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SHMfI SOUR AND Hill OF GAS? (01 HMGESnON? HERE'S t CURE m* tt! '■ I** nilnutea all atouiach dlatrcaa will so No In- VZ h«artburt>. aourneaa or bel. hint of aaa. acid or eructationa iTiMl''*'' *«**• no bloating. foul breath or headache. • "JJI, otop<s , *»» '» fw "• ai»*e<t In regulating upe»t atom r TT li U* Nreat. quickest and moat certain innH) In the whole m*L u4 bMIdM It l« h«rml*aa of men and women now <-at their farortte food* without , .tor tK'» no* It I* needleea to have * bad atoniach i| I 111 IMKKS ntSOROIRKO STOMACH*/ HI! mil riNg >k rtvt ninutri/ j^|^^jr|pV Mile VMS INDIGESTION. MM CA * Hdigfugii MPMng|/wri| lOU « OKI CASC-ANY MUC gTOML a All TAMALCsi u...i D If. II mill arte. r*e* u.Utwi iwiln | JBf HI Mil are »t, k»l. telee mm 4 like. Mela (3M. PlB ° r n* V 'lT VlT° 1» f J Thankful to know that you can gat hoaaat ralue la the thrw eaaentlal* of gool rlotheg; I Styla, Fit and Sarrlca. Bulla and Overroata I In the moat popular aharfea and pattrrna H that are tailored to took right and wear B M $18*50 I OVEI,COA I Do Not Worry 1 I We ran arrange that »err nlraly for yon Hi We ha*«* hp|["-d ttK»i»and* of mas and young H nirti who find It ao miM~b iu->ra *atlaf»< tory and <onvrtu.-nt to pay aa tbey get paid. Wa lj ran help you. too. ■ $1 a Week or $5 a Ij Month Is Enough || Op.n & OJZEKP HT— — I Third Av.sJSV Clean Bread \ 'mffm Brea<! mar be fresh and clean when it leave* the bake shop, ret be decidedly unclean when it re»ch« the consumer. That*s because all bread is POROUS. If its crust is exposed it absorbs moisture like a sponge. If moisture were all, it would not matter so much so far as its wholcsomcness is concerned, but this is not all. Why Take Chances? In its rounds from baker to consumer it is handled by driver, focer, clerk, delivery boy Perhaps the hands are unclean. Perhaps these persons are unhealthy. Etrerg bread rater who buy" unwrapped bread i« taking; s chance. Tha Wrr cannot control hia bread after it travel hi» ihnp, hot there's otie war >• insure yourself and familr absolutely against unclean, unwholesome bread. Eat HOIiSOM The Large Wrapped Loaf There are a thousand reasons why But best rraaon is H'a irrmpoiw£ «* '*• wen in a gtrmproof, dust proof, waaed paper snapper that preserves it unsullied to th« final serving on your utile. MMSM Br»ad is made from the choicest flour and beat ingredients it Is pos-iMe to produce, The water it filtered, the flour ia thoroughly sifted aad t'sted in our ideally sanitary shop. Eat HOLSUM, and Enjoy Health 10 cent* at all groom Oon'i take a bun for a loaf —demand the 32 ounce "Holsiira" loaf of your dealer. HOLSUM BAKING CO Letters to Cynthia Grey "DO NOT WANT TO LIVE WITHOUT AFFECTION" l>aar Mlu Urev: I want your advice In rnr trouble lam a man Ai old, have been married all yeara, aud uiy wife la four yeara older She la a woman of good moral character, hut ahe haa a fiery 'em l>«r I am naturally very aemiltlvc, and her word* rut to th»> Imnc Hardly a day im**.-* without a arrap. Wi» liayn two children Whan ah« la away, everything la peaceful. but when aim la lioutn In a turmoil I ha>«* tried hard to bear It. but I am living a life of mlaory. Bhe adutlta her at l ong temper, but »he ihlnka I ought lo bcnr It bocauac ahe la a "good woman," aud aha never trlea to rontrol heraelf I ha*e tried klndueaa. but to no ayall. Hhe ahowa lota of affection lo the children, but aaya It la not In her to *how her love for me >4b«< haa not offered to kiaa me ten tliuea lu at* year*, except when I a how her affection Now, I am tired of thla cat aipl don life. I do not cure for any one elae. but do not want to lira my life with no affection and teuderm-aa In It. I would Hive anything If aha would change, but ahn aaya aha cannot help It and will uot try. She rlalma »h* lovea me hecauae lam a good, clean man Would you ad* lee DM to bear thla uilaerable life, or get thrntigb with It? UNrORTIfNATK HUMAND. A.- Any one virtu* la not an exctiae for any t>artlcular aln. and making it ao la another error. I think your wife muat have been ralaed to believe a woman haa no right to make auy advance to a man either before or after marriage, ao I would not bother about that, She probably lovea you aa well aa you do bar. Aa to the temix>r. aha ran overcome It, and nhould make the effort to do ao for her own good. The louger ahe puta It off. the worae It will be Appeal to her to do It becauac it la right, and not for your aake, and then notlcw It aa little aa poaalble. Thanksgiving Apparel To Be Thankful For ** THE STAR—FKIIMV, NOVEMBER 15, 1912. "CAN A GIRL OF 1« LOVET" IW Minn Gr*y: I have read J your anawera in The War every i evening for some time, and now I I wan! you to tall me aouietlilnit. ('an a girl of 14 really love • boy" I don't mean foolishly, but a and dt«p love. Thar® la a certain boy whoni I lov* in tbla way, I think I would I* *lilltns to lire up everything to hint eicept my honor Ikiea a boy appreciate a love Ilka thia? I wish Kim* of the hoys would eft proa* their view* on thl* matter, aa I want to know I.OVKHI'K A Bo rarely doe* a glil of 1< really love that It la not a*re to trust her fueling at that time. And ao very. very rarely doe* a young boy know enough to appreciate such love that It la wiaest to wait until older before making any con cessions I know a slrl who walked the floor and cried the night a man 10 year* her senior left hta home town. The man from then on de veloped alowly, the girl rapidly, and a few year* after ahe ahrank front him. And he wa* really a good man Hut what ahe thought i love waa really emotion. HOW CAN I WINT l>ear Ml** Grey; I am In love with a young man of 23 and he doea not ■• •■m to care a* much for me as I do for him. Will you pieaae advise me In what way I can win his affections* I am IH years of age and have known him eight tnoniha. Will you also advise ntn If It Is proper to go out with a *oldl«*r when be baa his V. H uniform on* Thanking you In advance. MIHH M A - There la nothing one can do to win the affection of another, and if you did so by strenuows ef fort*, you could not hold It. no why out wait quietly and take phllo sophirmlly *b*l the god* send? It Is considered bet let form for a soldier to wear civilian clothes when not on duly, but he may not have them, ao don't Judge harshly RULE FOR MAKINO DESSERTS When making desserts. allow on* heaping tablespoonful of gran ula'ed sugar to each egg and half a pint of milk. Cynthia'* Amwen to Many Questions The salary of the president of the lulled Stat-. I* 17 j. 000 a y«ar. Remove paint from cloth villi turpentine and r»««i»i the turpen tine spot with gasoline. Ilrown suede or velvet shoes are not practical for school *<*ar. gun m"tj| are the moat serviceable. For Information regarding the taking on I of naturalisation papers, apply or write to the Naturalisation Rureau, Federal building. Srittl*. If a person send* a check In p*y mint of a debt and baa not tha amount of the check In the bank, the check I* worthless and the debt mnat be paid otherwlae. If hair baa a tendency to (m« on the face, any kind of cold cream containing grease will aid the growth If cold cream la applied. It should be at bedtime after the face haa been waahed thoroughly. At any social gathering, where you are required to entertain a young man whom you are not well acquainted with, your conversation should be on the topics of general Interest, tbst la, not Intimate, as If you had known etch other for aotnn time. The member* of President Taffs cabinet are: Her Htate. P. f!. Knox; B«h\ Treaa . Franklin MrVeagh, Hec. War. H. L. Htlmpaon; Atty Oeneral. O. W. VV'ickerahani; Post master General, P If. Hitchcock; Hw. Nary. <» V. Meyer; Sec In terior, W. L Flaber. Sec. Agricul ture, J. Wilson; Hec Commerce anil Labor, C. Nagel. Re-Block Your Hats We ran re-block your vnlvst. •Ilk. Ijuvtr. velour. aatln or f*lt into ili« latoat style MODEL MILLINERY H97 >fk Bid, ttth floor """TFITTTTT 1 ™" MADE TO OROKft LADIES' SUITS $25.00 TO $32.50 Ladlaa' Tailored Suit Shop. Buy Thanksgiving Supplies Here— -—Open Saturday Evening Until 9 Now l« th« tim« to r*pl»nlah I your •«•»< w of Nap ■ Ki»t« Tl.«m art ffta 11 In « h •Ia «. m hHmttHl «|| I ■ I— um* Mi»«< i*i 1 nr M utiv% •«<h Banner Bargains at the Room-Making Sale Who Needs Blankets He« our dlaplay of 1,000 |>alr of Cotton Itlanket* and prbad for quick dla|>oaal Tbe variety of stylea, color* and gradea la ao large we cannot particular!** In de acrtptlon* of each one, but w» can guarantee you the hlg ge*t values In gray, tan and white at the following price* per palr •MS. •I SO, •t.M, £A 11.15. 9Sc, 89c and 0"C Gray color only, QQl* at. a pair, 7tc and JUC WOOL n s IS II PI, A I D HUANKETS AT, A I'AIH— $2.69 $1.89 Wool Mixed Blankets. Kitra large Wool and Cotton Mixed illanketa In the follow Ing combination color* —tan ami white, blue and white plak aji<l whit*, and gray and wbltr. chet k« d design* Hltea 6g*So Incbea and worth •i.OO a pair Bpe- ** AA ■ Lai value* apr )J.O" Pure Wool Blankets. Thoaa "Buffalo" Wool Hlank-ta are guaranteed ab aojutely all wool, both warp and filling, and they wltl laat a lifetime. We are note agent* for the** blanketa In the Northwest and we are buying direct from one of the largest blanket mill* In the country. They make only this blanket, thua Inaurtng a high degree of perfection. They are made In two altea only. In plain colors and plslds. rtlie MiiO Inch** — worth fi.M; our prtre. Aa m a pair #4.07 Hue "0>.12 Incbea — worth 17.W>: our price, »r AA a pair #D.D*f OUTING FLANNEL Btandard grade Outing Flan nel. In thirty different stylea; In r berks and stripes; St inchea wide. For Haturday special, 7 a yard liC CRETONNES. 500 yards of Manufacturers Remnants of 10c Cretonnes. In all styles; good for drapery purpose*; also make good comfort covering*. The lengths run two to ten yards. Special. J1 per yard FINE COMFORTER BATTING. Half pure white wool and half Sea Island cotton batting Thla Is considered the moat economical, most serviceable and most sanitary filling for comforta; alae of roll 72xfi4 inchea. In one, two and three pound weights. Special price, /»q a pound 09C MEN'S OVERALLS SPECIAL 25c. Third Floor. For the early shoppers on Ssturday there will he some of thoae famous 76c Overalls we told you of the first of the week. They here been pro nounced wonderful vsluea by adores of patrons i<urlng the Wftek. (Come early Saturday, as thojf will be flniahed up, (uoe utir to a cus- ar tutyM>r).,at, a pair.. &DC ME N*S HEAVY RIBBED COTTON SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, SOLD IN SUIT 3 ONLY/(LIMIT TWO SUITS TO A'CUSTOM. «yc ERj, PER SUIT IDC Leather Mule Skin Gloves, 16c Pr. There la still a goodly assort ment Of them for thoae who cotne Out lu good aeuson Sat urday, and limy are just as big vsluea now ns they were Wednesday. Men, be sure and get lu on this glove bar gain. at 1 a pair IDC WOMEN'S OUTING GOWNS. Third Floor. Indies' Warm Outing downs. In neat striped patterns in blue and white, and pink and white. Trimmed with fancy flnlxlilng braids Ar.d cross stitching. High neck. Splend id quality of material. a 75c PaNTDN & IONDDN Co. "Tkt Economy Store" Second Ape., Between Spring and Seneca Phone Main 6035 SATURDAY This is a place to ttipply your needs for Thanks giving Fine Linen*, Cutlery, China, Cut <">la ss and season able merchandise of all sorts and descriptions at popular prices. Thousands have visited our store during this first week of this Room-.'Making Sale and many have gone away with new impressions in their minds of what this reorganiz ed store stands for in the way of first-class merchandise at the lowest possible prices consistent with dependable quality. Conic ami examine our offerings tomorrow. OVER ONE HUNDRED WOMEN'S AND MISSES' A a ao FALL AND WINTER SUITS THAT FORMERLY >K MX SOLD AT (13 00. •14.98, 917.50 AND *19.50, tOR TV * U Tbeae Hulta are made on the aauie model* and of the aame klnda of materlala aa Milts you aee In the ahow window* priced all the way from $26 00 to $10 00 The** value* are poalttvely aatoundlng and well nigh unbelievable unlees you are willing to vlalt our big second floor and satisfy youraelf that what wa are telling you la the "goaptil truth." The materlala are a«rgea. cheviot*, diagonal* and uiliturea. Jacket* a p.* lined with good aatln and splendidly tailored In every way. All sizes for women and mlaae* ALL OUR WOMEN'S AND MISSES' »?0.00 AND A« J Af* •25.00 SUITS ARE MARKED DOWN FOR SATUR Model* that posaeas the beat featurea of the aeaaon'* beat aelllng and moat popular atylea. Made of beautiful qualltlea of inanniah serge*. i hevlota, diagouala, whlpcorda. two-ton<-d diagonal* olid man nl*h mltturea. tailoring and flnlah of the very hlgheat order. Bkln iter * aatln lining*, shield* and welghta; hair cloth and canva* busts. All alie*. Kee tb-m Maturday and tak* your choice for only •14.99. f WOMEN'S COATS About three dozen Si AO All Wool F*ull length C'oata la bla'k, brown*, gray* and mUtures. All sUmi. If you sr* looking for a bargain In a coat, here WOMEN'S AND MISSES' This Is a magnificent QQ line of KbII and Winter" #5r.2f0 191 > garments. Including all our $11.00* aUx k and many of our $15 00 Coata. among them several new models recently brought out by leading New York manufacturers. Don't allow yourself to miss this offer If you sre thinking of buying a good Toat within t year. It la eaay to save <5 00 on a Coat here. One-Piece House Dresses. Regular )l !& and $ 1 •>'' QO. These Dreaae* were worth 90C tbe money at tbe regular price*, for they are O. K. In st>les, mate rlala and workman*hlp'ln every way There are about a dosen differ ent models to select from. Tsken from our regulsr Rne of <1 25. II 49 and tl 69 Urease*. Now Is the opportune time to purcbaae llouae Ureases. All site*. Silk Petticoat* Special Meaaallnea and Taf f 1 Qfl fetaa. lu all shades, f liwO changeable effect* and fancy pattern*. Beyond a doubt the beat Petticoat offer of the year. Oooda that are taken from our regular $.100 and |4 00 line* Saturday will be a g«»»d day to chooae from tbeae splendid tinea at «I.M. _ MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Thla rainy weaiher calls for the Indestructible headdress for ladlca and children, and we are showing a aplendid aasortmettt. Including the new "Hanky Panky" Tweed T,M> "Twlddle-dclVe' Soft Craah llata and a splendid assortment of the Johnny lloy llata. Prlcea All Colored Velvet Shapes—ths 52.75 quality—go to our MOO patrona Saturday at half pries ▼ I iuw P ALL PATTERN HATS AT M 95 Only about twenty five to aeleci from, but every one of them la correct In every way. and no two alike. Thla offer Includea our Willow Plume llata, worth up to $22 50. Saturday, $8.95 Children's and Miaaea' Hata, worth |1.25 to $1.50, all ready Qfl A to wsar, a big lot to aelect from, at 69c and www Sew Mocha Gloves, silk lined Colors black, grays and browna. Bvery pair warranted *4 7C and fitted. Price, a pair lif w NATURAL CHAMOIS GLOVES We think thla the beat one you over aaw for the money. OQr Price, a pair ..031# Women's Outing Gowns Third Floor. I .adieu" Out Inn Uo*n«, In various pretty combination* and pat tenia In blue and white, lira y and whit# Hnd pink and whit#. taatlly trimmed In braids, tucka. and hemstitching. Also beautiful plain white Outing (Jowna, trimmed In finishing bralda and embroidered in pink and blue on curfß and yokes. With or without collars. (| OP Price Ladles' Outing flown* of ex tra quality material, in pink and white, blue and white atrlpod pattern*, also In plain whl(e; effectively trimmed with torchon lace* at neck, while othors are finished with ribbon bands and fancy notching on yoke and collar. Either rotiud or aquare yokes, with or without col btrf. The prices are $1.78, 11-89 M AO This I* Probably the Last Call on WOMEN'S WAISTS, AT Score* of Rood AC. Waista. Id white. bla< u fcvw and colored lawna. madras, chain' bray. per> alea and other wash ma tanaW Some of the white lawn numbera are trimmed with lace and embroidery and are quite aultable for at reel wear. The former prlcet on ibeae good a ranged from ik to $1.50. All aizea from 34 to U OLOVE DEPARTMENT Main Floor LADIES' MITTS &0 doiteti pairs of Indies' White or Cray .Mitts, all sites, 4A. a pair, Saturday Illw CHILDREN'S MITTS Manufacturers' seconds. but |uai about aa good as the flrsta, and leas than half the prlcc. **ee them Saturday, at, a pair, 1 fl — 15c and I Ul» Children's Shoes, 98c. Oood, aturdy styles in button or lace, fine box calf or the more dressy vlcl kid; sizes & to RVi, at, QQ r a pair wOw Same In larger alien, to !»*!. JJ.2S Same In Misßes' sizes to W*'..T^...*1.50 Women's Hand-Knit Slippers, 69c. Made of fine German yarn in fancy weavea, colors red, blue, black, gray ftQ and pink OwC Misses' sizes, special, CQ. a pair 39C Children's sizes, spe- j|Q n cial, a pair «f3C Children's Rubber Hoots, ac cording to size and quality, a pair— $2.00 $1.75 $1.50 ' **hi kkizko Hi rn.r.iu ■ lf*r« j« * canum* •n«f» In ■ !»<tl»«' «n4 ' hll'lraua deubU I twitur« Muwith 'ia«p ■ ra*t«n*r«. «nd right ■ th« |>'<i.t»lar * «|trf M *a m I ILr ■ mat *irta Km t, . M Ajr fl Mmim Special Shoe Prices for Saturday Your profit is greater than ours at tlifne fig ures. We inak'! you these prices fyr the two-fold purpose of Room-Making and Business-Building. If you come here Saturday you will see that we are "winning out" on both. MEN'S SHOES FOR BUSINESS. or Drew wear. Values that have been pacemakers ever since we Introduced them. We are selling at Department Store ahort profit prices, so It Is safe to figure they are worth from 50c to $1.00 more than we have them marked. Will you give us an opportu nity to demonstrate the truth of this statemeni* A splendid stock to choose from at, a pair $4.00 $3.75 $3.50 MEN'S SHOES, $2.00 Regular 12 50 and $3 00 val ues Several very good styles In Hlucher or button Shoes, new, high, roomy toes and all solid leather In the soles and counters Tans, box calf, gtin metal and some patent leathers; take your choice rs?" "• $2.00 MKN'H BUPPERB IN VARI- Ol'B BTYI.EB AND AU. PRICES AS FOMJOWS, A I'Allt. *1.75. >1.69, #1 l)fl II 50 AND | I lUU "UNDER PRICES" ON MEN'S MEDIUM ANO HEAVY WEIGHT WORK SHOES— Soft, everlasting leather (hat repels water when well oiled. Thick Goodyear welt sole*— honest all through, and we are 50c to 75c under price at, i»er pair— $4.00 J3.75 $3.50 BIG BOYS' SHOES at $3.00. Heavy tan Goodyear welt school Shoes at 13 00;* also black gun metal calf Dress Shoes for boys of all sixes; Goodyear welt soles. There Is the best of material, workmanshlp,%ervlce and fit In these splendid Shoes at $3.00 IIBST VALUES IN BOYS' HHAVY SKKVICE SHOES FOR SCHOOL AT THESE POPULAR PRICES, A PAIR *2 50. $2 00. *1.75. QQ. 11.50, *125 and JOG WOMEN'S FELT JULIETS, 98c. Richly trimmed In Ribbon or Eur, leather aolea, note the colors —red. wine. brown, blark. myrtle, nary and (tray, generally around town at $1.25. but the Panton ft lin den Co. price, a QO. pair, in wOv Moral —Buy your Christmas Slippers here. Finer qualities of Felt Juli ets for Women, choice of pink, blue, black and five other shades at a i»alr J1.75A5UJ1.49 Women's Comfort Felt Slipper*, $1.00 Foxed with leather and heavy fleece lining. Insuring perfect comfort and satisfaction. Two qualities to show you at, a pair $1.50 AND $1.00 Infants' Shoes, 50c. Hundreds of pairs of soft, black kid Shoes In either button or lace styles; sizes 1 to 5; values to 75e; CA. special, a pair 3UC CORK INSOLES — MEN'S OR WOMEN'S— C _ A PAIR 3C HAIR INSOLES— lA. A PAIR lUC HULL FROG SHOE C POLISH UC Women's Popular Tan Buttoners. Also snmrt patent leather or button Shoes; also the al ways impulnr vlcl kid In but ton and Blucher styles; a wonderful Hue to choose from, nt, M Cft a pair p£.UU EXTRA SPECIAL. Misses' Plucher style ShoCs In best vlcl kid, with Strang leather Boles. Sizes 12 to large 2, at, a pair, f UC JL