Newspaper Page Text
a. ... HOW THE STAR WILL "COVER" THE FIGHT J 11 ¥ V m | SEVEN ME AT THE RING Hie Star Will Handle the Greatest Battle of the Century As It Does All Big Events—in a Way No Rival Can Hope to. 11, tailed Tree-.) BAN FRANCISCO. June •--■• —As a result of arrangement*, completed today for the cover ing of the Jeffries-J oh ii-.on I fight by the United Pre*--, the 500 afternoon newspapers served by this organization will receive the most nearly in stantaneous action ever at tempted in connection-with a big news event. It is planned to deliver into the offices of United Press pa pers detailed description* of each blow struck within 15 on.!*- of the time the blow ac tually lands. In order to do this." two United Press trans continental lease.l wires will be run to the press table" at the ringside in Reno, and these wires will be manned by two of the fastest sending oper ators in the country, to whom the story will be dictated. Owlng'to the limitations of the carrying capacity of telegraph wires, three relay* or re-ecndlngs art!! ii.- necessary to reach ail point- One of these relays will be made at San Frs_d»co. where the staff win tie* re-sent to The fcattle Star aDd other coast papers; an other at Denver, from where all centra! and southern paints wit] be served, and a third at New York, from which eastern points will ba taken ear- of. At each ol these point* the receiving operator will use a visible typewriter and ihe send lag operator, aeat.-d beside him will relay the incoming mat* ter word for word as it Is rt-celved. Batthasar on Job. The Us* of giving to the coun try this description of the fight, a •tory which promises to be one of TIRED TURKS BEATEN ONCE MORE BY SPOKANE Listless Playing Gives the , Game to Indians—Chin ault There With the ■ Pitching Stuff — Ritas Hall Makes First Ap pearance. Standing ef the Club*. Won. Lost. Pet Spakans ..'..'..:'..-.. 35 28 57-1 Vancouver 34 27 Ml T.eoma .27 34 .-Mi SEATTLE 28 35 .421 Rotten s playing, the kind thai makes the fans wonder what I* the use a* ever going to a ball game. U responsible for Be-all te's fourtli straight defeat .'hlniult. pitching Ilka a demon, held Spokane down to net-en hit- and only one real run. The other two came In an a direct result of bum p. it ing. Barh separate Turk was ss list less a* a tired man trying to mow s lawn, and played the gam- with an air of boredom that was very sad. Nobody hit. and nobody played real ball except Tea ley Ilaymnii<i who al ways tat*, anyway; and take it by and large, Ihe exhibition yesterrlaj was one large, long yawn. Oh. yes Hpokane won. 3 to 1. Bonner pitched good ball, and hli support tt .is tha best in the land, ami playing against such a team as He. anie, It Is -. wonder the score wasn't blsu- The Indians slipped one over In Urn first Inning, making four time* the) have done the trick, and this shoulc, have beam their only score. Ther Heat tie got a run In the tittr through an error, a passed hall ami a clean alngle by ' hltlHlllt. and th. tally remained tied until the sev enth, where a combination ■,{ Beat tie's boots, bonehead work and snap py playing of the Indians, put twe across for Bpokane. It was ladles' day, and targe num ber* turned out to see Hasatil-. In tac rine exhibition of how not to |.Li ball, cheering th« futile attempts oi the Turk* with enthusiasm. Nil. rooting, but misplaced. Russ 11.11 made bis first bow ant scrape as umpire, and got away wltl tha job In nice fashion. He was ,„„ on balls and strlkea, and nobody bu Hpokane found any fault with him It Is true he slipped a fine ovkt. bu p-rh-apss ha had aood reasons. The same teams play toda& The aeora: --».•. All It, I! PO. A. fe- Kris., rf ..4 * * I • a r.artnond. aa I • * 1 < 1, It, 4 4 1 lit Adams, II 4 * * ] . * * tt 4 4 I**4 Akin. V. I*l*ll I'annlnstnn, 11, ... 3 1 * 11 , „ Cuatar, 0 I*l*ll Cmasult. p 3 0 1 3 I « -Total < ii "i "i ii II "i Spokane— AW it. ft. PO. A. ■ Betas!, SI. ....... j 4*410 £j_"*T. so 3 I*3 43 •Veasl rf 4*33** Keener, it .41141) K*-le. If 4 1 1 « • * § Diamonds on Credit* 1-OI Ton (st the food* lb* first I Diamonds on Credit! T". '!• on tits lust I ■ payment. I 5 -11 111 iv.i -iiviiny co. 8 ■ lea I lest a*. ' K-.-ii. !1S ■ jj Mala -JS4 H MAX DALTHASAR (Ringsidar) Staff Correspondent. To yell into th* **r of a telegraph operator seated at your side, to yell loud enough to b* heard above the tumuli of a bowling mob ol tans of thousand* of frsnt.e spectator*, a connected, vivid d**criplion of a . desperate battle In th* ring, la no light tail.. Few who attempt it. per form it auca-.sst.uiiy. Ma* Balthasar (Ringsidsr) ha* •• an un broken it,.-, si of success** that ha* gained hint CO*lt to Coast raCOOni lion as a ringtid* expert. Th* Jsf* fi-isa -Jjitnaiin battle a* it Ape*-' in Th* Star July 4 will be Hi. Johnsan bail aa. Mr. Bal.isa. sees it, and tell* it over In.* vines of th* United Press association. And Mr. Balthatar will -a .1 a* it I*. '••->* for blow, round for round. Up to lbs day ef the tight, Rinettdee will be alternating with Tip Wright at s is. training camp*, giving this newspaper th* news of the camp* and his **psrt criticisms. ,_ ... the moat widely read of the decade, has weo a--..nut-it to Mas IVattha *ar. best kr.own ta tha sparling world M "The Illngsider." ono of ihe forenta*st boring autUorllica In the country and a man whose opin ions have for many years been the last word In *i-orltr.g qnestloas oa the Pacific -coast, the home of the nghtlng' game. Bolt baas baa been at the ring side during practically every Im -a -- taut Is. - ' parttrlpatrd tn by cither Jeffrie* or Jofcns-n and ha* a personal and expert knowledge of the at) le of each man. Por several weeks {test he ha* been la touch with both fighters, haa studied then at their work and during their relaxations, and the full value of his knowledge of the men and their method* will be brought out In hta description and analysts of the battle. Tip Wright, Toe. llallhasar will be assisted In hi* work to Tip Wright, also a well known authority, who will divide with the work of giving to the United l-Trw-a lh* b«ws of the training camps up to the day of lh. battle I N'-.r.lik.. It. 4 1 1 II « *| .'.rt.eijhi 2k ... 3 S 1 1 1 ' • I lite. * 3 a • 3 1 * ! Moaner , * ! * « » 3 * ' Ta**!* « ~3 ill I j H.--rf. bj«a Seattl* «4144**«« I Sptikaa* 1*14*4144 || list, I'l*. i *~*ttl» * I 1 * I S I • I—t Spsikan* ...........3 111 1111 •-! S'lKili.-l psi' l-sse l.t -tltseil Ss a. rile. Mi.-.-art. r. a lit. Stae* «i.-.|.» Paaa—Ctma** Clmsh rat —Ur Cliln.sit t; k|r IV-r.n-r. t, ll.aea an t-.a.a -sit l-l.tnatiU. 1, aff * Hi: 1., [.!-. t.e t i.a.i .'.a in-..M ay rteatiftasT I'eaa ..l hail* -s-its-r. mi-a. fa-astr*-Haas Hall. . BEIIVEfI. SWAMP TftCOMA 6 TO 1 Illy MM rrraa.l VANCOUVEIt U. C, June It- Bark in th. home town imb Brown and his in. n walloped Tacoma. « In : '*. in the game yisti rtlay. Tacoma took a lead in the first Inning, when I Iks— hi! a homer with one on. but from then on Gardner held the Tigers helpleas. Vancouver scored three In the third on five hits, and James* three-bagger In lb* eighth drove In three more. Hall, twirling for Tat mi,a. was found for 11 hits. Taworaa— All It It. Pa A. B. Warren, el . ...... 4*11*4 I'— kenf--Id. lb .. 4 I 3 .3 4 * * lissM-r. It I I 3 3 * S Ste-ena, rr ,4 4 * I S'S Fiumi.r. lb I * * 13 * * Ja...ii.«. lb 14 0 110 .'.'lsmail sa ••••., 14 114 1 Hlanhe„sl.i|. a ... * * * 4 * * "an v SSI* St* 3 I "ABala I * * * * * Total* 32 "t ~T 14 11 1 Vancouver — AII It'll I', i A X Herein, If . 1 3 I * * a> 4 I I -4 I 4 Htralb. lb I • 3 4 1 a James*, ii, .) * : *. ; i llrlnker. If ....... . SI S * i Klai.asan if 3 SS 1 i a Si-litrn wets.r. aa . . 4 * 1 4 S3 1... i. a 4 3 1 > i • "Jar....r, p .4 I 3 , I 3 o T'.'sl. 33 "l 11 I* it "l are by lnr,fii-e Tav-ema 3 ******* 4 -j Vancouver 04194441 —* Summary: II ana ron—Bassi-f, Three bssa—Jamaa Too 1a... hlta— Rasfca enfleld, Brink*- Harrlfle* ail — Haes.r i Stolen l.aae. --Warr.ii. Slavana. H.riir k out—lis Gardner, 4; it Hall. 3. Itaea* on ball*—OH Claidner, 1. i.rf 11*11. 3. ! Wild pitch—Hall. Osrdner. Double play —Sraaagaa ta strata. i--tt --ii I.SSSS — I Taeotna. T: Vaacaavar, II Tim*—l:43. l.'mplra -Pt.ry | PASSED BALLS [ PORTLAND, Ore., Jane it.— Ford lli'tikle. the crack pitcher of Hie Unlrerslty of Oregon, arid one of the best southpaw slabstcrs In the country for his experience, has been signed up by "Cupid" Dug dale, of tbe Seattle champions, Henkle, who Is a Portland buy, will leave for Seattle today. ' According to Information from Boattle, Dugdale will pay tho col lege star the unusual salary of $200 a month for 'In. rest of the season. The salary Is considered unusual. In view of iln- fact that ILniklu baa never had any professional expert- O. R. PULFOHD (Tip Wright) Stall Cars *siiuiii!*atl. O. It. Pulford, known to readers at Th* Star at "Tip Wright.** needs no introduction In any city of in* country. Ha is a reeogniiod author* sty in sports, and an export crlti* In affairs pugilistic. Mr. I'ulford ha* lived continuously In th* J*tfri*s snd Johnson training camps since ll.ay si... opened, altarnating from state t* th* Mr in pri.r tat study and earns pan* (ha two fighter* Ha has Matched tha valuta and the black round into form day by day, ana his judgment, baaed on *ap«r* analysts, gave Th* Star tha first atturata .n formation on th* true condition of th. rival heavyweight*. ABE LABEL HERE TO BOX M'VEiGH California Lightweight Who Will Be Former S. A. C. Boxer's Opponent Next Wednesday, Blows in From Frisco—Both Boys Fit. Al* LOIML the rlev-r i*a!lf..t-nla ii_l.tvi.-ii-'.! ta. . «rtU give fete. '.!. - Velgh a . ', .• to eta. * his • ' ■«• sg-iin*t Imp. rt. ,i talent at the l ■ la-Bit Hay .-i.ii.'. baixing stiotr al the* ttis- itis next '.\ i-tn. s-i it ar tiie-.l In Heatlle I i.l nigbi. lie trft thla i:.,: tar l"l. ...lit li. :.. i.. Where he will pt.t the ftnicbing . !•■• !.•'. His I. > iraltilng. l-i"- ! I* one of the shot, leal Isoa,. era |n the i- in..- t. and McVelah will flml htm a very dirfert-nt n -,-• •in in from taMi. Mart-to. Ma last opp<nnent, Abo la on* of those hit and*get*away fellowa, «ltl'..u_b he I* aiway* Killing to stand op and • »,t|i p-tii.-.'t-s «f.e-ii hard i-'-i- ! IVt**» .tr.-fs s.ive *t<r|e of mflghtltlg should i— rffrelive asra'ft-J Ihe 111. lie C'allfornUn. and l, . .! Tina fana ence sad Is an unknown quantity In faster company. .tab lie,,an announrea* yrstrr'ar that flu* Thom|aaon wotilil JJ«iln the. lla-avers In two tare-ark*, ready to put .ti over*lis and go to work. I lob Jiitr-sa c. r.--| ttite. run* In Val-.i.t1l .-r 44 lib a Me. iitra; hit. Komethlng will 1 ... - to be done In ■be Unit!, team. There are only .t.'.'it two men on the club that really play live ball and try to win. The rest, teeing obi timer*. istMssjß lht-tr l'-|. a* soon aa th-y atari to drop game*, and never do wake op »<•.'... --young sr-rsppy ptsfrra who art not afraid of taking rhanrea. and who only get matt and play the harder when Ihey are ting trimmed, would help the Turks a Int. It I* ilway* the Vay with a club ratn- I p-saod of old timers, A few >■ .1. i*. Al.. rib-, n had nitirh the same kind nf * lineup, and when a had streak of lurk struck them, they ■it. v. up itie-ir hands and gave up. a* . laanita Hh.i I* ratrhlng nh-e ImII for tbe Indian*, and Incidentally pre. vented the Turks from «• nring In the eevrnth. when Lynch was on third, by making a one-handed stop .if a wide throw. NATIONAL LEAGUE Standing of tha Club*. Won. l-east I'rt .•hlca-re. 1* IS (St New York 33 31 .-.01 Pittsburg tt 24 .:.-*'. Cincinnati ■•'. JO— .100 Philadelphia 2S M ,4»0 -" teoula 28 If. .43$ Rroaiklyn 24 It) .414 | Boston ....IS Jt .321 At Philadelphia. It II I I lost rip Oil Pbtlaijelphla ISO At Brooklyn. It. 11. I*. New York sit 4 ft Brooklyn 2 10 . At Chicago. K. 11. B* Pittsburg 0 3 1 Chicago .... ''ii .1 At St. Lou.*. Cincinnati ?" " *. i In. Innstl -1 S 1 St. Louis ...8 6 3 AMERICAN LEAGUE Standing of th* Clubs. Won. I/oat, Pet. Phllailelphta 3. It .(SO IXMrolt IT 12 All New York 21 20 .403 floaton 2* 24 .f>47 Chicago 22 29 .421 Washington 23 22 .411 Cleveland .....21 2« ,J«M Ht. [anil* 13 2J ' .360 At Boston. II ii. i: Washington I 4 _ Doston 3 10 0 At New York. It 11. B. Philadelphia '.'.*''..*■ I, 10 I New i.irk 13 , 1 At Detroit. it 11. i: hi Loots 4 11 2 Detroit 10 13 ' 2 At Clevslsnd. R. 11. 1.. Chicago 8 9 2 Cleveland 4 10 2 Danco at Dreamland tonight ... Till- Alt* FRIDAY, JUNK 24, 1910. A. D. CONDO Staff C*.loeni*t. , _ A D. Cande, creator of cur eld friends. I att.ett Tma and is th* man .1n... pen and mi. in cartoon and illustration, hay* been delineating life in (lis camps of lb* leas fighters at., sines Jallnaa snd Johnson slat lad training. Mr. Cendo •land* an th* front rank of cartoon ids in th* Unite! States, and hi* humoeoua oharaetoe stud.** .ml skslehoa of hi* a.»g,s« th* training quarts'-* have soused nunaroui near rsolst among the tans ever sins** he landed in California. Mr. Condi was the first cartoonist ul note at a.thar at lb* camps. Ho will ton tinua at the camp* right up I* Ilia day baler* th* fight. are looking forward to on* «'f th* f-.ta'. at i .at'-*.. r\er elated tn ••''• city. Aba* t. ■'- ! tbe veteran, fertile lenng. In Tattimta, a Couple or »'«se-at* ago, ...a' th*. i tit- r wasn't able lo lay a glovo on him in 19 r«. ...-*.-. lie made liow.a* Taylor null In •:. s -.11*1-1 s In Portland a ahorf lime.. Bait. and be lis* a «bi.|« string-otitic tort-* In hi* credit la hi* own glate. McVeigh and Ida manage!, latmnl* Austin. 'M-.i to leave !■-!..) for v i:t.. ,•■ t! - I. toil nl* In to tan where patta. stating a pla-k before he gave up mining for milling. i;-sit. bo>* are in f!r*t rial*,**.**-*. and onlr nre.l a few -I f. • a' *-*. to put Ihem on edge, .Sim... ei|a«t. •• r *Hghte*t trtiuble In maklna the .' i;J-p itinit ii.-i ii nt f o'clock eO tha. ■ ' It of t; . . ,t- ■.« .a) Johnson-* in "Di.shabile," Genial End- Man, Says Woman Writer After Chat BY ELIZABETH NEALE. SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 19.--Th» two black automobile* which stood no** to no** before th* deer of th boulevard roadl-as* wor* grin* and rolled their winking brass lamp* like hug* *y*s. Th* house may hay* one* had a beach nam* ta lure th* joy rider* from the tiro-worn last path, but now only th* sign, "Jack Johnson, Chompton" smiled from th* porch roof of th* I.lll* n**r th*atr.ral Jerk Jobnton Costers which sperk'ed th* other buildings It bsamod on the Sunday crowd which nudged eronkily up th* Stops to labia* whirs "liquid smiles" wore stowed away. Barney Furay, th* -rubber." brought a ho*ptt*hl* grin from th* room abov* and drawmgly an nounced I "The young lady can com* right up an' a** Mistah Johnson now. Mr led the «»i ... the* second floor, along narrow balls _*-—_. up dark stairs. F *! Mentally groping after a t»na»*ip live word for the houae. "chateau" popt»eil Into in>• head for ni reason In the world, unless theJ^OQtJng event In the shape of a remark from th* black giant. «pl. lit- ■.aMou ..l with It. lull. cast a shadow, In my direction. __ "Pawdon my dlshablle," jajotttijon 'said. _*■:*** Tha "dlshablle" was a hllas^t-*-*t>l er open at tits nm-k. JohflSptV__;* plained that he wu» iilimtt '•.,"'!»•>• and step Into tha "atidltnri'J-O*' 33>xt door to bos fill .la- crowd. OOagg^na meant shedding his "dlshahllb*** ami sundry other garments and appear* Ing In turtiuotan trunks, decorated with the Amrrlr-nn colors. (The crowd had paid two bits 'I seat to see the champion perform and to "bunny hug" and "turkey trot" when the Ii .11.1 ill! up a ' I ..fill" rag" after the champion bail gone.) The lineup In .I..bus,. room beamed like the front row of " min strel show, with ii..- "pug," gonial i ml man, tossing Dili Jokes In tits spotlight. First there came I i. .Ulna against th* pi mo, a friend of Johnson's from down Booth; and the friend's trig wife Then im. the big "smoke," spilling over the sides of a Morris chair with a laclly gowned white Hilling On the chair arm turning lh* champion's drawl Into a nasal twang by play fully tweaking bis nose with Ml Jeweled finger*. "I hop* you're comin' to th* fight," Johnson said. "I likss to hay* th* ladi** there. I can always •*• th* 'silks' when I step into the ring, and R. W. MADISON Staff Correspondent. R. W. Madison .a on* of th* for*' moat spelt writ*r* of tite Psoitis i aael A graduate from lh* sporting editor's rlssk of on* of California's i ingae.! da.lies. | know* .any angle | of lh* Western fight gam*. Hl* **• . 1 enema baa been largely In flan I Francisco, th* wo. Ida pugilistic Meaaa. where bo ha* bad Opportunity I J stusiy, l.i*i hand, nearly ever , battle of tntpoi tan.a lor years past, Mr. Mail i has been observing Jet • fi-.44 .- close flan a..' tin-.* the b.g fallow retired. Mr. Msdison i* dividing his alien I,on between th* two training camps. He will bo on* of Th* Star* camera men at th» ringside at Iteno ' JOHN L GETS ICY GLARE (By United Prssa) RENO, N*cv„ June 24.—The air i*. uncomfortably frosty for John I. Sullivan around th. Jeffrie* camp, and may continue 'so. Sullivan arrived yesterday anil went to Jeff's cottage to Krcet him. Hut he war* met at the door by Jim Corbctt, who flatly refuted to admit him. •■ ' j "Yon cant see Jeff, because he don't want to sec you, Ka.d Cot belt. "V<»u h-ve been sailiiifj around the country knockinu Jeff and the fij*ht in general, and it in jj-d'y on )*our part, to say the leaM, to attempt to see him." "Hut I want to -ihake hand* with him, protested John 1.. "I want to tell him that I have been misquoted." Corbctt refused to Id the veteran enter. Aftw exchanging some hot words with Corbctt, Sullivan walkcil away and seated himself under a tree some distance from the cottage. Trait-v Haymow! wa* tr-*t3itsml t*|th an ar-i-ir, but a man *hi play* the laall he do** can tar forgiven a boot .mt-e In a while, if* Is about the nnty player em lb- aa-atn. rlub wti-a I can ha*, th* potior, patter of thos* hand*. "Th* mora lad.** th*y is. th* mer ..or," ha grinned. "I taw lot* of 'em when I fought Kotohol." Homo speculator mm.let ..,| wheth er Johnson would administer tha same ' b.-.iilii'" to Jeffries as ha "handed to Ketchel." Tho white wo man grew enthusiastic. She brought nut ii pair of glovvs^and pointed to the rip Ketcliel'a teeth made In th* bather when Johnson* powerful flat ground Into his face. "Of -our** I don't know what I'm goin' to do to Jeff." Johnaon spoke a* became a Cham pion about to ins -el ii champion; then in a flash In. was the end man again. "If I can't knock him nut, I'll just lull him to sleep with my friend." Ills friend was a bass viol which leaned upright against the pi v. humanly "Tho ladle* like my music." Pack the conversation switched to III" sox of frills and fluff, rufflca. Jeffries' dlstiisto for women In it training was brought to his notice. "It don't hurt a woman to so* s prlxe fight." bo smiled. "It givo* '•in punk. I like a woman with lot* of go to hart on* who will pound th* table." ills groat flat ca'mn down on a • mall labia with an lllustmtlva thud which mads even the 45 .'oil on lb* bureau lump, "I likes the kind what -aga- 'Jack Johnson, >>. some heroT You lain' H. d. wnr.Ei.nt California Staff Representative. H. O. Wheeler* nam* is familiar to resdsrs af 'be Star. While, a. California r»pr*»*nt ativs of this newspaper, Mr. Wheeler ... not ronftried It.maall to ai.-irl. frsportmg r.gularly far The t»i*e California ■vents from soup to nut*) ho ha*. n.veeihsi..., B*.n*4l recoonition a* an able sport writer. Since the training r. amp* of Jeffries and John son epaeiad, Mr. Vtlo •<•» b**n giving Th* Star raadsrs the b*n*lil of hi* intimate knowtedg* .1 th* fighting gam* on th* Co**!. Hi* thorough . , .s, ef sport* in th* V«a«l. and particularly of th* local ... and out* of th* tight gams, and his sound judqm*nt of nan hsve; mad* him a va!u*bl* member of Th* ■Ma- stsff savoring aha big f.ght. ...,■ ... ■ ii [_."" _.__a 1 play* at hi* -a! gait, a-- mailer whether lh* team win* or loses in fact, he **tmtnt to speed up when hi* i.i-t are going had. a* If to a«-t them a ptnti aaampl* The Me 1 ample I* wasted, however. m* and fetch thst."* I ma and faleh thud ' msda all of the A s'-t .in.! thud all of It-tea feminine visitors Jump In unison. Johnson saw mo look apprchrnatve ly at a small gas atove a. Ill' vibrat ed sympathetically In the midst of a heap of athletic traps. "Oil, Tin a bad one." he warned, fairly exuding good humor. "I'm liable to pick up that little stove and toss him through tli* window, or pick up your chair and throw It on ' '11 of tho piano." The .1.1 man was waxing hilar ious. I'urey announced that It waa time for lb* turquoise trunks, so there waa safety In retreat. The row anetned eclipsed by a dark cloud of gloom when the and man was tog away. An hour later the ring, draped ex* travagantly with patriotic colore, wa« empty again. The crowd which had watched the rolling eve* and gold toothed grin of tha champion reflected hundreds of lesser smiles is it prepared to "turkey trot" under the aurvelltancs of a blue coated of* filial. Down 111* boulevard one of the black ant,in whlxsed In lb* glaring sun, with the implon. wearing "dlahablla." at lbo steering wheel. A tiny negro boy teetered on his stomach over a boutdsr on the road side. . "Ain't he swell?" ha whispered. Prom ear lo ear he grinn-ed. I felt my mouth relaxing ami stretching. I'll.lor the Influence of tit.- Jovial Jack Johnson, champion, I, too, had caught a grin. M, C. LARKIN Staff Photographer, "Th* mm behind the csmora" ha* a naive ra.king job at a prita fight or in a fighter* training camp. M. C. Larkin ha* dee-ion*!-ale I repeat edly, as rssdars of Th* Star wel, know, Ihst nerve-, and eye vara built for th* job His saclustvs new* pictures and lure* have b**n an p-aring regularly in lh*** i.-nrris Mr. Larson is rscogniiod a* th* lead teg newspaper photographsr on th* Pacific coaai. That as why He is at th* training camp* for this new* paper now, and thai '4 why ho will carry iho burdon of lh* • .at* and difficult task of handling th* camera lor The Star at the rings.d* July 4. Norman tCtberfeld, the Tal»a*eo Kid. la si ......i old. and he broke Into the game at <'larke«vl!le, Ky when he was 17. The manager t/f Ihe la-am bought the youngsttrr hi* first pair of long troUMra. A Marvelous Catch ! I la* been Ihe report of lb* ap.irlaman that «»» our Importr-d ime-Halmon-Ksg Hooks. lloth lh* 1.....** and cnell are n' *.-.lut-lt mi t«iM- In water—••» 1 t. it), tit* Ittttelbl* --plalar We*** pure atlk Wa carry the "Wblp-O-Vae." lb. .ir,.i waterproof line mad*. We have'lh* l*r*f-»l aaserimeni ef Treat Pile* on tb* l*art'ic ■' ■■! • ull our fishing tackle es prit t.e'-.ri- i -Hi,- a Co. a-r-rijr. Spomc". Go?? 5 f 5* \ -%"--*. **•■•'"a? T°B1* *** •_» " „»a»-*ia*»a- If It's Correct, Cheasty Has It _.-. - Punlap Itau Bwj&tm ©o«; '", ' * ■ *~AP< i*.»& The economy of buying good clothes is .»--*.:! onstrated to us almost every day by men JEI come back for another Benjamin Suit, and ! c"- . of the long time they have worn the ones •<• J| have on. Benjamin Suits, $20 to $30. , - .-.,;* _^j jf _4_______w_m mAm\\\Wmt\\\\\*%%*** w ~r mm m '"■ £' t—^^^m -m\ **'^mJ*rr^*l^-^^***^^^^^mW '* "^ MEBi-^cSSci^. _2^ j'^EColrDM-^ SPRING 51.__p^ If Cheasty Has It, It's **-*?rj^»CH& .' -.'a. .. . * . ... ____*_ *?**,| S^tasSS* 1 " • -__. _g- jLl 'mmmtmmm— LAURENCE atOlNi_T_l Star Sporting Writ* I , 'n ii.- *lx mmithl .__ Inston was WrOr^}__s*h mar, he e*ubu«he* a ___,* r •elf and hi* _j>,, rt !_Jft«_E no- tie forg..!,„W*if*«^s la-ft ih« . tMrn ... x b y H __ m mm, l -noting, but h* fM«tS__l_ i Mr. Ita-tlngtan „,„ J"* 3* from Tbe HUf* I**, ;'«»*k3 T *?«•»« --» It-no on K_____ He -aye* tha, tint „f ,i! J** f« Itedlngton graduated btrnm* * York Wort* and th*£?J*** •ld OttlCM, ■*** m*mm*Pt_lm •** I" WartiS?,!!.*" **"-«•* co*^r®cu L SUnding o, «,, -a. H.nK-,nc.-, 0 .....W < r^ft Portlsnd * J? *J * t.aklsn* "JJ « * Vamon ....'it S * I-oa Angeles „-c «•_ Kacratnento ...... •>« .« ' a M la - — **_*- 1 __^__w_____-t______- _L'_l*-______y^. I ______________________ 'Jr -I fOR OUR Of JUT -a-j n ar>.-r c I Bssdal '/—iZtatb (**J "O fk*a|.-|s£ K_\ fTV !'*'*»*a »,., M V P* V*. —"** sk * I . ta ». T~T Athletics ~j "_Zr"-_7_T TrseS a- i | ...,-i l/L^wTYs Ktaeae. ir to it. 'at _o id -•!-.. •»<■ la *•?**?•''■-'.\_ II.11; f-aats l*» P-HPt' ).' la II IS; isrs.ja £,-__)►,, * I eatS *_________ sa ____\ J » __» ; N T-" -*1 **•*-*" *-. ***.!■_. San JtJ__ I |S4lil Aim, C^*\m.m, I, »■ S»«H!sfl pJVKm* :~mm~_\*ePmtimk *e_/S tJ?"- ■ -**-* •"*-* I Cr tT^*-* * .I-*: Xau Ha ( t*i IlIW; (la.t Golf ':■■"'« '-,- Spal'llia Rest & /***<! Isert 41*11 Hail 1* M MM the bell .si ill *| i-ristaai "-' >_Vl a*"* Li >-.__*. ii*» t* ! _/¥_ H ISM; .'.lit «''ltt'.--J_l lv*.. ill* is if\ J* I lie. ,-b-era. |t I* _ *Ua_ a a SS. ; __L_-__i__£___ ■___S__sßf**___M_ _____________——■_______■ 1 nr!T-j^WnllTW