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CONVENTION TODAY CHEERED FORTY-NINB .MINUTES FOr\ ROOSEVELT. LODGE NOW WIELDS tup r» IIFPI THE GAVEL I luL AIriVLL . Permanent Chairman nd Makes Great Speech. i*wt'3k?* .-■--- ■ - ■■- -*---? ,; (By United Pre**,) COUSECM, CHICAGO. Jane IT -•fttr Tetsi.irary Chairman Mar aja* called the contention to order a tb* second day's session at 8 IJ s'cloci. Chairman Daagnerty g'iat creientlala committee, an- Itsstd that be would be read; to sat i report tn'about an hour. |i hiatal that; the committee SI le. ta session sit night and sty i o'clock this morning. Other* tt. be sat.l. It tntiM be ready to tart.^MpaaflßJ^lHanaMPß imte 1 taker, of Minnesota, and r«a*B Jar. « D. Connor, .if Indiana tat i art • attending their * flrtt rw ttbßtaa contention, were Introdoc a tod ware loudly cheered It wat taaouaced that tbe resola- Sus toatavlitet' "..J rej»t-j*d by a .BMißt' IS i to v .ITS t the J resolution jptderwl by Rerrcea-ntative fcrte of i'rnn.t Ivsdl* restricting a rtpr*irata'i.m of the Southern ma *• — I^^Tiurfct Will Fight -2 Strse announced that be would I Br-T J ait ; fight for the, resolution trUINMAN LODGE HAS A JOB THAT CALLS FOR SEVERE *L VOCAL EXERTION, tWetaiag i the southern repretvee ] hunt, to the floor of th* commit i at.** He j- said a ■ minority report aaMbt made favoring the reset-' ■"•a. 7?. The rules committee de- ! £ •*•* to "Increase .... represents-j fes New Mexico. Arizona and] .J*** from two to six dele*., ' mt%^^^=j^m*of^gMff*m*m*M*A_* utiitg interval! between reports. ;****«kisaTelubt paraded through jJ*saß sad there was much wild J"f rts* ami merrymaking. *t 'ka Daavllle. iiiinoia, Comrner n Ll**' h**rl,, ftannera marked ■•I *"*<" patted through Ibe agtitUl*. tbe band played "The ■SSI "ateel Brimmer." ftrrwtntnt Orgamtatioe. TV prtver todsv wat of'-red I^fe* Key. I)r. W. Waters. HUwATt EVERETT TRUE HAS A LITTLE MORNING DIFFI CULTY IN A COMMITTEE ROOM. Daring an Interim. Mrs. Iteatrlce I aftataber Krlangrr snag a sate from .one of the balconies, A large skip ply of Tan banner, was distributed through the hall. ■- Tee report of thn ra.mmltlee on credentlala mm* made ecoramertd tag that tha temporary roll be watte permanent.. It wtt adopted, tbrre by ending the battle of thn allies The report on permanent organ ization netl was received and 'adopted Oeneral Stewart Wood ford of Net* York, and Uovernor 'till DSBttB. of Ullsolt, were ap- (Continued on ,*.«* T.i AUTO JUMPS OFF BRIDGE I'barlea It. Scott, a wall known young atari of this .-I" and a party |of lh ire others narrow ly escaped Ing killed when Sett automo bile plunged from tbe iJaeoln road bridge, near Tacotna, early this morning and after smssbtng Into a : telegraph, pole landed upside down In the tide-it.* I Scott and a young lady named Stella 0.1r.n were pinned beneath the macblße. but were . .■»(,,• with only slight Injuries. The oth as two occupants of th.- machine .wen' thrown dear .if tin- automo bile and were hardly scratched. ' Scott was, taken to tin- Tacnma hospital, but at a MS hour this aft erooon It'was said: that be would probably bo out tomorrow. Th* accident occurred at a sharp torn In the road - * # * tttwmmmii****** . ajaaaa* a)a,. fftw aVtaifotTtaUb a * BANK CLEARINGS. a a —__ * a Seattle. * a Clearings today... Sl.-t57.841 a » llalancca .....,..- m.333 St A * Portland. * * .lings today . I * a iiaianres ........ 1t>8,7C1,00 a a m * a a a a"a a a a V'tTa a a The Seattle Star O SEATTLE) WASH., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1908. PRICE ONE CENT •**> . . .-** B<*^wjjYJaVBl**a>Bßtt WILD OUTBURST FOR ROOSEVELT! COLISEUM, CHICAGO. June 17— When Permanent Chairman Lodge mentioned the name of Roosevelt in his speech this afternoon there was a great cheer, and when he called him the "much abused but most popular president" there was another wild ovation". The delegates from' Nevada and others leaped to their feel and yelled at the top of,their voices. The enthusiasm swept over the whole convention. It was noticed, however, that the Ohio delegates did not take pal in the demonstration. Senator Bourne, of Oregon, "second elective term" boomer, was among the leaders in the ovation. ■ ■ , Mrs. Alice Koosevclt Longworth covered her fate with her hands during the great demonstration in honor of her father. She seemed to be unable to control her feelings. ..,* N. H. Fairbanks, of Springfield, 0., brother of the vice president, stood on a chair In a special balcony and led the cheering in his vicinity. When Charles P. Tift, brother of the secretary of war, was asked what was ths significance of the demonstration, he tephed "There is nothing in it: nothing al all. Just working off i nffalril ll|ll I I'MiLlff'ti M-*fll" IJirißl n-t i'sßii fe~.. -M- r y■ -i^r j^. ™-■ ■ .iaj;ifiii_,.aj;.. j-rng' m „ m ,„ mmt tm,iffr-q jaii tli.itai.iait I). ™*v ORGANIZED LABOR MAKES DEMAND LARGE SUM OF MONEY GONE STEFFEN IS A WIT TAFT IS IN CONTROL This tptctteltd mtn't Job is Is ittd the nip, tup. hurrtht vtbtn Ttft Is eeeninettd. PACIFIC COAST OUT IN THE GOLD Republicans Will Not Be Favorable to Any Requests. (BY KENNETH C. BEATON.) CHICAGO, June 17—There will ibe nothing doing for the Pacific coast in the reeelutlont tdopted by tht republican convention. With ington. Oregon tnd California will go en record through their mim bars of tht committee st opposing th* prttldtnt in tht matter of tht ; anil injunction plank. Through Richard A. Btlllngtr.ef ' Washington, tht coast Is repre Itnttd on tht tub-eemmltttt of IS Bellinger It a mtmbtr of tht Roetcvtlt ttnnlt cabinet. Since hit arrival hers Bellinger hit Ittrntd trial th* coaat*, would net hear to the anti-Injunc tion plant., which It lied bttn un dtratoed Bsllingsr would use ' hit influence to get through In behalf of the prt.idtnt and labor. There fore Bellinger will be recorded In tht dltcuttlent of the tub-commit tee at oppotlng tht injunction plsnfc and there will be nothing in ths platform regarding the de mand* of ths coatt for increased fortification! and nival strength Tht tubjtctt will be treated In a general way, but there will be no tpecitl r.fertnc* to th* Pacific and its demtndt. Washington'! request for smend mentt to <ht Intentstt commerce tawt, to at to requlrt a decision befort an tuthorltsd rste can go into effect when objected 10. will bt omitted. It I* a flood guess at thl. hour that labor will be dtfttttd In ita ] demandt, and that tht cost! dele rate, will be with th. victor, whin the fight It ovtr. LA PORTE MYSTERY. (By United Prtli.) I a I'i'H'i B, Ind.. in-.' 17.—Thn bodies of Mr. llclla Gunneta and four children were ordered by Cor oner Mack turned over to the pub lic executor, who ■a arranged for shipment of tbe bodies to letto for burial net! Thursday In Forett Home cemetery, In accordance wllh a request mads by Mrs. Guuness In h.-r will. Every Contest Is Settl in Favor of the War Secretary. a a mm a eaa mm** * "■-.* • I'OI.IMKI'M. CIIICAOi). June a a 17.-—llultetln—-Tbe convention a a baa adopted the report of lea a 1 a credentials coßiislttee making a | a the temporary roll rail i-erroe a I • neat, and ending tan % fight a a matte by lite allien It gtttta a a l art oter NO votes. - a ' a :'. a eeeeneeeneseeeae •V KINNETH C BEATON, * CHICAGO, June 17 Hecrwlary Taft tMkcarely clinched abtolute control of the nations: republican convention today, when after.l a session lasting 1$ hours Has «. dcntlalt committee by an .iter ' whelming majority, ratified the 80-1 Hon of the national •very conivkt over sesls la lbs eon ventlon., . - ■ ■ i T • re was no real fight Is, the committee Th*. proposal to'- en- I dome the action of the national i committee by a single vote wat op posed on the (round that It would appear to stifle a fair hearing of th.' cases. So tbe committee went over the 110 MBtMtl offered by count"! for Cannon, Fairbanks, Hughes snd Foraker,' I Tba . first , tote .in "Ala bama corneal was M to 7 in favor of Taft and showed bow complete ly be, was In control. The ' committee decided . to *.il> mil a report to the convention reicominendtng: " * ", "Thai the temporary red! of del agates to tbe convention at prepar ed by the national committee . tie made permanent." This make* certain that Taft will have over 700 totes mi th* first ballot.' —"•- ■ A small minority threatened to day to support May .'bailee A. li.a.iiwaiter of Indianapolis, In de manding that the contesting dele gates from that city be seated. lie Taft leaders assarted today,*how- Over, that turn an effort will he subdued quickly sail there I* !!•'. prospect of any serious fight 'over swats on the floor of the conven tion. a a * aaaajnaaann a * * a exawtafaPfttaiaTjira.Twffa'iK'B'frtn ♦> a WEATHER FORECAST. a a ... . a Tonight snd Thursday prob- a a ably showers; light southwest * a winds. * * wt - * mm* ay»o»»»o»»o mm a SAENQERBUNO OPENS. (0/ United fret*.) INDIANA POUB, In,l June 17 — Two thousand male voles will sing In an Immense) chorus at thn Coll. renin this week during the 22nd na tional musical festival of the Marts American Htrngerhiind, which opened hern today., 1 of I Germans from all oval the i nent are hero to take part In the I big festival. A chorus of 2,000 I , children Is to be a feature '.f I,*! festival. MISSISSIPPI FOR BRYAN (By United Pratt.) JACKSON. Miss Inn. 17.— ' Among the '.'ii delegates to the na-! llomil demo, tatlc convention who will he named by the state. con vention which opened here-today win he John Sharp Williams. Got. Noel, a-x-Gov. '. mi daman and Sen ator Kiiieii Indications am there will be no opposition I.i Instructing tho delegates for Hryan. a little .team." The wild cheering and yelling and waving of handkei i hiefs and hats continued for half an hour. Senator Lodge M dered the band to play "Carry Owen." The crowd, knowing that it was the president's favorite tune, went into still wilder demonstrations and the noise increased. ? The crowd then began yelling: i "Four years more- four, four, four years more." Lodge smiled. Then some one pointed out the president's daughter. The crowd -turned toward her. Alice took the greatest care not to do anything that would lend support to the demonstration She smiled, then hid her face again in her hands. It was evident she was in a difficult position. TEDDY BEAR RAISED A huge Teddy bear was raised high in the air from the newspaper seitiorj. and this still further Increased the volume of the noise, which teemed before to have reached the limit of human vocal possibilities. c Senator Lodge pounded on his desk with the gavel, but ] the sound could not be heard 20 feet in front of him. lie waved his hands in an effort to restore order and pounded mora The crowd teemed to have lost control and the cheer i ing continued. Says in Court That He Sells No Booze in the Madison Park Pavilion. * Sally Bleff.-n proprietor of the Mt»dlt..r. I'll Petition. I* a wit. t Me prated It this morning In tie police court. r So*, . listen to (hi* It's keen '. Hilly say* Me sever sella latoii. at in llijixir at the pavilion! And sot i . ff the witticism with a .freight •lace, loo' Even City., Attorney Rills De , Uruler .ta* forot<d to .mile I'erhapa Hilly meant what be said—tn a Pickwickian tense |At any rata nilly Insists that he sever .ell. liquor st the pavilion. It wouldn't be quite fair to go < back of the letura*. but anyway a Star • reported purchased a bottle of ran] beer st Hilly* hatnse garage st Madison park some time ago. Bartender la Flnad. • Hat here's lllr> joke on Hilly: This morning a bartender In hi* employ, Fred P.-rkoray. waa fined illtjO for aelllng a glate of wbttky Ito Patrolman Edward llagen last j Friday afternoon ' Pt.rßornt test! 'fled that he gave the liquor to listen but the tiatrolmaa, who wat tent *: to . Mtdison park In plain Clot bet by Police thief Irving Ward, any* he paid for the Imwiip After he i lac d Porkorny under ar -1 rest, the bartender threw the meaty on like bar, saying that be bad given the liquor to listen ' > ' Police " Judge Guidon failed ' to credit the bartender's excuse,' how* ever, snd the limit fine wat Ira petted. r- Appeal* the Caet. HUH, Hilly says there I* nothing doing. at the pavilion. lie did not like the Idea or having to pa. fIOO to the city, bo be Instructed 11. it torney thl* ■ morning to appeal the sate to tbe (Ulterior court - Hilly says bis bartender gave liquor to several other men Hie same Hagen purchased - The men had been fighting fire nil taorn tug and Ihe . Itsi tender thought listen was one. of them. , Ain't it a shame* CUMMINS r 1 , . (By United Press.) V CHICAGO, June 17.— The vice presidential boom of Governor A. It. Cummin, of lowa wat formally 18-tin ti. .I today, under an agree ment with faction* of the party In lows soil Willi the official While I louse Btsmp of approval. H.-tiritor Ikulltvr-r Is said to have bean eliminated from the race at a meeting of the lowa delegation at which all the delegates from that state pledged themselves to vote fur Cummins. One lowa delegate announced that he had rocelved positive a. turance Hint Roosevelt was "will ing for Cummins to In- nominated." This, following tbe assertion that and Ttft notified the managers st Chicago thai Senator I Dolllver or. Cummin* would find favor St the White House, la taken by many to moan that* Hie admin istration has untiled on Cummins. John ('. Montgomery, manager for John Hay! Iliimmon.l In his vice" presidential campaign, today ■aid "Hammond certainly will be placed In nomination. lie will be voted for solidly by several Wen. em .tales, and will bo supported strongly throughout the Knit and West. . "it Ik prolialile that the nominat | ing spetne.h will lie made by s Colo rado orator, at Hammond resided In tbst state for ninny years." EXPERTS AT WORK ON BOOKS Atkinson & Co. Find Ac counts All Tangled Badly. Will Ask Explanation Sec-Treas. W. J. J. Roberts. Suspected of having ttngltd up tht firm', fundi Is in amount vtr •cutty .*l!mt»*d at from 120.000 to US.OOO, William J. J. Rtbtrtt. ttcrettry-trctturtr of J. M. E. At kinson A Co., is under survsillsnc* pending . -tport from txperti who »rm now going over the corpora lion t books. These directly Inttntttd refute to dlicjii th* cats for publication, txctpt to acknowledge that Mr. Robert* It no longer with the firm ; tnd It tuppossd to be muddled In his account*. Robert* could not be tetn, but it *tiil in tht city pending a final accounting. Ht ha* with tht firm for the pttt 12 years Ht has hart a ptrtntrthlp interest In 'the buslnttt tines 190.1 tnd In hit capacity of stcrstsry treasurer, has had tht sntlrt handling of tht firm't money. •.. t;jggjßpaSsß Ditcovtrcd by Click. Ihe first tutplclon of tovthlns wrong came to Mr Atkinson from ■ma of the clerks In the office, who reported thai there was tome mis take about the lunik* A basly examination was Institut ed and It was a very little time until Mr Atkinson had satisfied himself that some of tbe entries hsd been Juggled. . Mr. Roberta,when charged, with being to blame, denied th.- seen* siliui lie Insisted that everything was sll right and that if the book. did not balance It would be found to be due to a clerical error. Mr. Atkinson Immediately noil fied ''lies Redelthctmcr, the well known merchant, of the fsct* In tbe case, and the services of Attor in ) nit-hard Kate Jones were call ed Into service. Covtrt Pottiblt Shocttgs. Flnslly, on last Baturday, Rob erts snd Atkinson mi.l their attor neys held a meeting and Roberts made out deeds In escrow' to prop .■it' valued mi $10,000. I.i protect the firm from any lost thai might In- disclosed lit the experts. Yesterday morning two experts were pined st work to mike a thorough Investigation of the books snd II It believed that lha .work will reunite considerable time. Todsy Atkinson said to The Stsr: "I do not wish In say anything about this trouble You can simply ssy list Mr Roberts Is not BBS with the firm. I cannot say what tho shortage is until I receive the report of Hi.- expert* We have two experts st his books." "I ian simply refer you to Mr I lledelihelmcr or Ml Atklnton," was the only statement Attorney . Richard Him Jones would make when Interviewed. "I have nothing to say for pub-! Mention," announced Mr. Re-del thelmer, when Questioned. (Continued on page S.) EXTRA! LAST EDITION. I • VOL. 10. NO. M. I The big Teddy bear was tossed from the newspaper sec tion to the Oklahoma delegation, where it was placed in the teat.of a delegate and made to wave its paws in aid of the cheering. ... ".... Two Oklahoma delegates engaged in a personal fight over the possession of the bear, and in the excitement exchanged* several blows before they were parted. Manager Frank H. Hitchcock, of the Taft forces, wat not perturbed by the demonstration. He was smiling as he walk ed across the hall and went up to the Ohio section, where ha shook hands with Charles P. Taft, brother of the secretary. This he did with an air of perfect ease, but there were soma who thought it was a sign of fear that he should consider it necessary to make such a noticeable public display of confi dence. The time of the ovation was carefully kept, and it lasted exactly 49 minutes, according to several "time keepers" appoint ed in the press section. During the ovation flags were waved, canes were pound-. Ed on the floor, old men and young men leaped up and down in the aisles. An Oklahoma delegate took off hit coat and waved it wildly in the air. yelling frantically. Give Plank to Republicans Anti-Injunction Question Is Presented by Gompers to the Sub-Committee on Resolutions and Exciting Time Follows. Hitch Occurs and the Proceedings of the Convention Are Blocked for % a Time—What Labor Asks For. (By United Press.) ■ Msbl mWmWmKmFfmmj^ggggmi CHICAOO, June —Bulletin.— expected hitch ovsf the anti-injunction plank blocked. the, procedure of the con- J vention this afternoon. After a stormy session the sub-com mittee on resolutions took a recess until 3 o'clock. The mem bers said the entire session had bean taken up with the anti injunction matter. It is practically certain that the sub-com mittee will not be ready to report to the regular committee ! before 4 o'clock, and that' another adjournment without any business transacted will be necessary. (By United Press.) CHICAGO, June'l7.—The labor plank, adopted by the executive council of the American Fedcrs tlon of labor was presented to a subcommittee of the committee on | resolution* of the convention to day Labor asks that It be planed j In the republican platform '.', It was submitted by Samuel * Comport, , president of the American Federa tlon In the following form: * The republican party Is In ac cord i with Lincoln when be de- ; clared: Tabor I* prior to and In dependent of capital, labor Is the superior of capital and deserves ! more contlderttlon.' • "The republican party hat been a tltuncb defender of property and property right*, yet It holds thst personal rights and human liberty are, and of necessity must be. en titled to the first and highest con siderations. ""Hill *H^']|^arttttWnf "Recognising the new conditions; arising from our marvelous Indus trial development, our people and the nation realise the fact thst the wheels of commerce snd Industry require new law New conceptions 'of lew- mutt be enacted to conform with modern Industry and com merce aud advance freedom to line therewith * "We, therefore, pledge tbe re- ' publican party to the enactment of laws by congress guaranteeing to the wage earners, the agricultur tats and the horticulturists of our country the right to organize, to the end that such associations or their members shall not be re garded as Illegal combinations In restraint of trade. "We pledge ourselves to the en actment of a law to prohibit the ! Issuance of Injunctions In , arising out of labor disputes, when such Injunctions would not apply when no labor disputes existed; that In no case shall an Injunction 1., Issued when there exists a rem edy by the ordinary process of law " .-*'.' "This law shall provide lhat In a proceednra for punishment for contempt of court, the parly cited for contempt shall, when such con tempt was not committed In the , actual presence of the court, be entitled to a trial by Jury. Want Eight Hour Law. "We pledge the republican party in th. enactment of an amendment extending tha existing eight-hour I law to all government* employes and in all workers, whether • ... I i ployed by con!' ..el. or by tub-con tractors, doing work for, or In bo half of tho federal government. ' i "Wo pledge Ihc-republleaa party to tho enactment of a las by con gress, as far at federal Jurisdiction can extend for a federal employes' liability act, for Injury to Uu- body lor lost of life suffered by eta ! ploy en." Continuing the pltnk demands the following pledge: i'A law to extend the federal Jur l ttdlction to grant woman's suffrage. 'To' , submit a constitutional amendment to the states for rati fication providing for the absolute i suffrage of women equal to that of men. - A taw creating a department of labor separate r from any. .-sitting ' department, the secretary at Its bead holding a seat In the cabinet. A law creating a' federal bureau of mines and mining, preferably under the proposed; deimitmenl of labor. A law appropriating sufficient fundi for the Investigation c, ot \ causes of all great disaster*, for the I purpose of recommending law and resolutions to prevent terrible loss of life in mines A law establishing United States government savings banks. Compere Presents Plank. ■-.'..-- . . . ' :.:■ Samuel Oompers personally pre sented the labor resolutions to the sub-committee st the Coliseum An nex, snd In - a speech said that a revolution ' would bo the result la this country If the labor unions are destroyed, or If they are treated on the same plane at "criminal, | trusts'' and monopolies. "We don't want to eat the' em ployer as sn appetiser before breakfast, nor as a dessert after dinner," he said, "but we want to. get fair treatment, and are going to get It. We are not anarchists' or destroyers of property. -We don't represent that Idea or that line of thought. "We are as loyal so the Institu tions of America an anybody, but \ we went to retain our right to or ganize and take our steps to meet the encroachments and oppressions of capital Exciting Scene Occurs. Wade GUIs of Ohio asked Gomp crs if It were not true thai there had been only S3 Injunctions against tabor In the last five years. "1 deny that." said Compere. The man who made that state ment did so knowing It wat un true.' "I made that Statement'" sud denly announced *1. A. Kmory, gen eral counsel for the National Man ufacturers' association. An exciting scene was prevented hy the 5e11..11 of Chairman Hopkins, who declared that there mutt be j no Interruption anil told Comport to proceed. .. .tapers then pro duced a document from the records of the house of representatives, la cluding 2.1 Injunction cases, ex plaining that they bad been select- ' ed from hundreds, Emory asked tho committee to examine be Injunction cases re ferred to by (tampers.