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4 THE SEATTLE STAR Phott*: Trh *! o If*.• Urnny Ma I n »*»<' r*—wr t: WWlisw or Tiiiv si hii i-* noirrii*w*i C*4ut m or «CTTiUr.i. HMW k.*i.a ion Ir«c- -It. «»• •« 1 ""•* ~ . ,ii'« w... r-i-n'" •• »••'••"" nir »r mall -Ttv. TKi p-i m..n l» .U moa .It ..... » " Piklirtri ilnllr fc* "'#*>• Siar rMkli.kina '»■ *"»«■*' * — The superintendent of Ohio's Mate reformatory that 50 pet cent of the boys in his charge »re the divorce, and it is likely that all the other similar of the cotintrv contain a high percentage of nut » v The tumble with these boys u that they couldnt m ect their parents, and the state- society—wai indifferent in spect of such selection. , , Doubtless the state makes a better parent, after the boy has started wrong, than do quarreling individuals. ' ' who marry really burden themselves with respons.bihty'to the state, and it docs not WW reasonable to to bear all the cost of caring for children left derelict by .li vorce growing out of the usual causes. Wlien divorce is granted, the court seldom. If pv , rr « quires bond for proper raising of the children, or My ' nity against the state's being forced to care for them. J c court merely severs the existing marital bonds, leaving t e parties to make new unions and breed more ch.irg< s for * Ut The court 1 may "soak" the husband for big alimony, lest the wife max suffer, but there's no consideration for the financial burden thrown upon the state. Why not take from the fellow who "buys his freedom in the divorce court, is often the case, a little alimony for the taxpayers who have to support Mate institutions for the reform of victims of divorce ? The Archbishop of York is making artistocrat.c Ei.Kb.ul pay attention, bv expatiating, for the benefit of the idic ru >. upon that parable about the camel and the needle s eye and ether good things from the Htble tending to show that all of tis must apply to St. Peter at the gate shorn of stocks, bonds, quitclaim deeds and other impediments. *»•:«. The good archbishop has already got Lords Bentink, Shaftesburv. Methuen and Avebury warmly interested in the |.and and Home League, an organization which declares that 90 ber cent of the drunkenness and crime in Lngian<l is due to bad housings and bad surroundings and which proposes to ret hold of land for better homes for the working people. That anv part of the clergy should go off on the slant 01 Chancellor Llovd-George's land reform schemes tremendously chocks the big'landow ners, who are one of the heavy curse* °* A back-to-the-soil movement in Britain radically differs from such an enterprise in America, as there is little sou to go back to save that held by titled individuals who have ac quired it by divine right of inheritance. Yes, indeed, Christmas is coming. Shop early. So far. Bill Taft hasn't expressed surprise that he got l»ny electoral votes. Really now, don't-chc-know, Sir Thomas had no thought of advertising his tea. The "original Wilson man" is already a regiment. How the world loves a winner. Our idea of misdirected energy is trying to bold down jrour wife's Christmas expenses. Turkey cries peace but there is no peace in sight for the poor critter until after November 28. Grocer reports to police that his wing has vanished. As though that's not the ultimate fate of wine. And otir idea of well-directed energy is sending a good fat turkey to Mother Ryther's children's home. That 30-foot leap by "Peg" Kelley for hi« $6 "beaver" •et a new estimate for hats after the way the colonel's was treated. We arc requested to announce that Jakey Furth will not heat his street cars as a Christmas gift to his motormen and Conductors. If Hay's tax commissioners had practiced on cutting taxes maybe they wtould now be more successful in cutting down Lister's lead. It requires two columns to print the names of the Itandpat statesmen who have joined the "lame duck" brigade during the past four years. And still there are some people •o pessimistic 4hat they claim the .world does not progress. "They bad a dreadful quarrel laat night." "That so? What about V "She wanted to get one of the latest tight fitting skirts, because it's ffcahionaMe, and b« saJd tf «he did bed follow the latest fashion note for men and grow slds whiskers,"--Detroit Free Press Dr. ■ ■■%WWM fl V ■ ■ B B• A I B H CREAM BAKING POWDER >4 Pure Cream of Tartar Powder Dr. W m * Sedgwick Saunders, Medical Officer of Health of the City of London, Eng.. was good enough to say that a long and universal experience has proved a cream of tartar powder the most effi cient, safe and economical, making food which could not be deleterious to the most delicate stomach. In England the sale of baking powder containing alum is absolutely prohibited. WHEN BUYING BAKING POWDER, READ THE LABEL. §■- Victims of Divorce It Stirs 'Em Up Observations GETTING EVEN Nothing' Serious I It la MtlißiM ltd 100,000 'boya la IMi wastry are working ttwtr ©wa wtrelees telegraph owl flu, I'oaalMr the reimhltrane are figuring on mi tine litlr CbrliiMM dinner In Conataß(lßn|>l« They won't eat any ThanVaglr lug dluuer. Tk.r. < mmmr a mmm »H» kl»ka ytM Th. frtr* mi |K»fk aa4 Who —> • Ik. I Ik* R>M »l ohalkr willk Ultra hlv • tMXIM Mk*, w h<* ku*la *t>«« li. i>«*m • 4—* i fi< Aa4 rwnra * k.lf na I .r Khn l».> I*a . oak. •» laMhlrr ► »» Or half a H, h M flour. Who ihmiiM «• » mmn«« n'**l * M rail. >aalt<M Ik* (MM. An.l Mr. Ikal ika <»•• •>» mtna w« Will Hkl lit. Mlloa fc«M — HI?T Who'll Ml« ta a *""4 fl»a 'lailar kill rat ana a( ik. miaai akina, Alt,l pli-k aoi • •»«! Ikr«e 4 .lla» (la AM mnk« •• M kitrta Wko II H..4 .1 a wiik ivaair mt% And kuf iwiml tMw l«Ml In Ircattaa Iko I» tt*>w Snake Au4 w.t.r iwfta a aonaST "The net ortmnii worn hf ihe police," aajrs a Now York t>« par. "khow tho uraeaful rurraa at the *larara." More eaideace that the Now York police are not utralghL Mladlrectod energy- Trying to pro* on t a flanaol ahirt rrom shrinking. Throwing oonfeitl. reeling aorry for the Turks. Cheering tor the Ilalkan allies. It.*r«u lug that eoneltody waaa't o tec ted. * Religion Today. * * Mr*. Wavupp— Ma Uwr hare * * Jual had their Oral quarwli? * * Mra lllaae—Tee, altar lk * * yeara of married tlfa, thay * * bar* Jimt diacuvered (bat * * they belong to oppoelto # * churcbea -Ufa. * Tba Turku may bo hohind lha tlmaa. but iboy ar« eliminating tba! at ops In tba ruah hour. ilano to \V»r. Hark FVbrutrr A. t'apitailoroM." ia tho sign on • Oreek'a fruit at two in Rocbaa tor. Tbai'a our idea of Lha quin' caaence of confiilenre. A monitor In tba Kp» York «*> geta • airloia steak and a chow of tobacco every morning A whole lot of mm bar* to gat along on ibe chew of tobacco. Mia Own Mailir. "Drinking t*»er? Why. t thought you «rnt a temperaaco man " "*> I am: but I'm not a «la*a to tba coldwater habit'—rack. Out of Place. Hawaii—l faal Ilka a fie* out of water. Powell—l faal Ilka a horae In a garage.—Heal (state (ipnu. A hort Tlma to la Da ad Ijml Monday night on* of tba horaea owned by lieonre Ratu-b bo r ante /*■! in tba stable and would hare rbokod itaelf to do«#h bad It not boon for the dog tla awaken ed Mr. Heath, wbo aroee and weal to the barn, where ha dlacoTerod iha horao nearly dead from eter 'lon. M« baatlly untied It. but bad It not boon for tba do* tho horao would probably bare been dead un til morning. CraaUlag* O, Ad»o rata. The Editor's Mail Editor The Star: I read with murh Interest In last night's Star the article entitled, "Ooddard Spouts, but Council (Joes Ahead With Work." It Is tbe Seattle Stsr that the people must depend upon (o get after the obstructionists In office. When t hesrd the Ooddard bark. I looked around for a cause, and found tbat former CUT Knglneer K. 11. Thomson was In town. It <*>r tainlj la smustng to hear 'ho little ones barking at tbe big ones. It will be an easy matter to get una "S(a 'ena. Alfonso." as long as fc« Alderman Murphy remains out of th« city council and Mr. Thomson THK STAR—FRIDAY, NOVEMBER U, 1912. JOSH WOK tAV»; M Th' trwataea e' ■aalayaport hev ivad tar dleclpllne Hickory Bled gaen, th' marahal. He get aassy W* Mayer rridamuah whan th" latter aahed him tar full atealln' milk off Hl« front perth." In the past 14 months 171 chll- i drew have been killed by vehicles in tha streets In New York cliy. e e e It takes all kinds of men to make a world ome marry rich women and idhera run for vice president s s e A f<» hound of average speed covers M feet a second. see •urh Men Are Numerous I buy second hand men's • iothee sad shoea, send postal Hera. M K 4th st Advertlsomeat In New York Telegrnm. see And another gnnd thing about an ! egg strike Is thst the national, guard la never called out. see What baa become of paper bag j cookery# e e e John langtion of New Hamp shire was Ihe first president of the senate. altUug when W ashing too ■ was Inaugurated and remaining In tbe senate IS yearn. He waa a farmer. e e e A girt named White, of New j 14mdon. Conn . Insisted on nothing hut white * her wedding, on no count of her name. Kven tbe bridegroom was white. see Thsrs Must Bs gem* Such borne whara WANTED--Cook, lady or gentla man; must be sober; country hotel Gibsoa house. <1 !, acy. O —Adver-, (laement In Cleveland (O.) Plain nealar. ess Newfoundland baa 6W> ml lea of railroads. s s s There's a girl la Southern tn ft i ana whose u» me la Dornfhy Croaa, but sb. all* herself ttol aad always signs her nsaie X. see The world's coal ronsußiptlott has just about doubled every 10 year* for the last century. s s s n Orgy—ln lowa The workmen were then caßed together and Mayor In* man treat' ed each one to a cigar and • fine large appla—VUllaca ,la.) Newa. • • • Tobacco and sail are the only Im ported articlee wot taxed toy Tar e e e Ranting* of tha hsrve*er trust Increased 500 per r«nt le five tears t'ongratutatloaa. farmers s * e The melancholy day* are enme. And boobs with noodles narrow Will pay their beta by pushing' °r<>und The winners la n harrow. e e e When Do Yeu Want te Deliver Him? WANTKD Young man to dellv la In tows. KOc (hi* mm Ui|«T*r> mgal (It* 13.500 * year. OSK OK THKM. Kdltor The Htar I read with aorrow atxwi< the of Julius Wa> land, owner of Iha Ap|>»al to Reason. Isn't It strange that with ao many In »ar land claiming to • land for what la gn>4 and elsvat- Inf. no on* other than socialists asked or demanded that ths nor ernnienf bloodhound*. I. a. ths t? 8 prnssrutlng sttornsy, !>« railed swjiy from the throat of that kind 'v man ? lan't It a fart tuat hla «i posur* of the raarala who were In cbsrgs of tha convicts brought' •bout Lbs |o«»mm»nl In * oat teat lon of tha charges, which resulted In ths discharge of (ha officials In I command? I do not bells** tha fact of h(« I coming I rial bad anything to do with hla death. for he waa natural ly a fighter. Rut. being an enthu siast, and seeing (after stectlon) how easily hla beloved humanity , could be fooled. ha simply thought It waa not worth while. and ao laid, down teh burden of Ufa Ilia llfa la an lna|>lratlon to aoclallata to osrry on the fight for humanity, for we can see already on the hor I ton tha dawning of a better day. t HARMuS MIM,WARD. Kdltor Tha Btar: It la Intsr eating to read tha proa and eons In thla Krye A Co. mattsr. I want to tall you what the small dealer stands for. Whan a fellrtw idu out of work and on hla up|)wr*. the amall dealer la the man to whom he cornea with hla tale of woe and gete credit. Rut the moment he has a Job, off he goes to FYye * Co , or the market, pay a caah for nfa mint.' and then cornea to the amall debtor to borrow n poatage stamp. And he will I willow like a bun If ha doesn't get It. STAR RKADEIL Bdltar The Star: I hay« read Mrs Nobody's poem, which Appear ed In The Star on November *, and I do agree with her In that the contest wna one aided. All moth era In law ara not alike Mra. No body'a little poem waa written from a weman'a standpoint; mine la from a man's: My Molher-ln-Lsw. She la old and wrinkled and gray. And we all love her mrt)*e every day; Rut, oh. ao awoet and gentle and kind! My wife wanta her always, and 1 mind. She huan't it fault—no, not one. And 'twna through her only daugh ter I won. Her virtues are, oh, ao grand! Shea the doareat old lady In the land. I'd cull i hla a Joke, but can't you sen? I love thla old lady because alio lovea me. CHAS. II PATTEN. er. 1M High *t —Advertisement In Huffato ,N, Y.) Newa, re • "The price of mei# hi* gone hp In thi. last year," say* the agricul tural department. "but vegetarian* have saved money," 'Peas up. veg etarians. How much have you UPSET, BILIOUS, SICK?" CASCARETS" No Headache, nillousneaa, bad tan to or conatipatioa by morning. An you keeping your bowels. Iteer ana stomach rtsac, pure ana fresh with Caaearale, or merslr tarctag a pseoagewar through tbrss alimentary or drainage or gens ever* few daya with Halts, I > sihartle pill*. Castor OU or Purg ative Wa b*raf i Mop having n bowel washday, let Oaenareta thoroughly clennne and regulate tbe glomarb. remove the nndlgaeted. Soar and ferment log (bod and teal gases, take the *f#«M bile from tbe lTv» and > arry oat of tbe tystem all tbe de • 'imposed waste matter and pot •one la Out intestine* and bowels. A Caaoarot tonight will make yon feel groat by morning They work while yon sleep — never gripe. al< kaa or eauae any Inconvenience, and oort only 10 oenta a boi from your druggist Millions of man and woman take a Caacarot now and then tad bev«r hava Headache milounaaM. Coated Tongue. Indi gestion, tour Stomach or Constb paled Pnwsla. CaatsceU belong la afarr household. Chlidiaa Just lore to lake lb eta. i 200 mjj| 200 W pim |i _ We have no Pianos to offer for sale at less than cost, NEVER have had and .#1 FA p(Q MEVF.R expect to have. RUT considering the many friends the»e Pianos will make |£f|||Sfl»Jf fbr u* we arc g<>mg to be satisfied with a very small profit on each of these 200 old Interest e * la kli*hed, we " known, standard make of Pianos which we have agreed to sell within Wffli Guaranteed for IO Years _ - This Piano is guaranteed for ten years, not- only by us but the manufacturers' Tprmcl S|| guarantee is cast in the metal frame of the instrument above their signature. lUIIIJfItTv Now this 10-year guarantee does not mean that the piano will only last 10 years, Dor ULnnL ' or a P'*"o °1 tHu grade will last for 50 years if properly cared for. But the 10-year id "Ctn guarantee d>>ei mean that if the instrument proves defective in either workmanship or material within a period of 10 years from date of purchase that it will be properly re paired at our expense, or replaced with a new instrument of same make and grade. Kg NO INTEREST No interest will be charged on any contract made for the purchase of any one of these instruments between now and Decc:«bcr Ist. Regular Prlcc $375.00 These piano* have been continuously manufactured by their present manufacturer!! since 1850, and are recognised everywhere as standard high grade instruments and are ■old throughout the entire Hast by reliable dealers at $375 and are considered and ac knowledged to be good values at that price by customers and dealers alike. f0 Our Sale Price $262.50 The Bush Ac l.ane Piano Co. of Chicago are manufacturers and have a large and well equipped factory, but their trade this year has been such that they have not been Turin* CI CA a^'e t0 '"Pf'y *' ,c K rcat demand upon their factory, and not wishing to lose dealers, U. 101 HIS fI.JV whom they have supplied for years, they have been compelled to purchase pianos from HO D ||/ I other factories for their various agencies, and in order to get these pianos at such prices t , 4 9 iCr Wo£k ?* knew to be right, they being manufacturers themselves, they have had to buy lllltfKl in very large quantities, which *he> have done in this case, and which makes it possible to carry out their well-known policy of quick sales and small profits, and for this reason this $C 5 piano is to be sold during the next six weeks at $262.50. Terms $LSO Per Week It is our aim to make it possible for anyone, who is desirous of owning a piano, to #1 FA N|j t* sble to take advantage of this splendid opportunity and purchase one of these high TprmCjlSQ w gTade pianos at the price they would ordinarily pay for a cheap instrument, and for lllforoct '' la, rca,on wc h* ve made the terms on these pianos as low as $1.50 per week, which DAfUfiik llllil wl •* no more than you would have to pay for rent if you were renting a new instrument »0 Itwß of this grade. Privilege of Exchange Knowing these pianos as we do, we see no reason why anyone should wish to Turmc CI CA an Mr ' ,>n ß e this instrument so long as an upright piano would he satisfactory 1^ Jll ' n the home, but for fear it might be their desire to do so,'we will agree, by written con- |W n ill I tracyto grant the privilege to the purchaser, to. at any time within a period of two . , 1 ler WeeK y fars " «*thanje this piano for any new upright, Grand or Player Piano of equal or IntCTCSi greater value, sold by us at time of exchange, we allowing all payments made on this piauo to apply on the purchase price of instrument exchanged for, We Do As We no extras or any kind BrSgTEi AifuArtitA k'° extras of any kind will be added to this price of $262.50 for this instrument, ur.iL Vta Aaventse free stool—free cartage. itiib iw_ Bush & Lane Piano Co. MANUFACTURERS WHOLESALE—RETAIL Seattle Store—l3ls Third Avenue J FRYE, PACKER, SAYS HE'S ONLY BEGUN To FIGHT. WHILE WAR IS ON, PUBLIC GETS CHEAP MEAT "They slsrtlld It. I'm going to finish It I'll win this fight If It take* m<> 36 yaara." Thua Chart** It. Try*. president of Pry» a Co., |*' kw», to The rttar today. "Kvery ralall meat dealer In thla town," be said. "I* a member of Hi* Muster Butcher*' association, an organirailofl wblrb fl«s* price* and Impose* pnnsltlee for under •elllng Ido not kiMiw It the meiu bere of the organlsatlon know thai such an association la unlawful In that ll la a conspiracy a»:»inal trad#,' but such la the fact. "Horn* tin* before November 1 tha aasocimlon delivered an ulti matum that Krye A Co. roust g«*t out of the retail business or atand • boycoit. Wo must ba packers, and nothing more, the association aald We musi close our retail stores and rjull twilling to retail rant*, logging cainpa. conatrnctlon gJUiKa, and the like, We might aril U) Utera, lb* member a of the nsso elation, wholesale, but we inuat let i tbeiu have the retail trade. /'Two day* before November I !wa announced a cut In price*. It waa our auawcr to the ultimatum Wo have all retail alorea. If n*c 'eaaary, I will open more We havo ; reduced th« price of freab meat ' from 16 to 25 per crnt. "We are losing money, but we ran afford to lo»e money If the other aide can We have #00 men on our payroll. We could let 1 tbeae men go, and quit cold, but what would become of our trade? I d rather aell at a kiaa and bold the trad*. "You understand we ara not wholesalers now, but retailer*. No retail dealer will buy m«;at of ua. We are boynotted." "Wbat will be the effect of the fight upon lb* email dealer*?" wa* naked. 'If they meet our prices they will loae money. I am sorry, tor 1 suspect many of Ibe small dealer* are unwilling members of tbe as socialion. But there am big later <-st* back of tbe asao< l»Hon la this fight, egging It on — Inn-rests that know tboy can never get a monop oly of the trade hera unless they kill off Prya A Co " ' What Interests?" "The h«-f tnist." "What If the beef trust killed off Prye A Cor Meat prices would go hack to the old figure* and higher, and com petition would be deader than a cured bam " CHAg H. FRYE Thl» li rryr« ild« of tfee k« Ma d'-nlea hf I* a trwrt." •ttr th" roerlta of th» cue, It kg leant (rue that Krjre k a Bfkkt ll« )• a biff man, with hnfe to. bams, a body like Jim Jettrim. M a brow Ilk* Wllllaa J«gZ Chauncejr Wright, tlx rtrtaaaf man, «ai lnti-rvtewed. "Let era flfftat,' tald "Ckvemf? "It m< ana <h«*p meat WM* ever aide loaea. the public via?