OCR Interpretation

The Seattle star. [volume] (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-1947, September 16, 1909, Home Edition, Image 4

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1909-09-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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Plan Ways and Means to
Outwit Seattle Nimroda
Who Take Advantage
of Open Hunting Season
Deer. antelop*. caribou and mem
bers of the mountain sheep and
mountain goat families were
thrown Into great excitement re*
tarday when they received word
via wireless It.at Seattle Nlmroda
W*r* oiling their trusty Winches
ters preparatory to a hike for the
Tor. be It known, th* open sea
sob for deer and th* above named
; fleet-footed ' ttentsena ' rat Washing
ton mountains and forests started
. yesterday. September 15.
tip ; in. the Olympic* th* dear
held a conclave when they learned
(that J. E. Chllberg, Joe Sehlumpf.
I Charles Deckingham. Bobby lk.*e.
-Judge Gordon and a boat of other.,
• were seen; ii,resting the amuini.i
j tlon BhBBBj about town.
""Well, anyway," aatd one old
| member of i th* ". deer tribe, "lid
Chllberg cant **< mora than four
1 of v. ortng the season ua!**a h*
i cheat*. And :I' find» Ed a pretty
j aquae* sort •of a chap
Season I* Short.
*: "Ttaere's one good thing, too. the
season closes November 1. I don't
mind, taking a chance with these
hunters, buL see on October ,51
Chi!berg and the hunch are permit
ted to giro m a chase with dogs"
"I don't want to butt in." exclaim
ed, a mountain goal, "but • I wish
those chap* would remember . thai
these would - NimrtMl* are not
i permitted to kiu nor* than two of
!as during the .i***a." ;
"Yes, and :s I . am ■ glad : that that
banter 1* limited to kill hut on* of
aa In open season.** put la a moo**.
';, "Same i »... - tor,!: u»." tainted
a herd of antelope and caribou.
Mrs. Doe I. Protected,
"I am thankful that the law pro
1 1cc* a* at all time*," volunteered
a matronly do*. >"-. - ,:
'.*. "And " say." ; not In a mountain
, sheep. "I do >;.-• those huntsmen
I win remember ? that It I. . strictly
against 'he taw to hunt aa merely
for our hide, and horn*,**
"And I don't forget :to slip them
, th* dope that It la unlawful to
) fir* hunt, trap or snare ua any old
time," suggested another member
-of the fleet-footed tribo.*f c VanMMlf
;'-* So the mighty Ntuirods of Seattle
who are about to set out with at
pacta:lon* of many happy returns
of I their : hunting day* should be
anlghty careful.
. Th* ' : fat'>.nlas » at* ;; Ik* .-.- aoraa
- aeteea swale* v.. is. taral whale.
Raaler* aa laa-al prr.4ar#, *»**« a aa*
tea*. * l-rlrca la all raaea ar* ■..
lea* 'la -^ varieties, aaralitlaa „la
as fraal.nr-aa : aa* ir.rr.l . vsc-tla-arc*.
hat I baa*, price*, salaM atbarwt**
larfl.-air-*. ar* - far < atrietljr. tlr.l
.: awadea. >■
:, *;**• *■* natter. -
-Vera-* ...... 7jT7T.. .',". f«jM** B W. SB I
Hatter Fat .11
But tar, ranch ....... ,n
NPMMHsM t**sti»»T.
Broiler. ...... ...... .11
ten*. lire. 1 lb*. over. .it
lte«» na.ler I lb* .... .11
Urn. or-.**.! la.-.,,. „ .17
Roeatar*. liv* lb. .... . ' .*»
Rooster*, live, 1b,.,,. .04
Turk*/* live. 1b.;..., .2*
i Turkeys rlr**s*4 lb.. .it
pucka, are***.!, lb. .. .10
i truck* lit*. Il ...... .1$
Itt**** „'.,i'. .' • ■ .**
§qu*t>*. «os*n '.'.'.'.'.'.'. I MS I 04
Ft****. doten ...... 1.0*49 l.t*
H*l«l*n hare. lb. .... -, .01
Mr.l.. Mr* -1.1,1
Common *t*«r«. lb. ... 04<*««l
Cewa. lb .......... .emu .•»*»
fialfer*. It» ......... •*%** .04
Hog*, lb . .*»© .1*
iFW •"■••• .MH
Wether* , - .04
.La.mba.tb. ... .05144) .*«
Choice steers, lb ..... . .**
Orraa** Meal*. -
Veal. large .......... ,040 .10
*V*at. medium .lot) -11
•- ra.iHrj I- -.-*.—a,llia*- i-rte**.
Ojrstr-,- shells. 10**, tan . 10.0*
Clam shell*. t6O« .... It.oo
Clam aliella No. 2. ton It *•
Granulated l.'.'.ea. I*o*' 40 0*
*■•*« rn'sl. 100* II "4
Hcr»lch fo.-xl. 49 -in. ah I.M
Common Hens* Keg
'<"F*od, to-It. sack... l.Tt
I* 10*. 15.00 per to*
„•;- higher -,-:..'
f/ee-rt—villas l-rleaa.
Western Washington
;-- timothy ... 14 MBJK.ft*
Eastern Washington
timothy MO* 14 **
Air*!'. 15.00© 14.00
,"Wheat i ,) ..........15. 10491*'. 60
: K**t^i-. .. Wsshlncton
„— doubt* con |,r.*»»t .. 27.0*
fats per ton 14.00yi5.00
Oats . Kaatrjrn W**h
■ Irs'-T. .............11.00©14.00
Bran, ten 16.00024.00
fhart*, ton ...........27.00ft24.00
_"Mslng*. ton ......,22.000t1. 00
I Barley. ..tan . ..U.oomxi.oo
>"**" wheat, ton 13 004)14 no
Chop, ton -It.004)14.00
Whole corn, ton .004, 11.01
Cracked corn, ton . 11*9949 It.oo
feed corn, meal, ton . .11.00© 14.00
lolled net* and bar
ley, mixed t4.0001t.00
Fruit— * ailing Prie**.
Apple*, local ........ I 0049 1.10
Apple*. Wenstcbee .. l.ltd 1.7t
W**>u plums .... ltd .10
Wenatchee l)artl*tt... I ttfl 1.60
troeal corn ........... 1.004? Lit
Wenatohee canta|-p*e. 1.744) »•«
Jx>cal blackberiie* ... l.lt
Local plum* . , .1649 .to
Irocai lorruttooa ...... 4049 .1.0
; Hot ' boue* tomato*-*,
1 10 11. 4049 .60
*L***l potato*. ... .7449 .00
Horn* ar'wn lt*rtl«tt» I.oo© 1.26
. Tallow onion* .it*
Th*- World**- Best
■ Piano
Cline Piano Co.
it kCI'BB, N. Y„ Sept. 10.—
There's a woman hero. mi*" liar
rlet May Mills, who I.as a good
Idea—one worth thinking over prut
li carefully.
«<• women may not set In »ot*
today," aay* Ml** Mill*, "or to
rrorrow. Porhapa not th* day
after. Nor for several daya.
"Hut there ar* plenty of thing*
we can do In th* meantime, thing*
that will help prepare us for fit-
Uenshtp, that Mill help make aa
worthy of rltlienahlp, and-- -nor*
Important tho men mail to
that we are worthy."
tlet to work, tlet to work on
civic problems, this is Mlns Mill*'
Idea. Them are lota of things that
are In women « special sphere, she
■ nays.
Among such SB* mention.:
Belter regulation, for health,
j especially for children and con
: sumptive*.
Inspection of reboot, and bet
-1 '■ tar sanitary arrangements there.
Crusade on th* anioke evil.
1 ' Croeade again.! th* billboard
| mon.tre.ltlea.
Agitation for more parka and i
I ' bettor on**.
Improvement of city* milk »up
, ply.
i Improvement of city* water
. ; supply.
. Extending educational work a*
, In free lest book., kindergartens.
Impaction ot test books.
Work toward batter men! of lite,
i Ing condition. in tenement sec
Pur* food regulation*.
Work In connection with Juv*
nile court*.
Vacation school, and school j
| playgrounds.
"What ar* all these thing* hut
housekeeping and house, leaning f"
Ml** Mill* asks "They mean do
ing the things for the tit; that each
woman do** for that smaller city—
her home. J* B Wsß*anfM*MMHßaaMflfli
"And their* are only two men In
history who wens in good at
hoaa.cl.nntag." Mia* .'.till, went on
with a laugh. "On* *••• Hercules,
who cleaned th* Augean (tabtea,
and Col. Uao. E. Waring who built
up tn* 'whit* wing* la Now York.
"And 11. tile* ahouldr,'t count.
because he was a demigod. And
Cot. Waring had th* help and ad
vice of his wife.
"A lot of work that the title* do
mr people are thing, that women
formerly ' did at homo. The city
appiie* water, light and a**-rag*
This only take* tb* place of tha old
west, the tallow candle and tho gar
.bage tttATfoo)g/fa^ftfg^gg^A
"The city la too kind to It* wo
i men when It take* all this off their
hands and doesn't allow them any
part la managing It "
Mia* Mill* to * enffrage*. all
right—an out and outer Sao I*
.'.ate vie* president for New York
of the woman"* Suffrage assoeia
lion. Bb* was one of tb* leader*
of the delegation that stormed th*
Albany state bona* but w Inter, and
at** took th* trip to Seattle in th*
Suffrage Special this -rammer.
But Mia* Mill* Isn't content to
•it around and wait for U* rotas
■ \_> 1 as-*aaf
*SSx * Wjs. jjS"*^-*%^"- *-^ rSifc. B P^ 'C^w^K ■■*"*■ S2*9"^^aW
•nW* * V-' V / JTaanm' " ' vULa*
ITT 'ft?-.' \ " >ffl' H
1* ff •"-**^3l as*
a*ljfc| s | .a* --* si jj^^t"B*^
i IraBBS "^*
i ffaa-
Sat ■
r ' flaw BBSs? 'r fas
* **j S-'~' * ' /*.- -T^V a. J^*taf BaKlaV -' ' ' '*^ *a
I I *V 7 Bat. * '' tl*
V* • fal
**-"s*' *A
Mi*. Mill*, Suffrage!.
to com* to women Bh* believe* la
dolus what you can In th* mean
"If many of the clubs which now
denote themselvoa to bridge and
thd study of Egyptian hiero
glyphic*-and I'm not condemning
either of these*— * out J adopt - a
platform of thing* to do for th*
public welfare, they could da
much — and bring lb* day of : oat
versal suffrage ranch nearer
Clewing Example.
' for •.staples la Chicago a
women's <lnb ral**4 money for
aeveral year* to pay probation of
ficer* till th* city took It up. It
got Inking fountain* ami public
bath* put la by th* city.
"It ha* taken children from or
phanage* and secured bomea for
them. It baa built a lodging bona*
for women, charging a nominal
price and allowing th* woman to
work tt out la th* moraine
In Washington and Chicago
they got women s**y*tcl*n. a*
signed to women* aoetton* M "alls
and in girl reform school*, <.
c:"In " New \ 'i»*n* ■... they „ estab
lished a public nursery where
working women could leav* their
children during th* dar,*!fJ*g*a*s*Mßf
"In llmtoti, with th* i-.Mi|s-r«
--lion of th-- mayor and hoard of ed
ucation. th*y mad* a therouth In
spection of all school building* In
the city, testing th* sanitation,
beattnr plumbing and ventilation
In accordance with ihwtr rwport,
Boston adopted ' Improvement*
amounting to $100,000.
■' "in I'htladvlphla they got v.ca
tion school* i and '■*" school ' pi.
grounds, which did much to help
■ '.rvdllKili* la the foreign district*.
"In I>c.,ver and ■ Indian* ...tl*.
women ha** worked eonaplcuoualy
for cleaner street*, for stopping
»ipertoratlon. for hotter collection
of .art.**.- Mrs Caroline Cran*.
a Michigan woman. I* an «.p*rt
en street cleaning who I* often
railed In by other title* for ad
' This I* th* kind of work act***)
women are already doing la , our
ntlo* Work toward making their
city mora healthful, morn beautiful.
cleaner —a- better , II) to live In
"Out them la so much work yet
tn do. The mailer of good milk
for babies— SO vital a thing. I lie
que.tloii of gix>d drinking water—
equally vital 1 lure are huo.li.
of opportunities. & <
f j—l--.. . ' " ' - - ""
V the <Pi mad bujmejLr y
J, Every Prominent Building at the A.-V.-P. J
V Exposition, Except One, Equipped y
Py With Pianos From Filers, w
2 iir^X No" €> rT~~ PJ
*FjT^//r/^S OkTVTVtI^ "*■
V The Swedish Commission Selected y\
y The Popular Johnston l^n
y '.very prominent building, Willi one exception, f^
iAJ at the reposition,'is equipped with pianos from 1]
IT the- House of fitters. * Sixteen different commit* V
V tees, composed of the brainiest men and women \J
J) in the West, unanimously decided in favor of X
V, fillers. What does this prove? What docs it V
y all mean * ' v)
»X It means that at fillers Music House you not V
V only choose from the largest assortment of the ¥
V world's best pianos, but that prices are indisput- \1)
IL ably lower than elsewhere, V
V It means that this is a different kind of piano V
w establishment, and because of this fact that the yJ
yj attitude of the piano buying public toward it is J
V of a different kind. EHHpK V
PiV It means that the "fillers Way" of "Small tl/
MA Profits and QuicWSalcs" 4111! strictly One Price V
IYJ "* the only right method. y
lefl To sum up, it mean* in dealing with the House iV
; \Jj .of'fillers you havs'tfiat assurance and aatisfac- V
| iV . '"it which goes, with the knowledge of having v
nrj secured the greatest intnustc value for every dol- v/
JUi l*r invested. ¥J
hji |. h ll"*T-. .'i Oa LTj
BjJ Kb****** Music iluil.line; Third and University LV
A. BRIDGE and CO., Largest Clothiers on the Pacific Coast
I /ILL k-rf II LLkal II /H&L..L sL.ll iLu
The Fall showing" is now complete at the Men s Department Store. Never before
been the pleasure of this store to show such splendid lines of merchandise.
Clothing from makers of world-wide reputation, shoes from the most reliable shops in America, and a furnii
ing department bristling with the good things of the season, and—best of all-modest prices prevail in all departrhei
wz • q • Tl a *r*> • i tr* • *» *r"^ n n *f*r^v cZbGI
Furnishings The A. Bridge Special SHOES
Shirts and Hats <£ \c ci iit Z, £, a" -^
"—~"~"~" ■ ijP Mk. Jiv *v iP IL JiP iN displaying a complete assortment, j
I Fine patterns are displayed in k^t!^ ***jr Matax/ Ell ■ of the Fall styles in Men's Shoe*
the favorite Golf Coat Shirt?, in "■"' '"*' v-"' "--^-:';-/''-^^^--:--■^-";'- ■ ••?••":.•". ■•->-^..'n--v. They arc in button or lace, an^ j
stripes and checks. ;~~ ■ arc here in patent leather, via,
-Negligees in prevailing shades, Is the big popular-priced leader with the Bridge Store. calfskin or heavy russet. Ihe?
with Club; ties to match.'" o''? This suit is here in all the pleasing fabrics of the prevail- * come from Packard, Rates ana
Hats arc here from the leading ing Fall styles. We have them in all sizes— for the short the Gotzian factory. .#
makers, including Stctsonpin the and tall, slender and stout—in styles to suit "the younger • Mere are also the world-famo*
Fall shapes and shades. men, with all the trimmings of higher - priced garments, V*ty I IVtCitliZlQ^
Neckwear in the different.pat- or in conservative cut, for the men who wish a well-made . .«' * K~* *^ **
terns at the continuous Iptf-fpular suit at a modest price. The A.; Bridge Special is bench * ! C"* r.A anti £?;*%() ShOCS
prices, ffS made throughout, and guaranteed in every particular. r J'w "liU -P^' jyfKj —'■
Our Furnishings Department This suit is the original popular-priced suit of the North ' In all the sizes. A Shoe" with i
.is complete,in every. detail, west. x'a: . reputation! that is deserving. ■
*MaMen*M*aa*n»B»B»BBBBBBSB*BSSSSSSSS*T^^^^an _..-.. * ' ' "a* " ' - ' m 'm^mtimK^m***,llm'
Arc from the best makers in this country. They .arc retailed here at from $15.00 to $35.00, and cannot be equaled elsewhere at the J
price. The Top Coats ami Cravcncttcs arc alto now being shown.
j J * ■":- ' *?^^^s*/*a *-V*V !^^M^*Sa^^aSS*Jißß^*aa*aSa*aSatßß^a^aflßfaV J4i*l' *a ■ **"! Basfr** 1!^ 1 " -4^J^BB^Skßa*S*S*^4atn4Bl s"t -* a^asß*ft*44Bw'Sß*"*","^S^*
"Pertiap* the in*n. in looking
after what lh*y < ..n*lrl-r lb* big
Ihlnga In gov*rnm*nt, overlook
Hie *mall*r on*a. A woman'a
mind run* to detail. And ao
many of these detail* are ao Im
portant after all,"
''... "._ i ).. _„ai k ' ' ' ■ —a —"^
Wa hay* * very lnt«re*tlng department on the second floor, where all your, requirement* la n
oleiim*. draper,**, bedding and lti\nna will be taken care of to belief advantage than any ata»T
we know of. The** apoelala for Friday and Haiurdav: '"
-a -
WHITE HONEYCOMB BEDSPREADS— Kill also and fringed. An *»tra good v.lv* ( ,„|| M V,=
.j.. #_» the „__|, __aV,Tß**t***4Bßß4t»*»B .-;-. ■ r-*lL£jt**\\
prtco for the week-end la „ , „,.,.. „,, , IT* 1""*..
Pa*«**a*»jaaaaaaai*aas« i —i. mimmt^/t^trntrng^iimmii^mv^m:: lit
HUCK FACE TOWELS I6s2fj; well bleached and hemmed Good value at 1214, Friday *r*t *f
day. while they last, each .t*"«?* tS >i,i iy^^ ...."*""««**?
PRINTED LINOLEUM—A good 70c quality, alt feet wide. A number of desirable patterns. I?-***.,,
day and Saturday at. per square yard ................. ................. ....,,,,,, „*^;**r—
— , _. , _ 3*3*
PA Drive in Jardinieres the pig*
livery one Interested In the little iljliik* that ko to (^aJL'jF^y^yf
tnak.i up a coxy and attractive home should ace the VKi-^ttf
JMMKmW magiiiflc«nt collection of Jardiniere* offered at .p.- ..'I il,'/y?lTa|
\J| dally low price* for Friday*, and Saturday', selling VB" f' I'W
*^B There ate »o ninny kind* and sire* that to describe. Y-wl'&££■£
more than a few would be futile:
beautiful hunting scene*. harmony with th* aeaaon; * very sttrseth. J!
Tim .Inch all* regular value |LM; special at Th* 10-Inch alto—regular value 12 M; ,{**-»< ,
.... ....... ........ ................... .Tit* ...... ........... V,' V.,*?»*** ill
Th* 7-lneh aUa-regnlar valu* 11 .." VpoVlal'at Tho '* l"'b alto-regular value $1.00; *♦»« (
__'"'"."' ...,**, The Sir, j, ;«gular value |IW;''*j*tin
The cinch regular value 7&e, apodal at .......".. T^^ 1
•••'•'■ ,w* Th* 7 In. site—-regular vain* 11.**; a-axii,
"PELICAN" JARDINIERES— ..,,.... .....;..^7*»Ji
Tb«.s Inch.La- regular v.lv* 11 .fcO; ap*. at PLA(N O LAZED JARDINIERES-Ia nan W
• * e"«*»e fuj color schemes, abapea and decorations—jm
Th* 7 Inch sit* -regular value 100; special at Th* 10-Inch alt*, regular 11.75; .pedal attnCft
."....'. ........*».. ..ftOe Th* » loch *lie. regular II.CO; special at'.'-rffg
Tfs« cinch alt*— regular value 7**., special at The Slurb else, regular 11 M. special at **7^j3
IOC Th* olnch site, regular $1.00; ape.la) at ..!!! j?
If ><>v have not tried thla new and better A lif fit* m,,. « ' Tall* 8
•tor. .lure w* opened, this weekend will be _ »-,*-*-,*:- *=»wv's ," «!"ljM
a very good Urn* for us to get acquainted. TUB ARCADIAN MALLEABLE RAl«tW,*ft*|
Ther* ar. plenty of specially priced Hem* to VORTEX HKATEIt TOR COAL AND TBI»I
make It worth your wblla to coma, and you are I.• MIMA AIR-TIOUT FOR WOOD are tkeS**.
a».ur«d of abaoluta aaUsfaellon la whatever leadera In our «toy* department.
you s*leef_ They are worthy leaders We selected taaata
Our DISTRIBUTED PAYMENTS PLAN la can** *b*y represent th* very best lo tetrra
1 op*n to you. Ton will ft; 1 It •)..- simple.!, stove and range construction. They*» 1 f*j
plea.anti-it, fairest best Be« Mr Oottatata saver*— they give satisfaction. Sew tbaat Ma*
•bout it you buy thla fall. - 'Spg
II | _
$7.50 Couch for $5.25 $4.50 W||p?
Couch like cut. road* with .'..tl I-ante comfortable Arm Rocker, 4p"**-*****s**«**sa*ataßW I
b Ilk* cut, m*de with full ny^. „.1, . nd „.„.). V £ Jj
.prlng *dg* and covered with finished. Cut I. an *iact re, 3 y¥?i"~~ "^M I
.. ■ prod lion. Ma. cobbler seat - , * ,*V-y*Ti "I—Bi ill *5
denim. Th* opbolatertng Is (n „; a p*d fram*. quartered W jKLJJT ** «■■
•trhtly flrwt class A distinct oak panel* and nicely turned M £ IflM
...... . .._ spindle*. Strong value all WL-'iF U%
bargain for thl. wee. at , 25 ,„,. we# , at «ie.H5 f^ J J j
V ii - „ null'-—*~J*a aa Kits ar,* J

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