•AtJ'TK you. my chieftain. In all love
111 taynlty.- wired Marahall to WU
■I Won't somebody plcnae answer,
ft Why !• » crealdeat?
_ » -k.t woi"rl»« u« wwwt w'-en we think of
Iwhli'X uni' we wWotti d«! la the
the rir*< »'«i ' ' '• •" Waablngten
JT.iii »'<•" •«« '*• *"*•
W m
M*«<Uy Sew Orleaaa tralu
TeMday —Gary. Ind dyna
<t| rtp hjniou Su killed.
— Indianapolis
Ugla wreck Blghteen killed.
.### ♦ ♦ • ♦
<a> rai»a rtw vsir*»
..Eighteen lives were forfeited
|g irvington a suburb of In
|i»ipolis early today by the
foftirssaes* of a brakeman of
Cincinnati, Hamilton and
r I* *•* Sesttie hemes, last niflht.
| ***** gated in aslant sorrow at a
I mj, wMI« l>* helped himself to
t si nasrti so frightened that
F |> were aniti't to make a sound.
1 •worn * the mon*y? Where's the
I, gpej?" were the first words which
REriSm**- daughter of Mrs
iU Bail*" IttS Fifth **.. heard
PtfM tfw thief who entered their
P |gae rnmit her from her sleep,
i lb had her by the ahouider and
PfWssh'm *•* lamp into her face.
| Hat • stream or I'll cut your
I MM. M tall me wher ts the
raasrsr.* —•.«
Imm h the house but the words
f rise* I* bar throat and she merely
fjlttt ksr bead Then six- turned
SSjW* **4 kwii><t her head in the
IMstt. The thief was afraid to
tbt asy of the other rooms and
Ifcftskiect Hading anything which
I giui his tanci
I »*. It A. McLaughim. KSt IKb
[itt, sat awnaed by a burglar who
*M MMckis* the room. Too
tgtftaed to apeak, *he watched
to* cstspHe his hunt downstair*
rnt |* spat si's la the room of
har dasghter-la-law he scumbled
Ml it* seres med He Hrd from
t» kease without securing any
I? AMa who tried to loot the home
Rtf ft P. OtdSsam was discovered at
K wt tad escaped.
«ar ta*i< fw Uw4 w iki
t HDtvXAPOf.M Nov tt-B»
,*» of III# iUaess of two Juror*.
•» tjaamltf eouspirar- trial here
r*g pactpsarii today until tumor-
Jaw Allen Sauldiog was an
ajM» »lt up, and Juror John
»«*•» *a» alto in bed with the
Both are threatened with
flleraottta, To add to ihe delay*
Mra Alfa Havklu. an
■overwn»t.t witneea. waa
jp# through the Wi yesterday
HB* ksMlng Md It QDCO&AfiOOi
>4 to»it*l
I *** r "" mm
Portugal. Nov 13.—per
— .** e ,h<> »re w«n informed on
■f vmn>mrr developments In
: D"Poettlvety to<iav that
of Canal
poll*# at
P* wntly b« *ho' him-
Hfejss» r the butcher." I*
for premier
10 Meceed Canaieja*.
Cei<f?u ' ,ere ' n P a K e> The Star the editor is going to introduce YOU to that
g®«*B-Haired Girl, and that Beautiful Child and that Athletic Young Hero, and that
Toting Cowboy — and scores more—all OLD FRIENDS OF YOURS!
*>y, OF COURSE, we mean the MOVING PICTI RE FOLKS you see each
•j,'" 1 your favorite theatre, the people you recognize again and again a# the picture
We makes them act nightlv before your eye*.
fiv, £ re «? ,, ' f| g to tell you all about them—what they are like personally, how they
• *"*t they do between times. With us you will visit them in their native haunts,
tr Mew them, sketch them.
»>'nie bright youngster gave moving pictures an apt, vivid name, and it has spread
®*er the I nited States. lie called them—
j. The Star, recognizing "the movies" as the biggest, most popular amusement in
J* World, will tell you all about it from every angle. A member of our staff has
n at work on the subject for week,*, investigating, interviewing—getting facts and
sisrm*vi t * K>ttt r ' va ' (,n *' zc ) °* t^f automobile industry, which nightly entertains
hu u mcrita » people, gathered in 20,000 theatres. This writer. Miss Gertrude M
RXiPPWt wo /' te '' on 'he subject till she has become an expert—YOl l< "MOV IK'
tnjoy keep at it, entertaining and posting you on this theatre we all
*e«d the first "movie" story in The Star tomorrow—and keep your eyes open
jvn along for the appearance of YOUR FAVORITES.
I Dayton railroad in neglecting
to close a switch alter a
freight train had hacked onto
.i siding in compliance with or
ders to meet a passenger train.
A few minutes later, the
Cincinnati-Indianapolis passen
ger train, heavily loaded,
j crashed into the freight, in
stantly killing l*t oassengers
and injuring four others so
I badly that they died later in
a hospital here.
The wreck caught fire and It la
feared thai at leaat one body waa
cooaumed In the flame*
The dead Albert Mten arid Mra
Allen of Angeles; Chrlatlan'
U. W. Huffy U. wss struck
by an auto at PV>urth »v and
Union at. last night. When he
regained consciousness two
houra later at the Providence
hospital he waa unable to recall
anything ibat happened after
he left (fee off!, ea of th«' 8-al
tle Kle« sl< C®.. where be
works. which waa half an hour
before he waa bttrt.
The car which struck Ihiffjr
waa driven by C. M Keeble.
chauffeur for the Uamson Dye
Or Washington Gladden. the
famous <>hlo minister, waa delayed
In arriving laat night and did not
deliver hla scheduled address at
the Plymouth church Dr Gladden.
, however, will talk on "friendship
in Work" at the Y M C A andl
| turlum at ho clock tonight He will
ialao deliver iectnrea tomorrow ev
ening. Friday evenlug. and Hunday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The meeting laat night waa ad
dre*a«-d by Mayor Cotterill. who de
clared that he is confident that
If the lasue of a clean city
agalnat a city of vice were put be
fore the people, he would receive
a majority of thousands where he
go* hundred* before
Krnest Ltetar a plurality over
<>ov M K Hay baa t>een inrr«-a*«-d
; 123 roWi by the rffhfk «l Hnoho
tniih county nrtnrns The new fig
urea am IJster three additional
/o'm and tlewtawil Hay * former
'fotti by 119 Listers plurality n»w
stand* aa BM.
»«N DIEGO. Nov. 13k—Tatt
ing from a hsght of ©war 200
fast. Ciwin Wtillama, a pupil at
the Curtis* aviation school on
North Island, la lyi"fl B *» r
death at a local hospital today.
Wiiiia«na ia baliavad to hava
ioat control of hia machine.
Marctta I'ucclo and Ham iitreva
were found guilty of araon yeater
day by a Jury In Judge Ronald's
court. They were charged with
having aet fire to a atom build
ing on Second av. on August 25.
The Seattle Star
NO. 221.
VOL. 14.
Cheney am! Mm Cheney. and Chen
ey'* brother, nil of Jackson, Ky.;
Charle* anil Cheater t'lieuey, rhll
drvn of Christian Cheney; Chris
topher Imholt and Mr» Imholt, Jc>»
epb I'almer, Conductor Inrln Wig
aln». Fireman Knd tlulrhlnaon,
lirakentan, llert White, Win Khar
k*y. Harold Hunt, Men) lloya, two
tin lit.•n(in «l men
An unidentified boy and Cheney'*
four-year-old daughter. victims of
the Irvlniiion wreck, died later.
GROUNDS r<ir ne|mratlon
Mr* hrneat II Olana of No.
*1 West I3<th at aaya her hue
band J tinned ber K) loudly the
aelch bora could tear.
LONDON Judge daeldea that
a row cannot oortnilt aulrld"
I*l I »n~4 r*n> l«» 4 «lnl
VIENNA, No» 13 Ueut Von
W«CMMT telegraphed to the Helcb
apor, today frotu (he Dulgarlan
froot thai tbr attack on the Turk
Ish center at Tchetalja ta tuoai
dMpOTM*. and that the Hulgarlana
are steadily gaining ground He
Midi that boggy mad* have made
It most difficult (or the Hulgarlana
to got their heavy artillery to the
Thousand* o«ad.
CONBT ANX A. Ron mania. No*
IS.— With thousand* dead from
■starvation and dtaean*. Constant I
nople telegraphed here today that
man? bodies are lying ufiburted
otttalde the etty walls
Moblllte Arml**.
U)xnets. No* iv—The mnu
#nc»- of Kalaer Wlltuiltn, the "war
lord" of Herman?, today la admit
ted by official* here to he a I mo*
the only remaining bar to a general
European conflict over Menrla'a de
termination to hare a port on the
Adriatic *ea
Adding to her naval preparation*.;
Austria la mobilising her land;
forrea and reserve*. Oerminy alaol
la quietly mobilising her armies In
preparation for »h«<<ver may
Great Hrltaln'a fleet* both In the
channel and til* Mediterranean. are
read; and a ureal mobilisation of
her division at Aldershot *a» com
pleted yeaterday
Kdwln F the navy clerk
ion trial for eonaplrecy to defraud
the government In (hp purchase of
sopptlea. attain or>iipl«t all thii)
j moraine In dlrin-t testimony. Thla
is hi* fourth day on the stand Ilia
-examination will probably he
ir in late thla afternoon Meyer* went
into more details of the various
\ Durrht»'> made by (he government,
referring to ralUMi of documents,
j and denying npectfi'-aily the charges
; again*! htm.
1H» I'aMed Ttr~ lw>4 WV.I
turn* official and unofficial, avail
able thla afternon from all over the
• late, were claimed here by dem
ocratic leader* aa Indicating that
Wood row \V Um»i has at present a
lead of 136 rote* over Theo Roose
velt for California's electorml vote.
' •»•*. VMSC. V-Dlll M.w **I * \ li« r.
"Practically two third* of Ih* namtt on the recall petition* art cither fictitious or forgid. Out of
tha original 23.000, probably not more than >,000 signature* will b« *hown when the check i* completed"
In word* Chief Registration Clerk Caire* today mad* hi* ffr*t statement concerning
the rocall petition* 'which W«re filed laet week.
Approximately li.ooo name* have been found wo rtniess up to the present time, ahowlng that the
"dummy" recall association which spent money lavishly to get name* wa* *adly bunkoed by It* hired
solicitor* M
Oain** i* going ov*r the name* for the second time, and will complete the recheck by Friday night. In
all probahty. He i* working two shift* of 40 clerks each, following that, he will conduct a third check
before certifying the official result* to the council.
Mayor Cottenlt this morning said that he intends to have the names of the recall petitioners publish
ed. giving the addresses and occupations of each, and distributed in the vartou* precinct* In the city.'
Whether Judge John II Gordon
will be reappoiated police Judge by
Mayor Cottrrlll will bi> ilrlttmlnrtl
In the ne*t 4S hour* The city char
ter provides thi* the mayor must
appoint a police Judge from the
lint of Justice* within 10 day* after
the November eleethm.
Judge Fred C. Ilrown la a *sri»u»
contender for Gordon's place Hmwn
has rerrlnxl endorsement* from
many valuable source*
Judge Gordon w** first appointed
to the police roiirf aboil *1* yearn
ago He also la endorsed by many
welfare workers.*
HAS FttANCMCO, Nov 13 Iter
nice Italley and Arthur Ward, a He
attle business man. accused of com
pllclty In violation of the federal
white slave laws, were acquitted
here today by a Jury In the federal
Uernlce Italley was arrested
aboard the llntr M.nrnollu at *ea
aeveral week* ago. and taken from
the veascl with Helen Heath and
Mabel Kelly, two glrla whom. It wa*
• hfcrged by thi< government, ahe in
tended to place In a disorderly
house In Yokohama. Ward. It wa*
charged, wa* In league with Hern Ice
llallcy to furnlah girls for Oriental
bawdy house#. 1
BAI.KM. Mass.. Nov. 13. Hat de
nlal of chargea that ha la an an
archist was voiced by Jos. Ktlor, co
defendant with Antonio Caruso and
Arturo (ilovannlttl on charges of
murdering Anna Loplzzo. the wom
an striker, when he again took the
aland hern today In his own de
fense. The witness also denied that
ho had over counselled violence.
nOCIIB.STKH. N. Y., Nov. IS.—A
formidable movement to oust Sam
uel (lompers us president of the
American Federation of Labor, and
substitution of a full socialistic
ticket, was uncovered here thlij af
ternoon. Already several of the
big International associations are
on record as favoring a clean
sweep of present federation offi
cials. and sentiment for such action
Is said to be steadily Increasing.
"I liked tha plsce before we docked. Your light* showed me you
had th* right amount of ginger, and with this nice rain you hsve made
m« feel right at home."—Sir Thomas Llpton on his arrival In Seattle
last night.
Blr Thomas Upton, merrhant prime, haa come to *«e our city. He
«a>» he like* It very much, and. oh, tie such a pity that there's do
home town can compare with our Seattle. peerle**. fair!
lie like* our manner*, hablta. moods. he like* our tall skyscrap
ers; tie like* our padded shoulders, foods, the cloth sold by our "drap
ers '; he like* our men, our Ctrl* and boy*, and. oh. 'tin such a pity,
there* not a Ctrl In lx>ndou town as our* half ao pretty!
He Ilka* our atreeta, our *'re«»t car*. too: he like* our ru*h au«l
btiatle. he wl*he* bualne** men at home had our Seattle hustle; he
once thought l»ndon weather fine, but. oh. 'tl* such a pttv, the weather
there* not half *o wet a* It Is In our city'
Ala*' we fear our civic pride canuot this naive enjoy; for we
*»»l>eet the merchant prince the *ame salve does employ In other
towns along the way that he hand* ua on Rlllott bay.
Ob, Tommy, Tommy, truthful Tommy' When you get home again
you II *lng another tune, sir, to your fellow-country men Our ways are
rough, our manner* crude, we're full of vulgar po*e*. we murder the
£ngll*h language, and we talk It through our nowe*
When you get home you'll tell the folk* of the land of nutmeg*
wooden, where they give you lloyton benns to eat Inateud of kidney
11ml<1 Hi ; whete baled bay I* a breakfaat food. mids by machinery
inkde, when a sensible man would mucb prefer tea. toaat and marma
Oh, Thomas. Thomas, you're a sport; kind hearted. diplomatic;
but It's up to ua to tell you, Tom, In a manner most emphatic, we can
not swallow all you say about us folks on Klltott bay
We know your aim la to be kind; but. Tom. we're more'n seven;
we need a knock, Tom. now and then, our civic pride to leaven. We've
got conceit to apare. Blr Tom, and. oh, 'tis such a pity, you're too polite
t« tell the truth about our peerless city.
iHjr I'nllH Hrf«« I .*«•»*«! Wlrt|
THKNTON, N J.. Nor. 13.—Ah
«ho result of a shooting affray
aboard a I'ennsylvanla railroad
train near here this morning. Mrs.
Kfl/.abeth Myers la dead, and the
poller are holdlnK her daughter
(lladys. IK years of age. pending an
(Iladyi and her brother Rappe
On the fcround that the prosecut
ing attorney failed to prepare the
proper charge. Judge Ronald thin
morning halted the trial of William
Hayinond, the chauffeur accused of
a statutory crime, and ordered the
prosecutor to file a new Information
by* tonight.
♦ *
* Ruin tonight and Thursday, *
* brisk southwesterly winds. *
* Temperature at noon, 48. *
Myera, planned a double wedding,
and mother and daughter were en
route to New York to purchase the
glrl'a trousseau.
According to Miss Myera' story,
her mother awakened her suddenly,
and the girl, mistaking the woman
for a burglar, fired a bullet Into
Mra. Myera' right lung The moth
er was ruahed to a hoapltal here,
but died shortly after her arrival.
"Judge" O. W. Sampson may
never wear the Judicial robes to
which tie is entitled by a special
sticker election. Hut he's going to
be the High Mogul at a banquet to
night at the Arctic club, arranged
by Gf> attorneys. 110 will be toasted
and saluted as "Judge" the evening
long. The arrangements are In
the bands of YVilmon Tucker, Wal
iter Fulton and Ueorge 11. Kumiucns,
A campaign to bring al>otit sweeping reforms at the
Mate university ha*- Jktii initiated by the students, aided by
probably over half of the faculty members.
I hi* program has for it* purpose the following objectiJ
lo take the university out of jjolitics.
I«» place the institution upon a higher plane, to elevate
its ideal* and to bring it in closer touch with the people.
fo free the board of regents of members appointed be
cause of |x>liti<al pull ami to make the board more repre
sentative of all interests in the state.
To secure one woman member of the board.
lo give the students the right to participate in the de
termining of university ideals, ami thereby prevent a repeti
tion of the controversy over the chimes gift.
The students ami the lndej.endent faculty member* frankly admit
that the recent development* at the university are responsible for the
launching of the campaign. following thi» squelching of the students
by President Kane and the regents, the students are conducting their
work quietly, lint none the less effectively, and practlcally every leader
at the university Is actively Interested
Over a Imlf down circular (Misters and letters have t>een Issued,
and these are iwlng mailed to graduates and state officials In all parts
of the state In addition, every student appears to have been appoint
««d s committer of one to distribute the matter which the staudpat
•4ii>lm«irat imii ~i.,bi-.i<» 'In i, from pniit ioi In the university phi
letters dealing with the need for changes at tlie Institution are
handed to eitlgena In street cars: they are distributed at public meet
ings and throughout the big office buildings in the city.
The firm belief of the students that the election of M E. Hay
would have resulted In the wholesale expelling of students who par
ticipated In the chimes protest Is openlj declared to be a menace to th«
Institution and to undermine the confidence of the students in those
In authority.
Various Heattle organizations. Including church societies, women's
clubs and some labor unions are snp|>ortlDK the students in their move
ment. The Kpworth league of the first Presbyterian church Is tb«
last to K'» on record with a forceful resolution indorsing the student*.
According to tl»» students' leaders, Ibey hope (O tiring about a
•(ate wide organisation within a few months which will aggressively
take up the program *hlch they have formulated for the benefit of the
chief educational Institution in (be state.
TACOMA. Wash . Nov IS.—Spe
cial Counsel Townsend. for the gov
traiMrat, art off a ton of legal dy
nsmlte In the Houston and Dutlock
coal conspiracy cas«\ when he filed
I 10 sensational affidavits this morn
ing Indicating that a deliberate at-
I tempt to bribe jurors had Iwn
made These affidavits follow the
iwo affidavits filed on Monday by
two jurors who claimed that they
ihad voted to conrlct under a mis
apprehension of (he farts.
The Townsend affidavits Include
'those of nine jurors and one bjr
Urlrr today Is
sued ih«' follow In* statement:
"1 am receiving Information from
over tlii> Hate to the eff>*t that
I lay appointed, notably his m*m
b»r» of the state tax commission,
are going from rounly to county
checking the official count a* It la
being made. and lo ioiuc instances
HttcmptibK to point out alleged er
rora. which Invariably are In Gov
ernor May'* interest*. and which.
Mayor Cotterlll this morning ad
dressed a letter to Admiral Rey
nolds In which he takes up an al
leged Interference by the police
with two sailors recently. Mayor
Cotterill has taken the matter up
with Police Chief llunnlck. and. ac
cording to the latter, the sailors
were accosted by men who were not
members of the police force. Han
nick will make an effort to locate
the fraudulent officers.
WASHINGTON preacher pre
dicts that American women of
the future will have thick necks
and masculine features.
of flrooklyn go; tier second di
vorce from the same husband.
Tailored Suits Are
Much In Vogue
This Season
and from time to time the women readers of The
Star will find in the advertising columns of this
paper announcements from Seattle's best ladies'
tailors, which often contain quite remarkable money
saving opportunities. For instance, today, on page
5 will be found a large ad from Kabv iS; Co., an
nouncing a clearance sale which gives the ladies
of Seattle a chance to get a tailor made suit at
a considerable saving. A careful daily perusal
of the advertising columns of The Star will be
found very profitable.
And when it comes to want ads, you can't beat
The Star, with its guaranteed daily circulation of
more than 40,(XX) copies. lust phone Main ( '4tK)
or Elliott 44 or call at The Star's Downtown Want
Ad office, at 229 Union st., with the Souvenir and
Curio Shop.
• o
WHAT haa h ec<»mo of the old fashioned
grocer who handed a bag of candy
to tli<- man wha paid hla grocery bill
m Saturday night?
What haw of the oh I f»i«hlon*"f man
who ttniti hi* frocmrf hill on Mat in tiny nl*ht?
Italllff M. Hrotton. The latter's af
fidavit alleges that Juror Mllleston,
one of the lueti who swore to an
affidavit in behalf of the defend
ants. had told him that be was "of
fered a pile of money."
Milleston. according to Hrotton,
named on* "llob IjniT and Attorney
C. O. Hates at various times in con
' nection with the money that was
offered him.
' When they come through with
the money we will have a wine sup
' l»er Milleston Is alleged to hgvo
told Hrotton.
' to uae plain language, looks to be
an attempt to count me out.
"I want to go on record now as
saying that I have been fairly elect
ed governor of the atate of Wash
ington by a plurality of between
*90 and 1,040 votes, and It would
be an Injustice to the people of this
Mate to permit myself to be count
ed out. At this late day the old
. method of stealing an elation will
not. In my opinion. be tolerated by
, the voters."
Following a scathing denuncia
tion of the police by Attorney
Thoman K Horner, the case of Mrs.
Mnry Younger against Police Chief
ltannlck ond Patrolman G. Q. Hum
phrey for fIO.UOo damages went to
the jury at 11:30 this morning.
Mrs. Younger's complaint that
Humphrey broke into her apart
ments without justification and us
ed improper language was denied
by the police.
WILSON got the solid aquar
turn vote of Prince township.
Pa. The 10 Kish brothers all
voted for him.
THE trust magnate and the
Thanksgiving turkey are not In
terested In reducing the high
cost of living.