Al4 contentment come lo the man
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qrfro Indoleudaaoa by ayatemallc
Try U —dart today.
A dollar or wore opaoa an »c
cowtt —on which WO alio*
Bank for Savings
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"Fifty Yean Ago When Golden Wedding Rye
Wu Young"
Nature pats nothing bnt miMnes* and mellowne&s into
the full, perfect grain ripened by tha wnrfime.
W dlatlliad by (pacta] formula and method, par- rwm
•acted to koof In an tha oriel aa I flavor aad
quaattty Im their natural purity. |?TesSSSnl|
That to why It la different from all ordlaary
ft to a rue. straight whtakey. aged aad matured
k wood wader (onrraaat —iiei > latoa. PJIJj
Bat it to the Oolden Weddtag dtetillatioa thai L)BQ|M
brtaga to yon the rare «aaßty. free tram all
uainirahto after-effect a. I |VK|
"Made Differently"
Botcom Mils, Inc.
High grade Lumber,
Lath, Shingle* and De
tail Flooring and Finisb
ing our specialties.
Ballard 141
A glaee la »oad. and a Ism la good.
And « plpa to amok* in colit weather:
The world Is good and the people nr. good.
And we're all good fellows together.
• —o"Ke«fe.
The Seattle brew of such purity and whole
someness, and of such fine flavor that it has
friends unnumbered. If you enjoy good beer,
by all means fry Old German Lager and learn
the keen delight that awaits you.
Delivered to all parta r,r the c |fy !n p | nt , or 1
luarta Hold by all family liquor atorw* or tele- I
phone direct Kidney 74. I
IheTnhfpenhmt lirrtuinn (To.
■V ft. a WftlOMT
Wayne Htitfoo. Varalty and,
aoriromaged for a few moment*
U*t nlßht. but leader will protwWy
Mtart todav'a nam* agmlnat Oregon.
fira>«> held down the portion or
left tackle on the Waatiiugton twa
Manager Arthur M. Geary of
Kon la free with hla pradlotkma that
own will torn# out with tha lent
ond of tha aoora, and ha ahould
know, for there ware a niiinbar of
Oregonlaua up to aae tha gainaba
twi>»* 0. A C. and U'aahlngton laat
week. Or»'B<» 'a In tha pink of con
dltlcvo ha* lug playad no KMia* for
two weeka. while tha Waahtngton
lino up ahowa tha affect# of l«»l
Saturday a mauliag.
At praotloa Ciwh DoMa appeared
la hi* familiar black overcoat for
the flrat tlma thla year. While tha
coa<h < lalina ho la not aupaiatltloua
aeveral of tha Waahtngton player*
uonaldnr tha blaok coat a maacot.
and attrlbuta tha numeroua acct
denta of thla y«ar to Ita ahaance
IV rha pa tha (landing luck of the
black overcoat may do aomethlnit
to counteract tha 10 poomla aiipe
rlorlty of weight that Oregon haa
over Waahingtoo.
Capt. Tom QHfNtha and Fullback Wall, from whom much I* expect
ed la today'e battle.
By Arthur M. Oaary. Oraduete Man
ager Unlveraity of Oregon.
Coach Plnhham. Trainer liar
ward and thalr a<|u,id of II man bad
a *»kI work out on Manor Hald tbla
morning. which will be the laai
, r<« ti.. iK-Jorr ibalr name with tha
I'niveralty of Waahlnttoa team, to
morrow For the fln»« time thla
■uMuum flu ra waa a full lineup of
regulars on lb* day before a «»(f
eoce n>lN' Kama Ha* ward and
Plakham. accordingly, ara ptimallad
ta lo what their teem will be able
to d" Oregon lacke one of ha»lag
two men for erery poettloe If
wwiaary to wla ih* *ama Coach
I'iakham will ecad ail tha n»eer»ea
into iba fray
Two Star Man.
If Or>»*"« win# tomorrow, two
rraibßMi Av«w OorwalL tha IJ*
pottnd qwrt»rta<i. and Ham Cook
iho fulliaa>k froa> Conor 4'Alaae
will bav* a lar*a part In aalntn*
Ik* rtrtorjf. l'onH>U h*» played
four yawre at atar later achoiaeUc
bail tor Waabindoa HM achool In
Portland, and Ham Cook baa b«et>
lb* big lamp oo tb» h«rl»on hi
• aatrrn Waabingxm Intarerholaatl.
cirri** Doib mm »r* ImM aa cata
and abaolutaly efbrtoae. Corao»l'»
fort* la running In of puma I guar
aatcc he wll ha*a Doblw a heart tn
Sto mouth mora (ban ont» during
the mm*. Cook, oa the other hand,
la a fiend on drfenaa Ha la a man
of Iron and laoda Ilka a toa Of
Strength of Turn
There la little mmiMul»nn be.
tween lb* strowtfll of this
team and taut, m far u material
I* eoncertwd. Tlift* innmboff of
(be Varaltr. Uai hmm, »Ut appear
on the sidelines In tomorrow*
Kama Jim MK'yedlan, an assrea
*tT# IRO-ponnd frr <bman from 9a
lero. has r»plsred Farlaa at |a«H.
to(m t'tnuu, a former lincoln
High whool playr ia ItaaUK kaa
aken the place of Joaaa In tb» flrat
lineup, and Bam Cook oeeiipiaa the
»hoea of H«M*r. How long tha
new m«in will keep tha ratrraaa owl
of tba (tamp la. of couraa. problem
atlcal Hnkham •111 probably
;iiak« many changes during tba
Tha Lleeop.
The official lineup. with walghta.
la aa follows:
Oregon. Washington
Hall 170 R. B. Leader. ISt
lialley, 22S B T P«"°n, ISO
MrOelian*. I*o H 0. Anderson. 17S
Caufleld. I*o C Presley 174
t-Vntoti. 180 I- a... OrtfUba. ISJ
(•root. Hit L, T Brull. ITf
llrarfatiaw, US. .L. 8.....Ht»t, ITI
Cornell. 187 Q Toon*. IS2
I'arsons. UO.. .R. H... Jacquot. ISI
Oook, 112 r. B Bhlll. 110
Walker, 100 L. H...Dormaa, IS7
"WW Coflm, the famous, strolled
up to the Lincoln field Wednesday
nfternonn and • bowed tha Itroad
way squad men mnm real ln«td»
football And. let It be aa*d. the
Hroadway >i|u>d needed tha Infor
mation badly. Tbla I* no reflec
tion upon tho work <Jf Coach
Smith, who hus tho hard job of
making a football team out of
nothing. Tha Broadway team
showed the effect of good coaching
In its game with Lincoln, a few
wneka ngo.
"Wee" triad out all the method*
which bad bean drilled Into him
for four yearn by fkible oa tho
Hroadway squad, and after a ahort
time he hod tha team In good
working order. Coyle didn't visit
the Lincoln field with bouquets,
either —far be it from that. Where
a husky needed a panning, he got
it. Coyla made the team try for
ward passes itnd lino plays. Be
fore tho beginning of high school
football. It was rumored that
Coylo was to coach Hroadway this
year. Although young, the famous
quarterback shows that ho would
| make a good coach.
SAi'KAMENTO, Not. 15.—A deal
wa» clowd today wbureby Harry
Wolvcrton, iiuiiiuKer of (ho Now
York American Inafua tram loat
KttaMon, was to have charge of the
Hnrramento Ooant league club In
1913. By the term* of the contract
he la bonrid to fciacramento for one
yiir only. Wolverton will pull
down one or the blgge»t iialariei In
the orKnnlzutlou. lie was manager
of the Oakland team la 1910 und
•y Victor Zagmck. Graduate Man
ager, UntvereMy of Wellington.
Tale* thle araaoa I got off wrong
aa a football prognoetlcator. expect
ing Idaho to give Wellington aa
awful bat'to and msilrreattaMttag
tbe eervuirtb of tbo Oregon *Vrtn
en. go I n throogh aoatgp out
football ertweo Tbe condition of
<hr weather, atage fngbt notae ap
parently mlnuto peyebologlra! fea > ;
tttre and a tbouaaad t» brr <-l<«h)oaW|
have a bearing aad tbe moat one'
can do la rompnre tbo trams and
let tbe acoiw lake rare of Healf.
A B'ttar Mniffia
So I wont <tteraat«-« tomoctww'a
came hecwroa Waoblnatoa aad
Oregon won't ha onoeldedl oan
way or ibe utbor. Rnt If compact ,
mm at wolghta, emportam e rtjacb-l
n* and aktll rounl lor anythtngJ
rb« gani« artU bo a bitter elruggle ,
Tbeao facta are undeniable ore
g«>n ba* tba beavtart team ta tbe
ntpferenr*. tbo Una averaging IMI
poaada from Up la tip; all of Ore
gone men. many of wlhmb bava
bean out of tbe itse for aome
eaiiae or another In b>rmor r®a>
t*eia. am ta tbe plab of roadltkm
and witi play; Oregon haa it oa
Waabtngton la exparlaace
No one known tbo eaart weight
of tbe Orecoolatta eitea Trainer
RUI May ward and Dobte and
Cakioa bate a monopoly on tbat
koowlodg" retailve to Weehlngtnn.
Rut wbea tbe tea ma r«ata onto tba
field tomorrow you won't bava ta
know tbe weigh ta >o pick Oregon
aa by far tha heavier team Aa
odd feature of tbe Webfoot tmake
ep ta tbo variety ia wetghta, big
Hal ley ta the line tipping tba
analee at tU aad the midget quar
terback weighing In at 117. All«
the reet of oourae range bet wre a ;
tf« and 1W
Cioae Oame Sura.
WaaMngtoa got an awful tea re
to Portland whaa tbo fane I aaat ox
■•acted It aad aniraa the dope goea'
all awry tbe football fana won't rw
*ret spending tbe money If they
patrtmlxr the game tomorrow. The
enthnataala want a rhxy game aad
they'll get It tomorrow
Orandatand tlrketa ar* oa aale
at A 0 ftpauMlng and Broe and
at llnt> hlaoti'ii clothing a tore, on
Second and l r nloo
Foot be II interest throughout
♦he country la centered on the
#raet game today between
Vala and Prirvoaton. Yala la a
Iftto-7 favorlta In the beltln t .
Theae taama hava mat annu
ally In a titanic atruggla aince
IMS, with Vala taking mora
than twice aa many vloterlaa
aa har rival.
Tha record for the paat SO
yea re follower
1888—Yala, 8, Princeton ft
I—< Yata 0, Princeton ft
1885—Princeton ft, Vala &.
18®*— Yala 0, Princeton a.
>••7—Yala 12, Princeton 0.
HM—Vala 10 Prineaton ft
18W—Prineatow i#> Vala 0.
1890—Yala 32, Prineaton 0.
1891—Yala 19, Prineaton ft
1192—Vala 12, Prlnoatan 0.
1893—Prineaton 8, Vala 0.
im—Yala 24, Prineaton 0.
18fft—Yale 20, Prineaton 10.
IM6" Prineaton 8, Vala 0.
>•87—Vala 8, Princeton &
1890—Prineaton 8, Yala 0.
1899—Princeton 11, Yal« 10.
1906—Yala 29. Prineaton B.
1901—Yala 12. Prlnoatan a
1902—Vala 12 Prineaton 8.
190S—Princeton 11, Vala 8.
1904—Yale 12, Prineaton 0.
1908—Yala 23, Prineaton 4.
190ft—Yala 0, Prineaton ft
1907—Yala 12, Prlnaaton 10.
190®—Yala 11, Princeton ft
1909—Yala 17, Prlnoatan 0.
1910—Yala 8, Prlnoaton 3.
1911—Prineaton 8, Yala 8.
<I»y I'nliMi Fm Immil Wire)
CHICAGO, Nov. 16. —The selec
tion or a new legislature In Illlnol*
look* like succe** for tho six-round
boxing law, ts the prediction of box
era In Chicago. A bill, which la to
bo presented to the legislature, mak
lug six round boxing uiuteho* legal
In this state, has already been
drawn. Tho provision would per
mit six round nodecision bout*,
with a boxing commission similar
to New York's, In full charge of the
Maryland court of appeal* au*
Ulna validity of rarlac law paaaed
by l»«t legislature removing all
traoa of UlogaJliy from Havre da
Urge* meet laat cummer.
Michigan and Cornell clash today
at Ann Arbor for tha tenlh time
Th* only victory won by Michigan
waa In U'.'t.
Praaldant Murphy of tha Chicago
Cuba la go planaed with Ina aol<-<
tion of Johnny Ev»ra aa mMlgn
that ha la planning to leave affaira
and taka a trip around tha world.
9am Harrla, New York theatrical
man. la tha lateat to enter the Hat
of bidder* for Philadelphia National
team. He ctalma to be waiting for
tha lowcat prh'e for both tha < lub
and tha park.
Ad Wolgaat la aapactad In Ban
Pmnrtaco today, and will at one*
eetahllah a training ramp aad atari
work tor hla Turkey day bout wllk
Plve mlnutee after tha atari of
hi* wreatilng benit with Conatant la
Marin at Ottawa. OnL. laat night.
Or. Itollar, Heattla grappler, ana
talnrd a broken rib whan tha l»al
it an fall on him. Hollar wantad to
inatlnu* tha bout, but tha crowd
would not consent.
"Pittsburg" Prank Meran and
Charley Miller of San Pram ia««
fought four round* to a draw In 8.
P. laat nlgM. The fart that Moran
did not win crtmpa hla ambition to
go higher up the heavy weight lad
iif|ii> orM ever Man at a foot
ban rain* ta tha Middle W*«t ta ex
partad ta wltaaaa the Mlnaoaota
Wleronlln at r aggie la Mlnneapolla
today IstaTNl la alao Intenao ta
tba Chicago-llllaotr paw. to ba
played a} I'rbana
Auatrallen Waretah ru»by team
will piajr aa all atar tram made up
of bm from California. Hlanford.
Kanta Clara collagee and tba Olym
pie clab, at California field today
California aad Stanford bava aaeb
defeated tba Aaatrallan* and bien
defeated by tbam la turn
Princeton, N. J.—ldeal faatball
weather pt rvalled hara today for
tba aatnr between Tala and Prince
toa Tbooaanda waited out*lda tba
gro unda long before tba rataa
■ifaiwd Yale waa a6to 4 favorite
la tba betting. with plenty of
Princeton money ta debt Tba
Oan bait cornea bach from tan frgneleco, wearing an overcoat aa 1
ibtok aa a mattreoa. and announcing tbat Point Bartow la hot U com
partaon, aad than aaye bo la iota| to aend Romeo Hagen to tbat bloak
nomuaity to drbate wKli aome of the yuga. If Romeo »hi vera down
there, It won't ba from Iba eotd.
a a e e e
Coach Dobte baa worked through hie uewal peeelmiatic bleat about
the chancre of tbe Waabta«toa tram Hi today'e (am* wftb Or-iron,
eo, wiib ihla formality over. tba "W boya will go in and win. aa uaual.
aaa a w
My Idea af nothing at all—Tba feeling of mor»t Heat ten that glr
Tom Upton baa when bta nam* aoHdeertallr nnaaa Into the papera. Tba
feeling la. of oouraa, niaagrtalcd If any reference la made to taa.
a a a • e
Whan gab gurman loft geattte ha waa going aowth, hot en the trail
of Itarnay Oidfleid The pepera every day tall of Rarney'a twoord
emaablag (eata oa tbe track, but Rob baa not bobbed up yet.
• • • • •
If Ad Welgaat continue* to held out far Jaefc Welah aa the third
man In the ring whan be rigtota Ritchie, on Tnrkey day, tt'a a ctnoh
tbat there la good foundation f»r tbe atorlea tbat Wolgaet baa "grme
bark." and tbat Waleb ta tba only man wbo can keep him from going
further. Aa loag aa there'e Waleb. there a hope for Ad.
a a a a a
The Idea of Welah really admitting that Wolgaat la ewer out ra
mi nda ear of the etory of tba bartender at Billlara Mag who waa aaked
by a cuetomer why they allowed men aa dnnk aa on* lying oa tbe
fit** aaleep, In tbo aalooa "Drunk!" eotd the bartender, Why, tbat
man ain't drunk. Didn't yuh are aee bia bloody band move?"
••• • • v
Luther McCarty. tha earning heavy, ia certainly putting over hla
poacher lie bit flan Franoteco Tbtiraday, on hie way to Angel town
a e a e e
That Milter Mugglna. who eucceeded Roger Breenahan, wilt toe
nothing morn or leaa than a figurehead to the At. Uiuta t'ardlnala' fam
lly In 111*. ia now generally admitted. Mra. Flrliton'e argument la thai
■>»ch a altuatioa eiiate ta every bouaobold.
a e e • e
There'a a high echool footballer in South Dakota who welgha 225
pound* aad la • foot, t inchea in height. llell be of aotne help to bta.
parent* wbea be growa up.
a e e a e
Tha Kngliah ayatam of rafaroalng flghta from a aaat outaide the '
ring la a failure in tbla country. Tbe average arrappor who receive* a!
couple of pokea on hla (aclal-exprraion puta on tbe drowning man
etunt and rofua<<a to tat go until pried away. A atlrk of dynamite might
eae a e
Punch Knoll baa loot out aa manager of the Dayton club. They
aay bta rouatn. Punch flow!, la the cauae.
e a e • e
Throe "poor, old, doddering men" are atill holding on their end in
ba*n|iall, or were laat anaaon. and probably will again next year liana
Wagner baa no aupertor aa ahortxtop, there ta no better left-handed
pitcher than Eddie l'lank. and poor old Chrlaty Mat hew son waa tbe big
hero of tba recant world'a acrle*. Poor old fellowaT Joke. Chuckto--
Joctfp ESKkks
Soccer enthuslaata will witness a
"tit bit" on Sunday when the Col
ilea and Ranxrra clash at Wood
land Park. These old rival* can
slways be depended on to give their
| b«»t display when they oppose each
The Ranger* will likely make two
or three changes from their la*t
Sunday'* lineup. An old timer
will probably be *een "between-the
stlcka" for tho "Ught Mines," and
Jack Simpson will make hi* Initial
league appearance In thn halfback
The Celtic* team ha* quite a
number of now face* who are giv
ing a good account of theiuselve*.
Ono of the best Is Alex Cromarty,
who seems a* much at homo In tho
forward rank as he Is In the back
It I* rumored around town that
Jack O'Connor will be seen In goal
for Celtics next Sunday. With
Waller and Masterson at back, the
game *M atpacted to develop Into
a punting fuel between fty Plynn
of Yale aad Hewitt of Princeton.
Loa Angel**.—Bobart McA|ll*t*r,
hnavy weight, and Prank Malone.
lightweight, of tha Olympic club,
Han rranolaro, loom bl* today aa
probable winner* of tha champion
"hip of their claaaea In tha Loa Arv
g-le* Athletic «iub bouU Two
other Olympic club boy* were elim
inated laat night—Phil Noonan and
W. O. Anderaon, who went out »1a
tha li»o< Wout rout*. Waller Wit
llama of tha Multnomah Amateur
Athletic 'lub. Portland, put Andar
■on away with a ueat right to the
Portland, Or. — Pugby anthual
uat* her* agpwt to bring tha Itiigby
Uuuua of tha Lnlverall) of Callfor
nia utul Htanford unlveralty to Port
laud for a game cacb with a toam
bow bfllM formed .Stanford la
wantad for tha Kuturday b««fore
ChrUtiuaa. whlla California will b*
a»kcd to appear on a latar data.
LOU ANOKIJCS, Noy. 18.—Light
weight Champion Ad Wolgaat waa
angry when told Uy tha t'nlted
Praaa of tha autry printed In Ran
Kianclsco to tha effect that ho
would tualat ail Jack Walah aa ref
eree (or kla fight with Willie
Hlu'hie In Han Francisco Thsnks
giviug day
"Thoa* fellowg will bav* plenty
of opportunity to knock afUrr I get
up there," ha said. "Tha rittore*
proposition baa not evrn been
mentioned by ma yet m give
them a run fur their money lam
going to Van Kranclaco, and the
refere* queatlon will he takes up
gt tha proper tltna. Any fair raf
•re* gone for me. Aa a matter of
fart, 1 don't Ahlnk there will be
any neeeaaity for a refer** after
I gat lut<-tiie Into the ring."
Tha aewlmmlng exhibition, to ba
etaged la iba Unk oa Tueaday
night Nov. 16 pruiuUo* a number
of good fra'ur«-a. llanatnip. tl> w T
mil da. M-aney. Whiting. Ruaaell.
l.lndaht aa<l liuedepohl trill all ba
eaea to advantage. lirlng /our pat
ftahee and lrt them enjoy an edu
cational evening.
Thompeon'e taam bad no treuMe
at all ta aklnulttg <be LaroUa at
baeketfcati laat night Tba apt
Upb *aa 11 to I.
Potter. Hughaa, Quigiey. Rey
aolda. Oerla. h aad Slack, tba old
Rtndeata' baafcetbell taam. «ttl be
ta abapn iuatn by neit weak aad
vlll want all ctaoara.
By Air* c fast ~
Ranger*' attack will meet with
stubborn o posit lon.
The Sparta team to meet Rain
ier* will likely be the same a* Ins!
Sunday. Those boy* are hard
worker* and anxlou* to play the
Kame for all they are worth. 1
would like to see about two more
Hilly mourners In their lineup and
then ttoey would make It Interest
lug for their opponent*.
Ernie Williams, according to the
brilliant form ho ha* been display.
Ing this season. I* tho real "come
back" kid. This popular Rainier
halfback has been playing around
Seattle for quit* a number of years
aud hi* brilliant work has made
him many admlerers, who will be
glad to see him again In uniform,
chasing the plgaktu.
Dan McKillop, an enthuaiaatlc
Ranger supporter, while working
In Hclllngham in tho early part of
this week, received serious Injuries
when he fell a distance of 30 foot
Dun's many friends wish htm a
speedy recovery.
HAM niANflgfO, Nor. 16.—lit
ram Cook, probably th» moat fa
moua of all old tlnm raf«ra«B, may
ba th* third nan In tha rlug
Thnnk»Klvlnr day whan Ad Woi
gaal and Willl« lUt'-hla clash for
the lightweight (.-hamplonahlp.
Cook, »ho wu called upon to offl
(lata In all tba alar ring flatle
**anfg of a ran< ration ago. rafar
•■alng tha Jim GorbaU-fata? Jark
»oti f»ra#<l til round draw, tha 0«o
l.aftlaiirhcJack lJt~tntm>r battla
and tha <|«o. IMinn-lka Walr turn
taat. today la aa kwii of aya and aa
acilva aa avar. Ha baa kapt pao
with tha bo*fng gain*, and hla
nama will propoaad by Rltrkia
whan tha tlraa coiuaa lo aalpct a
Wolsaat and his maim net. Tow
Jon«-a ara expuctcd to hold out for
Jark U i lab. who haa r»<fi-r«*»-d alt
of tha champlona* batil«a hara. Hut
YValab, Ritchla aaya, ta undaelrahla,
pointing out that tha raalodoua da
("talon of Welab In tba Woigaat Riv
era fight at lam Angelaa July 4
ahowad hla ttnfltnaa* aa a rtng off)
■rial. A red hot fight orar the aalac
il<m of a refer** nan only ba avart
f<l, Hi'chln amy*, by tba retaining
~t Cook.
Among tha oihar man wtio may
b<t coriatdarad for tha Job ara Jim
Urlffln, Harry Kolay. Prank
flrhular and Eddla Haalon.
Clarence Rotbua. with Rosing In
»(ruetor Pat fcotl of the 8. A. C.,
returned last night from Victoria
where Rothus demonstrated <o lb*
i tDndUm (hat the best man la Umi
world can't go forever without fat
ting a beating. Ha demonstrated It
by knocking out Hcott McKay, the
< own a fistic Idol, la tba fourth round
of their bout before tha Jama* liar
Mhlsric association. Mr Kay bad
51 straight victorias to bis credit
when Kotbua stopped his clock. took
bis pedro and otherwise made merry
with him I'rquhart of tba liar A.
A. got tha decision orur Dickson
of tha 8. A. C.
The Eagles went dawn to defeat
before the Hawks on (he fl. A <TL
slier* last night In a tourney match.
Uobb of (ha Kaglee making both
high score of 2*9 and high average
of \tl. Tha score:
Hawks *11 922 M4—J«O7
Kaglea tot 7** 874—1471
In tha Commercial leeque miteh
on the Histnarrk alter* the Mooae
(earn horn.<d all three game* away
from the V. ft H Bhoe Co. outfit
I -owe of (he Manse pinned (be high
s'orc and high average with 224
and *•* 2-1. The score
Moose 717. 79« TtK>
V. 4 H 656 63« (170
Long iMlbach. jumper, ninitir
nod g»B*r»l Kood fallow honked op
with (b* Sailor rlw y<"»t»rd*»
l iwm tM
\M#» m*NOt«co c*|W R'
10 /or 10*?
come in an inexpensive package—no >ox, no lugbly I
colored label, no unnecessary packing expenae thai
would add to the price and give you an infoiM*
quality of tobacco.
There a a further aaving in lie hollow mouthp»«c*. I
You throw away paper instead of coatly tobacco B
the atub.
This double aving makes possible the uaa of tki J
high grade fragrant tobacco that got* ' u '°
Say to your dealer today:—"A pack of ImperifWa.
please. He will know what you mean and you w»
find that you have done yourself a favor.
Prnmant <*ap«» in t vtry fiadtgt
Scenic Cafe
Our m»»i« nr«
th« rn.r*.t« %
-rvlr. I. p.rfVft w. 'Hr
*'*— «'• Hgh**
Mt«a OMf* ManMn*
Ml., Ted Mmft'hf® H "*j «»»»
Mln Vara ft.,*,
mI «i i ui'.a vX"*' ifci
' A m*
wriir c*r»
M* ftrmi t r ,
•»*». t. *Mtra,
2d and Pit
Instrumental and Votil
Entertainment Aftersoee
and Evening!.
• U Carta
l eer Sea Sheet*
Tee la ta» rH the
• m4s e» ikf nan.
l I
-a ' ■■
In the greet (Biatrial M#
which ths PacMs *< rtt-.wTb
lost •ntering. Bo Ml tc wmm
needed aa THA IKED
»lin* snd Elsctrieal CngtaaM
This School (rains Ma iag
< ttualty on standard mAimr,
In operatioß. f r icn'ALWOMt
l«r sad night msrsM
Catalog on request
Tel. Q A HI
Kim Ave. W. aed lav ft