Newspaper Page Text
hLtt. turkey l« *< M centa a m this year. Some lucky Star r§ C. 0 r girl is going to have the . ,_k -i the butcher. Going • R" a Jfht 10-pound turkey for the price of *Itut atamp Head a»H>ut Uncle Turkcv contest, page 4. DETECTIVE MAY INVOLVE HIGHER-UPS WILSON TO OVETINOS DOME RULE WASHINGTON. Nov 16. -Uncle Sam'* Independence *V will aUo ** ,hat ° f h,s PKlk brown brothers,' the was learned to- the plan* of leading yjjUocnts do not miscarry. I To five the Filipino* limited on July 4 next kXned at the special tes- Wgtof eon|Te#s to be called u preudfnt-elect Wilson for April 15. He announced Fri that ne won Id call this Ibhxhi to revise the tariff. 1 Menry, of she house IHll eosMalttr*. listed today that fattt (Hr "err first measures to S| takes BP by the house. with w »mr r< of paaasxc would b»- §5» nfltpptcr Independence bill ''flfc waaar* vaa drafted by (Mniaa Job** idem Virginia* of At few lasaUr affalri committee I "Tfcs rmlM committee haa nlvrn a Vttia pWge to Representative jftm to rait up the Mil tinder a ■Kta) privilege rule." said Repr»»- Hetn todar | tk» weal' was staled to be tha IfMbUac ' ,iock ln ,h " r' (h of fißMate «oar r meu° of the taw. Ita mSmm*n fear the repuhiicaia iSstwmrt to prevent Ita pisaaac iTW Mil provldaa fbr an **»em tf of Ft It [4 sos to be alerted by wpli im< intinatp withdrawal 4ti Kmfrtcsa supervision of the °Moa» government la slso pn» I Isaarl Qaeton. delegate In con kmm tma tha PWMppmes, la lead *tw mm SULTAN IS I STUBBORN ft*** ******** ****** J& MUHIAi«. Nov li. TV * iifUtMaa of K»r»t<r.iit Turkejr * ke 4tartta*rd here next * HlkMi; at * meeting of * |» iwwlMi of the Balkan Mate*. * •ft Wfriln* to annouucameat * I* Mk Wre Mar Guar Krrdl * ftMHI at Hnljarii it U.«! !. * I# *18 bt preaeot at the confer- * '•••»•************: Nov 1« — Wtof «fB act accept peace on P Jl» Md town by the Hal aaaooacem.-M In thl* ef *••* mad* ber>- today. .Tbe »4 Ma advisers sent a proposition to Sofia *o the allies coo Id get about ~*)j"t they daman. 1 »<) Turkey to grant autonomy lo jHMNIa, but wants to retain ■Jhalaojeraltity there P> (Hhasiu government la on abandon tke real of 2J> *4 object* to tbe Inter •PMllMUoa of Constantinople, —i■» aad tke other cttiea. IBCVEAGH NAMES MLS; I treasurer ' *«WOTON. Nov It Bee re ~*-a» Treason HacVeaah an *"JWay that Carmi Thomp- Tafts secretary baenwe treasurer of the vnpf etatss next Tuesday, soc ** MeClung, resigned COAL STRIKE WAR \ JttAKS OUT AGAIN CBAIUXgToN- W v, Nov. 16. J** *•* "Win pro- I^T.« Kanawha coal field* Ot»sacf« k Soldiers '3gg, to Creek to eecort Z^yss"*' r * to work In the . gMk IT ' n """ Kanawha 12"' **• «ll*d several month* THE DESIRE FOR A HOME ®* °* !€ of the finest instincts of the human family. man who owns a home site in a growing city ••w ts Seattle is, not only has a splendid invest ®«nt but he has a feeling of independence and self 'J* nce l^at worth a great deal more to him than the amount of the actual money invested. On page 3 in today's Star David P. Eastman tells ■ow it is very easy indeed to become the owner of » homesite. This is just one of the good messages appear daily in the advertising columns of The Star. Want ads are little wonder workers. They rent rooms for you, sell or trade for you, or if ~ ere is something you want to buy they will put V* , in touch with the person who has it to sell, JMcWy and cheaply. Phone Main 9400 or Elliott °r call at The Star's downtown office, at 229 nu> n »t, with the Souvenir and Curio Shop. VOL. 14. NO. 224. MOVIE ACTRESS CLOSE TO DEATH AMID BREAKERS MIM MABEL NOSMANO tßr I I'rvaa U*»4 »lf«i l«OS A.NO ELKS, No*. !«.—MIm Mabel Normand. a moving picture artreaa. la reealvlng the congralu lationa of her friend* io4»r on her barrow ea<-ap« from drowning. The acme waa laid on the heath ne*r Topanco can run, lh* plot be- In* that th» heroine »k«iiMl he tied to rorka and overcome by the aurf At •itx* targe breaker w*»n« ti Ml* Normaad a way *n<) daeheft her icatnat (he Jacxed rocka She »aa drawn front the aurt ba* tered and uueoaacioua SEES LOST SON IN MOVING PICTURES iWr I «»t#4 r**— t mm—4 Wl PORTLAND, Or. Not. 1« The parent* of Gustaf Eai'iy Vail. • young plumber, missing alnce Auguat. have rrr>»»fd search for hlui ilnr* Mr* Hattle L. Vitl saw hi* ltr» clearly outlined In » mov tnr picture film of the last »;am«- In !k« Pacific ('wit h«|Uf at Han fVurlira. The mother had the thratre management rur the pic tar- over again after the plir» waa > lofed for the DlKht. The particular portion of the film I* being photographed to aid In a IWlft. TILLIKUMS ENJOY FAIR AT SPOKANE BPOKANK. Nov l«.~-8eattW- Tll llkume arrived in Spokane thl* morning. JR atrong They were met at tbe depot by member* of the tribe of Knakop*. aod formed part of a parade that afterward* broke up Into a atght aeelng excursion At noon they were given • ionrh eon at Davenport'*, then til ad journed lo the fair ground*. whera the National Apple ahow la being held. DEMOCRATS WILL JOLLIFY TONIGHT Democrat* of Seattle will hold their flrat official celebration over the election of Erneat Ultcr tonight In the Collieum. wh< n the gowrnor elect, atate and county chairmen and other promlnen'. democrat* will orate and celebrate An automobile parade will precede the meeting. The Seattle Star THE ONLY PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER ,IN SEATTLE SEATTLE. WASH., SATURDAY, NOVKMBKK 16, 1912. ONE CENT HERE'S ONE OF THOSE DANGEROUS FELLOWS FURTH'S CO. IS FIGHTING This man. Morgan Powell, la a dangeroua fellow, You have only to look at the picture here to I*' convinced that he'a a menace to aoclety. Powell la one of the S»0 m«n on strlko at the Itcntou coal mine, which Is owned by the Puget Sound Traction. Uglu ft Power Co., which la owned by Jskar K\irth. All the strikers are turbulent fa! lowa, Tba company says so. Powell j may be a dynamiter for all anybody knows, according to tba company s way of thinking. Duly the other day the tuarahal thought he had to ash the government for 10 additional depu tlea to protect the company's property from such fellosra as Howell. If you didn't know how tur bulent Powell la, you'd be In clined to like him He haa Rental wavs When be maeta • tsakes hands friendly like There's a friendly twlnkla In hta n>cs of course, a -Iker tar and dangeroua, you are uils these surface algns an amiable dl»• i>oaltlon There Is sin" la a dvnsmlte tt'a a oopy the '"Pop u I a r Mechanlra" magaitne That show* b«'s cunning ms ss turbulent. a k la aoma can trap lion at home," J says tt may Iw true for there are many Incon gruttles In thla viol, at man'a make-up You see. ha actually does home —bought and paid for, every nail — up a family of children now grown. worked In the mine years. haan't ever been arr. »ted. and has l»«rn a tax l«ayer for years It "a a »j jeer strike ■' w " « I PIIIKf anrltow. Tftoae "dynamiter*" t#r§l»t '» beh«v toe therowltea. poaalblr with the Idea of mta- MURDERER'S POST CARD TELLS OF SLAIN CHILD •UFFALO. N. V, Now. If.—Miaalng since October It. ths body of Joseph Joseph*, sevsn years old, waa found hsr* today burlad In a vault In the suburb of Lackawanna. Police ara looking for hi* slayers. Whan th* child disappeared M waa baiiavad h* had bean kid. napped. Hla fathar, a grocar, recently offered $1,000 reward far new* of hla child. Yaaterday ha received an unsigned poet card marked Chicago, saying the boy had been murdered and waa hid den in the vault. The murderer la believed to have written the card. NOW ABOUT THAT MOTHER JONES MATTER-YEP! THE THING'S AS GOOD AS DONE For land's sake! We Ju*t re membered What with polltlee. and ' he war In Turkey, and other Journalistic trifles, we clean forgot all about the more Important mat ter of Mrs Jones, scrubwoman But now that election "a over, and the I'napeakable Turk la a* good a* licked, we've come to our Journal l*tlc sense* again, and are now pre pared to report progre** on that "home of her own." The deed la drawn and will be filed Monday. It glvea to Mna. Mary M. Jones actwb woman In the Lumber En change. for her lifetime, "lot 3, block 0. Wetrnors addition" In Columbia City, and pro vldsa that, whan Mrs. Jonee no longer haa r.aad of a homa on earth. It and the home that la aoon to atand upon It, shall be a haven for other old and tired ladles similarly altuatad. The plana have been drawn. They provide for a four-room bun galow, eiactly 20 "feet square, and containing a living room, a kitchen and two bedroom* It Is hopecl to begin the excava tion for the cellar nod the leveling of the lot on Tuesday of ne*t week The addition being practically level and having natural drainage, but little leveling will be necessary. It will be a substantial house, built to last. The foundation will be of stone or concrete and will be sufficiently high to give a free cir culation of air tinder the floor, In- SPECIALS IN THE NEWS I ■ ————■ ——. SEVERAL THOUSAND, MISS LIBERTY® carried torches down Fifth iiv In the suffragette parade. SIR WILLIAM RAMSEY of England lays the Unltod States Is the most wasteful nation on earth. A CIGARETTE BUTT served In the water glass of Thou. Nance In a Portland restaurant, caused him to throw the glass to the floor, breaking It to bits Then he notified the board of health. THE BODY OF a blue heron which tried to swallow a large fish, the fins of which punctured It# throat, causing It [a bleed to death, was picked up at (»lg llarbor, FRANK LUCAS WAS held up nnd robbed of his money, bat, ■hoes and trousers In Han Francisco last night. Lucas got home via the back alleys PORTLAND, OR.—FRITZ VEDDER Is minus a V shaped sec tion of bis Hp, where a militant suffragette. Into whose room lie had climbed while practicing to be a fireman, hit htm with a bootjack. THE HUBKY BAGGAGE smasher's chortle as he throws truuks to destruction Is heard no more. The Halt Lake road hus Installed rubber mats, on which baggage must, be unloaded. TO OVERCOME THE handicap of a dry town, Frank Kern of I*ong lleacli. Cal„ took a generous drink of ocean water. A night In i Jail restored his sanity. aurlng a houae thai will tw free from damp. For old hor.ea art prone to rheumatism It ought to be a perfect little houae. ao many mlnda are at work upon It. The roof man, the chltn ne* man, the real eatate man. the union carpenter* and plumhera—all are giving material* and labor and are taking a peraonal »n<l active In tereat In the enterprla* and co-op crating with The Star for all tbay are worth. But there la one matter of tre mendoua Importance concerning which there la aome diaagreement What color ahall we palm the houae? It seems, howevar. to be the con sensus of opinion that a bungalow ought to be green PRINCETON IS TIED BY YALE <i>r Cmiml pw« wu.» PRINCETON, N J.. Nov. I#,— Yale and Princeton tied here today, Cto « Karh team kicked two goals from field. * * * WEATHBH FORECAST * * Kalr tonight and Sunday. * * brink easterly winds. Temper- * * ature at noon 65. * leading the publlo into believing they art nut dan ger<>ua feUowa. The strike la four month* old, yst there are oo moba, no aaclted gr<>upa. snd tfca atrlkera are not nrmr<l Chil dren cuing to aehool uae the couutry road which brlnga thmn two feat from the gutea of the "bull pan" loading to the mlu<* work*. Rren the company'a guard* Uil the deputlea aeem to regard tielr dutfke u t>erfunctory They ha*« no rtflaa. They are buay Wiling tint* Hera's another funny thing about the atrlke: Seattle la the chief market for Ken ton 4 coal. There la no Ken- Uittttoal aold in Kenton. K>>r k Kefl(nii haa become the beat A rlty In the atate Mru* the atrlke a'arted. Ami the people of Ken .ton. merchants and work- Ingmen alike, aeem »<• tually to be In aympathy with these violent men, end they will not buy Kenton coal while the atrlke I* on "The union amply care of the atrlln-ra and continue the atrlke.' said Preal dent Kussell. of District 10. I'nlted |Mine Workers. to "Tbl« district haa not asked the ■ ! national oraanlna tton for help None of the men carries arma No Ttolence la contemplated" You *«•? DUboHc al. Ua'i It? "No violanc* twntem plated" Knaaell la a fellow, too But cute. Kuaeell la a type of the "Mtliator," lh« "dan gerotie d—ggngue," w ) who 'appeala to the baeer i*»stona of the unthinking mob.' And I'owell la the * ro<tt>" J. 1.1 r-.o* thing* irr lo R*nloo. Tb» «>l» pu; • «u*rd» wd J»«r Now, L«t'» All Go to Shucking Oyster# NRW HMITAIN. Conn. Nov. 16 Bdviri Burn*, a cafe wait er here. i» in »y—»—<tf today of to titiuaually Cm pearl. « blch h* found while >huck- Id*" oyater* for a fintomw. -I ll give yoo »IM» for It," aald a Jeweler »bo w*a In the r** Uurant. Rare* refuaed •| would have let yon have it for JO cent* If you had told me that 11 *u only worth that," h« wM. SAYS M'NAMARA BEGGED TO DIE INDIANAPOLIS. tnd . No*. 1« — How Jamea B. McNamara. re mora* i flit ov*r the beery Umm of llfw In th* 4yf>amiflug of the Ixmi Anxelea Tlm< ». w*eplngly declared he want ed to die ami basiled to be ahot, wee 'i>l4 In the t*. 8 court here to day by FYank Bckboff. Cincinnati i Iron worker, at the trial of the 47 'union lii'ii rharged with illegally tranapertlng dynamite. "We were hunting In the wooda Vrk of liallagh. Neb.." aald Kck koff. "when Jim nuddcnly began • talking of the I-on Aneolee affair John McNamara had aent Jim on the trip to make him forget the dy ''aamitlug John gave me $75 and •»i>enae« to go up there and to help cheer up bin brother "Jim and I had aat down together an a log. "'I want to die,' he auddenly thouled at me. 'Won't you pli-aw promlae to ahoot uie aome time when I am uot looking?' " Paaadena, Cal.—Wm A. Scrippa ban donated to the Emergency laagiu* her* an elgbl-arre tract, with a houae for a home for the aged Victoria. B. C.—Soon aft*r th* arrival of (he Panama Maru, >ea torday morning, a quarrel occurred In the fire room, In which 8. Iknda, a fireman, stabbed W. Ito, an oiler. SANE ANSWERS TO FOOLISH QUESTIONS ri*aa* prtut a re< Ipe fur stoning ppiniiklim and print It at once, *<> I ■•an ian my pumpkin* l.ator* thvy ret. V. n. Sandpaper or file your pumpkins and ran the filing* or partlrles Just •a you would preserve blackberries, •ut, whatever you do, don't can Uieni after they rot. Three different time* the name gvntlemun h*» offered m* hi* *rat In a *tr*ct car. What doe* It mean? —Annie V. tt mean* that yon are very hand some or very old, or that, the gen tleman hua not llvrol In Seattle more tlian a week or so. What I* the best way to reduce my ■»» bill? It M W Hum coal. That Is the best and only way. When la the bent time to have tny hair out?- Algy N When it's long. To decide an election bet A ln't* 11 thai Taft got innrn vote* by 17 In Uiiktlten anti half a* many aunln esccpl three In Tukwlla than T It. ■ nil I>eh* combined did In (Ha Har bor. C cupper* the bet* of both by lnyli»g !' to t that Cliafin led the flt-lil Who winsT Wilson; that's all. HOME EDITION SENSATIONAL DEVELOPMENTS IN WIRE TAPPING CASE The arrest last night of A. A. Nordskog, a private detective, on a charge of tapping a telephone wire leading to the Burns National Detective office, in the Hinckley block, promises to develop into a sensational case involving certain higher-ups. The evidence against Nordskog and involving others was gathered by the Burns agency and the warrant for the arrest was issued by Prosecutor Murphy, who announced today that he would push the prosecution of all involved to the limit. Nordskog;, it appears, was employed by the Burns agency during the Hanford investi gation but was discharged ju>t before the congressional investigation of Hartford wan be gun. It is alleged that soon after his discharge he was employed by person* interested in saving Ifanford, and sensational charges of attempts to tamper with witnesses in the Ifanford case are made in this connection. PICTURES SHOW WIRE TAPPING PROSECUTOR MURPHY DOESN'T PROMISE DETECTIVE IMMUNITY According to Prosecuting Attor ney Murphy, Detective Nordskog. while not broaching the subject In definite terms, put a number of suggestive questions to him relut ing to the prosecuting attorney's policy with regard to promising Im munity when he made his state ment about the wire tapping Satur day. "I told him that the prosecuting attorney's office was not in the habit of promising Immunity. 1 told him that the truth ought to be told whether It Involved no one else or Involved a of the moat prominent people in Seattle. Nordskog came up to iti> office with Deputy Prosecutor White, whom 1 sent after him. We out lined the cfcae against lilui Nords kog tried to remain unmoved for while. "He told me that he whs not con scious of any law breaking., when I charged him with not only tap ping Ihe wires but using the Infor mation to aid In the obstruction of Justice by selling valuable items he thus learned so that certain people got away from th« authori ties In important cases. Nordskog paled perceptibly when I turned to him. saying: " 'I know that you have In your pocket at this very minute a little memorandum book in which you HUNS BACK TO HANFORD CASE. | This photograph shows Norda kog's room and hla fakad phone In Iha Right hotel. With the receiver over hla ear the detective could I hear every word passing over the ' telephone wires that led to the i Burnt office. The picture below shows how the wirea came In through the top of the single win dow In Nordskog'* room, then con nected with hie phone receiver. ■ BIG BROKER IS DEAD BY OWN HAND (R) I nlird I'm** Wire) I.ITCIIFIKU), Conn . Nov. j 16.— Gustav Schwab, former | head of ' )elrichs & Co., New York, died from hanging, and I not from heart disease, a* was i supposed, according to a ileath | certificate on file hpre to<lay [by Dr. Page, medical exam -1 iner. Schwab, who died Tuesday i in l)r. Heul's sanitarium, com mitted suicide by hanging him self with his bathrobe cord, i His family withheld the facts lof his death. kept the names of those who gave you money, of the casea you worked on.' "Nordskog had nothing to say In reply to that. The little book was afterward taken from him when he waH booked at the city Jail. "Neither did Nordskog have an\ reply when 1 »ald to him: "'You were right when you told a certain person a few days ar.o that Murphy must not, under any cir cumstances, find out that you tap ped the wires, for there would something awful be to pay for It.' " DEPUTIES CATCH JAP GANG LEADERS I Takagaki and N. NaKasklna. ringleader* of the gnng of .Inpaneae tut lion huiulh thai attacked and severely beut up lliakeim n and Thurston at Klchmoud lleach, were caught in a lumber yard at Kdmouds last night by Deputy Sher iffs Beebe and Fteemau. The .laps escaped after the gang hud been driven back by the revol vers of Engineer Parish and the t r.ductor of the w : ork train at Kich n-ond lleach. Wahklacua. —This district loses one of lis most prominent citizens In the death of Malcolm Mclnnla, iheatl of the Kyle Tradiug Co. YKS, and some woman reader in going to get her Thanksgiving day tur key at The Star'g expense alio by winning Cynthia Grey'a content, page 5, And Cynthia promiaes the biggest and fatteat bird in the market. 1 Manager Thayer of the Hum* ■iwcy claims be learned hi- wires were tapi>ed early In July but the 1 api>er hart at that time been at work nearly a month Thayer al lowed Nordskog to continue on hia faked phone tn the itiirht hotel until • lie could Ret hi* evidence against the tapper complete. It la hinted that certain evidence In the Hanford ease was secured off the Burns wire by the tapper , and waa turned over by Nordskog to hia employers. Nordskog remained in the employ of the aatne p' r»on« after the Han ; ford case *m finished. and during jtihe past few weeka he has been i Kathering "evidence' against Rev. j I Leonard of the Flrat Methodiat ! church and lealnst member* of the women police protective force to j l>e u»crt for political purpose*. Strong Evidence Becured Affidavit* and evidence already km the red in the ca*e. It I* aald. will warrant the bringing of criminal charges again* t at learf two promi nent men. and the nam" of a so ; iierior court judge utay be drawn Into the disgusting mess. Nordskog remained in jail all night and had not been able to Rive ball up -o noon today, although At ! torney Hammond visited him to day Books and t*t>ers in hia poa- Keiwlon when arrested showed the eases he waa working on. and gave the name*. It ia *a!d, of hi* em ployers. Thi* evidence is all tn the IxwirtMati of Prosecutor Murphy, who ia closely guarding It. Rented Room in RiQht hotel. Nordskog, it is alleged, rented a small room tn '.he Right hotel, which Is two blocks from the Hinckley building, where the Burns concern haa Its offices Nordskog. who I* an expert electrician, tap ed the wires going to the Burns office and then ran his wire through a network over the build ings and hrourhf It through the top of the window of hia room Here he attached a receiver, such aR tel ephone girls nee. and thus he could nit and write down the conversa tion* which passed over the Burn* wire. It is hinted that Nordskog had a confederate who took turns with him at the receiver of hia fake pbone. Not Afraid. Bay« Detective. "I am not afraid of the trnth." ! Nordskog told a Star reporter this morning. He refused, however, to talk spe cifically about the charge against him. on the ground that "It is not policy for a man in Jail, fighting along against a big machine, to commit himself so that his stnte ! ments could be distorted " Nordskog refused to sav whether a certain publisher was hla em ployer. He would not deny It. either. His Statement to Murphy. Referring to his conversation with John F Murphy, prosecuting attorney. In the presence of Deputy Prosecutor White and Manager Walter Thayer of the Durni agency, yesterday, N'ordskog admitted that he "might have said" to Murphy something to this effect: "I don't see why you are squeez ing me. I'm only a small fish." "I did not ask Murphy whether l.e would prosecute any accom plices of mine In thle case " \ordn kog said. this morning. "I merely talked to him in a general way to Inform myself In the law as to my rights. I put a hypothetical caae to Murphy, asking him what the usual procedure was In a case where more than one was Involved. 1 -Ask ed him whether all Involved were equally prosecuted. Murphy replied that It was up to the prosecutor." Nordskog admitted he was cmu tloned by Prosecutor Murphy that whatever he would say ma> he used against him Then, referring re sentfully to Murphy and Thayer, be said: "When the whole story la told thev will smell their own tracks." Nordskog comiiaincd that ho wna not permitted to telephone to his or his attorney while In Murphy's office. Xordakog is married and has two children. FEARS BURGLARS; KILLS OLD FRIEND SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 16.— Shot below the heart Wednesday while attempt inn to enter th< home of Wm. S, Cocks, which he mistook for his own, John J. llvlaml, real estate man, died here today from his injuries. Cocka will be loriual ly charged with murder. The men were neighbors and friendly. Cocks' aged mother summoned him. be lieving a burglar was breaking in. LORIMER LOSES HIS APPENDIX CHICAGO, Nov. 18. —William Lorlmer, deposed senator from Illi nois. was operated upon for appen dicitis today at tho l'resbyterlau hospital here. The operation, It was announced, was successful and l.orimer Is reatluf uusilv Tapper Dismissed