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I est-— Semple (17 50 $30Suils_ y* TRACIC KX.V 90S 1-3 Third Avenue* BULL BROS. Jnst Printers 1013 THIRD AVENUE MAIN 1043 IND 5200 Till LunaMrtl TrUM It Bait Prae Trial to Prova It A. LUNOBEHQ CO. 1107 Srd Ava. Phone Main 863. fyresTransferCo. Office 114 Jackaon SI. |ft DANC ING ■K f/ Dtnclttf UtfM 111 J 4«r« frlrat* invtructtoa I* jf flk m>Jn] nrm u4 r«ii»r«i(y Habtr*! rhmil of 4-tnriiif «• th« eidMi moM and only r*cof niMtd opiadi'* (URCtBI academy In ImlU* DANCE TONIGHT MINUET HALL Ittl Jaekaon at. bat. 14th ami Jltb. ■»eUI liuin every Wedaieaday and •aturda). Admlaalon &0<" Ladlva free. Hall for rant on open datea If Olmh Itaat-on I«T*. ■"AUSER^TJnsST" Katobltabed III*. Pracioua ttonea. Pine Jewelry, Starling Silver Co mar Flrat and C harry «k*tti.k IF IT'S A WHITE IT'S RIGHT N«w Sewing Machinaa ftantod $2.00 Par Month. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. 1424 Third A wo.. Naar Plko. Cloth Signs 1 40' PR Xbrszyr L W J $13.60 |jgs| Round Trip to Spokane ACCOUNT , National Apple Show « Tickets on Sale Nov, 10 to IS. Inclusive). Final Return Limit November 19. Convenient Daily Trains Good Roalbed Unsurpassed Sccnery TICKET OFFICE, COLUMBIA AND SECOND C. W. MELD RUM City Passenger and Ticket Agent SHOE HOSPITAL Repairing while you wait. Heat equipment means beat work. We charge no more than other*. Model Shoe Hospital, I Klein's Shoe Hospital, ' 217 Jam«i Street. fIfIBBSS^^SSEESSSEKSSESSSSESSSSSSSe^SS^Sr 1 IPdvP^erjF L. O. HKNDRICKH, Prop. Office Phone Hal. 475; Res.. Ilul. 974 Salmon Bay Wood Co. Wood and Coal. Full Weight and Mesaure. At Sllmson'a Mill., Seattle, Wash. We carry a large and complete line of Heating Stoves to select from. $1.00 and Up BALLARD HARDWARE. Phone Ballard 19. OLD VETERAN'S STAND TOYS! TOYS! TOYSI Big Assortment. llphl Prices. Come and Bee. , 633. Ballard Av. cm no the cub OLUUr REPORTER RAIN MAY HURT W.'S CHANGES SATURDAY tn the opinion of a number of ei perta. a Waahlngton victory on r>en ay field Saturday In the irame with the I'nlveralty of Oregon 'depend* upon weather and flalo condition*, the advantage being greatly with the aouthernera In the event the grounda are muddy and there la a downpour. The "W" team haa been greatly haitijiered In practice during the paat two w«<«ka. with the reault that there la a large aired aour ball float lag around In Intereated rlrrN. and a fear la prevalent that unleaa weather ooudttlona chaug<\ the Ore gon Varalty may partly even up the score of four atralght defeata by copping the game. Thla la not to be umfc-ratood that hope la abaudoned. or anything like that. t'nder normal condltlona W'aahliiKton ahould play clrclea around the vlaltora. and comparing the acorea made again at the aawr opponenta, Waahlngton will win on form eighty waya. Rain and a wet field will reduce U to at leaat torty waya. and Urea aome. For the flrat time In aevcral daya Why Hurt Cyclone's Feelings, Scoop? the Varally »<iuad got In aornv n<rluimtige practice Inat evening, and went through their pacea wall with "Bud" Young at the helm. SOUTHERN YACHT CLUBS MAY JOIN ASSOCIATION Miller Freeman, of Seattle. P A Perklua, of TacH.ina, and Klwood VVllaa. of Portland, will l«»ava abort ty for Han PYanclgco to r»|ri'l>*t (ha Pacific International Power Hoat Aaaoclatlun at th«> conference of Pacific Co*al yacht a mm. en 1 led for the pttrpow of msklng plana for an International regatta In Kan HYanclgco during the 1916 eapoal tlon. Theae gentlemen wlil bear an In vitation to all California yacbt club* to armiata with Ibe Powar lloat aaaociatlon and lo ont mltf a Cali fornia chapter, thua broadeolag tha ■cop« of llw naaoctatlua over tha vuiirti Pacific Coast. SPORTS AT TMt YMCA C. W. Amaa waa taking a whack at basket hall main Monday night. Having laid off for aevoral yearn. ha had difficulty In locating ttio bas ket but he thlnka wllh a Utile prac tice bo will bo back to form again. Cvary tima tha Education claaa playa "nigger baby" tho bunch pick Maggie Hood for an oaay thing and nine tlmo* out of ion ha g"«w< down. The followa nay In shooting at Rood thoy havo plenty of leeway op and down, but very little aide way a In (act It la llko shooting at a lino. Paul Haudopohl and Bob Oamua are now member* of the t<oadora' class. are good won and will add much to tho socemM of tho claaa. Mr. Wm. H. Liwit g»v* a talk to lb« rta*» M <n4a> night Mr «■a at one tl»» wri cloeely umicl*lml with the athlctlca of tha aaaurlatl»a. managed tha iMUt.baJ! baahelbatl aa.l football tnamn in the early daya. Ha la atlll an etfe hnalaat o»er athl#»lca, plar In* tsaala and golf, and u la said that he atlll playa football. IA tha leader*' conteat Monday night Nuaader a (ranch won the ZV yard daah by a acore of 4 to I while Price aud hla Indian* *<>n the baa keiball team* 7 to 4. In the score on «4end«nce Neander made a icaln of ele*en. The total acore now standa, Prlcs 421, Neander 497. JONES IS AFTER "A" CLASSIFICATION FOR N. W. LEAGUE * MILWAUKEE. Nov. t2.— * * •aaaball man from all corners * * of tha country met here today * A for tha annual convention of A * the National Association of A * Minor Leagues. Fielder Jonas A * of Portland, preaident of the * * Northwestern league, announc- * * ad hla determination to de- * * mand that the claaaification of A A hla organization by changed to * A elaea A. A * Moat of today's session wss A * devoted to the report of Sac- * A retary Farrsll. This report A A showed thst the association A A waa composed of 47 minor * A leaguea. The amounta recelv- A * ed by the aaaoclation for draft- A * ad players Including money re- A ; * funded by the association on A |* disallowed drafts follow: A I* From the National league, * ) * $43,400; American league, A A $60,100. * I A The meeting la attended by A . * 200 baaeball managers, mag A A natea and newspaper men. A |A A A A j*AAAAA****AAAAAAA OFF THE WIRE YALE'S GOOD RECORD NEW HAVEN, Nov. 220 football games played from* 18*4 to 1892 Vale waa defeated bat 15 times, and In the name games scored 9.211 points, ns against 479 for her oppo nents, Is tbo statement Issued here today by a college statistician who has been delving Into ancient his tory. JAPANESE DEFEATED NEW YORK, Nov. 13.—Yamsda, the Japanese cue wizard, was easily defeated here last nicht In the 11.2 balk lino championship tournament by Calvin Demurest of Chicago, who beat him 500 to 2SO points In 30 Innings of play. George Hutton of Chicago beat A! Taylor of Mil waukee to 201, play lasting 24 innings. OLDFIELD BREAKS RECORD SAN JOSE, Cat., Nov. 13.—Drlv- In* hla 300 horsepower car on a cir cular dirt track here yesterday, Harney Oldfleld covered the mllo In 47 .1-5 seconds, which Is believed to be a new world'* mark, but the time la unofficial on account of the absence of an electrical timing de vice. THE STAK—WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1912. JOE BAYLEY TO BOX HERE ON NOV. 22 JOK BAYLIV, Lightweight Champion of Canada. One of three Seattle boier* will be alerted to go against Joa ltayley. tho lightweight champion of Can *da. at tha Dreamland rink on No vi-mbwr XI The triumvirate la oowpoaad of Mickey O'llrlen, IJunay O'ltrtcn and Kddie Hhannnn flay ley. who r»»s* to fame In Can ada by M* decisive victories over Hilly Allen and I'at Until, ha* de cided to Invade Meal!la and sea what ha can clean np over the short bout runt*, and tho b-glng talent of Seattle. In hi* weighty la collectively amloas to aea t|H> C*» idlaa color* lowerad, and w<flrl4 nallr anitoos to be tha ona to do It The three boxers mentioned are considered to ba tba beat In the clans Seattle ha* on tap and tha promoters of the lirearnland show will |*tar decide which of tha three they will sand against iiaylrr Danes it Dmwlill •" !Jnol«-nm«. 4«e. 411 Piko at Modern Ftornlturs CO. AHUtIISINT* • ■ ■ ■ *—■ * 1 » 1 *■* SEATTLE THEATRE rti«M Main 41. I TONKIMT. AM. WKKK Mats. Thursday, Katurday. Hunday ~TMK I* THB ttlr A a..* en QtyKiusft Kt«r*«flw Klamt and AdrteaM Antaidt OTHKS SIU ONI'IIKIK ICTH «—4HM HK. *I*l.l %N AlT*—-d MI'MIAL CHIMDKKNg MATINKK SATURDAY A taatr«lf W ill >« lil.ra A war. The PANTAGES Mallaee Dally Tiriw Rlfktlr THIS riVH IMKIHI I'rrinkr Maalnl Tr»a»i. IIAI.KAI* WtR KinrtHKS l»c aad It«. Today'* Snappy Styles Today. Tailoring fj amm The favorites with Man 14 m bBI I I fla I and Young Man who de- Jm Jm Cl] | I sßji I Wt mand thalr money's worth in Clothing. Populsr-Prlcsd Suits In CREDIT fZ policy tnnkes It posaihle ( I roi- you to aelert your lutritt na lAhmH' clothing now and pay >* M, I """a VS*" the bill later-open an Sacond Avo., N*>rti-Union St account tomorrow. <0 f "Seattle's Reliable Credit Houss" DUG BUYS TWO YOUNG HURLERS FROM C MACK WU«n the Heattlo (iianta line out fur early praitlre licit year, Oip«" • ltd itarry, (wo younff twlrter* pur rhaaed In Milwaukee yealerday by 11>. K Diitfdate from f'onnln Mark >>t ib* Philadelphia Athletic*. will ho among lhow pii-hi'iil. ('minil- Ma> k. who la atimo Judge of twirling tlui tier, aaaun-a I>ug that both of the lad* hav.< the aiuff In them, and that they <an Impart It to the pill, and atatea lhat bla only reaaon for I aolllng Utetn la the fact that bla i pit- hlng aquad ta already to', heavy, and that ho will not have the time to develop tba two youngatera. I Mark aaw the two burlem at work [ Hevoral week* ago, and they took bla eye. and he rloaed for ibeui on ! tb« apot. later de< tdlng thai he ' could do neither hlmaelf nor them ( full ]tiatl< o by keeping them on hla I ntaff Me predleia that when the •-ornera are smoothed off I hem. that <llp« and Barry will compare favor ably with minor league twlrlera, and lhat It may be up to tat* to <1a : >elop another Hill Jamea from one ! of tlui to. HAS FIRST BALL HURLED IN WORLD'S SERIES BY MATTY * BCRKELKY, Cat, No*. 11— * * Bill Forkar, pitcher of the Unl- • * varsity af CsMferma baseball * * nine, I* In poaa«s*lon today of * * ■ rolls that ho prlre* greatly. * * It lo the first ball pitched * * during the world*' eorleo * * gamee by the groat Christy * * Mathowoon, and on the covor * * tho famauo twlrler ha* In- * * ocrtbed hlo name. Forkor and * * Mathew**n aro old friend*. * * * WOLF IS LATEST AUTO VICTIM DULUTM. Minn., Nor. IS.—All previa** stories of automobll* ad ventura am discounted by that uf Mr and Mr* T. tl Krerker. l>»wt« Anderson and Warren Cain, who wr-re driving ftom Ihiluth to Pike IjUi. when they saw a wolf In the road ahead It was nlgbl and tha animal at first appeared bewildered by the strong light thrown ahead Quickly recovering ha started to rua straight forward. The mad being wide and amooth. Tain also turned In tha same dlractloa and struck tha wolf fairly. < O! |» i nr IBM IIK mm* BHIf Ukst.l* IlllliMO 4«I|UM r—mvm IM rauu rke** I* set|> m* IHvm-' uuliUos. I . r» «»ewn «f K W i.hoVB Mk- c rro & bros. Wholeaai* and Retail All klnda of j tr»«K«K ant unnm, ■ 4«suu vt axm «»:». Ill* Sd Ave. MBeM M. TMIItA, Q *'F"I Hi HllllH A I "tiftln. I vary. v. j froftM (Timrtrk *1 ■ V •n4 All fc i ml# *t ZAW r rurlo«. chulr jr^V w >y raninjr IM Sri Ar». — <■ ■* CAFE TANNHAUSER 2d and Pike Instrument*! and Vocal Entertainment Aftcrnoona and Evenings. MEALS AT ALL HOURS ■ 1* Carte. BY "HOP" AD WOLGAST TO RISK TITLE NOV. 28 BAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 11.—Ad Wolgaat, lightweight champion of tha world, by hi* manager, Tom Jone*. and Wllllo Ritchie, for him self, lata ye*t*rday, atgned article* hore calling for a ?0 round match at Ja*. W. Coffroth'* Oaly City arena Thank*g<vlng afternoon, Nov. It All arrangement* war* comploted earlier In tho day, and when the principal* mot with Coffroth In the afternoon no do lay* wer* caused Only tho name of tho roforo* I* un decided. and ho probably will not bo choeon for aom* day*. It la hlntod that Eddl* Smith of Chicago may be imported far tho event, tho moot important flatte affair on the coaat calendar far tha eeaaon. The article* aro brief, containing lea* than 100 Wi»rda. The acre*, inent rail* for 111 pound* ringside weight. permlta the wearing of baa da*«« subject to iJmi approval of tho referea, call* for the pooling of t1.009 by aach aide to bind com pliance with tho artlrlea. and for tho selection of a referea on or b*- forn November It. WHAT'S DOINC ON SOCCER FIELDS By Ale* C. Rot*. Ths Soccer league hum would bar« had a splendid opening Sun day. and th« name* would have •tarter) on time, if some of the "wise Alecs" hadn't Interfered and caused a d'.ruaslon about tba grounds. It ta too bad that these "Interested" people can't make It tbelr business to represent their teams at tba league meetings and then everything would go along nicely. Vea it would - not. Sunday afternoon at 2:30 la a mighty nice time to make a complaint. When a team aenda a delegate to a meeting, anrely. It ought to place enough con fidence In him to see that bualneaa la conducted In a proper manner. Kvidenily thta la not the raae. ao far aa the Pelt lea and Black Dia mond are concerned. My idea of nothing at alt la the enthuaiaatlc way three "wlae Aleca" have of btoating soccer foot ball (with spologlea to Kay bee Suilthl. The reaalta of gamea played in the old country laat Saturday, No vember 9, follow: Engllah League. . Blackburn Kovera Z, Newcastle United 0. Derby Connty I. Sheffield United 1. Kverton 1. Chelae* 0. Mam-beater City I. Bradford City S. Middleaborough 3. Liverpool 4. Notts County 1. Aston Villa 1. Sheffield Wednesday 6, Oldham Athletic 0. Sunderland S, Manchester Unit ed 1. Tottenham Hotspur 0, Holt on Wanderers t. Weat Bromwlch Albion 2, Wool wich Arsenal 1. Southern League. Queen's Bark Rangers S, Exeter City i. Brentford I, Portsmouth 0. dllllngham 0, Brighton and Hove Albion 0. Northampton 4, West Ilam Unit ed 3. Reading 2, WnterfOPi 0. Southampton 3, Merthyr Town 0. Stoke 2, Bristol Rovers 1. Norwich City 0, Coventry City 3. Plymouth Argyle 0, Crystal Pal aca 0. Mill* nil Athletic 0, Swindon Town i. Scottish League. Aberdeen 0. Kilmarnock 0. St. Mlrron 1, Alrdriconlans 0. Celtic 1, Hearts 0. Patrick Thistle 2. Clyde 2. Dundee 1, Knith ltovera 0. Hibernians 3, Falkirk 3. Hamilton Academicals 0, Third Lanark t>. Morton 2. Motherwell 2. Queen's Park 2, Rangers 3. Ctlllen, Upton and "BobMe" work ed hard for Black Diamond Sunday. Tho latter was evidently given or ders to keep a sharp lookout for Ho Kinley. He certainly did it. Billy Bloomcu played a grand game for the Spnrtss. nnd his coach ing did a lot to keep the "Dutch men" playing their best all tho time. With one or two men of Billy's cali ber In the line-up, the Sparta team will be hard to beat WALTER JOHNSON BETTER HEAVER THAN WOOD Although flicker Joe Wood, who put a '-rlmp In New York'* world'» aerie* auibitlona, ha* a tatter figure In the fWDitia column than I'ltrher W.iltcr Johnson of thr Washington < lul>. Johnson r« ally ap penra to Im ihc greatest lwlrl< r 111 the American league Johnson pitched a greater numlx-r of Innings than Wood, pit' hliiK 3<i» innings to Wood's 344, 1,321 batsmen faced Johnson against 1 .534 who fa' ed the llostoti heaver; Wood was found for 2U7 hlta, while Johnaon allowed ZtiQ safe pokes. Johnson also la a better strike-out pitcher than Wood, 303 faced Johnson during the sea son to be whiffed, while 248 were killed off at the plate by "Utile Joe." Wood's percentage for th« season. as 'omplh-d lijr Irwin M. Howe, American lea rue statistician, la *72. Johnson's percentage U .727 I'lank. the I'hlllle twirier, la In sec ond pla< e on the list. Out of the 10 leading pitchers, four are lloston performers Washington baa three twlrtera amour, the 10. SQWfcfeS i The Wondera celebrated the op ening of the City league season on the Imperial alleys last nlcht by binding out a l«e»t two-out-of three drubbing to the Milwaukee. Ko* ler of the Milwaukee* tnule high score with 214, while Webster of the sam<- team rolled the high aver age of 186. Hmltb's Hopes and the Imperials will claah lu the next league games tomorrow bight Tbe snore: Milwaukee* . **« »M 7W - 2 594 Wonders *36 **4 •:.« 2.6*7 Conover rolled the single high score of 227 for tbe Owls In laat night's league game on tbe H A C. alleys, while (Salbralth of th» I'beaaanls had tbe hitch average of 114 3-1. ('apt. Dwan's Pheasants grabbed two out of the three game* from Capt. Van Swearlogea'a Urli by the following score: llieasauts »29 *54 82t 2.54 i Owls 804 819 »27—2,i5« MORRIS PUTS THE CANADIAN TO BAD <Hf I nllMj I'rrM M tn>) ATLANTA. Cia., No*. lJ.—Ja'k Keating. Canadian heavyweight <■ hampion. la in the <11* ard today, having been knocked out her* laat night bjr Carl Morrta In ih-- niond round of a irMuM H> round bout. Thrw* right to U»e law aent Keating down (or the count, aad a hard right to tha body pot him out. Keating dtd not regain ronartouancaa until after hia re moval to a dreaalng room MERRICK AFTER BOUTS. Aftar having been out of tha game for aererai months. while re covering from a fractured bone In hia band. Harry Merrick, the feath erweight, la preparing to enter the lUta again aa a contestant In the four round boma, and la looking for matches. He ia working out daily at the Roelya A. C. and claims to be aa good aa ever after hia lone reat. Hgy \7/^^^HjV^^B i Join in the chorus of men who consider "net worth only whj° they buy cigarettes. Clothes do not make the man—even less does the package make t» cigarette. 1A neat plain package is used for IMPERIALES so as to give you "net worth within. The Imperials Mend and mouthpiece is cure to appeal to you. So join *y' fW* in the chorus, "A pack of ?«- ; Imperiales, please." {^k> K \r\t \V<C MADE WITH If If Light Solid Lenses, n-i. . Surfaces, No Ct.n^>. f - U .7**'' Ne cementing N« Modern ten* Qrtndlng In Connection, "■« Hi-Kouprr*^^ frame with »!.hertr*| lux l<tt.s<-s, wa:i(nUlf fui«< to your eyes. oum- ft* >, pb-te for J/ SB ROBSON OPTICAL INSTITUTE *60-462 ARCADE ELDfI FOURTH FLOOR Bring This AQ WitH Vo«. DANCING HIPPODROME, SCATTLft NEW OANCINO PAUCE Fifth and Uatwwelt* i CENTS PEW COOPtS omo as DENTISTS Second Av. and Opposite Stone-Fisher Co. wk st**n airx «p org wou I OH II TEAM PAINLESS DENTAL WORE Ct'T itATK PRICES Other Dentists' Ohio Cat In Price* Easy I'symeets. Prlem $15 Set of Teeth Guaraetstsd Uest ..,> n „9Q $10 Set of Teeth g Ousranteed Fit J. 1 $8 Solid Gold or Porcelain Crow* $5 Gold or Porcdaia Bridge Q Work . Solid Gnldfßliijs, $11 Silver filhgs, 5k lp U-TEUR WRITTEN GUARACTB GIVES ON AIX WORE