.l.niary 3, 349 Eighteenth ay. north. \\ < -IM'.l' M Wegee, 2, February I, 604 Tenth ay. Wolf—lnfant, FcDruary 2, 3049 Forty-sixth ay. sniiilni. Smith —M. Smith, 28, February 3, Minor hospital. John— X John, H, .luimary 30. Providence hospital. Cramer—W. II Cramer, 42. Feb ruary 3, 1940 Foutth ay. north. 3