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Crowing Children (letdGood Bowels , Mild L««»tlv» Occaalenally y ln*ar« Ae,,on i> a child «"»»• 01,,<,r " '"""T" — aid ittort* p*roo«*l itlMUo# ffT.W mother, and aa the func -52 rf the bowel* »r» " f ,h " Mt ' !!2t Intpor'w* 1 <l> he*lth great at £!L «bonM be p*U to them. "ST ta of Importance, and rtionld watch the effect y«n»i» A fo< " 1 * m r° n •V?,and »o« »w>ther. and ao 2tir» a healthy f,H>d like egg* *7' MIINMW" to thouwiiMla. •Tawkolewme fruit like bananaa Jtnat-f »*"> "'* * I, ° lo that the child It grow change are taking la the young w*n or young the ay»iem ha* not yet gTT| ttf i' to It* Igfr routine valuable remedy «t thla ii, tad ose «fhl> h every grow fL and girl staotlM be gl*eu glin'T T according to It ladtrldwl ctrcuniKtancea, la t '» Syrup Pepaln Thla kihndre Md ionic combined. ao Jll |t ia given to little baMea, J-, equally effective In the * wbu , t conatltiition. At the S M of * tendency to con*tt 5, (|«e a aniall doee of ttyrup a t sight on retiring, and artioD will follow in the ESL. It sot only a<-t* on the Zpitfe aad bowel* but It* tonic £2*t|M build up And atreugthen STtytten! (enerally. which la an Zfcfcs *kare<i t>> (be parent* of fteatnee Hat in j u II ST Star lettngton, la . and Mr K. H. life ladies' Tailored Suit House H»rf your Suit made to order. We uae the beet rlo(h and [lata* All work done !>j man tailor*. Our Price $25 to $30 V* rtarmetre oar Suite to fit. THE LADIES' TAILORED SUIT HOUSE, 21S-244 Lumber Exchange Building—Second Floor. gfa—— IF IT'S A WHITE IT'S RIGHT N«w Sewing Machine* Rented 13 00 Per Month. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. fjiy 1424 Third Ave.. Near Pike. Thanksgiving Boots On P* SeUs • Another PAIR uu ■ttotm ri.oo* Really there is nothing that adds so much to oae's appearance, and here you can buy two pairs fa* the price of one at other stores. tor (Sowing of Calf*. Patent*, Suedee. Velvet* and Ha'ld* I* ItoiOMl »»ried and aatlafaetory we have ever had. too will *tirely M the *tyl> and leather yon hare been looking for here. I " ' ' J I ' Women's $5 Satin Even- Young Men'* Button or j ™ 52.50 l!K". M . A,c0 ..».50 I .11 ' I * ■ OPEN SATURDAY EVENING TO 10. [BOSTON SAMPLE SHOE SHOP C£ I Second Ave. at Pike—Over Swift'* WS TKe Day Mr Our Mill Started Iffl we began making a % B M Perfect All-Purpose Flour K QKn It is universally known as IT* I f Fisher's Blend Flour |i (1.4. frw> Cut tn la>4 Wkut <s4 WmUtb M WkMt) and we are still producing it, every working day of the year, to the full capacity of an un equalled plant. It is the Perfect All-Purpose Flour. It sets the standard for real economy. Manufactured br Fisher Flouring Mills Co. Bg| j> " Amtnu'a Plaaat Ptouilog MUla " Jk SEATTLE, U. 8. A. TT" Tot Sale by Alt Dealers VESTA BEATRICE HARMAN Mltlor. Nebraska City, Neb. and thouaand* of others It* use will tucb you to avoid cathartic*, salts and pills a* they are too harah for the majority and their effort ta only temporary, gyrup I'epaln brlnga permanent re nulla, and It ran be conveniently obtained of any nearby druggist at 1 fifty rents ami one dollar a bottle If no member of your family haa ever used Syrup Pepsin and you would like to make a i>«raonal trial of It before buying It In th« regular way of a drugatat. aend your ad dr«M--t postal will do to Dr W It. Caldwell. 41 & Washington Bt.. Montlcello. til., and a free sample bot'le will be mailed you. Remits are alwaya guaranteed or money refunded. WHY NOT USE CHINESE SCRIPT? Or. No*. IB.—The heathen Chinee may l»e "aome therw" when it come* to the tricky •uid peculiar •luff, hut he him noth Inn on • certain rich Hortluder, name unannounced, who own* aev eral lodging* In the old rMtrtcted dlatrtrt. and w ho, to get by Iha "till plate" ordinance requiring apart ment and lodging houaea to conaplo uoualy dlaplay tin* unmea of their ownera, la dlaplavltm hla own nam# In Hebrew on hla holdings. There la nothlnit In the ordinance forbid ding the uae of a foreign language In the make-up of the algna. Theocophical "Con" Make* Hit Escape MAI.KM, Or , No*. 16.—Hearth la today being made for T. L. Wordon. a fl*e-yesr termer, who, while sup poaed to be attending a <la*a In theoaophy, cut a hole through the prtaon library floor. drop|ied to the baaement. and then acaled th« aouth wall to liberty. The dlacov ery of Cordon's es'-ape wit* not made until the membera of the theoaophy < laaa were returned to their iel la American Beauties Who Work New York rlty'* prettieet »ura irtflc girl 1* said to be Mlae Klltabetb Thompeno. Hhe I* It. and a tea< h er. Thl* 1* her picture CHOLERA PROVES A GREAT PEACE MAKER HOrtA. Not, H ♦'Threat of ■ (oncrtl mutiny of Turkish troop*. resulting from the rapid spread of cholera In their rank*, la given aa a reaaon In dls pat<h<-* received her* today, for the sultan's urgent plea for PMC*. VICIOUS MAN. HOW COULD HE? BAN FRANCISCO. Nov 15. In her pie* for divorce Mr*. Irm* M Rrkln told of her own allotted mla treatment wtlh dry eye*, but when *he related the rnteltlee practiced upon her pet rat ahe broke down completely. Mention of the rat brought diabolical Rrlna from the hue band. THE MARKETS Tba following are tha sversge prtcea paid by ,0 * •' eemmla.lon mar : rhaata to the o'oducar* and prl<»* , paid by tha retailer to ttia commia jaloners. Tha prlraa paid the farmers coma under "buying prica," and Iha . iuoi paid br tha retailer under "aa'l- Inff prlre " Pr..-e* In all rtiti ara , u t,)», t to variation arrordlng la frashnea* and general earellenee. hut thaaa prlees. unle»« otherwla# In l|. rated. ara for atrlrtly flrat giadti BW» >■»'■« rrlee. ranfh 4*4# .47 rr»n— otmai Prle*. New apple* to# l.Tt Vsiemla oranges .... f.M pears I.II# Dreaaeil *»««a—Selllag I'llw Cb«ck* • •■: • .y*Vi I-oln*. Nm I, full cut.. .14 Klba. No t .14 Cowl. No 1 l»K#.ll Hind*, at»ar .14 for* utaer .10 Itound* .... .11 Ji OS tongue. fraal .!*'{ ! IJ*ar .JT llaart M Mutton— K«M Wethers .}• Uml- "II Pork — prMM'l hoga .It Trimmed »ln— .1114 Short loin pork .11 Hioulders .11 Plga f- ••• Hpare ribs ......... • . IIH pork mum*' .}» t.lver eauaaga .1* H<>K.gna .1# | Tlibs .11% » M rtr4 Me a re—Jellies Prtee. Ham" -If Bacon IT# .11 llollad ham .17 Ox tongue, each .76 Dried beef • ■ ■ . It l-.Miltrr. I.oi-al—Murine Prtee. Hprlng broilers ...... .Iltl ,Ift It'll" •*•!; • I# # Turkey*. »*• I* Itooeten, llva. lb. .... .0* Hprlnß ducklings .... .16# .14 Ducks, old, live, lb. .. .11 (leese It • tiuabl. <lo* S (0 \>§r< -flrlllag Prlcf. onlotttf. m» potato**. n«W» ton ...14 00011.00 (!arro(*i local . ....e.e .764# .•» uacta. local l .00 Turnip* j 00 ilrapi.M l.twtl 1 1.7 T. HauaiH „..®1 i!rAHlirrr(M, harral ** 10.76 Cranberries, bo* .... 3 76 pumpkin .01 Paraiey. Dos . • ■••• .»» Tomato*", Cal. I.uga, to-lb. bo* I.ft Cauliflower, do* 1.26 tlntliousa Wtluce cr'ts .ISO l.on Head lettuce, do* .... .26 Celery, do* •"# ,40 Feed. Selling l*rl«e. Ea*tern Wa»hlugton timothy I7.«0#l»,00 Puget aound timothy •14 .00# 16 no Alfalfa II CD Wheat hay 22 ■Iran 14.605. 26 .00 hhorta |».§OS2t.OO Whole «orn I« 00»J7 00 Cracked corn 52 112 Mbldllnga ........... It.Ot llollad oat» and barley mlxaU !»«• THE STAR—FRIDAY, NOVEMBER IS. 1912. SHOOTS WIFE, OTHER WOMAN AND SELF riTTHlintttl, No*. IR. — -Oh. John, why did you do It r I atlll loved you." Thla waa the rry hoard by neigh bora from thn dying lip* of Mra John Matthew*, wlje of a prowl nent ln*urance man. whom he ahoi and hilled here, after wounding an other woman Matthewa then turned the gun on hlmaelf and blew out hla brain*. jftLOCKADE SEATTLE— —TWO BIG STORES TACOMA IHE BIG BLOCKADE SALE FORCED UPON US by the street blockade mi-rounding the new 42-»tory Smith Building, now in course of construction adjoining, is now beginning its FOURTH WEEK. WITH THANKSGIVING ALMOST HERE and CHRISTMAS crowding close behind, the exceptional opportunities offered BY THIS SALE are indeed MOST SEASONABLE. THOUSANDS OF SEATTLE PEOPLE have discovered THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY, AND THOUSANDS MORE WILL, through the medium of this BIG BLOCKADE SALE. Bear Cloth A New Shipment Just Arrived Juat received a new shipment of SO-ln. wide Hear Cloth, colors whit., black. red and golden brown The aamr »J 00 grade that sold out so quickly twelve days *4 f A ago Saturday, a yard -~#&• 19 This splendid okxh la especially adapted to the making of Infanta,' and Children's Coata, twinneta. Legglna, ete On Bale Saturday In Center Aisle. > Art Goods Pillow Topa. 23c and «Sc. Her window. Fleischer's Yarns la all klada and art colors. Don't Let Anybody Get Your Mind Off This Idea — "Buy at McCormack Bros., and Buy for Less" Our Busy Center Aisle 10r ('hawbray Olnghams; plain col ors only. C 1„ Saturday, yard v2w I2'4c Percale*, 12 Inches wide: all desirable pattern*. Q'. Saturday, a yard OjC 10c Outing Flannel. dark pat terns Saturday, a yard I 2 b U,c PILLOW CAtCft, extra good round thread, free from dresalng Q. Saturday, each wb i I I 66c Feather Pillows, covered with fancy stripe tickings. Q7'*» Saturday Of 2b 12.00 extra heavy (Cotton Blanketa, sise 72xSO; come In gray with fancy striped border. #4 CQ Saturday reduced to f liww Others at 61c to ti.6o. Grades and styles to fit all requirements. "JHE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY" And In • Hurry. Flret Magnate -My doctor ad t(m4 m«> (o lake a trip abroad for my henlih, hilt I am not koliik •eeond Maifiiaic My luwyor **vo ran the name advice, and I am «oln«. SCHOOLS WILL BE ' OPEN ON SUNDAY AStJKI.KH, 1f» t'oiti u»i*wldK Htmday ne*t, I .on Aiißeloa hl*h *<thool* will ho open Siinilay I'nriiiliwlon ha* been granted by Saturday Suit Sale FURS Lot No. 1 — $8.00 Value Saturday $5.50 tOO Sample Mink Shoulder Ptteea, h.avy aatln llnod. value #C CA MOO. Saturday fuiJU Lot No. 2— $12.00 Value Saturday $7.50 60 eitra Urn* Mink Shoulder 112.00 valuta •"* Cfl Saturday fl •□U Tb. weather has not been cold, but it ma; change any night How f-r.r we are not going lo hold furs at regular prleee. walling for rold • ••alh.r We are unmg th« »ntlr« atocfc., aatnpl*. and aeparate piece* at Slochade Pric.a Special Child's Shoes CHILD'S BUTTON or LACK VICI KID SHOES, solid leather; •Una 6>i lo 8; \alus QQ_ 1146. KV>r DOC CHILD'S SHOES, button or lace vlrl kid shoes, solid leather; (Ilea 2 to fi, 7K« tl 00 value I 3C CHILD'S HANDTURNED KKI) SHOES with white topa; fine Dongola kid; sixes 2'4 to 6; 91 50 value; 36 pair* left. IQ. To cloae out I JU Neckwear IjMllea' Neckwear, lace col I am. bowa and jabots; designs In beautiful varieties; 35c 09#» values. Saturday &0C II 60 Hand Has* 00« Special 30C Men's Suits and Overcoats OUR MEN'S STORE Listen, mon, Ilaton' It In not necessary to walk through ft crowded dry goods store to get what you want here. Step In the third entrance from the corner and you will be ai once In our men's store, with plenty of first-class salesmen to wait on you without delay. MEN'S $15.00 SUITS. COBBEf'T STYLKS; «»0 Q7 dependable and well made yOiJI MEN'S $20 OA SUITS, new browns and gray; made by one of the beßt manufacturers In the 11 QQ land $1 I'M MEN'S $25 00 AND $30.00 SUITS; fIQ 7C UNION MAKE I Oil U There are 200 of these elegant new winter suits. Model* are strictly up to the minute; dark brown*, Oxford gray, new dlagonnl browns and grays; tiulon made and perfection fit, $I r. Overcoats fQ OC $4.50 AH Wool •O 00 and Halnr-oats' vUiOU Trousers «pJ.Jd . .or mA -—w > :! 50 Trousers; $ao nnd $.r. 04 j -JC unlon CO >10 V*<trcoats llil J mB( |„ <bcA\t Men's $2 Work CQ Men's $3 Casul 0 4 QO Ing I'ants f liOU Mere Pants ... «pli*lO The "Sincerity" and "Sophomore" OvercoatH here quoted are too well known to ever need our per sonal gunrantec, which Is back of every one. [the board of education to open the arhoola on (he HuMmth The !<•« Minn will ronnlit of In-turo eunrD<ii only. MORE FIGHTING SOUTH OF BORDER IMM'OI.AH, Arl*., Nov. If, Capt Iteltran, with «0 f<-<l<-rj*lh. left Atom I'rleta lull' Wwlni'Mlay to fimair a force of Inatirrecto* under Major Chiio, reported to havii captured and IfMitid the Nok*l ranch. In Hotiora, 60 in I lea i-aat of iMiujclaa McCORMACK BROS, are known for their Splendid value giving in Women's Garments. Saturday, however, will be A Red Letter Day in this busy department. A Specially Planned Sale $25 Women's Suits at $14.50 These beautifully-made Suits arc of Zihcline. Serge, Cheviot and all popular materials, Skinner Satin lined, (1/1 RO perfect fitting Saturday only ItTi«JUl t Ti«JU The popular favor with which these Suits are regarded by smart dressers makes this offering particularly timely. All Coats rcduced for Saturday's selling. hosiery BOYB* HEAVY RIBBED COTTON HOSE, Rear brand. This brand Is recognixed by mothers everywhere as the best 26c boy's hose to be had 9« r Saturday. a pair C I b MISSES WOOL RIBBED HOSE, made with merino heels snd toes: a perfectly fitting winter hose: 86c value 0) r A Pair fcUU I.ADIES' BLACK FLEECE-LINED HOSE, fast black; warm and comfy; made of specially se lected cotton yarns. Saturday, special twt LADIES' MERCERIZED HOSE, in black, tan or brown; seamless and stainless; highly finished; silky and strong IQl* Saturday, a pair I JL LADIES' 6fic CASHMERE HOSE, merino heel and toe; all sixes; a strictly high-grade hose. Saturday, a pair Hwl FOUR WOMEN SIT ON MURDER TRIAL JURY Tour women are Kitting a* Juror* In the aitperlor court In a caae that may Involve capital punlnhmnnt The jury waa completed ihla morning In the f I rat degree murder trial of J T. Trlvett, the conductor who I* charged with killing Oliver and Otto Han ford, father and aon, following an altercation on a Hal lard Iteach car on Ai|gu*t .'II la»t The flrat wltneaa for the *Mie, II Kti**ell, a atorekccper at Mallard Winter Underwear For Women and Children WOMEN'S ALL-WOOL ' MSHtm JERSEY-RIBBED ft J*tvS UNION SCITS, de- XYy\ V signed by the manu facturer to sell at tfi.oo. Our regular price Is ' )v\s*~ 12 s°. PI QO KSfc \V'Jj Saturday ... JpWßp i / WOMEN' S ALLWOOL JT j f , I VESTS AND PANTS. L \ Jersi in silver VkJB . \]J/\ grav and white; actual X\ y* \ \ \ I $1 SO value Sat QO,* ll\. \ \\ \ I f | / urday. a garment 30b ■/V\ \ V\ / WOMEN'S JERSEY- I '' \\\ \\ / RIHRED and FLEECED ft. \i ( UNDERWEAR; vests KHMH.-Vv \1 \ and pants; color ecru; !| l| 35c kind nq r J 9 I liA 11 / Saturday tub \ \ L-Nn j HOYS' UNION SI'ITS. J I hL"^ Jersey-ribbed and "• . 1. - fleeced; all sixes; a I suit<*hlch washes well; •* $1.00 \alue. PQa Saturday 00C CHILDREN' S SILVER ORAY UNION SUITS; ribbed; value 36c; all sixes. 09|» Saturday 4.0b BOYS Boys' $5 00 Suits, some with 2 pairs Knickerbockers, • « lIQ Saturday Hoys' $7.50 Suits, Tans, Orays and Brown, with 2 pairs QO Knickerbockers, Saturday 200 SAMPLE COATS $f!,50 Overcoats for ffO QO boys; sizes 5 to 9 ... yJiwO Hoys' Rough Neck Wool Sweaters, good colors, value $5.00. PQ /[(J Saturday $4,i*vo Boys' Fedora Hats, this season's Brown and Gray; vnlue Cft $2.00; Saturday 60c UEANNELETTE IQ. WAISTS, SATliniiAY I *11# Hetu-h. who heard th* ahota, waa nailed abortly hefor» noon Trlvett will put In a a«lfd*fana« plea DELAY OPERATION ON WM. LORIMER CHIOAOO, Nov. If. At a nonau! tat lon of phyaWlana her* Wedn«-« day afternoon. It waa derided to it - lay the operation on Wm l-orlnjer. depoaed t'ti 1 t'-'J Htatea aenator from Hllnola, who la 111 her* with »i> pondlfitla. Men's Furnishings Rxc«ptlonal price on Mod's "Lu zerne" Union Suite; sizes JQ 34 to 60; Saturday, suit.. iHj Men's heavy Silk Lisle Underwear, regular 12.50 value: Shirts and Drawers, a garment, #4 QQ Saturday y I iOu $1.25 Natural lamb's Wool Shirts or Drawers; all slzcb; a QQ. Raiment, Saturday jOU 75c Suspenders, QOa Saturday OOb $1.00 Heavy or Medium Weight Shirts or Drawers, a car- 7Qp ment, Saturday I w« Men's Heavy Cotton Union Suit, sniiK fitting:: all sizes; CI 1Q $1.50 kind, Saturday * $2.00 Men's Wool Sweater Coats, plain red or gray, OQ Saturday y I tO J I